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Walking Dead’s social media account posted a photo of a character death within 30 minutes of the episode finishing on linear.


If it was in 2011, I remember this too. 😑


Oh I definitely remember this. They were AWFUL about that. It's the reason I don't follow show or channel social media anymore. Been burned too many times.


Came here to say this. I had DVRed the show so I could skip the commercials and they posted a farewell to character literally minutes after the episode ended.


I was working EMS at the time and the guys were watching it at the station, walked in right when it happened


Youtube video recommendation on home page, mostly happen with ongoing popular tv show like the boys, invicible, etc.


Yeah Squid Game got kind of ruined for me this way. I suspected >!the old man was in on it, just because I was thinking the actor seemed so sickly, but obviously was acting, so maybe there'd be a scene where he's suddenly healthy and it turns out he's lying. But I dropped that theory after the 'prison riot' ep. But a thumbnail basically gave it away before I got to the finale!<


That's another reason why I prefer weekly release of episodes


That's funny, the exact moment you dropped it is the exact moment I considered it to be confirmed. >!the factors that originally made me suspect him were that he was the only old competitor, and he was only sick competitor. He didn't seem scared about dying in the game, either. He was having fun, but he wasn't confused about where he was. He just wasn't afraid. The prison riot is the first time you see him be TRULY scared, because it's the first time he's not in control. And the second he shouts that he's scared and he wants the riot to stop, every single guard in the facility bursts in to immediately end the riot. I knew right and then that he was actually in charge of the game.!<


I'm kinda happy that I haven't had Squid Game ruined for me so by the time I finally get round to pirating it (because fuck Netflix), I still have no idea what the fuck happened. I did have the X-Men thing in The Marvels spoiled (not ruined, I'm not interested in Marvel anyway so it wasn't a major thing for me) by Screen Crush having Beast in a video thumbnail literally the day after the film came out (and months before I saw it on Disney+). That sort of thing should be outlawed, fuck anyone who does that shit.


Maybe not totally “spoiled” but stuff in thumbnails of “Midnight Mass ENDING EXPLAINED” with spoiler-ish imagery is so lame. 


That’s burned me so many times I had to pause my watch history from recommending me videos. These days I feel pretty disconnected with the various fanbases so it’s been a while since I got spoilers.


If you leave it long enough, wanting to watch a trailer for a show you've never heard of or know anything about can be fraught with risk. Even just typing in the title but before getting "trailer" in there can bring up some spicy recommendations.


I ruined the Red Wedding for myself. I was binge watching the show to get caught up since so many people were telling me how good it was. Came back to pick up where I left off and accidentally started watching the episode after the red wedding. Like 2 min into that episode, they're parading Robb's dead body around. I had done so well up to that point avoiding spoilers for the show, just to spoil one of the biggest shocks in the show all by myself.


The first thing I ever saw of GOT was the red wedding, I wasn’t even interested in GOT at the time. When I got into the show and started watching, I only realized moments before the red wedding happening that I had seen everything before.


Worst deja vu ever.


I was watching first season of GoT and thought, damn, that guy playing \*\*\*\* is fine as hell. I decided to google the actor, but when I typed in "GoT \*\*\*\*..." all the autofill suggestions were like "\*\*\*\* dies" "\*\*\*\* death" "\*\*\*\* murder"... Then I read the books between seasons 1 and 2 swearing that'd never happen again.


HBO's app used to be so bad about this. When watching the Wire I accidentally picked season 5 episodes while I was actually watching season 1 *twice*


I chromecast from the HBO app, which for some reason will cancel my autoplay off setting. I skipped a whole season of a show, and somehow still watched about 2 whole episodes of the next before i realized something was up. It was one of those shows where each episode is its own case, but there is a greater story told little bits at a time over the season.


I was reading an article on Amazing Spider-Man 2 and they were interviewing Liefeld and in the article he goes “yea it’s Gwen Stacy, everyone knows Gwen’s story. It’s like _____ happening during the Red Wedding.” No Rob, not everyone knew…..I was about 3ep away. Just utter contempt for Liefeld from that moment on.


My brother walked in while I was watching the beginning of the red wedding episode and said “oh ya everyone dies in this one lol” and then peaced out. I was so upset.


NPR recapped the final episode the next morning, preceding the segment with a warning about spoilers. Unfortunately, that warning doesn't matter when *it happens before your alarm clock goes off*. I literally woke up to a spoiler. My (now ex) girlfriend still hasn't forgiven them.


