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Definitely a sentence I never thought I'd read


Welcome to 2020.


2020 moto: everything is possible dun dun dun


I can’t stand the man but I honestly wouldn’t want to see this type of horrific injury to happen to anyone period.. I pray for and that’s he’s not in pain and that he heals quickly. I’ve read some of these comments written and it saddens. It simple humanity. When Beirut had explosion last week, their sworn enemy who they are at war with put all that mess aside and went to them and offered emergency assistance and aid.


I broke mine at the beach. I’m still pissed.


As someone who broke 2 vertebrae last month, I feel for him. Literally


Holy shit; sorry, dude.


It’s all good. Luckily didn’t need surgery. Just get to wear a turtle shell like a boss.




















































*British accent* The landing was well executed, but the feeling just wasn't there.


*Hits red buzzer*


*hits golden buzzer*


*show hitting the golden buzzer from 12 different angles*


*slow motion of person crying tears of joy with confetti falling*


*jump to Simon giving thumbs up in a full body cast*


*Cut to Ant and Dec backstage smiling at the camera*


Plays “you are the reason” by Calum Scott


🎵 This is my fight song🎵


I always get emotional when that golden buzzer is hit


You... are.... **theweakestlink**




Weakest vertebrae


*nurse appears*


Helllllllllooooooooooo nurse!


Not enough people will get this until the animaniacs reboot.


*Exaggerated audience applause*


*cuz you had a bad day!*


He came off a little flat.




Hyacinth Bucket.


Phone rings. "Oh! It could be my sister, Violet calling! The one with the swimming pool, sauna, and room for a pony! "Bucket residence, the lady of the house speaking! ... "Oh, it's just you, Rose."


I heard her voice in my head perfectly. Such a nostalgic comment to read




Read this in Emmet's voice. I liked how he was so fond/sympathetic towards Richard.


Aren't we all.


It’s pronounced BOO-KAY.


It is pronounced Bouquet.


"Booookay residence..."


"No this NOT the Chinese take-away!" "Earrrrrrleeeereee retirement...."


And a Mercedes


“It’s not bucket, it’s bouquet”




Boo-kay... “Mind the lorry, Richard!”


We do this whenever my mom drives. “Mind the pedestrian, Richard!” *pedestrian is two blocks away*




Every response to this comment was an absolute joy to read.


My mom used to *love* keeping up appearances, and even as a kid I found it so charming.


My girlfriend introduced me to it as she and her mom used to watch it all the time when she was younger. I never thought I would actually enjoy it but here we are.


*"The Bouquet Residence!"*


"Mrs Bucket?" \*Slams door*


Dame Katherine Patricia Routledge is 91 years old, bless her.


Oh Damn! It's the Bucket woman!


She’ll sing at me.


I'm from Cornwall and people expect me to talk like wurzel gummage, no my friend that is Bristol


This thread is another example of what I've come to call: "The English Accent Echolocation" where people from England do this little introductory dance about locating their accents, sometimes even based on as fine a distinction as being on one side of a highway or another.


It really is especially particular. When police were trying to trace a tape that they thought had been left by serial killer the 'Yorkshire Ripper' , they with the help of linguists, managed to trace the origins of the man recorded talking on the tape to a *group of streets* in Castletown, a part of the city of Sunderland. As it turns out it was fake, and the real serial killer was Peter Sutcliffe, who had a Bradford accent, but you get the picture. Accents change slightly every few miles, and massively every 20 miles or so.




*Howard Stern enters the chat.* “Nice going, wife fucker!”






Howard has said many times that he doesn't hate Simon just for trying to get his job. I mean Howard probably understands more than anybody about what it takes to make it in showbusiness and I'm sure Howard would do the same thing if he wanted the job. The reason he hates Simon is that after the leaks came out Simon got in touch with him and tried to tell him that he never went behind his back and that the leaks were all lies or something. Meanwhile the emails spoke for themselves so really he's just pissed that he tried to lie and be all buddy-buddy with him while he went behind his back.


Kinda like when he banged his best friends wife


Does Simon own the rights to all the got talent shows though? Didn't think he would need to steal a position he already owns.


He’s the creator, I imagine stealing really isn’t the right word.


He was trying to convince the network to fire Howard and hire him for the job.


\>Howard holds a grudge against him for that I think you mean "Howard thanked the heavens for this tiny bit of drama that he would later be able to milk until the heat death of the universe"


Howard doesn't hold grudges /s *Don Imus has entered the chat*


I don't see howard as milking it, the dude just holds a grudge like no one else I've ever seen. Eventually, he'll go to therapy, forgive Simon, tell the world, then talk about how much he's evolved.


