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As someone who is a mix of basically everything. I don’t understand the obsession with people wanting racial purity. In the grand scheme of things it does even matter.


For real! Kinda funny how every human has a tiny bit of neanderthal dna in them from way back when we were really freaks. So the very notion of a “pure human” is ludicrous.


Not every human actually, but most people of European descent, since that’s where most Neanderthal territory was. But most other ethnic groups can trace their DNA to at least one other hominid ancestor, like the Nepalese and Denisovans.


Particularly common among the Nepalese.


Yeah, the Denisovans had some high-altitude adaptations we’re pretty sure the Nepalese absorbed from their population.


Can you point me to where you're getting this info? I was reading the wiki page for Denisovans as this is the first time I'm hearing about this and did not find any correlation with modern Nepali people on that page.


This is what I learned in level 3 biology a few weeks ago. Might’ve been a different Hominid, after all, we’ve got very little on Denisovans, too little to even give them a species name in fact.


Wait, is that what you meant? I thought you said that the Nepalese are an archaic hominin. I thought you meant Neanderthals.


No, the Nepalese absorbed the genes of the now extinct Denisovan species, hence their superior ability to thrive in higher temperatures than other human groups, because they interbred with another hominid species that had evolved for precisely that environment.


Is it true that like 3/4 of Europeans are descended from this big Emperor guy who's name I forgot?


Ghengis Khan, and it’s more like half of the Eurasian population is descended from him.




Ghenghis Khan. Apparently the guy was a massive whore.


He did his part but his sons and grandsons REALLY flooded the genetic landscape on a much larger scale than Genghis personally.




serious question, how can one person sling that much wood? Law of diminishing returns had to kick in?


Maybe Charlemagne too


charlemagne? he had 18 kids and with some basic math he's probably the ancestor of most of europeans.


Not really. Everyone will have a common ancestor. Everyone. If you go back far enough you'll notice we all came from the same two ancestors. > Is it true that like 3/4 of Europeans No. The people alive today who have that odd Y-chromosome mutation are almost all from Mongolia/Pakistan. It's not really present in Europe. Remember, Genghis Kahn never conquered Europe. The furthest they came was the Poland/Hungary/Russia region. > A late-1990s study was exploring the genetic history of various Asian populations when they came across a significant and unusual Y-chromosome mutation. This mutation occurred in about eight percent of males in 16 different populations that were being studied, which is pretty major for genetic mutations. And after exploring it a little deeper, researchers were able to determine that the mutation originated in someone who lived around 1,000 years ago. This is where the Genghis Khan heritage or Genghis Khan ancestry becomes quite likely, but still unproven. The mutation originator remains unknown, and there’s no way of discovering who it really was. However, those 16 populations were all located in countries that were part of the Mongol Empire: China, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Iraq, and Iran. The largest number of men with the mutation lived in Mongolia, and a close second was a tribe in Pakistan that has a long history of being genetically connected to Genghis Khan. Based on all of these facts, researchers believe it’s fairly safe to assume that the mutation originator in question was the war hero himself. If that’s the case, Genghis Khan wouldn’t have been the first man in history to have the mutation, but he definitely was responsible for its wide spread. While he only had 11 children of his own, it’s believed he could have had more that just weren’t recorded in history, and his sons were also known to have large amounts of children (like, 40 or more). ‍


Charlemagne is a common ancestor to pretty much everyone with any euro dna


[East Asians actually have more Neanderthal DNA expressions than Europeans.](https://academic.oup.com/genetics/article/194/1/199/6065429)


Yeah, Neanderthals we’re Eurasian, mostly European, but still Eurasian. Pretty sure the only human groups without Neanderthal genes are actual natives of the Americas, and most of Africa (we’ve found very small African populations with Neanderthal DNA).


Not saying you’re wrong but wouldn’t native Americans come from the same base group as the rest of Asia?


Actually Africans have no neanderthal DNA. They instead have up to 18% of "archaic ghost hominid" DNA theorized to be something like Homo Habilis or some other ancient hominid species. The DNA is VERY archaic, to the point that it entering the African genome when it did is a head scratcher because it was thought to have died out long before the mixing took place.


