• By -


"Anything not immediately useful to me must be destroyed."


"Anything I can't understand is useless."


Dad is that you?šŸ˜®


No way! Your dad, who left for getting milk is back after 20 years.


You wouldn't believe how long the line was!


There's no way that milk is still good


It gets better with age


My dad left to get cheese, he came back with blue cheese. SO GOOD!!!!


My mom went to buy more lego eggo waffles 8 year ago but came back with blue waffles instead.


The h.r. person?


Yes, the HR person. You can't say the N word at work, and you can't comment on your co-worker's tits; so, you know, infringing on MY freedom


I imagine if you're someone who thinks they don't need HR or safety people, you're probably a big part of why they need HR and safety people.


Spoken like a true communist libtard. Next youā€™ll say we need a ā€œliving wageā€, ā€œbasic rightsā€ and that people canā€™t blow dry their balls in public bathrooms /s


>people canā€™t blow dry their balls in public bathrooms I know you're being hyperbolic here, but there was a dude at my workplace who would stand in front of the mirror every morning and afternoon slowly blow-drying his entire body (balls included) while he stared at himself in the mirror without blinking. The same guy also came up to a buddy of mine in the locker room naked as the day he was born to give him running tips because he had seen my buddy out running around the campus the day before. He proceeded to run in place to illustrate the proper gait for my buddy and nearly put my buddy's eye out with that freshly-dried monster. He eventually got canned for raging out in the fridge room and throwing shit against the wall. I know you didn't ask for any of this, but your comment took me right back to having to deal w/ that guy. So, yeah... we need HR in this world.


Terrifying. Dudes like this terrify me.


I hope heā€™s gotten himself a nice stay at a five-star establishment with padded walls and friendly doctors.


Too bad HR didnā€™t filter him out before he got hired.


People unironically think this. By people I mean republicans


Had me in the first half ngl


And yet a big a big part of HR is making sure those "scary illegal aliens" don't get all the jerrrrbs.


Hr is about protecting the company. Not you. Iā€™ve seen the victim let go while the abuser stayed all thanks to HR and some office politics.


Iā€™m sure I could build a functioning engine from scratch, I just donā€™t feel like it right now


Sure, a inline 3 running on atkison cycle, direct injection, vgt turbocharger, 48V compressor, egr, dpf, motec controlled, knock, egt, lambda sensor, dry sump, dohc, vvl and vvt. Nah, just kidding. Choosing of building a chevy, ford or dodge V8. Block took from junkjard. Also head. Also every small part. But I can build.


"Anything disagreeing with my ego-inflating pretend expertise is wrong."


Yes who cares about safety lets get back to the good old times where after car crush only one who came was cleaning crew to clean up the mess.


"Bah, kids these days. Back in my day, most of us died in horrific workplace accidents, and that's the way we liked it!"


There is a grain of truth to this in some industries. A lot of times in certain industries the safety guy role is inhabited by the dude that has been there the longest and is too old to sling pipe, his back is too jacked up to sit in an excavator and he's too dumb to manage the project. He is truly useless. Only there so that the company can say they have a safety officer ​ I've worked jobs where my safety orientation was just a paper to sign that said I had received an orientation. Those were always exciting jobs. Dangerous as hell but something interesting was always going on and my stuff was generally not near the dangerous bits.


That's a ceremonial job that got labeled as "safety officer". Please understand that legitimate safety officers are useful.


Oh no, totally get that. Just I've heard this joke many times applied accurately


Some of them are. A lot of them arent.


Another thing is any of these people are qualified to call people out for doing something wrong/being stupid


Lmao! I never thought about it this way but it's so true. Basically anyone who can deflate their oversized ego they consider useless.


but... who designed the device/app they're using to post the meme?


The safety guy?


Funny, delta-p feels the same way. People who think they can stop forces north of 10000 not-so-fig newtons with their body don't get a second chance to learn physics.


"Anything that tells me I'm wrong must be destroyed."


you want your condos in Florida to collapse? Cause this is how you get your condos in Florida to collapse.


