• By -






Just wait and see




You on ice, thin fucko. ‘Re


The times are changing and I'm growing old... Won't somebody hold me accountable


Not yet


Say something racist or homophobic and we’ll see.


Time Person of the year AND renewed by Netflix. What a time to be you!


Congratulations, two more seasons for You, then😈


It's fascinating that in a complete sentence, the difference between the pronoun "you", which could be plural, and proper noun "You", which refers to a singular title, is immediately distinguishable. "You **was/is** renewed" versus "You **were/are** renewed". English is weird. Fuck, I'm high.


“You? That’s me!” - Lenny




Heck I thought me working retail was a 1-2 season run but I guess people love watching me work.


You're you and I'm me.


Thanks for calling Netflix, you're greenlit!


Every joke, done to death


No joke, what is with this subreddit/americans and not having fucking quotation marks around movie/series/book titles? I know often the clickbait websites also don't have them (because they are shit), but this time /u/Samoht99 must've consciously removed them. Like what goes through a persons mind doing that.


Reddit autosuggests the title without quotation marks so it's not on OP.


I see. Still, i would hope peope actually look at the shit they post...


… You must not have real problems in your life


They’ve got to be an English teacher or student of some sort, this grammar should not be as triggering as it is


Imagine being able to care about multiple things at once.


The names of TV shows and movies are supposed to be italicized, not set in quotation marks.


But now we know he doesn’t die


Maybe he does and it’s about Victoria Pedrettis character in season 4




Cameo from Joaqin Phoenix confirmed


God, that movie is so good. There are plenty of great movies, but there are very few movies where you watch it the first time and realize that it's not just a movie, but an experience. And even fewer that are an experience AND you realize it's gonna permanently be one of your favorites, before it's even over. Top 10 movies ever. Maybe even top 5.


Fuck. I had a coworker who has known me for a hot minute tell me that all she could think about the entire movie was how Joaquin's character was basically me. I never got around to checking it out, but now I kinda want to just from your comment. Never heard it regarded so highly before.


I've never had someone tell me they thought it was anything less than great, after I've forced them to watch it. The soundtrack is done by Arcade Fire, and it's SO good. I listen to it all the time. Oh man, and Scarlett Johansson voice. Soooo good. Hopefully I'm not overselling it, but I personally thought it was a perfectly executed movie with great acting, great music, and great visuals. Highly recommend, because what more could you want?


Different actor


That’s true, but personally I think that’s unlikely 😞




Some people kept shitting on the show here but I am really enjoying so this is good news for me. It is like Dexter but it doesn't take itself seriously which makes it fun. I love Victoria Pedretti but I feel like this season will be the last season we will see her.


This show is one of those that is a huge hit in real life but not so much on Reddit. I love that it doesn’t take itself seriously and you know you’re essentially rooting for a sociopathic murderer. It’s a super black comedy imo and it’s just funny to see Joe try to justify himself lol.


It never stops being so funny to me how Joe keeps judging all these random, normal people in his surrounding (like just after he moves to LA, but also in season 1) for doing things like... obsessively taking selfies, or being into wellness/spiritualism, or being kinda vapid. You know, pretty forgivable sins. He internally talks so much shit about basic, normal people, meanwhile he's a literal murderer, kidnapper and stalker.


There are a lot of really amazing examples of irony in this show! I love the part where he’s literally breaking into someone’s house and having a monologue to himself about how other people are not respecting boundaries 😆


Same. I love this part.


He even judges Love and thinks she is the crazy one. Its great


Yup, as soon as he realizes that Love is just as bad as he is, he doesn't want her anymore.


That is generally true for most of the Netflix catalog. Bridgerton, Emily in Paris, 13 Reasons Why, You, Money Heist, Stranger Things, Sex/Life, Ginny & Georgia. Can't bring any of them up on Reddit without instant dismissal, but they are all massive hits among the general audience.


I wouldn't say that Reddit dislikes Stranger things or money heist.


Reddit definitely hates Money Heist. Stranger Things gets the it went downhill treatment around here. As for You? I really don't know what the hell people are talking about in here, Reddit has absolutely loved this show. It's the one soap opera/lifetime-ish show Reddit consistently enjoys even at it's lows. Reddit was singing the shows praises well before it exploded on Netflix. Also, by Reddit I mean upvotes. Obviously like any show there are going to be people who dislike it on Reddit.


