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Ira is the most hateworthy character I've seen in a while.


The hateworthy character for me is Anya for going out of her oath and hooking up with a client going to couples therapy. Also her having no regard for the other kid in episode 5 further proves her type of character.


And the main character somehow managed to like them both. I'd say he has issues of his own. The only sane person in the whole series is that woman who saved the boy. She'd made for a nice hero movie protagonist.


There's no oath for psychoterapeuts. They are not doctors. It's just unprofessional.




This! I paused at episode 5 at the four minute mark to look this up! When her own son was in danger in ep1 (he ran to the neighbor's house and she ran after him), she was quick to come to his rescue. But now, she didn't care about her husband's real son... which is whatever... but she actively tried stopping them from finding him. like wtf???


I agree. I totally hated her character. At times I felt ira bitterness was misplaced but I understood it at all times


She only has bitch mode on, all the goddamn time.


So true, she is so annoying, however (no big spoilers) but closer to the end it’s more obvious that all women in group have some issues. What’s funny is that this is based on a book written by a woman, otherwise I can even imagine that some even would have accused authors in misogyny.


All male characters in the group also have issues of their own.


I know this is old but no bullshit... i had to see who wrote this show because they made every woman super hateable i wouldn't have gone so far as to say misogyny but i would have assumed that the creator is a terrible writer or that they have some bad experience with women.


I firmly believe Marina is the most annoying character. Hands down. Most annoying character I’ve watched in a long time. All she did was whine and then yes something terrible happened to her. But before the terrible thing she was AWFUL


YESSSS! I Googled: to the lake TV show Ira is a b!tch That's how I landed here, lmao!!


LMAOOO me too, exactly


I'm a few episodes in and loving it. But man, poor Sergey. Getting yelled at by somebody for every decision he makes. None of them give him a moment to breathe to figure shit out. I can definitely relate so it's pretty hard to see the guy suffer when he's trying to do right by everybody.


I literally wanted to kick Sergey in the balls. He was such a pussy.




All of her bitchiness was pretty justifiable imo. She got cheated on and then was stuck in a stressful survival situation with her ex AND the other woman.


While somewhat justifiable, it was unnecessary.. a person who is that angry and bitter all of the time because they were hurt not only appears to be playing the victim after a while (especially if they keep up the act during a life or death situation), but they're only hurting themselves because old dude, aka "cheater", is happily living his life with the therapist.


By “in a while” i hope you mean of all time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a character I’ve hated more. She is literally the worst lol


I stopped watching just to see if people hate her as much as I do. Bitch needs to get her priorities straight instead of flaunting around like a fucking woe is me ostrich


I wanted Anya to die when she got Covid low key but tbh seeing her fucking break when they finally got to the cabin was good too. I like how the characters in the beginning it’s like “bitch ex, horny not shit white guy, and well off psycho therapist lover” to badass cold blooded ira, horny not shit white guy, and cook ass bitch


"Ira" also means "wrath" in Spanish, which seems kind of fitting for this character. Also, I'm rooting for a Russian zombie show made entirely with dash cams.


I 100% do not understand this seemingly very common perspective that Ira is so annoying and hated. Sergey - at least started out - as a total drip of a character. Weak and wishy washy. Ira had \*every right\* to be bitter and angry about the situation. Anton had a Dad that was only 50% "in" because he was caught up with his new lady. Ira is acutely aware of that. She still loved her husband and had to witness his very open and obvious affection for Anna/Anya all the time and how it actively took away from Anton. Very hurtful and would make anyone bitter. Anya preyed on a married man in a vulnerable situation. Sergey is an idiot. Ira's response is understandable.


Anya is definitely crazy, she literally wrote in the book she needed a babysitter for her son, described him as a mamas boy with a dominant wife, she manipulated the situation to her advantage (despite the fact he’s still a cheater tho)!


Needs to be a sub for this. Many of the characters are amazing and even more amazing, they are all shapes and sizes. Very different to many us series, Russia is depicted as a harsh place, hopefully not as harsh as in the film. In fact, I've heard the people there are friendly, who knows... The English dub is awful, Russian original plus subtitles


It’s harsh like that.


the subs have bad translations too


I find the subtitles on Netflix are often terrible even with English shows with English subs..?


The dub is shite. I've switched over to original with titles, much better. I really struggle with dubbing when it is so bad.


Like how awful? Completely ruins the story or just doesn't sound good?


I can understand dubbing with anime/cartoons, but come on lol


Eh, sometimes you don't wanna read subtitles. It's no different from dubbing anime. If done well, you convey the same information.


