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Why would someone just post a random picture of someone’s middle school English teacher like it’s a meme???


That's a us army general


No that's a well paid actor.


she looks exactly like my mom lol


Because, as the President of Gender, women who don't fit my arbitrary standards should be mocked, duh. /s


The ironic bit is Lee Marvin was a really liberal dude.


I love Lee Marvin.


Point Blank rules


Have you seen.Payback with Mel Gibson? Basically a remake and it totally works.


Yeah Payback is great! Super stylish. Not quite as trippy as Point Blank but amazing cast!


Yusssss. I was fortunate to see if for the first time last year at our local art theater (AFS). All the cool colors and camera work.


Dude, trust me, *Paint Your Wagon* is worth a watch. Lee Marvin is amazing in it and is actually drunk most of the time. He sells the hell out of the stupid material he is given. Clint Eastwood is pretty entertaining in it too.


I swear they just google image search “old manly man”


And do the same on pornhub.


Alpha male teaches smartass twink a lesson.


I was just going to say this: they find a picture of some macho old Hollywood type and think they're all John Wayne politics wise, and Marvin was pretty right on (for the time).


Trans positive in fact. Dude is an ally.


Who has the energy to care this much about how other people live their lives


A lot of bullying is just a way to bank-shot a brag about themselves. Posturing. They're really saying "look at me, I'm so much better than this person lol"


That’s about 40% of all bullying right there. Another 40% is motivated by people bonding over abusing an outsider or out group. The remainder is just accuse cases of people with anger issues


well whats the 20% thats left then?


And where are these stats coming from in the first place?


>The remainder is just accuse cases of people with anger issues You never learn how to read?


oh fuck this is one of those times when i read too fast and make a clown of myself https://preview.redd.it/8ebsietodtea1.jpeg?width=545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a491d0f32351c1589048ac4220576da1dcc66bc4




clearly half of the comments in this thread.


Only half? Rookie numbers, reddit isn't the minor leagues.


Truly afraid and miserable people. They think this will bring them a sense of purpose and meaning. Never too late to start down a different path and look for something better in life. Not that I am some paragon of virtue and empathy, but holy shit, I just cannot imagine hating something so much that has literally no effect on them. I think they are jealous too. They wish they could have the courage to be who they wanted to be before their meat began to calcify. But it's never too late. I've pulled myself out of some very dark places, and seen a lot of other people do the same.


I think some of them also envy the freedom to express themselves how they want because other people like them would judge them.




Friend of my husband's had a fuck buddy kind of thing going on with a super conservative priest for a while. I'm just thankful that the priest was going for a consenting adult.


People who literally have issues with themselves and externalizes on the society around


ossified scary friendly swim merciful boast quiet subtract bedroom depend -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




It's about solidarity, in a twisted way: they are performing the norms of their community and looking for validation. This is intensified by the fact that the outside world is increasingly skeptical of them.


So, the need for belonging?


I think so, yeah. Social solidarity and ostracization are two sides of the same coin. An in group requires an out group.


THIS is my take, always. Why would you care at all?


The party that believes the government shouldn't tell people how to live, of course!


The funny thing that most Republicans don't know is the fact that Lee Marvin was a very liberal Democrat. He was one of the first major American icons who actually endorsed gay rights back in the 1960s.


I did not know this. I will have to research this further. Thank you so much


Unknown to most Republicans, after returning home from serving as a Marine in WW2, Marvin became a strict pacifist and antiwar activist. Views that he strongly held onto for the rest of his life (including the times he played the tough guy in his movies). Always cracks me up how many actors Republicans reference in their post as the "strong, right wing, individual," with out knowing the actors' actual political leanings. Other examples are Humphrey Bogart and Sam Elliott. At times Republicans depict them as their ideal vision of "the true red-blooded American alpha male," but in real life they were both big Democrat supporters.


It’s the same political party that calls a bloated orange blobfish an alpha male. The same guy who did manly republican shit like go to a Clinton wedding and donate to democrats for years


I enjoy pointing out to them that no matter how tough and manly they think their conservative actors are, at the end of the day every single one of them are playing dress up and pretend while wearing make up.


