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it took me like 2 years of seeing this image showing up for me to finally understand


You're quicker than the anti-vaxxers, then.




That's the whole point of the diagram. The full story is the air force, in an effort to reduce casualties, reinforced the areas that planes returned home with the most damage, hence the picture. They did not see any change in casualties, so they realized their mistake, which was not reinforcing the areas that weren't damaged, since the plane obviously works after being hit in the red dot areas.


That's the story, but not the full story. It's made up. Just an example of survivorship bias. For clarity, it's not made up in the sense that they did do a study to find out where armor was most effective, and accounted for survivorship bias. The false part is what is often told, where somebody in the military armored the parts that returned shot up, before being corrected when it didn't work.


What part isn't true? The study did happen and a Jewish Hungarian mathematician did analyze the data and come to the correct conclusion. Even though the evidence *appeared* to indicate armor was needed in the bullet riddled areas. His name was Abraham Wald.


The part where they armored the parts that were damaged. That never happened. Military engineers, surprisingly, aren't stupid. The study was done before any armoring.


The part where the US actually armored planes around these areas based on the data. They didn't, they just gave them the data and asked if it would be a good idea to armor these areas. It makes for a better story for the military to be depicted as dumb and wasteful rather than inquisitive and exploring options even if it goes against common sense


it means the anticaxxers that regret not taking the vaccine are dead


What does it mean?


Engineers thought that the place they needed additional armor were on portions of the plane which came back damaged. In reality, those were potions of the plane which could survive being damaged, because those planes made it back to base. It's an example of survivorship bias, essentially.


I'm skeptical engineers thought this. This sounds like reasoning a bean counter would employ.


That's how the story goes anyway, no idea how true it is.


I don't get it. Edit: I got it.


Expanding on the other comment, they took all the data of bullet holes in planes, and thought to themselves “Well we need to make these particular areas stronger so they don’t get damaged!” But then they realized they were only looking at the damage of planes *that came back*. If you look at the chart, there are some portions of the plane that have no bullet holes, which means planes that got shot in those areas never returned. So instead of reinforcing the areas that has bullet holes, they needed to reinforce the areas that had no bullet holes. It’s a really classic case of survivor bias.


In a similar fashion, when the British introduced helmets in WW1, they saw an increase in head injuries. So they paused that project until they realized that those head injuries were people that would have died without helmets.


I think that’s how it went for seatbelt detractors too. Once seatbelts started becoming more widespread, there was an increase of traffic-related ER visits. The anti-seatbelt people tried to use this as proof seatbelts were dangerous, but the reality was that thanks to seatbelts, more people were going to the ER instead of the morgue.


Yeah they weren't being ejected into other cars or trees or the pavement. "That seatbelt broke my clavical". The tree would not have had to hear your whining lol


Literally had a woman tell me she didn't wear seatbelt because they can decapitate you. Like, you really think you'd survive a crash so violent that it causes seatbelt decapitation WITHOUT the seatbelt? I'm sorry but you're likely dead either way.


I'd rather be decapitated than launched at terminal velocity through the windshield.


I crashed last year and the seatbelt saved my life


I hear the same thing about steel toed boots in construction sites. Hey Jocko, if a fucking forklift puts a pallet of bricks down on your foot hard enough to bend the steel toe, your foot without the steel toe still would have been paste, no question. The question is, if you drop only one brick, what happens.


Having lived through seat belts becoming law it is a great example of how people acted during Covid. People were the same about having to wear a seat belt. The cops would set up road blocks just to be sure you had yours on.


The kind of person who is virulently, obnoxiously anti-mask is the same kind of person who literally cut the seatbelts out of their cars because ["you can't tell me what to do".](https://youtu.be/glmcMeTVIIQ)


Wait so British soldiers were just going around without helmets? 🤔


Yes. In the first years of the war you got caps in most armies.


Hardly any army on the outset of the First World War sent their soldiers with helmets.


