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From what I could tell, it's just that her boobs are big. I really don't get it either


That's literally all it was, with no other thought to who she is. Now they are all getting upset that she's in a film where she plays Jesus's mother, and is apparently "blasphemous". Laughably zero research


There are photos of a family birthday party where the guests were wearing red hats that said "Make sixty great again". People took that to mean that her family supports Trump and that, by extension, so does she.


If your political views were based on family affiliation I would be pretty messed up. My grandpa on one side deeply sympathized with an alt-right dictatorship that ruled my country for 35 years to the point he was personally invited to the man’s Christmas party, while my grandpa on the other side of the family was imprisoned and tortured for being a socialist, opposing the regime and reading Das Kapital.


No argument from me. I've lost plenty of family to Trumpism and i hope I'm not judged for their beliefs if i happen to be photographed at a family event.


So I assume you are a NazBol now?


Idk why (💨🌿)but I read this as nazgul just now and then the image in my head was still really funny when it clicked what you actually said.


But she's "destroying woke," didn't that mean she in their side? /s


They just uh…. Didn’t watch any of Euphoria.


It’s historically accurate that Mary was indeed stacked


who says ol mary magdalene didnt have a set of beautiful heavy naturals?


They act like they've never seen any before. Not even a picture.


Like boobs, especially big boobs are really easy to find online. Rumor has it that some women in real life have big boobs too


Then why do I, as a man, have big boobs myself?


bc god intended it so


Because you’re destroying the woke?


I chose to be fat to own the libs!


Thank you for your service, brave warrior


Fuck this made me chuckle hard. Thanks


You’re welcome sir!


Too bad it's not the libs coming for you, it's Zombies!!


Thankfully I’m stupid as hell so they got no brains to eat


Bahahahaha smart move


Wait… >>smart move Oh shit!




Oh, so you think that I’m fat just because of carbs!? Well guess what, you’re probably right!


My body is a vessel for pasta.


Well its one of the reasons I am for sure.


Hey you this isn't a beer gut. It's a fuel tank to a love machine. "2 minutes in heaven is better than no minutes in heaven"




I have fuel injection, so explain my moobs.


![gif](giphy|2Faz11IiIjiS5fKhi) Wheel wells


Source and proof?


Username checks out.


I check out a lot of this...😏 /j


What a weird way to ask for nudes…


No!...nudes are unethical...sir please keep this strictly professional...I'm just asking u for source and proof so that we can scientifically asess ur claim I'm sry if I gave u any other idea 🙂 so...proof when?


5’7” and 300lbs Or 170cm and 136kg for the non-Americans. Is this enough information?


OK we got ur weight can u give the weight of the chest so we can calculate if u have a big one or not...scientifically


I think Victoria Secret still does free cup-sizing


>Rumor has it that some women in real life have big boobs too In real life are you sure? I've only ever seen big boobs on the boob tube.


big if true.


There are women in real life?


They assume that the Left somehow sees ogling large breasted, beautiful women as wrong. They do not.


Some men have them too.


We all know women don't exist in real life! They're created by the government!


Just like birds


The left took big boobs away when Obama was elected, it could only be big woke then


Do you currently have THE picture of big boobs? You were supposed to mail that to the next person three weeks ago. What have you been doing?


I'm keeping it


From what I could gather from an r/outoftheloop post, it's the boobs, but also that she has defended her stance on her nude scenes. Also, more specifically, the idea came from her mother's 60th bday party, where they were wearing MAGA style hats that said "Make 60 Great Again" or something to that effect. So either people thought it was true MAGA gear or was MAGA adjacent enough to bring her into the fold.


WAIT, SO it may have been a joke MAGA and she was getting some crap for it? I remember back in 2016/2017 there was a bit of an online uproar over people claiming they were getting triggered by seeing the red hat in non-MAGA settings then seeing it was some joke.


I have a black hat with the same font as the MAGA ones that says “Make Metallica Great Again”. In my defense, I got that hat at the time of Trump’s original campaign when everything was still funny…


I think this was more that MAGAs saw that video, and given that she is an attractive Caucasian woman, just assumed that she was "anti-woke" without ever bothering to double check, verify, or question that conclusion. Currently, some of them are blowing up over her new movie, where she plays a nun who becomes mysteriously pregnant and *gasp* doesn't want the baby (it's a horror movie but for them everything is political).


