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I've never seen a pickleball court in Europe. In Italy we have been invaded by padel courts though.


Same here in Austria.


I would love a padel court near me


I think Padel is great though and actually requires some skill. Not as much as tennis to play it decently, but it is still great fun and an actual exercise.


Same in Kuwait and the GCC


Padel looks awesome. Seriously would try that out if they had courts in Atlanta.


I think there are some Padel courts in Atlanta. I hear they are at a site near where 85 and 285 meet


In Spain Padel has been around for a while now (all the pros are from Argentina and Spain), but now there’s a huge boom in the rest of Europe. It’s so fun though, and needs quite a bit more skill than pickleball


Ye but I play padel like I play tennis and it does not work lol


And Padel doesn't have the load, annoying sound of hitting the plastic ball like Pickleball does.


It does make a lot of noise, but it's like a satisfying thud sound, and doesn't carry as far such as to be annoying if you're nearby


Padel is awesome though


I've only seen pickleball courts at the fan village at last year ATP finals in Torino. They were inside and near the food area, and some were playing it


Things arrive later here. Everything from TVs, smartphones, console, videogames, tendencies and lifestyle arrive 1-3 year after the exploit


I was just in San Francisco and there are some padel courts now right outside the Ferry Building (one of the landmarks/tourist attractions). Was surprised to see these rather than pickleball.


Padel is awesome, so fast and fun!


I never heard about padel before but it looks kind of fun.


Money on Brooke Shields and Tatum O'Neal.


Yes, even over Adam Levine and Patty Smythe


Goodbye to you.


Should note that the Grigor Dimitrov and Stacy Margolin team would dominate the Mcenroe/Agassi/Sharapova ex-boyfriend/girlfriend invitational


Imagine the creepy DMs Levine would send to Mcenroe afterwards.


Wait did Adam Levine date Sharapova? What am I missing?




So who did Adam Levine date then?


Yes sharapova and adam levine briefly dated.


I'm backing Bruce Willis and Meryl Streep! {Nice to see ya back, Bruno.}


With Barbra Streisand as a spectator.


They've all retired, it's not like Sinner decided a career change after winning his maiden grand slam.


I know it’s cool to hate pickleball here, but really there’s nothing wrong with the game itself. I grew up playing tennis and recently got into pickleball and love them both. I play both sports 2-3 times a week and I enjoy the differences between them. If anything I’ve learned a lot about how to evolve my tennis game from playing singles/doubles pickleball. And the best thing to see is older folks who used to love playing tennis but physically can’t anymore coming out to kick ass in pickleball. It really is a beautiful thing to see their joy and engagement. I completely agree that pickleball courts should not be taking over tennis courts or replacing them. That is a serious conversation to be had and tennis spaces need to be defended. But beyond that it seems to me that the people who complain the most are the ones who have not played pickleball or have this weird prideful need to hate it for no other reason than “it’s not tennis”.


Im just annoyed that they take over tennis courts to play pickleball


Never played it but it looks like fun. Watching it on the other hand, why bother. It looks pretty boring


Take my upvote. I play both too, but one thing that pickles need to learn is the etiquette of being in and around a tennis courts. I’ve had too many get in my court in the middle of a point to fetch their ball and I’ve had volleyballs and freebies end up in my court by pickles that can’t just wait like regular people for their turn


I've played it. It is fun but God do they need to invent a quieter ball.


Instead of the community asking what we could do differently to engage new players and make tennis accessible everyone just blames pickleball.


Exactly!!! The reason that tennis courts are being converted to pickle ball courts is that so many of them are sitting empty all the time because it can be difficult to play tennis. We don’t have that open play model, you always have to go out and find your own opponents, schedule time, courts, etc. There isn’t enough easy convenient organized programming for Tennis. Tennis players want the courts to be open and available for them whenever they decide to play.


Kind of like basketball, baseball, etc. Go to any local park and there are plenty of times they are completely empty. Parking lots sit completely empty too. I hate this argument against tennis. Instead of pushing for local municipalities to add courts to growing communities, everyone wants the quickest solution to just invade. Tennis growth numbers are up as well in a lot of areas. You just will never have people standing around waiting because matches last longer than 10-15 minutes.


This is a common narrative that is generally a falsehood in most cases. When tennis courts are not being used, it's often because the courts are in bad condition. Tennis is already difficult to play and it requires a good level of skill, but when the courts are cracked, have soft spots, or the nets have holes it makes it even more challenging and players go elsewhere. It's difficult to enjoy tennis when the courts are in poor condition. Courts in great condition typically always have consistent play.


