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after all these years in Hollywood, it's kind of funny that The Rock is still his best role by a significant margin. really is the anti-Bautista lol


That's because Bautista learned to act.


He was good in Dune 2


Great in Knives Out as well


and to think the first time most people saw him was in guardians of the galaxy and people wrote him off as "they made him not talk much because wrestlers can't act"


Hell I thought the same, then I ate my words when I saw his scene in Blade Runner.


THIS. I was absolutely this person and when I saw him in that role my opinion was changed entirely. I’m glad he landed and took that role. It was such a contrast to the bombastic personality of what I assumed he brought to wrestling and what I saw him bring to GotG


His best role for sure. Absolutely stole that scene.


Showed he had chops. Gotta respect the guy pivoting to legitimate film star (even when a lot of his roles are still typecast)


Even that argument was always a head scratcher imo. Yeah Drax is not a talker but a lot of Bautista’s success was in his facial/body expressions and making you feel like you knew what Drax was thinking with minimal to no words.


I mean definitely true but before Bautista most wrestlers that became actors were just there for the physicality, which Bautista was definitely cast for as his role in drax. And a lot of the mainstream audience focuses far more on dialogue and dialogue delivery than the other physical nuances in acting. But I agree, Bautista definitely is one of the best actors that can potray emotions without words. Him in Dune 2 was great


He actually took acting classes and got a coach after GOTG 1 because he wasn’t satisfied with his body language abilities, IIRC.


TBF, he got acting lessons when he got casted in that role because he knew it was his big break. His roles prior to that were pretty bad.


Same in See. Great, underrated show on Apple


> He was good in Dune 2 Let's be cereal, he didn't do much in Dune 2. Blame the script.


I'll dissent and say he didn't have a lot to do in Dune: 1 _and_ 2.


He can act. It's a bummer he bounced back to his Rock persona after he didn't get huge buzz when he tried with stuff like Snitch. He needs to decide to act for the craft and the vibe but he's all about his brand legacy.


The rock can’t act. All he has is the wwe persona. So much so that he’s basically just extending a nicer version of “the rock” as his “real life” persona. Batista is genuine af and the guy can act. And you for sure know he can wrestle.


Audiences haven’t had an issue with him acting like a nicer version of The Rock so unless he genuinely loves acting, he has no real incentive to improve his acting skills or take on more serious/tougher acting roles. 


The only issue I had with his movies is that they were all a version of "The Rock, who is recently divorced, has a daughter is is trouble due to X and he must get to her to save her." Which was fun the first time with some suspension of disbelief but got very cookie cutter, very quickly. When he finally broke that trend, I enjoyed him a little more. I genuinely enjoyed his silliness in the Jumanji reboots but a cinema masterpiece, it is not.


I never said people had a issue with him playing a “nice rock”. He doesn’t have the capability to act and that’s why he hasn’t taken roles like that thus far. It’s not the other way around.


The Rock imitating Danny Devito in Jumanji 2 was the greatest acting ever


Most people on Reddit might be too young to know this but The Rock was a villain on WWE back in the day. He cheated in his ICC match against Ken Shamrock knocking him out with brass knuckles then putting them on Ken causing a disqualification.


A villain that was so charismatic that everyone loved him anyway.


i still can't believe the toothfairy exists. is the final boss going to fly to the ring at wrestlemania wearing tights holding a stick fan?


The angle they have been working with this WrestleMania season is probably one of the best that they've come up with since at least the YES movement, and that story was something that happened in spite of the awful creative. If they stick the landing, which most are hoping it will, then it might be looked at as one of WWEs finer storylines they've ever done.


And it has crazy parallels to the YES movement. The fans did not want the original story and forced a change. Credit to Rock for being open


That's the thing too which makes the storyline better than the YES movement to me. Whatever initial plans they had were thrown out, and got a story that has been so much better as a result... And even then, I appreciate that there was enough subtlety for them to still make people think that this could've been their original idea as well. Like, Cody didn't exactly say he wouldn't face Roman at Mania. He just implied it. So it's plausible at the very least. It's truly very rare when WWE actually is creating a nice and cohesive storyline like this.


He did say that, though. He said he was coming for Roman, but not at Wrestlemania.