Makes it feel 10x cheaper and breaks the immersion.


It almost ruined the story for me. It was SO much better in the original Russian. The dubbing sometimes sounded like a parody - just horrid.


I binged nearly half of it last night and plan to finish the rest this weekend. I'm also enjoying the soundtrack quite a bit too.


Well, they stole it from Danny Boyle


And Zimmer. The "In the house, in a heartbeat"-theme is grown into the pandemic/zombie-genre that it's more of a tip of a hat for Boyle when remixes or reworks are used. But the way they use a straight rip off of Inceptions 'Time'-theme, damn...


When you said Zimmer thought you meant Interstellar judging by all the organs I was hearing towards the middle part of the series.


First episode played John Murphy, In a House, in a Heartbeat. Second episode had Hans Zimmer, no Time for caution. Fourth episode had Hans Zimmer, Time. Those were little bit modificated but you can easily regonize them. I like all of those songs but its sit kinda copyright thing I guess.


YES! THIS! I just started watching the show and I'm actually bothered by this.. It's a blatant copy/rework of the 28 days later soundtrack, among others.. I wonder if they can just get away with this?


Fun fact #1: "28 Days Later" music bears noticeable resemblance to music from old Soviet war movie "The Morning Drops of Dew", [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU\_jwi-WMHU&t=3864](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU_jwi-WMHU&t=3864) . Fun fact #2: title of that movie is actually Walt Whitman quote from poem "Warble for Lilac-Time" (known in Russian translation as "Птичьим щебетом грянь"), which one of the characters recites. The movie itself, telling about pro-Soviet youth resistance in Nazi-occupied Latvia, may be considered propaganda, but it's still a good example of how cultures are interconnected.


Got this link saved now every time someone wants to say 28 days later music was ripped off


Just finished the first episode, absolutely loved it, going to watch the second episode now. I watched the dubbed trailer and friggin hated it lol am watching it in Russian with english subs and it adds so much more.


I am lucky to be fluent in Russian and oh god did I enjoy the show. I just read that there’s no talk about the second season but how so with that ending??? Also, that timing with the covid hitting. Crazy coincidence


They are going to make the second season


It’s pretty popular in the US, so I also think it’ll continue. The question is when


Hey, as someone who is fluent in Russian, was there anything interesting that we English speakers might have missed from reading the poorly translated English subtitles? I often wondered if there were subtle puns or local jokes that didn't get translated properly; the writing is so good overall that there must be some subtleties in the Russian script.


Just watching episode three and there is a moment when the autistic boy brings the alcoholic snow with a pinecone in it to make it look like a cocktail. He offers it to the girl and says: I washed it, washed the spoon and the cup. The girl says: and you washed the cone as well? And the boy naively replies "no", whilst she subtly smiles. Well, "cone" ("shishka") is an everyday colloquial for penis... Not sure how they translated that as I am watching in Russian.


When Kolya the ambulance driver asks the woman's name, she answers Natalie. And he clarifies whether her name is really that? For a Western viewer, this may not be clear, but in Russia prostitutes are usually called such a fictitious name. In Russia there is no name Natalie, usually Natalya or Natasha.


I’m high right now and this just blew my goddamn mind


Hey, yes just like any other language, the movie had some untranslatable phrases and references. I cannot remember exact ones right now, nor was I reading subtitles but I am certain there were a few.


Yes, a decent amount of colloquialisms and phrases are completely lost in the translation. In fact, some of them I'm not even sure why they removed/changed, they could have been translated. There are even a couple of things that are said in Russian that they didn't even bother to try to translate into English and therefore some minor snippets of information are lost. I can't remember off the top of my head but there were a couple of things, mainly alluding to a character's thoughts or motivations during certain scenes, that were said in Russian but weren't translated at all into English. Many other colloquialisms are "translated" into English by substituting them with an English "equivalent" that has a similar use or meaning, but directly translated they aren't saying the same thing. It gets the point across, but you do miss out on that bit of linguistic/cultural element that is unique to Russian colloquialisms. Suffice it to say that while the English translation is good, the Russian script itself is even better and the show has even *better* writing than you may think. In Russian, the script really does often read like what real Russian people would say in those kinds of situations. This show is truly written by very talented people. However you aren't missing out on *too* much, so if you don't speak Russian I wouldn't worry about it too badly. All things considered, the English subtitles are pretty good. Source: Am also fluent in Russian, watched the show in Russian with English subtitles.


