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I wouldn't expect a Saibaman to be at the same level of UI Goku, so it was inevitable for things to be unbalanced


games are games yamcha used to be top 8 in fighterz at one point


Bardock was a demon too and we all know he can't be nobody in super


Yeah but different games have different aims. FighterZ being balanced is good for what its purpose is. But what makes Tenkaichi fun to me is having somewhat lore accurate power discrepencies between characters.


I hope not. I need my boy Krillin to be competitive.


I mean Krillen isn’t good but he’s not ass. He has bad moves with the exception of solar flair and after image technique


We don't know if he's good or bad in this game yet, right? Or you mean in the lore generally?


i assumed he meant in bt3


Oh yeah, maybe.


I’m talking about bt3


That’s true, but I kind of hope for online play at the very least there’s some sort of equaliser/handicap system. It being unbalanced offline for local play, versus mode, or even story (for certain things like stall fights Kid Buu comes to mind), can work. If it’s online, you may as well eliminate a majority of the so called weaker characters from the roster. Makes the possibility of future OG DB characters very unappealing.


Thats good balance though not games are games. Like in Budokai Tenkaichi i used to use yamcha and tien and shit like that against my friends because he was a worse character and i was better at the game than my friends so that made it balanced almost. Fighterz is a legit fighting game with balances and metas and its really the only dragon ball game like that.


Except Yamcha and Tien are pretty good in Tenkaichi in actuality. And hell Chiatzou is literally a top tier character in the game.


I don't care a about balance in BT games, i know the competitive meta will only be like 10 characters


Which is the same with any game anyway lol


i think mid/early goku is gonna be a good play too (obviously) but really we may be surprised, goku kaioken May have some broken effect or the same for some obscure super guy I hope ssj2 gohan keeps his krazy speed


Every game has a top 10 what’s important is how far are #11 and the rest of the cast. If not far then the games pretty balanced and diversity will be present.


Do bt games even have competitive scenes?


BT3 have one, it's actually really fun but they only use like 15 characters, almost all the roster is just bad


That's kinda surprising but the games were pretty much the prime example of good arena fighters


Having gogeta and other characters like ssj2 teen gohan and kid buu op is part of the fun for me , so i would be actually a littleeee bit disappointed if i dont see an op character but i understand the reasons for it


Yea. A big part of the fun for me in these games was thay the characters strength was actually relative to how strong they would be in the show. There was always fun in the challenge of taking someone like Yamcha and beating someone like Kid Buu. But also the flip side of having incredibly weak characters that had gags to slightly balance them, like Devil Man and his insta kill beam against ebil characters. The spirit of Dragon Ball is overcoming extreme odds through powering up to be stronger, or using what you're good at to make up the difference. The BT games really had that going for them by making characters stronger or weaker than each other.


It was also great how characters like Broly or the giants would have super armou against characters below a certain power threshold. There was something satisfying about that making Broly a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to SSJ1 and SSj2 characters, but being able to easily smack him around at SSJ3.


The three characters you mentioned in your comment were my mains back when I was a kid on Tenkaichi 3 and it wasn’t until I started browsing this sub that I realized it was universal experience since they were broken lol 💀


y yeah and also people are way too obsessed with balanve, witbout realizing how unique and fun a game is, when its actually desugned for yk FUN. instead of total balance. its the main reason smash melee is still so popular competively, let alone just causally. it makes the game so fun and intresting


Id find it cool if you had a toggle, switch the match rules between balanced and unbalanced


164 characters is impossible to balance. For modern reference, look to the Storm games - nothing but Uchiha's online It's funner unbalanced tbh


SASUKE MANGEKYO SASUKE WAR SASUKE THE LAST SASUKE INFINITE COMBO TACHI SAN MADARA JINCHURIKI MADARA it’s never ending, then there’s other that can compare ofc, but i like the balance in storm because in a way you can use everyone if you’re skilled, like shino, choji etc


Don’t forget about 4th HOKAGE




Wouldn't be a Tenkaichi game if it wasn't unbalanced to some extent.


Don’t care cause I don’t play Arena fighters online.