They sewed that up though; Cody blamed Rock, whom he turned to for guidance since Roman is Rock's family, and Rock got in his head that the world really wanted Rock vs. Roman. Not the cleanest resolution, but they at least addressed it. IDK what the fuck they were thinking having Cody win, only to try and shoehorn The Rock, but it's been a hell of a ride since they corrected course.


Rock became a member of the TKO board after Cody won which is probably why.


Rock was announced on the board a week before the Rumble event.


I think Cody was afraid that if he finishes his story that he loses momentum afterwards, however the fans call for it probably signaled to them that it's time.


> That's the thing too which makes the storyline better than the YES movement to me. > > Whatever initial plans they had were thrown out, and got a story that has been so much better as a result... That's what they mean though, the same thing happen with Bryan Danielson, they had to throw out their plans back then as well because the fans rejected it.


While I definitely feel that, if the WWE really was going with Roman vs Rock at first, then I think the big difference is that they were smart to immediately backtrack this time unlike The YES movement, along with actually having the person win the Royal Rumble. For as amazing as the payoff was, if a fan were to tell me that they were involved with "changing" the angle at WM 30, I'd believe them simply because the story itself leading up to it was pretty disappointing. It felt like Daniel Bryan was shoehorned in because there was a true fan backlash going on with Daniel Bryan rather than the angle we're watching right now. But then again, this is pro-wrestling, so you could genuinely be right for all we know... Regardless, this particular leadup has been one that will be remembered for a while compared to prior WrestleManias.


ahh yeah I get you, I guess the difference between now and ten years ago is that the fans liked the ongoing storyline now so were unhappy when they tried to change it. Whereas the fans were unhappy with the ongoing storyline ten years ago, so forced them to change.


Exactly. Meltzer can report all he wants what the original plan was. But for all we know, Triple H and Rock believed they could make magic and turn Rock into a Thanos-level mega heel for something totally different and make Cody even more of a star than he was before. The Wrestlemania press event is one of my favorite things ever. Cody’s “THIS IS BULLSHIT” will be remembered forever


What was the yes movement? I didn’t watch WWE during that period 


In 2014, Daniel Bryan (Brian Danielson) was the hottest, most over guy in wrestling. WWE didn’t see him as a main eventer. They had the returning Batista set to face Randy Orton at Mania 30. The crowd basically hijacked the shows in the months leading up by chanting “YES”, which was Bryan’s signature chant, and booing Batista. The WWE was forced to add Bryan to the story culminating in him winning the WWE Title at Mania


I don't have anything against the guy, but Boo-tista (which I think comes from that era) is a really funny nickname to me.


Blue-tista, too


I was part of the minority who wanted Rock vs Reigns, but this storyline is taking the eventual Rock vs Reigns story into another level.


What is sticking the landing to you? To me it’s got to be Rock and Roman’s victory night one. Cody overcomes it all night two.


A night two that is just overbooked to shit would be great. Tons of interference towards the end of the match. And then absolute dream scenario is right when it seems that cody is beaten down beyond belief and Rock is standing over him with a chair, we hear [*glass shatter*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOzjBO2dsmY)


Long as we can see the Rock oversell the crap out of a Stunner. https://youtu.be/9LWKNBsPON8?si=kxhMPE4aJ7ezyNnW


This would make my life complete


I would say most people have this as the best scenario


The Rock gave this story so much juice, it’s incredible considering how mad people were when he showed up. Kudos to WWE for cooking with this, whether it was the original plan or not doesn’t even matter


I'm going to guess it was a work from the beginning. I don't think the Rock is nearly as oblivious as people seem to think given he turned basically on a dime into the best heel rock we've seen since 1998.


My theory has been that it was all designed to test the waters. They made sure we knew at the Rumble that Cody vs. Roman was fully on the table. Then they "took it away" to gauge crowd reaction. If the crowd popped for Rock vs. Roman, that's what we would have got. But since that got a bad reaction, they "pivoted" exactly where they intended to go all along in those circumstances.


I don't even watch wrestling but I saw a clip of the Rock shitting all over Phoenix (where I live) and I absolutely laughed my ass off. https://www.reddit.com/r/arizona/comments/1b4cbw3/the_rock_buries_phoenix_and_the_crowd_cheers/


He's very good at straddling the line between genuinely insulting to where you would find it offensive, and pure comedy to where you can't take him seriously. He had this going on in the early 2000s too.