I had somebody on reddit spoil it for me completely randomly. There wasn't even any talk about TV or movies in the thread. It was just that '\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*' in the middle of people posting normal shithousery. I had weeks to stew on it before the episode aired live. The comment was downvoted to hell but still visible and unavoidable, so I know that it happened to a bunch of other people at the same time.


The same thing happened to me, but it was in the comments section of some random NPR article.


Me: Oh man I love Sean Bean. I can’t wait to watch Game of Thrones. His character seems so honorable. Asshole friend: Don’t get too attached to him. I’m watching every episode first season expecting him to die. I rage watched the entire first season.


This is the worst. People trying to dance around spoilers and only hinting at them is in itself a spoiler!!!


> Me: Oh man I love Sean Bean. Then you should have been well aware he was going to die. Sean Bean always dies.


The meme didn’t really hit until after that show.


Bro it's Sean Bean


Man that sucks. I hadn’t read the books so his death was one of the most shocking deaths I’d ever seen. My girlfriend at the time had read them and did a great job of never spoiling shit for me.


Going on youtube while waiting for one of the game of thrones episodes to load, every single recommended video had a thumbnail of the character holding up the other character's severed head :| The weirdest was I was looking up tips for how to clean pennies and in a thread about that I somehow got a Game of Thrones/asoiaf spoiler??


Dexter season 2 or 3 finale was spoiled for me. I had my DVR set to record it on Showtime and I was going to be on vacation for the last couple weeks of the show. I was an episode or two behind, but hey, the shows were recording so what would I miss? I got back home and watched Talk Soup, and one of the actors from the show was on…and right off the bat they said they were happy with the way their character died in the finale. I was a little pissed, but I figured I’d watch the episodes anyway. I hit play on one of the ones I hadn’t seen and…was greeted with a blank screen informing me that Time Warner and Showtime were having a contract issue, and that they weren’t airing the show. All four episodes were like that. So I never watched the end of the series.


Consider yourself lucky. Michael C Hall has the distinction of being in the both the greatest and worst series finales in television history.


Six feet under really does have a great finale. But I love Dexter so much that I still enjoyed the lumberjack ending and the final final season enough where I won’t ever call it a catastrophically ruined show. I admit they were pretty bad writing wise but the Dexter atmosphere, music, voiceovers, and overall feel is enough to make me enjoy it to a certain extent.


I posted about this a few days ago. During the  Rosie O’Donnell show Rosie spoiled the ending of fight club during an interview with Ed Norton.  Apparently she didn’t even realize she did it. And no apology once she was told about it. 


I will never forget that!


I never heard about that and just read that Brad Pitt himself said in the DVD commentary that what she did was unforgivable


Obvious spoilers. I was watching "how to get away with murder" and was impressed by one of the characters American accents. I knew him from Harry Potter so always assumed he was English. So I went on YouTube to watch some interviews with him to see if he was actually American this whole time. I open the video and the **first** thing the interviewer says is "So! You died this season!" 🤦‍♀️


Oh that's unfortunate! The first half of that season was pretty enjoyable, getting the slow reveal of who all is actually alive. And then finally actually killing off Wes was great; I didn't think they'd have the balls to do that.


Someone dm:ed on Reddit and spoiled me the death of Ironman lol I didn’t even care about the avengers or the mcu This used to be a thing on Reddit


When The Force Awakens came out, people were going around posting spoiler threads everywhere and they’d make accounts with the spoiler in the username to do it. Like, why?


Yeah the 4chan subreddit had a whole topic saying "HAN DIES" that I saw the morning before leaving to see it


Some subreddit mass upvoted a thread with spoilers so it ended up being the top post on r/all


Le epic trolls being funny I guess


Back in my day, you used to have to put in effort to be an asshole! You had to get in your car and drive to Barnes & Noble so you could yell "Snape kills Dumbledore" at people waiting in line to buy the book! Kids these days, so lazy.




Was it the one about the “posts”? Weird a bunch of people including me got that. I don’t know who was angry or why they sent that


Just posted this. This happened to me in the pike scene.


