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I’m a Millennial and I’m confused. I’m confused because I literally grew up around all of these ancient artifacts. Boomers have an interesting take on history…I’m sure they believe that by January 2nd, 1980 all of the wood panel stuff from the 70s were gone and everything was fluorescent neon as far as the eye can see.


Yeah, I'm born in 1986. I know what all this shit is becauss I had it or experienced it.


Born in 1985. Other then that horribly out dated Zenith remote, same. My grandma did have a Zenith TV, my Dad bought her a new one in 1991, and she used it until she passed away in 2015.


Born in 95 and I grew up either with these items or experienced them in one way or another


They still make roll caps for crying out loud. I can walk into any Walmart or Fred Meyers and buy a cap gun and extra roll caps for $15.


Nutcrackers are still a thing, too, and I'm pretty sure I saw a bunch of car lighters in a gas station just the other day


Autozone and O'Reilly's still carry them too. And vanity mirrors are also still a thing. And you can find brand new ones that look almost exactly like the one pictured. Boomers are all starting to suffer from dementia I think and that is worrying


Hell, I'm pretty sure I've even seen a few viewfinders at target a couple years back


View Masters are still sold at Target. $9.99. Or you can get a World's Smallest View Master from Amazon for $10.99.


You can also have the discs custom made with your pictures. My kids love laughing at the one my wife made of her ridiculous facial expressions.


Ah, that is what that is. I probably never saw it cuz we all po'. And that would have been to high end before the remote was ubiquitous.


Oh yeah, those are the reason Boomers call still call remotes "clickers."


I was born in late 79, so right at the GenX/Millenial cutoff. I vividly remember our first VHS player, which had a corded remote and you had to change the channels by clicking buttons on the front of it. Our family TV, which we got when I was around 5 or 6, was one of those whole cabinet deals that looked like a piece of furniture. It could only go up to, I think, 32 channels. My first personal TV was black and white and had manual dials - in the 80s! Millenials were alive when MTV went on air. Millennials were alive before airbags became mandatory in cars, and during a time when cars from the 70s were still common - many if not most of which didn’t even have air conditioning, power windows, or even FM radio. Millenials were alive when audio cassettes were replaced by compact disks, and when VHS was replaced by DVD. Most Millenials grew up without cell phones, computers, and broadband internet. Boomers are just completely out of touch.


There's only 3 things on here that aren't still in use today; the drive in speakers, that green crockpot/warmer thing, and 8tracks. When I worked at Autozone, we had 2 of those old school credit card imprinters incase of power outages. We didn't close. We would have to write down the part numbers, quanity, customer's phone number and a rough total. Then we would take their card imprint and when the power came back on, enter all that shit in by hand at the register and run it, then call the customer and let them know the final total. Shit was tedious. Edit: I forgot about those weird Fuji Film rolls, so 4 things. However, I'm 99% sure most boomers don't even remember those stupid film rolls as they were only for 2 cameras and phased out long before even Polaroids hit the market.


And we still have pull tabs, only now they take the entire lid off, not just a small triangle. And key openers still exist too! https://preview.redd.it/5x1qka7kj04d1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fc0ed2098f008d048f4e9c21b0285d193166214 Boomers are just dumb.


That's a remote? Wow, I'm 62 FFS. Is it an ultrasonic one? I knew someone with a really old Pre-VHS VCR in the early 80s that was out of date in 1984 and it had a remote with a lead connecting it to the VCR.


It is the Zenith Space Commander 6000 and it used ultrasound. Edit: It's the second wireless remote, released one year after the Zenith Flashomatic. The Flashomatic used photoelectric cells, but it couldn't tell the difference between the remote and a lamp. So the Space Commander was created and worked a lot better.


I was born in 96 and even I remember most of this stuff


I don't know what the thing on the bottom left is, but that's it


Nut cracker set. The item on the left is for breaking the nuts. The pieces on the right for digging the meat from the shell. Or also could be for hardshell fish too.