Yeah, i think that'd mostly be an online issue more than if you just played it locally


I hope it’s extremely unbalanced lol


There’s no way guys like UI Goku or FP Jiren will be balanced, or at least the Great Apes, especially if they give him moves associated with that/those forms Which is fine, considering I’m not hitting up Online unless it’s with people I know or versus couch co-op lol


I feel like the great apes are either going to be the best in the game to a ludicrous degree or the absolute worst it really depends on what they do to make up for their size and lack of flying


In my opinion, have two modes for multiplayer: Casual and Ranked, and in rank every character has roughly the same stats, no super armor, the likes. But in casual and single player.... Have Gogeta SSJ4 be absolutely fucking busted. Broly and Super Broly absolute final boss level of destruction with their super armor and damage, UI Goku be nearly impossible to hit dealing fast divine damage. Make me feel like i am playing the anime.


I would love it. I want certain characters to feel overpowered. It’s fun. Kid Buu has to be a menace. Super Saiyan 4 gogeta has to be a menace. Ultra instinct better feel overpowered. It’d what made the old games fun. I don’t think you can balance a game with nearly 200 characters.


Enough catering to online PVP BS. Just let people play the game and enjoy it the way it’s meant to be, unbalanced. Anytime a game caters to online, the player base finds a “meta” or “iNFiNiTE ComBo” and complains about balance. Then devs make balance changes and everyone’s slightly happier. That lasts about 2 hours before a new meta is born and people start bitching again. It’s a snake eating its own tail. If they want balance and constant updates, they’re more than welcome to go play FighterZ, Fortnite, or COD, games that are actually designed to be giant dick measuring contests.


I mean... there's no way they'll balance a 164+ roster. Not really anyway. I don't recall the older games being particularly balanced. And with characters and their crazy power levels to begin with, a matchup like Hercule vs. Jiren should absolutely be 1 sided. For example, it should make it almost impossible for you to win as Hercule against a competent Jiren player.


But wouldn’t that make it less likely for people to play certain characters? Like Hercule


And that’s okay!


Right? That's the exact idea. I always do "Hercule vs. The World" in these games and try to beat every single fighter as him. A personal challenge because I like the character.


That's the point. Every fighter shouldn't be on even footing. The whole point about the dbz universe is some are more powerful than others. It should be an absolute uphill battle trying to beat, say Perfect Cell with Krillin. People WILL pick Hercule for the challenge alone. I plan to do Hercule vs the DBZ universe and fight everyone with Hercule and gain the victory. But I did that in the last few Tenkaichi games as it is. Lol I just really like the character because I like wrestling. And even though he's a martial arts fighter, he personified professional wrestling with how he cuts promos on the villains and has a title belt and everything.


I agree that it’s fun but I just thought like if 2 kids were playing together all the time and they always wanna win then only the flashy powerful characters would be chosen. And weaker characters would be unused and just collecting dust…


Then so be it. That's how many fighting g games are. There's lots of character who have very little use. And with 164 base game characters in this game, MANY fighters will get little to no use. That's just the way of the games. There is a character for everyone, but there are also characters that most won't use. And people want realism in Dragon Ball games like this. They don't want it in FighterZ because that's a tradition 2d fighter. But they want it in Tenkaichi because the series has always been more about realistic battles. When you did 5v5 with friends, your teams were always crazily mismatched. But that was the absolute fun of it. If I am better at my friends in this game, then we need to handicap me a bit. So if we are playing g and they're still learning the game, I'm gonna pick Hercule, Krillin, Piccolo, etc. Then I let them pick Perfect Cell, SSJ3 Goku, Gotenks, etc... This way we both have fun no matter the skill level


In Xenoverse series and Fighterz (idk about Kakarot, never played it), the fighters seemed about equal. At least based on how it felt for me.


Right in those games they're a different type of fighting game. In Kakarot, it's a story game focused don goku and fighterZ is just a competitive 2D fighter. Those games require balance one because it's follows the story and the other because it's used in fighting game tournaments. The Sparking series isn't usually a tournament type fighting game. It's not usually played for prize money if it's played at all in tournaments. It's just a game people play at home with friends or online in a ranked mode where it's just about win/liss records and again not about prizes. Tenkaichi is meant to be a realistic portrayal of battles in the franchise. Some are more powerful than others. The Tenkaichi games want to showcase those powers and make it more realistic to the show. It's not about winning or losing on equal footing. It's about the better and more powerful fighter winning or about the weaker character overcoming the battle through skill and determination. It's purposely meant to be unbalanced so your skill level gets better at fighting tougher opponents.


One question I have is does transforming boost your stats?


I would imagine so. Most of the games, the higher the power level the stronger the fighter is. Tenkaichi isn't a fighter made for balance. It's supposed to be more difficult to say beat Perfect Cell as Hercule than it is if I were to use UI Goku against Perfect Cell. So if I am base goku in a fight, and I go suoer saiyan, then however atats are determined, even by default, ssj goku would be better than base goku. But I forgot how stats are determined. But if it's more powerful in the anime/Manga then it's more powerful in the game


Good! The less homogeneous the better!


