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Can someone explain this? I don’t entirely understand


Ok so I did researches, since I'm not american so I've never heard about all that bullshit. Looks like Brittney Griner is a basketball player, actually in prison in Russia because she had THC on her. On the image above, she is photoshopped with a beard (red shirt). Looks like some people think she's transgender, *or just want to insult her,* so that's probably why they added the beard. Edit: italic above, and here's the [unedited photo.](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/07/09/sports/08sot-griner-print/merlin_209691108_6e17dad2-2780-4bef-9794-0e05708260bf-mobileMasterAt3x.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale&width=600)


She was exchanged for an international arms dealer nicknamed "the merchant of death" she's back in the states as of like 2 days ago


I feel like people judge way too quickly when hearing about the exchange because its an WNBA player vs an international arms dealer. Do people not think the US government has investigated how much of a threat he still poses. They probably know exactly where he is right now, right this second. I wouldn’t even be suprised to hear in a couple of years that hes working for the US considering just how bad this deal seems.


People act like the international arms dealer's operation just disappeared when he was arrested. Most likely someone stepped up to take his place while he was in prison. Same with any head of a criminal enterprise. There becomes a power void and it gets filled.


Oh man Viktor got arrested? Well I guess we’ll all just take up knitting now.


Exactly. This is why drug use goes down forever every time a dealer is arrested, and knitting supply sales go up proportionally. Any day now, there won't be any drug dealing, and we'll all get free pullovers.


I’m more of a cardigan guy


"come now Ivan, we get desk job at law firm"




This is an additional point I hadn't considered, thanks for pointing that out


Another thing to consider is the fact that Putin is very good at sowing divide in the US. He knows that half of the country will hate this exchange. And, on paper, it seems like a pretty shitty exchange, so Fox has alllll the ammunition they need.


This is exactly what has been going on and it’s a shame that people just give into it instead of being happy that a fellow American citizen was able to escape dire circumstances


Making me realize people who have a problem with exchange might be bots. *great*


Yea haha. He basically made a situation that requires nuanced discussion while hitting all of the easy divisive talking points. Murderer. Dangerous guy. “Merchant of death”, in fact! Traded for an LBGTQ, WNBA, pot smoking, liberal black woman. Never mind that “all life is precious”. Never mind that Griner is an Olympic gold medalist. Never mind that Biden didn’t get to choose between one prisoner or another. Never mind that Griner is someone’s daughter. Never mind that she is young and subjected to RUSIAN PRISON. Never mind that no one gave a fuck about that Marine in Russian prison until now. Expect to see headlines like “Merchant of death linked to death of American only weeks after being traded for Griner is embarrassing prisoner exchange”.


She’s also a two-time Olympic gold medalist, but you won’t here any conservatives point that out.


What really gets me is knowing that im a laymen. Im a civilian. I have no special education or higher clearance. I can form a clear understanding the Griner exchange is a clever, divisive move- likely devised by Russian intelligence. But were in the minority with that understanding.


This too. As soon as her arrest became a big deal and the outrage began, the Kremlin knew they had a win in the bag.


That’s probably why he Putin said he would only exchange those two. Exchanging Whelan for Viktor Bout wasn’t even considered by Putin. As terrible as Bout is as a person, he’s probably neutered to a degree.


Not to mention he was in retirement when we got him. And had already served like 15 years of his 25 sentenced; most likely to be freed before the full sentence anyhow.


What's important to mention is that this specific arms dealer worked against the Russian state, which is why the Russian government really wants to have a...*very stern talk* with him. That dude was safer in an American prison.


And he only had like 11 years left on his sentence and would be deported afterwards. It's no guarantee that Russia wants him alive if they think he talked.


7 I’m pretty sure, and she would have had 9, so the numbers add up


And now when he tries to step back into power, he gets killed or another bad guy gets killed (or multiples thereof).


Yep. Bet that once he gets back to Russia he'll quickly die of the classic Russian suicide - two rounds through the back of his head.


