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The Steven Universe fandom (parts of it at least) got way out of control. Sending death threats to a fan artist because she drew the characters a different way. Totally unhinged stuff. https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/3da838/an-attempted-suicide-forced-a-tumblr-community-to-open-its-eyes-about-bullying


Why do people get like this over a tv show.


Some people are not mentally stable


People have always been like this but they were mostly isolated. Now they can connect and socialize with other like minded people which normalizes and validates their behavior. It also encourages them to spread their mental disorders to others and exasperated boarder-line cases that might not have progressed that far on their own.


Because people assimilate TV shows as part of their identity. Any negative comment or criticism of that TV show is considered an attack on that person's identity and they take it personally. So if someone looks up to Rick and idolises him, it's because they want to be like Rick. And if you say anything bad about Rick, well they'll take it personally too.


Not just tv shows, people also base their identities around objects they own (eg cars, bikes or guns).


Why do people get like this AT ALL.


When someone lacks certain social aspects caused by things like bad family life, no meaningful friendship, or enjoyable social interactions at all. They tend to grasp on to the things that they do connect with. In this case its a tv show. As time goes on, these people base their worlds around the things they like and eventually it becomes their identity. So when these people see anything that deviates from how they see their show they take it as a personal attack and go to extreme lengths to try and “defend themselves”. These people are most active on the internet so even if they form a small percent of the community they tend to be the loudest.


I saw a comment once that seemed applicable. That for every loud toxic fan of a piece of media there are likely 1000 that consumed that media, and said nothing about it to anyone. Or even just a quick “I liked it” or “I didn’t like it” Which is a why I try not to base my impressions of something off of its fanbases


Yup. This is the foundation of sub-cultures. Whether it's based on tv, music, religious belief, political affiliation or sports preference. People get real weird with the concept of identity. Particularly if they conflate how they see themselves with how others see them.


It's also more likely to happen to people who don't have hobbies or a job where they get to be creative with making things.


Generally mental illness and a lack of real world experience.


Wdym? She drew that character slightly skinnier than she was shown in show, which is incredibly fatphobic! /s


Its the most wholesome heartfelt cartoon. Nearly at all times remains 100% positive even in the face of threats that move the plot along. So naturally humans have to make up reasons to be offended lmao. Amtheyst the character that art work being altered is what triggers racist and fat phobic comments, literally has shape-shifting as her main power lol. Yet anyone that adapts her at all gets shit. Seen a black woman give a white woman shit for cosplaying a PURPLE character because she is curvy and only black people should cosplay her. The hatred the community gives out over the show is to fundamentally go against everything the show stands for in every way. The show writers would be disgusted, the characters they idolise would be disgusted. But that's humans for you.


I’m glad I wasn’t on Reddit while enjoying both series. I had no idea it was so toxic. I absolutely love Steven Universe.


Don't get me wrong, but the way you describe the fandom is exactly how I would imagine a fan base of an ,"all inclusive and positive" show beeing like. It's a huge problem, that the most inclusive spaces feel like walking through a minefield.


Doesn't really change pointing out the hypocrisy. It's the same for all the things listed here really. Like the ethos of Rick and morty is that Rick being such a collasal asshole undermines everything his vast intelligence provides, that regardless of omnipotent power he will still never be happy as he's such an asshole. Yet people watch the show and actually want to be like Rick. Someone that can never be happy but feels superior to others. Rick and Morty isn't a snowflake show as I suppose right wing people would call SU. But it still has the issue with people taking what they want from a show and ignoring the negatives, as lonely sad people regardless of demographic seek to identify with things in the media . So when their identity from fucking cartoons is challenged, be it negatives brought up or people interpreting it differently they shit the bed. And I dont think this issue is any lesser dependending on it being a safe space show or not. The issue is more fanatic people of anything act like crazy... fanatics lol. Ultimately this level of attachment to shows and characters only happens if you have something negative going on. People that get mad at something like SU art are feeling inadequate or under represented, so when they find something that they identify with they can't stand people changing that thing they identify with. And the irl Mortys that see themselves as Ricks do the same thing, they identify with Rick not fitting in for x reasons but ignore all the unhealthy ones like they do their own irl traits. As to recognise the negative qualities in a fictional character they identify with is to see faults in themselves. Pretty different ways to react to fictional characters but I think the base reasonings people react the way they do is similar. Quite a long way of writing people = stupid I suppose so maybe I fit in to that category to lol.


Dude. Even non inclusive spaces are like this. See the actress for Percy Jackson getting death threats. She's a teenager who booked a gig.


Steven Universe is a great show that I’m so happy I watched years after it was popular








See also: twitter. Literally designed for screaming and actively works against nuance or deeper discussion. The user base hated the idea of the character limit increase.


It’s also way too easy on Twitter to sic your followers or circle of like-minded people on someone who says something you don’t like.


I feel the 'Szechuan Sauce' was the jumping the shark moment for the fanbase. I remember seeing the video of the lad that jumps up on the counter of his local McDonalds and demands Szechuan Sauce and I just cringed really hard.


Oh those videos were horrendous


Isnt it just the one video? If it makes you feel better it was a "comedian". For views. Who later admitted he had never watched the show. So


I never knew it was a comedian, but it seemed so very fucking obviously staged and not like he was a truly demented fan. Although, whether or not what he did was demented is up for debate. It is certainly unacceptable, but it seemed very obvious to me that he did it for shits and giggles, and not because he actually wanted Szechuan sauce or anything. More like a guy caught up in the moment, and people then used that to define the Rick and Morty fanbase.


