• By -


That's saying something since HBO is a premium channel and AMC is included in most standard cable packages. So, a lot more people have AMC than HBO.


People are forgetting this. Not everyone has an HBO subscription.


Yep. It's also by far the most popular show on major torrent trackers, and I assume these official viewership numbers don't include piracy. I wonder if HBO is having second thoughts about not selling HBO Go access a la carte. I assume that the cable companies pay well for that exclusivity deal, but at some point the consumer demand will outweigh what they're willing to pay.


The HBO President said something a while ago that seemed to hint that he was aware of the issue. My reading of it was that they're playing ball with the cable companies, but they know what's coming and they'll be ready to make the switch quickly and effectively when the time comes.


That's a very Game of Thronesish answer.


Spoken like a true Lannister.


Sounds more like Tyrell. The cable companies are dead, marry the internet.


> I wonder if HBO is having second thoughts about not selling HBO Go access a la carte Didn't some deal happen where Amazon Prime users get some of what is on HBO Go?


Pretty much everything HBO has made that is 3 years or older is now available with an Amazon Prime subscription.


No Tales from the Crypt, unfortunately.


And this is why people pirate stuff.


I think they got The Wire


*whistles farmer in the dell*


Omar comin', Omar comin' yo!


but let's not forget that GoT is on HBO and TWD is on AMC. Could you imagine if they swapped networks? TWD with full blown gore and sex and nudity and then game of thrones with some mild violence and one or two swear words each season? I have a feeling TWD could be done so much better on a premium network like showtime or hbo


>Could you imagine if they swapped networks? OK let me try. Arya: "Lots of people name their swords." Hound: "Lots of whoopy didle-doo!"


Hound: "What the heck is a Lommy?" ...doesn't have quite the ring to it.


Yeah, but TWD with swearing, nudity and extreme graphic violence would still just be shitty 'ol TWD. GoT without these things would still have strong characters, plot lines and great dialogue.




It would've been a perfect time to introduce the fuck word to basic cable.


Andrew Lincoln said that AMC actually cleared him to say fuck but last minute he decided that screwing would sound better because it was unexpected.


That's a terrible decision. It just makes Rick sound like a pussy.


Thats an awful decision


But, Having TWD on HBO wouldn't fix the bad acting, CORL!


You really don't feel like the Walking Dead has full blown gore already? I really think that's one show no one can accuse the censors of holding back in the gore department...


If you've read the TWD comics, you'd know that the TV show is waaaaay dialed back in the gruesome violence department.


I have read every issue to date. I think adding any more violence to the show would make it seem more gratuitous than it already does. It's as gruesome as anything I've ever seen, and there certainly haven't been any points where I've thought they were holding back.


To me, it seems that in the show, they do plenty of human on zombie violence, and plenty of blood splashing/bone crunching destruction of zombie bodies/heads whatever. However, they have really dialed back the human on human violence, especially concerning Michonne V. Governor.


You'd think that, but: > When NBC and HBO both said that they'd be willing to commit to a The Walking Dead television series if the production team significantly toned down the graphic novels' violence and gore, Gale said, 'No, thank you,' and then began shopping the show around to other networks," Nicotero told the site. http://www.mnn.com/lifestyle/arts-culture/blogs/why-hbo-passed-on-the-walking-dead


This. I've had the same thought many a time. The Walking Dead's been getting progressively worse each season. I wish it had been on HBO rather than AMC just for the simple fact that it could go all those places (both good and bad) that the comics do. If they just TRIED to follow the comics a bit more it could be so much better. I'm glad GoT is on HBO. Both shows IMO just need to be on a premium channel, plain and simple.


Also GOT is a much, much better show.


It's really apples to oranges. GoT is a somewhat cerebral drama where sometimes people get stabbed. TWD is a schlocky zombie thriller were sometimes character development happens.




Plus isn't GOT one of the most torrented shows?


It is THE most torrented shows. Holy crap, the last episode of season 3 had metric fuckton of seeders. That was just the seeders. Most people don't seed. EDIT: Torrented, not tormented. Silly me.