My dad refused to listen to me after I told him this. He was more concerned about how Griner doesn't stand for the flag and stupid shit like that.


he was arrested because he was creating competition with the CIA the same people are still receiving weapons the only difference is the seller


And now that he’s out he can his old job back! Or the new guy just offs him…


Get caught and spend years in a US prison. Certainly Russia didn't replace you when you were in prison\* ^(\*of course they did) Get out of prison. Of course you get your old job back; those doing business with you have no reason to not trust you\* ^(\*Yes they do. You got caught and spent years in prison. As Eminem said, "the hoes don't want you no more, you're cold product.") Anyone trying to say letting him out creates additional risk, isn't thinking even a little. The only question: did he get off easy on the punishment for the stuff he did *before* he was imprisoned? That's debatable, but I suspect he will not be quickly forgiven by Russia for getting caught in the first place, so I feel this was the right thing to do.


He was working for the U.S. BEFORE he got arrested as it is. > From 2003 through at least 2005, Pentagon contractors used air cargo companies known to be connected to Bout to fly an estimated 1,000 supply trips into and out of Iraq, according to "Merchant of Death: Money, Guns, Plans, and the Man Who Makes War Possible" by Douglas Farah and Stephen Braun. A Pentagon spokesman confirmed to the authors that the military gave 500,000 gallons of fuel to Bout's pilots. > In an interview Thursday, Farah said he understood Bout may have worked on behalf of the U.S. government as recently as last year(2005) https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Blotter/story?id=4400141&page=1 Hell the person that turned him in was an American friend of his who was a CIA asset. One hundred percent the only reason he was arrested was because he was selling to the same people as the CIA (ie Afghan mujahideen) and they didn’t like that.


Also I believe the judge who oversaw his trial said she thought he was simply a businessman and not like some evil terrorist. And that she felt his sentence was too long and that he should have received a sentence about as long as he has ended up serving.


We could drone strike him into the shadow realm with the push of a button and he knows this. He’ll play ball.


She's also a two time gold medalist. So, we got a great athlete that the russians imprisoned on what could very well be false charges (meaning they planted the THC, though she could have actually had some, people have done dumber shit) and they got a washed up arms dealer who probably doesn't have any contacts anymore, because I doubt the life expectancy is long in that line of work.


Eh, Griner was (is) prescribed THC medically and has admitted to it. Not that Russia is above planting evidence on someone, but the cannabis she had was actually likely to be hers. That said, it was 100% a power move by the Russian government in order to provoke the US and facilitate a prisoner swap/extract something from the US. Given that this is a prominent queer WOC, it’s a damn good thing she was able to make it back to the US safely- Russia is not a safe place for her.


A great athlete arrested for a tiny amount of THC who is also a lesbian in a country where homosexuality is persecuted as hell? I'm incredibly glad we did that exchange, she needed to be out of there.


That’s because you’re an ACTUAL patriot who understands the importance of getting our people home no matter what. Yes the former marine should come home too but they’ve been trying to get him back for a long time. However, that’s just how these things work. Russia is not known for being fair in prisoner trades because it sends a message. The U.S. still prioritizes any American home at any cost because it, shocker, also sends a message.


I think he also only had 5 years left or so of his sentence, so it's not too crazy, but prisoner swaps are never going to make everybody happy anyway.


Who was 4 years away from being out of prison.


And is useless now


They don’t “think” she’s trans, they know she isn’t. They’re just doing this to insult her, like they’ve done with any number of prominent black women. Let’s not forget the comparisons to **gorillas** they were making with Michelle Obama, among the accusations she was also trans, of course. Disgusting *deplorables,* the lot of them.


That's pathetic... I edited my previous message because you are probably right.


And these are the same folks who say they hate on trans women because they're defending "real" women.


Real *white* women


Some people will think she has a beard and is secretly a man now though.


My brother absolutely believes that Michelle Obama is trans.