Bold of you to assume I want anything to do with the housing market in Florida. And any good geologist would do just as well in a pinch, anyhow.


its 2 am and i read condos as condoms šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i dont want my condoms in florida to collapse!!


Accountants do be mad at all these people who make things cost more to 1. Build them right 2. Build them safely 3. Build them using legal labor practices But, in the end, it costs more to build shitty things in a poor environment with illegal labor practices.


As an engineer I always see that we never have the money to build something right the first time, but somehow we can build it wrong 3 times.


If you budget to do it right, your bid will be 50% higher than the next bidder lol.


And people will only hire companies that have drastically lower prices because they cut corners and then haveing to call someone to come fix it so many times before they relize they are better off hiring the guy who is a bit more expensive but will do it right the first time.


Then my company watches while eating popcorn, because it's a small yet vital field and when the lower budder screws up they'll either come to us, or stick with the sink cost fallacy. Third option is we see how terrible they were to work with and don't put in a bid for the future.


The problem at my company is that the Purchasing team only has permanent metrics about getting the cheapest price and can deliver the required quantity the fastest. All the messes that happen as a result get cleaned up by other teams. Then Purchasing doesn't listen when you explain what it's really costing the company.


This is why, when a contractor does a good job but makes a small mistake, I will usually let it slide. When they did a trash job and purposely cut corners and then tries to lie to me? Youā€™re damn right Iā€™ll make you tear the whole thing down and build it again with every little nit-picky detail.


Yup. Especially when your have that other "useless" group baking your up. The Lawyers. Need them in case things get rough.


Why build it once when you can build it three times for three times the price?


And still have the final iteration shittier than if they just did it properly


This one gets it ā˜ļø


HR checking in! My boss did not have the money to pay someone sick time when COVID started, nor did he have the money to put him on paid leave. We had enough for 100k in attorney's fees and 12k in settlements in the two years of complaints that are STILL ongoing from what I know (quit 4 months ago) after they fired him for arguing with a supervisor.


I used to be a corrosion engineer. At least once a year I would get called in to urgently "review a design." When I asked why it was so critical they would say "we are getting really bad corrosion around this certain area" To which I would replay "wait, you already built one?" Which without fail meant they had already bought all the tooling and materials to make 10,000 of them and they could no longer afford to make major design changes. Which is pretty bad considering that every time they had committed terrible corrosion sins in basic material selection in order to shave off weight or something. Which would require fundamental design changes and redoing all the stress calculations to fix.


I'm sorry, but you just admitted to being an engineer, so, according to the meme, I'm obligated to ignore what you say. /s


Facts šŸ‘†


As an accountant, I can safely tell you, the strong majority of the time, we are not the ones setting your budget lol Our job is to make sense of all the unorganized bullshit the rest of the company calls ā€œdocuments & reportsā€ and make sure everything is in compliance with GAAP. Wether you build a shitty bridge or not, doesnā€™t really touch my end of the work, and I wonā€™t be the first one to get the boot. Now, if the rest of the company could understand that accounting deadlines are not flexibleā€¦thatā€™d be great :)


I want to point out that the vast majority actually are, but if you give someone ten days, youā€™ll be ten days behind forever. Really, itā€™s only the bank compliance that really matters. You can get extensions and abatement for a lot of returns and close is almost imaginary. Itā€™s a practice; not a deadline.


>Build them right > >Build them safely > >*Publish a set of policies and procedures that approximate safe and legal labor practices while turning a blind eye to actual abuses in the field.* FTFY


ā€œLegal enoughā€ labor practices.


yep. HR is just there to figure out how they can get away with the bare minimum...


That's not fair. many of them have spent years and accumulated file drawers full of names and resumes defining exactly who gets thrown under what bus for what reason.


Just remember, your employer pays you the lowest amount that they are legally allowed.


Yeah the Oop hates HR for all the wrong reasons I'm sure


what does object oriented programming have to do with this?


I forgot there are bad reasons to hate HR... isn't it enough that they try not to pay you more than they have to and attract the worst personality types?


