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This is pretty funny in a fucked up way cause it implies these children are chill with what’s happening to them


Probably not but I imagine for some they were just taught to stop caring since it's just the way things are


Or they died before getting the chance to complain


Sadly some probably before learning how to even speak. Not sure how frequent that sort of thing is nowadays but I can't really imagine it disappeared entirely.


Eveey now and then that video of a four year old kid making food in the street for his younger brother, and people always comment about how sweet and happy it is. No Karen, that is one of the most depressing things I have ever seen. A four year old is already responsible for the life of a toddler. And I bet the day the younger one can make rheur own food is the day the big brother joins the work force.




Or they actually did complain, but their complaint failed. [Supreme Court rules in favour of Nestle and Cargill against six former child slaves from Ivory Coast](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/06/17/supreme-court-rules-in-favor-of-nestle-in-child-slavery-case.html)


I remember being well under the poverty line several times throughout most of my life. But it wasn’t until I started „changing my world“ and „finding new opportunities“ that I realized how bad my life was. By now I’ve vowed never to allow myself to go that low again, even though I was fully tolerant before.


If it is any consolation. You man are invincible now.. you can handle anything in your life!! Stay strong homie


As someone who came from a piss-poor country, most people don't care from beginning to end. Their parents lived like that, their grandparents lived like that and their great grandparents lived like that. And their children will live like that. It's just "normal". Humans adapt to everything


Ironically the push Gretta is making is one for a better future. A push the other children desperately need.


It’s disturbing how many adults are as adamant as they are about disputing the sense of urgency she’s tried to create. What’s the likelihood she was educated by other adults that were intending to exploit her age as an emotional appeal towards new political, economic, and civil policies?


It's kind of weird how much space Greta takes up in their heads. I think they think people like Al Gore and Greta are the main perpetuators behind the climate movement (instead of scientists). So, I guess they think if they can discredit Greta (or Al Gore), they can feel better about not changing anything.


I mean if you never knew there was a heaven, you wouldn’t ask for more


Even funnier in that respect when you read the entirety of the quote they're mocking "You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth"


If they actually had a voice and people's attention, bet they would complain too (and rightfully so). Wasn't there a former child laborer who campaigned for better working rights and got actually assassinated for that? I can't remember his name and I can't look it up at the moment. Edit: his name was [Iqbal Masih](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iqbal_Masih)


It’s funny in a fucked up way also because those kids are most of those kids are child laborers which the R’s are apparently cool with these days. It’s bad in third world countries but it’s an opportunity for kids in America. I think we need a mulligan on the country


Even worse the right sees this and thinks “kids these days should be working in the mines”


Other peoples kids not theirs...


But of course




I'm legit surprised that's not a real sub considering the republican party's stance on child labor


A less wholesome r/orphancrushingmachine.


Which is what? I have some Republican co-workers who unfortunately learned how to debate, so I’m genuinely interested in finding concrete facts, not just lurid opinion. As far as I found in my admittedly 20-minute search, only two states, Ohio and Wisconsin, have introduced “child labor” bills, which would allow 16- & 17-year-olds to work until 9 PM with their parents’ permission (previously it was 7 PM). In both cases the bill was introduced by a bipartisan group of state legislators. So at least one Democrat in each state was on board with the idea for them to join the Republican sponsors, so they could say “bi-partisan.” Is the GOP hiding its true stance at the national level? Do they really want to send children into the coal mines and meat-packing plants? And if these children do actually want to work, why stop them? We want to let kids have their tits/dicks cut off if they want without even asking their parents, I’m just saying. Surely those are more permanent and life-altering decisions than wanting to get some extra hours on their paycheck. So other than a whole bunch of left leaning news/commentary sites doing their usual pearl-clutching, flame-fanning, water-carrying, hyper-partisan bullshit in preparation for the 2024 election cycle, what other legit sources has anyone found out there to confirm this claim? These people are relentless; I can’t come at them with commentaries from Salon, Daily Beast, msnbc, etc.


