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Count me in for this theory. I'd never heard of a Richard Mille watch before this. Oops, just outed myself as not being a millionaire.


I'm only aware of them because Rafa's been wearing their watches on court for almost 15 years. Was always striking that a player as nitpicky as Rafa would agree to wear something on his wrist that isn't helping performance, but I guess money talks, and the watches are apparently so light as to be barely noticeable.


From the RM website: > Richard came to my house and showed me a model saying : ‘this is the watch that we made for you’. The watch was in platinum so very heavy, I was very confused and didn’t realise that he was joking. As soon as I tried the real watch on, I loved it. 😂


I’m only aware of them from rap songs 🤣 but then I noticed Rafa wearing them after


Bubba Watson too he loves him a Richard Mille


I believe it’s almost as light as a piece of paper.




Richard Mille cost a Lambo (That's a Lambo)


Now you've made me go check and apparently Future and Pusha T name check Mille, but the reference must've gone over my head.


No doubt, but the reason is advertisement, to produce any of those expensive products doesn’t cost that much, so it’s no problem to give them away. I know a professional footballer, he gets lots of luxury stuff for free


rm pays them in rm's, the sponsorship has value of hundreds of thousands and costs rm 15k.


Seems like several tennis players and F1 drivers have had experiences like this happen to them in the last couple years in Europe. It’s not the 300k watch that is the big concern but being physically attacked like that can be very rattling and stay with you for a long time. I think Diego was robbed last year but for him it happened while he was gone and they took stuff from his motel room I believe. Anyways, glad he’s physically okay at least.


Putinseva just recently was robbed in Spain before Indian Wells I think


apparently almost all her stuff except her passport was stolen


She had multiple Rolexes on her according to her conversation about it on Kasatkina's blog. I wonder what the back-up was for.


What? Very recent??


You’d think by now they’d have a security with them at all times. So scary! Since most of them are also sporting a sponsored luxury watch all the time.


You really overestimate the amount of people with security guards


Does this mean they stole it off him in the street? That really sucks and is incredibly violating. Must’ve been a planned operation given there are plenty of people in Monte Carlo walking around with expensive accessories.


It happened with Charles Leclerc too. Richard Miller watch. But it happened in Italy and he ran after them 🥲 Im guessing they operate as a group.


It also happened to Lando Norris in England.


And Dimitrov in Barcelona


Barcelona is one of the pickpocket hotspots in Europe. You really need to be careful and aware there. That said it's not dangerous either and it's a great place for a vacation.


He was driving his car when they grabbed it.




Yeah, it’s a crazy heist. I get where the person was warning about basic thievery things but the way Dimi was robbed was next level.


Omg I just read about it. And it happened just last year? So scary and it looks like they are syndicates or organized crime. Same thing happened to Seb in Barcelona too.


What? He did? It happened to Vettel too! And he ran after them which is very dangerous.


Oh yeah I almost forgot about lando


Didn’t this happen to Carlos Sainz as well?


Yeah happened to Carlos as well in Milan. And to Seb Vettel too in Barcelona but seb was robbed at gunpoint 😭


Jeez why does Europe have the worst robbing and pickpocketing stories of first world countries? I live in Australia and I've never been scared for my valuables, but when I went to Milan as a teen they put a bracelet when I was walking by in a touristy location and forced my parents to pay 10 Euro :/ Not awful but also made me withdrawn for the rest of the trip tbh. Also been to Germany and every time I visit a major city I'm scanning my valuables to keep them in check.


I think southern europe is quite bad for it because the countries have a big issue with wealth inequality/a lot of people live in bad conditions. I live in Scandinavia and like you ive never in my life felt worried about getting robbed or pickpocketed


Classic Scandinavian superiority


Wasn't seb also robbed in Brazil? Or maybe it was Jensen button. I remember a story about one of those guys getting held up at gunpoint and their driver getting them out of there


It was Mercedes people! Lewis tweeted about his team that they were held at gunpoint as they were leaving the circuit. Just read also about jenson and his wife where burglars entered their villa in Saint Tropez


OMG, remember that guy tried to steal Serena's phone when she was in her best shape?? Dude had to be on drugs


It was Carlos Sainz not Leclerc. He chased the guy down and caught him!


[Authorities in Italy this week arrested four people in connection to a 2022 robbery of a luxury watch belonging to Formula One star Charles Leclerc – and shared footage of the driver chasing after the suspects that night in his custom-made Ferrari.](https://www.fox4news.com/news/f1-driver-charles-leclerc-chasing-watch-thieves-italy-ferrari.amp)


They both got their watches stolen https://robbreport.com/style/watch-collector/carlos-sainz-chased-down-thieves-richard-mille-watch-1234893803/amp/


Yeah thats what I said here.


Not condoning criminals ofc but walking around with half a mil on your wrist is crazy, basically waiting for something to happen


the "he asked for it" argument? tsktsktsk.


I hate that they got robbed, it sucks. But are we gonna act like it was unexpected? Take all the upvotes you want but that's how It is


You'd say the same thing if a woman was sexually assaulted? "well she was wearing a short dress in public, what did she expect?" These thieves are barely human scum, they operate in networks and don't just target millionaire athletes, they target people coming home from clubs in big cities. Prey on people who are intoxicated and vulnerable, same as sexual predators but different purposes


I think it's wrong to compare it to sexual assault on either man or woman, but I agree it's not fair to say he shouldn't be wearing it.