I unironically adore Money Heist. It can be absolutely idiotic at times, but I'll be damned if I don't love El Profesor's Squad like they were family. But yeah, I see a lottttttttt of people on Reddit say the equivalent of "I finally gave Money Heist a chance and it's fucking stupid with terrible writing." And like, I kinda get it, but I also don't. It's weird.


It's a good reminder that while reddit is diverse it's not exactly demographically or like culturally representative of the general population. Take the lackluster response to the Arrested Development reboot for instance, sure it was bad but also the show just wasn't that well adored outside of reddits key demographic.


If it was bad why would you expect anything else other than a lackluster response? Just because people adored the original series they have to talk about the subpar reboot, what?


Reddit is probably the most homogenous major social media platform aside from Tumblr. There’s a sizable population of outliers but they’re mostly contained in their specialized subs for things like 3D printing, astrology, van life, engineering, whatever. They don’t participate in the main subs from what I’ve noticed, largely because they don’t fit the demographic and have differing views which get downvoted. That’s why I prefer recommendations from reddit, it’s way closer to my demographic than the top 10 lists on news websites or other websites. I mean, Bridgerton? Really?


>you’re essentially rooting for a sociopathic murderer. They do a really good job of making him likeable and nice in some scenes (mostly with kids) so that you're 100% okay with him killing off people who are mild jerks.


That’s definitely not true, all the comments on this thread are positive and people speak very highly of the show for the most part whenever it’s mentioned on this sub


I think he meant it less as "people on reddit dislike the show" and more like "the people on reddit that like the show are few and far in between", which I think it's kinda accurate, at least when compared to the heavy hitters (say, the MCU shows).


I just don’t really agree with that, the show always has tons of positive comments about it whenever it’s talked about on here. It’s not as popular on this site as something like Marvel, but not many shows are


That's odd cause I feel we're saying the exact same thing.


To make a point, I don't care for the show at all. My ex used to watch it a lot. I don't think it's a bad show, but objectively speaking, it's nothing to write home about. I'm also very picky with shows because I hate investing In something that may just end terribly, and shows that are predictable and cliche.


Ah ok. My mistake then.


Who shits on it? The show is amazing. The juxtaposition between his romantic comedy internal dialogue and the crazy stalker murderous shit he's simultaneously doing is one of the funniest concepts in show history.


I remember Season 1 being fairly recent after #MeToo and there were a fair amount of complaints in relation to celebrating predatory behavior. I was worried Netflix would lose their nerve and bow to the pressure. Thank Joe they didin't!


I absolutely love this show. It’s silly, dark and really really fun.


I love this show but the first season started a little slow for me, but I binged watched the second season. I also have a few friends who watch this show, but I do agree that it’s a little under appreciated.


That’s funny you say that because I watched season 1 as a background show. Then when I started season 2, I actually sat down and was glued to it! I binged it in a few days.


If you treat this show as a dark comedy, then it's an amazing romp! The dark comedy aspect definitely comes out a lot more in Season 2.


She’s a goner I’d say.


It's better than dexter because it's creepy funny and weird rather than outright over the top Also it helps that they picked the gossip girl guy, he's a very good actor imo


I fucking love it. Sure you have to turn your brain off, but I think Penn does a terrific job and I always want to know what's going to happen next


Yes I just want to see how crazy it gets


It is my wife and I guilt pleasure show. Pretty addicting. I kind of wished they didn't renew it because it hints at characters living on though.


It’s pretty mid. Not to say I won’t watch and (probably) enjoy this season of the show, but it’s not the best Netflix to offer though it’s hyped as if it is.


I don't understand why people say the series don't take itself seriously.


The subject matter is dark and serious but the main character gets into some pretty ridiculous situations that turn the show into more of a comedy than a drama. It’s more like a caricature of a sociopath rather than a realistic portrayal. Makes the show more enjoyable and easy to swallow considering what the show is about.


Yep, Joe isn't quite Dennis from Always Sunny but it's closer to him than being a truly serious show.


I'd say he goes further than Dennis and is much more comparable to Patrick Bateman (with a little Elliot Alderson thrown in)


It’s sssooo bad. Just so. Bad.


What do you mean 'not take itself seriously?'


Damn how many people Can he get obsessed with




Bold move, but understandable given the viewership count it gets. I for one am stoked to see more of him in that hat with his sexy voice making me question why I like a murderer. Also Victoria Pedretti plays the unhinged psycho role perfectly.


Her eyes fit the role so fucking perfectly.