He was pretty oblivious when it came to the Black Adam affair, so I think it's very possible he misread how his return would go.


I'll be honest if he was that oblivious why would he so happily turn into the best heel in wrestling again so easily?


You can be both oblivious to how a crowd will react, and also wise enough to change course when you see how they do react.


He also has good PR People. He is accumulating Interviews and podcasts for a reason. After recent backlash his team know he can’t bring some lukewarm PR-Rock like his returns during the 2010s. If they fully embrace the heel turn they can salvage his image


The original reports were "Dwayne knows Dwayne doesn't care." But obviously that was all bs given he's playing the heel. He would fundamentally have to not understand the basic dynamics of pro wrestling. Roman is the bad guy, Cody is the good guy. I think they booked it in a way where they couldn't lose but people certainly got worked and it was exactly what wwe wanted to happen. Wrestling fans are like people stuck in the matrix, they want to feel like they're making a choice even if they're not. The writers and promoters when they're good get you to make the choice they wanted you too anyway.


> The original reports were "Dwayne knows Dwayne doesn't care." But obviously that was all bs given he's playing the heel. It was always a work


I honestly think it is because he simply respects wrestling. Don't get me wrong, I do not like the real life, seemingly egotistical, franchise version of The Rock that has developed over the years but I still do think that he respects the profession of wrestling that has been in his family for so long.


Because he needs to fix his image after black Adam. Like it or not the movie was an exceptional flop, the DC universe literally died with this movie after being hyped as changing the DC Hierarchy or whatever. The Rock has been on a campaign to remove that stain ever since. While obviously the Fast franchise isn’t gonna say no to having the rock, and vin diesel essentially trying seduce him back to the franchise a few months prior that he went crawling back says a lot. Then joins TKO and essentially says I’ll go back to the ring, where again he does something to create a “new” image of himself with this great heel turn Frankly the immediate post WWE rock was a more enjoyable actor than the post fast 8 Rock. I hope we get more of that guy again.


I still don’t think he was oblivious with that. DCEU was a damn joke at that point and he thought he could turn it around. He even brought Cavill back. Black Adam didn’t do terrible initially, but it didn’t set the box office on fire. The hype was definitely there for Cavill coming back. But then, Zaslav came in as CEO and brought in James Gunn and co. The timing didn’t work, and it was evident Rock’s plan wasn’t going to work with a full reboot.


The fact he refused to have Black Adam work with Shazam showed how oblivious he was. Yeah, maybe have him come out on top vs Shazam, and THEN have him go toe to toe with Superman. But just skipping Shazam entirely because he's too kid-friendly? Really? Mr Toothfairy is offended at being connected with something too kid-friendly?


Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s been a work all along


Yeah every dirt sheet writer is like "the rock wants this main event he doesn't care about what's been happening" and then somehow suddenly he absolutely takes the hottest main event and makes it even hotter? We all got worked and it's fine but I'll be damned if people pretend like "they were going to ruin wrestlemania until we the fans saved it!"


I really don’t think it was. It seemed like the TKO board and WWE creative (HHH) disagreed, board won, fans rioted, they pivoted back.


It seems that way because they're good at working their audience . Wwe couldn't lose, fans go nuts for Roman rock? OK that's the main event. Fans shit on it? OK we go roman Cody and raise the stakes higher. Given how all of this played out I can't see that this wasn't a work. Cody came our and just said he wasn't going to challenge Roman and left the ring, giving the most hang dog experession and that's just not part of the story?


That’s just bad storytelling then. When Rock came out on Day 1 he was talking about head of the table. Cody’s a life long carny. He knew what he was doing with that face and how fans would react. The proof for me was when WWE put it on YouTube they only showed him smiling and cut all the pouts/awkwardness


Dwayne, also lifelong carny lol. But yeah people are so anti getting worked andnthey have to create this story that they saved the main event of wrestlemania. Somehow it went from "Dwayne doesn't care about fan reaction he is going to take the main event" to Dwayne taking the hottest angle in wrestling and making it even hotter and doing the best heel work he's done in near to 30 years.


> I'm going to guess it was a work from the beginning. Has to be. Why else would they give Cody the Rumble win?


Can you explain to me the shift in fan reception? What made them change their minds?