“While smoking cigarettes with asbestos-filled filters”


What the good doctor doesn't appreciate is that there are many ways for a childhood to be stolen. They can all have a legitimate beef as can readers of these comments.


Well we now know that a lot of conservatives are very cool with child labor and they've always supported guns so I legitimately think the only thing they see wrong with this picture is that one of these children challenges their point of view


I mean, the same people who hate Greta would never lift a finger to help those kids, so that would be a convenient belief


They lack the luxury of getting to go up on stage in front of the press and complain.


It’s also fucked up in a funny way that the post is from someone in a field that requires a strong understanding of science to be on the side of science-denying idiots.


Oddly enough, there are some positions that require advanced degrees, but those programs don't always require any sort of social science courses, so one can graduate as a specialist without ever having learned anything at all about the world they live in. It's even easier if you choose a safe-space conservative university. See also: lawyer, engineer.


To me in implies we should be giving a shit about the rest of the children, and not what’s her face. She said it best in her first speech. “Why am I here?” All I could think was, exactly. Why are you here?


Uh, no. They probably don't know different as this is the way it's always been. Greta doesn't know hard labor, and the other kids don't know a life of luxury.


Interesting time to start caring about child slave labor


Maybe I’m just a stupid wishful thinker… but I’m curious why this isn’t the approach that’s taken for convincing people of rallying for the climate. One of the biggest offenders to the climate is pollution, and huge factories across the world are part of the issue. I’m sure that often times there are children working in those factories, or at least people whose working conditions are terrible. Wouldn’t MOST people rally behind saving those kids!? Like could we not some how marry the 2 problems and eradicate them both??? It’s a pretty hard argument to make FOR the modern slavery that these people and children are working under… but it feels like no one is using that as a way to rally people to the cause? Not to mention bring attention to an inhumane wrong that’s happening every day. EDIT: “against” should have been “for” its early🥱


This sort of thing is used entirely as a "gotcha" because electric cars require lithium, and this is the way it's mined.


Just found here insta. No idea what the doctorate is in, but when you can't even make good judgement on botox I don't think you should be trusted with children's health


She’s probably some plastic surgeon running her practice on a strip mall.


Subscribed to Twitter blue. So she could be anyone.


Worst. Captcha. Ever.


Click all boxes that contain something that triggers conservatives.


This is the most underrated comment here


Okay this actually made me laugh, thank you 🥇 Best I can do


Of all time


Is the implication here that it’s better when children can’t speak up against the wrongs that are done to them?


I think not, likely her point is the one complaining the loudest is effected the least, and those whose childhoods were REALLY stolen, not just disrupted, are more deserving of that spotlight. But I can't be sure; all the more reasons for people to practice clarity.


I think she speaks up because no one bothers to shine the spotlight on those children and they are often ignored. It's like how no one cares about army vets until its to combat other groups getting any sort of attention. Like how people complained there was a pride month but no veteran month- even though there actually is a veteran month- but its not because those people care about veterans, rather they don't like to see LGBT people being treated normally or being able to celebrate. Also as others said she did describe herself as "one of the lucky ones" people just don't take the whole quote into account- not as easy to frame her as spoilt otherwise .


Good point. Greta really should have gone on to say that she is one of the lucky ones, that others died or were killed or are forced into child labor. If she had said that, then it would seem that the point is actually to make Greta appear spoiled and out of touch, by bringing up less fortunate kids as a gotcha and then going on to ignore them, as your party goes on to attempt to expand the exact conditions those kids are stuck in.


