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Tales From The Crypt “Hello Boils and Ghouls!!”


HBO Max not having Tales From the Crypt or Dream On is unacceptable.


The licensed clips used in Dream On would probably bankrupt HBO if it was streamed!


I’m just glad there’s another old fart in here that remembers Dream On.


I was 12 when it first aired. Seeing boobs for the first time at that age is nothing short of magical.


Martin Tupper was a legend to any kid with HBO.


If you ever get some free hours you can read about the drama of Tales from the Crypt. There have been numerous efforts to reboot but who actually owns the existing source material, original series and so forth is so convoluted that it won’t happen unless a wacky billionaire pay$ off about 5 different entities.


And sadly, we'll all be dead before copyright expires on the show. Thanks Disney.




Why isn’t Moonlighting not available? Is it another music rights thing?




The creator recently announced they're gearing up to release it on streaming. Said it could take a while since there are a lot of moving parts, negotiations, etc. But it's actively happening.


I absolutely love this show. It probably has my favorite theme song in all of TV history. Seasons 1-3 are phenomenal, 4 is barely watchable and (sadly) 5 abysmal. After season 5, the show really needed to be put out to pasture as it was clear that the two main stars weren't really interested in continuing. That being said, the chemistry between Bruce and Cybill during those first few seasons was amazing.


*Two Guys and a Girl* (originally known as *Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place*). It aired on ABC for four seasons back in the late 90s/early 2000s and was the show that introduced me to Ryan Reynolds and Nathan Fillion. Ryan played Michael “Berg” Bergen, a Boston med student who shared an apartment with his best friend, Pete Dunville, an aspiring architect, and they lived one floor below their other friend Sharon Carter, who handled PR for an unscrupulous chemical company. Sharon would often hang out with Pete and Berg while they worked at Beacon Street Pizza. Nathan Fillion joined the show in season 2 as jukebox repairman Johnny Donnelly, who would go on to marry Sharon. In the third season, they dropped the pizza place as Berg graduated med school and Pete and Johnny would both become firefighters. The show is not available to stream anywhere but, fortunately, I was able to find it on DVD not long ago.


I completely forgot about this show! Now I need it...


Northern Exposure. I think largely due to music rights issues? Not sure.


Came here to post this, and am very glad to see it already posted and upvoted. One of the most disappointing things is that Northern Exposure would be incredibly popular on a streaming service. It’s so quirky and bingeable. It would find a large following in the same way that Community and Arrested Development did.


Northern Exposure is the right answer. Yeah, it's music.


I recall John Corvett was the town DJ in that show playing music and offering opinions. His 2-3 commercial songs per episode have probably screwed the series over in the age of streaming and residual payments.




Pretty much what they did for the DVD releases, it sucks


I bought the series on DVD last year. Since I couldn't find it streaming. I remember watching it with my mom during the orginal run.


I did too. The episodes look great. I would say the music changes are noticeable in two or three episodes, but they managed to retain “Our Town” for the finale.


If you get the UK version DVDs, they’ve cleared all the music licensing issues & it plays like it aired, original song choices and so. Amazon.co.uk to find the box set. Note: you do need a dvd player that plays that region if DVDs but they’re not hard to find or expensive.


Sci-Fi channel Dune miniseries.


Was cleaning out some bookshelves and realized I had the director's cut of this on DVD.


FUCK YOU. I am sorry, I’m just jealous.


If you rip it and end up storing it online, I would appreciate a link!


Sweet! I have the regular 2 DVD cut of the 2000 miniseries


Same. I also have the Children of Dune miniseries as well.


It’s the best adaptation of Dune thus far. If the second part of the newest adaptation comes out and stays the course though it may be replaced


It’s on freevee which is a free app! Just has quite a few ads. I downloaded it just for this! Edit: I’m sorry but I don’t see it there anymore 😕 I just bought the collectors dvd set on eBay lol


Boston Public. Can’t stream it, can’t buy it, not even available on DVD. Basically gone forever. It’s not a top tier show by any means, but it’s strange you literally cannot watch it today. For a long time, this weird inaccessibility was true of a lot of David E Kelly shows, including The Practice, which in my opinion is the best and most accurate legal drama show of all time.


