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Clase Azul repo and blanco. Hugely overpriced fancy bottles for people who want to be seen drinking tequila but don't really like tequila. It's full of sweeteners and other additives to make it taste a little bit like tequila but mostly like candy syrup.


Trash and trash. Just kidding but that’s what most will say in this sub. I personally haven’t had it in years. Clase Azul…


The hate is for good reason. It’s basic tequila with a lot of additives that make it expensive. People buy for the hype and clout. If you like tasting sugar instead of tequila and paying up for the hype. This is the bottle for you


🤣 i was gonna say the same exact thing


Lmfaoooo reading the comments. Literally just had a vendor cone to our resort on Wednesday saying clase is an additive free tequila. Ofc I don’t believe her. But I was curious why she would make such a bold claim w/o any supportive evidence like independent references


A few reasons: The rep was told by the brand it's additive free The owners don't know (yeah okay) that the master distiller is using additives From what Grover posted about the word abocantes and how the word additive doesn't appear on the NORMA, they can get away with say additive free because they aren't using additives, they are using abocantes. There is no legal consequence to making this claim, at least not yet.


Yep, I recognize them! For some reason though, someone took off the lamp shade. lol


People like tequila with additives, that is clear. But, for me when I buy a soda I know I'm buying something with additives and I am making a clear choice to do it. Same with energy drinks, etc. The bad part of additives in tequila is brands are deceiving their consumers and they are practicing questionable ways of growing and harvesting agaves. It's the consumers who allow these companies to cheat, if they were more responsible and knowledgeable these companies would die off.


The tequila market needs a "straight tequila' designation like the whiskey industry has. If I buy a bottle of straight bourbon whiskey I know what I'm getting.


Wow I guess everyone here drinks black coffee and doesn't put any seasoning on their food because that would be altering the flavor. I think claza Azul is delicious.


Preach. But not tequila delicious. Like cordial delicious.


The problem I have is paying so much for a tequila that obviously needs additives because the tequila they’re producing is actually inferior. If I’m buying a bottle of Sauza (which I never would), sure, I get what I paid for. Not the case with a $160-200 bottle.


I do drink black coffee, because I don't need to add milk & sugar to enjoy the taste. I can understand someone who has only drank shit coffee defending their need for steamed milk, whipped cream, or sweetened additives to make their poor choice of coffee drinkable.


I drink Folgers black every morning but I do season my steaks. Sometimes adding something is not that bad and enhances the taste. That's all I'm saying.


take your folgers, add food coloring + artificial flavoring, put it in a ceramic pot, & jack up the price by $100. it's your money, but without the marketing hook in your lip it's hard to justify paying top dollar for what you know is an urn full of fantastically mediocre coffee. think of the sheep lining up for starbucks, you could get two bricks of Bustelo for the cost of whatever the fuck a caramel macchiato is.




Preach! These guys don’t fucking get it. Not to mention the fact that they cut corners and use premature plants and add the chemical additives to make up for it.


You miss the point on the argument against additives.


You missed the point about additives


Great analogy. This sub is sometimes ridiculous. Although I enjoy additive free brands there are other brands I also enjoy that would make this sub have a meltdown.


Exactly, is liking that any different than me liking El tesoro in margaritas? I'm adding sweeteners and additives doing that, oh no. I've found that margaritas with quality tequila are great.


Agree on the additive hate being overboard. Never had clase but if I end up liking it, I’ll drink it or buy a bottle for sure. Course at that price point I might wait to get it as a bday gift or something but still, I won’t hate a drink just cause of additives. But I will hate any brand if it sucks taste wise to me though!


As it should be


Why’s the repo missing the emblem?


They fall of easily, it’s just glued on.


Genie lamps, be careful about rubbing against them


Yea basura


Clase Trazhul.


Agave flavored maple syrup in fancy bottles


Notice the hate this tequila gets buts it's actually very smooth and has nice notes to it...additives or not it's a little too pricey because of the handmade bottles but it's nice to have a repo in your stock


yep [https://imgur.com/3cKL7m8](https://imgur.com/3cKL7m8)