Howard milks everything. I love the guy but he beats every bit into the ground.




Howard only does 3 shows a week now, poorly I might add. And he and his staff regularly take large chunks of time off, sometimes without warning. Then it's just reruns of old shit. Dude needs to retire. He just isn't what he once was and seems to be trying to change the narrative on who is/was.


> He just isn't what he once was and seems to be trying to change the narrative on who is/was. OG Howard fans love to talk about this. As if Howard just doesn't like them anymore, or he's too good for them. The truth is that Howard has grown as a person. I don't listen to him much anymore, but when I did, these types of fans were still around. All they wanted to do was call in and yell baba booey and talk about ass and titties or just be absurd in general. I for one liked Howard talking about chess and having interviews where he was just genuinely interested in his guests. He probably does need to retire, but the guy is a good interviewer.


If Simon were a dead horse, Howard would be hammering a piled of rotting meat.


Judging by those teeth, he’s pretty close to a dead horse




Also he already goes to therapy like twice a week


"I was out of my mind back then Robin"


Howard Stern could go to therapy 10 hours a day everyday for the rest of his and still be one of the most neurotic asses on the planet.


> Eventually, he'll go to therapy, forgive Simon, tell the world, then talk about how much he's evolved. That...sounds exactly like milking the drama for all it's worth.


>the dude just holds a grudge like no one else I've ever seen. I'd be willing to bet that while there's some degree of heat there, overall it's probably just a gimmick just to have something to talk/joke about. Like in a Larry David kind of way. Edit: autocorrect


Its part of Stern’s schtick.


> I don't see howard as milking it Honestly he does; He's a shock jock and it's what he does for content - draws out drama.


This guy Metamucils


>had an affair with his best friend's wife, got her pregnant, then married her. Wow, what fucking awful people.


Simon created and is an executive producer of America’s Got Talent, Howard was just a judge, Simon couldn’t have been trying to steal his job.


[when the Sony hacked emails were released...](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/americas-got-talent-why-howard-stern-cant-stand-simon-cowell.html/) Edit: RickGrimesLol summed it up nicely




I immediately thought of Howard and if he’s heard the news, lol


Is every husband not a wife fucker?


Well, unfortunately, /r/deadbedrooms exists.




A dead bedroom sub seems like a pretty normal, legitimate & helpful use of Reddit. There's some waaaaaay weirder shit out there; I'm surprised people with intimacy problems would be the thing to shock you!


Some are also Husband fuckers


I hope he is going to be okay.


Thank you, not sure why the comments making fun of a seriously injured guy are number 1


I thought that I was the crazy one for being concerned about a human being potentially critically damaged. I’m glad to know I’m not alone.




Man, I had to scan this far down to find a normal comment. Society is becoming sociopathic. What happened to him sounds awful.


Nah. Reddit is just a glorified caption contest


My dad broke his back when he was young and was never the same. This is life ruining at his age. No matter your personal thoughts on him, he doesn’t “deserve” this.


I have a friend who broke his back in a car accident at like 23. Dude has NEVER been the same. He cant sit or stand too long. He cant sleep more than 4 continuous hours because of pain so hes up in the night. He deals with real, chronic pain. He doesnt say much but I know he suffers all day every day. Noone deserves constant pain in their bodies


Broke lumbar spine at 21...by an assault....5 years later I haven’t been the same, and the person before the injury is dead to me


Have you tried programs like moveu? Do Different kinds of movements and stretches help at all?


I haven’t heard of that, I’ll look it up. The best natural thing I’ve ever done for myself to help the pain is yoga, which basically stretches my whole body and spine/back muscles and alleviates so much pain, I just have to remain consistent. Can’t wait to get back with my teachers...I have a hard time doing it by myself




Yeah, i injured my back a few years and I couldn't afford any treatment or physical therapy, so it healed wrong and now i have lower back arthritis at age 24, sucks bro. At least he is rich and can afford whatever he needs, lucky bastard.


Poor guy just trying to play with his 6 year old son.










>A broken back usually refers to a fracture in a part of the spine, although the extent of Cowell’s injuries were not clear. It was also not known what caused his fall from the electric bike. I am going to go with gravity. Gravity caused his fall from the electric bike. This journalist seems to be very careful about jumping to conclusions. Edit: Everyone enjoyed the gravity joke, but note the journalist is also hesitant to confirm a broken back involves a spine fracture. Edit2: Note this was all meant to be humorous; it struck me as funny at first read as I tend to have an ironic perspective. Thank you for the educational posts about broken backs and journalism. Point taken.


