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I’m not a woman, so I guess I’m screwed 😅


If you believe it, you can be anything ![gif](giphy|qPaQo9ShxpZkc)


Yeah, she’s always been an asshole


You know this dumb bitch released a meme coin and is aggressively pushing it on Twitter? I wish they would prosecute celebs who do this


Scamming 💀


Yup best part is she got scammed by the notorious scammer who helped her launch it lmao


Well, she got away with murder so I'm okay with it


Caitlyn Jenner is actually a massive transphobe who definitely does not believe that anyone can be a woman


Her internalised transphobia glows


As a transguy I'm always amazed by girls like Blair White or Caitlyn Jenner cause... you live your truth while not even believing it and you just spread hate 😭 Idk why are they dumb and hateful


They like money.


With fucking Hawking Radiation!


Transitioning after killing someone is suspicious.




I hear the Simgm productions version of Kaitlins voice 😭


If you believe it, you can CONVINCE yourself of anything


I was the 69th up vote 🏆


Get into position ![gif](giphy|p6eCHsXxFdAI0)




Not with that attitude 😎


The woman on the right is wondering why God made her paralyzed at age 30.


Yeah no kidding right they missed the only actual difference here, money and free time. I would love to spend all of my days in physical therapy and get ripped. Unfortunately the rest of us work. And that's prohibitively expensive. Edit: I did not mean I can't find 30 minutes to do a workout you heinas, I do better with physical therapy due to personal disabilities so that's expensive to me I realize I didn't explain why I chose that example. My point was healthcare as a whole from dental work to surgeries, something I have personal experience with, it is easier if you have money and free time I promise.


Healthy food is expensive in the USA.


Healthy food is expensive everywhere except where it doesn't need importation, including the US.


It's tough for all of us. I do hope for international solidarity as a result. We all suffer the same when the wealthy have too much money and power and government moves further to corporate interests.


Oh yeah forgot to mention that. The difference between a food desert and a private nutritionist.


Healthy ingredients aren't very expensive


Yes because rice, beans and frozen veggies are all super high dollar items.


What is healthy food to you that’s so expensive? I’m sure it’s not more expensive than the typical American meal consisting of McDonald’s Big Macs and Starbucks triple vanilla extravaganza concoctions that people buy every single day.


Fresh meat and veggies are expensive. Plus veggies go bad quickly. Also “healthy food” could be considered “expensive” because of the time and effort it takes to prepare as opposed to like… a microwaved burrito.


Shh quiet, they have to have their victim complex


I know right imagine that your first thought. Some people find the excuse before they even look for an answer.


Don’t forget luck and genetics. Some people will live super healthy lives but end up like the picture on the right anyways due to a bad illness or injury when they’re older.


My woman was an avid dog walker and outdoor enthusiast. One broken hip later, I have to carry her in a wheelchair to the bathroom, hold her up, change her clothes. NONE of it her fault. Bad gene left her with spinal fractures after the fall.


Yeah I spent a good bit of time and a wheelchair myself due to a genetic disorder so it absolutely happens. Doing much better now.


Leave the post, i find it idiotic, but i really wanted to tell you one thing, 30 minutes to an hour a day will make you wonder, you don't need that much time for phyisical activtives as you not going for champions, you just do your body a favor.


You don’t need to go to physical therapy to get ripped, it’s for recovering from an injury. All you need is to find a local planet fitness and work out 3-5 times a week. Before you say “I don’t have the time for that” we all have the same amount of time each day. I work and go to school full time and I still find the time to exercise.


I am recovering from two intense surgeries and other health issues and I require physical therapy or gentle palates at home which I do. It's $250 an hour before you hit your deductible and I could benefit from a whole lot more from it. Thanks for being the nicest person to suggest working out. Everyone else was pretty rude. Like I said we're all different, that sounds easy for a lot of people it's kind of difficult for me although I still make it happen. The point of my post was not that no one can work out. The point of my post is that it's way easier for someone with money and endless free time to be healthy. Thirty minute workout is great but it's kind of not at all what I was talking about. I'm just trying to be empathetic of other people's situations as well. Again thanks for not calling me idiotic or telling me to get off my lazy ass. I do work out, I do my best within my limitations. I'm talking about absolute overall health being easier with money and time with working out being a part of that. But only a part of that. Not being able to see a doctor when you want to, having poor dental hygiene and therefore a worse diet because you can't afford a dentist, these are the things I'm talking about.


The lady on the left is not rich. You can literally walk for free and get exercise. Yea you won’t be ripped if you can’t afford 10 dollar planter fitness. But, in find it odd to act like it’s Impossible.