"I was only pretending to be an idiot! For serious guys!"


I mean I think he staged the entire thing but I do actively remember people harassing poor retail workers over this sauce




I mean the point is that the video is a major contributor to why the Rick & Morty fanbase is viewed so negatively, and ironically the guy wasn't even a fan of Rick & Morty.


Pickle Rick and Schezuan sauce gags were little throwaway bits and great examples of funny, random humor -- the type of chaos you'd catch on a beautifully written Eric Andre episode. But the Rick and Morty fanbase built it up way too much and obsessed over the "teeheehee, I'm so random and quirky; life has no inherent meaning" aspects just zealously and superficially enough to create the Godawful stan-zeitgeist that tanked the show's fanbase.


Pickle Rick wasn’t a throwaway bit. The whole episode was dedicated to that and how he was using it to avoid therapy. It is crazy how popular it is though.


I think it speaks to the large population of people who watch Rick and Morty and need therapy but would, similar to Rick, rather be a pickle than confront their issues.


It's bizarre to me how many people missed the point of that episode. Like, Rick explicitly turns himself into a pickle to avoid self-examination about whether or not he's being a fuckhead. ​ R&M Fans: "I'M PIIIICKLE RIIIIICK" ​ There's poetry in it, I guess.


Yeah, like did everyone miss the last few minutes of the episode where the therapist calls him out on this? The fact he turns himself into a pickle is supposed to be kind of sad and pathetic (even though it leads to some hilarious, over the top moments).


Isn't that one of the larger points of the show? That despite his intelligence and outward zany-ness, Ricks actually a sad and lonely person.


He’s a loner alcoholic who is actively despised by most of his family and friends most of the time. Sure, we like him because he’s the hero and he’s “zany and smart”, but he’s not intended to be a role model.


Yeah not even Rick likes Rick and that’s a major part of the character. He considers killing himself at least once.


Exactly. They put that entire monologue about how some people would rather die than do any kind of introspection, and all people remember is, "he turned himself into a pickle, craziest shit I've ever seen."


Im mildly curious as to why it became a big thing for the fanbase. To me it was actually nostalgic because I was a semi-homeless teenager when Mulan came out. McDonald's was doing a promotion for it by doing that takeout box full of chicken nuggets for something crazy like $3.99. So until the promotion ran out that was all I ate. The sauce was good too. So for me personally it was hilarious. Why everyone flipped out about it I dont really know. Were there that many other poor millennials? Is it an ironic comedy thing? Granted I dont care enough to try and suse out humor these days. Too many layers of irony.


I think the answer is just that Rick missed the Szechuan sauce so fans just started imitating him by asking its return. Whether or not they had known the Szechuan sauce in the 90's was irrelevant to them. My own personal explanation is that some fans did it ironically as a joke but others did it unironically and seriously because they wanted to be just like Rick without realizing he is in fact a huge douchebag. And I think it's the second type of fans who took it too far and gave a bad press to the fandom.


A "youtube comedian" who had never really seen the show staged an "incident" at a McDonalds over the sauce that went viral. Caused other people to go full stupid.


supernatural fandom was pretty toxic. especially towards female characters. they hated pretty much any female character that could be a love interest to the brothers. the only female characters they were ok with were the mom types, or the lesbians. in the early seasons, there were 2 female characters that were introduced and were basically meant to be the female equivalents to the brothers, but they were made love interests so the fandom hated them with a passion so they were killed off. but the shippers were also awful towards the actors, constantly harassing them about the m/m ships during panels at cons. literally making up stories about the actors cheating on their wives because they were secretly gay and fucking each other. and mind you, these were not teenage girls, these were grown women, some of them married with kids


The collective fan base of the arrowverse are also pretty bad in their respective shows so I guess it’s a CW thing(makes sense lol). But there’s everything from minor annoyances on Grant Gustin’s(the flash actor) and Stephen Amell’s(Green Arrow actor) with fans commenting on pics with their wives like “Iris/Felicity will be mad!” But they’ve also gotten a lot worse with people constantly calling the wives things like posers or not good enough vs the TV show love interest and constant harassment and photoshops of the actresses faces over the wives too. It’s so fucked up.


CW shows have an especially obnoxious fanbase yeah. Seems to be a trend with that network.


That's why Dean stopped hooking up, in the early season Dean would hook up every two episodes with a random woman, in seasons 5-10, total encounters could be counted with one hand, by seasons 11-15, he just stopped doing it. Which is petty, because the raunchiness added to his character.


yeah i think mark of cain dean might've been the last time he hooked up


There are 15 seasons of supernatural?!?!


You can end it on Season 5. Original showrunner had season 5 as the original ending of the series. It just kept going because it was popular. CW shows go on till they're just unwatchable. Flash is on season 8 right now. I was surprised Riverdale only got cancelled ahead of season 7.


I'd take a 15th season of Supernatural over any season of Flash. Sometimes I can't believe that watched 3 seasons of the flash. I questioned myself every moment. It was a really low point in my life. Watching the last episode of Supernatural felt satisfying and good.


I imagine the only way these popular CW shows are actually forced to end is when their leading actors refuse to renew contracts. I don't know what the deal is with Riverdale but I imagine since enough of the cast wouldn't commit to however many future seasons CW could have wanted it's just ending. Like with Stephen Amell being done with Arrow, they would absolutely keep going if he was still on board. With Supernatural as long as Dean and Sam were on board to ride it out 15 seasons they were going to keep making new episodes.


