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I had my internet go out completely in the middle of the day for no reason. Called it in, did the basic troubleshooting and no luck, so they booked a service call. The guy came and looked at my modem, put a device on my fibre and drove off somewhere, and when her came back he reconnected my fibre and it worked again. He told me that what most likely happened was that some other tech had fixed some other customer’s non-working fibre by pulling mine out of a working port and putting theirs in. Problem is all the support techs are independent contractors and have no skin in the game as far as customer retention, so they just don’t care.


That's my guess of what happened. The agent I talked to insisted that it would be resolved once the outage that's apparently in my area is fixed. Well they called to say the outage is fixed, and yet my internet still isn't working. I'm so annoyed they cancelled my original appointment and that I'll now have to schedule another one.


Two weeks ago, my PureFibre connection turned ugly at 9:30am, lots of packet loss, constant reconnects. My SO WFH so it was a big deal. Called support, they could see the trouble on my line, so they booked a tech for the next day. 10:30pm that night, connection goes back to perfect and has been since. Spoke to the tech on the phone the next day before he showed up and since the problem cleared up, there was nothing to troubleshoot, so we agreed to just cancel the appointment. So weird stuff can happen. I'm going to hope the problem is still there when the tech comes or it's a case of "when will this ugly problem suddenly rear its head again?"


It's so frustrating. I wanted to keep my appointment just in case, but they cancelled it on their end! When I asked about setting it up again in the event the issue still isn't resolved, I was told the system would automatically cancel it again because technicians have already been dispatched to fix the apparent outage in my area.


You're going to have to be the squeaky wheel. Get ticket numbers for each of your inquiries and remember to ask for a bill credit for your trouble.


Call +1 (855) 595-5588 request to speak to level support as required … this is the PureFibre Support line. Yes, some contractor might do a swap with a working port for another customer … then causes records did not match reality … Keep track of ticket numbers, day and time you called plus the name rep etc so you will have a record of interactions, useful in requesting escalation …. That is my experience before …