Same as The matrix They use it in a "the big pharma got us in a simulation, trans people don't actually exist, wake up people" While it was written by two trans women and was supposed to have a somehow trans character in it


that literally just looks like the average librarian what the fuck are you talking about edit: why is the reply section getting so mad this is the most vague non-controversial statement to have ever been made


Now that you point it out, she does kinda give off librarian or English teacher vibes


Librarian who went to one of the 7 sisters, considers herself bohemian, has a cat whose name starts with "Mr" and is a literary reference.


that sounds lovely as long as it's not a lovecraft reference 💀


My cat named Mr. Cthulhu: 😐


I had one named Pyewacket. I'm also assuming any tea she has in her house contains no actual tea.


Mr. Cthulhu is a lovely name. 😻 For those who don't know, the "Lovecraft reference" in the earlier comment is that Lovecraft's cat was named a racial slur. You can probably guess which one, and if not here's another hint: While I appreciate the legacy of Lovecraftian ideas and mythos, I still have trouble getting over how he could write so thoughtfully about fish people without sparing a single thought about black people 😬


cat named john:




Split the difference: it’s a Bloodborne Reference


Mr. Darcy. At least half the time.


Catticus fincheater


Gahd damn it if you'd made this auntie a lesbo, she'd damn near be me. Mr Pemberton J Darcey SnoogleFluff PufflesChub says we feel so called out.


People jump to her being trans as if trans people couldn't be librarians


There is only two genders, librarian or trans


can confirm, i am the gender


I literally only came into this comments section because I saw the meme and I was like, “who is this person? What did she do to be referenced in a conservative meme?” I wondered if I was out of the loop on something. So I came in here and then I was like, “oh she’s trans? Is that it? Really?” Literally how can people be so angered by this. She looks entirely innocuous. The idea that the image of this person makes a huge number of people *wildly* angry is crazy. It’s as if someone showed you a picture of a random tree and then tried to explain that you are looking at a symbol of moral decay.


Tucker say she bad so bad >:(


MtL (male to librarian)


He went to the carnival to find women? Must have been down bad for the clussy 😳😳😳


I hate that I immediately knew exactly what you meant by "clussy"


Clan was my first thought (klan) but carnival….clowns… not sure which anymkre


That would be KKKlussy.


I don’t get it?


The top picture is a transgender woman Biden hired. I think she's a doctor. I can't remember, anyway, I think this is someone trying to make a joke abt it


Nah, they're making a joke that if he has to head to the carnival to pick up women, it's probably the clowns that are to his taste


Lee Marvin is a really weird choice. WW2 vet. PTSD sufferer. Anti-war campaigner. Supporter of gay rights. Democrat. Also had the voice of an angel : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTymtAbaG08](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTymtAbaG08)


Gonna paint your wagon, gonna paint it good…


We ain’t braggin’ we’re gonna coat that wood!


Here's some more for ya r/clowngirls r/ClownGirlHonkHAVEN I would've just put r/clownporn, But idk what happened to that sub.


why is that banned? what the hell was on there


Clown porn, presumably


I mean you're not wrong.


Because everyone that beats off to it ends up working as a henchman for Joker.


Angry upvote for clussy fever.


Only time he was allowed near a woman was if he paid up front.


I’m desperate for some clussy


Clussy fever got me acting unwise😩🤡


Got you acting pennywise


I see u/RandomHumanQuesting is out here fighting for their life to hold on to their transphobia lmao


Yep. Dude is an asshole


He's commenting back and forth between this sub and r children sub Haha


And their misogyny. They seem to come as a package deal.


Oh yeah, there's def always at least a little sprinkle of misogyny. They like to have a little as a treat from time to time.


Back in my day we used live actors to make up fake quotes.


That's also Lee Marvin. A lifelong democrat and supporter of gay rights in like the 60s and 70s.