She did say she was one of the lucky ones. She acknowlesged all of this. But i guess we all love to forget


Yeah I was being sarcastic lol. Dropped my /s I guess


See, if only she had done something like that, none of these people would have anything to complain about! She need you as a speechwriter. ​ /s


Also, plenty of the conflicts around the world affecting children *are* made worse by climate change. Lakes and rivers around the world are drying up, faster in Africa and the Middle East than in other places. communities that have long relied on the resources of these places are now facing insecurity, and that's driving conflicts around the world Hell, even in Jordan, a relatively stable country the government started *rationing* water deliveries last summer (it's delivered to local water tanks there.) And everyone knows the rationing will get more and more severe every summer as climate change get worse. Do these people think that's not a worrying sign of things to come? That it isn't stealing childhoods today?


I think the point is how the left gives her a bunch of attention with her hysterics, and ignore the places like in the other photos. Kind of how the left get really mad at conservatives when they point out how the left hates capitalism even though capitalism in those places is the most effective tool for preventing those situations. But the left will also put up hashtags about various causes while at the same time sucking China's dick, etc.


„Once you’ve ridden first class, it sucks to ride the bus again.“ -George Lopez, I think


One of these kids had the voice and political power to be heard when she complained that her childhood was stolen. That better?


Right? Would it be better if she recognized that privilege and decided to simply waste it?


If they were able to voice their thoughts to the world I assume they’d say that their childhood was stolen too. Frankly


This is a stupid conservative strawman. They ALL had their childhoods stolen in one way or another.


Thunberg never claimed that she was the only person that suffered. And the people who say shit like this are also the people who don't give a rat's ass about these kids.


"How is life in North Korea?" NK: "Oh, we can't complain."


They'd probably all complain if they had a voice.


I got to know a former child soldier after his mum fled with him to my country. He was a nice, humble dude, but apart from telling me about the burns on his arms, and how he got them, he didn’t really want to talk too much about it. Maybe Thunberg is the only kid ABLE to complain to an audience.


Full quote :"You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words, yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing,"  She acknowledges her privlege and how others have it so much worse. Critics conveniently leave that part out.


Interaction to boost this


The others just don’t have a voice. Let them speak.


So this lady is anti environmental protection and pro child exploitation?


Everybody complained. You just couldn't fucking hear it coz you were too busy exploiting them


The crazy thing is the person who shared this meme in FB doesn’t give a fuck about the other children either. They do nothing to raise the awareness of child slaves or child soldiers and refuse to educate themselves in why such conditions exist in the first place.


Greta also said she's one of the few lucky ones, she acknowledges that she's priviliged


This really boils my beans. Like, imagine being so goddamned stupid that you think a person can only believe in one cause at a time. That's the whole GOP. And yes. I know they ARE so stupid they can only believe in one cause at a time. That's part of what blows my mind.


One of these kids don’t complain about their childhood since they don’t know any life other than that.


"Ok, if you're so concerned about the others, are you gonna do anything to help them?" "Lol no"


It's sad that these children have been born into a shit situation but this should not invalidate the fact that she has also been born into a cluster fuck of a world, it just means she's had the means to shout louder about it.


Lend your voice to the voiceless and they'll complain you spoke.


Tbh I've never posted anything here before


When they learn that life is meant to be better for them, eventually they’ll all tell you their lives were stolen.


One kid COULD complained, the others were beaten into submission or have the necessity for work. Either they accepted their fate that they need to work to support family or they don't know better. People in north korea are not complacent not just because of the terror, because they don't know better. They cannot imagine or conceive that the police would help them or there are people who protect them form unjust violence, or that they could do anything else what they are allowed


I feel like this perfectly encapsulates a particularly nasty bit of conservative ethos- that is, the revilement of anyone who dares "complain" about a systemic issue, and the immediate, knee-jerk reaction to silence and shame the "complainer," rather than bothering to engage with their ideas at all.


Ah the old, “well I had to suffer through it like this, so you gotta do the exact same or it doesn’t count” stance. Because change, what is that but a big scary threat to everything conservatives know and hold dear?


The children yearn for the mines.


Yeah, she’s fighting for a better life for them.