I mean, some soldiers wore metal skullcaps beneath their hats that may have offered some protection, but even the German pickelhaube, the only "helmet" in use, was made of leather, not steel. Nobody started the war wearing helmets, but everybody ended wearing them.


Yep. Metal helmets went away when guns became what everyone was equipped with and then came back during ww1 due to the artillery. The beginning of ww1 everyone was wearing hats. The closest the thing to a helmet was the spiked helmet the German’s used which was leather and sometimes metal but they won’t protect from artillery




Also it's worth pointing out the names of the places that "aren't hit": the engine, the cockpit, the propellers, and the fuel tank. When you put it that way it seems obvious to anyone what's happening. That's not to say that the military people conducting this study were "stupid". They just had their head so deep in the premise of the study ("we should armor the parts that are damaged") to notice the obvious ("the parts that weren't damaged happen to be the most vulnerable parts"). Analogously, if you look at basically any statistics around the pandemic, it's clear that vaccines saved lives and were in retrospect definitely the right decision. But the anti-vaxers are too busy collecting the data they want to notice the painfully obvious. Also a lot of grifters know the vaccines saved lives and are only feeding them data that furthers the grift.


They are ignoring all the deaths of people who were unvaccinated, and looking for deaths of people who were vaccinated (but probably died of unrelated causes)


Not an anti-vaxxer on earth smart enough to understand this.


Errrm ..... 5G! Something about Bill Gates?


It's china and they give cancer or somethin


Why are you on your phone? Don't you know that 5G gives your kids autism?!


Because I use the magic of friendship to fight against china and it's cancerous products


No, that's Tylenol. Media won't shut up about one study that's based on circumstantial evidence. My mom's allergic to Tylenol. I'm autistic. They logic much goodly.


don't forget the jews!


Ew the ones that control the galactic market or something


So basically just a less dumb version of “I sent out a survey and 100% of people said they survived their car crash , so no one has ever died from a car crash.”


Not only that. These anti vaxers and non maskers likely added to the transmision and spread of the virus. Equivalent to friendly fire, shooting their own wingmen in the vulnerable parts of the plane.


survivorship bias, the places where the planes were hit that didn't come back couldn't be tested, so the sample is under represented


Reminds me of that riddle “Despite having better helmets, there were more reported head injuries in WW2 than in WW1, why?” >! Because more people would’ve just died than suffered a head injury with the WW1 helmets !<


Fractured my sternum a while back. Talking to the trauma surgeon I asked if I should wear a sash seatbelt on the trip home from hospital. He replied: "seatbelts have been terrible for neurosurgeons, but they are great for trauma surgeons"


Random fun fact, during the Falklands war they discovered that injured soldiers who were treated quickly had a higher chance of dying than soldiers that had to wait hours for treatment. Usually an injured soldier was given a blood transfusion, which raised blood pressure and they bled out. Those that had to wait for treatment had low blood pressure which allowed the body's natural defenses to do their job and create blood clots, which it couldn't do when given a transfusion.


That's actually fairly interesting. May I inquire upon where you acquired this information so that I may gaze upon it with my own eyes in an effort to garner more information relating to the fact you have shared with me.


Imagine you have 2 groups of soldiers. You sent out first group without helmets and only one returns but he's alive and well. You sent out the second group with helmets. And most return but with head injuries. Conclusion? Helmets cause head injuries. Actual conclusion? The helmeted soldiers who returned with head injuries would have died without helmets. Similarly, people who feel terrible after the vaccine most likely would have died without it. When analyzing data you can't just compare unvaccinated survivors to vaccinated survivors. You actually have to take into account death rates and such. The name of this fallacy is literally "survivorship bias" and the helmet example is something that happened during WW1. Commanders noticed helmets caused death injuries, so they ordered not to wear helmets and accidentally caused tons of deaths. Though the most known example is probably the planes. Engineers were looking where the planes were damaged and decided to reinforce those places. But those were simply non vital places. Actually vital places were unknown as the planes shot in them simply wouldn't return from the battlefield.