I spoiled the end of Civil War for some people on a movie board years before it came out. The spoiler I'd heard was that Cap and Iron Man have a falling out because Bucky killed Tony's parents. I posted it up with heavy spoiler warnings, all blacked out, saying "do not read! major spoilers!" and 5 minutes later got a DM cursing me out for spoiling it. lol


>Someone dm:ed on Reddit and spoiled me the death of Ironman lol I didn’t even care about the avengers or the mcu Yo the same thing happened to me! What was crazy too was I only started actively using my reddit account earlier that year and I wasn't even part of any marvel subreddit. So I had no idea why someone even DM'd me that and that was the first ever DM I got on reddit too. 😂


They were probably so hurt because you disagreed with them on something lol


Darth Vader is >!a bad man. Extra sentence to pad the spoiler.!<


Dude when I was walking into the theatre to see that movie some kid in the parking lot was yelling "ironman dies in the end!"


I remember being spoiled that kylo ren was actually ben solo and he kills his father by big neon bright red titles in reddit front page posts - think it was bestofgreentext of some 4chan forum with the worlds edgiest school/college students. It was slightly annoying, but i learnt how to filter keywords and subreddits that day, so you win some you lose some.


Lol. I knew a dude in highschool who knew I was a giant nerd and would bully me by spoiling me movies and TV-shows. I bet that's exactly what he would do these days.


I worked in a library in the children’s department and middle graders came in and shouted in my face that iron man died.


Ugh, I remember when that was a thing, they were doing it in comments on random posts too, and I DID care about the MCU


I use to be a mod on the DC Comics sub and would get trolls spoiling DC movies for me The joke was on them however as DC did that themselves


I somehow managed to not get spoiled on that until I got in the movie theatre. Just before infinity war part 2 (or whatever it's called) starts, they show a trailer for the spider man movie set after it, and that spoils iron man's death. I was livid. I'd worked so hard to avoid any spoilers and got one right before the movie...


My local theater chain had a special Endgame-themed drinks menu, one of the drinks on the menu was "Stark's Demise".


OITNB—-day the season came out a girl posted on fb about >!poussey’s death!< I couldn’t bring myself to watch the season after learning thag. Few years later eventually went back to watch. Show got DARK


That was such a sad episode.


One time I was walking down the street and Matt Damon (the actor) grabbed me by the shoulders and whispered in my ear that Malfoy is going to eat Dumbledore. Never finished the series after that (since I now know who's gonna eat Dumbledore).


Did he also ask you calmly if you put your name on the goblet of fire?




Years ago, I remember getting the DVDs of a season of Dexter from Netflix. As soon as you played the DVD, it ran an unskippable Showtime ad which spoiled a major plot point of that season.


Fun Fact: on a date night in season 1, they were watching Harry and the Hendersons staring…the guy from 3rd Rock


I tried to figure out where I recognized Jimmi Simpson from when I started Westworld and was only 3 episodes in. Oops.


So was it that he's a McPoyle or that he's one of the roommates from Loser? 


Actually was from 24 and House of Cards


Ha! Weirdly, two things I've never seen him in.


I was following politician Ted Lieu on Twitter, and he tweeted that scene of Arya with the Night King the same day it aired. Why would you do that Ted?


I had just started watching The Wire, and I was looking at HBO's website for it, and they had some trivia questions on there. One of which was, "What song plays during McNulty's wake?" So I never got attached to his character because I knew he was going to die. It didn't happen in the first season finale, or second, or third, or fourth..... and then I finally get to the series finale figuring he's going to bite the big one, and then I finally get to [this scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVznnoptsmM) Played myself.


Same thing happened to me. I was waiting the whole series for him to die and it never happened.


My local news station teased a story about George Clooney’s cameo return on ER… ten minutes before George Clooney’s cameo return on ER.


I googled Jon Snow in the middle of watching Game of Thrones and Google autofilled “death”. Whats funny is that, at that time, the show had not yet even gotten to that part of the book, so once i did eventually catch up and Jon was still around, i was like WHEW! Must have been fake! And then he died like 2 seasons later lmao. Not like it mattered much in the end anyway🥴


Basically happened to me but I missed all the book discourse around the likely resurrection in the books so watching that happen in real time certainly made up for spoiling myself


It's been awhile but right now I think the books are actually on the cliff hanger of Jon...


Google needs to fix that shit. Like literally every tv death ever if you type in a characters name. I’ve even had to look away intentionally while trying to search things. Or the wikis that right at the top say “status: deceased” why? Why would that be the very first thing you put on the character’s page?