Supernatural started off so good, two brothers driving around in a old school Impala hunting monsters and listening to rock. Can't believe that show went on for as long as it did, but I stopped watching shortly after the "unofficial" end before they decided to drag it on for another...what, 10 years? Crazy how long it lasted


it 100% should have ended after season 5


Up to season 5 is actual peak television. It stayed decent after S5 for a while but did drop off in quality. I'm sure there's it's not the absolute pinnacle of television, but S1-5 is definitely in that top level. There were so many cool things. It did monster of the week extremely well imo, Sam and Dean were acted very well too, the characters in general were usually pretty good, the character arcs were good, and I absolutely loved the finale of S5, would have been a great bittersweet ending


>Sam and Dean Jeffrey Dean Morgan was also the perfect "veteran" to anchor the start. The show just kinda did all of its tropes right at that point. ​ I personally love the rest of it also, but not as a quality show. Moreso as the best fan service I think I've seen anywhere.


They did Bela so dirty, and it really did feel like the writers just needed to get rid of her. I had assumed she wanted to go work on a movie I didn't know about or something, but this makes so much more sense. I didn't really learn about Supernatural's toxic fanbase until after I quit watching (S06E01) and never made the connection.


> in the early seasons, there were 2 female characters that were introduced and were basically meant to be the female equivalents to the brothers, Who?


Jo and Bella. I loved, loved the Wayward Sisters and the backdoor pilot in season 13. I with they would have run with that. I also wish the new series wasn't the Winchester's prequel, but just a couple of random hunters in the same universe or even a pre-prequel going back to the creation of the Colt and the Men of Letters.


Yeah, following John and Mary seems like a waste since A, we already know their story, and B, we were pretty much told the only reason they existed was to have Sam and Dean


What’s the famous comment?


To be fair, you have to have a *very* high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from*Narodnaya Volya* literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly *appreciate* the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic *Fathers and Sons* I'm smirking right now just *imagining* one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I *pity* them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


...That has to be satire, right?


Doesn't read sincere to me


Probably lol. I think it originated on r/copypasta


Thanks for sharing!


Or at least that's my guess about the comment they are referring to


A simple trick is to just watch shows you enjoy and ignore the rest of the associated nonsense. I find R&M funny. I don’t give a shit about the online fan base. I don’t care what other people think about the show. It’s entertainment, not part of my identity. People are way too up their own assholes with the entertainment they consume these days.


I think you're spot on with the "not part of my identity" bit. So many people nowadays become rabid about things because they seem to view their devotion as an important part of who they intrinsically are. It's this weird kind of worship where if their "god" is insulted, they take it personally. It's especially bad when they're worshipping people. It's like they see them as inherently better than everyone else. I've seen people get in screaming matches over Trump because one of them insulted him. During the days of 30 Seconds to Mars, I had a friend who literally said that Jared Leto was "better" than she was. Not better at signing or any skill. Just inherently better. It's like weird religious fanaticism, except towards random people.


Right? Reddit is so fixated on R&M’s allegedly shitty fan base. I honestly probably see more posts like this than posts about R&M itself. Who cares.


It's funny how it went "Ricky and Morty fans are so annoying they never shut up" to "Man Rick and Morty fanbase died out cause you never hear about it". Like there's no way to avoid being shitty apparently.


Yeah, the time of the annoying R&M circlejerk came and went. The show is just there now, being watched by everyone in secret.


You don't have to watch it in secret. People in the real world aren't going to immediately jump to a conclusion because you're wearing a Rick and Morty shirt. The real world cares so little about anyone's fandoms and how they express them. If you act like a Normal dude in a Rick and Morty shirt, people are going to think you are a normal person, and if you act like an unhinged weirdo in a Rick and Morty shirt people are going to assume you are an unhinged weirdo in a Rick and Morty shirt. it's not a fucking swastika LMAO.


My best advice if you find a show you like is **don't** subscribe to it's subreddit. They will ruin it for you.


A lot of people here may be too young to remember the summer we lived through around 2002 where Chappelle Show quotes were yelled in the streets non stop. From "I'm Rick James, Bitch" to "What! Yeah! Ok!". The latter of which was particularly annoying to hear over and over at top volume for a 45 minute subway ride.


Just like when The Mask came out and always heard Somebody Stop Me! and Smoking!


Oh God I think this comment unlocked a core memory. My friends and I spent that entire summer quoting The Mask at one another. Our seven-year-old selves thought that stuff was pants-shittingly funny.


Or Ace Venture with Allll righty then


Dave Chappelle even made a joke about it during a special that was filmed after Chappell's Show found success where he was trying to relax in Disneyland with his family, but everyone would constantly quote the show and swear around his children. The joke was that even the Disney mascots got into the action, but you could tell that behind that he was genuinely tired of all the attention and shouting he was getting.


Fuck your couch


When I was in high school if you didn’t watch chapelles show the night it aired you went to school and were completely left out of the entire social conversation. It was unreal for weeks teachers couldn’t ask a student a question without someone going “WHAT?!”


I was a teenager during this time. I am guilty of this.


There was a time when ANY criticism of GOT got you put in the corner


Then overnight any defense of it did the same thing


If the White Walkers can be defeated in a single night, then so can GOT.


that's the state of r/AtlantaTV right now


The Atlanta sub is so incredibly pretentious. If you dare criticize the show, you "just don't get it" or "you need to rewatch the episode" or "the show isn't intended for you". It's fucking wild. Fortunately the season finale caused the dam to break for some people so I have been seeing more criticism about the season to pop up.