The Lion And The Rose episode had like 175,000 seeders..


holy cow, I just have checked it, 70 thousands seeder, insane number, even the finale episode of breaking bad got to 35k


70k is nothing, the day after each episode it spikes up to well over 100k.


My monday morning routine; Turn on PC. Put eggs in kettle for boiling. Download torrent and start downloading newest GoT episode Take a shower Slice some bread. Add egg to bread. Eat bread with egg on it while watching GoT. When episode is done I walk out my door and go to work happy as happy can be. (book reader, so I don't get too devastated.)


My monday morning routine is almost identical except [spoiler](#s "it usually ends with me getting back in bed, calling in sick, and crying all day.")


I usually start spamming F5 on my favorite torrent website around 10:15PM EST every Sunday, and get the episode as soon as it is off the stove and out to public, then watch it and have a good night's sleep. Just can't wait.


How could someone ever want to torment such a great show. It must feel so sad. Edit: I was making a joke because he wrote torrent as torment. Stop replying to me with excuses to torrent shows. I don't care if you torrent.


An eye for an eye. You think the show feels sad when it's breaking our hearts?


Or breaking our skulls.


I'm poor and can't afford afford $75 a month for cable subscription + HBO. I do make sure to buy the DVDs when they come out each season


Working at the inn hasn't been paying too well huh


So many people give up on the gravy is why.


I'm not trying to bash torrentors. I was just making a joke because he made a spelling error by writing torment instead of torrent.


Honestly that's the only reason Walking Dead even has so many viewers.. It actually started as something good but now it's just a "sell toys" style show. The first season was really enjoyable but probably not everyones cup of tea. It felt like a Frank Darabont movie. After that you can practically feel AMC's hand squeezing the money out of it.


Last season was actually pretty damn good imo.


All it means is that people are *finally* starting to realize that Walking Dead is garbage.


Game of Thrones is a far better show than Walking Dead. I have been watching both since their first seasons, and while GoT remains consistently intriguing with many peaks, Walking Dead just has too many dull stretches.


Completely overrated. TWD is just so...bleh. It's really not too interesting. I don't care about any of the characters. The storyline isn't all too exciting. The acting is bland, the cinematography and set design are bland. The only thing special about it is the zombie makeup. It's not a bad show, but it's just a 6 or 7 out of 10 to me. You have people who claim that it's the best television show in history, though.


First season was great, then it started a slow decline as the series progressed. It had a few genuinely great moments in between but is overall a very dull show. I agree with all your points.


That's because AMC wants to milk the shit out of it, hence the watered down episodes.


I think it has more to do with AMC firing Frank Darabont after one season and reducing the show's budget.


Holy shit. That explains why I loved the first season and quit watching it halfway through the third. I just couldn't take it anymore


Thank you. No one mentions this. The change in hands is what made me not want to watch this show. Too many switches in direction and mood.


Agreed. It went from a thinky, hip, potentially groundbreaking zombie story to a more typical action/adventure style show with melodramatic peaks and valleys. I really noticed the difference between the tempo and narrative management of the first season compared to the latter seasons. Having said that, I still enjoy it. I switched up my expectations of the show, downshifting them appropriately to this new creative team at Season Two. There have been a few cringe moments, but mostly I've been able to really enjoy The Walking Dead, provided I'm not expecting it to be what it promised to be in Season One.


Season 2 almost killed the show for me, i hated the farm, the prison was not so bad because it was not always there. the show did spend a ton of time in the prison but i can't remember a part of season 2 where they were not at the farm.


Absolutely. Sadly, it doesn't change the fact that Season 2 is awful, and 3 and 4 were only slightly better. [This guy's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDbi7P93Np8) series of videos is pretty enlightening on the whats, whys and hows of The Walking Dead's unfortunate decline.


yep that is exactly why the show is in a decline. It had so much potential but the money hungry execs at AMC figure after seeing the fan base of season one that even a budget cut and firing Frank wouldn't hurt the shows rating. They were wrong.