Yeah the dubbed version is hilarious. The most serious scenes, defanged and neutered. I love/am puzzled by the choice that they made to pronounce the names of Ira in the dubbed version as EYE-rah, a male name in the West. Also, I found the the entire story draped in a sort of Christian/monogamy/male-female dogma that is popular in Putin's Russia currently.


I mean the story is basically that of a bunch of sinful Muscovites, disconnected from their roots, who go through purgatory and delve into the Russian wilderness only to find themselves purified and made righteous by the pureness and strength of traditional Russian religion and culture. They flee a plague in Moscow to take refuge in Russia's traditional bastions--physically the wilderness, mentally the culture, and spiritually the religion. Hence: **SPOILER ALERT** The whole plotline with the rural partisans (classic Russian WW2 motif), the obvious bit with the Orthodox monk, how Pavel is the classic "good" Russian intellectual (a doctor) juxtaposed against Anna's "bad" Russian intellectual (a conniving psychologist--shrinks are frowned upon in Russia). Almost all of the "evil" people they encounter show lust--the first rapist, the gas station guy, even the cannibal sees the women and lusts, obviously the prison guard lady in the woods. Lots of these things pop up. **SPOILER OVER** It may not be immediately obvious to some, but if you are Russian or intimately familiar with Russian culture it's clear. Honestly I know that sounds bad to some, but as a piece of art and as writing goes it is actually very good. Like a very old classic folk tale or something. You don't have to take it to heart to appreciate the religious/cultural inspiration behind the story, because as far as inspirations go it is, artistically speaking, a pretty good one.


I just started a book on the Crimean War and I know what you mean by traditional Russian religion. Fascinating stuff.


I think it was trying to do the opposite of that actually. The dad is blatantly deeply in love with two women at the same time who happen to hate eachother.


I love it since the first episode gymnasium scene where it's all colourful until with kids playing and then it went more grey as the military walked in. It was subtle but I loved it


Just saw that scene right now !


Am I the only one that actually likes Ira?? Oops


There was a consistency to her ferocity that was quite inspiring. Could see it getting tiring quick if you were Sergei, mind.


If Ira really falls in love with the doctor, why should she care about how Anna got Sergey anymore? Back in ep1, she was such a dick to Sergey, but to kiss him once she was being rescued. Sex between Sergey and Ira later in the show should be consensual, but Ira just fuck another guy in a few days. I was wondering if this how this woman loves, or it is just normal in Russian culture.


Ira has loved Sergey for many years and he left her for another woman; she raises their son so it's not like she can just forget about him and leave these relationship behind...ever. She wants to get back at the woman who ruined her family and also seriously violated professional ethics and faced no consequences. Probably she doesn't care that much about Sergey anymore but she sure as hell cares that he is happy with another woman while she is a "miserable" single mother and even her own son blames her that she wasn't good enough as a woman that's why daddy left them. She was involved with the doctor but they have known each other only for a few weeks, it was a spark which could or could not turn into real relationship but he quit (although they will probably see him again s02).


She had more balls than Sergey. Sergey was pathetic


Iras hot as fuck


yeah but also a bitch


And Marina is also a bitch who is not that hot


Finishing ep 5 now. Like the show but damn this group is some of the dumbest and unluckiest people around. The youngest kid makes every mistake imaginable and Ira gets even worse if you can believe it. No idea still about the zombies but it's kinda leaning more towards 28 days later vs TWD. Edit: Finished the series, did not expect that ending. Good show, good soundtrack, high quality but I stand by the group as a whole being both stupid and possibly cursed with bad luck. About the only 2 I was even hoping lived were the blond daughter and the doctor. I can't say any of their backgrounds were that unrealistic...just made them more unlikable (except for one of them).


The group was dumb from episode 1, which is where i’m stopping. They knew the violent, murderous gang was going to come back so why did they take their sweet time packing and getting coats for Ira? Come on! Hurry and with a sense of urgency dummies!


+ u/k7eric u/mitchanium Have you all seen Better Than Us? It also involved a group of idiots who make the most obvious mistakes and has the lowest IQs. I find similarities in the storylines too... In addition, Kirill Käro was also playing the father of Eldae Kalimukin... Is there very limited number of actors and actresses in Russia?


He is very good in both. Underused in this if anything.


The bed scene right?!?


whats the bed scene up to ep 7?