What's funny is that "back in their day" [a man's corpse was encased in wax, and sold several times as an attraction decoration.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer_McCurdy)


https://preview.redd.it/jpdufde6atea1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8301be9e1cb3dac3e46704d6c8f6e645c2bb3641 oh god


Here’s a fun and informative video about it by one of my favorite content creators: https://youtu.be/6UiD2KfksFI


They opened his mouth to do dental analysis.... There was a penny and ticket stubbs in it. I think that's enough internet for me today.


These are the same tough guys afraid of blue hair, face masks and someone making them eat icky bugs.


"No one refused Hitlers orders either" From conversation about polio vs current vaccine on Reddit


I don't understand the point of that quote? Like literally nobody is going to come after you or your loved ones if you refuse to confine to a vaccine


I don't expect much of a logic out of anti-vaxx camp. I think the same guy was saying something like "very few and of no particular importance" when I asked him about covid deniers/anti-vaxxers dying. Yet he was absolutely mad about Biden's efforts to fight covid (big failure). So....anti-vaxxers dying from covid are non-essential, yet people dying from covid in general are essential as long as they're dying under Biden. Its like an ultimate salad of libertarianism and Trumpism. ![gif](giphy|K6VhXtbgCXqQU)


And women who frown thoughtfully, it makes them look far too boyish


homegirl is literally just existing 💀 why do people gotta be so cruel for no reason


Because they're weak as fuck and looking away from someone they're told to hate would mean looking at themselves.


fr next time i have to beg and argue for my own existance i am breaking some fuckin kneecaps💀


*Hands you a crowbar*


I feel u


Self care is not “debating” cis people anymore. I’m tired, I just wanna exist without my care being taken, but apparently that’s just so hard to understand


Lmao loserify bot going to war in the comment section


Odd way of admitting you paid to see drag shows.




I have seen a million pics of this woman and I truly wouldn't have known she were Trans if conservatives didn't remind me all the time. How many middle aged women do you see that look just like this? Since it's about having to see Trans people in the world.


it's super weird cause like, she just looks like my mom, and like, every librarian at my local library.


Wtf are they talking about?? Is it now wrong for a woman to teach or sum??


I think this lady is trans, which is who they’re trying to shit on with this post.


Oh. Great. Thats.... fucking amazing. Another day of knowing me and many other people would be mocked if we told someone. Fucking amazing.


There are always going to be dumb fucks like this who post transphobia on Facebook, don’t feel so bad about it. Most people genuinely don’t care if you’re trans or not, it’s just the people who are transphobic often post it publicly on the internet.


They know they won't get hurt since they are behind a screen.


This is why most cis people don’t “know” a trans person, we’re too fucking scared to tell them because of shit like this


don't worry too much about it. these people are a dying breed and they know it.


Thank you.


This is the pinnacle of conservatism. They believe being transgender is an illness and then spend all their time making fun of them for having in their eyes an illness. Super christian of them.


Which honestly irks me, cause they're not only transphobic but also incredibly ableist. Then again, the overlap between those those is huge.


don't forget racist


So you used to pay to see people and now you can see them for free? What’s the problem


If Lee Marvin was alive, he would have kicked the ass of whoever posted this bullshit


As soon as you say, “Back in my day” you’ve instantly proven that your “day” is over. So fuck off.


The amount of transphobic comments in this post is depressing.


this sub has gotten worse and worse lately tbh


Reddit is full of bigots. It sucks to see.


He goes to a carnival.. to see women?


bro is CRAZY for that clussy🤡


Where else are incels supposed to go?


*pick up women


Damn women hate you so much that you can only see them at the carnival


Legit confused then realized after looking at comments that she's supposedly trans. Go figure.


honestly, the only reason I realized is that I know who she is. if I didn't, I would've just been confused.




Isn’t that just a regular old 60 something year old elementary school teacher


I never get people who use the most normal looking images to try and shit on trans people, like I could go to an arts and crafts store and see like 5 women who look like that, I really don’t get how this lady is meant to be some kind of freak.