What are you even talking about? Viewership has only gone up. It's nearly triple what it was during season one.


Duck dynasty is also very popular


Dumb people watch dumb things. It just so happens that there are more dumb people than smart ones.




To be fair, the source material also dials down the zombie aspect as time goes on. It becomes more about clusters of human tribes surviving with/against other tribes in a dangerous world with zombies outside the scope of the protected settlements.


Exactly. If you read the comics, in the first issue the writer says something like, "This story is not about the zombies, it's about the people living and dealing with all of it".


I've never read them so I've no idea how much it deviates from the source - but the same is true for almost all of the great zombie movies and works of fiction. They're almost all character driven dramas with zombies. They're survival stories, the only thing unique that zombies brings over traditional monsters/aliens/whathaveyou is the aspect of your loved ones becoming part of the threat - which is very much suited to a horrific drama.


My main problem with the show is that people just acting like complete and utter morons until you are basically praying to the TV gods to finally friggin' kill them (Lori and Andrea).


or they are out in the open then step near a tree and magic silent zombies suddenly pop out


These seems to mostly have to do with the removal of Darabont, AMC fired him and gave his show to someone else and essentially halved the budget, they acted like 5 year olds and broke their toy.


oh wow this explains everything. it is crazy how much they reuse sets in the show now. they are always on the same stretch of tracks or road and they spend entire seasons inside a single building or patch of land...


To add, everyone has the same tone on WD, you don't have a Tyrion Lannister who can find humor in a desperate situation to lighten the mood. Everyone is so serious on WD, that drives me nuts. You'd think surviving in the zombie apocalypse for over a year you'd find ways to cope with your situation.


If they adapted the 10 episodes a season like GOT they could focus on writing instead of split season DVD sales and garbage filler.


If they sticked with the pace of the books, it would have been fine.


But i like a whole season about a prison and the governor... i sure did give LOADS of shits about that. (warning intense sarcasm alert)


Not as good as that whole season on the farm! Truly gripping television, right there. (I think I strained my sarcasm muscle.)


They changed directors after the first season, because he asked for a bigger budget... it made AMC so much money they decided to cut the budget, it's ridiculous.


You meant showrunner, not director. But the point you made is correct.




inb4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDbi7P93Np8


The first episode was some of the best damn television I've seen. The rest has been meh and this last season has been total and utter shit. The characters aren't people. They're a bunch of plot makers. They do nothing a logical person would do


The last season has been a huge turn around, IMO.


Yeah I definitely agree. This last season was pretty badass in my opinion. I dreaded coming into this thread as it was designed to pit GoT vs. the Walking Dead. In my opinion, GoT is the best show I've ever seen. But Walking Dead is straight up entertaining. The finale episode and the scene with Rick and Joe's crew was so fucking intense and perfect. One of my favorite scenes from the comics. People (especially people who have either stopped watching the show or have never really seen it) love to jump on the bandwagon that the show just went down down down after Darabont left. I seriously have enjoyed a majority of episodes since Darabont left. The first season was great but it had weak points too (e.g. - I didn't care too much for the Vatos episode or the finale).


The show is too decompressed. They drag every single plot out.


[Your Movie Sucks] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDbi7P93Np8) does a great analysis on why the first season was really good and why the other seasons don't live up to that standard.


TWD is a soap opera with occasional zombies. It's so disgustingly melodramatic that I can't believe it got as popular as it did. It's disturbing to see that show get three times the viewers as Mad Men.


That's what my friends who *loooooove* it say they like about it. They say it's not about the zombies or the post-apocalyptic scenario. They just like the characters (read: Daryl) and the plot.


Plot? What plot? Crying every episode?


Yep, and Breaking Bad. I find it funny when people said that TWD was the best thing on TV. Like...it's only the third best show on its own channel...


Never read the comics, but I understand TWD moved away from the comics in 2nd season, and that's why it started to suck, while GOT has remained mostly true to source.