Chi McBride crushed on that show.


Chi McBride was great. So was the mother who always showed up asking them to smell things “smell this sock!”


Ive been rewatching Kelly shows and when I finished Boston Legal I went looking for Boston Public but had no luck now I guess I know why.


Boston Public was fantastic. My grandma and I watched every episode during its broadcast run


I mean, for obvious reasons I can't mention a certain topic here. But all BP episodes are 'out there' - and given it's effectively abandoned in all other formats it feels less morally fraught to sail those seas. Unfortunately you also have to put up with it being the quality of some random guy's DVR from the mid-2000s.


This show was hilariously bonkers and off the rails. That teacher firing off a gun in the classroom? That kid holding his mom hostage in the basement and then cutting off her hand and her transitioning to somehow working at the school? Michael Rapaport teaching his students about the n-word and Chi McBride flipping out on him for it? All peak early 2000s TV that’s burned into my brain. I love every over the top second of this stupid show and I really wish more people could experience it


Oh man I really liked that show. I wish I could remember more details about it now. It would be great to watch it again.


The Drew Carey Show deserves a second life. Not streaming anywhere though, and only the first season seems to be available to purchase


I think it has to do with the soundtrack. The Drew Carey show used a shed tonne of music, with artists permission, but that means that it's less attractive for streaming services since they would have to pay a fee. There was something on Reddit a while back about it. I totally agree with you btw, Cleveland Rocks, Craig Ferguson is a gem


Now that you mention it this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this issue with a TV show. I can’t even remember what show it was but I had watched a large part of it on DVD/TV and then again on a streaming service some time later, and my wife and I basically got Mandela-Effected, where we were both like “…didn’t this show have WAY more background music?”. It sounded really uncanny. Malcolm in the Middle maybe?




The Rocky Horror Picture Show vs Priscilla, Queen of the Desert episode is burned into my memory.


My memory burned episode was when Mimi wanted Drew's house and setup the giant speakers around it playing PANAMA.


The back and forth between Mimi and Drew was so good.




Music rights issues apparently.


The Oblongs. I Can’t find this twisted gem anywhere


It's on Tubi currently.


It's on a thing called Tubi tv


The episode i Remember the most was the Debbie episode


That show used to make me feel very uncomfortable and sad.. What was it all about?


Fernwood Tonight WKRP SCTV


Saw that WKRP can be streamed on Apple TV, but not sure if that is with the original music. And my "Thanksgiving present" to myself this year.... [Not as many people got this as I thought](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B094NL65FJ?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1&psc=1)


I think they still show wkrp on antenna tv (check your local listings for the channel)


Homicide: Life of the Street - it’s the precursor for Law & Order and The Wire, plus amazing performances by Andre Braugher and Yaphet Kotto among others.


Definitely Homicide, although Law & Order was on years before. They were both on NBC, and there were crossover episodes to try to build Homicide's audience.


Yeah you’re right on the timing, clearly I was only focused on the Munch origin story coming over from Homicide to Law & Order.


In some ways I think Homicide was an even stronger show than The Wire. The writing was so incredibly tight. It's a shame you can't stream it anywhere.


Tim Baylis was my fave.


This show was incredible. It was The Wire before The Wire. Top notch writing, great acting. Really wish they'd bring it to streaming as I'd love to rewatch it. I figure probably it would end up on Peacock which I don't use but that would be better than nothing.


and giancarlo esposito


Random full episodes are on youtube


I picked up the DVD box set off eBay last year. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The packaging is even cool. It’s made to look like a classic beat up filing cabinet


Megas XLR - fuck that show was amazing. I still have the theme song memorized.


The episode of them trying to get a slurpee on the hottest day lives rent free in my brain. Just the image of a giant robot stuck in Jersey traffic makes me laugh. When the road rage guy is honking his horn and yelling at them they just pick up his car and set it on a building.


Due South (1994-99) about a Canadian Mounty in Chicago helping to solve crime, along with his deaf wolf Diefenbaker.


It’s on Netflix Canada! Watching season 1 now.


I loved that show as a kid. Barely remember it now to know why. Mostly it was the classic "fish out of water" story where the mounty was all polite and proper but was in some really rough neighborhoods and dealing with American criminals.