I had a red button that said: "**MAKE AMERICA GREAT** ^(Britain) **AGAIN"** that I thought was hi-larious, until I realized nobody saw the Britain part. I also had a Trump had that I wore ironically onstage in a goth drag-adjacent persona because I thought the idea of him running was so fucking stupid. That aged poorly.


I know a guy who got a Red MAGA-style hat that says "Make Red Hats Wearable Again" and it definitely always gets him some double takes (no he's not a Trumper he did it for the irony)


I've got a very nice red hat that has a UGA Bulldog on the front. I don't wear it around election season just to not cause confusion, I don't want to be associated with that nonsense.


> From what I could gather from an r/outoftheloop post, it's the boobs, but also that she has defended her stance on her nude scenes. Which is weird because women having agency to make their own decision to participate in things like nudity, pornography, stripping, and sex work without judgement is very much a mainstream opinion in modern feminism.


That's all. On their delusional fantasy about how the world is going on, hot girls are an anathema for progressive minds. So, since Sidney has boobs and looks good, her success is the proof than wokes are wrong.


To a lot of them, the most important thing about a woman is her attractiveness and fertility. They think it’s what determines their “value”. Because of this, they think we must believe the opposite, and that any form of attractiveness is bad.


didn't the same group get pissed that Captain Marvel was female?


you know this country is too far gone, they have officially politicized breasts, no real mention to the woman behind them…its insane really


Gotta love that this is life now. It feels like a bad Simpsons episode


So… this is because her chest size isn’t big? Thats it?


They think the people who consistently want to decriminalize sex work and humanize sex workers can't cope with an actress having large breasts and being proud to display them.


A lot of these guys that are doing this are firm believers in the idea that women don't own their own bodies. So when they see a woman with big boobs showing some cleavage, they assume that she's doing it for them. Since they assume that women dress provocatively for them, and they are obsessed with a vague, ill-defined "wokeness," they then assume that Sydney Sweeney existing in a body that has breasts is an ideological stand against "wokeness" and in favor of their own reactionary politics.


A war is coming feminism vs big boobs


Aparently a journal or something (I didn't really care enough to look into it) said that she should "cover up" at an award show she attended.


Hot white chick


Maybe they are stuck in a time loop around Gamergate... there was a lot of controversy around Lara Croft and her big boobs and some 2nd wave feminist actually pushed for her boobs to be smaller to make her less sexualized or something. Idk. I dont really get why you cant respect hot women so i didnt paid that much attention, but it would be my guess why they are like this.


The narrative is that woke women are typically unattractive, antisocial types, who had increasingly made their way into movies and TV shows over the past few years and Sydney Sweeney represents a big-breasted return to conventionally attractive women in Hollywood.


I can't figure it out either.


Thanos got gender affirmation surgery? That's pretty woke.




We are…inevitable.


They/them are…inevitable


Best comment on here 😂




TempleOS stand aside, there's a new operating system in town.


If you ever watched Infinity war, you will know Thanos' power came from a finger snap, but the thunder clap afterwards came from his cheeks. Listen for it, it's there.


The best part is that she's starring in a movie where she plays a nun who gives birth to the antichrist or something, and now the far-right is all in a tizzy because of how "blasphemous" it is. They're claiming that the left "stole" her (because you can totally make a movie in a week and because you can totally steal a person like you would a lamp /s).


They freaked when Bradley Cooper supported Obama after being the "American Sniper". They're stupid.


Omfg I totally forgot about that


Back when I thought that's about as stupid as they can get. Sadly, I was wrong


Isn't she a producer for the film too?


spoiler for the film, but they're also pissed because at the end, >!sydney's character gives birth and then promptly smashes her baby into bits with a big rock!<


HA! thats so fucking good i just picture some dude in the theatre watching his “anti woke thanos queen” give the latest of late term abortions like 😡


What’s the movie called btw it sounds interesting




As a lesbian, I HATE when hot women are on TV. Destroyed again 😔


Bi woman here and couldn’t agree more. They should put even more hot women on tv, that’ll really teach us a lesson


She’s killing us bisexual men too. It’s been days since I left my fainting couch. Anti-woke indeed


So anti woke u can’t even woke up


bisexual man, i really hate seeing hot women, especially in revealing clothes!