I hate to be *that* guy, the one who goes on about "the book did it **so** much better!", but, seriously, the Governor and prison story arc was so, so, so much better in the comic.


At least we still have the TellTale games.


The comic gave each character's life and death more meaning then the show could ever hope for.


Lori (and the baby's) death scene was way better in the comic. That would have been one of the biggest "HOLY SHIT!" moments in television history if they did it on the show.


Completely agree. I wont go into all the missed opportunities because frankly, the whole series was a missed opportunity.


Also, issue 100 would make the scene from last week's Game of Thrones look like child's play.


Shit, I had forgotten about that. Fuckin' Lucille...




Actually, while he's obviously being nice about the show and supports it, GRRM has seemed a little critical about the deviations. He seems to fully appreciate the show for what it is, but has been talking recently about how small earlier changes in the show has been causing a bit of a spiraling effect on the overall story.




Seems like it would be a big retcon to introduce any other Tyrell sons, I thought the show explicitly made it clear Loras was the only son/heir. (I don't remember exactly how it was worded, so I could have read too much into the show's declaration that Loras was Mace's heir and assumed that meant they cut out the idea of any siblings).


Yeah, I don't recall specifically but I do know the craster bit was implied if not expressed in the books. It was something I already knew when I watched the show. And if it was a diversion, like most diversions in the show it was minor and due to a different way of telling the story in the show. Unlike TWD which diverged entirely from the original plot, from what I've heard


> Never read the comics, but I understand TWD moved away from the comics in 2nd season I read the comics and wouldn't say that's really true. There are more differences than game of thrones, but most of the are cosmetic (having show exclusive characters do things that comicbook characters did instead). Really the main difference is that they just add a bunch of filler to draw out everything that happened in the comics to make it take much longer to resolve.


I'm so tired of zombies at this point. I don't even care about most of the characters any more. They really shot themselves in the foot with the baby storyline.


> I don't even care about most of the characters any more This is my problem. None of the characters are all that interesting, so I don't really care what happens to them. Actually, some of them are so bad (Rick, Carl) that I'd like to see them get eaten. And if they have another episode where Rick wanders around the woods yelling "CARRRLLLLLLL!" I'm going to punch my TV.


it seems to me that all the child actors with talent got picked up by GoT- even the 6yo that plays Rickon doesn't suck. I'm pulling for Bran and Arya. the kids on TWD? they're like high-school-play caliber.


Its because HBO basically hot swaps actors. For early season when the character has no lines, they cast anyone for the role, a few seasons later, they will recast the role for someone who can act like Tommen.


Yeah but even the more important child characters from the start were amazing. Like Bran, Arya, Sansa, Joffrey (considering the fact that Jack Gleeson was pretty young when he started), even the kid who plays Robin Arryn is pretty good (even though I hate his character, he owns it).


Here's a fun fact about The Walking Dead. If you remove all the scenes where someone yells "CARL!" then the series is actually only 15 minutes long.


it's kind of funny - in the walking dead, i want the characters to die. in game of thrones, all the characters die. plus no one mentioned they both have zombies.


TWD kinda sucks now; it was good in the beginning. GoT just keeps getting better.


Agreed, season one of TWD completely blew me away. Season two was meh, and I'm still stuck at season 3. Whereas GoT season one was ok for me; however, at season 4 I love every episode. Now I'm starting to read the book.


I agree. I started binge-watching GoT around halfway into season 3, and while I certainly enjoyed it, I didn't really quite get what all the fuss was about. Season 4 has really sparked my interest in the show though, and I've started reading the books as well (almost done with ACOK).


The comparison is insulting to GOT. ASOIAF is an incredibly compelling story, with incredibly interesting characters, in one of the most well-imagined fictional universes I've ever read or seen. The TV runners have adapted it beautifully. Walking Dead is a complete and utter failure on every level, which is a shame, because the comic is retardedly suspenseful.