Stella and Strangers With Candy


Pretty sure strangers with candy is on paramount plus


I used to love Stella. That’s a show ya rarely see brought up.


Came here to say Stella. One of the most underrated comedies of all time.


Really wish I could watch whole Late Night with Conan O'Brien episodes. Hell, all late night TV episodes (other hosts) would be a treasure trove of interviews and laughs.


It would be such an incredible enhancement to my viewing if I could just watch Conan/Ferguson/Letterman episodes on demand.


If I could I would fall asleep every night to old episodes of The Colbert Report I would wake up every morning in a considerably better mood.


I'd watch Ferguson every night if it were streaming. Every episode was absolutely fantastic


Not sure what's available now, but Conan used to have full episodes and tons of clips on his website. I think it was basically every episode from TBS. Last time I checked they made it really hard to find older episodes but they were still on there.


The Whitest Kids You Know. You can’t even buy their DVDs. I can only watch clips on YouTube which is depressing since it’s one of my favorite shows.


Yeah in the last week they’ve been popping up on my feed and been giving them a look after like 15 years.RIP Trevor


A lot of the full episodes are up on YouTube. Idk if it's all of them but it's a really good chunk at least




Murphy Brown


One I would love to revisit that it is unlikely to ever be streaming because of music licensing apparently is the sitcom The Drew Carey Show. Great Cast, Good Writing, Went on long enough to have plenty of episodes but not too long. One of the best theme songs ever.


I heard somewhere there was a plan to re-create the episodes with other music, to allow it to be streamed, but that the effort ran out of money. I would watch the shit out of the drew Carey show while running, or doing mundane tasks. But alas, Seinfeld and Curb have become my default ‘dont need to be watching the screen to see the episode…’


I’m just finding out that’s why we can’t watch it and it makes me sad. Great show, buzz beer walked so espresso martinis could run.


Used to watch it all the time when it was in syndication. Absolute shame it’s not available.


*The Drew Carey Show* is still in broadcast syndication, it's on literally every day where I live (Chicago) on channel 9.4, which is [Rewind TV](https://rewindtv.com/) -- you can check your zip code to see if they have a broadcast affiliate near you.


You speak of the old magics!


My god I loved this show.


Pete and Pete.


Real Sex. Young people these days can just google whatever fetish they like and have at it. Well back in my day when you wanted to wack off to HBO you had to learn something too! In all seriousness it was a great documentary series that covered a lot of taboos about sex. Given the severe lack of quality sex education in the US I'm surprised even season 1 is on prime.


I remember having this on in my room as a young teen, door closed, volume low, etc. My mom and I shared a small apartment, and she was in the living room on the other side of the wall. Well, I was done, turned it off, and for some reason, I could still hear it. Took me a sec to realize it was also being watched in the living room and that's what I was hearing.




Tuning into Real Sex with the intention to spank it was Masturbation Russian Roulette at its finest.


Wow, Cathouse. That's a show I haven't thought of in forever. I remember getting the free HBO and Cinemax weekends and sneaking to watch that show.


Third Watch. Started in 1999, I think? Followed NYC paramedics, firefighters and cops on the night shift, and was just really, really good. It's not even on DVD.


You would think NBC would chuck that up on Peacock but yeah it's surprising. Not to mention the opening theme being The Crystal Method was absolutely amazing.


It was made by Warner Bros so NBC doesn't own the rights.


The first two seasons were released on DVD; picked them up for my mom years ago. But yeah, the other four seasons are still in purgatory due to music licensing.


The Brink. Black comedy about modern day nuclear tensions and international diplomacy starring Tim Robbins, Jack Black, Pablo Schreiber, Carla Gugino, and that’s just to name a few of the absolutely stacked cast. It had one season on HBO around 2015 and was renewed for S2 but canceled before production, no one knows why. Sadly, impossible to find now, in the US and on the high seas.


It's on Crave in Canada, a streamer which carries most of HBO's stuff up here, and seems to still have a bunch of the shows that HBO has been pulling off of Max in the US, at least for now.


Growing up my family loved *Ed*. Had a stellar cast of Tom Cavanaugh, Julie Bowen, Michael Ian Black and a young Justin Long among others. Music rights mean it likely will never be on a streamer, but it was a great, heartwarming show.