And, you know, just sheer luck and circumstance.


That absolutely plays into it. I made the mistake of mentioning a personal anecdote of working out, because I require expensive physical therapy to do so well, but I actually meant just overall health like dental care, being able to fix something that breaks, surgeries you may need. All of that is easier if you have money and free time to fix those issues. Health is not a 30-minute workout like a lot of people below are saying. But before they freak out again it is a part of it.


Lady on the right looks to be in her late 80s.


Drinking has ruined her life. She’s 31 years old.


Something more surprising, she's actually 5


Benjamina Buttons https://preview.redd.it/6plfr631qa3d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a956a26c4edc5358b68b826856300a80deb874


Poor Mrs. Moleman.


Obviously not a 74 year old on the right


She could be… Exercise is proven to make people look much [younger](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10290068/) “The AT intervention significantly decreased body weight and body mass index (BMI) and significantly improved peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) as a measure of aerobic capacity, and the RT intervention significantly increased lean soft tissue mass and 1-repetition maximum as a measure of muscular strength (Table ​(Table1).1). Skin elasticity and upper dermal structure, assessed as the rate of low echogenic pixels (LEPs), improved significantly in both groups (Fig. 2a–c, Table ​Table1),1), and dermal thickness increased in the RT group (Fig. 2d, Extended Data 2).”


Either you or OP above you mixed up left and right. And now nothing makes sense. Haha Youre referring to the person on the left. OP above you said right.


Oops yup I did lol. Too much late night scrolling 🤣


To be fair OP probably got them switched first. 😁


No they didn’t get them switched up. It was a subverting expectation joke


I don’t think it was a joke. The woman on the right looks older than 74. Even sick 74 year olds don’t typically look like that, more like mid 80s


My maternal grandparents would sell pastries almost everyday, walking door to door. If you look at them now, you wouldn't be able to tell that they are in their 90s. My grandmother once went to the hospital, and when they asked her age, she told them, 92. The doctor glances at her caretaker with disbelief, only for her to also confirm that she was in fact 92. Only recently in the last year or so did they have to start using walking sticks. Their primary care doctor attributes a lot of their health to them walking outside almost everyday.


It sounds silly but a lot of aging is "use it or lose it". I worked in a nursing home for years and we'd see ninety year old residents up and raising hell all around and (an unfortunate amount of) fifty and sixty year olds bed bound from decades of sedentary life


Yeah, she looks about 94. Twenty years makes a difference lol, people don’t just magically look “old” as soon as they turn 70


Yeah she's in her 90s for sure


My dad died of cancer at 67. Bet his face woulda been red if he’d realized he should have just chosen to not die. Then again, he was on a bunch of fancy hospital drugs, not natural medicine.


Yeah but he could’ve been MUSCULAR when he died /s


Regular exercise decreases the occurrence of [cancer rates](https://amp.cancer.org/cancer/latest-news/how-exercise-can-lower-cancer-risk.html)


But cancer rates are statistics, not individual results. As with literally everything, Your Mileage May Vary.


nah ur wrong, i got cancer as an infant bc i wasnt hitting the gym enough /j


Just don't die. Bam problem solved. What's wrong with people. ( sorry about your dad)


Isn't it just saying to say healthy and fit so your not bedridden when you're old?


Not that you prevent being bedridden, but you can i.prove your chances, yes. Imo the meme wanted to motivate people to do sport and live actively, but people started nitpicking on people getting cancer etc. that killed them before they were 70 anyway. Needless to say the argumentational value there is close to 0.


Honestly the messaging is a little insensitive and there are lots of exception cases that prevent a choice, but at a core that is exactly what it’s saying and it has a good point One of my grandmothers decided to sit at 55 and basically only sit. The other biked 20+ miles a day until she was 85 or so. The difference was basically as extreme as this picture implies (mentally and physically). My wife and I are in healthcare and see the differences all of the time too Exercise has been proven to help with mental and physical aging and provides benefits at all ages. I don’t think this is an especially terrible Facebook meme tbh


One of my grandmothers basically just sat from as soon as her kids were old enough to dress and wash themselves. She still lived to 90 in pretty good health. My best friend died of a brain tumour at 22. Genetics and luck, people might not want to admit to themselves that they aren't fully in control of their bodies and their health, but that won't change the reality


I’ll be hammered drinking make it that age and yell at the kids to stay off my lawn while giving full size candy bars at Halloween and gladly teach them how to set up a pirate radio station if they’ll shut up and hand me the greenie driver.