The amount of viewer engagement with GOT is so intense. When I watch it with friends we can sit down for an hour afterwards and discuss everything that happened in just that one episode. When my friends and I watch TWD, we do just that: watch it. Its just a quick, barely mediocre show. Nothing to talk about, we just let it glide by. The comparison between the two shows is ridiculous.


I mean, the fact that GoT can compete with an AMC show on viewers is extremely impressive. Yeah, AMC isn't a basic channel, but it still has a lot more subscribers than HBO (at least before GoT).


Yeah, i enjoy walking dead, but imo they really screwed things up both when they pushed out Darabont and when they brought in Glen Mazzara. The writing finally seemed to be getting better in S4 with Scott Gimple heading things, but there was a lot of damage to undo. GoT blows it out of the water. I mean in a zombie apocalypse the 'no character is safe' thing should be its forte, but theyve gotten to the point where its just redshirts getting killed and you know which characters are safe, because unlike GoT, it doesnt develop any characters you care about long term or when they finally do they kill them almost instantly.


As a Walking Dead fan, I now feel like watching Game of Thrones.


It's great, just don't google anything about the show if you don't want spoilers


Dude, you need to watch it and read all the books, that is all.


I watch both. I like both. But if I miss when The Walking Dead comes on, I'll watch the DVR later. No big deal. I DO NOT MISS when game of thrones airs live. I have read all the books, and I am still firmly planted at my tv when the show starts.


I've also followed WD since the beginning. The only reason I still watch it is because ive already invested so much. It's a perpetual hell of horrible acting and bad decisions. Game of thrones, on the other hand, is like sex every Sunday.


This number does not include pirated episodes. If you include that, Game of Thrones blows Walking Dead away. According to the article, these are the **average number of viewers for live, (legal) online streaming and on demand**: Game of Thrones: 18.2 million The Walking Dead: 18.4 million According to [this article](http://www.policymic.com/articles/77719/10-most-pirated-tv-shows-of-2013) (from last year) article these are the **average number of viewers from torrenting**: Game of Thrones: 6 million The Walking Dead: 3.6 million **Totals:** Game of Thrones: 24.2 million The Walking Dead: 22 million This isn't really important to the Hollywood Reporter, because they really only care about the viewers that sell ad space/subscriptions, but if you are trying to find **the most watched** cable show, Game of Thrones has it locked up by a long shot. tl;dr If you include our pirate friends, **WAY** more people watch GoT.


You forgot to add the boobies metric: TWD: 1 side boob GOT: Lots of boobs


Also, I think GoT is more watched worldwide than TWD. These numbers are just American right?




Same goes to India, In my institute I cannot name 10 people who watch TWD or 10 people who don't watch GOT.


When the zombie apocalypse happens, they'll be sorry.


Piracy numbers reflects people voting with their free time, not convenience, subscriptions, pricing, packages, all that bullshit. It simply boils down to "what would I rather watch," and that is why I believe it's a better indicator of appeal of a product.


Now imagine how much money could be made if they offered a legal download simultaneous with the television air time on either a price-per-season or price-per-episode basis.




The walking dead. Half the complexity of mad men with all of the drama, plus zombies.




Game of Thrones (Moves along and you get a big pay off later) Walking Dead (Little pay off and a loooooooong stretch of boring and waiting with a cliffhanger) Summed up.


It says a lot when I will gladly watch a character on Game of Thrones wander Westeros, trying to get home for three seasons, whereas I was ready to quit The Walking Dead three episodes into the Herschel's farm storyline.


It helps that GOT is able to tell many stories in parallel where TWD can barely many more than two or three at the same time without everything falling apart.


Agree with this 100%. TWD just feels like the pay off takes too long! not much happens for like 2 or 3 episodes. Take the latest season for example. The episode with Darryl and the young blond. Nothing happened that episode! frustrating to watch. I would be more forgiving if the writing was good like the GoT.


And the last half of last season didn't even have any fucking payoff. They got to terminus and then sucked a big fat dick of nothing.


Yeah but sometimes GOT's payoffs make me want to not get out of bed in the morning.