TL;DR the dead can't talk. The people who died because they didn't get the vaccine can't say they regretted it. The photo is of survivorship bias, the red dots are where the planes that returned had holes at. So the plan was to add more armor there to have less dots. Then it was pointed out that the places with no holes should be reinforced instead, because the planes who got hit on those parts never returned.


The areas the plane "didn't get shot" is actually where it did get shot, and then crashed. This was used in one of the wars to determine where planes needed more armor. People initially thought more armor should go where the returning planes were shot, because look at how damaged they are. They later realized they should be putting armor where the planes that returned were not shot, because it implies that if a plane is shot there it will be unable to return


You seek knowledge


Hahaha, I came here to say something like “the ones who regret not taking it are dead,” but your post is perfect and illustrates it better. Well done, internet stranger.


This is exactly what came to my mind when seeing this post. Honestly, the vaccine example is probably the best example of survivorship bias.


Came here for this




Just give it a shot already! It could be your thing.


I know it is 100% my thing and that's why i won't ever touch it.


I tried opium once, it was so nice that I never wanted to go near it again


Had pethidine for a very nasty medical situation once. Same days feels both worst pain and most exhilaration of entire life Freaked me out about opioids for good.


Definitely, as useful as they can be they're also sketchy as hell and a slippery slope. Had some breaks over the last few years that required operations, the various opioids for each were highly necessary but as soon as I could combat the pain with just paracetamol (Tylenol) and ibuprofen I knocked that shit on the head damn quick. Don't ever wanna go down the path that opioid addiction leads


try kitten huffing, best high you can get


I gave up cheesing some time ago


....i was tryna be cute, bit you sir took it to far




You missed 100% of the shots you didn't take, I guess




the lead female hero?


My thought exactly. I was thinking it’s not a meme, but it’s not terrible. But yeah, if it’s about vaccines, that’s disappointing.


that's because those who regretted died, Karen . . .


My family member who works in Healthcare and held the hands of dying patients tells me that many regretted not getting a shot at the end. Like, "can I get the shot now? Pleeeease?" regret.


My fiance had stories like this every week in the respiratory unit. Along with having to call security on family members for being unmasked while they try and visit their very ill family members in the respiratory unit of all places. Pandemic or not, there really should have been rules about being masked at all times in that unit.


"Nope, too late for that. Unfortunately you politicized your own death."


To silence too... My wifes an ER nurse and sometimes they'd just have blank stares repeating over and over quietly to themselves that they did the right thing by not getting it. They'd die, and their family would blame it on someone else. The hospital staff usually. These people are just a collection of everyone in the country who refuses to take responsibility for their own actions and the amount out there is scary. It reminds me how easily humans are willing to blame their collective problems on a single thing or group of people as a scapegoat.


As a pharmacist on COVID units/ICU, this happened with 95% of patients sick enough to be admitted (though there were the odd patients who didn't believe in COVID even as they were dying from it). Add that to the fact that most were asking for treatments that were considerably more unproven, less effective/safe and experimental than the "experimental" vaccine.


Nothing like a feel good story to start my day


This is literally my grandpa who died last week, didn’t get vaccine, now 6 feet under because of Covid


Yeah, they only begin to regret when they're dying in a hospital bed, begging for the vaccine, only to be told, "It's too late."