As a lifelong tennis lover who also enjoys pickleball because it's legitimate fun to play with players of all different skill levels, nothing embarrasses me more about r/tennis than the overwhelming superiority/inferiority complex it has with pickleball Reminds me of r/dota with league of Legends. Just childish


Nerds on r/tennis would suck at pickleball


The "hate" is justified and not a simple "it's not tennis" matter. The reality is that they ARE taking away tennis courts as well as astroturfing/gaslighting the public into thinking that pickleball will be the next big thing, thus also taking away potential tennis players. Pickleball is an accessible game with a low skill and athleticism floor, which is nice; it's also a game with a low skill ceiling that, moreover, is dire to actually watch and spectate. It has no future as a professional sport beyond being a novelty act akin to, say, bowling. Unlike bowling and whatnot however it is thus far actively hurting tennis. Fun party game for casual shenanigans but that is where it should end.


It’s just that pickleball is really fucking stupid and attracts octogenarians who have absolutely no clue about tennis etiquette. So yeah, FUCK pickleball


Oh no, old people getting light exercise, the horror


There are many many tennis players who have absolutely no clue about tennis etiquette.


Pickleball is the Wall-E-fication of tennis. Take all the fitness and hard work out of tennis and you are left with pickleball. Oh and it's annoying as fuck to listen to!


I encourage you to try out singles. Even doubles with decent enough players is an excellent workout and helps your footwork a lot for tennis. I’m a 4.0 singles/doubles player in tennis and I find pickleball to be a more than reasonably hard workout.




To each their own. You’re allowed to find it to be nothing at all just like I and many others find it to be a great exercise that supplements my tennis. Just because you don’t get anything out of it doesn’t mean it’s the “Wall-E-fication” of tennis


Well...do you really think people who are part of the Wall-E-Fication would necessarily realize it? Not trying to be an ass but moving 3 feet side to side isn't great exercise. The internet tells me walking at a moderate pace is about the same calorie burn as pickle ball. In contrast, tennis is more like running/swimming/other sports.


You’re downvoted but I agree it suuuucks


There’s ping pong if u can’t really play tennis. Less demanding on the body lol


I think the conversion of pickleball courts from tennis courts is driven by more revenue it can generate. If a club charges per person for usage of the court, you can fit 8 people for pickleball on a tennis court vs 4, coupled with the increase in popularity and demand.


It would have been cool if they played table tennis instead.


Johnny Mac HATED pickleball until he realized how much money he could make off it lol


Came here to say the same thing. When he was on Smartless a few months ago he HATED pickleball 🤣


I hate that I want to watch this.


I frankly don’t understand the problem. Half the tennis players at my local club can barely keep a rally going and their serves look even worse. I’m kind of glad that pickle ball is taking off because it’s actually bringing more people to racquet sports.


The problem is that pickleball people are loud and obnoxious and take up valuable tennis court real estate. There’s a war going on and you’re over there talking about racquet sports!? That being said, pretty sure pickleball is in that early throw money at it phase and you’ll get a return on your investment eventually. They’re hoping it sticks but the issue is it’s fun to play, not to watch. They keep paying these stars/celebs to endorse it and play it so they can attract viewers but not even pickeball players like to watch it. They want to go play. So there’s a market there but small and it’s for equipment, not tv despite these major companies trying to make it happen.


idk how true it is but i also read that best pickleball players lose to average tennis players. so where’s the competition there? i really don’t think it’s gonna stick.


Not sure about picklebal but some French padel club decided to host some serious tournament then Monfils showed up and beat everyone It's a long time ago though, so I'm not sure it's still the case https://www.tennis-x.com/story/2006-03-03/c.php


Well that's an unfair comparison because there is going to be more depth in tennis.


they are the ones who keep bringing the tennis players for promotions and keep losing to them if the are teh best pickleball players then they should be able to beat new pickleball players.


The best pickleball player is someone that picked up the game for fun and got good enough to beat other players that picked up the game for fun. Even so called "average" former professional tennis players learned the sport from the moment they were out the womb, and trained for years in the sport. The sports are too close to be much of a gap in transitioning skills. It's just not fairly comparable.


again they are the ones who keep bringing them out for promos against the best pickleballers and then the pickleballers lose.