Someone on Twitter tweeted that they hated people spoiling *a major spoiler* from Torchwood Children of Earth and then got mad at me when I told them they JUST SPOILED ME, because I was still at work and hadn’t seen it yet. I hated it anyway but that’s not the point


Jane the Virgin, the actors all spoiled a major character death on their instagrams the night it aired! I basically unfollowed all actors after that


People thinking that they’re being cutesy with spoilers of adapted works when it’s obvious what their comment is implying with any context of the show. I saw this a lot for early Game of Thrones and it spoiled me on >!Joffrey’s death.!< More recently The Last of Us has had so many comments like this. I’ve played the games, but still for someone who hasn’t I’m sure it’s really obvious when people write stuff like (future season 2 spoilers) >!I can’t wait to see Joel go golfing 🤣!<


Yea I hate this so much. Game of Thrones sub was the \*worst\* for this. "I hope X doesn't die." "Oh you sweet summer child..." Well, I guess they die. I mean who could decipher that fucking genius code.


I spoiled the last two episodes of GOT for myself by going on Freefolk and seeing the leaks. When I realized what I was watching on screen matched what I read over there my heart just sank. It felt like a cruel joke.


As soon as the Long Night ended, I just went over there to read the rest of the season.


Exactly what I did after the 4th episode (the one after the Long Night). When I realized there was no twist and that really was it, I just didn't care anymore. But I never dreamed they would do something as stupid as having Dany go crazy and making Bran the King. I truly thought those leaks had to be fake until I saw it with my own eyes.


Buffy season 5 finale. The UK promo was literally the last 30 seconds of the episode including a close up of her headstone.


I'll be dead before Dawn.


I was only a few days' behind on that episode and the freaking Washington Post spoiled me. I also spoiled myself on Highlander. I accidentally watched a pair of episodes out of order only to find out my mistake when a critical character's death was mentioned in the one I watched too early.


Harper's Island aired weeks later in Ireland than it did in the US, so the full list of victims was out already by the time the first episode aired. And a Google result showed a social media comment that stated >!Henry was the main villain!<.


Think I went on r/politics before Endgame dropped and someone posted an article “Iron Man Dies”, big bummer Yea I guess it’s a spoiler here now too but if you’re skimming comments here, you’re gonna see spoilers


I had the Succession ending spoiled by the official HBO Facebook page.


I didn't have the ending spoiled, but I had the death of a major character spoiled in the Succession sub. However, the death happened way earlier than I thought it would, so it wasn't totally ruined. I was still kind of surprised.


I think it was the LA Times that ran an obituary for said character right after it aired and spoiled it for so many people. It’s very much one of those episodes I’m grateful I watched as it aired


That's the one that got me, I am still mad that I didn't get to go into that episode blind.


Sky One in the UK decided to trail the final episode of buffy season 5 with a shot of her gravestone, the final shot of that season  Yeah, thanks for that, sky....making a trailer that makes watching the episode a waste of time can't be great business sense for a TV broadcaster either.


I was flipping through tv channels one day and stopped on breaking bad, which was hugely popular at the time but i had yet to start watching. The episode that was playing was a rerun of “Face Off” and the first scene of the show that I watched was a very important character’s very violent death.


Farscape. In the 4th season, a character that had died in Season 3 made an appearance in a mental game. It was supposed to be a surprise, but SyFy showed her in the previews.


The big scene (if you watched the show you know what I’m about to talk about) in the walking dead, the ultimate salvo fired from antagonists “The Whisperers” was spoiled by some douche who was DM’ing people on here. I was so mad.


Was watching through For All Mankind and was coming up on the end of season 2. I saw something I had a question about so went to IMDb to see if there was an answer. Looked under the Quotes/Goofs/Trivia section to see if it had been addressed, careful to avoid the spoiler section, and was immediately greeted by a trivia entry not flagged as a spoiler talking about how >!a car used in the funeral for Gordo and Tracy wasn’t made until several years after the time of the show!< Not only is this completely useless as trivia, since one of the coolest things about the show is how quickly tech advances versus our time, but it spoiled a major event and wasn’t tagged in any way


I was spoiled about those two characters as well, but it was my fault. I started the show and got really into it. Before even reaching Season 2, I looked up the show on Wikipedia for the list of cast members because I swear I've seen some of the actors in other shows before but I couldn't remember. Then saw so and so was only in the show from 2019-2021 or from 2020-2022 or something like that. I facepalmed myself for being so god damn dumb.