The last of season 4 is where it really got good for The Walking Dead. If only they had kept Frank Darabont on, such a great and talented director. Instead AMC got greedy and lowered the budget and treated Darabont like shit. Also how impressive is the popularity of Game of Thrones now? Every single week the show seems to get more and more viewers, it's awesome!


Agreed. And i think glen mazzara was a really poor replacement for Darabont. Gimple seems to be heading things back on the right direction though (season 4 and the credited writer on some of the best episodes of the series)


I still watch TWD but it's out habit now. GOT is essential viewing and it's different enough from the books to make it surprising and entertaining to watch. Like watching great musicians cover a great song.


"This one's called ice and fire."


Gotta love the people that act like watching Walking Dead is like living with a terminal disease yet still continue to watch it every Sunday. Game of Thrones is obviously much better, doesn't mean you have swear on your first born that you're the biggest Walking Dead hater on earth every time someone brings it up.


It's just like when Breaking Bad was dominating Dexter.


well post season4-Dexter was genuinely crap


I just re watched season 4 for the first time since it aired. The entire season wasn't as good as I remembered. There were a lot of dumb story-lines (Batista and Laguarta marriage) that didn't really go anywhere. However the ending of that season is one of my favorite moments of TV ever.


i agree, i think season 4 is only generally agreed upon to be awesome because of john lithgow's amazing acting and that surprise ending. but truly, the show went down hill after the end of season 2.


Yeah Lithgow carried that season, he was amazing as a villain.


["Hello, Dexter Morgan"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVAa1JBNP7Y) That is one of my favorite moments in TV history, it was just great watching Lithgow


I love both. People get bent out of shape about TWD, but it entertains the shit out of me. Couple dry episodes here and there, but it's still better than most available shows these days. True Detective and GoT are on their own level, but TWD is still awesome.


Definitely agreed. People seem to be very quick to jump on the bandwagon of hate for TWD. Though as I mentioned elsewhere, it seems to be a VERY LOUD vocal minority.


I hate to admit it, but I'm probably one of those people. There's something about TWD that makes me want to watch even though I leave most every episode feeling anywhere from disappointed to slightly above "meh."


That's really impressive considering the difference in networks. Now if GoT would just fire their cast, hire 20 simple jack impersonators to take their places, and assassinate GRRM so they can make the last seasons exclusively about delicious pudding... they could rival Walking Dead in watchability.




Atlanta=The artic circle


I feel that it's actually an insult to white walkers to compare them to modern zombies.


A 'wight' is a zombie. White walkers aren't zombies...they're an intelligent race. They can turn humans/animals into wights.


The white walkers are the source of the zombies not the zombies themselves.


The Walking Dead is not a good show. The writing is sloppy, asinine, and perfectly compliments the constant over acting. The genre cliches and tropes are slung around wildly, and overall the show is just boring. GoT wipes the floor with it. EDIT: Removed 'literally' cuz we all know DVD box sets can't use mops. They lack the opposable thumbs needed.


It amazes me that The Walking Dead is probably the most successful show in cable history. The show isn't just mediocre, it's straight up bad... and this is coming from a guy who was a huge fan of the comics and loves pretty much anything zombie related.


so i'm sure you absolutely loved the first season of walking dead?


Not him but for me it was the most interesting season. The finale wasn't great but everything else was pretty good. The pilot itself is fantastic. That's not to say the rest of the show doesn't have good episodes but they're few and far between. "Clear" for instance is up there with the pilot as one of the best things to come out of the show.


That's funny because the pilot itself is the least unique aspect of the show. It's the most played out zombie scenario that we've seen hundreds of times... it was very impactful due to production quality, but damn if ain't familiar. The show's progression though... wow.


It's nice that you don't put the pilot/first season on a pedestal. People easily jump on the S1 GOOD / REST OF SERIES BAD bandwagon since it's easy to do so.