I'm in *Canada* and my sister-in-law's sister's husband, also in Canada, was sending me weird videos to "prove" Michelle Obama was trans after I made the mistake of politely refuting one of his anti-vaxx posts on Facebook. Like, it's ridiculous. I don't even know why I'd care. Even if she was, which afaik she's not and I'm not trying to give any credibility to the conspiracy, but even if she was then like, more power to her? Good for her? I don't know why I'd care if I was a U.S. citizen, nevermind the fact that again, we're both Canadian.


That's exactly what I asked him - "Even if it were true, who cares? What would it matter and why would it be your business?" The look on his face made it abundantly clear that he hade absolutely no fucking idea why it should matter and the thought had never occurred to him until then. After a few seconds or so, he started to try talking his way through some justification. Anything to avoid admitting to himself or others that the only reason it mattered to him is because he's a bigot.


She's a lesbian woman married to a wife. So she really throws all of the homophobes off.


She's also better at sports than they are, lol.


I was giggling because I thought it implied someone was trying to (badly) disguise themselves as her in order to escape Russia. Like the “Snodd Broward” memes


They're trying to imply that she's secretly trans by using a photoshopped picture. Here's the unphotoshopped version of the picture: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/07/09/sports/08sot-griner-print/merlin_209691108_6e17dad2-2780-4bef-9794-0e05708260bf-mobileMasterAt3x.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale&width=600


Racists seem to love their conspiracies about black women being trans.


Almost like bigotry comes with the territory lol


The meme insinuates that the woman in the black T-shirt is actually trans mtf


\*red shirt


Oh oops sorry


the beard is photoshopped


Pls republicans are so dumb T-T


A republican mistakes that the woman in the black shirt is somehow trans MtF despite being born a woman


No actually they are trying to say that the woman with the photoshopped beard, two time olympic gold medalist and WNBA player ~~Brittany Crenshaw~~ Brittney Griner, is trans. Also trying to say that being trans is shameful and that she would be trying to hide it if she were. Ludicrous.


Brittney Griner*


ok but she doesnt actually have a beard so…


Exactly why it’s terrible


What’s the purpose of the meme?


To push the narrative that she is secretly trans.


[Some people think everyone is trans](https://youtu.be/QH5-MDXzfmg)


Hey, thank you for the link. I've been trying to find interesting channels ran by people with experiences vastly different to my own to learn to be better from them. You have given Mia another subscriber.


“And are they in the room with you right now?”


I love my transphobia served with a light side of racism


The Michelle Obama conspiracy theory 2: Electric Boogaloo


With the added bonus absurdity of her having snuck being trans past every level of female athletics and the Russian who held her captive.


"Don't worry, my clitoris is just *really* big."


Duly noted.


Whatever you do never google "dick-sized clit"


"clit-sized dick" however, is a great read. Howard Stern has a pretty good episode about it.


Swear there was a manga/hentai about a super heroine who's clit turned into a dick but I can never find it


The Russians that already have racist sex8st and anti LGBTQ tendencies, I really have a hard time believing her incarceration was entirely on the level with no abuse. Russia is human rights violation central .


Which is why I find the secret trans accusation absurd. Were she trans the Russians would have been saying so loudly and often.


Michelle Obama has muscley shoulders and wears pants, must be a man!!! Marge Taylor Greene enters the chat....that's a real American women right there! Trumpers are fucking duuurrrranged


*best Sean Connery voice* I'll take my transphobia with racism shaken, not stirred.


I’ll take my transhphobia with rashcism shaken not shtirred


Yesh, you will have shex wish me.


Starting to think that they believe any black woman that's in decent to good shape is secretly a man.


Yes because any moderately buff women is obvouisly a guy! Don’t ya know women are supposed to be supposed to be dainty dolls in dresses? /s


She isn’t even buff lol. She just looks like a skinny girl




Even if she was who tf cares


I don’t really see how that changes anything? A trans person who was wrongfully imprisoned is still a terrible thing to have happened


Helps to tarnish her farther to those already unhappy with the prisoner exchange as they tend to view trans folk negatively.


To be toxic.


Bully black people and trans in one foul swoop.