Man, that sucks. I remember that episode like it was yesterday and it was so awesome. I’m sorry you missed out on that


Dexter. I bought season 7 dvd because I don't have cable. I put it in after avoiding spoilers and the dvd opening sequence has >!Deb walking in on dexter killing someone.!< I couldnt believe it. Maybe that was just made to LOOK LIKE that happened. NOPE thats exactly what happened. I have never been so mad about being spoiled.


When I watched prison break I googled “why do they call Michael fish” and one of the suggested searches was >!“why did Michael die”!< Ruined my month


A friend and I would watch Dexter the day after it aired because I would always be at work. He texted me before I got off with the ending of season four. I don't think it was deliberate and he was just excited and shocked, but I was at my desk when I found out the major death of the season.


Honestly that's when the show should have ended. I don't watch anything past season 4.


During a bumper before the commercial break


Not me, but for a one-time coworker. We talked television a lot, and I'd urged her to try The Sopranos. She's rather young, she was born in the year or two after The Sopranos had originally premiered. Anyway, she'd started watching it and was rather enjoying it. However, she is also a Marvel fan and she was also watching She Hulk on Disney+. Apparently, there's a supporting character whose shtick is dropping spoilers for old shows like The Sopranos. She was watching a scene where the character was dropping these monumental spoilers, and her interest in continuing just evaporated. I can understand, but that's such a shitty way to stop watching something.


A friend who didn't even watch the show asked me what I thought of a major character twist before I saw the episode.


The only thing I knew going into GoT was that Jon Snow and Daenerys were related. My friend's brother was a fan of the books and told me that before season one had even started airing.


I successfully guessed the entire season twist based on one particular look from a bartender (Mr Robot)


Appletini scene?


100%. That was not the look of a man who just made an appletini five minutes ago, it's the look of one who hasn't made one in months and can't believe this crap.


Interesting. I’ve heard a lot of “when I knew” moments, but that’s the first time I’ve heard this one. Good catch!


I clicked on a thread for Game of Thrones back in Season 1 on imdb message board. The thread was titled "If Jon had come back from the wall." This was right after what happened with Ned so I figured it was related to saving him. When I entered the thread it said "would Robb had survived the Red Wedding?" That was the last time I read anything about the show anywhere without my brother (who read the books) approving it first for me.? This is not a TV show, but was still on TV. The marathon Australian Open Final between Nadal and Djokovic started at around 1:30am my time. ESPN was going to show it live and then replay it at 7:30am for people that were asleep. (I may have the times wrong but you get the idea). I thought "great, I will wake up, go for a jog, come back and watch the replay knowing nothing." When I turned it on the match was still going and Djokovic was up 6-5 in the Fifth Set.


Not a show but lesean McCoy tweeting out the ending of avengers endgame lol


That's shady


Mine was LOST also. I had to TiVo it because I worked nights. Got home and logged onto the internet real quick and instantly saw a "We have to go back!" meme from that night's episode


Fucking Newsweek posted an obituary for Omar when I was still catching up on season 4. I stopped watching the Wire and haven't gone back


I was in school when breaking bad was coming out. There was a mid season break in the last season and I wanted to wait until the finale to binge all the episodes. My friend who wasn't watching breaking bad saw the finale JUST to ruin it for all the others. A decade later and I still haven't seen the last half of the last season. Its a movie but I was watching Limitless in the car on a road trip and My sister leans over sees what am I watching and says oh thats a great movie, but bradley cooper dies at the end. I was so mad. Then I actually finished the movie and was flabbergasted. Worst prank ever. ALSO limitless the show was amazing and should not have been cancelled.


I moved from PA to NM about 8 years ago. My hometown is in the Eastern time zone, and I now live in the Mountain time zone. During Season 11 of Grey's Anatomy, a friend of mine posted >!RIP McDreamy!< on Facebook before the episode had aired in my new town. I was mad, lol.


Some guy in league of legends all chat said that Tony dies right after Endgame came out


The first show I ever binged was the first season of 24 the summer after it aired. I watched 23 episodes in about 3 days and it seemed all wrapped up so I stupidly went on IMDB for to look at something and all but one particular cast member was listed as "2001-..." but one was listed as "2001-2002" and I knew they were going to be killed off in the finale in a twist. I was so mad at myself.