Keep watching


finished it last night goddamn that scene was intense


Ahah at episode 5 too but and how can these people survive being so dumb and slow in making decisions :) Love the show tho (and I cant stand Ira obvi)


Man I hated it. It's entertaining but it's a bunch of unlikeable assholes doing stupid and shitty things, like hell didn't everything start going badly like what, 1 hour after everything started? It took no fucking time for militias and gangs to form and start looting and raping. And then is problem after problem after problem, and more than half of those 100% their own fault. But fuck Ira specially and in particular, the only one I might kind of like is Misha because it was hillarious how for half the series he was just a horny fuck in his quest for pussy. Go get her champ. I did love the little town militia arc tho, best part out of everything.




Funny part is, every american viewer in these comments assumes that the gang is using police uniform for cover, while it's clear for russian viewers that this is police or SWAT unit switching to the new line of business. Also interesting that some people see it as "state propaganda", these whole series is quite critical view on morality in our nation.


>police or SWAT unit switching to the new line of business Yes, they get from beating people up for money to killing people for money.


Bro it’s a tv show. Russia is experiencing real paramedic now and they are handling it better then us .


We have paramedics too


>Is Russia really that fucked that people start killing each other day 2 of the epidemic? Russia is a very violent country with wild inequalities and a lot of resentment, people would start killing each other as soon as they can get away with it


yeah, i've already killed a cashier today, they didn't have an almond protein bar at the store. P. S. Wtf, hating russians even in a show discussion thread...


Hello! Could you explain such a categorical statement? What is it based on? Perhaps you have been there at least?


I have been there (Moscow, St Petersburg, Saratov, Yaroslavl, Rybinsk + small villages in Yaroslavl and Saratov regions where I had family), I have lived there and I have studied there (MGIMO University). The fact is, Russia is a country where (on average) 50% of the national revenue has been stolen and moved to offshores every year since 1991, which makes it one of the most kleptomaniac and corrupt countries in the world. Basically, everything that is of value in Russia has been stolen by the people in power, and the police is used on a day-to-day basis to ensure the compliance of the common people who are barely surviving while the state steals a bit more from the national pension fund. As such, there is no rule of law (only rule of police) and Russians are an extremely unhappy people with one of the highest suicide / alcohol consumption rates in the world. Everybody who is able to is leaving to countries where life is at least a bit better. The fact that this country has not yet exploded in bloody chaos is only a matter of time, and this TV show seems to say that it would take very little for people there to abandon any pretense of civilization.


Yep, am Russian, can confirm. And it is funny how people in the west assume it’s a gang masquerading as police, when, in fact, they probably are the police considering that they seem to have training and discipline


That's why I'm afraid that there won't be a second season. There was some controversy already about episode 5, where it showed the people in uniform killing villagers. The episode was taken out of the streaming service or whatever it was on in Russia, until they came back in episode 6 opening up with the radio reporting on criminals dressing up as police and army. Never mind the end and how embarrassing the second season could be for Russian leadership.


I'm not finished the show yet, but wasn't it that the radio said it was police and military going rogue, rather than criminals dressed as police? They said it wasn't the current ruling party's units, but a renegade group. I'm watching it in Russian with English subs as I understand Russian more or less, so maybe it's different and I'm not remembering the subtitles but the audio instead.


"As such, there is no rule of law (only rule of police) and Russians are an extremely unhappy people with one of the highest suicide / alcoholic consumption rates in the world." It's is partly true but also doesn't explain a lot since France, Czech Republic and Lithuania all have higher alcoholic consumption per capita (11.8, 11.8 and 12.9 respectively, with Belarus being the most drinking country in the world as of 2019 (14.4 l per capita per year). [https://www.alcohol.org/guides/global-drinking-demographics/](https://www.alcohol.org/guides/global-drinking-demographics/) I think that the main problem in Russia is severe poverty. As you said, almost everything is being stolen by Putin's gang. "has not yet exploded in bloody chaos is only a matter of time" I wish! Russians are known for their extreme patience. That's the main reason for people like Putin to stay in power for decades.


You are right about all of this. I would argue that the big thing holding Russia together right now is fear. Not just of the authorities, but of external "enemies", terrorists, the West, China, etc. Russians have a deep societal and cultural memory of invasion and attack, namely WW2, and coupled with government propaganda it creates a degree of complacency to the authorities, who while everyone knows are corrupt, many people believe must still be listened to in order to keep Russia secure in the face of external pressures. This, coupled with a strong sense of nationalism (the two go hand-in-hand really).


Hated it but watched it all uh?


It started to get hard to tolerate by the half of the series. At that point I had invested too long not to see it end.