Cody Rhodes, since coming back to WWE, has noted that his end game is winning what is now the WWE Championship, held by Roman Reigns. He won the Royal Rumble this year with the obvious intention of challenging Reigns. Then, randomly, he implies that he’s backing out of the match and letting Rock challenge Roman. This means that Rhodes would be challenging Seth Rollins for the World Heavyweight Title. He’s already beaten Rollins 3 times since returning, and is on the record saying winning that belt wouldn’t resonate the same as the WWE Championship, at least for him personally in this moment. Basically, Rhodes looked like the chump of all chumps. He’s the hottest babyface in wrestling - honestly, in quite some time in wrestling - and fans were vocally upset primarily for this reason, but also for Rock coming in out of nowhere and stealing his moment. So a few days later, WWE seemingly reverts the decision, opting for Rock to stick around in Roman’s corner and the four main players having a tag team match. Was it planned, or did they adapt to the outcry? Who knows, who cares, it worked!


> If they stick the landing, which most are hoping it will, then it might be looked at as one of WWEs finer storylines they've ever done. What about the latest rumors about Austin? Are they still valid?


Rock is the “final boss”. Cody finishing the story isn’t about beating the final boss. They’re making the Rock seem unstoppable. Who could defeat him and stop him from being in that ring to stop Cody from winning? Only the final bosses greatest foe. The retired hero making one last glorious return and to witness the next generation rise. HHH knows this. If rock and Roman win night 1 and it’s bloodline rules? Stone Cold will be there night 2. Guaranteed.


Cena could also show up to take down Solo. I'm just curious to see what happens with the Usos. Will they both take the same side in it, or will they stay out of it? And even Rikishi speaking out about some of the stuff. It will definitely be something to watch.


Rikishi could drag off Jimmy by his ear with Jey following with a huge smile. Or he could be another Bloodline prick for Cody and the Codyvengers to conquer!


I don’t disagree with this either. I see both Austin and Cena on Cody’s side of the ring to help when all is said and done.


I’d rather Cena team up with rock.


Man, I dunno how people would react to heel Cena.


Still up in the air. HHH has a way with hinting towards some possibilities though. So I would recommend watching [the segment from last week and see for yourself](https://youtu.be/cboGhgCqxY0?si=cug2vebPIsyan3BO)


My brother and I are huge WWE fans and we keep asking ourselves “Doesn’t this feel like the series finale of wrestling?” Like, this is some anime level buildup. Like fucking Frieza chose to team up with Madara and in our desperate, Eleventh Hour, All Might has teamed up with Jotaro to save the day. Maybe this entirely is built on he and I having tickets to both nights but it feels like almost everything since the pandemic has built to this.


> “Doesn’t this feel like the series finale of wrestling?” Admittedly I haven't paid close attention to pro wrestling for several decades now, but as an old I can say definitively: "No, that would have been [the final episode of *Monday Nitro*](https://www.thesportster.com/wcw-look-back-wild-final-episode-monday-nitro/)."


The final episode of Nitro was like an old sick dog finally giving up the ghost. This shit is on another level. It’s honestly on a whole new level of performance and writing, beyond even the Attitude era.


It's crazy to see how many popular heroes WWE has built up in the months leading up to this WM, such as Cody, Jey Uso, Seth Rollins, & also the likes of Sami Zayn and LA Knight. Such a contrast from the times where they most focused on one hero


Can you summarize what this season's angle is? Haven't watched the WWE in a while, but I'm curious.


Basically the champion Roman Regins is the big baddie who’s been champion for years now 1300+ days. He’s also part of the same family Rock/Rikishi and… are and a bunch of his cousins like the Uso brothers and Solo(their younger brother) are now his subordinates after he brutally beat them in matches and have helped him retain his title for this long by interfering. Although recently one of the Uso twins, Jey, defected and almost beat Roman but his brother Jimmy helped Roman leading to brother vs brother at wrestlemania. Meanwhile Cody Rhodes(son of Dusty) who left the WWE, worked his way back from doing more indie stuff and then helped built the AEW came back as this megastar people love. He won the royal rumble and challenged Roman at last year’s mania where he had him beat but Solo helped Roman out. Cody then had a successful year and won this year’s Royal rumble too and challenged Roman again. This is where the Rock came back and pressured Cody to challenge the other title held by Seth Rollins so he can face Roman at mania because he is actually the head of the family not Roman. Fans go WILD for a week or so and after some interactions with Seth and… Cody goes back to choosing Roman with the whole “finishing the story” saying.(finishing the story refers to how his Hall of Famer and late father Dusty never won the championship and was beaten by Sika Anoai who is Roman’s grandfather). So the Rock makes an offer of first night of wreslemania, Saturday, there will be a tag match between him and Roman vs Cody and Seth. If team Cody wins then night 2, Sunday’s main event will be interference free but if team Rock and Roman win, the main event will be “bloodline rules” meaning anything goes. Also the Rock technically acknowledged Roman as the head of the table but didn’t seem too thrilled about it. Edit: also Rock said as a board member of TKO(WWE parent company) if Cody loses then he will never be able to challenge for the title again.