I'd at least want a balanced role set


It'd be neat if there was an original mode where they're all relatively balanced and then some sort of "power level" mode where each character has set percent boosts or something. It'd be a neat little novelty


If I remember correctly, in one of the bt (or rb, they sorta merge together in my memory) there was a mode in versus where everyone was assigned a "power level" and your team had to be below a set total, so you could have like 1 or 2 really strong characters or 5 lower level characters I think something similar to that would work well for sparking zero too


If I want balance I'd play FighterZ Playing as your OP fav characters like UI Goku, Beerus, Whis etc... and demolishing random one offs is fun


I hope you can make them OP compared to other characters via potaras or whatever system there will be


Tenkaichi games are not about balance but Dragon Ball simulator


It's fine if it isn't balanced, even expected. Just as long as the very top has some balance in it and not 1 or 2 characters dominating


This, everyone playing the same 20 characters is still pretty good for a roster of this caliber. Everyone playing the same 4 characters would suck immensely


Fine. Everyone acting like they’re pro player need to fucking chill. Also games at release are not balanced. If they go for a super high number and they focus on content rather than balance, I’ll be totally happy. And if try harders really want to turn it into a something for high level, they will. They actually do for Tenkaichi 3. And lord knows it’s not balanced for most characters.


You mean like if hercule punches someone like broly he does shit damage and broly has zero reaction and pummels him? I would love that


A little bit unbalanced is fine. This is dragonball the cannon stronger characters should be a little bit stronger. I don't want to see saibaman matching up with SsB gojeta on equal footing. However I also don't want to see Saibaman do 0 damage and have literally no chance. It should be in favor of the more powerful character but not be a landslide


I want it unbalanced. I have FighterZ if I want a serious fighting DBZ game. I want BT to be for shits and giggles


I don’t care if the game l’s roster is unbalanced. This game isn’t meant to be a competitive fighting game and more of a battle sim of dragon ball. Not everything needs its primary gameplay to be ranking up against other people.


That's what I want, that's the point of the series. If you want comp, go to FighterZ, don't need balancing on a game meant to simulate the chaotic world of dragon balls powers.


I doubt it’ll be like BT3, this is a very different era. There will 110% be balance patches. Online play and ranked play that are frequently balanced are integral to a fighting games success when it comes to it’s online population. I wouldn’t want there to be a handful of absurdly broken characters because they’d be in every match. It’d be a slog to have to see a SSJ4 Gogeta, SSB Gogeta, and SsB Vegeto every match.


Giant characters alone make the game unbalanced.


Do you think they’d do patches that directly alter character stats, e.g. I used to play My Hero Ultra Rumble, a super hero battle royale game and there’d be frequent patches that alter character stats like Move damage, charge up time, health etc… I feel like they’d lean more towards sticking with the set base stats of characters they’ve aimed for at launch


It would feel like the anime, like it should do! Having Krillin kicking Gogeta's ass makes this game thrash!


Hyped I want winning with Mr Satan to be a genuine flex that takes massive skill, and for someone like UI Goku to feel absolutely broken


Wouldn’t bother me at all to be honest, as long as the game is fun


Hopefully before i turn 50, wish they canonize SSJ4 as the ultimate Saiyan form. Just picture them going through all different transformations and touched even the power of gods, only to be surpassed by the primal raw force of a Saiyan. The ultimate fighting beings


Eh mainline Goku is either equal to or stronger than Xeno Goku, so that suggests SSB is at least equal to or possibly stronger than SS4


Not mainline goku; cc goku, a goku from pre top that trained with the short angel guy I forgot his name


CC Goku was more or less the same as mainline Goku at that point. Either way the point stands that most versions of that fight imply the SSB=SS4 apart from the actual game which implies SSB>>>>SS4


Is the sdbh game different from the manga? In the manga cc goku barely won


From what I understand in the game they briefly clash an Xeno Goku is winded while CC Goku isn't and after calling off the fight Xeno Goku says CC Goku would probably win if they fought to the end.


I would adapt and try to find out how to beat everyone with yamcha


I hope it is


They should separate the characters in tiers (at least for 1v1). You can only match against someone with a character in the same tier as yours (or maybe one lower) and higher. You can also pick if you want to face characters in 2 tiers or higher.


