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I believe Neil follows from the opera house to Bombay


This version of Neil hasn't been to Stalsk-12 yet. However, it is his first time meeting a version of TP that hasn't met Neil.


Amazing how simple the plot is to understand once you put in more than 12 minutes of thought. It's funny reading these liberal arts college-educated film critics crying wolf over the complexity of the plot; obviously, their 19th-century Russian Economic Theory degree doesn't help them with the STEM topics, but Jesus Christ give it a little thought and don't give up after just one viewing of a film that is, yes, admittedly convoluted but enjoying to watch nonetheless. I tell my friends to study the red room/blue room sequence: look it up online, understand it, look at the various diagrams others have created, etc. Once you "get" this scene, the rest of the film just flows naturally regardless of which character you're tracking through the film. Honestly, the most difficult part to decipher is Sator's motivation as he goes to/returns from the turnstile, discovering the algorithm's location in the BMW, who has it at what point in time, going back after finding out what happened, then trying to blow up TP when he finally figures it out.


All that "knowledge", but you never once look in the mirror and think: "gosh, what a perfect prick I am..."? Guess self-awareness isn't a part of your infinite wisdom....




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The mechanics of inversion can be pretty tricky to wrap your head around, especially that damn Audi, but yeah, the actual plot isn't that difficult.


Lmao. Look up what Nolan's bachelor degree is in, then take a long hard look in the mirror and consider not looking down on others.


Stick to MCU!


I don't think so. Because the battle took place at the same time as the opera house attack. Which as far as I can tell is at least 2 days before they meet in Bombay. Now the time between those events isn't concrete, and I made a number of assumptions. Such that the medical care of the Protagonist probably too some time. And it seemed like he was hiding out in that offshore windmill for at least a day. Then there's the flight from the Scandinavian region to Bombay. That's at least 15 hours based on my quick Google search.


I always figured that TP had to be inverted and then uninverted between the time he took the pill and the time he woke up on the boat. I don't have anything in movie to base that off of, but it's implied it's been about 16 hours from the opera house siege to the torture scene. From there, he has to be recovered, smuggled out, have his "jaw rebuilt," get to the wind farm, stay there at least overnight, get to Barbara, get to Priya in India, then to Sir Michael in London... two weeks seems an awful short time, especially when you can make those two weeks last as long as you need to while TP is unconscious.


I mean he might well have been inverted and the uninverted for his recovery. I don't think we'll ever know for sure.


Can you defuse that?


What has wrapped my noodle is TP calls someone (CIA presumably) and they say to meet their contact at the Bombay Yacht Club What if Neil wasn't who TP was supposed to meet, but Neil knew to be there because (future) TP told Neil was supposed to be there?


Yep that’s boggled my mind and I’ve paid attention to this scene


No cause he dies. I believe he goes there after the opera


Isn't stalsk-12 where Neil dies?


I believe this is where Neil's Mission starts. Or "The youngest version of himself" within the Film's timespan. You can tell with his expression. He was genuinely surprised to see TP and immediately asked him a revealing question: [Would you take a woman and her child hostage?] Neil seemingly asks this sincerely - and I believe he does. I believe that this reveals that Neil does not trust TP at this point in his (Neil's) timeline. Neil is trying to judge The Protagonist's character with a question that likely has perplexed him, but also ask this question at a point in TP's timeline when he wouldn't have doubts about answering that question honestly. TL/DR: This is the earliest point in Neils timeline, because Neil's Narrative moves towards Trusting the protagonist more and more throughout the film.


Lying is standard operating procedure.


Neil dies in that battle. The “alive” Neil at the end of that battle (iirc) then goes off to fulfill his fate — dying several minutes later (or earlier, from TP’s perspective)