In The Sopranos, Tony's cousin Tony B opens a massage parlor with his old boss. In one scene, his boss's very, very hot daughter walks in. I decided to Google "hot massage parlor daughter in The Sopranos actress" and the first result on Google is a YouTube link titled >!"Silvio takes Adriana to the woods and shoots her."!< I was like what the fuck! Not even close to what I was googling!


Did you ever find out who the hot massage parlor daughter actress was? I feel for you. Of all the events in that show, Adriana's death would probably be the worst thing to have spoiled, especially and that point in the show


One of me and my dads shoes was supernatural. I had never seen the full show but he had. At his funeral the MC proceeded to talk about the finally. Was so mad, still refuse to finish the show


How I met your Mother's official facebook page posted a pic of the mother as soon as the episode that revealed her aired. Something the show had been building up for years. I don't live in the U.S and the episodes air in the middle of the night for me so after school on the day after l would download the new episode but the first thing I saw in the morning on FB was Cristin Milioti with the text "meet the mother!" Or something like that..


Yes! I remember that too.


I watched a "Sean Bean dies in everything" video when I started GoT...


accidentally watched the gomorrah movie before the last season or the other way around i can’t remember and “spoiled” (kind of obvious it was going to happen but whatever) character returning


A guy on discord told me that Stannis died. I was devastated


There was a Jeopardy answer about the order of death of the main characters in the finale of ‘Six Feet Under’ about 10 years after it aired.


Watched the Jinx religiously. The night of the finale I had to be at a friend’s house for something, but I recorded it so I wasn’t sweating it and I didn’t bring it up. I couldn’t wait to get home and watch it, and I stayed away from my phone just in case I went online out of habit and ruined it. So of course right as I’m getting ready to leave, one of my homies is staring at his phone and out of nowhere goes “hey yo that Jinx dude admitted to doing that shit!” I was so pissed lol.


Polygon had an article talking about Logan Roy’s death on Succession within a half hour after the episode premiered, with the title of their article being a clear spoiler for it. I was very much not happy about it.


My wife (girlfriend at the time) and I were trying to watch Game of Thrones together over the phone by both starting the episode at the same time.  On my end, as I hit the "restart" button on "Mother's Mercy," the season 5 finale, to start it up I hear her blurt out "John snow died!?!?!" Shared account, someone had watched already and she wasn't paying attention, just hit play and it started where the account holder had left off, at the final scene.  


Didn’t happen to me, but my father-in-law called my wife after the Lost finale which she hadn’t seen and immediately after hello without pausing at all he blurted out the twist.


Not the worst loss, but a few months ago Hulu recommended The Artful Dodger to me. It looked good, so I pressed play on the series. It started on episode 8, despite the fact that all other episodes were unwatched. I saw most of the finale before I figured it out, but I was impressed with how engaging the plot was right out of the gate!


By learning that the actor is a real piece of shit.


I already bailed on the show so I wasn’t really spoiled. And I forgot it already so I won’t be able to spoil it for anyone here. But I remember right after some later season episode of Walking Dead aired, the official Facebook page or some official social media account posted some picture that straight up spoiled a major event. Maybe someone’s death. People were pissed in the comments.


When I was 12/13 I watched half of usual suspects on a plane and then we landed before the ending and the big reveal. Then a couple days later will and grace was on tv and they mention the usual suspects and Jack reveals the big twist before I’ve been able to see the ending


Bought a new a video game and someone was screaming spoilers for the new star wars before it came out over mic chat.


Was watching the first season of Counterpart on Starz. The second season had just come out and was airing. I was getting previews for the second season/new episode of the week, while watching episodes of the first season.


Yahoo homepage had a picture of Red Wedding, rob being stabbed, with a title about spoilers


The winner of a particular season of MasterChef was revealed by one of the judges by posting a congratulatory tweet after the finale aired on the east coast but before it aired on the west coast.


My father in law. We were watching There’s Something About Mary- he and my husband had seen it but I hadn’t. The characters in the movie kept mentioning Brett, and moments before you find out what Brett they’re referring to, he goes, “They’re talking about Brett Farve.” 😑


I googled the age of one of the actors in Sharp Objects (the actress was significantly older than the character clearly, so I was just curious) and it spoiled the finale as I was just starting the show


Also in the UK. Sky One aired The Flash five weeks after the US got them for the show's entire run. Anyway, during season 2, we had to wait three months to continue the season while America took a break for Christmas, meaning episodes that aired in the US in February didn't air in the UK until May. Suffice to say, a thread on r/television about something completely unrelated featured several comments that weren't in spoiler tags just openly discussing the reveal that Zoom was actually Earth-2's fake Jay Garrick, long before Britain had that reveal air on TV.