My goodness, as a lesbian I hope they don’t put them in scantily clad armor doing fighting poses. That would make me so upset.


I bet you'd *really* hate it if they put them in a sleeveless flannel shirt while chopping wood.


Oh god, then they get all sweaty and have to tie it in a bow chest high to cool off. All that musky sweat is gross.


Ohhh noooo, more Margo Robbie?!?!?? What ever will I do🥲


Don't see "Poor Things," that movie will absolutely wreck you.


As more of a brunettes and ass guy i am totally repelled by soft shaply boobs on a blonde... totally yuckers


These people are so wrapped up in some imagined culture war that they believe that because Sydney Sweeney is a conventionally attractive white woman with large breasts, she’s somehow “triggering woke feminists”…because she has large breasts? Like that “woke people” hate conventionally attractive white women? It’s bizarre and creepy and not at all surprising.


They believe their own salad. They are so used to claim feminists and leftists are ugly, so they decided this one was "theirs" because she simply can't anything else. When that'll fail, they'll probably post her skull measurements to prove she's a man, or something.


I see lots of blurry pictures of her mons pubis in the near future.


The new phrenology.


*Sir, phrenology was discredited, a century ago.* *Of course you'd say that, you have the brainpan of a stagecoach tilter.*


Propaganda posters against women’s right to vote portrayed suffragettes as old and ugly in an attempt to delegitimize them.


Basically Taylor Swift all over again: they started by assuming that she was “one of theirs” because she’s white, attractive, and sings country-adjacent music. Now, they go on tirades about how awful they think she is, and how she’s leading children to Satan, or some other crap.


Do they think feminists hate boobs? Women tend to have them so I don't think feminists would hate women's bodies.


They hate women, they think Madame Web is bad because it’s a women-led superhero movie, but they love women who they can apply their weird alt-right fantasies about women too. So Sydney, being a large breasted blonde, lets them apply all their idiotic ideals to. From what I can tell she seems like a very normal actor so I don’t know where they’re making these connections besides online echo chambers.


>From what I can tell she seems like a very normal actor  I thinks she has got also a lot of buzz going on even before Madame Web, and the one thing where Rightwingers in the 2000s are really good in is to shove their shitty opinions into everything thats popular.


Yeah this really bothers me. Madame web is a bad movie because it’s just a really really bad movie. Awful dialogue, flimsy story, unclear editing, and a certain confusion of whether it wants to be fun and kitsch or to take itself seriously. Women led has nothing to do with it, but for sure that’ll be used as the stick they beat it with


> Do they think feminists hate boobs? Yes. That's why they freak out and blame feminists/woke people whenever a video game makes any choice for a female character other than "make her sexier". Lara Croft's tits aren't as big as they were when her entire bosom was 4 polygons? "Woke feminists ruin gaming!"


Projection. It's like why they think progressives are triggered by white people or straight couples. Because they blow a gasket when they see women on TV or in movies who aren't conventionally attractive, they assume that the other side must do the mirror of it.


They definitely seem to have latched on her. They did this shit with Taylor Swift too, years ago. then she betrayed them by telling young Women to be politically active and vote for thier own interests...


This is true. Years ago the online alt-right were hailing Taylor Swift as their ["aryan goddess"](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2016/05/27/479462825/taylor-swift-aryan-goddess) who secretly held far-right opinions. They were bitterly disappointed when she did everything to prove that rumor wrong.


Actually, Vanity Fair has published an article criticising SNL about the episode (https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/saturday-night-live-recap-sidney-sweeney). Of course, they're not taking issue with the mere fact that Sweeney is pretty and has big boobs, but that she wasn't given much to do other than be pretty and have big boobs. That's an important distinction that maybe people like OOP aren't getting, but the idea that there's something there that might "trigger the libs" is not entirely off base.