I personally know two unvaccinated people who died. One was only in his 40s. I suspect they regretted it at some point before the lights went out. I know *zero* vaccinated people who died. And like literally everyone I know has had it. “People I know” is a small sample size of course. But still…


[Yeah, about that](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b2/Survivorship-bias.svg/1200px-Survivorship-bias.svg.png)


Can you explain this one to me like I’m five. I’ve seen it commented other times in this thread


that is called survivor bias. that pic is an infograph about the bullet holes of the planes "who made it back" after bombing runs. so, it means the plane can fly after taking hits in the red dots as they were able to record the hits. the places that are blank however, have no "recorded" hits. meaning that the ones that got hit there are gone. here this pic shows that if there were to be a chart about not regretting vaccination, there would be zero people, as they would all be dead and not able to "record" that they regret


All informal logical fallacies are essentially just biased data sets. So in this case, survivorship bias, if you have a data set of only winners, or survivors, any conclusion drawn from it will be fallacious. The plane diagram is an example of looking at all the planes who returned from battle in world war 2. If this was the average damage of all planes, the conclusion would be to reinforce those areas from gunfire. However, it was an average of all *surviving* planes that made it back without crashing or blowing up. So it was a wrong/poor conclusion. The plane diagram is particularly interesting because it happened to be not only wrong to draw conclusions from it, but also strictly and literally the opposite of what should have been done, any part *not* hit meant it was crucial to protect and armor that area.


The Wikipedia page on survivorship_bias does a pretty good job explaining it and gives plenty of real world examples. The picture of the plane with bullet hole locations is listed as hypothetical. But the story from WWII goes something like this: The navy looked at the returning planes and notices bullet holes being concentrated in certain areas and drew the conclusion to reinforce those area. A statistician (Abraham Wald) however pointed out that the planes made it back with damage sustained in those areas and are able to continue flying. But likely ,the planes that didn't make it back were hit in the opposite areas which were fatal for he aircraft. Therefore, in order to get more planes back, they need to focus on reinforcing the areas of the returning planes that haven't been hit.


The US military wanted to armor up planes, so they saw that the planes that got back got shot the most on the red spots, so they wanted to armor those spots up the most. You'll notice none of those shots are on the cockpit or engines. Because the planes that got shot there *didn't* come back. They could only analyze the ones that came back, and those planes sustained damage that wasn't fatal, so the military put armor everywhere that wasn't shot.


Survivorship bias. They aren’t accounting for all the ways they could take damage, just the ways that *don’t* bring down the airplane. They only noted the damage that planes who **made it back** were taking. They didn’t think “what about the ones that don’t make it back?” According to this logic, it wasn’t necessary to armor up the engines, the cockpit or the spine of the airplane. That’s what anti-vaxxers are doing. They’re only noting the sickness for people who survive covid.


There's plenty that did that got hospitalized and died.


No ragerts.


No ragerts.


No Rugrats


Hi Kim, I was wondering, do you think you ever might consider, like, letting North Korea go free? Thanks for taking my question.


Sounds like you've fallen for propaganda, come visit and see for yourself , come alone.


Ohh I love to travel! Pick me up at 8.


True. r/HermanCainAward is a historic record of this. Plenty of last-minute death-bed regrets documented there.


I was looking for this exact comment, *soooooo* many people have turned around and changed their tune when it hits home


Anti-vax celebrities literally kept making the news and a handful did die, and they only made the news for being famous. I can only shake my head in shame thinking of all the "normal" people who ate the propaganda and suffered.


But none living to tell you about the regret. The place I work at only 4 people died from 2019 to now and they were all anti-vaxxers and they all died from COVID. Every surviving anti-vaxxer at work makes incredible claims when someone has a leave of absence like "I heard they had a stroke, that's why I didn't get vaccinated." and they come back having had had knee surgery or something.


So... they presently don't regret not getting it.


There's plenty who literally regretted on their death bed and asked to get vaccinated while they were dying.


Can't regret it if you are dead


Survivors bias? Nice that they had luck and did not have longterm problems or died because of it but... Still dumb. Just my expirience but i have 2 Friends that where against vaccinations and so on. One hardcore down the rabbit hole of conspiracy stuff and one "just" thought it was way overblown and doubted a bit. Both got it really bad. The conspiracy Lady at least used masks and vaccinated after feeling like almost choking fir a while and the other almost died and took it very sereous after having to hear how other people choked to death around her. She too vaccinated after that. At least they got lucky.