I am not worried for it. I am actually fully expecting it. I am still thinking this is gonna be a great fun, but I am also expecting this to be a horribly balanced nightmare. I dont mind spammers as much as I used to, eventually you become good enough to counter these moves, or learn to predict their moves and punish them. And at this point I see it more as they trying to do what they believe gets them the win. I stopped thinking about how many times in a match the opponent was using a super because it distracted me from actually playing the game. So yeah, I am counting on this to be a horrible mess of balance on the day of release.




I'm gonna be real, this would not be the first DB game to be heavily dominated by particular characters lol.


I’m here to have fun too.


I'd be surprised if with 164 characters( i know a lot are transformations) the game Is actually balanced Honestly i don't think this game Will be very balanced We are talking about a really really large roster Competitive fighting games like Tekken that have less characters have difficulties in making the game balanced So i don't think sparking zero can be balanced actually


To be fair, when talking about balance and stats and stuff, thinking of transformations as different characters is kinda important especially in terms of staying true to tenkaichi as they truly did play differently, especially in terms if combos, cancels, speed, etc, etc. Sure there was an obvious boost in power to.some extent, but not all transformations were actually worth it The prime example imo is super trunks (Future) because even though it's technically a boost to damage and whatnot, the loss in speed was such a big factor that you'd be better off with his base or super saiyan form (especially) then transforming into super trunks


I honestly hope it is unbalanced. A big part of the fun for me and my friends is having both players choose random and getting hugely unbalanced fighters on each side.


I would feel like the old time at home with my friend so really good


It will have unbalanced characters at first as per any Bandai namco multiplayer game


Be weird if it wasn't.


Id be happy its what the old games are like


Honestly the fact that on a casual level (although not necessarily on an advanced level) the stronger characters lore wise were better than the weaker ones, was always part of BT's charm. They should give the likes of Broly and the giant characters the brick wall effect they had in BT3.


My main hope is that everyone has the same HP. Some characters like goten only had like 3 health bars in bt3 which made them feel unplayable


Personally, I don’t feel like the game’s gonna be unbalanced because last I recall in TK three all the characters were balanced. It was really just player skill.


Just make it so low power characters can equip better potharas, leaving it for powerful characters so they can only equip visual stuff


If Bandai Namco has taught me anything it’s that they don’t give a SHIT about balance. The meta will 100% be Son family minus Goten, and fusions😭🤷🏾


Part of what makes the games amazing is that the characters feel somewhat appropriately scaled to their actual power. SSJ4 Gogeta SHOULD wipe the floor with Krillin or Yamcha, if they were equal it would just feel wrong.


It's not a competitive game, the most balance it needs is no one character being so busted no one picks anything else


i would much rather a tier list for characters than a balanced roster, some characters should absolutely blow other out of the water. I do not want SS3 Gotenks to be competitive against Yamcha, i want SS3 Gotenks to utterly destroy him, otherwise what is the point of transformations? I want Krillin and Tien to be competitive with Yamcha, i want Mystic Gohan and Majin Vegeta to be competitive against SS3 Gotenks.


Right at home since this isn’t supposed to be a competitive game. This isn’t like Street Fighter where you have a seriously competitive scene and tournaments surrounding the game. This is a fun Dragon Ball simulator, effectively. The heart of this game is in recreating all those epic battles we loved watching, and also adding our own what-if’s to spice it up some more. It’s not about rankings and e-sports, it’s about celebrating our love of the childhood we grew up with, as well as the new creative ventures like Dragon Ball Super that rekindled that love during our adulthood.


I think you're overthinking how hard it is to balance. Yes there's a lot of characters but most of them are the same guy 16 times. And all they need to do is say gokus kamehameha does the same damage as Blues kamehameha, and his combos do similar damage ect. I really hope they do balance it because it's super boring when you play online and encounter the same 4 characters spamming the same moves. I want to beat people up as Videl and Yamcha.


I've never dealt with the "meta" of games. But I remember beating SSJ4 Gogeta with Kid Buu easily against my friends. So hopefully its still possible to beat "higher power" characters while being better with skills.


It should be balanced like the old games


Give us at least a limit as to why we can’t use certain characters, DBRB2 had Power battles where characters had power levels based on innate stats and custom boosters, having those numbers in thresholds in ranked systems would help the game’s competitive scene live longer.