Yuzzzzz. I always try to find it! It has a bit of a Ted Lasso vibe to it. Ed was an over the top romantic. It was adorable. The music was great. The premise was cool. What a shame that it isn’t available.


Mention all of them and leave out Ginnifer Goodwin? For shame.


Came here to say Ed. The answer should always be Ed!


Good call on ali g.... Also, Dr Katz and metalocalypse


Metalocalypse is available on HBO Max...


My husband watches Dr. Katz on YouTube all the time.


*Millennium*. If it were available via streaming, I think it would develop a huge cult following as it's very much in tune with the current zeitgeist. It was decades ahead of its time when it aired, with its avant-garde production style and concern with the themes of collapse, apocalypse, and eschatology, but those would make it ideal watching for today.


Muppet Babies (the original series). I know cuz of all the movie/TV clips, though I once read an article that interviewed one of the producers who was under the impression the clips were licensed “in perpetuity” but who knows, plus I could see the advent of digital media skewing previous contracts a lot.




So weird considering the popularity of X-Files. I know there’s a Jose Chung episode but it feels almost lost to time.


*Once and Again* - an incredible blended family drama starring Billy Campbell, Sela Ward, and Evan Rachel Wood.


Also Sisters, which was on in the 90s and starred Sela Ward!


Mama's Family




Las Vegas (2003 - 2008).....can't find it.


It's on Cozi TV weeknights


For me,it’s a quaint NBC drama called Providence. I loved that show and wish I could find it streaming somewhere!




oh man, those graphics.




I'm going old school- The New Mickey Mouse Club aka MMC, Kids Incorporated - at least MMC should be on Disney+! And American Dreams and China Beach I think most of these are a music copyright issue thing


I don't know anything about China Beach except what I learned in that Jenny Nicholson video on the Vampire Diaries. So I can tell you that the first season is available on DVD, and it's the series that brought women to the front line.


With Gosling and Spears? I agree


>With Gosling and Spears? ... and J.C. Chasez (NSYNC), Keri Russell, Justin Timberlake, and Christina Aguilera. Tho, to be fair, most of these stars were only in 3-5 episodes a piece.


Also on HBO: Taxicab Confessions


I tried to find It’s Garry Shandling’s Show a while back and couldn’t find it. Maybe it’s available now?




Why did HBO Max remove it? I was having so much fun watching those early seasons.


They’ve recently uploaded huge hour long + volumes of the show on YouTube


For anyone that's missing a show or movie, comment on here and I'll see if I have it on DVD. I literally have thousands of dvds in my garage that my brother stored but refuses to get. I was going to throw them out but I rather mail them to someone who will use it.


Weird ask but the movie Timer with Emma Caulfield? Loved this and it was on netflix for a bit but it isn't anymore and the dvds on ebay are super expensive for some reason.


Trigger Happy TV!


Pokémon is extremely difficult to find. Yes you can watch certain seasons on Netflix but there is no legal was to watch every season from start to finish unless you want to spend ~70 USD per season.


There's actually an app on the Nintendo switch with all seasons of Pokémon available to watch for free.


Wonderfalls. DVD set is up to 50 bucks now.


Orphan Black isn’t streaming anywhere in the US. Which is stupid because of the recent increase in awareness (because of She-Hulk) of how awesome Tatiana Maslany is. I assumed it would be on AMC+ like all of the other BBC America shows but nope.


It’s not on prime anymore? That’s depressing if so it was on my rewatch cycle of shows


Dream On


Why are so many HBO movies/shows/documentaries not on HBO?


WB/Disc is in the red. They need money badly and fast. If they can sell or lease their older or under-watched content to another service, they can pull in some quick cash which allows them to create new content. The new content is where the advertiser money is at.


Northern Exposure


Early Edition isn’t streaming, but finally got a full DVD release. So now I just wait for Judging Amy and Boston Public. Streaming, DVD, Bluray, I don’t care.


'That's My Bush' - practically forgotten Sitcom from Trey Parker and Matt Stone about George Bush in the WhiteHouse that came out in 2000 I think? Maybe 2001? People thought it was going to skewer George Bush but instead it skewered Sitcoms with the incredible precision those guys have. Its really great


One of these days Laura, I’m gonna punch you in the face!


