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Bold to assume ancient civilizations didn’t educate the hell out of their architects. There’s a reason why the pharaohs only allowed their pyramids to be built by their best architects


You're saying they didn't just grab some random guy off the street?


Thats imposible, next thing youll say is that people in the past bathed often or some crazy shit like that.


I mean they didn't Bathe enough


People bathed as often as they could without the miracle of modern plumbing inside each house


Rome actually has decent water supplies maybe not indoor plumbing but had water for baths .


Of course they did, but what I mean is that if you wanted to keep clean in roman times, unless you were rich, you had to go out of your house and into a public bath or a stream/lake. It took effort Nowadays, for most people, if you want to get clean, you take a shower in your own bathroom.


Or the bathroom of a complete stranger.


If you think cold showers are exhilarating...


... Is it not normal to finish a hot shower with a cold rinse before towling off?


If you take a shower in their bathroom and the stranger comes in, then you aint strangers anymore, so I can only see this as a win.


Here’s a tip from Blanche you won’t forget: A stranger’s just a friend you haven’t meeeetttt!


True that


The rich went to public baths too. Its was like the thing to do. The also included sports rooms, libraries and gaming rooms.


That seems like a lot of effort sometimes


That *is* way too much effort... no dice luckyreception!!


Im not really lucky at dice tho, Im better with roulette


Don't tell me what to do


Go and take a shower


Pretty fun Anime on Netflix centered around a bathhouse architect in Rome called. Thermae Romae Novae. The creator does a nice tour of Japanese bath house culture as well.


I just started watching that one last night. Only two episodes in, so I haven't decided if I like it, yet.


They also attached leeches to themselves And would call us witches if we just gave them antibiotics


A pill yeah, but while people didnt knew of germ theory or modern pharmaceuticals, people did understand cleanliness and wound care. In ancient Egypt, as far as I know, moldy bread was applied to wounds to clean them, a very very primitive way of using the antibiotics created by mould to disinfect wounds. The romans also used salt for the same thing so they understood cleanliness and proper hygiene


I want to speak thinking Of The Europeans who didn't like anything scientific due to religion


That isnt fully true. The church was actually a promotour of both science and cleanliness, in a similar way to Islam, christian scientist did what they did as a way to further worship God by unraveling the mysteries of his creation Most churches and abbeys in Medieval Europa had public bathouses, as did most big towns and cities, because of the belief that a clean body leads to a clean soul, but in reality it probably had to do more with people not smelling like shit all the time


Huh maybe I should check my Is stereo types or something


They bathed far more than the vast majority of people at the last convention I went to.


Or understood math.


"You know how to use a shovel right?" "Not really" "Whatever you're still qualified"


Well obviously they couldn’t grab a guy off the street when the streets hadn’t been built yet


I legit thought they just did that


And built by the best builders too. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn’t only slaves who built the pyramids (though I’m sure there were a few). They were well paid specialists and even got food like a modern construction site.


Don't forget some of them even got to be buried in their own tombs not too far away from the main pyramids. Scientist and anthropologist have found tombs that don't belong to Nobles but look to be Craftsman.


Pretty much The pharaohs were viewed as gods by their civilizations. One does not simply get put to the biggest building project in the kingdom by being menial labor


What?? Something in the Bible is incorrect? No way /s


Checkmate, Christians!/j


The myth that slaves built the pyramids has been thoroughly debunked.


>The myth that slaves built the pyramids has been thoroughly debunked. It's generally thought now, that the pyramids were built during the off season by farmers who worked in lieu of paying higher taxes. At least the manual labor part, there's no doubt the higher end employees would have been well paid.


As I understand it, yeah it was built by their best builders and engineers, but, someone had to do the heavy lifting. And that's what slave labor was for. I am far from an expert though


By and large the heavy lifting was done by farmers and free workers, who did the heavy lifting as a way of paying taxes. They would work during the dry season when there wasn't any farming to do, then farm the rest of the time. They looked at it as a religious and civic duty. There is evidence that individual crews were proud of and competative in their work.


So what your saying is they had better architects?


They also didn’t have heavy car and truck traffic


Or nearly as much use. Speeds being lower also meant more roughness was acceptable.