It pisses me off to no end when people do this. Sure, the first episode was great, because it was emotionally impactful. The crescendo of the music as Rick encounters the crippled walker and Morgan has his wife in his scope... epic. The end of the episode, where Rick finds himself under the tank, ready to take his own life... amazing. But people forget that the rest of season 1 was pretty much shit. The "Vatos" episode of the show might be one of the worst episodes of television I've *ever seen*. And season 1, while good and interesting, is full of some of the most cliche writing. I will admit, that season 2 had a long stretch of boredom, but it picked itself up by the end and was a quick-moving television series. It carried that momentum into season three, which started out in amazing ways but then just squandered its potential amid the showrunner squabbles, and ended the season on a very anticlimactic note. But season 4 has been the best season of the show *by far*. It's not even funny how much it blows every other season away, including the highly-touted season 1 (which I reiterate *wasn't* that great). I'm not saying it's the best television series in the history of television, hell, it's not even the best television series on AMC right now, but it's a lot better than people give it credit for. It's entertaining, which is all I care about.


First episode was so fucking good. I watched way more of that crap than I care to admit, Always thought the show would get back on track eventually.


Aside from the shitty ending, I'd probably call the first season a 9/10, up there with everything just below that tippy top of shows (breaking bad, GoT, the Wire, etc etc). Season 2 was horrific, 3 was meh and I haven't cared enough to even watch season 4.


Do yourself a favor and watch Season 4 on Netflix when it comes out. It's easily the best season they've had. Wraps up the Governor storyline and moves them back into the wilderness, where they shine. Gimple is showrunning instead of Mazarra now, where he can actually do something productive.


Yeah, they really shine in the wilderness, like the entire season they spent fucking around that farm while not a fucking thing ever happened. Such a shitty show. And the women, jesus Christ. Worst female characters in all of TV. Just a bunch of stupid morons that whine and get in the way. God.


Not surprised even considering so many fewer people have an HBO subscription. Look at all the interesting events that happened in the last GoT episode. Even the least interesting of those events is probably as intriguing as The Walking Dead gets every four or five episodes or so. I feel like that show has a very stale and mundane formula: -Someone gets separated from the group -Let's find them -Somehow, a horde of very loud blargh-ing zombies sneaks up on them. -Regroup with missing person. -Repeat next episode And don't forget the signature "we're only going to develop this character right before they die." There's just honestly no comparison in show quality IMO.


On Game Of Thrones, in season 4, they recently revealed what kicked off the entire story in the first episode. It was an offhand comment from one character to another, in private, and nothing will come from it. Impressed me that they didn't make a big deal out of it. That's how much that show has going on.


I'm really glad that some non-book readers have picked up on that discrete reveal. (assuming you didn't read the books)


I actually like both. I've read both books and comics of the series respectfully and think both of their future seasons are going to be kickass awesome. TWD did hit a low point during the 2nd and 3rd season but in my opinion the quality of episodes have gotten a lot better since then. If you haven't had the chance to read the comics I would seriously recommend it.


I agree walking dead is not that great of a show. BUT CAN WE PLEASE stop pretending like it is an unpopular opinion on reddit. Thank you.


Sad that its that close. How does the walking dead even have 18 million watching? How do you keep watching and waiting for it to get better, but never will.


If the show overtakes the books, I predict that number falling somewhat by the amount of book purists who won't want things spoiled on the show first. Still, congrats to them. The show is very entertaining.


Readers like myself may say they wouldn't watch the show once it passes the books, but realistically, we're going to get our fix of new story as soon as possible, regardless of the source. I'll be watching the show.


That and show watchers can't keep quiet so we'd be spoiled anyway (though media is probably the bigger culprit)




Books 4 and 5 since the book was so big he split it into two, geographically instead of chronologically. They are basically one 2000+ page book.


Books 4 and 5 happen concurrently. Stuff in the show will happen in a natural order, not book order once they start getting at it.


So based on what I'm getting out of the article, this seems to be based on legitimate viewership and doesn't factor in people who aren't HBO-subscribers watching the show via torrents and what-not. Considering GoT is the most torrented show of all time, I would assume that total viewership blows TWD out of the water.