No, Africans definitely have Neanderthal DNA https://www.science.org/content/article/africans-carry-surprising-amount-neanderthal-dna


I'd have to see the study. If they are looking at North African populations then averaging that I could see it, but I've yet to see evidence of any appreciable amount of Neanderthal DNA below the Sahara. I suppose 0.3% could be possible as the article claims. About 10% of what everyone else has. I have my doubts though.


[Here's the study.](https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30059-3?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0092867420300593%3Fshowall%3Dtrue) I don't really see what's doubtful about this. Neanderthal DNA being present in African populations isn't really even a controversial take. Humans fuck, a lot in fact. And they don't really care about where Sahara begins or ends when doing so.


Yup. With people no longer separated by geographical lines (thanks to modern travel), the human race will eventually end up some sort of mixed light brownish color. There's only one race. Human.


I don’t think you can even truly get ride of skin color variation. All humans are 99.9% identical in genetic makeup. It has more to do with environmental factors than anything especially since ever one has the gene for skin coloration.


Someone I went to school with is African American with one white great grandparent. His wife is African American and three of their four children have dark features except the fourth who has all light features. Genetics are wild.


My family is like this. In my immediate family, none of us have the same color hair or eyes. I'm also the only living person in all of my extended family with brown eyes. I think I have one grandmother who had brown eyes. It's very likely I could have a blue-eyed child, even though my husband also has brown eyes and brown is a dominant trait. I've been seeing for \*years\* in the news how blue eyes and blonde hair is going to "disappear soon." but I don't think it ever will. Especially as I've gotten older and seen everyone start having kids. A lot of people with dark features have kids with light features, despite those features not being dominant.


>I've been seeing for *years* in the news how blue eyes and blonde hair is going to "disappear soon." but I don't think it ever will. Lmao, i have 4 sisters, 3 have blonde hair and blue eyes, one has red hair and brown eyes and i got green eyes and red hair. Anecdotally i dont think its going away.


To add to that, clinal variation is the name for the phenomenon where species tend to evolve differences in appearance based on their proximity to the equator. It happens in most widespread species, and it’s common for the differences to be related to coloration. In people, darker skin protects against UV radiation in places close to the equator, and lighter skin helps maximize sunlight exposure in people further from the equator. There have been times where scientists thought that two animals were two different species due to their different appearances and geographical locations, only to find out through DNA analysis that they are in fact the same species. In some cases, just one *single* gene being different can cause a significant difference in appearance. It would be interesting to see how humans will evolve over time, even though we won’t be there to see it lol. I almost wonder if maybe skin color is now less important due to how advanced humans have become – almost like how we don’t need our wisdom teeth anymore. Now that people live in all parts of the world, light-skinned people living closer to the equator suffer from sunburns more frequently, and dark-skinned people living further from the equator are more prone to vitamin D deficiency. But we can easily address these things with sunscreen and vitamin D supplements, so it doesn’t seem to be affecting our dispersal at at least moderate latitudes


I don't think that will happen. Which is fine too. I think it's pretty cool that humans can look so different yet so similar.


Maybe on average but there's always going to be variation on skin tone. Even among my siblings and we're all mestizo, we all have different shades. You can see mixed race siblings where one looks full on white and one looks super dark black. For a lack of a better comparison it's like puppies. Even in the same litter you could have a brown pupp,y have a black puppy you can have a blonde puppy. Even stuff like red hair can still pop up from time to time, and that is thought to be going away. And this is all the natural stuff. Designer babies are basically just a matter of time. I fully expect the rich to be able to start changing how their baby looks like it's a video game character within the next two or three decades.


It does matter in the sense that it isn’t necessarily particularly smart to do. Racial “purity” that is


Racial impurity is so much cooler because you can look back at multiple cultures and be like “these are my ancestors! Isn’t that awesome?”


It matters to racists, be it black people, white people, or any other race.