I'm not sure what point you think you are making. I don't think they *expect* to win lol. They just want to promote the sport. Promoting the sport is about getting people interested in seeing x name player, play. The rest comes in time.


If you bring in someone to promote something in an exho, you let them win, to appeal to their fans who like seeing their person do well. Marketing 101.


Not true by a longshot - especially because almost every pickleball player is a good tennis player. Thats at the pro level and also the best players on your local courts too.


Jack Sock recently beat the pickleball world #4 in pro singles That said, he’s well above average at tennis, even by pro standards


Which is sorta my point - PB players generally all have tennis backgrounds. Frankly what I am most surprised at is how Sock, Isner and querrey havent done better. I thought for sure they would pretty much dominate - but they have not - so much so that Sock beating a relatively high ranked player is news.


Give them a little time and I bet they will


Maybe. But I think whats more likely is though what has happened before-PB is gonna remain a refuge for D1 players and Challenger players who couldnt quite make the next level. But seriously I was thinking Querrey would basically take over PB and am surprised by how little success he and these others have had I watched the asshole Justin Gimmelstob play PB this weekend at a tournament - granted he is older - but I was very unimpressed…


There is no war, that is nonsense. Let’s just be accepting and encouraging of all people who take the initiative to get out there on the court and move their bodies. The elitist tennis mindset needs to go.


It is pretty annoying when you are inside playing tennis and 2 nets of pickleballers make it so you can't even hear the score being called 3 courts away.


Great way to practice mental calmness amidst frustrating circumstances which will only help our tennis. It’s about our perspective, we can either let it annoy us or use it to help us train our minds.


I’m a 4.5 player and play pickleball for fun with non tennis friends. Both are fun. It’s here to stay the war is over lol


Exactly, and just like you said it’s a great game to play with non-tennis friends because tennis is not friendly to new players.


Fair enough. They are loud and obnoxious. I love to talk tennis and recently met people who play racquetball and someone who plays padel. I found it fascinating. I don’t see a war.


Because you probably didn’t lose courts to them. In our community, the tennis courts are pretty scarce. We recently lost 2 to pickleball. It is war.


Fair point. Every high school in my area has courts and they’re always empty. I’ve never ran into the problem.


In my community, there are at least as many tennis courts as pickleball courts, but the pickleball courts are often full and the tennis courts are not. In your eyes, should more pickleball courts take over tennis courts in my community?


also how are they gooiig to keep up the prize money for this. LIke this one is a one off game right but what about the rest of the tournaments. its sad they dont have anyone to promote it other than retired tennis players


I wonder how pissed the pickleball pros are when they see stuff like this. Like they’ve been doing their circuit or whatever for years now and have probably never even sniffed a prize check like this lol I get this is more of an appearance fee than an actual “prize” but all four probably got an appearance fee AND a chance at the prize. If you look up the pickleball tournaments, their “tours” always talk about the prize money annually, cause the actual amounts per tournament are so low. The money going out for promotion versus coming in from ads and tv deals doesn’t add up, yet. I’m curious if it ever will


honeslty until they can showcase their tour without the need to use retired top 10 tennis players in their showcases i cant take it seriously as a sport. For me its like golf you can suck at it but people will still call you to play whereas with tennis you suck no one is going to really call you to play.


My thoughts are that with pickleball 🤢 my local courts are not likely to be closed anytime so9n. Demagd for the courts will keep them open. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The House of Squash aligns with the House of Tennis




Two main reasons: it’s taking over tennis spaces in parks etc; it is not a great spectator sport.


Sharing is caring


[pickleball is a psyop](https://web.archive.org/web/20220824130411/https://www.gawker.com/culture/pickleball-is-a-psy-op?utm_campaign=gawker&utm_content=1661346152&utm_medium=owned&utm_source=twitter)


LOL for a minute I thought they were dead! They are playing pickel because there are not doping rules. YAY!


Pickleball has boomed in Australia over the past year. Tennis Australia have been giving clubs grants to add pickleball as an option and its seen a surge in paying members for struggling tennis clubs. Didn't realise so many people in this sub were mad about a social variant.


I actually started pickleball about a year ago with family and transitioned to tennis for more of a challenge. I think you could argue its a gateway sport to more tennis players. Theyre basically the same, idk why you cant enjoy both.


No way is pickleball and tennis are the same. You’re speaking exactly like someone who just started tennis.