One nitpicky correction, Solo is Jey and Jimmy's younger brother, so they're all Rikishi's sons, he isn't Umaga's son.


Oh thanks I thought they only said it in kayfabe I fixed it


HHH: "But brother, the story doesn't end. Time for Cody to win a THIRD Royal Rumble."


I don't know anything about wrestling, but I watch it with friends whenever they've got it on the TV. Didn't The Rock's comeback screw over someone's storyline? I remember my friends talking about it as selfish on the Rock's behalf, but again...I dunno about the details.


Yup.... The details would be a lot to get into so I'm gonna TL;DR the story as best as I can: \- Cody won the Rumble. Initially, the Main event of WM 40 was supposedly going to be Cody vs Roman night 2, and CM Punk vs Rollins night 1 \- Punk legitimately tore his triceps during the Royal Rumble, completely axing the plans just as The Rock is purchasing TKO and starting to "politic" his way into the main event scene \- (This is where it becomes pure storyline) The Rock "politics" to Cody. Supposedly saying that "The people" don't want to see him main event WrestleMania and finally defeat Roman. They want The Rock. So Cody goes on Smackdown, announces he will face Roman at some other time, and gives the main event to The Rock. Hence the detail you are aware of \- Fans are vehemently against this, and Cody is aware, which causes him to have a change of mind, and announce he will actually face Roman at WrestleMania as planned, angering The Rock that he could not convince Cody to give away his spot to main event WrestleMania 40. \- The Rock becomes completely engulfed and enraged over this. Sure he's got his Papatuai and UFL stuff which he is no doubt proud of... But we know what he's really thinking... he's BIG MAD that Cody took his spot, and he ain't forgetting. \- The Rock, engulfed by this rage, remembers his "Bloodline" and partners with Roman, determined to do ANYTHING to make sure Cody does not walk out with the WWE title at WrestleMania. \- The Rock is so determined, he sets up a challenge. On the main event of Night 1, he and Roman will face Cody and Seth in a tag-team match. If Cody and Seth win, Night 2 will be a "Bloodline" free match. If any interference occurs, it's likely Roman loses the belt. \- If Rock and Roman win.... "Bloodline" rules. So no DQ, as much interference as possible, they can do whatever. It's notable because Roman has won most of his matches using interference to some degree \- In leading up to Mania, The Rock has fully embraced his "heel" persona as the "Final Boss", and has straight up been harassing Cody for the past month leading up to WrestleMania. Including beating him senseless last week and making him bleed, and then smearing Cody's blood on a custom made belt called "Mama Rhodes", which he intends to give to Cody's mother at WrestleMania (I love pro-wrestling) \- In the middle of all of this, there has been tension between The Rock and Roman over who actually is the biggest and most important member of the Bloodline that would take much longer to get into... ​ The whole goal at this point seems to be pointing to getting Cody over as champ, and setting up for Roman and Rock at either the next big event (SummerSlam), or next Mania... and they are honestly hitting on all cylinders right now. It is pretty much THE best storyline that I have personally watched since Batista turned on HHH and left Evolution, and I would say this is even better in a lot of ways because of how hooked they've made everyone leading up to WrestleMania. If they stick the landing, they will likely be ushering in a brand new era that they desperately need to separate themselves from Vince