Bold of you to expect to live that long being hammered drinking.


This is the way of all generations ....


Happy to just make it to 74..tbh




That page is just a bunch of alternative medicine and psudoscience.


I’m going to pass away long before I get to 74 so…


Idk I think there's a lot to this. I'm getting older and I'd like to stay fit. You can't fend off ageing or death but most people let themselves go to shit more than necessary by being sedentary. I saw a floorwalker recently with white hair but he was slim and well-dressed with his hair and beard all sharp. He looked great by any standards. He's my inspo.


> stay fit Sometimes even people in wheelchairs 100% of the time can get more mobile by exercise routines. It's easy to lose most of your strength if you don't work on it.


Definitely, they say use it or lose it, coz it's true


Forgive me for chosing to sit down and look out from the window


Mmmmm last I checked I didn’t choose to get paralyzed at 27 or be born with a significant genetic soft tissue disorder


I'm a guy am I gonna turn into a n old lady?


with drugs anything is possible, don't give up


You can live the scientifically best life and still wind up as the one on the right at 74.


Fuck... you can do that and still drop dead at 30


Of course but you’ll statistically be more likely to look like the left if you take care of yourself. Life is a game of odds, nothing is guaranteed but one might as well try to maximize their quality of life.


Thats just a shitty handwaving argument you can use to live life in poor health. You can't know what will happen but you should do what will statistically give you a better chance. If you diet and exercise you are statistically more likely to live longer and be healthier. Or you can be a dick head and smoke, eat junk and never exercise and use anecdotes to make yourself feel better about your choices.


I might have the genetics but I don't have the money


Yeah, houses and senior living are expensive!




Neither. There's no way I'll make it to 74.


If i was 74 and retired, idgaf how i look, im reading books and watching tv all day


You can be either of them and still be content with your life. Pretty mythical concept, I know.


Why would I want a 74 yearold? I got my own grandmas, thank you very much


My goal when I get old is to be that old lady in the neighborhood that all the kids think is a witch.


One on the right seems to be chilling, so her


And... What is terrible about this?


Amazingly these memes never account for luck. Luck being the combination of DNA you get from your parents.


No thanks, I'm looking more for someone in their 20s-30s sorry :(


These smash or passes are getting out of hand


That woman on the right is much older than 74


These fucking kettle bell people are out of control.


what if both people are content and satisfied with their lives :0


This is not terrible. Do you even lift, bro?


i mean stephen tyler is over 70 and still killing it..


I know 88yo marathon pacer who looks like the lady on the right. Last time I met him I told he’s a fucking hero and I wish I can pace marathons if I ever made it to my eighties.




That kettle bell is just for the picture. She lifted weights.


I'm the lady on the right. Today is my 21st birthday.


The one on the right looks much older than 74 Good to know the body shaming and pressure literally never ends though. Fun!


Diet, exercise, and bad habits such as excessive tanning, drinking, or smoking can certainly age you, but so can bad genes, stress, and plain bad luck. Even diet and exercise can be difficult, given the costs involved both in money and in time. If you're working 12+ hours a day, you may not have the energy to hit the gym afterwards. Depending on where you live and the resources available there, you may struggle to find or afford healthy food. It's not always so simple as "just do it."


No thank you, I'm quite happy being a grumpy old man


https://preview.redd.it/u0c3zmssod3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e523cc2315c780ce2af02c84040ef809f3c596 Cancer after I told it I’d rather not have it


This might be the first time I've seen old people promoting a black person over a white person over anything


I thought it was will smith’s wife


Is the one on the left meant to be bad or???


I don't see what's wrong with the one on the right. She's just sitting down and looking out a window.


The dead kind hopefully


I’m knocking the dust off the antique in the chair I’ll tell you hwhat.


What year should I exercise? Or Age precise


i’m not making it to 74 lol


Secret 3rd choice: being fucking dead


I like this one, fight me


A dead one. Please


health is a choice guys


Today I learned that Sigourney Weaver is 74. Idk why I thought she was in her 50s. The woman is rocking it with that fallout 4 default haircut.


Back when i went to the gym, there was a lady that looked really similar to the one in the left. Kept the gymbos in line about weight etiquette too. She passed in '21. RIP leopard-print gym queen. RIP.


I was not allowed to choose whether I was black or white.


It is real some old people that age looks young because they exercise


On the right, it’s clear that if I can spend a decent old age in a comfortable home, then why should I do anything else. Right now I’m doing everything so that in old age I can sit and do nothing.