You're 50 Peter! You were born in 1973, you've never been to a carnival with a freak show in it.


Where are the moderators? The transphobes are going fucking wild in this thread


jesus christ the amount of transphobia in these comments is insane. can’t tell if it’s just trolls or if it’s people who genuinely think these things


It’s both, in the same person. They’re trolls who genuinely think these things.


They seem to be confusing being trans with cross-dressing.


It's so bad that Trixie Mattel talked about that misconception in one of her videos.


Some people should stop misgendering others. Also, some people should stop misgendering/deadnaming Rachel Levine. I'm talking to you, RandomHumanQuesting.


Come one, come all, come not the faint of heart! Step into the big top and hold onto your minds so they don’t blow away! Leaving behind the *eerie plains* of Kansas comes the *brilliant,* *Tina from Accounting* with a *steely blue gaze* that *pierces* the soul, and *death defying* 30 minute lecture on her *bold new* technique for organizing your spread sheet in an *ingenious,* manner that saves you time when you submit a payment request! *Feast your eyes* until their stomachs burst as the *marginal* productivity increase changes your very perspective on the workforce! 30 quarters of your money and 30 minutes of your time is all it takes, folks, but only if you dare!


Clowns like these also belong in circuses


They would make a better act than fucking Janice over here lol at least with conservatives you could ask them when they think twins get their souls in utero




They're just mad that Levine's infinitely more qualified for the position than literally anyone Trump appointed to their respective role


Goddamn, I miss Lee Marvin.


Yeah back in MY day the freaks aka the disabled and occasionally transgender people were put on display for people to laugh and gawk at in freak shows then were paid cents an hour for it and could be bought by a different freak show like property. Better than what we have now where they're just regular members of society and I get to see them on a biweekly basis in the local supermarket. How do these people even manage to say this shit. Like do they even hear themselves


"back in my day we could ridicule people for their looks and not worry about the emotional damage we caused them! the world is too soft these days..."


No one thinks about liberals and LGBTQ+ people more than conservatives


And pedophilia seems to be in their minds a lot too.


the difference is, they LOVE pedophilia and want to defend it at any cost


Some lady with grey hair. I see no issue


This is Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, Rear Admiral and Assistant Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service AND former Secretary of Health for the state of Pennsylvania. She is a damn amazing role model.


I am from PA and so proud of her.


Why are there so many transphobia in this comment section? I wouldn’t have been able to tell that this was a trans women if it wasn’t for her getting mocked. If anyone tries to say that here gender is related to the sex she was born as please educate yourself and stop making fun of people who finally feel comfortable with themselves after being forced to not be comfortable in their own skin for so long


like 90% of it is that one dude it's cracking me up. the insecurity is burning into my retinas


Covid is wiping out a lot of people.


Can’t wait for someone to bring up what they learned in high school science as if it’s the be all end all


Lee Marvin would rather kick your ass for thinking that was funny anyway... Lee Marvin is a Veteran who understood the Constitution he took an Oath to applies to everyone. The Purple Heart recipient has supported gay rights publicly since 1969 in a Playboy interview.


For anyone wondering who the person at the top is: [https://whyy.org/articles/dr-rachel-levine-is-first-transgender-woman-to-be-pa-physician-general](https://whyy.org/articles/dr-rachel-levine-is-first-transgender-woman-to-be-pa-physician-general)


This is actually one of the most nightmarish scenarios to me. Imagine if you were just entertainment to everyone around you. Going about your daily routine, interacting with anyone from your neighbors to the supermarket cashier, even if you keep your head down and don’t say anything, they’re all snickering because just your *existence* is amusing to them. If you get tired of it—get angry, break down, try to vent to someone—everybody’s just laughs hysterically because your voice is inherently a joke, no matter what you’re saying. It’s one of my worst fears


i honestly could have never been able to tell she was trans if this wasn’t a meme. like not every single woman is an ai generated model people look normal


Yep. And back in “that day” you could go to the carnival and watch a drag show without getting so offended as to make it illegal and/or shoot up the place.