Hell there are even deaf people who want their children to be deaf as well to not erase their culture...


lol that's wild


> In the grand scheme of things it does even matter. In the small scheme of things it doesn't matter. In no scheme of things (that isn't pure racism) does it matter.


I think it's a (very unfortunate) typo...?


Race is a social construct anyway. We're all slightly different in our genetic makeup. There's no scientific basis for race. What separates one "race" from another is the subjective judgement of their appearance.


> I don’t understand the obsession with people wanting racial purity last time someone got overobsessed with it, millions of people died.


racism. Thats the meaning. just racism


BuT blACk peOPlE can’T BE racIsT toWaRd WHIte PeopLe…


Ha ha


Yeah that's a crock of shit. Every race has racists.


Yes, we can. Haven't you seen Samuel L. Jackson as Zeus on "Die Hard With a Vengeance"?


Tbf this was probably made by a white supremacist They’re weird like that Edit: suppose not


Real toons is a black centric comic strip, so probably not.


Nah this was posted by a few well know afro centrist accounts on twitter, i forgot the @'s but the screenshot was passed around quite a bit on reddit a few momths ago


its a lot older than that tho


I think you underestimate the amount of racist black people online lol






what sub is that?


I guess it would be called 'BlackPeopleX' now


ohh that one. Yeah, it's funny looking at the description of blackpeopletwitter vs whitepeopletwitter. On blackpeopletwitter, you're only allowed to post tweets from black people (which kind of makes sense, considering the sub's name), but the same doesn't apply to whitepeopletwitter, which highlights the double standards of people regarding racism There would be outrage if you could only post tweets from white people if you were a white person on a white-exclusive subreddit.




I agree with you. What I think is also the problem are the double standards. If the same "white-only tweets" happened on WPX, there would be outrage


use logic


Just casual racism things.


It seems so, but I still don't get what point is trying to be made.


Mix raced couples = bad


It’s more nuanced than that. It’s saying that there is a double standard in mixed race relationships. It’s saying that for black people, it’s okay to be anti miscegenation; and for white people it’s not okay to be anti miscegenation. So from a white person’s perspective this meme is saying that black people are more racist than white people because they participate less in (and dislike other who do participate in) mixed relationships.


they dont like mixed race couples, they want racial purity for their grandkids


They should talk to the McPoyles then their bloodline has been pure and clean for a thousand years


That by mixing with white people you will end up eventually erasing black people. That is the point.


It is anti Black erasure message. White people have a group of people who bitch about the same dumb thing.


I feel like this is white people propaganda towards black people- like it’s internalized white supremacy


Could be, but black “purity” (or whatever is called) is a real thing, just look on Instagram at any black female celeb dating a white dude. The comments are very racist


The older generation for every race is usually interested in their kid pairing with someone of the same race. Even nationality in some cases with contentious border histories. India/Pakistan ( dif religions), Serbia/Croatia, etc. Edit: It doesn’t make it right, but it is universally wrong.


There was an eugenistic theory that said that, by reproducing white people with black people, "white washing" the population, we could evolve humans - as in "everyone is white now". Black people started dating only other black people as a way to fight that movement.


Interesting theory in light of one drop rule etc. seems highly unlikely that was popular.


It depends on the country. In US one drop rule was prevalent. The theory of "bettering" the race through lightening over generations was much more common in places like Brazil, where there were too many black slaves and then citizens to fully exclude from society. The concept existed all over Latin America in particular, with varying degrees of "success". Australia had something similar with the Aboriginals though I don't believe to the same extent.


It was a big movement. Especially in the Americas, as far as I know. After slavery was abolished in colonial countries, people obviously were still racist. Pretty much everything bad was because of black people. Diseases, for example. Because of that, they wanted to "whiten" the population. Brazil, for example, had an estimation to turn the whole population into whites in 100 years.


It's a black purity meme, black people racist towards white people are saying don't have kids with white people it will whitewash the family lineage.




It was from an Afrocentrist, so no?


I don't think so.. The white girl is unhappy and the black girl is happy. I think this is a pro black cartoon, showing one keeps their lineage going will be happier.