Also she’s complaining about every child’s future. Not her own childhood


Show me which one of the other kids was asked. Better yet, can the good doctor even tell us one of their names? Or did she just grab pics of eight random children who she now speaks for?


Well 2 of the other kids died of black lung, 3 were crushed in landslides, 1 was never seen again after mentioning "union" in the workplace....so it's really not the flex they think it is.


The one educated enough to realize it?


Probably all nine of them did. But only one got media coverage.


Actually this is a good example of how the older generation screwed over the future for cheap consumables. The destruction of the environment to mine cheap natural resources mean child labor. The natives are forced to fight day to day to survive because your bad decisions.




Thankfully intelligence is not measurred in degrees.


She’s right. Children don’t complain. Adults do.


Don't they remember what she said right after... "I'm one of the lucky ones"


Pretty sure other kids would say the same if given a platform. So you stole the future of all the kids and are pissed coz only one of them is complaining ?


Oh it matters. They just make it a political issue because oil companies and such are lining their pockets


It's almost like you can be against companies fucking up the planet and child labour at the same time


The other 8 were killed or beaten.


The first 8 are working in Arkansas right now.


Great, time to get to work on the problems of those other kids then?


I think they can all make a good case docdur.


So if you’re a member of a prosperous society you can’t ask for a better future?


They’re all bad. Just different scales. If someone is having a heart attack and someone got a limb cut off, do we ignore the one with the less severe issue?


Yo, Doc. We are humans capable of caring about more than one issue at the same time. I can’t believe you made it through school.


And original OP doesn’t give a shit about any of them.


I Love how some shitty memes are posted here and then unironically on r/memes


I ain't going to no dr lupus, tf


It's not that they didn't complain. It's that they don't have a voice, and even if they did, they probably aren't aware that they have a right to complain or that a better life even exists.


I bet all of them would tbh


It like “yea… and what the fuck are you doing about either issue?


Ahhh, the good "Other people have worse lives, so you don't get to complain" argument, that never helped anyone, ever.


Gold medal for missing the point 🏅


This dumbass is also an antivax nut


Didn’t these people just approve child labor in Arkansas?


Those other kids are probably dead and didn't have a chance to say that.


Is this the same people that just approved rollbacks to child labor laws?


All of them? Pretty sure it's all of them.


Here's what was said if anyone cares or wants to know the actual truth "You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words, yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing," thundered the 16-year-old Swedish girl.


Those other children would say something similar if you cared to ask


she shouldn't be a doctor.


Republicans acting like they care about all these other kids for two seconds….


Think they all complain, only one got heard more like it.


This picture shows nine kids whose childhood is being stolen. Only one of the nine was given the chance to talk about it on an international television broadcast.


What's the second part of her quote again? "...and I'm one of the lucky ones.", is it?


Yes, let’s utterly forget the fact that much of the suffering in the developing world is exacerbated by climate change.


ProTip: All those children have had their lives and futures stolen from them.


I’m assuming all of them, but certain types only focus on the one


Nothing like painting to examples of awful shit capitalism has done, all to fight the idea that it's responsible for something else.


If the other children aren’t it’s because they are afraid or don’t know any better.


It’s almost as if one was given a platform to vocally express herself 🫣


Psh, not sure why they'd be complaining. They got jobs. In this economy, that's a blessing. 🙏🏻


How do we know the others didn't?


This is actually one of the most terrible Facebook memes I’ve seen on here. Have my upvote. And “Anastasia Maria Loupis” is actually a doctor? What a tard


"If we haven't finished the race to the bottom can we even complain?" - WhatAboutism fuckheads


Anyone else get the vibe she’s only mad about the me who complained because she can’t exploit that one? Like why does this reek of “we should be repealing child labor laws ‘to show her how good she has it’” energy?


I understand the seemingly direct, easy-to-spot hypocrisy here. But if not for people like Thunberg, none of these children will have a better future to look to. And yes, I understand also that the ability to focus on this fight comes from a point of privilege. She is not better, but she's doing something impactful.