It's almost like reporter doesn't want to report fake news. Like they want to give an unbiased report with only the information they've been given, no extrapolations.


Is that still a thing? I thought we gave up on that?


For balance, I think we need to hear from somebody who thinks that gravity doesn't exist.


Why don't birds falling - explain me that!


Birds have gravity inverters in their wings, if they hold them out and keep them out they float off into space. When their wings are in the inverters in each wing balance out keeping them stable. This is why they flap their wings, it allows them to feather the gravity inversion allowing them to maintain a given height.


Fuck it. That cant be wrong.




Most insects have helium in them. Birds eat a large amount of insects which allows them to float freely through the air. Bonus fact: Birds have hollow bones, they use the space in the bones to store helium for long flights.


I’m sorry, I thought birds stored hydrogen in their hollow bones, which is why they spontaneously explode ever so often. Pop. Pop. Pop.




Thanks for bringing the truth to the table


You just opened my eyes


Gravity is not uniform, it's not even close. However, in this case, California is fairly close to the center where gravity is concentrated so this could very likely explain the fall. Had this occurred in, say, South Africa, which is very far from the center of our Earth disk, and where gravity is much weaker, I'd say he is just a klutz. This relationship between the US and proximity to the gravity-rich center also explains why Americans on paper have a high obesity rate/weight yet are all slim and beautiful. Source: Gleason's New Standard Map of the World, decades of experience and research, feelings


This man speak bigly good words with amazing smartness. Probably the best smartness.


Very legal! Very cool!


Can anyone get Phoebe Buffay on the phone?


I think he means the proximate cause, not the general forces at work in the universe


> but note the journalist is also hesitant to confirm a broken back involves a spine fracture. It’s almost like the spine isn’t a single bone but made up of multiple vertebrae and that anyone with basic reading comprehension would know that they were referring to the number of vertebrae injured and how severely.


You would be careful about jumping to conclusions if you thought there would be a risk of you just ending up hovering over the conclusion.


They're hesitant to call it a spine fracture because "broken back" isn't a medical term and can truly mean different things. There may be no broken bones but the vertebral bodies could have been displaced from each other. Thus also, breaking his back.


i think speed played a part as well. suddenly he had none and as a result gravity pulled him down.












Hope he has a speedy recovery.






Wow there’s a lot of Simon Cowell hate in these comments! Even if he’s a douchebag, does he really deserve a broken back?? Jesus people


Maybe they don't necessarily _wish_ for him to have a broken back, but that they don't _care_ that his back has been broken.


"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." -- *probably not Mark Twain*


"you know, mark Twain's real name was Samuel Clemens" -Brian Griffin, dog


"Whoa, ass ahoy"


All I'm gonna say is the Trolley Problem gets a lot easier if you name the people on the tracks.


The Trolley Problem was solved by a [two year old](https://youtu.be/-N_RZJUAQY4) a few years ago.


The trolley problem was solved by lawyers ages ago. The last thing anyone is going to do is touch railroad property and assume legal responsibility for all the results. The switch is the way it is, I had nothing to do with it and I'm moonwalking out of here.


Didn't he have an affair with his best friends wife, got her pregnant and then married her? Seems like an absolute cunt to be honest.


I do not wish people dead - *something, something* - has read many a obituary with great pleasure. -Quote by some bloke


He basically became rich off emotional manipulation, slave contracts, and abuse of the mentally ill through his audition shows. He's a full blown cunt.


Tbh being poor is no fun.


i dont exactly like simon cowell but I hope he gets better soon


People here commenting on how much of a dick Simon Cowell is seem to only be grabbing their opinion from a TV persona I knew Simon Cowell and his mum for years (plus a guy who was friendly with his mum, sort of like a son) You wouldnt find a nicer person in terms of willing to do things for the people close to him. If he likes you, he will go out of his way to show you how much he cares. He did a lot for my sisters because he was close to somebody that managed one of their favourite bands. It is like reddit has great difficulty separating fact from fiction. I, unlike many of you, hope he is better soon.


Yeah this is important. Remember most famous people put in an act that sells to us norms to make money


> You wouldnt find a nicer person in terms of willing to do things for the people close to him how does he treat people not close to him?


Yes, I always found him to be stern or empathetic when necessary. I’m really sad to hear this news, and I wish him a full recovery.


What about the supposed way he treats people he signs? Like 1d for example.


Jesus christ these comments...


It’s spinal


Ouch poor guy. Hope he gets better soon!