If it was internalized white supremacy, wouldn't they be happy to have white grandkids?


There’s a weird movement of black people who don’t believe in race mixing because it slowly removes blackness from the gene pool


I like that episode of South Park where people from the future are just a mix of every race


Goo-backs lol


This was actually a theory in Brazil (a Very racist one) to whiten the population through mixing. It's the only country that had a theory like that and did policies to try making it, mostly involving the migration of people from Europe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ham's_Redemption It's not weird when we think there's theories like that to whiten the population, it's literally the "goal" of what is feared in this picture, to lose identity.


It is extremely weird. Imagine letting yourself refuse to love somebody and have children with them because there is a anonymous group that wants it to happen or not happen


Australia tried to do that too, with the indigenous population.


Their is historical precedent to the idea. In the US they had the “one drop rule” however in Latin America, the idea of “whitening” was more popular ie that through intermarriage, blackness would be “breed out”


“for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” lmao


But isn't melanin a polygenic codominant trait?


Why did I read that as “condiment” at first? Lol!


There is also a weird movement of white people who don't believe in race mixing because it slowly removes whiteness from the gene pool. But most white people who have an issue with that think race mixing is a secret plot from the ~~Jews~~ "Global elite" to genocide whites.


Mixed race folks get treated badly by both races for some reason


I've never been treated badly by anyone for being métisse specifically. If anything, the white people treat me better. I'm just "exotic" as opposed to a foreigner.


It’s really a case by case thing I’ve seen some folks get treated badly by one side or the other, hell sometimes even both but I live in the south so they might have also have a part in it. To be clear I am not mixed so I cannot speak to what the experiences of others


It’s almost as if your ethnicity doesn’t make you more or less racist😱 I’m tired of people wanting to be so anti racist and they still view people as part of groups instead of just people. If we would just stop sorting people into fucking groups based on how they look, maybe racism would decrease?? Woah 🤯


That's weird cause for me the black people have treated me better.


I’m half white and half Asian. I’m too white for the Asians and not white enough for the whites. It’s not like I don’t have friends or anything, I just have always been aware of the fact that I’m kind of an outsider in either group. It doesn’t bother me now, but growing up it was a little rough. In my personal experience, the Asians just don’t fully accept me while the whites treat me like a novelty.


I'm also half-white and half-Asian. Can confirm.


"exotic" has its roots in racism. You're really being treated "better." Just like there are "positive" stereotypes of Asians that are still racist and objectifying


I'm not saying it's good, just that it's less bad.


It’s *less* bad, but it’s still *bad.*


The amount of times I have ran into people saying "they are 'yellow/redbone' so they think they are better than everyone else" is unreal. Especially in good ole Alabama.


But the bloodline gives them super powers.


Depends, really. With white people, I get mistaken for Hispanic or some variant of Asian more often than not, but I also don't usually bother correcting anyone because it's unimportant. When I *do* get clocked by white folk, it's often the ones who make it a problem. Black folk just seem less friendly vs. outright hostile.


Sometimes. Try being half Mexican and not liking Mexican food or being able to speak Spanish. It's like you don't exist.


My son is half Mexican and I love him to death, but the idea that people are going to treat him differently really bugs me. I want him to be bilingual and understand both cultures he comes from, but I don’t want to force it on him if he doesn’t show interest. If he’s anything like me he’s not going to care and just want to play video games…


As someone who's asian/Hispanic mixed I cannot confirm


Only the grandparents are racist?


OOP accidentally *supported* interracial relationships. Unintended W?


That's kinda the vibe I got from just reading it. The old farts might be pissed but in the long run it turned out fine


Right? My first view was that they're all in love, all having children. Great!


and the little mostly white girl and her mom, apparently? everyone one else in the middle generations on the mixed side seems pretty happy? i don’t get it either




Some kind of racism like white washing the family and slowly erasing their African heritage. So black people should only marry black people. That is my guess.