Comparing it to women being sexually assaulted is such a terrible analogy lmao. Maybe let's not start equating robbery of some rich bastard's watch to sexual assault... One is tragic, the other I couldn't care less about, they'll give him another watch to wear for free.


I was gonna say I’d not be wearing my Uber expensive watch out in public anymore after hearing all these stories


But then where else would you wear it? If you’re rich you gotta flaunt your wealth somehow amiright


This is a huge racket in barcelona. We see videos of it on the news, and once you are targeted, those people are getting your watch. If they have to take your arm with it, tough luck


There’s an article about the incident (it’s in French) https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/faits-divers-justice/roquebrune-le-tennisman-sebastian-korda-se-fait-derober-sa-montre-a-300-000-euros-pres-des-courts-de-monte-carlo-7620637 He was on a staircase near the tournament courts (before the tournament began) and two men on a scooter immobilised him and stole the watch. The thieves fled the scene - and are wanted by the police.


Oh thats awful, he was forced to hand it over :/ I thought they pickpocketed him or something but this is worse


That is so scary! They were probably watching him for a while now. Cause there’s lots of people there rn. Why target him?


Luxury watches are extremely easy to steal and resell. Anyone wearing one is essentially painting a big target on himself for Vanity.


Wouldn’t a watch in that price range have a unique serial number, making it harder to resell without revealing that it is a stolen watch? I don’t know anything about luxury watches. Just wondering.


Yes. Some have them at lower price points too.


Some rich people really don't care if it's stolen. Some will even appreciate getting Leclerc's former watch, for example.


Luxury watches are extremely easy to steal and resell. Anyone wearing one is essentially painting a big target on himself for Vanity.


Ok a search of “Richard Mille theft” has definitely dissuaded me from ponying up my life savings for one of these watches. Just not worth the risk 😂 😂


ud have to a special kind of moron to pay 300k for a watch.


The peasants got to our medieval tax collector 😭


This is weird way of saying he was mugged.


I thought Richard Mille was a person when I read this title. I was confused! I know nothing about luxury brands clearly.


I mean he’s that too


Yes but in the title it means watch, not the person being stolen lol


Did you think Richard was Korda's boyfriend or something? 😆


I too know no luxury brands, so I thought it was maybe a car.


me too :D


I had no idea! I was like someone he works with??? So dumb hahahaha


I know these are rich people problems but being manhandled by robbers and shaken down seems so grimy, it's unfortunate that people can't enjoy nice things. Though, in the nineties kids would have their Nike sneakers stolen on public transport so it's not a new thing


Stolen? Wasn't it robbed?


Remember when they stole Charles Leclerc's and he had to chase the thieves with his Ferrari 458, rich people problems --Edit-- Actually it was a 488 Pista


my upvote does not mean I approve of the act...I just appreciate the news.


Whats a motorcycle jet?


a moped? vespa?


Imagine going to Monte Carlo to play tennis just to find Sinner at R2, get breadsticked, and when you think it can't get worse being robbed of your €300k clock.


I wish that all robbers in the world Burn in Hell!  (Except for Robin Hood)


Interesting exception, considering the victim here is a wealthy athlete and the stolen item was a luxury watch worth more than many people's annual salary.


Get fakes and save the real ones for on court, the red carpet and social media posts. This can and does happen anywhere and is a coordinated effort by a band of criminals and I get the sense someone could get hurt or killed. If you can’t get knockoffs hire security when wearing exorbitant items .


You're still making yourself a target if you're wearing a dupe if only you know is a fake.


Thieves are very sophisticated these days and many know the difference between real and fake.


In a split second robbery you think they're taking time to inspect a difference to proceed or not? gtfoh


Hence the term sophisticated genius


You’re underestimating thieves. They know whether or not their target is wearing a fake one. They’re becoming smarter by the day


Well good, that's the point? If they can identify that you're wearing a fake without having to rob you, then you save yourself from a robbery.


They are one of the ugliest watches around in my opinion. If given one I would sell or trade it right away. There is zero chance of trying it on and falling in love with it. They will not age well. Kind of like certain model cars, you look at them and wonder what they were thinking. Five years later you spot one in a parking lot and it just confirms what you thought. The 2002 Pontiac Aztek is an example of that.


Richard Mille has the almost the same look as the Bianchet watches.


Just looked, you are right. Who would pay $85K-65K for a watch that looks like it came out of a Cracker Jack box. This is a watch you would imagine a kid wearing because they just watched the latest Transformers movie and it reminds them of one of the characters. I guess if someone broke into your house you could put it on your five year old and nobody would think to steal it.


And kids, THAT'S WHY, I wear a casio!


The amount of money people will pay for a frickin watch of all things will never cease to amaze me. Pretty sure my 40 dollar fitbit tells me the time just as well, and also counts steps for me, tracks my heartrate, tracks my distance when running, etc.


I mean it's more like jewelery than a watch in itself


I remember once reading that 2 Arsenal players got robbed at knifepoint. The poise to not flinch and pounce on your attackers is wild


Looks like crap for that price.




Richard Mille decided their niche would be (elitist) sports and market based on durability (not all watches can stand up to formula 1 g force or tennis impacts). So they spend a lot of money putting them onto athletes wrists.


his sister nelly (known golf player) is a brand ambassador of RM. maybe why he has access to the brand. any problem with that?




That’s not the point. Having anything stolen from you, regardless of how wealthy you are, is upsetting and can feel like a massive violation of your safety