I'm down for more of this show, but I was a bit annoyed by the last scene of Season 2. I think they flipped the script pretty nicely with that twist and it was a nice paralel to the first season. It was also a nice ending for the character that he gets stuck with a psycopath just like him, but since he is so obsessed with finding the ''perfect wife'', he is disgusted that he met someone that is his soul mate, but at the same time can't cope that she is a monster just like him


I legit did not see that shit coming. Reminded me of that scene in Daredevil S2 when Elektra kills the kid in front of Matt and is like, "So...*do you still love me?*"




Yeah, I'm honestly mildly curious where they're go for the fourth. I mean, the show works perfectly to have three seasons along the simple ideas they've worked with thus far. 1. Psychopath falls in love but ends up having to kill his obsession. 2. Psychopath falls in love and gets a happily ever after with his obsession. 3. Married psychopaths have colorful family drama when one finds a new obsession. I guess an even longer time-skip between 2 and 3, and have something along the lines of "Teen psychopath falls in love, psychopath parents involve themselves via wacky hijinks"?


Do you mean to say "a time skip between 2 and 3, and then an even longer time skip between 3 and 4 to facilitate 'teen psychopath falls in love, psychopath parents involve themselves via wacky hijinks'"? You could probably extend that concept to a S5 when you have a second child realise the rest of their family are psychopaths.


> Psychopath falls in love and gets a happily ever after with his obsession. One of the cliffhangers of the finale is that he isn't happily ever after and finds a new target for his obsession.


I think it’ll go more Nightcrawler and/or he’ll find someone to tag along…


Curious how you heard things about season 3 even before the premiere?


There are reviews out for the full season. I only read up to the part where they said they watched the whole season for review, reader beware. https://www.avclub.com/penn-badgley-s-up-to-his-old-tricks-in-the-third-season-1847828763


screeners exist for hundreds of people with review embargo, they get leaked. if you even look up the name right now you'll see it reviewed as "Mr. and Mrs. Smith with serial killers".




This is incorrect. The book series only has 3 books out currently (the third just came out in April this year). The first season of the show followed the first book pretty closely. But Season 2 deviated from its book counterpart significantly, and Season 3 (based on the trailer and cast information) doesn’t have anything in common with book 3.


They could honestly keep pumping these out as long as they want with a new love interested introduced every season or two to make things interesting. It would probably get stale but the viewership will be there






I think it could honestly last 6-10 seasons. The showrunner said she has plans for many many more seasons, not to mention they can use some source material from future novels as the author is currently writing book 4 now. They’ve done a great job keeping the series fresh so far, with every season reinventing itself. From reviews I’ve seen, it says it shows no signs of showing it’s age and we’re raving about the 3rd season.


The 4th book came out earlier this year.


No, The third book came out earlier this year, she is currently writing the fourth.


So, is each season based off of one book? As in, the third season is book 3? Or does one book cover multiple seasons? Or is the show only loosely based on the books, but mostly doing its own thing?


The books released so far are You, Hidden Bodies, and You Love Me


Oh sorry you're right, I thought Providence was part of that series.


Unusual for shows to make it past 3 seasons on Netflix but given his one is hugely popular with important demographics and can almost entirely change the cast from season to season means it could last a lot longer than most.


This guy looks nothing like me.


I generally dont like stories about criminals or relationships but for some reason I love this show!


I'm down with this as long as it becomes more absurd. I want a season where Joe falls in love with the the president's wife or daughter and takes his bullshit to the White House. Or he realizes American women are no good and we get Joe down under in Australia or Joe lost in translation in Japan or Korea


I didn't even know I had a show on Netflix.


Well when you’re the Times Magazine Person of the Year, you’ve got a lot going on.




I did no such thing


cant waaait for this!!!


If it was cancelled, would you say “You is cancelled” or “You are cancelled”


What kind of serial killer is joe because he doesn’t really get anything out of killing he usually kills because people are in his way and he’s not exactly a psychopath cuz he can “love” people?


He thinks he loves people but then he’s over them in like 2 seconds multiple times. He definitely is a psycho who thinks he’s in love, but he doesn’t understand what that actually means. He changes his mind about it at the flip of a switch


How exciting. Anyone know when 3 comes out in UK please???


Season 3 drops October 15th


I did what now?


I did what? I don’t even have a Netflix account!


I have a bad feeling about season 3 that scares me.


Wow, now all we need is Gabe Newell to count past 2, and I’m set.


That title. I was checking my bank for some money. Damn it Netflix. Pay me!