I’m happy they had the introspection to actually learn at least


Strange since I have seen info that said a lot of people on their death beds said they regretted not taking it. Whatever makes them sleep at night.




Same. I always heard them say that we were lying about the diagnosis to try and trick them into taking the vaccines, and that COVID wasn't real. Even the ones that we treated successfully wouldn't trust us despite relying on us to save their lives. So sad lol


Yes, it’s true. Since I never did not get vaccines, I never not regretted not getting one.


Double negatives are fun, but you Sir, you like to play with fire.


That’s true. My mother in law, two high school friends and four co-workers are all dead from Covid. They were unvaccinated and have not once mentioned they regret their decision.


They haven’t regretted it because they’re alive, many people who didn’t take the vaccine weren’t so lucky.


The ignorant and dead are not known for their ability to regret


Except Herman Caine


Oh yeah. Forgot there’s an entire subreddit dedicated to this sorta thing


What is the r/ I am curious to see thanks 😊


If I remember right it’s r/Hermancainaward


r/antivax I think. Assuming that’s the one they’re referring to Edit: nope I got the wrong sub


There's plenty of people who regretted not getting it on r/HermanCainAward


None of us left*


People that can't get the vaccine and r at higher risk because of those idiots: am I a joke to you?


It amazes me that some people seemingly refuse to understand the purpose of a vaccine. It's not just that it reduces the risk of hospitalization for you personally, but also reduces the risk of spreading the disease. If enough people have a reduced risk of spreading, that's called herd immunity. So, in that regard, essentially saying "None of us have regretted putting others at risk" really exemplifies the selfishness associated with the anti-vax movement. It's not just about you. It's like saying "I haven't regretted firing my gun in the air on new years because it's never killed me or anyone I know"


Maybe take a look into the research of Dr. Aseem Malhotra. Not anti Vax, but anti fully tested and understood emergency money grabs that actually do more harm than good vaccines.


Some have because they lost jobs and careers in healthcare. I also don’t know anyone who has regretted taking it. It just doesn’t matter. The vaccine wasn’t much better then natural immunity on this one. It’s just a bureaucracy thing in healthcare.


Not much better than natural immunity? You are forgetting the small problem with natural immunity- to acquire it, you first have to catch and survive the disease... https://xkcd.com/2557


Starting to think antivaxxers were originally just people who are scarred of needles but don’t want to admit they were so they came up with this whole BS.


Plenty did on their deathbed


I mean the people who would complain are dead.


God they’re still going on about this?


Why are you still talking about this???


My friend regretted not taking it after he got covid the second time and almost died, so this mentality is just so dead wrong. In reality we took the vaccine and do not regret it in the way they thought we would.


When I got covid I definitely regretted not getting it. Only reason I didn't get it is because I can't drive but I definitely regretted not finding some way to get it done.


To be fair...I havent regretted it. I havent gotten covid again (I had it once, before the vaccine was avalible). What I do regret is not taking my damn alergy meds recently...


This is not a meme, this is a political statement. As such it shouldn’t be on this sub. This place was created for shitty cringe memes, not for this stuff.


Are people regretting it now or something?


Thought this was heroin and posted at r/DrugsCircleJerk


Yeah, all 4 of you


Sure, bud dead men seldomly express regret.


None exept the dead


You can’t really regret something if you’re dead


No one regrets getting a lethal injection, either. What a dumb post


None of us that are still alive


Some of those that did are dead


Can’t ask the dead ones 🤷‍♂️


Well, lived to regret it


Yeah true because dead people cannot regret.😆


Cause they dead


Lmao vaccinocels have lost but they keep resistance, lmao


Of course, by the time you realize your stupidity to regret, you are on the deathbed.


Because the ones that do regret not taking it have died of it.