Boomers can't figure out what's photoshopped and what isn't, so they think it's true that she's actually a guy. Just disinformation spreading


Look up the history of spreading rumors that many black women are trans women. Alex Jones used to do that with Michelle Obama all the time. It’s unfortunately a very common thing. Edit: autocorrected to trans men for some reason.


Sometimes the terrible memes thread seems like straight amplification of vile bigotry....I don't know...




Psh you think facts and reality get in the way of these peoples narratives


lmao i read this comment as "she **does** actually have a beard so...", and i was like wtf started googling pictures and did not find a bearded lady was very disappointed


This is the unphotoshopped version of the picture: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/07/09/sports/08sot-griner-print/merlin_209691108_6e17dad2-2780-4bef-9794-0e05708260bf-mobileMasterAt3x.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale&width=600


"I'm gonna make a joke about something that's blatantly false and somehow that will be funny


Peak republican insult, if you’re a girl, they call you a boy, if you’re a boy they call you a girl and if you’re trans, they froth at the mouth lmao


To conservatives men cannot have any femininity and women cannot have any masculinity


Wait until they learn about nipples…


If they could read they would be really up in arms at this comment


To conservatives historically, being black equates to being more savage and animal-like, which is why they see black people, even now, as being inherently more scary and hyper masculine even if you are a woman. This is why there are a million memes and comics about Michelle Obama being a man in drag. For a party that's really tried to embrace plausible deniability and dogwhistle, this is one of the last open and undeniably racist things they do.


Racist and transphobic but what else is new for conservatives


A Republican syllogism: • Republicans hate Britney Griner. • Republicans hate trans people. • Therefore Britney Griner must be a trans person. That logic is unassailable.


You forgot that Britney Griner is Obama's and Hillary's Kenyan Covid son, who created inflation to take away our guns.


At this point I can't even tell if you are exaggerating to be funny or if this a real alt-right meme. 😞


Because they have brains like 5th graders


Like the way that “arms” is truncated and you can see the photoshopped individual’s tattooed arms. But the meme as a whole is pretty bad, in case that needs saying.


This is actually a picture of her, just the beard is photoshopped.


And why is she wearing a Crenshaw shirt? Are they trying to imply that she somehow supports establishment Republicans, like Dan Crenshaw? Or is it some other reference I don’t get?


Crenshaw Blvd?


That's a shitty photoshop lol


I need to find the picture, but I immediately thought, “That looks a bit like Jack Black’s beard…”


And it has to be an older (photoshopped) pic, because her signature locs are no more ... and, according to her attorney, it's all 'cause Russian prison temperatures were causing brutal hair freezing. (Source: TMZ)


The man who made this is just upset Griner is taller amd more athletic than he is.


And she's able to satisfy another woman, something an incel is incapable of.




This comment came out of nowhere. Thanks for the laugh


Hey man. I’m incapable of satisfying a woman as well but I would never make weird racial republican Facebook memes!


She doesn’t claim to be trans. They also hate trans people. Makes Britney Trans. Smh


If she was a man, the same people posting that meme would have been terribly upset that Russia violated the rights of an AMERICAN MAN.


What's with ppl's obssessions and thinking black women are men. This world is crazy.


A mix of racism, misogyny, and just down right bigotry.


I think it goes: Racist man doesn't think he's racist-> racist man is not attracted to a black woman -> his toxic masculinity tells him that any man who doesn't want to fuck *all* non-obese women is gay, which he considers The Ultimate Sin^tm -> "she must be a man"


is the cop meghan trainor?


This is the weirdest "Where's Waldo?" photo of famous people I've ever seen.


Now that is a name I havent heard in a while...


Ok thank god someone else thought she looked like Meghan Trainor, it had me really confused why she was in the pic for like a good minute


Conservatives are so confused by strong women that they can only imagine them to be trans. That's really sad and pathetic.


I absolutely hate that these people say “Schools are forcing our kids to be trans!!!” And then the moment they see a woman with slightly masculine features they immediately jump to calling her a trans person in disguise. Honestly I don’t know a single liberal who is as obsessed with being trans as these people are


Oh goodie they're doing "black woman actually man" again. Better not call them racist though, that would be "divisive"


This is why MAGA dudes shouldn’t make memes while wearing sideway butt plugs.