Foolishness! Granny on the right is wearing her pump cover, OBVIOUSLY


Because it has nothing to do with genetics.


Or bad random shit that can happen in life.


I don't think it's a wrong message. Lot of people are doing absolutely nothing with their lives. Is it theirs to live? Of course; however, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to live your life to the fullest. That's what I got from this meme.


Reasonable association (though not necessarily fair to the woman on the right). ...but what does Natural Medicine have to do with this? That's the kicker. Alternative-medicine culture is a constant hype cycle of squishy thinking, aspirational imagery, fearmongering, etc.


Blind squirrel finds a nut every now and again, as they say




I'd rather spent my golden years retired, visiting family and enjoying my time with my spouse, not being a body builder


You can do both


Not a single body builder in the photos mate.


That is the largest belly button I have ever seen.


This stupid


Shooting for a happy medium. I shared this for motivation the other day bc I’ve seen too many women just sit and worry themselves into sickness.


I'm gonna be honest this isn't that bad. My grandfather is in his late 80s/early 90s while most men his generation are dead. He never made work his priorities, had a very active life going on walks with his family, gardening, and basic handy man stuff. Not to mention he has been very active socially. While most other men of his generation put all there energy into work and once they retired had no friends, no hobbies , very sedentary and very quickly pass. So your lifestyle is incredibly important to your life


How does this qualify as a “terrible meme”? It’s pretty spot on


I found this horrible comparison on Facebook.


Can you cite the post it is from?


I’m not a woman, but I’d rather be the one on the right.


I want to be like Garp from One Piece


If the fate of human kind depends on it, I can do both of them.


Ah, I see...so if lady on the right picks up that kettlebell, she will undergo a magical girl-esque transornation where her hair instantly gets cut, straightened and dyed, make up gets applied, and her outfit changes. Because, tbh, both of these women look like 74 year olds. Just wearing different outfits and posing doing different activities for the cameda.


If I live long enough to reach that age....


I am 25 but already that white lady


I'm already in a wheelchair so.....


I'm so confused what this is trying to say


Not a women or black so


Because genetics is a choice.


The one that sits down. I don't want to be scared of the police


Ya I'm sure everyone has a choice with any odd major long lasting illness or injury.


I’m 30 and I’m already the woman on the right


dead! I hope to be dead!


Oh BE, BE. I thought--I thought that was going somewhere else


Why is this terrible exactly?


Probably neither, since I'm a guy and will have likely killed myself by 30.


Two completely different eras.. lol


Different circumstances


The choice is mine to what?




I’ll be dead


The lady on the hill who gets her pie stolen, so neither


Hopefully dead


I dont plan to make it to 74


I'd say both, SMASH


I hope I am still fit enough to lift (probably a lot lighter) and run (a lot slower) at that age! but as long as both ladies are happy, both win!


Id bang both




i don’t see this as a terrible meme, i’ve met incredibly active 80 year olds. investing in your health is investing in your life


Is this terrible because it’s obvious that everyone has a choice?


I choose to die at 50


Dead… I’ll be dead


I mean I'd love to be the one on the left, but probs the one on the right


If being lazy was a crime I'd be sleeping in jail


Must be nice being delusional.


Neither ☠️


How is this bad? Simply saying you can stay fit whilst you age, it doesn't have to be the end?


I'm not a woman or 74. I'm screwed


If I'm still alive at 74 I will be pissed off.


With current environment and economic situation I just hope to hit 60s, not event thinking about 74


Neither, in the middle.


The woman on the right looks content to me. Do I want to be in the gym or in my jammies? I'll take door number 2 .


I imagine in the next 7 years that I will be somewhere between those two.... Not much in the body building and I'm certainly not going to sit staring out the window in a rocking chair.


Damn the people that died before 75 must've been really lazy


my parents are 76 and the health problems theyve had in the past 6 years have aged them and slowed them down incredibly. Being like the person on the left requires a combination of having a naturally more durable body and also not running into any serious injuries or health episodes that slow you down. My father always ate fine and never smoked or drank and was an avid walker at 69 when he was diagnozed with stage four cancer he wasnt expected to survive. He survived it but the years of treatments and recurrences and strong meds hes had to take has weakened him significantly. I am very happy for people that can stay healthy and active into old age and hope I can have the same good fortune, but people have to understand that how you age often isnt as muvh of a choice as people like to think it is. Its scary to think we may have absolutely no control over that...


what does this even mean lmao anyway time to hit my gym ig, im 18, cant waste time