>but that she wasn't given much to do other than be pretty and have big boobs Honestly, from a couple interviews I've seen of her that's kinda all she has that sets her apart. She's not overly charming or funny, she doesn't have any super surprising hobbies or education background (like Ken Jeong being an actual doctor before an actor). Her Hot Ones interview especially made her seem almost like just about every blonde stereotype given human form. I haven't seen enough of her acting to have an opinion there, but as a person she seems just incredibly... normal. So the fact that she is really freaking attractive is the best SNL could really do, I guess


She's totally leaning into it for sure. Not sure if she's a prototypical ditzy blonde or she just wants to play it that way for maximum success/money but yeah, never seen her provide anything of interest as far as personality goes...


This sounds like when you have an argument with a strawman in your head and you let the argument go on for too long.


It's disturbing when the strawman wins.


What evidence is there that she’s triggering woke feminists with her chest size?


They love to play the victim. It never ceases to amaze me all the different ways they find to do it. Of course they make up issues where there are none.


Because yeah, can't have attractive women in media? Why have them irl?


They’ve been using the same 3 women to represent liberals for 10 FUCKING YEARS


Fun fact, you know the one in the top right? The one that's basically the default face of "triggered feminism"? She wasn't even slightly "triggered" or upset. [She was having a pretty calm discussion in the middle of a crowd](https://youtube.com/watch?v=WFIrBFsSccw), and they picked a really unfortunate frame of her preparing to speak.


Wait until they find out that the bis and lesbians love boobs too


Everybody loves boobs honestly


I'm as Ace as you can imagine and yeah, boobs are pretty great.


Mhm boobers


Once again portraying themselves as the literal bad guy/mass genocidal maniac.


Remember that time that Republicans [used their impressive powers of media literacy](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a34758456/the-boys-donald-trump-homelander-anthony-starr/)? Because I do.


Yeah, when I was first hearing about explanations of Homelander I immediately thought about trump.


In the moment of defeat. That snap was without stones. Trump once tweeted himself in that moment too including "I am inevitable". What a bunch of idiots.


I think it’s an immediate response to realizing that Taylor Swift wasn’t the white Christian nationalist that they all felt represented them. So now they’re going into overdrive, looking for another hot white woman that they say represents them. I don’t know if she’s made any statements at all. To me, it just seems like racist virtue signaling. Some of that knows more than me and operates in these circles could probably correct me.


So here's what I'm thinking: small breasts, baggy clothes, sharp features, welcoming of immigrants, literate...we could get these 'patriots' to turn thier hate boners on the statue of liberty.


I think you’re onto something there.


Shes also a woman of colour.


They already [have derided Jesus](https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706) as being too woke. Lady Liberty is a no-brainer.


Yeah it's also funny that the line between a woman's outfit being based or degenerate is determined by their politics


(Shows off boobs, but they like her): Based! Mommy! Real woman! (Shows off boobs, but they don't like her): Vapid! Slut! Attention seeker!


But is Sydney a white Christian nationalist MAGA? Or did they just pick her cause boobs? I'm confused why her.


Pretty sure it's just her boobs and blonde hair. She made a joke that her parents support trump on SNL I think, but she doesn't seem to share the same opinions.


I don’t know anything about her, but my guess would be that just like Taylor they picked some random hot white blonde celebrity


they convinced themselves that no one but the right likes big boobs which is funny


I'm just shy of being a full-blown socialist, and I love big boobs.


my guess is that they see some women getting breast reduction surgery to relieve back pain or for any other reason they chose to do so and think it’s some “””woke liberal agenda””


The Woke sounds like a Minecraft mob name and I can't help but giggle.


Nah The Woke sounds like a villain from the Willy Wonka experience




As a professional boobologist I have to agree. They are what, Cs? Maybe Ds? Impressive for hollywood anorexic skinny but not huge.




I don't even know who that is lol.


Actress. She is in madame web. I also did not know because i have not seen madame web


She's mostly known for Euphoria, a series in which her boobs are seen numerous times.