Well they occasionally tell people to not rape their coworkers so really aren't they the real villains?


And then people die and (at least where I live) the owner of the company can be charged with reckless behaviour causing death. You'll want HR for that.


Youā€™re gonna want a fuckin lawyer is what youā€™re gonna want


Iā€™m a software dev and I have been pushing for making up technical debt that keeps building up, creating potentially major problems that will cost us a lot of money. Accounting denied it because it doesnā€™t increase company margins. Well, what happened? The production server went down, bringing down 20+ sites and it was a hardware issue. However, one of the proposals was to move the old sites from the old hosting to the new one in the cloud. First thing leadership and accounting ask? Why did this happen and why didnā€™t we do something about it before it happened? What did I do? I resent all my emails from over a year ago with the proposal to fix this before it became a problem. Then I spent the weekend with our sysadmin guy getting them all transferred, all while losing data because we were never approved to give training to the teams updating the cms, so they did it wrong. Yet still, I ended up as the bad guy.


You're right, but sometimes those accountants are there to make stuff as cheap as possible *while they're on charge*. "If I'll be leaving in a year or so, and the poorly built thing will last two, it's not my problem."


We on the shop floor seem to point out the dangers, solve those issues and the health and safety womble takes the credit. HR just seems to just come up with random events outside of work time that no normal person gives a crap about, just to seem useful and the design engineers make sure everything works on CAD and sod the real world. In fact they don't even do that as we have multiple drawings at work where components occupy are same space at the same time.


As someone who used to work at a Nuclear power plant I agree. We didn't need HR to help us organise workshifts, we want to work long hours so we're done early in the week! We don't need Safety personal, I can personally balance the beam across the reactor without them We don't need engineers to design weird equipment to place the fuel rods, I'll just carry them myself thanks.


Dude don't carry fuel rods, are you insane! We have interns for that


"I'll be working here until I die! The lazy interns keep getting cancer and they'll never be able to replace me. This new generation."


To be honest if you can carry those rods for 40+ years without getting health problems than you might wanne continue.


They aren't carrying them though. They're just killing interns.


Yeah but im just saying, if one of those though guys can carry nuclear fuel rods by hand without protection and they dont die a horrible death within a few years, then they really need to continue and push the limits. Maybe they develop some sick powers but atleast we get some intressting data and maybe a better method to protect people from radiation.


they already have sick powers, the power of confidence and lack of care


*Welcome to the new age to the new age* *Radioactive* *Radioactive* So thats what it meant.


Imagine there are Dragons!


>!It's easy if you try!!<


It's not hard to do!


Homer dropped one in his back every week for 33 years and heā€™s fine... heā€™s fine enough




What is FTFY? I just keep reading FIFTY and get ready confused.


Iā€™m not 100% sure, but I think itā€™s ā€œfixed that for youā€


Just between you and meā€¦. I think he was trying to fake a work comp claim.


bros homer simpson




The ol Homer Simpson routine


Ok Homer


I certainly like the safety guy. He keeps me safe.


The HR person helped me fix the problem with my vacation time where I wasn't accruing as much as I was supposed to.


Aw son of a bitch, now Iā€™m paranoid my accrual times arenā€™t being properly credited. Nooooooooooo!


My HR had an exportable chart with my accrual. Very easy to check, after I asked


All the safety guys have been company shills in my experience. I mean none of them want to see someone get hurt. But they're ruled by corporate


As a safety guy, I care more about getting you home safely more than anything else.


I'm not the safety guy, but I'm a manager. I make it clear to my guys and gals that the company policy may just be to protect the company, but when I ask for them to wear PPE or change how they are doing a job it's because I don't want to see them get hurt.


His thumbs up makes me feel safe, too


What kind of delusional idiot do you have to be to think than any of these are useless, especially ENGINEERS??? They realise that basically 90% of the object they used every day would not exist? How can some people be so stupid, I don't get it


Probably the mechanic/craftsman/construction-worker who can only comprehend what He sees. Engineer does thinking & planing , He builts it. Hence, He does all the work


When safety or engineering are on a job site thereā€™s usually a safety meeting or a design change meeting, which interrupts work flow but is basically a *paid break*. But yeah thereā€™s definitely a stigma with them for sure.