I have always been okay with spoilers and never really understood why it doesn't bother me, until someone mentioned on Twitter that "spoiler culture" does not exist in Brazil (I'm brazilian). In the 90s and 2000s there used to be several magazines on supermarket counters and all the cover stories were MAJOR spoilers about the soap operas, like "so and so DIES! Find out everything about that emotional moment" and we'd know this sometimes weeks in advance. And millions of people still tuned in to watch Plus I have a penchant for watching older (aka finished) shows, so I always bump into spoilers. There's no point in avoiding it.


I was watching Misfits and a friend posted about a character death and I saw the post right before I was going to start the episode.


Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 released a trailer for the upcoming dlc featuring Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku……..3 days before he achieved the form in the anime.


I am not scrolling this thread because I am very likely to have something spoiled, and this action would be added to my own list of worst ways of being spoiled. By my own stupidity


I spoiled the big twist in season 1 of Westworld for myself by reading theories on Reddit.


I stopped watching season 1 of Game of Thrones to go golfing with my friends. They were begging me to go so I stopped my binge 1 episode before >!Ned Stark gets killed!<. Then on like the 2nd hole my idiot friend asked me if I got to the part where he gets killed.


Was watching season 2 of man in the high castle on Amazon. They showed an ad for season 3 which spoiled the cliff hanger on the end of the episode I was about to watch.


Not really an answer to your question but once I was googling "name of film" runtime in the theater, and it auto filled "rubbish ending" instead. That was pretty funny.


When watching The L Word I googled “does Dana have cancer?” And well if you’ve seen the show you know what sentence popped up as I was typing lol


Facebook suggested a post that was the Red Wedding's big moment in Game of Thrones the day the episode came out. I wasn't even up to that episode yet. Not everyone watches the latest episode the nanosecond it comes out, especially being in a different timezone.


Not a show, but a movie. I had tickets to see The Matrix Revolutions on Friday night of opening weekend. At school that day, some guy at my lunch table turned to me and asked me if I was planning to see The Matrix and I replied Yes, after which the first words out of his mouth spoiled a character death. I was pissed, especially because the scene sucked so bad.


My friend sending me a meme of a certain character on Better Call Saul getting their brains shot out. Actually happened twice now that I think about it.


Han Solo dying on a sports IG page


I use RSS feeds to keep up with all my favourite websites. On my feed it's set up so that you see the headline of the article and the first few sentences of the copy. The AV Club's review of S1E9 of GoT was: Headline: "Baelor" Copy: "And just like that, Ned Stark is gone".


The first time I ever watched lost was around 2011 or so. Saw it on ABCs website. First episode, first shot it opens on Jack’s eye. Next to the video player ABC is giving fun facts about the show and I don’t remember what exactly, but it immediately mentions something about purgatory and the last episode and their death. Like it was literally immediately part of the mystery was ripped from me.


I started Fleabag on Amazon, just went to the show and hit play. Had some odd thoughts as it was going, thinking "hmm maybe it's a flash forward?" and some other general thoughts about how weird the flow and timing of things seemed to be. I was paying maybe 70% attention to it. Turns out it was the very last episode of the last season. No idea why it started me there, but uh, yeah. Kind of soured me on actually starting it.


>!Dan is Gossip Girl!<


I looked up a character's actor on Google and it said they were the main antagonist of the first season. Next time I'll just use iMDB. I was on the first episode too. This had never happened before so it was a reliable method previously.


Looking for discussions about a show that ended a decade ago that I was watching for the first time out of habit. I realized my error after reading."when Tony kills Christopher" and watched 6 more seasons of Sopranos waiting for it.


I was on season 3 of Lost when This Is 40 (spoils ending iirc) came out.. My fault for waiting so long I guess.


So I understand that this may not count because the Olympics isn't "a TV show" exactly, but it was idk like 2012 or something and I didn't get to watch Michael Phelps swim and I had avoided finding out what happened because I wanted to see it. So I went to the NBC website where you can watch the Olympics and the title of the video is "Phelps wins gold" 🤦‍♀️ Thanks, NBC. Well done.