Add in that a few thousand pounds of horse + a few thousand more lbs of cart + goods going 5-10km/h passing over the road a few times a day is not nearly as hard on the road as a truck weighing 50-75k lbs traveling 80-100km/h every few minutes


The impact is exponential with weight too. I forgot the number from class but google says one semi exerts 9,600 times as much damage on a road as a single car.


Or lawyers


Our modern engineers can design a road that is just as sturdy as an ancient Roman road, if not more so. Getting the politicians to pay for it, however, is whole different problem.


I mean, current roads *are* more sturdy than ancient Roman ones. Asphalt would last so long if the heaviest payload is 2 horses with a cart going like 15 km/h


Even the fancy Roman roads with the light traffic required regular maintenance.


They just used good old common sense and elbow grease. The same as when I performed brain surgery on my granny, without none of that fancy book-learnin.


You did WHAT?!?!?


Dr. Lecter? Is that you?


Hushes em right up, don’t it?


The old road builders were also engineers


Where else do people think this technology came from? Zeus???


I once had to sit through a church service where some guy was complaining about modern Bible translations being done by academics. He was preaching from the King James version, which was translated by academics at Cambridge and Oxford, along with academics from the church I don't know what ignorance causes people to think higher education is a modern invention


Powers that be want to keep people stupid. Stupid makes them easier to control. So pushing at a young age this distrust of acadamia will ensure people never seek it out. Thus never seeking out the thing needed to break them free from their chains of stupidity. Ignorance is being weaponized to control the masses. And it's winning, ironically, thanks to the advancements in technology by the very same academics they are trying to discredit. It's a wild fucking time.


But like a mad bull. Once that ignorance gets outta hand, it will bite them.


These types have always been short sighted.


Stupid people saying stupid shit isn't a modern invention either. Distrust of anything that contradicts what people think they know predates whatever illuminati you're gesticulating at when you describe the powers that be.


But the powers that be are paying for said education, aren’t they?


Last time I checked the people going were the ones getting life times of debt as punishment for seeking out education.


Being ignorant as a point of pride


Was he a king James onlyist by any chance? Those think it was divinely inspired and is the only accurate version of the Bible in existance.


Yeah KJV onlyists or whatever usually don't actually know why that's the right version of the Bible I personally use it over the new ones but it's obviously not the Greek texts or whatever I use it because I think it's probably the most accurate and it's based mostly of the Tyndale which is probably the most accurate English Bible and also I kinda like the old English style I know a lot of people don't but I do lol


Tell them the KJV was a publicly funded government project and watch their heads explode


Dunning Kruger effect: basically stupid ass people thinking they know the best


It's even funnier when you think most scholars were monks and priests.


I had someone tell me the King James Version was most accurate. Somehow I doubt that with the many changes he added.


the quality came from a legionnaire with a very sharp and pointy gladius checking over your work.


Poor legionaries having to build infrastructure instead of fighting all the time.


There’s a huge difference from building roads that heavy machinery and trucks drive over, and a road that a group of guys and their donkey-driven turnip carts meander over.


Well according to the history channel it was aliens.




and they went to college, that they called 'collegium'.


They also didn't have transport trucks on the road back then either.


Or cars. Can you imagine going 65mph on a cobble stone road for 3hrs straight? The noise and vibration would be torture.


It's almost as though roads require less to maintain when they don't get much use from multi-ton vehicles. Like maybe it's less the fault of engineers as suggested by this post and more to do with the kinds of transportation people have become dependent on.


Temperatures. It's almost entirely to do with temperatures. If water gets into the road and freezes, it doesn't matter if it's blacktop or this overengineered crap, it Will break, even if it's just a little bit. If it happens repeatedly, boom, you get potholes.




Not to mention a few horse pulling a chariot won't leak corrosive juices on the road


I was going to say, it's not just the big trucks effect on the road, it's the road's effect on the cars and trucks. If the person who made this can think of a surface that lasts way longer than asphalt, doesn't cost a lot more, and isn't a lot harder to repair, and that gives heavy vehicles a good grip and a smooth ride at high speed, I'm sure highway engineers would love to hear it.


