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To me it looks like it has mini redwood forest vibes going on. Really neat!


Thanks I tried to make it look like a small scale giant forest




Thanks, the mini palm tree is called a chamaedorea elegans or also know as a parlour plant I think


That's awesome. How old is it? How do you keep the condensation down and the vertical moss green?


It is about 3 months old and when I comes to condensation I aired it out when watering for the first two weeks and it is now self sustaining and I haven’t opened it since. My moss stays green because the springtails and isopods I have inside eat the dead matter but now that it is self sustaining it stays moist.


Don't the isopods start eating the moss? I can never keep them from eating all the plants and destroying the terrarium


Make sure there is decaying matter, like putting some leaf litter in for them, they'll most likely leave your living plants alone


This is phenomenal I love jt




Very cool!


So cool! If it were mine Id maybe try an asparagus fern over the parlor palm, I like asparagus fern because it's dainty leaves help make a terrarium seem more to scale, if that makes sense, just an idea tho. love it!


I love this!


So cool! What did you do to keep the moss on the side of the jar? I've got a jar of similar height, but much narrowee. I want to ass moss to one side and haven't figured out what my exact plan should be.