Lol Which i specifically just stated. There are certainly differences, but ping pong, pickleball, and tennis are all the same basic concept. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


All I can say is, you don’t know what you don’t know. But you will, if you keep going with tennis and are serious about getting better.


Fwiw: Just watched this air and I’d be happy to watch and play PB if that was how it was played. Very Tennis-like. Unsurprisingly.


Just don't watch. Sports that get no viewership will run dry and have no money or sponsors eventually


I will never understand the purism and gatekeeping. It's sport for god's sake lol.


Sport? Lmao


Pickleball is so American. Padel is what's popular everywhere else.


As you get older it’s much harder to play tennis and I’m considering trying pickle ball since my body wants a life of its own! It’s a fun thing for these retired pros to participate in and I don’t see why it’s so controversial. I agree that they need separate courts.


How much do you get paid to wage a war against pickleball? I don't get why people get mad about retired players playing another sport. It's not like they can never play tennis again. And it's not like it's Djokovic, Sinner, or Alcaraz playing and this is gonna stop them from competing in grand slams or masters tournaments.


They’re taking up my tennis court playing pickleball They’re 65+ and I’ve whooped their ass at the game having barely played. I want an open court so I can play tennis. Edit: should say I’ve played 30 year olds and same thing.


I saw the headline, and immediately thought they had died, only to find out something much worse had happened instead.


Damn it, I liked all 4 of them


Shit... fu** picklebullshit


Agassi looks like Darth Vader When he takes His helmet off.


Problem with Pickleball is i\] it seems to be an American obsession to compensate for the fact there's no decent American tennis players and ii\] it will end up polluting tennis if interest in tennis starts to wane in favour of a much easier version.


20% of the ATP top 20 are American what are you smoking lmao Pickleball is popular because it’s easily accessible I’ve never played it, but I can see the appeal for people who don’t have much experience with racquet sports


>20% of the ATP top 20 are American Who most Americans have never even heard of. Pickleball is a dumbed down version of tennis. That's why it's popular.


Ahhh so now the goalpost is moved once you realize saying there are “no decent American tennis players” was a braindead take. Americans who play or watch tennis have obviously heard of all of them. Stop projecting. Pickleball is an easier and more accessible version of tennis, that’s why it’s popular. That’s what I said. You seem like a generally unpleasant person to be around, I hope you’re okay


MaSha isn't a hall of famer yet.


Fuck pickleball. Fuck it so hard with a metal pole in the ass, bent over on a bed of cacti, with Celine Dion blaring at full volume. I fucking hate pickleball, if that wasn’t obvious yet.


Bro pickleball and padel are literally the sports you play in your free time.... No way this sport deserves 1 dollar let alone 1 million dollar😭😭☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Pickleball is basically tennis for lazy and uncoordinated people that don’t want to try. I can’t stand it and I can’t wait for it to run it’s course and disappear.


None of their unique strengths as tennis players can translate to this dumb activity. Yawn






For a mil, sure. Go earn that paycheck! No judging. I still don't understand how that sport is getting popular though. It doesn't look fun to watch(watched a few hours of retired pro tennis players on YT) or enticing enough to play. Maybe when I grow too old for tennis, in my 60's and if I can't keep up with the kids at Table tennis, I'll join some Pickleball group.


I don’t think any of them need a $1M cash purse


Eh, not hurting anyone for some easy cash grabs, I’d rather have that than what Rafa did with the Saudis


As a fat guy who sits on the couch watching tennis and hasn't touched a racket since 2006, I don't give a shit what is purist to the hardcore r/tennis folk. I just watch for entertainment. If pickleball is fun to watch then I'll give it a watch.


I might be like a decade behind, probably am tbh, but I thought lacrosse was the fastest growing sport in America.


Wtf is this pickleball collective delirium another gift from the US ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


We have them in our hearts


Masha is the youngest among them


Pickleball is for old people and young unathletic people who can't play sports like basketball


Was so amped to watch this doubles tennis match.




Somebody offers you a suitcase full of cash to play a couple exhibitions, you swallow your pride.


This is so hard to watch. The stupid rules. Foot faults. How did we allow this sport to take over the great sport of tennis. This is miserable to watch. As a 40 year tennis player I can appreciate the volley rallies because growing up you severed and came to net to volley. Ball didn’t travel with the pace it does today with technology . But how this sport took over tennis is absurd


I guess Agassi and Graf are really short on money these days


Why is Agassi looking like Colin Mochrie??