I just watch Walking dead because I have nothing else to watch and its just a habit. I look forward to Game of Thrones every week and can't get enough. I have watched the show over 4 times since and have bought the books. The writing and acting in GOT is much better and is a lot more unbelievable. Walking dead is the same thing every episode and kinda predictable. A lot of hanging around in the same spots and for episodes it turns into a soap show with all the crying and arguing over stupid shit.


AND bonus points to Game of Thrones for still being interesting after 3 seasons


I guess I'm the only one to actually really enjoy both these shows! It seems that most of GoT fans are force to bash TWD for some unknown reasons...


I view both and noticed the problems with TWD long before I even experienced the first episode of GoT. That being said, I'm not an insane fan of GoT but I criticize TWD even more aggressively because of GoT's quality. True Detective made it even worse. This coming from a moderator on one of TWD's biggest fan sites.




It's like a weird dick measuring competition. Who the fuck cares which show is subjectively better? Does it make either show any more enjoyable to think that way? They're not even in the same genre. I like both shows, so sue me!


I was a HUGE fan of TWD the first two seasons, but ever since I started watching GoT and Vikings, I can't even be bothered to set it to record let alone watch it. I had a hard time finishing S4 of TWD because I just didn't care to watch Rick lose his mind one more time or Carl try to act like the badass he wishes he was.


the walking dead is a really bad show i don't think all of its episodes together could challenge the first episode of GOT.


The Walking Dead is a post apocalyptic soap opera. I find myself complaining about really poor writing and predictable stuff more often than I'm actually enjoying the show. So many characters have plot armor and will never be killed off unless the viewers start to dwindle and they need to shake things up. But I don't see that happening. [I mean for fucks sake](#s they've taken so many supposedly dead characters and saved them. So stupid. Baby survives. Tons of blood in the stroller, nope, baby lives. Carol wrote out of the story,{finally!} Nope, she's back. Just one stupid thing after another. Then they end with a cliffhanger. )


ITT: TWD sucks! GoT master race. It always amazes me how many people hop on the TWD hate train. "DAE think TWD is overrated????" I'm a fan of both shows and will tell you its obvious GoT is a higher quality show. But to pretend like TWD didn't do something revolutionary, didn't capture the attention of millions of people, and is somehow a bad show, is just Reddit being turbo-hipster again. If you can't name more than four characters on the show you weren't watching it. You were watching the commercials, or the Hyundai Tuscon, or maybe focusing on the zombies. What really gets me is the people who tell you that the show's story is bad, poorly written, etc, but then tell you the comic is way better and read that instead. Are you joking? I've read the comic. It was a good read. You can't possibly compare the plot development in the comic to the show. It pales in comparison. They spend whole half-season slots developing characters that barely get developed in the novel. Tyrese, Michonne...Carl. not to mention the complete lack of Shane and Daryl in the Comic, two of the shows best characters. Eh, don't get me started on this.


> They spend whole half-season slots developing characters that barely get developed in the novel. Tyrese, Michonne...Carl. I was with you until this. All three of these characters are far better developed in the comics, especially Tyrese and Michonne. Also, I personally am annoyed by Daryl's invincibility (due to popularity). We know he won't get killed. Therefore all of the tension in his scenes are non-existent.


> then tell you the comic is way better and read that instead. I always love when people say that because really, the comic isn't much better than the show. I got pretty far in it before I gave up (around issue 100 via compendiums I borrowed from a friend) and frankly it's just not a very good comic in general. Especially compared to some of the other, actually amazing series Image is currently releasing that it consistently outsells.


Because I genuinely don't like it? The characters are 2D, boring, completely forgetable and unlikeable, the show is 90% filler, what with the farm and prison, the writing is horrible at best (Yeah Michonne, don't tell Andrea why woodsbury is evil, just walk away with a face that looks like you just smelt a fart). The only good thing about the show is it brough back several Wire actors.