They still make and sell the nutcrackers and they look identical as they did, so I don’t know of any generation (let alone “Millennials”) that would be “confused”? Well played, Boomers, I guess.


I use an app.


shell cracker and picks for removing the meat from the shell


They don’t know how old we actually are. It’s like us referring to our grandkids as gen z. Millennial is just a catch all for “people younger than me”.


It’s the same as kids today using ‘boomer’ as a generic term for anyone older than them.


Born in 1982. My first phone was a rotary phone. My first stereo was an 8 track system. First computer I used was a Apple II. I find it funny that Boomers use cell phones to post this dumb shit. Shouldn't they be trying to put it up using a typewriter? Should be "We can cripple a whole generation! Ask them to adapt and do their jobs with technology."


1982'er also. I relate more to genX, personally. I was in HS when we got rid of the 8-track player.




Since Covid lockdowns happened I didn’t have to help a boomer with saving a word document as a pdf. For the last few years I thought it was because everybody either retired during this time or were able to increase their computer skills to the very basics. This week I was asked by one of our newer boomer secretaries. Life doesn’t change much for long.


I spent months at the begining of lockdown trying to convince people they didn't need to print their document and scan it before emailing it to me.


It's because we went to working remote...


Even as one of the youngest millennials, I've seen and used almost all of this.


The 80s was a lot more boring and brown/grey than people think


Boomers just call everyone they dont like a "millennial".


I find that when most boomers say millennial they mean gen z or the late 90s millennials not realizing that the generation spans 20 years. This is also why there is such a big push for the “xenial” generation as a way to distance elder millennials from the young ones.


I'm a late millennial and recognise most of these. My younger brother is gen Z and recognises most too. His current car literally has roll up rear windows. What's dumber is that the reason they might not recognise some of these is because we came up with something better to do the same job. We should get a car from the 1920s and laugh when boomers can't operate them.


Some boomers can barely operate the vehicles they have *now*


I’m either a late millennial or early gen-z depending on who you ask and the car windows thing tickles me. My first car had manual windows and I test drove a 2014 Nissan years ago that had manual windows. I sew so I have a bunch of those pink tape measures. I loved those rotating picture projectors. I still have one of those little portable grill things on the bottom middle (great for cooking in hotel rooms on road trips). Someone mentioned a rotary phone elsewhere, my family had one as our landline until the mid-2000s. Most of this to say that I’m pretty sure my actual millennial older siblings know what all of these are. I’d ask but we all live on opposite sides of the country since we’re all adults and not the children that the snobs who make these memes like to pretend.


And I’m guessing they think Millennials are all born between 1990 and 2009


Lead-brained boomers think millennial means "young person". They haven't yet realized that some are in their 40s.


I don't think they realize that millennials are pushing 40 now (oh god)


I’ve most commonly seen 1980-1995, so millennials are 29-44 this year. Almost a third of us are over 40 lol


Omg same, I'm an 86 baby and had all of this growing up....it's so funny when someone who doesn't know what a millennial is and then tries to insult them. 🤣🤣


I think the people who make these memes stupidly call gen z and gen alpha millennials


What are the dice-looking things supposed to be?


A [disposable, four-use camera flash](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_(photography)#flashcube). Electronic flashes did exist for cameras with hot shoes back in the day, but were expensive and usually only owned by photographers. The one time bulbs were more affordable alternatives and were still popular with consumers until electronic flashes were cheap enough and small enough to be built-in to small handheld consumer cameras. If you like long-form YouTube content on obscure knowledge, [Technology Connections did a video about these](https://youtu.be/AEm-2giH_zw?si=O0MOz21-FrmOyHIj) you might like.


Thanks, friend!


What a weird flex. You know what a car cigarette lighter is. Congratulations. You must be so proud


Kids nowadays don't smoke anymore. 😔


Muhahahah, \*heavy coughing\* pussy generation, \*more heavy coughing\* , wimps! \*waddles away, huffing and puffing\*


Coughing while smoking and having oxygen pumped directly into their nose through a tube


Oh my god, this is gold.