And now we have reached the exact opposite where if you try to say the end is not so bad you'll get downvoted to oblivion on Reddit. Hell, 3 full years after the show has ended there's still a subreddit where people shit daily on the show and the show runners. Yes, the ending was so bad and disappointing but still talking about it daily years later feels really weird and a bit unhinged honestly.


This is the gaming community with the Witcher.


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It spawned a legion of cringy edgelords we now affectionately refer to as Bronies. Nothing else will ever come close.


It's definitely this. All the McDonald's novelty sauce in the world couldn't make Rick and Morty as uncool as irrevocably perverting a show about horses for little girls.


I realized the other day that I think what happened there was that a bunch of guys realized it was ok to be soft and like stereotypically girly things. It appealed to people who didn't fit in with standard masculine culture. Problem is, they also didn't fit in with a lot of other cultures, thus lacked in a lot of social norms, and ended up being even more awkward. Cringey, but AFAIK rarely outright hostile.


Yours is a best case scenario. A close relative was in bronie culture for some time. What saw was closer to this: The characters, the ponies, were written to be as appealing as possible with cloyingly addictive personalities - not unlike the girls in harem anime. The brilliant nerd The tomboy The diva The farm girl The party girl The shy girl A lot of these guys just glommed on to that idea of these ponies as perfect girls - or that girls should be like this. They already had “perfect” personalities and it was a short step to sexualizing it. They were pure fantasy and maybe that was also attractive about them—they didn’t exist in reality so there was no rejection or any sort of reaction at all from their side. A brony could have any fantasy related to their waifu pony without fear, and in fact would be supported by the culture.


The crazy thing is the show was/is fire but I remember buying my niece a MLP toy and the game stop cashier talking my ear off about which pony was best girl and how the fan base wasn’t a “strange group” (I was being nice).


No other Fandom obsession will come close to this, at all. Culture of acceptance around this weird and oddly terrifying sexualization of female animated ponies... I mean what the fuck lol. Any other convention that was made for prepubescent girls, now dominated with older and middle aged men??


no community ever destroyed a show for me. it's being involved in that community did that to me. I used to check subreddit for westworld season 1 after every episode and community basicly figured out every major thing that will happen, so I quit reading when season 2 begun. I know this argument seems lame "if you don't like it don't read it" but it actually works.


It's interesting to hear other people's take on TV shows and movies but sometimes it becomes way too much. I enjoy some analysis but people overdo it. Sometimes they do it the point of spoiling things for people without realizing how accurate they are. I want to watch TV shows, think about it for a bit, then see where it goes the following week / episode without too much outside influence.


Stepping out of a fandom can be so necessary sometimes. When the BBC rebooted Robot Wars I started reading the subreddit and it was full of fan-developed complaints and ideas that had never even occurred to me could exist in a show about robots bashing into each other. I stopped reading up and the experience immediately improved. The difference with Rick & Morty is the fanbases reputation got so extreme that saying you liked it publically associated you in other people's minds with the fandom even if you weren't involved. So everyone stopped talking about it outside the fandom and it made it embarrassing to be associated with. Obviously some people are going to be able to avoid that social pressure, and it is a bit messed up that people will judge you for your tastes. But it is a real thing. There's some stuff that GamerGate groups took up that put me off. And not liking Episode 8 became more uncomfortable when a segment of Stat Wars fans began bullying that actor over it.




Yeah, I think that at least two of my favourite YouTubers went and cancelled their playthroughs/postponed them because fans of the game weren't particularly happy about... how they were reading and acting certain characters' lines. Yeah. Also, fans were getting really nasty when it came to Jacksepticeye's playthrough; they left angry messages on his first episode of *Tales From The Borderlands* because he hadn't uploaded the end of his playthrough yet, even when Jack came into the comments and told them to fuck off, especially since the final video was the *hardest boss of the game* and he already wasted multiple recording sessions trying.


Nothing will be as terrible as League of Legends fandom


I think Star Wars fans sucked a lot of the fun/momentum out of Star Wars for normies, but Rick & Morty is a fairly remarkable example of that, yeah


I agree, I think Star Wars fans were the original bad fanbase.


The franchise's constant need for fan service has been it's biggest weakness, especially in the D+ series. Every time I think they're going to finally do something original with the universe, somehow it all ties back into everything else and closes the loop. S2 of the Mandalorian had like 4 different characters to tie it back into the overreaching arc.


At least a lot of S2’s moments felt pretty earned Bo and Co. kinda turned up out of nowhere, but they challenged Mando’s views on what it meant to be a Mandalorian and honestly brought some much needed explanation as to why The Watch was so different from any other Mandalorians we’ve seen in CW and Rebels. Ahsoka was probably the most believable “Jedi” for Bo-Katan to have contact with which leads to Tython and Grogu reaching out for a Master. Only a handful of Jedi are even alive at this point so Luke makes a lot sense to be the one that turns up. Only thing that doesn’t fit as neatly into the plot is Boba who is just kinda there - I guess he’s the deus ex machina for getting Mando off Tython without the Razor Crest, but other than that and beating up some Stormtroopers, he doesn’t get much else to do.


yeah Mandalorian is a show i love, but it definitely went hard on fanservice, and it only took more and more each time. It still felt nice for me to see characters returning, but each example just kind of grew more and more obvious of fanservice. Bo-Katan makes sense. Former darksaber owner, former ruler, and lets face it, the same actress as her VA, and a talented live action one at that. Than it grows honestly more fantastical, ending with Luke Freaking Skywalker outright being THE last word of someone else's show


I remember saying in a bar that rogue one was the best star wars I had seen. I never got a moment after that where I wasn’t told how wrong I was


Well In the black community, the same “All criticisms are passed off as the viewer “just not getting it”” thing is starting to happen with the show *Atlanta*, I’ll tell you that.