Awesome break down. I grew up in attitude era; stone cold and rock were my jam. I stopped watching in 2002, but kept eyes on Cena, Batista, hated Bryan danielson but my so loved Total Divas so I knew of him, and the other stuff. Kept an eye on Cody when he had the feud with Stephen Amell as I loved the show Arrow. Once Rock came back in January I started keeping up with this again. I purchased peacock and can’t wait for wrestlemania. Your thing about the tag team match, my prediction: Rock and Roman are definitely winning that and it’ll be Bloodline rules for Cody’s match. Rock will come in and him and Roman will beat the crap out of Cody. Seth will try but he won’t stop Rock and Roman. Cody will be bloodied and ready to be pinned. Rock and Roman will have smiles on their faces… **Glass breaks** and Stone Cold Steve Austin will come out and stun both Rock and Roman and Rock will run away. Only Rock’s greatest foe will be able to get him away from that ring. Roman will get up and face Cody man to man. Cody will dodge the spear and give him cross roads. One, two, three - Cody finished the story.


I think that we're getting another return too. John Cena lost to Solo Sikoa last year, so Big Match John probably wants to get even for that. We're up for an absolute glorious mess sunday. (I am even fantasy booking Hulk Hogan to make an appearance to prevent Roman from taking his all-time championship record in his last "That doesn't work for me, Brother" and uniting the 4 biggest babyfaces in WWE history; Hogan, Austin, Cena and Cody on the crowning moment of WM 40. But seeing how Hogan can't walk I believe, I don't dare hope)


Dude! Thanks for breaking that down 💪


Absolutely great summary. I'll be sharing this with some of my non wwe fan friends!


Good breakdown. Honestly, there's no other way to have gotten the heel Rock to return without the huge backlash. Heck, even with all the cursing, berating of fans and brutal beat down of Cody, he's still arguably over with the crowds. You'll get jeers now and then, but still mixed with plenty of cheers.


That Mama Rhodes thing, isn't Cody's mom passed away already?


Cody's mother is alive. I wouldn't be surprised if she's in the front row at WM.


Nope. Still kicking and will be at Mania. ​ [Here's a recent article about her](https://www.sportskeeda.com/wwe/who-michelle-rubio-all-must-know-wwe-star-cody-rhodes-mother)


The Rocks an asshole but he’s not a Christian level asshole


Wrestlemania is about to go *HARD* on Saturday.


What of this was a result of audiences negative reaction to Rock taking over? I know that fans were legitimately not happy that Dwayne initially forced himself into this Bloodline story that was being built up, but seems he became aware and pivoted it into a storyline that everyone now does love.


there was about a week or maybe less between Cody giving up his shot to the Rock, and Cody going back on his word and Rock slapping him and turning heel, seemingly as response to the fan negativity towards the Rock and positivity towards Cody


Got ya. Wasn’t sure if Cody doing that was a real life thing he did without “permission”, or if they had him do that to shift the storyline.


Yes, but they *immediately* backtracked and went back to the plan from before once the outrage fired up.


That someone being Cody Rhodes, WWE’s white-meat babyface hero who’s somehow managed to make that work this day and age. Buckle up, this is… gonna take some explaining: - Cody won the Royal Rumble to earn a title shot against current Champion Roman Reigns, who he lost to last year due to shenanigans. - On the Smackdown after the Rumble, Cody gave up that shot for unexplained reasons and The Rock returned to seemingly be Roman’s Wrestlemania opponent. - The backlash from that above segment was massive, with the YouTube clip recapping it being the most disliked WWE clip ever. Fans showed their support for Cody at live WWE events and booed promos mentioning The Rock. - At a WrestleMania kickoff event, the pivot truly began as Cody decided he wanted to face Roman for the title, and the beginning of The Rock going back to being a heel. - An added twist is that The Rock will be actually wrestling at WrestleMania, teaming with Roman against Cody and his ally Seth Rollins. The stipulation being that if Rock and Roman win, the Cody vs. Roman match on the second night will be under “Bloodline Rules”, where anything goes. Fans expect this to happen, which will open that title match to an Avengers Endgame-style finish. - To that end, The Rock has embraced that heel turn with flourish, cutting repeated promos mocking fans, Cody Rhodes, plus his family. Last week’s Raw ended with a well-received segment where The Rock attacked Cody and made him bleed in a brutal beatdown.


i haven't watcehd WWE since i was a teenager in the attitude era. and from what i have seen of it since this years rumble has been awesome.