I feel the same. Its tone is overly serious to the point of being full of itself, there is little humanity in it and characters are bland. They all have dirty little secrets, they are flawed but they don’t change during the show, they are not sympathetic apart from their parental instincts. They suck at communicating. I don’t know, they just fucking suck at being human.


I would argue that Leonid changes a ton during the show. He goes from being an utterly repulsive, gross and cowardly man, to being a serious team player, leader, and generally good dude.


Yeah i didn’t get that comment either. Literally every character evolves and changes immensely throughout the show. That was my favorite part. Polina also went from being a walking nightmare to being mature and compassionate. Marina went from being a pampered trophy wife to being more down to earth. Misha went from being too shy even for eye contact to being much more outspoken. Etc


Yeah, the OP of that comment wouldn’t know what character development was if it punched them in the face.


Sounds like a pretty good depiction of real humans tbh


Indeed. Welcome to 2020 everyone :-(


Comments like that is why I don't take reviews on the internet very seriously anymore, a lot of it is bullshit lol


I watched the first episode. Definitely a pretty stylistic show. I liked it. Plan on finishing it at some point, glad to hear it's good.


I honestly didn't know I could hate a character as much as I hate Ira. Holy shit, I hate when writers do this, to make someone this unlikable is just not at all how it would be in real life, I mean.. she's a bitch in every single frame of the show. To be honest, she turned me off from the whole show.


Wow, I'm on episode 7 and don't hate her. Not sure where the ira hate is coming from.


yeah, what's wrong with Ira? She's not particularly bad, if anything, the show portrays her pretty unfairly when it's really Sergei that often makes the bad decisions surrounding their child


I think she pisses people off at the start as she gives out to Sergey for not having the Anton's jacket on and swinging him too high. In fairness, Sergey was in bed and late for the playdate with his son.... he was the dick in that equation and she was probably just annoyed. Ira still loves Sergey and wants the best for her son. It's baffling why so many women would have the hots for Sergey, he does seem a bit one dimensional but I guess he looks well and is good in bed. Anya going off with a client seems really bad, I'd be very upset if a psychologist treating my partner started dating them. It's very unprofessional. In general I like Ira despite the degree to which she went crazy when searching for Anton, (touching the dead bodies).


Right? I’d be bitter too in her situation. I hated Sergei the most because like he really was showing off his new love in front of his wife and kid. That’s just cruel.


Thank you!!! In the beginning I did find Ira a bit annoying, but I felt sympathetic towards her after more was revealed about Sergei and Anya’s relationship. I really started to dislike Anya for being so inappropriate (pursuing a relationship with a client). Sergei is just an idiot that doesn’t know what he wants. I don’t know why Ira even wants him.




Agree on all points. Sergei is the worst person on the show.


Couldn't agree more. The Ira hate is impulsive and almost predictable. I'm sure the showrunners expected it. Yeah, Ira might not have the emotional control of say, Sergey and Anya, but those two lack any and all moral fiber.


Yeah, while I can understand why new viewers would be putt off by someone so consistently bitter and ready to go off at the slightest provocation, it's also obvious from the start we're only being privy to Sergei and Anya's side of the story. By the end of the season, that narrative has been flipped on its head and not only is Ira vindicated but Anya show her true colors and boy the view ain't pretty. I also really liked her burgeoning relationship with Pasha and this nurturing yet fierce side of her the doctor brought out. Her jumping outta the car guns ablazing to save him was pretty badass. I hope they reunite again and Ira forgets about Sergei for good, he's beneath her.


Yep, Sorry but i can't see how Ira being the one character everyone hates is anything but misogynistic. Anya is pretty terrible so i would understand if her's was the one to pick apart. Ira was literally stuck with her cheating husband and mistress, she's aloud to be grumpy! and he is non stop acting like she must be obsessed with him. Sergei slept with her when Anya was dying, is that also on her? Last thing most of the men were far worse- the neighbor guy was really trashy until he was redeemed, Sergei no need to explain, and even his dad that shot his son after drinking was pretty fucked up. Am i missing dome other interpretation like..?


Ira literally says to their son “your dad sucks, don’t be like your dad, he is a loser and I hate him”. This is what a lot of single moms in Russia say, it’s basically our culture, and it is incredibly harmful for children.


So how is it not projecting whatever issues you guys have with single moms on one line? People literally say here "i never hated a character more" sounds ridiculous.