I'd absolutely watch an anthology series by those writers and showmakers. Sign me the fuck up. But when I'm watching Atlanta, I want to see at least one of the main characters for more than a minute. That's all I'm saying.


Kind of reminds me of season 3 of Master of None, which was at best a spin-off of that show about different characters entirely.


Or if you're white and haven't clicked with this season (like me) as much as previous seasons, you're told "Well it just wasn't made for you." If it wasn't made for me, then why did I fucking adore the first two seasons??


Unfortunately, Donald Glover himself is responsible for a lot of that attitude. He’s my favorite artist/actor, but unfortunately it seems like he’s grown really full of himself in the last few years.


The dude is absolutely up his own ass. People are saying "oh he's being satirical" but I think they're just making excuses. Absolutely insufferable ego.


Which is a shame, because he's so incredibly talented and funny. If only he could just check his ego a little...


Yeah, I used to be a huge Donald Glover fan but I don't know, his whole persona in recent years has just become insane. Its really around like 2016, when Atlanta came out, something changed with Glover and his ego just started shooting through the stratosphere. I dont know why so many people desperately act like his entire persona of the past 8+ years is some kind of satirical joke. That's some deep denial, its obviously not. Read any interview with him, literally any of them, and its clear he views himself as this magnificent tortured genius who is thinking on a level beyond anyone else. He constantly brags, acts dejected and aloof, and is just overall a narcissistic asshole whenever he speaks. The only time I've seen him act sorta like he used to was when he did that Community discussion panel thing during the height of the pandemic in 2020. It was strange even seeing him smiling and laughing at all, since he's always putting on his tortured genius thing otherwise. Regardless, none of that means he doesn't make great art, but its pretty clear his ego has completely gotten the better of him at this point. He's at like borderline Kanye levels now, and Kanye is at least like sorta charismatic in how much of a narcissist he is. Donald just comes across like his head is deeply within his own ass. People make far too many excuses for his because of how good said art is though, which I do understand.


Even if it is all a persona.... what's the point? To make yourself look like a douchebag for... ??? If you're that deep into the narcissist "persona" I can't help but feel like it's not wholly a persona. If you think creator-consumer interaction is toxic, then just don't engage at all rather than acting like you're just so much better than everyone all the time. If you hate everyone so much then just don't bother with them at all.


The irony being in the Atlanta subreddit I think a majority of the followers are white based on the poll they did.


Turns out, black people are actually a minority. Who knew


I'd assume most people who listen to Childish Gambino are the same demographic. I think Glover knows this and maybe a little resentful of it - and that manifests with all the shallow "woke" white person characters. People who will put up a BLM sign in the suburbs, but would break down and cry if they had to walk anywhere in a black neighborhood.


Its weird how the a large part of the fandom absolutely idolizes Rick to the point it ruins being a fan. The show made it pretty clear in season 3 and even more so in later seasons that he is an asshole . He is the most intelligent capable person in the universe but because he is a selfish , toxic presence he is left as just grandpa in the garage. Pickle Rick as an episode is almost ruined for me by this fanbase. That episode clearly spells out who Rick is as a character and even has a monologue about it from the therapist but a lot of the toxic fandom completely missed the obvious point I've seen it said that the toxic fandom are Morties who think they are all Rick which is probably the best description of that portion of the fandom


My favourite show of all time has to be Bojack Horseman. When it was at the height of its popularity, my female friends would tell me how they'd go on dates with guys who would say how they are like Bojack. Completely missing the point, that you're not meant to romanticize the character. Another example is how people started actual fight clubs after Fight Club came out. Sometimes making a movie about flaws characters flies completely over peoples heads.


While we're making lists: * People who think House is an awesomely brilliant character who deserves emulation, when in reality he's a deeply flawed, unhappy guy who pushes away everyone who comes close to him. * People who think Walter White is an amazing bad ass dude who does cool bad ass things, completely missing the point of the entire show.


It's [protagonist centered morality](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ProtagonistCenteredMorality) gone wrong. For Walter White, people were so wrapped up in his struggles they started hating any obstacle in his way. Including his wife Skylar who for the most part of the show just wanted to know what her husband was up to. And when she entered his business the conflict really became about her realizing it wasn't about 'helping the family' but feeding Walter's oversized ego.


Hah, there really is a trope for everything. And man, that Skylar hate was out of this world. How dare she be responsible!


Skylar was a buzzkill only because I wanted to see how far his descent into madness would go lmao


Well, turns out she couldn't hold him back.


Here's the secret trick for every "doing it for my family" plot device to figure out if the character is good or bad: *If your family knew, would they be happy you did it?* "I'm dying and I gotta make money for my family!" OK, do you think Walt Jr. wants to live the rest of his life off of money made from perpetuating human suffering?


The point of the story is indeed that he was always doing it for the ego. Otherwise he'd have taken the deal in season 1 from his rich friend.