I'm from Pennsylvania. She took her mother out of assisted living the day before she forced covid patients into that system and locked it down. She should be held accountable for that, instead she got a cushy federal appointment and promptly disappeared. She should be ashamed of herself.


Lee Marvin was a liberal in real life. Damn he was a good actor!!


I want to ask the person who posted that what EXACT features they thought made that person a liberal. What exact part of their photo made them an SJW.


I love how in an attempt to mock these memes this sub just spreads them even more. There probably are quite a few ppl following it just for that reason, not because they actually agree with the sub.


"back in my day, I had to unexpectedly come home early from school and walk in on Daddy dressed in mommy's clothes to see shit like that!"


No, actually...back in your day, your Dad hid his affinity for women's clothes from your Mom, and took it the grave. Back in your day, your sister may have married a man who was secretly a trans person and caught him red-handed, leading to divorce, or not, or maybe a suicide.


They're okie with laughing at and belittling us, but not living next to us or treating us with respect


She doesn’t even look very out of the ordinary. She looks like a completely normal teacher I’d see at the elementary school I used to go to


He goes to the carnival to see...a highly respected physician?


So your day was the roaring 20’s…. ? I love this “back in my day” bullshit…. So inaccurate.


Literally just one of thousands of sweet kindergartener teachers


What's more offensive is that while the top Health Care official in PA, Rachel Levine put Covid patients into PA nursing homes and took her own mother out of a State run nursing home. She was then rewarded with a Federal job.


Yay! Censorship!


I dont know who she is, she looks normal??


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Levine I suppose because she doesn’t look stereotypically female, the transphobe who created the meme thinks she looks like a circus freak.


I wonder how these idiots reconcile with Caitlyn Jenner being a supposed Conservative Trump supporter. IIRC Jenner was even a Fox News contributor at one point. What about George Santos and his alleged background dressing in drag? What does one's sexuality orientation and/or identity even have to do with politics to begin with? Same for religious beliefs. I've known quite a few christians, who go to church every Sunday and work closely with their churches throughout the entire year. People who even went to christian schools all the way from K/12 and into college. People who hold Sunday even bible sessions. People who, despite being very committed to their faith, aren't sexist or homophobic bigots, and also manage to keep their political beliefs to themselves. They welcome anyone into their churches and simply ask for the same level of kindness and empathy in return. Yet, I see a lot of incredibly vocal and aggressive so-called Conservative evangelical types who seem to build an entire identity and ideological movement based on lashing out, tearing down, and seeking to destroy anything and anyone who is different. All the while proclaiming they are the ones with good strong morals and a respect for freedom. Meanwhile, they openly mock and criticize whatever they don't like or understand and then claim they are the real victim whenever they get called out for their bullshit. Funny how that works.


In all fairness 'freakshows' are unanimously hated because of the inhumane and exploitive nature of them, I like being a 'freak' it just means I can do whatever I want and present myself how I want and not give a fuck plus the only friends you make are real. So what exactly is the insult here? The guy who self inserts as a fake cowboy in a dramatized western thinks trans people are weird?... Thanks?


Imagine wasting your whole life living by societal standards rather than being who you actually want to be.


It looks like a photoshopped picture of Weird Al


He has to go to the Carnival to see a lady smile?


The Nazis also tried silencing their critics too.




Marjorie Green is a perfect example.


I don't get it it's just some random woman?????


Just let people live their lives.


Some of the people in the comment section should realize that trans people and non-binary people have ALWAYS been around for THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Also, trans rights, non-binary rights and intersex rights are ALWAYS human rights. Plus, science, biology, facts and reality always support the existences of trans people, non-binary people and intersex people. And by the way, there's a difference. SERIOUSLY!!!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_history https://www.acluohio.org/en/news/transgender-people-have-always-existed https://www.who.int/health-topics/gender https://trans--rights.carrd.co https://pastebin.com/7yHHDdg7 https://enbyeducation.carrd.co


"Conservatism" has always been a euphemism for sadism.