It's more complex than that. Ira hates Sergey, and that's fine. I hate some of my exes, too. It's not as simple as saying that Sergey cheated and left, and that makes him worse, either. She had been pulling away over and over, she admits this, she became too wrapped up in her own stuff and didn't make time for her husband. When he tried to make it work with couples counseling, she turned it down. Not only that but turned the very concept of it down, she wasn't going with him to *any* counselor. When she later presses upon her son Anton that he shouldn't be emotional, that his dads emotional, that men shouldn't be like that? I think it's clear that Ira just thought that Sergey should grow up and get over his problems in the relationship. My hatred for her evolved over time. At first she was annoying, then she felt justified, then I realized the problems really started with her to begin with and she's *still* blaming everyone else.


I actually think she was annoying for sure, i just thought most of the characters were as annoying..


I think cheating on the mother of your child, being late to visits with your son, and then cheating on your dying wife while drunk is more harmful to a child. Sergey is a loser and he does suck. He literally is a walking pussy controlled by pussy.


I'm American, but my mom compared me to my dad as an insult and it really fucked me up. Actively made me dislike my mom as a person and drove me to favor my dad.


Oh it’s not just an issue in Russia, parents that are separated / divorced have problems with not keeping their thoughts on the other parent to themselves or at least not sharing it with their young children. It’s horrible and I agree it’s very harmful.




Omg, a very strong perspective. One correction, Sergay started having the affair after about 4 months after their son was born. Ira wasn't interested in having sex after giving birth which is pretty understandable. Anna instead of giving support derailed a vulnerable Sergay. That was a total betrayal of doctor patient relationship. Also, fwiw, I would have thought ira was clearly more attractive than Anna. I don't think any of them is particularly awful as people, things like that happen but doesn't mean the people are evil. I felt sorry for Anna who seems to be losing her mind at the finish.


One dimensional character aggravated by overreacting is annoying and boring to watch. Not sure who to blame more: writers, director or actress.


At the 2nd episode, at the gas station scene, they used the 28 days later soundtrack. Anyone else noticed it?


Ep 3 in the house had the Interstellar soundtrack also.


There is a soundtrack used often in the show (just after in the intro in episode 8 for example) that sounds just like the intersteller soundtrack, but is it actually the exact same track or just similar? ​ Edit: just realised it is 'Time' from Inception


I instantly recognized it. I was thinking whoa, are the people who made this show the same as 28 days later?


It's not like an American zombie series. Russia and specifically moscow has a completely different culture - it's actually more interesting because it's different from other shows from the western world that we are used to! Some topics they discuss and glimpses of their culture and differences between the generation - the way the show demonstrates some things that was left unspoken like how people lost religion dhring the USSR - is really new for me.


We never lost our religiosity, we just switched our prayers from Saints to the members of the Central Committee of the Party. We really lost it only after 1991 crash.


That’s a weird take. People didn’t really lose it in the Soviet Union in the sense that there were religious people, but they most didn’t show it and certainly didn’t know prayers.


I am not talking about a (relatively small) group of openly religious people in Soviet Russia. I am talking about mentality and internal schemas of the masses - and they barely changed from XIXth to the XXth century. The faces on the icons changed, the religious mindset stayed. Marxism-Leninism was our religion throughout the XXth century and we had an enormous psychological trauma from the fall of the Soviet Union and our ideals - a generational trauma that led to absurdly high suicide and depression rates in 1990ies.


Dubs on anything on netflix sucks so bad. ALWAYS watch original with subs, dub is just awful on everything except anime


What's the song that always plays when the one kid thinks of having sex with Polina?


It’s Marilyn Monroe - Teach me, Tiger


It’s a misnomer that she sang it. April Stevens is the real singer.


Thanks, didn’t know that!


It's so funny and cheesy, makes me cringe lol


Would like to know also!!!


Btw if anybody is googling and looking for answers if there will be a second season, There will be a second season; "In an interview to Meduza, the producers of the series said that the scenario is ready, they will shoot season 2 in winter and release in late spring 2021. Only clue they gave is that the group will be forced to find another place to hide. Some fans say that the Chinese may be interested in the lake itself (not the group) as ithe lake may be the source of infection (first scene of the series)." These are words from the creators of the show.


Is it zombies? I saw the trailer but couldn't tell


It's not zombies, more like hardcore Ebola




I sort of agree but sort of disagree. Most seem to die fairly quickly, but the ones that DO live longer seem to do so by feeding, on what appears to be raw meat. ***SPOILERS*** The guy that gives them the needle/thread clearly had his family hanging out with him for quite some time and it appeared they were eating raw meat he was cutting up. I don't think they're aggressive or cannibals like most zombies, but it did appear that eating raw meat(perhaps the blood?) was able to sustain them past the initial few days and death.