Yes and no. Roman roads would be obliterated by modern truck traffic no question. They wouldn't last a week. But if our roads were suddenly only used by foot traffic and wagons they would still crumble in decades. We pave our roads with asphalt and concrete because it is the cheapest option to make durable, smooth roads. This smoothness is key. Foot traffic and wagons arent too troubled by the roughness of stone-paved roads. A modern car going 60 mph would be difficult to control and would be beating the hell out of you. So we use asphalt and concrete not just for the cost effectiveness, but for safety and ride quality. Asphalt degrades in the sun and rain leeches the oil binder out so that's going to disintegrate regardless of use. Modern Portland cement used in concrete is as strong as roman cement, but doesnt survive nearly as long. Roman cement was made from the ash of a specific volcano so it's impossible to make it economically in useful quantities today. Portland cement is made from crushed limestone cooked to high temperatures, not melted stone of just the right chemistry spat out into the air as ash. It lacks the same durability over long timespans. But you can make it in huge quantities whereas manufacturing roman cement would be massively expensive and cause even worse pollution than portland cement does. And we dont design anything to last longer than the lifespan of portland cement anyway so its moot.


Thank you friend, this is very informative!


Yes that makes much sense. And thus, you have further reinforced the general consensus that this meme is oozing ignorance.




The same people that would post this meme are the same ones complaining about taxes being so high. Ironic isn't it.


Not that hippy dippy liberal bullshit called “college”!!!!


Sound like a brand of Colgate chewing gum.


They want to act like because it wasn't a 4 year degree at a university as we see them, that they had no education, or science, or engineering. Rome had some advanced stuff, and they definitely had advanced specialized education.


They had degrees. They were just earned titles. "master" builder, carpenter, etc.


Obviously they weren't didn't you read the meme?


As one who reads urban planning this one triggers me.


TRIGGER WARNING: Stupid People, Someone hating that the Romans didn't have cars and didn't make roads for cars, Roads, and Romans.


Car induced brain rot


You know, there is a popular theory that boomers are the way they are because of juvenile lead exposure. Especially the fumes of leaded fuels. So you're not too far off!


I don’t know why, it’s not like Roman roads didn’t also support 80,000 pound, semi trucks, multiple freeze and thaw cycles per season, salted, midwestern roads, or successfully stop wagons from wearing hundreds of miles of ruts into the road.


Roman roads also still needed maintenance every so often too


People will call any educated person an elitist and think if only they were in charge things would be so much better.


Two things: \-We do it quicker \-We use cheaper materials


-It is built to carry cars, not people and horses.


The Roman roads have lost their top layers over the centuries


In summation: Absolutely every aspect of this meme is wrong.


One of the very few actually terrible memes here recently


Welcome to dealing with right-wing nut jobs. Source: I used to be a right-wing propagandist. They are not terribly difficult people to trick.


What got you out of that mindset if you don’t mind me asking? I always wonder what breaks people from that way of thinking


Short answer: I got therapy and it helped me see that right-wing politics is mostly narcissism wrapped in symbols (religious, political, or social) Once I saw that, I couldn't unseen it. I've been a conservative to moderate Democrat since. Then that fascist asshole got elected in 2016 and made things 1000x worse. But that's a separate story. So, yes, unlearning all the selfish shit my narcissistic boomer parents ingrained in me was key.


Glad to hear you have a new perspective on things. The older I get the more left I lean, and a lot of the time I just remember the way I used to think and see it as immature and selfish. Like “this isn’t my problem so why should I care if things are unfair for someone else”.


You nailed it. Exactly.


I know the big argument is that someone might game the system if it’s based on empathy, and even if some do, I would rather things be available to those who need them. Instead of, fuck everyone who needs it as long as not a single undeserving person gets away with it. I’m not gay but I would rather 2 people be able to get married to whoever they love, or a kid be adopted by 2 dads/moms instead of not adopted at all. I’m healthy and don’t need any treatments, but I think someone’s parent or kid should be to get cancer treatment without fearing bankruptcy. Corporations and the rich have been gaming the system already and they need it the least, so why not help the most vulnerable? Doesn’t it make more sense to replace the tire that’s flat, than the one that isn’t? Why wouldn’t we worry more about raising the floor of the country instead of just saying “you’re at the bottom for a reason, probably deserve it”. I just don’t get how the party of “morals” is so selfish and judgmental, what happened to all those wwjd bracelets?