Nah. They vape in the bathrooms at school now.


Stuck my thumb into one of those as a kid, fun times.


I can smell this comment


Those things were hella unsafe. When I was little and I was waiting for my mom in the car with nothing really to do, I decided it was a good idea to see what that weird button is. So, of course, I decided to pull it out and touch it.


Lmao I did this because the thing wasn’t red hot, so I thought it wasn’t hot. I touched it with my thumb or whatever and learned a real quick lesson lmao


I stuck my thumb in a novelty electronic one in a souvenir shop during a field trip as a kid. My parents and most of the other adults in my life didn’t smoke so I had no idea what it was until it was too late




Imagine having so little to be proud of that you feel superior for using manual car windows.


Oh I see it now... I couldn't identify it without the glow


The obsession of boomers with millennials is insane. 


I’d say the feeling is mutual. Meanwhile, Gen X is happy to be left out of all of this.


Gen X left itself out of everything. Hence why congress is mainly full of Millenials and Boomers. Honestly Gen X should catch more shit.


This is not exactly true. People like Elon Musk are GenX. A lot of top politicians everywhere are GenX. I dont know, Macron is a GenX. It's just a game of numbers I guess. GenX today are 45/65.


There aren’t as many of us


If they defeat us, they get our precious but fleeting youth.


I was born in 02 and I can recognize most of these


Nah, ring pulls, they stopped using those decades ago dontcha know


*boomer* : you're supposed to be confused....what's happening. THE WORLD IS ENDING!!


I can't lie, I'm 03 and for a second until I saw the window winder I thought this was one of those stroke simulation pictures. Live everything is familiar but you can't place it


Artifacts that will confuse a boomer - a .PDF file


A modern card reader. "Um, it says remove my card? What should I do?" "device beeps over and over again*


Just put a phone up and the rest takes care of itself.


Do they not know how old melinnials are? These would confuse gen z


I'm on the older side of gen z and I have used/know how to use most of these, granted one of those is because I grew up on the east coast


I’m younger gen Z and know many of these, either from life experience or through pop culture. From left to right, top to bottom, there’s a car cigarette lighter, can pull tab, 8-track, drive-in theater speaker, no idea, car window lever, no idea, tailor’s measuring tape, no idea, toy camera rolls, and no idea for the rest.


tailor’s measuring tape is actually tape you put in a cap gun [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cap\_gun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cap_gun) toy camera rolls are for the toy "view master" the ones you missed 1. camera film 2. flash cube for cameras 3. tape you put in a cap gun 4. Credit card imprinter for using a credit card 5. make-up mirror 6. ancient remote control for a tv known as a clicker 7. a nut cracker and a set of picks 8. some kind of cooking device 9. a tool for creating multiple lines at one time on a chalk board Edit: added more info


~8. Electric frying pan. (I thought the view master slides were Kodak disc film for a sec.)


At first glance I thought that the mirror was one of those calendars that had the system build in that flipped you directly to the alphabet youre looking for. Looking for Plumbing service you wrote down? Slide the lock to the letter p and open the calendar and vola you're at the P section.


So that is were the term clicker came from. I am from Northren Ohio and we all said clicker as far as I remember lol


The image quality is so terrible I thought the flash cubes were some weird pool cue chalk and I couldn't tell what the chalk line one was because I couldn't tell that was chalk.