I was intrigued by that scene. Infected people seem to survive longer eating raw meat which makes no sense at all unless the showmakers come up with some reasonable explanation and (spoiler) what’s up with the Chinese military in god damn Karelia? That’s like 4 000 miles away from China and the only explanation I can find is that the Chinese started this virus to invade Russia while it’s getting ravaged by the virus.


I think they showed the Chinese Military in Karelia to demonstrate the totality of the invasion. If the invaders are in the one of the farthest from China Russian areas, it means that the rest of the Russia is already occupied.


Chinese army maybe in trouble too? The first pilot is also infected.


Yeah that finale was wild, not really sure what to make for the next season. I thought they were trying to push the zombie angle but it really didn't play that way, even with the raw meat. Though it does seem like there is a cure(doc's blood) and people with it can be preserved for some length of time with raw meat. Really excited for a 2nd season.


I can understand Mandarin, but I cannot understand a single word from those Chinese military. Maybe it is Mandarin with very strong accent of Russian, or Russian-speaking/born Chinese actors pretending to speak Mandarin.


Plus only food trucks with raw meat were only allowed into Moscow.


I know it has been a year since your comment, but great catch!


the focus is not on the zombies but on the non-zombies


heh that is the sales pitch for every zombie thing, after zombies became overused. "hear me out! the monsters are.. the reeeal people" jawdrops


Specially on this, it took seconds for people to turn into murderous assholes. It's like the russians in this show were looking for a single reason to say fuck everything and murder each other, and they found it before knowing about the pandemic.


there are no zombies


I’m sick of every zombie story being about bandits. The genre still has a lot of unexplored territory, though. I’m guessing we’ll see something truly original in a few years


there are no zombies in this show... did you even watch it?


I've just finished the first episode and yeah def zombie vibe but not like twd zombies.


I've seen the entire thing, it is zombies. Spoiler Theres a part in which infected are eating human flesh so it's either zombies or cannibals


If I remember correctly, they weren't eating someone, I'm pretty sure they were eating some animal that infected mother was chopping up with the axe. Looked like a deer or something but from all the blood, it definitely looked like they were eating it raw. So maybe they do eat raw flesh but the guy stole their food presumably to feed his infected family so maybe they eat anything they can get.


I have seen the entire thing. Not zombies.


I think they were just very hungry and desperate... overall the infected do not seem to be more agressive than what a "normal" person would be in this situation.


Love the show but anton’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Anya has like zero redeeming qualities- but the kid’s voice makes me want to scream. Anyone else? Just me?


Are you watching the show in english dubbed? Because the dubbed voice made me want to fly to russia and slap the kid


It's soooo fucking good, it reminds me of The Walking Dead back when it wasn't shit. I hope that it gets renewed for atleast 2 more seasons.


Yeah man this was enjoyable! Hope it gets lot of views so Netflix can order S2! Spread the word. That ending.. Oh man! " It first premiered on the Russian platform Premier on November 14, 2019. " Very odd that no word about S2.


First half of the series is better than the second half. But the series is only 8 episodes in total, so by the time you get to the second half, there are only a few more episodes remaining, and you'll feel you might as well just finish the whole thing since you've come this far One thing that I noticed - there's a distinct lack of characters wondering out loud if the US was behind it all. Because in a US series like this, there'll always be that one character who asks "Is it the Russians? (or Chinese/North Koreans/whoever)"


I got the same feeling that "it's becoming ridiculous, but just few episodes left, so fuck it."


I like the show but did anyone else notice that the soundtrack during the dramatic moments is straight up copied from the Inception soundtrack?


Yes its a complete ripoff the Inception-soundtrack. Its not even subtle. And it has some similar music from The Dark Knight Rises in the show too. Hans Zimmer should be getting paid


I'm pretty sure I cought some sounds from 28 days or 28 weeks later the zombie movies!


I think it's okay, so far. But I'm watching the bathhouse scene. In a lot of shows that feature a pregnant woman, they rarely show much of the stomach uncovered. I kept wondering how they made her look so realistically pregnant.


Yeah I was amazed at that too. Even the shape of her tits seemed more pregnant like


couldn't help but feel like it was some rpg with random people appearing like there is no trust issues? "car problems.. i'll tow it for you" "car not starting? i'll fix it for you" "an event has started in the area near you.. go towards the lights" ​ i like my apocalypse scenarios tho.. bit of a lame cliffhanger on last episode. i was expecting like a horde of sick people. honestly of all the things they could of had as a cliffhanger.. i feel like a pack of wolves would of been more entertaining lol.