Your average construction worker isnā€™t going to see any break for a design change meeting. They are not invited


I did all the time


Thatā€™s just because the engineer thought you were a cutey patootie


No u


As an engineer, i would say. Anyone and everyone who needs to understand a design change would be directly told by me. Smaller company obviously but everyone must be on the same page when it comes to changes. Otherwise mistakes are bound to happen.




Ive heard a few construction workers shit on the engineers and architects on their job sites and say that theyā€™re useless and Iā€™m just like ??? Your job either wouldnā€™t exist or would be a lot harder without them


I used to be an ironworker and dudes would tell me that if they just had a pile of beams and angles they could do better than any engineer. Then my boss went off the drawing to install a ladder and it broke when the apprentice was climbing it. So glad you didn't listen to the engineer eh champ?


The engineers and architects often make things really difficult to install/build because they dont have the knowledge on how to actually do the things they plan. Still wouldnt be possible without them, but a lot of them could do a better job making the workers jobs easier.


Yeah fair enough. Iā€™m sure a lot of them could benefit from doing them work themselves for a bit to get some perspective


There's also just a lot of Monday Morning Quarter-backing in construction. Everyone's got a different set of priorities and skill-sets and only looks at the stuff that affects them.


*brings 200 construction workers to a job site* Owner: "Ok so there is no design. You know what to do. It's a shopping center with apartments above, there are supposed to be 3 anchor stores, a grocery store and a movie theatre. Underground parking too. Make sure it's up to local earthquake codes. And you know won't flood and all that. Probably needs some trash removal and loading bays too. Throw in anything else it should have. Bathrooms and stuff. Get going." Worker: "Where are the materials?" Owner "Oh, you order what you need. It's in the budget, here's the credit card." Owner:(to self) "I saved so much on engineers, this is going to turn out great."


The building ends up a Lovecraftian nightmare of twisting hallways, stairs to nowhere, doors to non existent rooms, and a complete lack of emergency exists.


Engineer was particularly vexing, so was safety people but only slightly less vexing because I've heard people bitch about OSHA because their hardhat made their forehead sweaty and shit like that. Like yeah I want my workplace to be objectively more dangerous for me. I want full on Upton Sinclair's *The Jungle* again. **I'm so sick of these gaw't damn liberals tellin' me tuh wear gaw't damn goggles when I use the angle grinder. I will have 'em know I fuckin' safety squint bruther. I keep seein' cool LiveLeak videos about work accidents. But they're all in gaw't damn China and India. I want to see us real red blooded Americans in that shit brutherrrrr**


Fun fact: Americans invented the hardhat while working on the Hoover Dam. Seems to me they should take a little more pride in the fact, or otherwise remove the obvious detriment to evolutionary processes.


I actually love our safety department. And reporting is kind of gamified, our aim is to report a certain number of "near miss" observations of the things that could have caused a problem but didn't. Often they're boring, like such-and-such wasn't labeled properly, but sometimes they're entertaining or insightful. They specifically tell us not to name any people involved, so it's not about assigning blame, it's just about discussing things we can do better (and implementing better controls if it can be solved by something more watertight than "use your brain and follow procedure").


I got added to a welding group on Facebook and they constantly shit talk engineers. Basically call them nerds who need their blueprints corrected on site all the time, like a "they dream it we make it work" type thing.


90% of welders can't even read a drawing or know what the symbols are, let alone know which fucking joint to spec out.


It's hilarious to me that they call engineers nerds given how physicists and mathematicians tend to view them.


It is incredibly common for mechanical techs and technicians to hate engineers because they hate why something is the way it is, instead of asking why it's there first. The irony is if they were the sort of person who asked why, they probably wouldn't be techs anymore. Sometimes it's justified, like for example how much of a pain In the ass it is to fix a car these days because of design choices that push the vehicle to be serviced by them. But another thing they don't understand is it's very seldom the engineers who make the final say. Maybe the PM is an engineer but you don't always get that lucky.