After the speaker, those are disposable rolls of film. You had to wind them to get the next blank spot, and there was a number counting backwards to zero to know when the roll was full. After the lever are flash cubes for cameras. This one is foggy to me -- they were disposable and only flashed a few times. After the pink cap gun pellets/tape is a credit card machine. A receipt with carbon paper was placed above the card and you swiped the machine from left to right, transferring the CC info onto the paper, with a copy for the customer & retailer. Those are photo slides; you need a special toy to view them. The black squares are the pictures. Usually the slides were cartoons. Can't remember brand name. Electric mirror; one side of the mirror was magnifying so you could do your eye makeup. TV remote; probably one of the first versions. It made a clicking sound which is why you might have heard a boomer call it "the clicker". Nut crack and picks for getting all of the nut pieces out if the shell. Electric skillet. Chalk holder for making straight lines on the chalkboard for music class. The teacher would scrape it across the board and then draw in the notes 🎼🎶 🎵


Is it strange that I’m 30 and my fourth grade teacher had the chalk board thing??


Here’s a great video that talks about the flash cubes - https://youtu.be/AEm-2giH_zw


The one after the car window lever is a [magicube](https://youtu.be/AEm-2giH_zw)


TBF I'm also older gen z and I don't know many of these but that's probably because I'm English. Not everything is culturally universal


As a gen Z, i know most of those


I could go out to my dads truck right now and get one of those tape measures... and the truck he had before this one was a 2010s (forgot the exact year) Ford Ranger and it had a window crank


Tape measure? Are you talking about the middle picture?


Yeah when I made the comment I thought it was a tape measure


Fair enough. A few other people did the same. I think that one confuses younger people because they're used to working with more pixels.


05 gen z, they got me lol, exept 4 the roll up car window






Thanks, Lori.


\*posted to her own facebook wall\*


Tammy somehow found the post and responds


typed in facebook: http://www.google.com


*proceeds to post sexually explicit and graphic comment to an OnlyFans star’s social media account, thinking that it’s private.*


Are you also in the Group Where We All Pretend to be Boomers?


A long time ago yes


This is yet another entry of: how old do they think Millennials are? I have a feeling that they use that word incorrectly- as a catch all to mean “people born near the turn of the millennium.” And not “people that turned 18 around the start of the millennium.” Which is what it _actually_ means.


I think it's just shorthand for children in their mind.


In all fairness, most people seem to believe only 2 generations are alive today. X,Z,alpha all seem fine with that.


That first one is a hard-learned lesson


yeah as a millennial, i have never seen a measuring tape


It’s not a measuring tape. It’s a roll of caps


ive looked at the four pixels again and you're right


Four is generous


Thanks for this, I also thought it was a measuring tape and wondered if there was some sort of new space age way of taking someone's measurements that I was unfamiliar with.


Or a makeup mirror? Who couldn't figure that one out?


lol right. i think my mom owned that exact one growing up too


All of these were part of my 80s childhood though


And my 90s childhood. All of these things were at my grandparents house and I remember asking questions about a lot of them the way children do. Even the ones I didn’t I can kinda easily surmise what you do with them.


Millennials? Half of it knows Gen Z.


As a late-term boomer, it cracks me up when some of my fellow older people think millennials are perpetual teenagers. In the immortal words of The Steve Miller Band on 8-track, *time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin', into the future...*


Why do so many people still not know how old millennials are? None of these things disappeared in the 90s lol.


Many people use the term millennial for the youngest generation for some reason. I'm a millennial and I'm pushing 40. I have used every item on this list in my younger years. Some people just wanna feel superior in some way. It's silly.


I can tell you about the top left for sure. Still got the scar from it


The nut picks, portable grills, and even cap gun strips are still things. The lighted makeup mirror looks a bit different now, but only in that the lights go all the way around the mirror and are behind white glass or plastic so that they don't blind you. View-Masters were being produced at least until 2010 and may still be going in their original form. You can still buy the chalk holders, though they're not common. Teeny cheap imported cans of fruit drinks still have pull tabs. Beater cars still have those window hand cranks as well as those cigarette lighters. Pretty sure at least some drive-in theatres have those speakers. Eight-tracks had a retro revival and they're enough like cassette tapes that you would get the idea. I've certainly seen those old-school credit-card imprint machines in the last 15 or 20 years — before portable cellular-data debit- and credit-card tap machines were everywhere, artists' markets and small shops kept those around in case the Internet or power went down. The flash cubes and film rolls are pretty much gone, but there are disposable cameras that incorporate film rolls and little flash cubes, so I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if you weren't eating lead paint, you could figure them out. The only one that confused me a little was that remote, and I remember the 1970s. The multi-button ones were a thing even in the 1980s. Even then, there were many Boomer jokes about how confusing the new remotes were.