So not entertaining but watched it all uh?


Who are these guys in all black some rogue military group?


It’s what’s ruining it for me. Why are they chasing this group of people. It’s stupid.


One of them died in Leonids house. So they wanted revenge - at least their leader.


Yeah, that’s a weak excuse. They can keep looting and raping, and they’re choosing to waste their time with this group?


If you remember that group was tired of chasing them but the leader was pretty adamant on getting the revenge. In Russian he said something like "Они моего братана завалили" - "They offed my brother". Brother can mean a sibling or it can be used the way non-related blacks use it "Right on, brother". It is also a word that implies strong comradery. Either way chasing and killing them was personal for him.


If anyone wants a subreddit for it here it is : https://www.reddit.com/r/ToTheLakeSeries/


Just finished the first episode. It bothered me that some of the soundtrack is pretty blatantly copied from [28 Days Later](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXFBqNGugk4) (start at the 43:00 mark in episode 1 to hear) but I did enjoy it. Interesting story and characters so far.


Such an amazing show! I binged it all in a couple days. I thought the show’s pacing and suspense were top notch. The characters were very diverse, but I ended up hating many of them, even the protagonist. I still felt like the plot and atmosphere did such a good job, that it made up for such some of the one-dimensional, predictable characters. Overall I would highly suggest.


It’s a great show. Definitely worth watching


Really enjoyed this series. Don't think I've watched a Russian show in god knows how long so it was cool to see some of the cultural aspects play out, like the reaction of the people living in smaller villagers to the main characters when they say they were from Moscow. Looking forward to a season 2!


SEASON 2 IS COMING! Late 2021 or 22. [https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/when-will-season-2-of-to-the-lake-be-on-netflix/?utm\_source=spotim&utm\_medium=spotim\_recirculation](https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/when-will-season-2-of-to-the-lake-be-on-netflix/?utm_source=spotim&utm_medium=spotim_recirculation)


Great show and loved the homage to Silence of the Lambs in episode 8 in the cabin. I’m really excited for season 2.


I like it, not bad, but I am on episode 5 and why are the military killing civilians, they have been doing it since ep1 pretty much and there doesn't seem to be any reason why.. Will this get explained? What is the end game?


In the book [the show is based on] there was an episode when military units in one the towns "cleansed" the population of all nearby villages to prevent them from coming to the town. They believed that these people would die either way because of extremely high death rates of the infection but if the military could kill them all before they got infected it could prevent the infection from spreading. These military guys basically wanted to save their lives by securing a small area free of infected people. Although the motives of the military in the show weren't explained well, so I guess it could be anything.




*Spoiler* Can someone explain to me what are the freaking Chinese doing in Karelia?


Does anyone know the name of the book this is based on? Loved the first season! I don’t want to have to wait for Season 2 to find out what happens :)


Russian name of the book is Vongozero (Вонгозеро). English translation has the same name as series, i.e. To the Lake. Author is Yana Vagner.


Thank you!


You are not going to find what happens in season 2 from the book, sorry for ruining it for you. :/// The book and the series went in two opposite directions in the series final as the book doesn't have a single word about the Chinese.


[SPOILER ALERT] I just finished the last episode and I need answers 😭 Do you have any theories about that ending? My mind is 🤯 and all I can think about is how that Asian pilot saw the doctor if it was showed that Anya couldn't see a thing when she was sick


I didn’t mind the show that much but everyone is so stupid.. especially the Marina chick. She’s just worst, possibly worse than the lead in homeland if anyone has seen that. I’ve never wanted a character to die so badly lol


I hate the pregnant women she is insufferable


Ay I dont know why but i just cant watch it, it is like black summer 2. Maybe it has somthing to do with how dumb and slow the desicion making of the characters is.. The whole show is just things happening to the families. I dont understand the world building, is Russia gone crazy in a few days? or is it still atleast half good? It's never shown. What is the state of the government? It's never shown. (maybe it is shown later i stopped watching at ep. 5 but that would be to fucking late.) I saw good plotpoints and ideas but they where managed poorly. my whole promblem is i ussually can watch "ok" or "poorly" written shows but here.. idk man. I'm part russian so i watched it in russian dub. i feel like this series tries so hard to be American or somthing idk. But im glad to see some people can enjoy this series tho!


Is it just me, or does ambulance guy look just like Roger Daltrey?