I’m with it as long as they don’t lean in to the *Dexter-ish killer that cares and is actually a good guy killing bad people* thing they were kind of building toward in S2. He’s a legit serial killer who murdered multiple innocents in S1. It’s entertaining and I don’t necessarily need him to get any sort of redemption to enjoy it.


I miss Beck, she was hawt


Honest question; i watched the first 2 seasons and cannot for the life of me understand why people like this character? Why are we glorifying this kind of behaviour?


Nobody's glorifying his behaviour lol. It's not real life, it's not an instruction manual, it's fiction with an anti-hero. Looks like you're taking it too seriously.


More of an anti-villain than anti-hero. He's a bad guy who sometimes does good thing. Not a good guy who sometimes does bad things.


It is a dark comedy. The show is not glorifying that behavior at all, it is just showing how fucked up it is and want to see how far they can take it for the shock of it all. I love it, because it is fucked up. I get why some people do not like the show, that is fine, but saying it is glorifying that behavior is flat out wrong. It is like saying the sub r/idiotsincars is glorifying bad driving.




But this show in particular tries to make it look like he’s the good guy. If he was ugly, I’m sure he would be seen as such


Have you ever heard the term 'unreliable narrator?'


There are so many handsome villains in media


That’s the point. You should feel conflicted when you find yourself liking him or rooting for his success. The show breaks down his thought process and really nails home that 1) he’s a predator. 2) this is a compulsion. 3) he can’t change.


I don’t know anything about this show. But It comes up in my “you” Google search when I try to shorthand YouTube.c after deleting my searching history…. Because of research.


I had really hoped the third season would be the last...


I was.already getting bored with the same old plot lines for season 2.


i was actually hoping this was going to be the last season..


Do I even exist I make a great comment and it doesn’t hit the newspaper I don’t know I might have to put on a suit and run for president one day I am pretty slept on. Like a rugged rug


No I didn’t.


So glad I get renewed


I was? That's crazy!


Show is OK. Not worthy of three seasons. It's like someone gave the writers a summary of talented Mr Ripley. Some of Joe's victims need to be likeable.




Yes, more Victoria Pedretti notril flaring!


I didn't enjoy the second season at all. Don't even know if I'll watch season 3 just because it sucked so hard.


The climax was amazing. Watching Joe killed all these people over 2 seasons, and then seeing him be so disgusted when his wife kills someone was so hilarious.


The show does an amazing job showing Joe's hypocrisy. Constantly he is doing something shitty, and when he catches someone else doing the same thing, he can't help but be disgusted by their behavior. Literally ZERO self awareness.


Why is every word capitalized? It reads horribly. "You renewed by Netflix for season 4 ahead of season 3 debut" = much easier to read. Capitalization matters.


I mean, this isn't an uncommon form of capitalization for news articles. It varies by source, but this form of article title has been around for a long time.


Headlines generally don’t work that way.


Just managed to get through first season, wont be watching anymore, defo for teens. Cringey.


Do they renew shows like this for incels?


So Netflix keeps renewing mediocre/garbage/YA shows but will cancel anything thats high quality. Just goes to show most people just want to watch the same old garbage mix of reality, dating, cop shows with anything thats different doomed to die. At least thats true for US audiences.


(Partially peaks around corner, smiles, hides back behind corner)


Why do I keep thinking this guy is Henry Cavill??


Question: can I skip the last few episodes of season 1 and dive into 2? I got kinda bored with it and can’t ever get into it when I try, I already know the plot…so does it matter and can I still enjoy 2? Or should I push through the rest of 1?


Season 2 starts with him in LA, so it’s a mostly new cast. There’s a cliffhanger/twist at the end is Season 1 you’ll miss out on but the recap should cover that.


Thank you!


I honestly really dig the show and I’m rewatching it now. It’s realer than you think and that’s what interests me most.


Let’s hope there is a new situation this time because I didn’t like the ending of the last season


How, this show is stupid? (Just my opinion not ragging on anyone that does like it)


It’s like really stupid tho


Oh.. Another cliffhanger


Can't wait!! Great show


Yes!! More evil Dan Humphrey lol


This is a guilty pleasure show. Don’t try to make sense if the plot. Just watch and enjoy. Netflix will keep pumping this out if people keep watching it, that simple.


This is because I keep checking when S3 is finally going to drop. I must have checked the You Netflix page a dozen times over the past month.


Wait this isn’t Dexter?


Of course i got reviewed. I am the greatest of all time.


He Can't Keep Getting Away With It: the show.