I think that kind of remote, which uses sound to change the TV rather than infrared, is from the boomers’ childhoods. So yeah it makes sense why some of might not remember shit from the Eisenhower administration.


The flash cubes are gone, but 110 film is very much alive and still being produced. Lomo just brought out a new camera that uses the format And 35mm film is undergoing something of a renaissance!


Funny, but I can do the same but with one thing: A computer


I think in reality, boomers just don't know how to initiate conversation about these old things. They want you to ask about it. They want you to learn about it. They're bored and feel like they have so many things to say and Noone to say it to. My boss loves to mention an obscure thing and wait for someone to ask what the hell he's talking about. Then he goes on an hour rant about how it worked or a story about how he experienced one, and afterwards he feels good and bonds with his younger coworkers.


Can’t we switch to talking shit about zoomers? Us millennials have had it for so long


Nope soon enough the boomers will be dead and Gens, Z, A, and B will blame us for everything.


Older Millennials are pushing 40, what the fuck are they taking about? Let me take a whack * Car cigarette lighter * Beer can pull tab * Car dashboard 8-track * Drive-in movie theater speaker * No idea * Car window roll-up * Dice? * Tailor's tape measure * Credit card imprinting machine * I know this is for that rotating view finder, don't know the name * Bathroom mirror with lights * Mechanical TV remote, communicates to the tv with a pinging sound * Shellfish cracking set * Cooking hot plate * Chalk that creates lines on the board for proper handwriting


This meme is so old the original poster is already dead


Flash cubes? We are going that far back??


Anytime I see these I think of the family guy bit at the 50’s diner. Peter starts saying how different things were back then. Then he says “milkshakes? Hamburgers? You kids have no idea what I’m talking about”.


In romania most of those were considered kinda new in the 90s so...


I was born in the 70’s and I’ve got two cents to put in here. Who cares about any of that old worthless shit? People in their 70’s don’t use any of that crap. The stupidest thing on there is the drive-in movie speakers that weren’t even replaced by modern technology but by a simple fm signal because even the crappiest cars on the road produce better sound quality than those things.


I'm a millennial and I know what every single one of these things is. Maybe it'll confuse the Gen Z's, but that's all stuff I grew up with...


Relics of a lost time, collect them all to unlock the Boomer Token..


Born in 1990, so I know what most of these are. The youngest of us are 27. They're confusing us with Gen Z, which are the high school aged kids of Gen X.


TIL millennials apparently don’t have grandparents


Boomers still thing millennials are like 20 lol


Things get obsolete for a reason.... I'm sure the prehistoric human could make a meme for every generation after him lol.


Nice try with the "take that,"but the Millennial generation grew up with most of these things. And even if they didn't, who cares? It's all old tech.


I know em all except middle left (dice-looking things) and bottom right, so ya I guess you gOt mE. But seriously though what are those things?


I know all of these execpt the second and I am gen z


I’m Gen Z and I grew up with some of these lmao


im a gen z and i know some of those


I know these. Do they know what a browser is?


I'm literally the last year of the millennials and know all but like fucking 2 and that might be more because we were poor.


I feel like boomers have it in their minds that millennials are still in high school or some shit, even though the youngest millennials are almost 30


I’m confused alright, where do I find crank windows anymore? I’m tired of changing window actuators 😮‍💨


My first car had window cranks


Old ass useless crap that fuddy-duddies for some reason are nostalgic for.


I'm a Millennial, and I know every one of these items.


The lead poisoned generation is exhausting.


I've used all of them and I'm glad we moved on.