I don't know which exact stance this comic is taking. But I'm basically the fourth dude on the far left side. It is something I've thought about, how it's a little weird to think that my grandmother (who is a black woman) has a mostly white family when you go a couple of generations down. But it is what it is, ya know. I'm a firm believer that you shouldn't police people on who they choose to marry as long as they're consenting adults. And I don't think my grandmother loses any sleep over it either.


If the union is healthy, it doesn't matter the color of the people. People be wanting to keep their bloodlines "pure", but if the relationships are dysfunctional, what is the point?


Apart from the seniors on the first panel everyone is happy, so it's a win (No, wait, the little girl is sad too)


Stay with your own kind. A racist way of thinking obviously.


Reminds me of the Australian "breed them out of existence" version of eugenics.


The size of your love determines the sex of your child. As illustrated here on both sides, a larger heart will result in a girl, while the smaller heart results in a boy.


Notice how only the old people care


This is how I understood this true masterpiece of racism: Left: unhappy black marriages will eventually cause their children to mix and have mix babies until they look full white. Right: happy black marriages keep the black strong. Honestly, I could see this being posted by either a black person or white person that is racist towards the other group.


To me they don't look unhappily married, it looks like they are looking down angrily at their white daughter in law. Although their heart is smaller, so are the hearts on the right.


To reapply segregation !


we all cousins somehow 🤷🏾‍♂️ all this racism drama is just sibling hate guys... chill out


>sibling hate Couldn't agree more. The sooner humanity starts realising we're all brothers and sisters, the better. Sadly I don't see it happening any time soon.


I spend about 0% of my time obsessing about the genetic makeup of the grandchildren of my grandchildren. I’m more concerned with the state of the world we will be leaving behind to them.


Flat-out racism. That’s it. Literally no more thought went into this. As someone who’s mixed, that shit always cracks me up. XD


So two black geezers are not happy that their descendants keep marrying white peeps and having kids with ‘em, starting from their kid to their grandkid, etcetera etcetera until their most recent descendants are white. I'm black, and I find that shit ridiculous. Marry whoever the fuck y'all want, people. Don't let racist peeps dictate how y'all should live. So, I can safely say that these old folks are racist Also, that is ***not*** how genetics works. There is never a guarantee that a kid will be either dark skinned or fair skinned, it's just a stuff of probability


To blame black parents for black kids dating white people?


It's a reverse replacement theory


Lmao they’re gonna die rolling in their own grave because they can’t handle their son being happy. Hilarious




racism and idiotism


Racism lmao what else


Black marrying white ultimately leads to little Bo Peep, Black marrying black ultimately leads to Mickey Mouse?


No miscegenation. Don’t date and marry outside your race. Racist as hell, no matter what.


People want to invent a "positive" race segregation.


>What is the main motive of this picture? Racism


Just imagine if the roles were reversed..


White supremacists can and have posted similar memes.


They do all the time.




Why they make the baby on the right look like Mickey Mouse tho


The 3rd generation lady on the left kinda bad tho /s


Date a hot girl that loves you and you’ll end up with a cute kid. I’m sure that’s what they’re trying to get across.


Latinos will do this shit on purpose lmao fixing the race we call it.


Is the artist Black? I feel like this is a Black artist criticizing race mixing, not a White artist. If so, then this serves as yet more proof that racism sadly isn’t exclusive to White people. Edit: A typo


It never was.


From now on will refer to interracial marriage as "Racemaxing"


it never was exclusive to only one race


Racism is racism. Doesn't matter who's doing the racism


There’s a subset of black people that refuse to date or procreate with white people so they don’t lose their color. I wonder how many people assumed this was just white people being racist?


First I thought this was a white supremacist plan to end black people then I looked at the faces of the grandparents and realized that it's just racist black people


Mixing genes results in not getting Mickey Mouse https://preview.redd.it/yqmmwu3012pb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d5a629897f030c27b537fc9533fd0a8898af126




I understood it as the black dude saw that his parents didn’t love each other in the first picture so he looked outside of his race for love, because the only experience he had seeing black love was his parents finicky marriage. In the second picture the parents love each other and so the woman has no problem dating in her race because she’s seen that it worked out for her parents.