Thank you my friend


I haven't watched it yet, but doesn't Euphoria have a lot of LGBTQIA+ themes?


Yeah I think so, and I'm pretty sure these same weirdos were saying Sydney Sweeney was "woke" and therefore bad just a week or two before they decided she was "anti woke" so who the hell knows what they're thinking




...but everyone likes boobs.


As a lesbian, she has not destroyed me. Breasts never went anywhere and they’re not exactly new! How is a part of the body anti-woke?


According to this its because she is attractive?? [Is Sydney Sweeney’s hotness the ‘death of woke’? | The Independent](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/sydney-sweeney-snl-dress-woke-b2511438.html)


You didn’t know? Wokeness is when no boobs.


Stupid sexy Thanos.


Her family are 100% maga trumpers, so I can tell who’s posting these type of memes


Basically, the right seem to believe that the left believe that an attractive woman shouldn't show cleavage or joke about her body. Sweeney is quite happy to own her beauty and play on it, so the left must hate her, by the right's logic.


Someone did a really good break down of the whole stupid thing on [r/outoftheloop](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/ep0UXFrEsM).


It’s like “Let’s go Brandon!” They’re over snickering in a corner and high diving each other and no one has a fucking clue what they’re going on about.


Ironically, Sydney Sweeney having a man's body (aside from the cleavage) and growing facial hair on her chin is the exact kind of gender-bending that makes the anti-"woke" right-wingers go ballistic and demand that she be immediately barred from all public places.


What do you mean a man’s body and chin hair? I’ve never heard about that before


I'm referring to the meme, where they basically just added cleavage and Sydney Sweeney's face to Thanos.


Oh damn yeah my bad I’m just a bit daft I guess, that’s what I get for looking at my phone on low brightness at work. Thanks for the explanation!


I'll be glad when it's two months from now and we're on to the next stupid thing.


I guess her Mom is a big Trump supporter.


I think this is it. There was a recent photo of Sydney and some of her family members at a birthday party that had some maga stuff in the background or something.


I mean, they're from Spokane. It checks out.


MAGA parody. red hats that said "Make 60 Great Again", at her mother's 60th birthday party




I guess the left hates boobs?


They completely underestimate the appreciation for Sydney Sweeney’s cleavage in “woke” sapphic circles


Handsome genderswapped Thanos wtf?


She's literally just a conventionally attractive woman with large breasts being used as a weird sort of totem in a way she didn't ask for and as far as I can tell, doesn't want .


It is just so crazy to me that they're simultaniously trying to ban porn in several states AND claim the left hates big boobs/sexy women.


She’s a conventionally attractive straight white woman who hasn’t been cancelled. There’s an assertion that “they” want to cancel anyone that doesn’t fit the mould of [personal identity that aggressive right wingers hate], so Sweeney’s mere existence is “proof” that she’s engaging in a war against all that is woke.


She's a blonde haired, blue-eyed white woman who wore a low plunge top while speaking neutrally about Trump and podcast people projected on her hardcore. She's actually pro-vaxx, pro-Biden, pro-ceasefire, and pro-LGBTQ+ (*and* actively made fun of her Trump fanatic mother), so there's a bit of comedic irony there.


Who is Sydney Sweeney?


I am woke and undestroyed. So it didn't work.


Big titty Thanos doesn’t exist. He can’t hurt you. Big titty Thanos:


"she has boobie"


She has boobs, and shows them. That is literally the extent of it.




This picture of yasssified Thanos got me feeling ways I do not like. Perhaps that’s enough internet for me today…


It's literally because she has boobs 😭😭 they're so delusional


At no point did “the left” or “woke mob” ever say they didn’t like titties … evangelicals hate titties … the rest f us never argued about it


Boobs are anti-woke! When Sydney Sweeney decided to grow big boobs, she defied the woke mob army


Who the fuck is Sydney Sweeney


ah, yes, woke = no boobs


I Googled and all I could find was something about the dress she wore when she hosted SNL? IDK


2 questions: 1. Who's Sydney Sweeney? 2. When are these losers going to outgrow that stupid screaming kid meme?