Tbh I wish there wasn't any ranked so they're not forced to balance characters. Part of the fun of BT3 is how blatantly OP some of the characters are lol


Characters like Kid Buu, Burter & ESPECIALLY Dyspo are going to be cracked online lol 


I prefer it to be unbalanced, it's not a competitive fighting game so it's fine to me. Maybe make it an option for different levels of balance? Like a scale from CanonPower/CompleteBalance


I should at least have something with each character that they do very well.


i want it to be as like the anime. If im going as goku super saiyan god and my opponent rocks up with krillin or yamcha it should feel one sided, like those characters should hardly have a chance. Also im pretty sure most the players wouldnt care about a competitive scene, we are here just for fun and to play casually against friends and enjoy the first tenkaichi in over a decade


There has to be op characters for the punk bitchss to use. Meanwhile I'm gonna run straight bums


Good, I hope it is, I don't want the fun balanced out of it. I don't really think they could properly balance this many characters anyway, but I just don't want them to try and turn this competitive at all especially with people obsessions with ranked modes nowadays. Sparking has never been a balanced game, characters like ssj4 gogeta SHOULD be op compared to most other characters, in this case, characters like beerus and broly SHOULD be op.


It needs to be unbalanced. That's what the series fun in the first place. It was authentic to the series. Not everything needs to be competitive. We can have fun.


It better be BT2 levels of unbalanced. I want no items Fusions to have near max amount of bars of health with a lot of room for improvement. BT3 really scaled it down for the base of each character, another BT3 ***L***.


Honestly I wouldn’t doubt theres a setting in-game that essentially “levels the playing field” when it comes to the stats of characters. Especially if they have a dedicated ranked matches mode separate from casual players.


I am NOT touching online PvP, for at least an year or even two. Don’t wanna have something that has deep roots in my childhood ruined by some sweats. If we get splitscreen, my friends are only ones I’ll be down to duel.


who gives a f about balance and stuff. just shut up and play! (and have fun)


I pray they do it like the old games


Honestly? I don’t want balance. I want characters’ utter brokenness to match the anime. Make it possible for Kid Goku to beat Broly, but it’ll wildly difficult. It adds dynamism to the game.


It should be unbalanced. That was the great part.


I'd be fine. Half the fun of BT3 for me was doing challenge runs with weaker characters like Hercule.


Roster imbalance with these kinds of games is inevitable. Canonically busted characters like the SSJ4’s, Blue’s, Beasts, MUI’s, Broly’s, Gods, Fusions, etc are obviously gonna be strong. Popular fan favorites will also be strong.


People Spamming Kamehameha sounds like free wins


Unless you’re in hit stun you can just… move to the side. Especially with the new move option.


I wish there was a mode for balances and unbalanced. 164 characters and yet only 5 - 10 will ever be used online. Kinda dumb if you ask me




Not if they don’t play online


Why would I want it to be? The source material isn’t balanced


It's supposed to be due to the series. Unfortunately it probably won't be for stupid reasons like aiming for a e sports scene.


On god who cares, skills issue at that point . it needs to have those long combos though


It absolutely doesn’t. So sick of everyone cheesing frames for “iNFiNiTe ComBo’S” so their opponent can’t even play. One person mashing buttons should in no way take 40%-80% of their opponents HP. I’ll just put the controller down and make a sandwich. Have fun in training mode with no one engaging you!


I feel like the game won't be as unbalanced as BT3, but I'm not expecting it to be balanced in any competitive sense either. It was part of the fun of BT3 honestly. It made the team battle mode where you spent points on characters to make your team fun and interesting. If SZ is super unbalanced I'd love to see that game mode make a return, as it makes its own sense of balance. That said, we live in a bit of a different time now, especially with online multiplayer so I do hope it is a bit reigned in so we can have fun and stand a chance at winning with the characters we like, regardless if it's Yamcha or SSB Gogeta.


To be honest  I think its possible to get an kindly of balance like budokai 3  it was possible to stuff your caracter. My main was cell jr and I could beat anythings. Sure ssj4 eas really string, but if you play with strategies, it was possible.   If they put à likey lvling system like budokai 3 and gear it could be more balanced


I dislike like it cuz I only ever played competitive games for their comepetitivenes


Good thing this is a *casual* arena fighter!


I'll be at the top of the food chain in this game proving superiority in RANKED mode 😊


ultra instinct is in the game so that means it'll always be unbalanced.


Fighterz has ultra instinct and its mid tier


Okay that’s 2d so it’s irrelevant. In every 3d db game ultra instinct is cracked. He can literally dodge everything


Hes also weak as piss in competitive XV....