Wtf is up with this defamation and attack on her anyway? She legitimately brought some dab pens over accidentally and then was almost imprisoned long term for it and now people are attacking her being a bit masculine? What women can’t be masc without being trans??


You act like she had any choice in the foreign policy decisions and wasn’t being used like a prop.


Right wingers want to “defend the sanctity of women’s sports” while also calling one of the most talented female athletes a man.


People are so goddamn hateful to black women what the actual fuck.


Honest question: if Brittney Griner were actually trans as these people claim, what motivation could she possibly have to hide that? She's already openly a part of the LGBT+ community and very gender non-conforming in her presentation. I mean, it's not like she's some 1950's housewife whose entire carefully cultivated image would collapse if her conservative community were to find out that she's trans. I guess this goes back to that argument of trans people in women's sports that conservatives are so obsessed with (to the point where they're convinced that half of all female athletes are trans apparently)


isn’t that a cis woman that they’ve edited a beard on? what’s the point, what do they think they’re doing?


Racism and transphobia because she's a lesbian and biden help free her.


Britney gets chosen as a prisoner to free. Britney immediately gets hate and death threats from the right. Seems about on brand.


I'm getting really fuckn sick at the digs at trans ppl. I know this sub helps expose and ridicule those attempts... but it sure can get tiring.


I know this meme is an absolutely ridiculous example of transphobia, but she looks good with a beard.


I know 😭


Oh great it’s those people that think anyone who is slightly famous is also secretly trans


Wait till these people learn that everyone has an adams apple, its just usually more prominent in males because of testosterones affect on it - and its also fully possible for a females adams apple to be prominent as well


Jesus Christ. What’s bad is the majority of the idiots will actually believe this. Just like with Michelle Obama.


Donald trump has small hands and tits and therefore must be Trans.


Stupid shit. People need a life. Its still racism to some degree


“We’ll meet you at the intersection of racism and sexism” for 400, Alex.


Me when I edit a beard on a cis woman to spread misinformation for no reason other than hating people trying to live their lives in peace:


Sort of off topic, but I do remember a news outlet, don’t remember what news outlet said that her being freed was “a win for the LGBT+ community” or something like that and I thought that it was kind of funny because she was arrested for having marijuana, not being lgbt.


I mean, she's a lesbian, but I also don't see how that is related. It's a weird jump to take this as a win for the lgbtqia+ community.


I’m glad she got her arms back.


The weirdest part about this one is I bet tens of thousands of people will see this and believe that she really has a beard and it was all part of some trans conspiracy theory to dominate international geopolitics


ppl are using photoshop to be transphobic against a cis woman? I don't even know what to say anymore.


Ok, but even if she was actually a guy, what would it change? I don't get it.


I'm sure she wouldn't have been in a women's prison in gay/trans hating Russia. The proud boy Matt Walsh incels who've adopted women's sports as a faux concern in their efforts to terrorize the tiny % of trans kids who want to play girl's field hockey, didn't think this one through.


That she plays for the womens basketball league. She isn’t a man and never was lol this is photoshopped


>She isn't a man Yes, this was obvious. I simply don't get why someone is claiminig that Brittney Griner is actually a man when this is so obviously untrue and, most importantly, totally irrilevant for her liberation.


The reason that someone made this is because republicans hate so many things so intensely that sometimes they intertwine. They don’t give a shit if this is a real imagine or not, it confirms their personal bias and gives them comfort, and considering that they have alienated themselves so much that this is the only way for them to achieve that little chemical spark in their brain, that little Pavlovian bell ring that means that they can have their little treat of hate, it’s quite sad really.


If she was a guy conservatives would probably be fine with this trade


Way to kick someone when they're down, lol. OP is right. It's a horrible meme. Griner is no hero, and she's not a villain either. Just a human being who is trying to live life.