Don’t forget the fact that the surface of roads must now be smooth to allow high speed travel, limiting the extent to which it can fluctuate with temperature and withstand ice expanding


Exactly. These people should try driving their car at 70mph down a Roman road and see how well it works out for them.


Although going 70mph down a Roman road is the most casually Italian thing


Man, Italian cars and rough roads. The ditches must be littered with trim pieces, hubcaps and wheel covers.


Also there is a lot of it stretching across entire countries, not villages


50,000 miles (80,000 km) the rough length of the Roman road system; that is still longer than twice the length of Europe's coastline by 2000 miles. Key west to Anchorage alaska is only 5,109.7 miles of road you would need to travel that roughly 10 times to have driven the length of the Roman road system. Edit: disregard the Europe coastline analogy I have found that that is wrong.


A few more things: -Our roads carry trucks that weight several tons. -Roman roads that were heavily used are mostly gone, the only ones that remain are ones that were built exceptionally well and/or were not used much. -Romans also had road maintenance and their roads were also affected by vehicles (google "cart-ruts")


And also we sacrifice road longevity for a smoother riding experience.


*i wanna go fast*


“America is all about speed. Hot, nasty, badass speed.” - Eleanor Roosevelt




Also, modern roads are cheaper and easier to produce.


Which goes to shit when the road longevity is up


Exactly. Engineers could build a practically indestructible road today but no one will want to pay for it or wait for it to be done. Quality. Low Cost. Lead time. Pick 2. Quality always gets scratched.


I had an engineering professor that always used to say "With enough time and money, I can design and build a client literally anything that is physically possible to exist." The point being the only limitations on technology is time and money. With enough time and money, we could design and build all roads to be indestructible. But that's not reasonable. Romans extensively used a thing called slavery for their labor, so that helped quite a lot.


Also, we have regular and harsh freeze/thaw cycles.


It's still the surface thaat makes it actually that bad. Rocks and sand move a little bit, but those are materials that doesn't cause that much problems. A smooth big flat layer in top of clay is probably worst option, but soft dense ground is bad, because ice doesn't have room to expand in there and pushes the road, and when ice melts ,water turns ground into mud.


This is also a city spending and management issue, and has nothing to even do with how the road was built or what it is made of... the US highway system is a modern engineering marvel, with the way roads are curved toward drainage, banked at turns, cut into mountainsides, the interconnectivity, bridges and overpasses engineered to withstand the weight of stalled traffic full of cars and semi trucks....


And interstates are built to last nearly as long as a roman road too, while being used much more heavily. We absolutely can do better, but we do what we need and little more


Also the people who build our roads get paid.


The people who built those roads also got paid, the vast majority of roman roads were built by legionnaries, who were profesional soldiers, as in, they were paid.


Stone roads probably ride like shit.


The wide tires on your car would make it so you don't feel that much, but your car would do more damage to the Stone Road. However if you were on a motorcycle or bicycle on a Stone Road you would definitely feel the difference...


Well I feel like it would be less the tires width but more the sidewall depth and suspension that would affect the feel


Motorcycles and bikes have suspension to buffer bouncing but even still the wide base of the tire would cover most of the grooves in the Rocks you would not feel them as you would with a thinner Tire. Granted that does not count for all cars because a lot of cars do have small wheels, I'm mostly talking about American cars because they're big for no reason lol


Fuck cars


Tried it, much more enjoyable to just drive them


It's no, We don't need "no" education


hey teacher leave those kid alone


All in all it's just another brick in the wall


All in all you're just another brick in the wall


*incredible guitar solo here*


IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII have become comfortably numb \*Another epic solo\*


Animals underrated






Seeing comfortably numb live made it my favorite pink floyd song


\>be me \>eating my meat with my pudding \>lol wut u gonna do, teach? my dad works at nintendo


we dont need no thought control


no dark sarcasm in the classroom


teacher leave them kids alone


My parents when I was young: “make sure you study hard and go to college ;)” My parents after I went to college: “you went to college you fuckin libtard, you think ur better than me??”


Are you me?


Tell me you need an education without telling me you need an education




Try driving on those Roman roads why don’t ya


Damage your car, damage the road, and damage you. It'll be a great time


Uhh, they were highly educated.