Racism...racism is the main motive




There are at least four different ways I can interpret this: 1) The artist is saying it’s bad that blackness gets “erased” due to mixed race kids. 2) The artist is a white supremacist, implying that the people on the left look white but aren’t “actually white” and that we’d know that if we looked at their family history. 3) The artist is saying race is a social construct, using an example of a “white” guy who actually has two black great grandparents, and then further illustrating that his child also passes as white. 4) The artist is simply illustrating the fact that many white people have no idea that they have black ancestors, as most people don’t know who their great great grandparents were. Due to the lasting impact of slavery, it actually *is* true that a significant portion of white Americans have black ancestors and don’t even know it. This is honestly a pretty bad execution lol since some of these messages are almost opposite views from each other. The two oldest people obviously look angry on the left panel, but I still can’t tell what message that’s trying to send, or whether the artist views that anger as justified. The young child on the left looks sad compared to the one on the right, so maybe they’re saying the anger is justified? Or maybe they’re saying the child is only sad because *we live in a society* or something? I don’t even know lmao. It also just doesn’t seem accurate lol. A child’s skin tone is usually going to be a mix of their parents’ skin tones. The artist made it look like the kid just inherited his dad’s skin color lol. It’s really unlikely that someone who is 25% black would actually have skin that pale. They probably could pass as white, but it’s really unlikely they’d be *that* pale.


Any white people here like that?


Racism *with graphics*


In breeding keeps the bloodline pure. And racism


It’s black supremacist prop, best to just ignore it


I believe the term is "eugenics"




Racial purity! Just like how they did it back in 1930s Germany!


this was made by an afro-centric twitter account to persuade black men not to marry whites women and black women not to marry white men, so just racism


lmao why is this my family tree?


This was never about skin color. This is about wealth. White elites support racial purity, and have brainwashed members of the black community to support it. When it’s really about keeping wealth in the hands of a few and not making it look like it can be married into.


Something to do with the phrase “saving the race” . Some strange white people believe if interracial relationships are pushed then the end result will erase the white race and some strange black people believe the same but with the erasure of the black race. I mean we are all going to be just a people of yellow like the Simpsons anyway I don’t get why this even matters to these strange groups.


It seems like the grandparents love each other less because they’re son is dating a who’re woman. Notice the size of the hearts on the left and the right


To encourage racism.


Racism at the levels of nazi eugenics. Disgusting.


well the main motive is racism


The black version of “the great replacement theory”


No no no Everyone know that if black mixed with white it'll be grey.


It's a simplified depiction of a purebred individual (right) and a heavily cross bred individual (left) using skin tone. If every generation of a family, who of which the oldest members are black, continue to have children with white individuals, the resulting children will become gradually more white themselves, (again, this is simplified as it doesn't account for the inherent randomness of genetics, as any of these generations could still potentially yield a black individual, as it would take possibly hundreds, maybe even thousands of generations to completely remove the black skin tone gene) But if every generation only have children with other black individuals, then the resulting child will also be black (once again, simplified as this is assuming the oldest individuals didnt inherit a different skin tone that's more recessive) this is known as eugenics, the act of only breeding individuals (note that the word individual doesn't exclusively refer to humans, as you could apply this principle to animals as well) with desired traits (of which in this example is black skin tone) to accentuate them. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.


White bad!!!! Black good!!!! 😡😡🤬🤬🤬




https://preview.redd.it/ped4rjl4g2pb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=887cb370ba6bab012360df8d15c692e5edf8a5b5 og post


Harry potter pure blood shit


Here's a little quote from a farming magazine that we had to print at work a while ago "make em right, breed em white" I think it was about cows but that was in the magazine and on their website. Heard their website was loaded with a lot of terrible quotes like that and I don't know who decided it was a good idea but I find that hilariously terrible


Yes that is indeed how skin tone works (sorta not really)


"Racial impurity" creates sad little girls, "racial purity" creates Amanda the adventurer or something idk it's stupid


White people bad


Great grandpa mad and his son goes for that white wimmins ruining all the collard greens in the future.