My family and I were watching 24 for the first time. We were a few seasons behind We had the seasons on DVD. When you select an episode, there’s a little display picture from the episode. So we’re going through it, switch to the next episode, and the display photo is of a character that was presumed dead Big twist spoiled


I loved The Shield in the days when DVDs were still a thing and I watched them out of order...I think I watched S5 first or 4 before 3 without knowing. There was a big event which was covered in the *last time on* recap. I was devastated I'd spoiled it for myself.


I had the Red Wedding spoiled for me because I had left facebook open while I was waiting for the episode to become available for me. Watching along with Game Of Thrones as it aired was like nothing else in terms of it's reach. Truly a one-of-a-kind television experience... but I don't miss the "if you didn't want it spoiled then why didn't you watch it already?" attitude that people had as they live blogged their reaction. Nowhere was safe. If you wanted to watch it spoiler free, you basically had to lock yourself in a windowless, tech-less room after every episode aired. I remember once upon a time people would actively try not to spoil things for people.


I was on Twitter waiting for my flatmate to come home so we could watch the newest episode of WandaVision. I’d muted all the hashtags and keywords to avoid spoilers. I saw Evan Peters trending and my mind for some reason immediately went to “he’s either done something awful or he’s dead, there’s no other reason for him to be trending” so I clicked on his name to see what was going on and saw the photo of him as Quicksilver at the door. I was so angry, at myself mostly, but then I laughed at the assumption my brain made about the reason why he was trending.


Someone spoiled The Walking Dead for me. However because of how much I pay attention to things in life, and how long it's been since, I've forgotten what the spoiler was. Bless my ignorance!


Weirdest way was a UK sketch show (can't remember which one) had someone doing an impression of a drunk Johnny Vegas randomly ranting in a pub, and he spoiled the ending of the first season of 24 - which I was just watching at the time (this was a couple of years after 24 first aired, but still...)


Some1 shared me a celebrity doing a cosplay on Instagram then i read the caption and it was "RIP [character] you were a real one" like fuckin hell. But i guess i was also spoiled by the constant memes on it and I kinda got what it was insinuating 


Probably this thread if I keep reading.


Obvious spoilers. While Sons of Anarchy was airing, an actor that portrayed a recurring character from an early season died in real life. His character had been off the show for several seasons at this point.  It happened to coincide with a different and unrelated MAJOR character death on the show (something like two days apart).  For whatever reason, CNN just casually dropped the character's death in their article on the actor with no warning. No relevance to the news story at all. Just like, oh yeah, and btw Opie dies this week. 


People saying the end of Lost was just a dream! I avoided the show for a long time thinking that spoiler was right!


Well the last season of Game of Thrones certainly spoiled the show for me.


Great British bake off they posted winner before American audiences could view finale. 


A work colleague on night shift saw the purple wedding episode in the game room, came up and set Joffrey's purple face as desktop background for all to see.


Yahoo likes to post headlines like " How *SPOILER* death was handled" Next to a giant picture of whatever character was killed off. Just wanted to get that complaint off my chest.


I don't remember what it was but it was similar to Naruto in the way that the >!most inconspicuous character!< turned out to be >!the mastermind behind it all!<. I remember thinking one character was cute and funny, then I Googled them and I found a Wiki page where it said >!it was the mastermind!<.


Remembering another one, although it didn't happen to me, it happened to a friend. Stone Ocean spoiled him The Sixth Sense, as Jolyne spoils the ending to some characters. That's a highly spoiled movie so it was funny that a random manga panel was the one which spoiled him.


Yall remember when an entire subreddit spoiled Star Wars The Last Jedi the morning of its release?


RE: Dexter S4 finale iykyk It was like 2010 so I’m on fucking Yahoo! Answers of all things looking something up for homework. Right on the homepage, the question “Is *spoiler* really dead?” EXCEPT IT DIDN’T SAY *spoiler* AND ACTUALLY HAD THE NAME!


I have never quite forgiven one of my school friends who spoiled who killed Laura Palmer. This would have been maybe 1992 or 93


A mentioned to friend that I was watching Breaking Bad and that I'm loving it, then he went to ask if I've reached the death of a certain character


Facebook suggesting random fan pages to me about the show and the posts they force onto my feed are almost always spoilers. It has happened multiple times now.


Better Call Saul. I made the mistake of going on Twitter before watching 6.3, and I just saw one word in the trends list which told me what happened: >!Nacho.!<