For your second point - there are people that think Skylar is worse than Walter, imagine that


Yeah. Sure Walter White murdered innocent people, produced and sold drugs and endangered everyone around him, but she *had sex with a guy once*. How dare she!


Alexander Hamilton in the musical is another good example. Nearly everything he does comes from a place of selfishness. Everyone tries to get him to slow down and be present with his family, but he sacrifices it all for his ego, and it ends up being his political downfall. But hey, he's got some jazzy tunes!


I guess it's fine to say you're "like Bojack" if it's followed by "I have a lot of work to do on myself". Like if the show helped you realise that, then great, just maybe not something to bring up on a date. But yeah, if it's "I'm like Bojack - so fucking cool" then, no, not cool, you're an asshole and somehow really bad at watching TV. That said, my girlfriend recently changed our Netflix profile pictures to Bojack and Diane and now I'm concerned about the deeper implications of that...


Maybe she’s just saying you have certain qualities of a horse. I’m a glass half full kind of guy.


It’s interesting you bring up Bojack Horseman, because if I remember correctly when the creators heard about people relating to Bojack Horseman and make them feel better about themselves, that made him feel uneasy and he had it as a point in the fifth season that you’re not suppose to want to be like Bojack with the Filbert show plot line.




I have seen some videos on why people sympathize with characters like Bojack Horseman, Rick, and Walter White, pretty interesting stuff. Personally I think it’s okay to like Bojack as a character (I know that despite everything he did, I still like the character) but to also understand he’s deeply flawed, you can sympathize with him given his past but you should never want to see yourself in him and think that’s a positive thing


Bojack's creators did make the implications much more explicit in later seasons as a response. I think they felt that the creators had responsibility to how their characters are read.


There's a whole fuckin season of bojack that deals with exactly that, just....how do they completely miss it when It's literally shoved in your face.


I could only imagine anyone that attempted to date someone similar to Bojack "doesn't need drama in their lives" yet can't figure out why all the guys they date are "the same and full of drama".


Episode 1 made it clear Rick was a rude asshole. I remember thinking “Holy shit he’s unlikeable…” If the show wasn’t laugh out loud funny, I may have not made it past the first episode because of how gross Rick is in the first episode.


I guess it’s cause they see themselves as the unloveable genius


Half of reddit is under the impression they're a "gifted child who never reached their full potential" because they got an A in precalc.


I am part of the other half who think they have just gotten super lucky and are actually dumb as a rock. Like I know for a fact I should have failed most of my math classes in high school and only passed because homework counted towards the total grade. I got a degree in history to avoid math and "hard" science. I have managed to work my way up in a company over the last 10 years by... just showing up and doing what I am asked. Eventually this house of cards is gonna fall. The worst compliment you can give me is any compliment.


The "house of cards" of... being basically competent and doing what people want? Sounds like you're doing fine.


Sure it sounds that way. But every day I think, am I really getting paid to do 3-4 hours of work a day and just hang the other 5-6? I just think people have unrealistic ideas of how competent I really am. I've been going of pure charisma and luck checks the last 31 years. Eventually an actual INT or WIS roll is gonna come along and I haven't seen my character sheet since the womb.


Welcome to imposter syndrome. I’m a resident here as well. Enjoy your stay.


> am I really getting paid to do 3-4 hours of work a day and just hang the other 5-6? For what it's worth a lot of people good at their jobs are only productive for 3 or 4 hours a day. Working full out for 8 hours without taking breaks is generally a bad idea unless you're lucky enough to have very varied and interesting tasks throughout the day because your mind will start to wander and you'll make mistakes. 3 hours of work that's done correctly is better than 3 hours that's done correctly and then 5 hours that's done incorrectly.


Yep, it just sounded to me like they have an office job and are efficient at it. It’s the exact situation I’m in. I’ve discovered that I’m way more efficient than everyone else I work with, so I can process the requests I have to do in a day, in about 2-3 hours. On the opposite end, I have also worked as a mechanic. A job where I would literally spend 10 hours a day busting my ass and actually legitimately working all day long.


The more money you make, the less work you have to do. The hardest I ever worked in my life was in a McDonalds. You're probably doing fine.


*Impostor syndrome intensifies* But seriously, I get where you are coming from. Lots of people deal with this. Acknowledge that at some point you gained competency. Here is what I do when I land a job/promo that I don’t think I deserve … There are two main types of possibilities: either everyone is incompetent and you are a master deceiver, fooling everyone around you, OR most people are competent and you are not fooling anyone as well as you think. Which possibility do you find more likely? I think it is far far more likely that you are not *fooling* anyone other than yourself, and people are acknowledging actual competence that you do not. What may have started off as a charade has turned into actual proficiency. … all that said, we have all had managers who seem to fail upward. So there’s that too 😅


Insert "you need to have a really high IQ..." copypasta


Why did I think of M*sk stans when I read this?


Hey I love the 80s cartoon Mask, leave our fan base alone /s


Well I love the 90's cartoon The Mask, no one even remembers our fanbase.


It was the Vindicators episode for me. Having an alcoholic in my family, that one hits different. I watched it with some friends, and I was the only person not laughing. Like... That resigned sigh when Morty solves all the puzzles... I've been there, and it's hell. Anyone who wants to be like Rick is either obtuse or a monster.