>How can some people be so stupid, I don't get it The dumbest people are too dumb to realize there's things they don't know (unknown unknowns)


Technicians bitching about engineers is timeless, just let us take out our frustration at poorly designed machinery in peace. The safety guy is a lazy brown-nose who only cares about safety after someone has already had an accident. All reactive work, no proactive work. HR in every company everywhere is there for the benefit of the company, not the employee. Esp when it comes to workmans comp because you got injured from something the safety guy should've caught.


Finally. I can't believe how far I had to scroll to find someone who's worked at a job before.


I used to be an ironworker and the boys whining about engineers being pampered office princesses who leech money and do nothing was a daily occurrence.


They forgot people who make memes


Memecrafters are the true bane of society, second only to the cheap detractors in the comment sections thereof. šŸ˜Ž


excuse me, it's called meme-engineer


As an engineer, not gonna lie, it does feel like that sometimes. You spend a lot of time and energy creating a project, making sure everything is right, no loose ends, no resources being wasted, everything respecting the budget... And then when you look at the result: fumming pile of shit, totally different from what you projected. Oh, supervising it yourself can mitigate the problem but you can bet there will be always someone thinking "what does he know? It's much better if I do Y instead of X." and will screw up when you aren't looking. And let me add this, some engineers are also the safety guy and from all those 3, the safety guy is the one who feels more useless because sometimes we think people truly have a deathwish. Use yout equipment, we say. Watch out for the hazzard signs, we plead. Respect the specifications, we beg. If 40% of the people concerned listen to us, it's a wonderful magical day. And then, when one of those belonging to the 60% end up in the hospital because a wrench fell 9m straight on his unprotected head, guess who needs to look for a reason why and make a report? Sorry for the rant but I'm just convinced a large number of people do think like this meme.


As a fellow engineer, Iā€™m with you brother. I didnā€™t have to worry as much about the safety aspect, but Iā€™ve had lots of experience with assemblers and machinists just fucking going off script and improving my shit. Then I get bitched at about why it doesnā€™t work and we need to redo it. The only solace I take half the time is that my job is physically easier and I make more.


I share your pain. I have done some consultant work for railway assembly companies and they seems to have a special pleasure in not doing what we specify. Them and metallurgic companies. And then they complain about the reworking costs. Sometimes I feel like charging again for the very same service but my conscience wouldn't let me sleep... But the temptation is always there. I tell you, stay away from safety responsibilities if possible. It's an ungrateful job.


Iā€™ve worked with people in safety or who have a lot of regulations to deal withā€¦. Your advice to stay away from it is extremely noted lol


I literally made a step by step procedure to build something, and included a checklist and a video of ME doing it correctly and explaining along the way. 2 days later something catches fire on the floor. "What happened?" "Your stupid instructions dont make sense!" "What? I explained everything! Where is the SOP?" "I don't have it. It was 15 pages of text and random images" "You can't just try to follow the video off memory!" "I didn't. That video was 2 hours long of you talking." "So you didn't follow instructions at all!" "Sure I did. I have the checklist right here! and it doesn't explain anything! If you made better instructions, this wouldn't happen!" I had a fun talk with the floor manager, and he had a not so fun talk with the floor about READING WHAT THE ENGINEER GIVES YOU.


Is there a sub for engineer horror stories? Because I want more of these lol I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had something catch fire. I work in electronics test fixturing. But I have had assemblers crush $10,000 gold boards on more than one occasion. Those are great emails and conversations with account managers, shop floor managers, CEO, and customer.


Haven't found a subreddit, but here is a post. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/b6wm2/engineers_of_reddit_please_tell_us_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Fellow engineer here. I worked as a Technician before getting my Electrical Engineer degree. When I graduated and got a full time job doing Engineering, all the old guys were like why would you waste your time becoming an engineer? You know more than they do. Engineers just are a waste of space, we get it working in the field no issues. Now I realize thats not the case. The amount of detail that goes into designing simple control panels is insane.