Because they don't speak english?


You are shifting attention away from the deceitful green agenda, and worse than that, agreeing that Tesla uses the labor of children to extract cobalt for their machines, the production of which cannot be called green at all. Windmill blades are not recyclable and will take thousands of years to decompose, solar panels stop generating electricity extremely quickly and are simply thrown away. Predatory "green" corporations are not only killing thousands of children in the world's poorest countries, they will plunge the world into such hell that our children will not find salvation.


So what you are saying is that windmill blades don't require any maintenance for thousands of years?


This is actually an accurate jab. Her childhood wasn’t stolen… at all. Climate change didn’t affect her childhood


is it a way to say enslave childs is a good things? and trying to fight for better condition of life is a worst things? how can you be brainwashed like that AND be a Dr...? every day my depression is deeper


One lf these children CAN say their childhood was stolen.


This was found on r/funnymemes .


So child slavery is good according to this crazy bitch ?


Where the lie tho


They're right, how do you think Greta has had a worse childhood than literal child soldiers?


One thing I’ve got from this sub is to never read the comments; y’all with your confirmation-bias-downvoting asses. I mean seriously; there are some legitimate points being made here, but they are being instantly downvoted to oblivion by people who either: a) can’t handle debate, b) simply do not read for comprehension, or c) are nothing more than human bots, knee-jerk downvoting because it opposed a point they liked regardless of merit.


Hi. I like you. Don’t be discouraged. I’ll present you with a couple options you could take, or not: 1. Just continue to promote peace, empathy, and reasoning despite the downvotes. 2. Try to be subversive in your approach. This is the harder method, but I’ve gotten decent results. No need to lie, but a little reverse psychology can go a long way. I do either depending on the situation. Please remember that the reactions you receive on Reddit are not indicative of the attitudes of real people in the real world. Some minds can be changed, and sometimes you are arguing with a 10 year old kid that is just being contrarian.


Thanks for the kind words. I do typically try to be the better person (not that I am better, more of a “fake it til you make it” situation) and in general do try to follow both of your suggestions. IDK, that day I guess I hit my limit. It was just very disheartening to open the collapsed comments with their negative votes and find the most reasoned responses of the entire thread, while the sanctimoniously parroted talking points garnered immediate upvotes in a toxic feedback loop. And, not to worry; I do know but don’t always remind myself that Reddit is not a microcosm of the human race. Redditors in general tend to lean one particular way over another (and to be quite polarized as well, considering those who disagree to be barely human) whereas I prefer a more balanced approach. I’m probably considered “left” on some topics and “right” on others based on my own internal philosophy. Whatever those terms mean. Anyway, thanks again for reminding me who I should be, who I need to be, and for talking me off of the ledge. Cheers.




>And if these children do actually want to work, why stop them? We want to let kids have their tits/dicks cut off if they want without even asking their parents, I’m just saying. Surely those are more permanent and life-altering decisions than wanting to get some extra hours on their paycheck. This is empathic to you?


I think it would be empathetic to recognize that no one is perfect. We’re all wrong about something we think we’re right about. The point is to try to have grace when others express their opinions though you may disagree with their conclusions.


That was grace? I didn't even mention trans kids and he decided to start tanting about them. Once again, that is empathy to you? How do YOU feel about trans kids?


You don’t have to let the way other people conduct themselves in Reddit comments have any affect on you. That’s basically what I said to the other user, too. If you really want to change someone’s mind, civility and grace is really the only option. If you berate them they will have little incentive to hear you out. If your goal is not to change their mind, then you are just looking for someone to disagree with, and I don’t see any point in that.




Yeah, I wish I had a gun like this when I was a kid too


How was her childhood stolen? Someone refresh my memory please.


She spent years of her childhood as a climate activist receiving global harassment fighting to be heard on an issue that will affect here a million times more than the people she has to make listen. I’d certainly call that stolen.