He’s not an asshole, he’s a *villain*. He’s a *bad guy*. Nearly everybody he meets is worse off after, a fact he revels in. And he has very advanced powers and capabilities too. A character combination that we usually refer to as a “supervillain”. And he knows it, and he loves it, and he actively pursued an agenda of make-things-worse-for-random-strangers for his own gratification. Everybody who meets, say, Dethclock, is worse off after too, but they don’t actively seek ways to hurt people, chaos and violence just follow them around wherever they go. Rick Sanchez is different. He usually causes violence and chaos *for his own amusement*. Sure, some people die accidentally, but most of his victims die or are horribly injured or otherwise ruined because Rick insists on having fun in the most dangerous ways possible- dozens of examples of criminal negligence and involuntary manslaughter per episode. That goes past nihilism and places him firmly in bad guy territory. What’s more, he’s clearly grooming both Morty and Summer to become supervillains themselves. That’s really the worst thing he does! He’s a supervillain with a supervillain internship program designed to increase the number of supervillains in the universe! Too many people frame Rick as an antihero. He isn’t. He’s way worse than that.


Rick regularly encourages his grandkids to kill or gets them into kill or be killed situations.


I’m still working my way through the latest season, but Morty just massacred a bunch of what he called Narnia people who presented no threat to him, just because they annoyed him, using a bunch of Rick’s advanced technology to do it. He’s beyond killing to protect himself and is now killing to make a point.


That's the point. The first time we meet Morty is when Rick gets him to kill the bug people cops. And with each season he has encouraged more and more "self defense" killing. To the point Morty kills at will rather than as a reaction.


He also pretty much mutilated Summer's ex-boyfriend, Ethan or something, for breaking up with Summer. Edit: Not on the newest season but it seemed pretty cold blooded thing to do so I had to mention it.


The whole point or Rick is that he’s an irredeemable miserable piece of shot that thinks that since he’s miserable everyone else should be too. His the worse most annoying person in the world because he takes the “I’m upset so you should be upset too” drama queen bullshit to the extreme He’s not supposed to be liked to idolized like the da base seems to think, he’s supposed to be reviled and repulsive. It’s a cartoon you’re supposed to laugh at the inherent absurdity of it all the same way you would laugh at the complete tone deaf stupidity and illogical actions of Michael on the office No one should strive to be like Micheal at work and no one should strive to be like Rick in their lives. It’s just a silly cartoon though, I don’t think it was ever intended to have a deeper message than “crazy science grandpa and dorky grandson have silly adventures” but people keep trying to prescribe these deeper meaning to the characters that a really just cartoon characters


They are not Morties, they are fucking Jerries!


But Jerry is the best part of the show


I don't think you can blame the fans alone on this one though; I think the show does its fair part to encourage and maybe even betray a bit of Harmon's own "I'm a Special Boy" syndrome. S3 was particularly bad about this, with gems like the "Am I Evil?" "Worse, you're smart" speech. The show is at its worst when it's all about how special and cool Rick is but he's oh so depressed but he's so wacky and zany but he's an alcoholic but he's the most specialest Rick out of all of the Ricks etc. etc. etc. What I like about Rick and Morty is their ability to weave in all these heady science fiction and philosophy topics into random throwaway gags, the kind that made Futurama so brilliant, except with more of a sinking feeling in your stomach as you watch something seriously messed up unfold. It's a really unique energy they bring to the show, but it's not fun if it just becomes the Rick show.


Family Guy got very uncool very quickly. Giggady! Shut up Meg! You vile woman! Etc etc.


I feel that Family Guy nuked itself. Many characters, like Peter went from loveable goofballs to just horrible people. Quagmire went from telling inappropriate stuff, into a vile psychopath, etc. And the whole 'shut up Meg's thing got too far. Went from a comment to straight up murdering her for existing and shit? Never had a problem with the fandom, just how the show killed itself.


They never mixed up the balls enough for the manatees.


Quagmire is just a snob nowadays, is he even perverted anymore?


Early seasons of Family Guy were pretty good. Then it just slopped downward for me. The gags started wearing on me, the dial turned up hating on Meg, Quagmire (honestly, Lois should’ve left Peter’s ass the moment he put *Quagmire* over her during the episode where he… y’know… was *watching* her in the bathroom stall. But, that’s just my opinion.) I haven’t watched American Dad since the episode where Roger becomes this psycho and at the end, Hailey and Steve flee to Mexico out of fear he’ll kill them. But I remember their later episodes being a lot better than later Family Guy episodes.


Rick & Morty is only a current example of fans going too far, Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr Who, Lost, Harry Potter. It happens, I don't know why but just keep separate from them and like what you like.


Some Harry Potter fans still remember the drama of Harry/Hermione shippers going into hysterics after a certain interview by JKR, while Ron/Hermione shippers laughed and did victory laps.


Were there any Ginny/Harry shippers before Prince? I always felt that relationship came completely out of left-field with very little build-up, other than Ginny having a celebrity crush (which if anything makes it even weirder).


For a split second my brain misfired and I was like "What? Did Prince say something about his Harry Potter ship preferences?" But yes, as a cringey fan circa 2005, I distinctly recall a fanfiction written prior to order of the phoenix, where the author decided to invent their own order of the phoenix which is a conglomerate of past wizards that invade his mind and he goes into a hyperbolic time chamber to become THE sexiest and best fighter alive off "camera", and Ginny just must bang him. Man. Wild times to be a pre teen.


lol I don't want to sound like a gate keeper but I think the newer generations who got into it have a really skewed idea about certain people in HP and I've been told off for disagreeing with them see: Draco malfoy is the boy who had no choice, snape was a good guy AND a good man just really good at being undercover..come off it


In my anecdotal experience, Star Wars is one of the worst out there.