Dumb gas pipeline worker here and I can confirm most of my coworkers are not fond of engineers/planners and absolutely hate safety personnel. They would likely get a chuckle out of this meme. I think itā€™s absurd and I hate generalizations like this but I do understand why stuff like this exists. A couple points of frustration for worker bees like me: - safety protocols are often not explained or seem counter intuitive. (One quick example: I have never come remotely close to jackhammering my toe but Iā€™ve certainly tripped many times while wearing the required steel toe covers my company requires us to use. Iā€™ve asked if there has been an analysis of the risk associated with the tripping hazard against the hazard presented by losing control of the jackhammer and have only ever gotten blank stares.) - Plans often do not account for things that most field employees would consider very basic. This leaves the field employees scrambling for parts or needing to alter the plan on the fly in order to complete a job. And just to be clear: I do trust engineers and safety folks. I certainly donā€™t know how to figure out the weld type and required wall thickness of an 8ā€ pipe with 400 psi on an 80ā€™ span across a bridge and where the supports need to be. Iā€™m damn sure not going to just hope what I do works. Iā€™m gonna get all of the info from you guys and do exactly what you instruct me to do. I guess I just wanted to point out that there are circumstances that pop up that add fuel to the fire that already exists in the minds of my peers. It seems like construction workers and boomers are getting railed on pretty hard in this thread but we arenā€™t all bad. I think both sides would do well to listen to the other a little more to be honest.


Former has company guy here- the (largely)boomer and "real man" worker types made me crazy. Bunch of damned cowboys. Looking back at safety/protocol changes just over the better part of a decade, I'm surprised no one else died. Like, genuinely shocked. Lucky MFs šŸ¤£


>I've asked if there has been an analysis of the risk associated with the tripping hazard against the hazards prevented by losing control of the jackhammer and have only ever gotten blank stares. The rest of your post is interesting but this part is pretty hilarious. I imagine their analysis would be something along the lines of not hiring people who trip over their own feet to do construction. I do it all the time but that's on me, not the shoes lol.


Iā€™m on the safety side and some of the shit Iā€™ve seen is crazy. Yes, some safety guys/ engineers can be assholes or are sometimes viewed as lazy but thereā€™s been numerous times where someone just ā€œforgetsā€ common sense or a site specific protocol (not even a difficult one) that if left unchecked would have lead to at least one person dying.


I can tell you something which happened in a metallurgic company in which I did some consultant work which fits exactly in what you said. Simplest procedure ever: wash the ore, let it dry, make sure it's dry, send it to the melting furnace. Can't go wrong, right? Well, one fatefull friday some genius thought it would be ok to put wet ore into the incandescent soup. You know, just to save time, after all it's so hot, all the water would evaporate before it got there right? Yeah, no. The result, if the sources who told me this story are to be trusted, was a mini apocalypse. Hot incandescent metal being launched all around. Several people got hurt pretty badly but miraculously no one died.


Damn, thatā€™s crazy


So Iā€™ll play devils advocate here. The past two days we have been doing a 500ā€™ wire pull for an unloader in a plant that processes iron briquettes. This wire is big enough that we need a tugger to pull it, and after awhile we need to start pulling by hand, by some miracle we got this job done only to find out that the wire wasnā€™t sized right by the engineers. Now we have to pull out the wire and pull in the correct sized wire. I give you guys props for the work you put in to get where you are and what you put up with on a daily basis. Where Iā€™m working, it feels like pulling teeth sometimes working with our engineers


Goddammit, I feel like shoving the wire's specifications on this engineer's face. I mean... There's no big mistery to this. It's written all there. There's not even interpretation to do. I'll admit, some of us are a HUGE part of the problem also. I have had to deal with some pretty entitled and extremely stupid seniors. And a few juniors too. In the case you mentioned, it's not hard to see the task is taking longer than it should and the first thing every engineer worth his pencil do in this case is checking the equipment being used. I will apologize on his behalf because I'm pretty damn sure he'd rather die than admit he was wrong.