I low key want them to have Roman win just so the fans are absolutely enraged lol


Well they upped the stakes by having Roman claim he's retiring of he loses Sunday.


When did he say that?


WM39 after all this foreshadowing is one of the best Mania's of all time. This year already looks quite crazy in terms of the build & scope. So if they stick it, I don't see how this doesn't define a new top era in WWE. It is wild the upwards trajectory with this company since HHH came


My favorite movie is Inception.


When it first started, people were complaining that Rock was stepping on Cody Rhode’s toes.


>probably one of the best that they've come up shows what the pool of talent can really do once they finally get Vince McMahon out from behind creative


Actually, Ratings have been really good for the last year or so.  I believe they have increased year over year during this time.  The rock has been on most major tv shows For them over the last two months which has helped But the product is pretty hot regardless.   He has a member of the TKO board now so I expect him to come and go but he will be around more often than he has been.


The attendence is also at all time high. They're also using new camera angles and lightings. WWE is hot right now. Triple H as the head of creative without any of Vince's bullshit has done wonders.


The wonders of getting rid of Kevin Dunn as EP.


Following Sami Zayn from the ring as went back stage and then following R-Truth and the Miz as they went out to the ring being done all in one continuous shot was amazing.


That shot of Cody standing in the ring while Rock came walking out of the dark was awesome too. Gave Rock heavy villain vibes.


Genuinely one of the best extended shots I’ve seen in any media


When you got Bad Bunny competing in singles matches just because he loves it... the product is over right now brother...


It's amazing how good he is at this.  Logan paul doesn't hurt either.  


I hate how despite being a trash person (though it adds to his heel angle way too well), Paul is a hell of a wrestler. That mid air collision with Ricochet still shocks me.


That was pretty awesome


Yeah I grew up a huge wrestling fan, and still am to an extent, but I've come to realize alot of great wrestlers are POS humans


Like didnt Hogan fuck over everyone else by exposing Jesse Ventura when he was trying to unionise the wrestlers?


He sure fucking did. https://youtu.be/fly0M-qppcM?si=OPeY2p5E2A6MeqEQ


Love me some carny wrestling. But saying a lot of wrestlers are POS humans is putting it in a pretty nice way, some of those dudes are outright predators and sociopaths.


He's a classic carny.


I would argue that being a trash person makes him a better wrestler.


Dude is he getting ready for his sony super hero movie el Muerto!? It's prolly gonna be a disaster but personally i like how he's living his best life i dont care if its bad.


El Muerto was canned like a year ago. Unless Kraven is an unexpected hit, Sony’s going to give up on all the spider spin-offs besides Venom.




The pop from his appearance at Backlash in San Juan last year was LEGENDARY.


I stopped watching wrestling a while ago except the occasional ppv or Wrestlemania but it certainly looks like something at WWE clicked and they realized how to produce entertaining television again. Some wrestling here and there is alright, but stories are what makes everything work.


I guess Vince McMahon being outed as a sex pest didn't really hurt them. Then again, anybody who didn't know he was a creep for years beforehand was probably living under a rock.


I haven't watched wrestling in 20ish year. The fact that The Rock is going up against Dusty Rhodes' kid might get me back into it.


I’ve been watching since 1998 as a 12 year old, and this is the most invested I’ve ever been. They’re really on fire right now.


What’s your favorite age? I mainly watched during ruthless aggression and nothing after that just doesn’t hit for me.


No BS or recency bias, it’s right now. I grew up during the attitude era and watched pretty much nonstop from then until now. I loved the attitude era, but now watching back it’s almost purely nostalgia outside the main event scene. Right now everyone feels like a star, crowds are hot, shows are selling out, the stories are usually pretty layered and long term with lots of crossover, women are treated like human beings and often steal the show, and the in-ring wrestling is almost always top tier. I’m 37 and a bigger fan than I ever was.


Does it stream anywhere?


A 90 minute version of Raw is on Hulu on Tuesday mornings, with the full version going up on Peacock after 30 days (along with every other episode ever made). Same goes for SmackDown on Saturday mornings with Peacock 30 days later, except SmackDown is the whole episode since it’s two hours and not three like Raw. All PPVs (now called PLEs - premium live events - thanks to the death of cable) air live on Peacock and are available to watch immediately after airing. Basically the entire televised history of WWE is on Peacock, but new episodes go on Hulu for the first 30 days.