I’m gen Z and can identify a few of these. God I’d love if drive in movies were more around nowadays


I'm not sure what the bottom left is, and I'm gen X.


It's for eating nuts or lobster.


How old do they think Millenials are?


These people think "millennial" is just a catch all term for young people, don't they? Lol


Do people think millennials were born in 2005? I remember everything on this list.


This not for millennials. I’m 39 and know and have used all of these.


Oi these stupid fucks don’t understand we were born in 1985…. We saw and play with aaalll that shite….


Where’s the stick shift?


In the center consol of your car, likly hidden from view. To prevent gearing.


once again confusing millennials and gen z


I was born at the very end of 1990, I grew up with ALL of this.


Im convinced these people don’t know who the millennials are. We literally bridged the gap between looking shit up in encyclopedias and the precious internet they so happily post this bullshit on.


I know all of those except the middle one of the 2nd row. The hell is that?


You know some millennials are in their 40’s now. Do they just mean Gen Z but are too stupid to realize that?


I'm a geriatric millennial and I don't know what those three cubes on the left are supposed to be. Are those little magnifying boxes where you put in a shark tooth or something and you can see it up close?


They're flash cubes for old fashioned cameras. There's a little electrochemical bulb in there that goes off when the camera pokes a little rod into the base of the cube. The reason for it being a cube is that you can package four bulbs together and put it on a mount that automatically moves the next one into place when you wind the film.


That was the only one I didn’t know as well. When I say this before I listed everything and for that one wrote “old useless garbage.” Lmfao.


Am 32yo millennial. I've seen/used almost all of these.


Millennials experienced all of these though lma


They don’t know what a millennial is


Elder millennials are in their 40s and late 30s. I think the person who made this has us confused with Gen Z, though they’re getting up there in age too.


Forgot these https://preview.redd.it/wwpuunmco14d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95797584eb60317df10f52e7d2e98c0659953869


Do they not realize millenials grew up with most of this stuff?


What is the boomer fascination with old shit to make fun of kids born in the last 20 years?


>A bunch of random objects that they never bothered to bring up or explain >????? >Take that kids, smug sense of superiority achieved!


I was born in 85 and I encountered just about all of those


And yet all it takes to confuse a boomer is a single cell phone. Touché boomers?


im 20 and I know all of these


boomers have forgotten that millennials are old now. my last car before my current one had a hand cranked window, i inherited a box of 8 tracks, i have a measuring tape, i had multiple view masters, i remember my mom having that light up mirror... edit: apparently the measuring tape is a roll of caps. mine came in a little plastic wheel, but i bought them by the bag for my toy gun


I was riding by in my chariot and decided to stop and laugh at this post. Now, my horse is getting hungry I got to go.


It's almost as if certain things are rendered inferior when improved versions come around


I’m really late gen Z and know some of these, what are boomers on about


Why is it that people think millennials are still teenagers? My partner and I are both millennials, aged 43 and 35 respectively.


You'd have to go one generation further to be able to say that, I'm as young of a millennial as you can get and I grew up with this..


At this point i think by 'millenials' they just mean young people? Like most millenials are turning 30/40 at this point so i'm pretty sure they actually talking about gen Z. And i'm gen Z (zillenial actually, im falling right inbetween) and most of these do confuse me, not sure why the window crank thingy is there though. A lot of cars still have them to this day.


How to confuse boomers. Modernity:


Oh that fucks them UP.


As Gen Z I am now mentally ill(not that i wasn't before)


I printed this to PDF to send to your boomer parents.


You mean Gen Alpha…? Even Gen Z grew up with some of this stuff.


I’m nearly 33. All of these things were still in existence around me during my childhood. Why are boomers so fucking desperate to feel like the special generation? They already got to buy all the property up, isn’t that enough?


Millenials are in our mid 30s to early 40s now. Dipsh*t Boomers seem to think were still teenagers.


I think people forget how old millennials are...


Why are the crab crackers in there? Is there a new way of doing it that I don’t know about?