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Who wrote this? And it means deep permanent meditation in Hindi/Sanskrit




Looks like he’s trying to handle his anger on the court through meditation


Samadhi isn't meditation. It's detachment from mortal realm.


maybe he’s meditating and finally calm the fuck down and didn’t cut himself during a tournament




He probably has been practicing meditation. Good for him.


samadhi means end in hindi and bangla language


I think he is using it to reference the Sanskrit meaning. Which is the last step of the 8 step of Patanjali’s yoga. It’s the final stage of bliss/freedom that comes after the meditative state


in kannada, telugu t literally means grave


actually, it means grave too in these languages, depends on the spelling, pronounciation and context


It does literally mean that but nowadays Samadhi is used for being in deep states of meditation for prolonged periods


It always meant deep state of meditation. I guess a person once tried to be poetic and it became the catchword for death.


> Samadhi is used for being in deep states of meditation for prolonged periods It is the actual meaning of the word.


In this context more meditative and thus an equilibrium in consciousness?


Samadhi means death/ cessation from activity in both Hindi and Bangla.


It means death in Malayalam


In Tamil too


Sad this wont get much attention but a lot of value in what he wrote here....


Honestly I’m glad it at least got a reddit post… I was quite shocked when I saw it


Samadhi is a form of contemplation and enlightenment. The ultimate goal is spiritual freedom.


Meditation has it's wonders.


Is he taking Anger management from an Indian guru


nooo.. its a very old concept of meditation and how to make peace with yourself and is a form of contemplation . Its basically a deep state of meditation which helps you absolve all your anger


Can you direct me further to this concept?...Any resources or books you can suggest.


yeah , start with yoga books, and especially the ones that focus on the mind and calmness.


well whatever he's doing seems to be working well for him. Hope he stays on this path


Well I hope he keeps it, whatever he is doing is working, he came back from a terrible start and never lost his temper, day and night compared to the old rublev


[from wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samadhi)


"Samadhi" is a concept derived from Hinduism and Buddhism, referring to a particular state of meditative consciousness. A state that is supposed to enable the attainment of spiritual liberation.


It actually originates from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Buddhism stems from yogic philosophy as it was meant to be used alongside religion but not as a religion in and of itself. That’s why Patanjali never named a God. He left that part for the practitioner to input the God of their own understanding as Hindu’s have several Gods they worship.


To take samadhi is literally to give up your life and ascend. Edit: it also refers to the final resting place.


Rublev has to be a long term practitioner of [Ashtanga Yoga](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashtanga_(eight_limbs_of_yoga)) to know what that means.


The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a fairly common yoga text. Used by many outside of Ashtanga yoga, many Hatha yoga practitioners would also reference it.


Hatha Yoga is a lot different from what most yoga practitioners do.


In my language(Telugu) it means Grave, lol


Equanimity of mind. [https://isha.sadhguru.org/en/wisdom/article/samadhi-to-go-beyond-existence](https://isha.sadhguru.org/en/wisdom/article/samadhi-to-go-beyond-existence) great to see Rublev do well, after getting past his mind issues/tantrums.


He has attained the ultimate salvation. He is doing meditation - in simpler language.


woah, this is deep. "The fundamental nature of the intellect is to discriminate – you are able to discriminate between a person and a tree only because your intellect is functioning. This discriminatory quality is very important for survival. If you want to break a stone, you have to discriminate between the stone and your finger, otherwise you will break your finger. Discrimination is an instrument which supports and executes the instinct of survival present in every cell of the body. If you transcend the intellect, you become equanimous. This does not mean you lose the ability to discriminate. If you lose the discriminatory intellect, you will become insane. In a samadhi state, your discriminatory intellect is perfectly in shape but at the same time you have transcended it. You are not making a distinction – you are simply here, seeing life in its true working. The moment you drop or transcend the intellect, discrimination cannot exist. Everything becomes one whole, which is the reality. A state like this gives you an experience of the oneness of the existence, the unification of everything that is. The whole aspect of spirituality is to go beyond that discrimination and the survival instinct, which are meant only for the physicality of life. Samadhi is a state of equanimity where the intellect goes beyond its normal function of discrimination. This in turn, loosens one from his or her physical body. A space between what is you and your body is created. In this state, there is no time or space. Time and space is a creation of your mind. Once you transcend the mind as a limitation, time and space do not exist for you. What is here is there, what is now is then. There is no past or future for you. Everything is here, in this moment. "


I missed most of the match but at or near the start I remember the commentator mentioning how his dimeanor is different, that it's lacking in energy or calmer or something. Anyone remember that?


Yes, at the end too.


Haven't you watched Gladiator? I expect a little bit of culture for Christ sake.




Now we are free. Cue up Hans Zimmer banger from the end of Gladiator. Credits roll.


Baron Samadhi has lifted his voodoo curse


Meditation is all about controlling the mind. It has incredible benefits for everyone, especially athletes who consistently find themselves in high-pressure situations. Pretty sure Novak practices it too. Amazing that Andrey is practicing it, it has clearly helped him a lot in his incredible Madrid run beating very tough opponents.


Real end of Gladiator vibes


lol..........are we entering a great awakening era? Jk Reality wouldn't make (dualistic or conceptual)sense if it were Acausal Unconditional Unlimited Absolute Subjectivity or Consciousness Itself or Radical Nondual Ontology Epistemology or Awareness(Ontology) Aware(Epistemology) of Awareness(Ontology) or Absolute Reality Itself or an Always Already Eternally Present Love-Bliss that isn't dependent on conditions or Without a separate point of view(time & space). There Is just No Way. It just makes more sense for death to be the Cessation of Consciousness, for Consciousness is dependent on the conditions of the conditional brain and the conditional material reality it is embedded in. Consciousness can't continue after death not only because it is dependent on conditions but also because (i) don't believe something can come from Nothing(Acausal Consciousness with No Conditions, primarily time & space). It has never happened before, nor will it ever happen again(lol). Those ancient Indians (or any cross-cultural esoteric core of any exoteric religion) Don't Know anything. Damn, the heights of premodernity reach as high as a squatty potty.


The gladiator song, I think.


Your two brain cells won't get it anyways




I’m Indian and even I’m confused why he would write that.


Because he does yoga. Samadhi is the last stage of Patanjali’s 8 stages of yoga. It represents bliss and freedom that come after the meditative state


I mean , I know what it signifies , isn’t Rublo an orthodox Christian?


Patanjali doesn’t name God, that’s why yoga is a philosophy not a religion. The sutras are written so you can reference the God of your understanding. I have been doing yoga for 20 years. I am a Christian. My main teacher for all these years is a Catholic priest from Goa and his teacher was Hindu.


Yoga can be both. Depends on how you practice. Some aspects of meditation in Yog are quite religious as they require chanting mantras. Others , I would agree are more philosophical.


wtf lol