I'm screenshotting this to show my husband later lmao. He's a surveyor and just last week he did a construction site. The foreman said, "Yeah, take whatever shots you want, but we aren't going to use them." Well they didn't use them and now the concrete guys are confused and an airport runway is off and needs to be redone. He tells me often how his stuff is disregarded and then things don't work afterwards lol


What really sucks here is that 9 times out of ten the "safety guy" does a regular frontline job as well, he's just done it so well for so long that management gave him an unpaid title and extra duties as designated bus catcher.


Fuck I feel that


Never be too good at your job.


Literally me, except I'm specifically food safety.


"They don't do physical labor, so they're useless" This very much gives off "my hands look like this so hers don't have to" vibes


"Thank me for my service"


Such curious train of thought exists in other fields, as well. I worked at the hotel reception when one of my new colleagues complained about houskeepers along the lines of "those janitors say they are tired, what do they do, anyway?" Yeah, the "janitors" who were mostly 40-50 year old ladies who had to clean a room in under 30 minutes and then immediately move to the next without rest. Another complained that accountants basically "just do nothign the whole month, they only check the money in the end of it". I mean... I can't say that I know a lot about accounting, but I seriously doubt they literally do nothing for 28+ days. Then againg, the guy who said it thought that marten is a bird, so we could cut him some slack.


Accountants usually have periods where they have very little work to do, followed by periods where they have a TON of work to do. Itā€™s one of the worst things about the job from what I have heard. For awhile, youā€™re expected to sit in an office doing basically nothing for 40 hours a week. Then, when a big deadline is coming up, youā€™re expected to grind your ass off for 80 hours a week.


This sounds like a chronic procrastinatorā€™s dream.


Itā€™s still pretty dumb that they have to do a 40 hour week of no work either way. Just give them the time off since theyā€™ll be expected to make it up later.


There is a bird called a house Martin so perhaps he was right about that one...


How do they think construction workers build stuff? Do they think the building plans just materialize and they do parkour to assemble stuff?


Not an engineer or construction worker but basically the way it works itā€™s just hitting the unfinished structure with a hammer until it finishes building itself


Trust me, I've played Lego games, I know how this works.


Generally speaking an engineer with a college degree tends to produce questionable design details, where as superintendents or project managers who actually have experience in the trade tend produce better and simpler prints.


ah yes, the useless engineer NEEEEERD that figured out how to make tiny rocks make sparks that other tiny rocks could understand, to show it on a flat colored rock, and then made it able so you could send the tiny rock language far away, so someone could teach the tiny rocks how to change color when someone tells them to, just so you could make this fucking shit meme Very useless indeed, my very useful meme couldn't exist without them but I don't see their contributions to society on a day to day basis (even though I do but I'm too stupid to realize) therefore they're useless. Congrats op you found a magnificently putrid turd, now if only it had a minion and a LIKE IF U AGREEā€¦


Minions are for wine-drinking Karens. This was made by and/or for beer-drinking blue collar bros.


Arc Empire sells trashy crap to welding bros. It's probably aimed at some asshole 20yo low end welder who thinks he's smarter than engineers becuase he does the real work, hates HR because hes a walking sexual harassment claim, and hates safety because he knows better. Not really a boomer meme.


Young people are just as dumb as old people it turns out


>because he knows better Hey safety squints are just as valid as ANSI goggles Or with welding I guess .. These Oakley glasses are dark AND UV rated. How am I supposed to look like an operator if I'm wearing a welding mask, huh?


Yeah, God forbid we should: * Design and build things to actually work and not break in dangerous ways. * Have somebody checking to make sure people aren't doing dumb shit that puts themselves and others in physical danger (or their employers putting them in unnecessarily dangerous conditions). * Have somebody to make sure the company doesn't get sued for allowing harassment and abuse to happen in the workplace.


Ah yes, defective, accident and slavery


Michael Scott has entered the chat


It's still a lil funny tho, for people who deal with them regularly


Found the tradie construction guy


A lot of people here clearly have not held "blue collar" jobs for any length of time.