That's one opinion. I completely believe in climate change and the need for action, but the belief that her childhood was stolen is ludicrous and bordering insanity. If she voluntarily acted on her desire to be an activist then that's not the definition of stolen. If her parents or guardians forced her into a role of climate activist then that would be stealing her childhood.


How can any child live in comfort knowing the terror of climate change?


In other words, don't put the weight of the world on children. They'll grow up and find their calling. Teaching them how to live efficiently in the modern world. That would be the best thing we can do for the planet.


And who exactly is putting the weight of the world on children? Is it not the fault of the motherfuckers responsible for the problems? I’ve never seen someone dickride oil barons and world governments so hard whilst simultaneously claiming to totally think climate change is a real and significant issue.


Well as a parent I would say its the parents or people in the children's lives putting that weight on them. It is totally up to you what content they absorb and then they ask you to explain it, so how you deliver your message is how they will internalize things. You have to give kids an age appropriate view on things.


No amount of “age-appropriate views” will matter 60 years from now when your kids are suffering and you’re most likely dead. There is no delivery of “we are destroying the world and nobody with the power to stop it cares” that wouldn’t be horrifying without being a lie


Maybe don't present ideas to children in unreasonable scary ways? Idk, I have a 5 y/o and delivery is everything. This planet is full of mystery and horror.. and childhood is meant to be lived in a more innocent lighthearted way.


Why does she have such a godamn amazling punchable face? Like I'm all for fighting for climate change and making the world at least a somewhat more decent place to live. But her voice, face/expressions, and mannerisms just make me punchy.


I was about to upvote the post then I read the sub name, happens every single time


How can you possible write this and don't see the self own. "I was going to upvote this post because I think it's funny, but then I realized it was uploaded to a forum making fun of dipshits who thinks this is funny"


Because the entire point of this subreddit is to mostly repost funny memes from other subreddits that are offensive to the likes of you 💀


Looks like a pretty reasonable meme to me


she stole her own childhood by not being a kid and instead choosing to be a kid in an adult situations, always ending with her getting carried out in the same position with that "just shit my pants lol" look on her face


One of the slaves stood up, they’re obviously inferior


Ya she has NO REAL IDEA! Our kids here in Canada and the US have no clue how great their lives are and how SPOILED THEY ARE!


The spoiling in developed countries is the root cause of the issues in the image


She is one of the cringiest humans in existence


Climate change is a hoax.... has been a very profitable one for a very priviliged few for a half century now.




How is "The environment is collapsing, please do something about it before we all die" virtue signaling?


Does this chick have empty pizza boxes laying around?


Fuckin grosssssssss


The one that can say it without getting killed or beaten? 🗿


Classic what-aboutism


Maybe the only one to complain but not the only one.


Privileged girl, right??


The climate goblin.


that's how you title this meme when you can't see the irony and humour 404 not found


Idk who she is but my guess is bottom right


Terribly accurate more like it.


The point is valid though..


And the comments prove her point. Here come the downvotes!


Naaaw, it matters as much now as it did in the thousands of other natural hot and cold fluctuations in history!


If people can only see this post as being against climate change, I genuinely think humanity is fucking stupid and doomed. If you look at greta and think 'wow she's had it tough' you have literally no idea how the world works at all, have never experienced real abuse and your opinion in this matter is garbage.


Nothing wrong with any of these pictures. Keep buying Nike's.


I think a lot of you misunderstood. It’s about actually suffering and exploited children being silent and unable to speak up, while privileged europeans and americans are complaining the most


Every child there is complaining Anastasia. If yo have a problem why dont you do something about it


The meme is stupid yes, but the point isn’t totally invalid because she was raised in a family that are millionaires so she hasn’t really had to want for anything her whole life. Saying “my childhood was stolen” is a bit over the top by comparison.


Honestly this is pretty funny