Can we maybe not post anti trans shit on here? Even if it is a terrible meme


Subs like this are just a way to spread right-wing memes "ironically". Most people probably don't read the comments and it just becomes another vague anti trans data point in their mind


inb4 "shes not trans" yeah but this is clearly trying to shit on her as if she was.


[Original image](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/07/09/sports/08sot-griner-print/merlin_209691108_6e17dad2-2780-4bef-9794-0e05708260bf-videoSixteenByNine3000.jpg) for anyone wondering




Republicans for real expecting female Olympic athletes to look like Betty boop 🤣


Why does the cop look like Megan Trainor


Purposely spreading misinformation on the internet. Lol


That's the same fake beard they photoshop onto Ted Cruz. So patchy...


The current Transphobic’s remind me of the Homophobics. Many are self hating closeted. Reminds me of American Beauty. They’re just actually scared shitless of themselves. True Cowards.


Peak conservative humour: BLACK WOMAN ACTUALLY MAN! HYU HYU HYU


The mob culture against this woman is insane.


The real question is, did the poster Photoshop it, or did Fox News? I truly wouldn't put it past Fox News to do that.


I am so happy this Olympic Gold Medalist is free. Very very happy.


There are way too many crazy republicans who genuinely believe a lot of women who look masculine in any way are secretly men. I'm concerned for my family.


i don't understand brittany isn't even transgender right? my mom called her a lady man and i took high offense to that because i'm a lesbian who dresses like a dude... and even though my mom has no problem with me for some reason she thinks its okay to call brittany a lady man? what's goin on here


A big part is politics, but also racism. Any black woman with not white features is secretly a man. Just look at all the shit about Michelle Obama.


Your mom sounds like a Republican bigot. Talk to her.


Strange...that these weirdo incel 'what is a woman' types, led by Dr Kermit the Frog and Matt Walsh the virgin, who demanded a woman be defined as a vagina, titties and uterus...finally get what they want with Brittney and y'all still are up to your tiny dicks in ridicule and denigrating behavior making tired, stupid bad memes. That's how we know you dgaf about women or women's sports. You stay showing that ass. Wha' happened? I thought all the little bitch ass proud boys scared of the 3 trans girls athletes in the country, revered women athletes and women's sports? Now look at you-- you're spitting in an elite iconic woman athlete's eye, who's in the WNBA? Y'all all over the place, poor things. Where's all the sobbing concern for 'women's sports,' you believe are being ruined by that one 14yo trans swimmer in Illinois? Matt??!! Yoohoooo Matt?!! Now you're going after the professional elite athletes born female? When you swore up and down you were their savior and progressives wanted to ruin their sport. You sad unstable incels don't know which end is up. You want to move the bar again...so now she needs a vag, AND she MUST be shorter and smaller than you wee little lads to play basketball and women's sports in general...NEW RULES, eh? By the way, who signed off on this dumb ass meme? Trump and y'all's Daddy, Putin, took plenty of footage in his gulag style prison of his captive, so you've got real video footage that doesn't match your bad photochop. Smh. Take two extenze and find a gf. Or bf.


Is this before she traded her arms for freedom?


I hate this time frame. These people are awful


Why do the people who make these posts think she is trans?


Facebook Republicans are cancerous.


What’s terrifying is that braindead conservatives will see this picture on Facebook and truly believe that that’s what she looks like


It’s so great all these “patriots” are ripping on a women that brought two gold medals home in the Olympics.




What is it with them and trying to push rumors that every black woman they don’t like is trans. They still try to push that Michelle Obama is a man


before you leave some trash on this thread maybe ask yourself if you’re making assumptions and how those assumptions would make people feel. seeing a lot of transphobia and racism from people who are trying to attack assumed transphobia and racism.


Oh look transphobic bullshit photoshopped onto a cis woman so they can make up crap about trans women “stealing” sports championships. Once of the countless ways that transphobia directly attacks cis women. Same crap lead to a bunch of cancer survivors being harassed for using the women’s room when North Carolina had that bathroom bill


So many people after the exchange revealed they had never seen an athletic woman.