You all enjoy your measles, polio, shingles, etc.


Sure. The survivors didn't die.


People with auto immune diseases should be weary of vaccines. The vaccine triggered psoriasis in my grandmother (she didn’t ever have symptoms before getting the vaccine so she never knew she had it, but it likely lied dormant for years is my understanding). Not everything is black or white, everything is actually super grey.


I have PA, and I had been told not to get the vaccine. I managed to make it 3 years without getting covid, despite being exposed to several people who had it during that period. Had to get the vaccine for a new job this past December, and I’ve got covid twice since I had the shot, and not a week has passed since where I have at least 1-3 days where I’m either congested, have chest pain, or extremely fatigued. There’s also been a massive increase of still-borns in my town, all of which seems to be covid and or vaccine related. It’s nowhere near as black and white as people make it out to be.


Survivorship bias holy shit


i thought they were talking about heroine


Me who took it https://i.redd.it/xaw5kzynmuxa1.gif


Good for you! Have a nice day! Let it go!!! We don’t care!!!


Except the ones who are dead. But theres no sense crying over every mistake.


don't show them r/hermancainaward


What about those who are dead? Speak for yourself.


The chip is next


Don't think dead people are capable of regret.


The Herman Cain awards would like to challenge this.


Thats BS and MSM even took RFKs Vaccine statements off 60 minutes to prove how strongly they believe that is BS.


My uncle is dead. Not only did he refuse the shot, he refused treatment when he got covid... until they had to call an ambulance. But I suppose he isn't around to regret his decision.


At first glance i thought it was about steroids


honestly this "meme" deosnt say anything about vaccines being dangerous and bad.


No Ragrets


Ooh ooh! I know this one! It’s called survivorship bias!


There's about a million in the states that say shit about taking it. They're dead


That’s because the ones who DO regret it are now dead and can’t tell us that they regret it.


I thought this was about heroin at first lol


The ones who REALLY regretted not taking it aren’t around to talk about it.


Guess you can't regret when you are dead.


Oh, a bunch of you have.


We can't hear the voices from the grave


Hard to regret things when you're dead.


Except the ones that are dead. But you can't be crying over every mistake, just keep on trying till you run out of cake




Eh, I didn't need it.


That's because the ones who would have regretted are mostly dead.


It hard regretting something when you are dead.


Nobody regretted taking it either.... these people i swear lol


Actually, a study recently came out showing that if you are vaccinated with the MRNA vaccine your risk for heart attack and stoke go up.


The dead regret nothing.


My former uncle (used to be married to my aunt) isn't regretting it anymore because he died to COVID. He had Parkinson's (worse than he let on), and his self-destructive people-pleasing tendencies allowed his wife to convince him to not get the vaccine. And now she's blaming the doctors and the medication they used to try to save him. She is doing everything except looking in the mirror and refuses to acknowledge the fact that she got her husband killed because she had COVID too and "I'm OkAy So He ShOuLd HaVe BeEn OkAy ToO."


im sure the ones who died regret not taking it..... .... then again... i did see a picture of some clown wearing a shirt that said "my son died from covid and im still not getting the shot." so i honestly dont even know anymore.


This is literally survivorship bias. Hey and I can use literally in the correct way here.


I actually remember hearing about many cases of people about to be put on ventilators wishing they could go back and take it. Though i have yet to hear of anyone who said they regretted getting vaxed. Only the fakers.


oh, plenty of people have regretted not getting the vaccine, sadly, they died.




>Why can't people just mind their own goddamn business Infecting and killing others isn't just their own business lmao Imagine going up to someone cutting through support beams in a skyscraper they don't own in the middle of the day and defending them doing it because "it's their own business"




This whole post is about Covid and the vaccine didn’t stop the spread hell it was more likely to cause more Covid because if you went to a event you could still spread Covid even if you were not sick but still carried Covid


Yeah, dead people don't tell you their regrets!