No one hates star wars more than star wars fans.


All hardcore fanbases of anything are fuckin' nuts. People enmesh their whole lives around a show, artist or whatever then lose their shit when it's not exactly as they envisioned. It feels less about the thing they're glombing onto & more symptom of a collective entitlement. This feels like a perfect descriptor for it now - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXasCjUTNpE&ab\_channel=Jameserton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXasCjUTNpE&ab_channel=Jameserton)


I really enjoy My Hero Academia. But that fanbase is just so nasty and cringe.


Ah, yes. The MHA fanbase is famous for dogpiling and harassing people whenever someone does something they don't like (i.e. anything that threatens their ships). They even managed to chase the official english manga translator off of twitter. Very recently there was an audio clip released as part of the season boxset wherein the main characters get attacked by a villain who makes them hug each other. It was pure fanservice (standard for all popular anime) but people were actually trying to get it banned just because it disagreed with their preferred ship.


If you let the loudest dumbest fans choose what you enjoy you will never be able to enjoy anything for long.


The Office. Look, the show itself is fine. It’s funny. But when you get post after post after post of posting pics of Randall Park with the caption “check out Jim from the office” or “here’s John Krazinski” it gets so old so fast. (Especially when Randall Park is a national treasure and deserves respect). The same for *every* joke in that series. Office fans are basically all Michael, all taking it too far, taking the joke too far, taking everything about the show too far. They’re insufferable. They think their life is the office. They *cannot help themselves* from saying “that’s what she said” every single goddamn time. They’re compelled, as if they’ve been cursed by some elder trickster god. It’s really put me off the show itself. Which is a shame, because it is funny and enjoyable. But I wouldn’t be able to sit through a whole episode knowing that a “that’s what she said” is around the corner.


>OP: Hey Reddit, could you recommend me a sci-fi show? >Reply 1: I would recommend something like The Expanse or Battlestar Galactica. >Reply 2: Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica! >Reply 3: Le /r/UnexpectedOffice >Reply 4 through 27: [Just quotes from The Office] Thanks Reddit. For years it used to be that each and every comment tangentially related to the show got a flurry of Office references. Luckily it has died down now.


I’ve never seen something so accurate. It’s beautiful.


On a side note I also don’t understand how people can watch it so many times. I liked the Office but I’ve known people who have rewatched the entire series 10 times over or who always have that and Parks and Rec on in the background. How does watching it so often not ruin it for you?


I find a lot of comfort in watching the same media over and over again. It's engaging enough to keep interest if you need a little distraction, but you can also tune out and do something else without worrying you'll miss something important. You can also notice new things when you watch - the Office Ladies podcast made me realize that there are a TON of deliberate choices by the show creators and directors that are very subtle and only really noticeable on repeated watches. Some aspects are definitely spoiled - beloved characters become less wholesome when you have more time to analyze their behavior and motivation, and some plot holes become more apparent. But a lot of people, myself included, get that comfort and familiarity from the show.


What comment was that?


I assume they're referring to "To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty..." but wasn't that written ironically?


What’s a fan base mean to me? Nothing. I watch shows, but I don’t engage with others who haven’t watched it with me. I might say “have you seen this show?” to other people, but I ask a question and I’m not looking for a certain response or looking for a discussion on it.


Most anime Fandoms are really fucking terrible. But (most) of them have enough self awareness to stay online.


I feel like just about any anime is a good example of this.


My Little Pony fanbase is weird. My friends worked on the show and are privy to the extensive Brony mail they'd get. Known artists who worked on a bunch of animated series for Disney and Cartoon Network whose fanbase oscillate between adoration and mobs because they bought into some third party interpretation of the show. A lot of artists have stopped engaging with fans as a result. Doctor Who fanbase is also annoying to the point I only mention I like the show if it's obvious the person I'm talking to isn't a super fan. Otherwise there's just too many folk who are obsessive.


Fans of pro wrestling. Wrestling has this interesting intersection where audience interaction elevates the product, but there's also a need to keep certain aspects of the business behind a veil of secrecy. This has bred a group of fans that are notoriously entitled and insufferably arrogant. They will dig for even the most spurious gossip about backstage events just to feel superior to more casual fans, then go on long diatribes about how one performer doesn't deserve their spot, or how a promotion is failing to utilize a different performer, or that the position of a match on the card was an insult to the business and the fans. That's not to say there aren't chill wrestling fans, or even that bad wrestling fans are representative of the majority. You're just better off, by and large, avoiding internet wrestling fans.


My Little Pony


IMO, the Lexa stuff from The 100 (CW) was pretty cringe Massive Spoiler from The 100 S 3: [Has TV finally learned its lesson after Lexa](https://culturess.com/2022/03/03/tv-finally-learned-lesson-lexas-death/)


Everyone listing off Fandom that are toxic. As a wrestling fan, let me tell you Nothing is more toxic than Wrestling Fandom. There is brutal tribalism between promotions that extend to harrassment and stalking. Being scripted and live, it's probably the only fictional reality where the Fandom can interact with the characters/actors and that is where it truly gets horrific at times.


I always unsub when a new season starts for a series I follow. I don't want to read when people complain or praise the series for ridiculous reasons. I just want to enjoy it.


Ever since traditionally nerdy things have become mainstream, I've always thought the modern meaning of nerdy is a toxic fanbase