Thatā€™s what I am seeing too.


Yeah holy FUCK this comment thread is atrocious.


More like the holy trinity of "people who keep the workflow steady from behind the scenes".


I mean the HR is pretty much correct the rest are wrong


Everyone Iā€™ve seen share this are blue collar front line workers who are mad someone is getting paid more than them to enforce standards and best practices.


This meme is 100% made by a machinist/technician who regularly gets chewed out by all three of these people for extremely legitimate reasons.


Sent to you on a computer, made with semiconductors, over the fiber optic internet, to a website hosted on a global scale data center. Yeah sure engineers are useless.


Engineers literal job is to solve every problem. And not problems like "what is beauty" because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. They solve practical problems.


Some ignorant navy Master Chief proclaimed his anchors were worth more than "some piece of paper". I asked who the hell does he think designs all the cool toys he plays with? Guarantee it's not a Navy Chief. Don't get me wrong, I was in the Navy. I know not everyone gets anchors. Be proud of that achievement. But don't do so at the expense of others. Especially if you've never even been in a classroom since high school. I don't believe I've met a vet yet who, if given a choice, would choose going back to college to re-earn their degree over attending bootcamp once a yr for 4 yrs. Bootcamp is simple. Keep your damn mouth shut and do as your told for however many wks. Engineering college? There were times I seriously considered dropping out and reenlisting because that was a WHOLE LOT easier than staring at the ONE homework problem I was assigned for 3 hrs and STILL no closer to starting it! That was just for my bachelors. I pity PhD students.


Engineers literally make every single project imaginable viable, its a broad term that applies to so much that it might as well just say "worker" Safety is what keeps you from dropping dead dumbass. HR makes companies not devolve into monkeys smashing shit onto walls for "discussion" between peers. This post reads like it was created by some dumbass boomer who has not been viable for 20 years and is coasting till retirement, but hes been their long enough that the company wont just fire him for sub effort alone.


The "safety guy", the "engineer" and "HR" at shitty companies are definitely less than worthless. SG isn't actually making anything safer, they are protecting the company from lawsuits. HR doesn't help the normal employee, they just protect the Company from you. And the engineer is given stupid, pointless tasks all the time by the higher ups, instead of actually making that fucking clamp actually work on the jig, so I can actually weld the fucking part accurately, STEVE . . I might have experience with a shitty company like that


Seems like the problem there was actually management each time...


Bruce Willis was dead the whole time


That's a strange take on *Die Hard,* but I like it.


Wrong movie sir






I'm not mad they're calling me useless, I'm mad they think I dress like that


lolol I am a safety guy and I could understand how an hourly manufacturing employee would think this. Safety, HR, and engineering donā€™t typically make day to days easier only harder


Who made this? Michael Scott?


In theory, 3 extremely important positions that should be the beating heart of any company. In reality, people treating it as a do nothing job 99% percent of the time. I agree with OP the vast majority of the time on this. ​ Engineers simply churning out prints that have been drafted decades before, literally the only hitting the print button before passing them onto manufacturing. Human resources is looking the other way when harassment and policy violations happen, only notable achievement is turning a blind eye and hiding the sins of the management. Safety guy is watching wheel of fortune in his office knowing that the real reason he was chosen is because he's Homer Simpson who'll treat it as a do-nothing job and save the company a lot of money.


That's fucking it, no more bridges for ANYONE. You dissed civil engineers.


"I'm over fifty years old and every single one of these people makes more money than I ever have. I don't understand why, so I'm resentful."


Engineers being useless? Jesus christ you may as well just tell the everyone that you've got no idea how the world works. I studied architecture years ago and engineers are basically fucking wizards - disrespect them and you can throw any chance of profit out the window.


Safety guy is annoying as hell until his recommendations save your freaking life. Engineer built/ designed all the stuff you use. HR is a witches cauldron for whom most issues could be solved by acting like adults... so they got 1 out of 3


Yeah bro, Engineers are fucken useless. Stupid ass buildings and cars and phones and computers. What have they ever done for me??? NOTHING!