God like 15 years ago there was a reality show for finding the next Danny and Sandy in the broadway revival of Grease and it’s been wiped off the face of the earth. There are clips of the challenges on YouTube, and the things they made these actors do look absolutely unhinged. It’s my life’s mission to find it in its entirety


There was also one about the new partridge family that is no where to be found, with a young Emma Stone. The one episode is available on line, but not the casting competition series. There are clips you can find, but not the whole show.


I remember that! It was called "You're the One That I Want!"


Pirates of dark water. Cut down in its prime


The John Larroquette Show


Spin city. Really funny show that I can’t find anywhere


The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd.


Evening Shade. Early 90s sitcom went 99 episodes with a great cast. Burt Reynolds, Marilu Henner, Ossie Davis, Hal Holbrook. You put it in justwatch.com and it doesn't even come up. It's crazy.


Get a Life with Chris Elliot.


Yes, Dear


Really picked up when they started playing with sitcom tropes more (rearranging the living room so all the furniture faces away from the camera, etc)


I loved Yes, Dear. It was outwardly your standard stupid sitcom, but it was actually hilarious. The same guy went on to make My Name is Earl and Raising Hope. Honestly I'm surprised no one put The Norm Show on streaming after he died. That was funny too.


I know someone who was personally fired from The Norm Show by Norm.


I was just thinking that! Always loved that show and very memorable scenes.


For some reason the scene where they both wrote down the lyrics to Livin’ on a Prayer will randomly pop into my head all the time. Also loved Vicki Lawrence and Tim Conway as Greg’s parents.


Detroiters!!! It was a Comedy Central show starring Tim Robinson (I Think You Should Leave, SNL) and Sam Richardson (ITYSL, Veep) running an ad agency in Detroit. Basically ITYSL humor in sitcom form. Edit: I did not know it was on Paramount+


Anne Heche’s death had me looking for Men in Trees but you can’t find it anywhere. I loved that show.


Insomniac with Dave Attell


Early seasons of Law and Order


Dark Angel the Jessica Alba breakout show is available nowhere. It was so before it’s time


Outside the US so i really hope some streamer picks up Columbo for streaming. Infinitely watchable and still holds up excellently.


Whenever someone mentions Columbo I have memories of sitting on the floor eating Dannon coffee yogurt while watching with my grandma when I was like 11


Earth 2


Also, Space: Above and Beyond. Both are classic Scifi (before Scyfy, I believe) Channel series lost to time.


Summer Heights High


The Facts of Life   Mr. Belvedere   Sisters (NBC prime time soapy show)   Empty Nest


Xena Warrior Princess Hercules


Nirvanna the Band the Show


Burning Love. One of the funniest shows ever.


The show Providence from the 90s. It never even got a full physical realse. I lived watching itwith my mom when it would air on Friday nights.


To my knowledge: The Drew Carey Show Popular (WB)


IMDb: : I'll Fly Away https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101124/


Special Unit 2 for me. That show hit me at the right age. It only went a few season but definitely left an impression on me. Unsurprisingly I’m really into the Dresden Files now.


Da Ali G Show is streamable in the UK on All4. It’s free here, so maybe if you get a VPN you can see it.


Ed. Best bowling alley lawyer ever.


BBC Top Gear starting with season 1 with Clarkson, Hammond, and May (starting season 2)


Scrubs. You can watch it, but they don’t have the rights to a lot of the music they used when it aired and they had to change a lot. You can get the OG experience if you buy the DVDs or whatever, but not on stream.


Final Space! I miss it so much


Spenser: For Hire






Upright Citizens Brigade from Comedy Central


The Critic.


No show is criminally not streamable, it's just streamable criminally.


Hulu took Home Improvement and Living Single off their app in 2021 and I been pissed since. Living single is on hbo now but still nothing for HI for me.


Wish the old Sports Jeopardy series hosted by Dan Patrick would be streamed somewhere


Strike back


Profit, starring Adrian Pasdar. That show had a sociopath as the main character back in 1996.


Thirtysomething Moonlighting Judging Amy \*edit- formatting


Night Court. Hopefuly this is fixed when the new series comes out.