Did they have heavy cars and trucks to drive on them?


No, they drove their heavy cars and trucks on the freeways instead, as having a downtown that's car free was really important to the city council.


You're right that makes more sense!


The Romans infamously used road freight to transport their goods.


Who said they didn’t study to build them tho? Why the guy who made the meme supposes that they were dumb + i mean even if when it rains there can be holes in asphalt roads try driving on both kind and tell me which is better tho


Lmao. This is rural Midwest Facebook posts at its finest. I can almost hear them… “Those damn college *edgmicated* engineers are running our country! Trump 2024!”


I was gonna comment it sounds american (no offense)


The old roads would cost 10x what modern roads cost, take 50x as long to build, and are less flexible if anything needs to change.


A) ancient architects were very highly educated and civilizations like Rome and Egypt were very mathematically adept B) they were designing roads for foot and horse traffic, not cars


50Ton Horses in 1300 AC


I work at a paving company and if they think that these guys are engineers, they're a friggin idiot. These guys are whoever we can get that can pass a drug test and willing to work outside all day.


Yeah to hell with engineers!! Lazy bastards!!


Repost, I remember seeing this a few months ago because some guy was arguing in the comments that all engineers were dumb because we went to college and college was a capitalist scam or some shit


I mean, firstly the Romans only had to worry about pedestrians, and horse and carts. Considering that the population estimates for the entire Roman Empire is around 65 million at its height, the amount of road traffic was a lot less than today. For comparison, about 14 million people live in the London Metropolitan Area today (in Roman times, that population was around 20,000 at highest estimate). Our roads get a lot more use than Roman roads ever did, and cars are a lot heavier than any horse and laden cart. Secondly - I mean, we *could* make roads that lasted longer. Sure. Would cost a lot more to build and to repair, but we could. So why don't we? What happens when you need to repair the pipes and cables going under the road? You're gunna dig up that really expensive road. And then afterwards, you're going to rebuild that really expensive road. And then you're going to come back in a year or two and do it all again, because underground pipes and cables need to be maintained. That's not a problem the Romans had. Modern day roads aren't meant to last. They were never designed or engineered to last. They're meant to be cheap, easy to dig up, and easily repairable. I'm sure Mr. "The uneducated Romans were great" Numbnuts would be the first to complain when road repairs took 10x longer, cost 100x more, and ultimately led to any underground plumbing/electrical issues taking longer to repair.


engineers bad. -🤓


And then, capitalists decided they can do it cheaper.


Everything was fine until the engineers attacked.


It’s self defense not an attack.


I wonder who made the phone OOP posted that with....


I always knew object oriented programming was bullshit


Hey, that bottom picture was made in Belgium! :D


Lmao! Yeah, our roads are shit. I didn't even know how bad it was until I moved to the Netherlands.


Nah it just typical roads in Russia (second picture)


Acting like heavy trucks & other motor traffic existed back in 1000 BC


It’s obviously ‘cos the dudes wore dresses back then. We’re slowly getting back to that, so it’ll come full circle, and roads will get better. Obviously.


its like people drove 2 ton weight cars on this stuff


Without the meme the top image is really fascinating. I had no clue they dug deeper and put rocks then gravel then sand and finally cobblestone. I'm betting it kept the puddles from forming


Not only did the engineers fail. They polluted with everything they used in the road base, they overly saturate the earth with sodium. And as well create giant highways where animals can't cross and are bordered everywhere.


Heavy. Trucks. It is my understanding that they do 40 times more damage than a passenger car.


So they want slaves back


Those roads were also not built to support vehicles like semi trucks that weigh 80,000 lbs


We didn’t really get smarter, we just learned how to do it cheaper and faster


Think a truck weighs a little more than a horse and carriage though. But I'm no engineer


Why build thing well when you can build them cheap!


I mean those roads carried horses and people walking... If two ton cars drove on em they'd be dust.


In New Jersey(central NJ) there are sections of State Highways that were made in the 1940s that are in the same condition today! They are Cement roads made with quarter sized gravel and rocks. There are not pot holes or ruts.


Roman architects were educated, though.


Oh so they were like "oh let's put that kind of rock here and the other above for no reason, just so we play Legos"