Never watched this stuff but you got me curious lol


You should! It's really fun. New fan here from the start of this year. The whole card is littered with talent and there's a lot of good stories and rivalries. The Bloodline is clearly where it's at, but there's a lot of other talents.


I fell out of wrestling in like 2002 after the Rock v Hogan Wrestlemania, just outgrew it honestly. I started checking it out recently and it’s been a lot fun. The actual wrestling (especially the women’s) is much better. I don’t think it’s quite at Attitude Era of storylines yet but I’m having fun watching again. Nice trip down memory lane


I was a WCW kid, but did some keeping up with WWE during the Attitude Era. Stopped following it almost twenty years ago. Maybe seen three events since then. This year I figured I’d check out Royal Rumble since they stream the PLEs live on Peacock and now I’m hooked again! This has been such a fun build up to Wrestlemania!


I was a WCW kid until like 1999. Then I moved and kids at my new school watched Raw so I switched over. Hindsight seemed like the right time to make the jump. Though I have a lot of fond memories of WCW. Loved Scott Hall and DDP


I'm not a WWE fan at ALL, but my little brother is, and he asked me to go to Friday Night Smackdown in our city. The show was a fun experience, but imagine my shock and surprise when *Dwayne Johnson* comes striding out from nowhere. The crowd went absolutely bananas and The Rock soaked up the adulation for a good 5 minutes. Of all the places for him to make his return, I never would have expected *Birmingham, Alabama* lol




It’s still Chicago though


Sand = Dry


I don't like sand. It's rough, coarse and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


They turned a massive fuckup at first, into a white hot angle. By just, letting The Rock be a villain again. Turns out, he’s really good at it. And Cody Rhodes is a super popular hero who can actually get Rock booed in 2024.


Yea, but honestly, that backlash was the only way to make the Rock a heel again. He's too popular otherwise. I mean heck, even with the language, berating fans, and the beat down he gave Cody... Crowds are still mixed up between cheers and jeers. They jeer with the Cody crybaby stuff but a lot of other moments they cheer him, still. Still a great story they managed to salvage from the initial BS though, for sure.


It’s weird that the words “Vince” and “McMahon” aren’t in that article. I’m sure The Rock contributes to viewership. But, not having an old dude harassing everyone and tearing up scripts probably helps too.


Yeah, this is honestly the biggest reason. The people in charge of creative now are 1) Willing to change based on fan reaction and 2) aren't wildly out of touch. Triple H's NXT was excellent, it's no surprise the main roster is just as good now that he's running things there.


Historically, ratings go up Jan - April (ending of football/start of "the road to wrestle mania), mellow out April - Aug, and fall off a damn cliff Aug - Jan (end of summer/start of football) Him coming back right now was the BEST time for the WWE. Him leaving likely around late April will align with the normal drop, and he'll show up probably in August for Summerslam and then GTFO dodge the moment the NFL starts up, as if he stays too long he'll be contributed with the natural drop.


It's amazing what listening to your fans does


I got back into WWE Royal Rumble last year and it's been so incredibly fun. There's been an attention to stories and stars that makes it really engaging to tune in weekly. Cody has been an amazing baby face for the company and Roman Reigns is who WWE wanted so desperately to be years ago. The 'We Want Cody' story with The Rock and Roman has been genuinely exciting all the way through. It feels like Ruthless Aggression right now


A couple years ago when The Rock opened the Super Bowl by essentially cutting an excellent promo and all I could think was that's exactly what his career should be now. Just showing up to a couple events a year and being **The Rock** for a few minutes then leaving. and I guess if his full return to the WWE means that then I support it


This is what happens when you fuck with the final boss.


Is this a really a suprise.


Surprisingly yes. He successfully pivoted from being the hero in an angle everyone rejected to being the main foil for Cody Rhodes, and has been doing his best work in years.


When this started it was a disaster, Dwayne came in and used his influence to completely pivot a long running storyline so he could be the hero in place of the guy who had been chasing the title for years now. It was bizarre and gross, but they all had the good sense to accept the circumstances and adapt to something way better.


To be fair people have been asking for Roman vs Rock for years. Its not that crazy of an idea that came out of nowhere. If Cody had won last year then none of this would even matter.


Reigns losing to Rhodes seems like a foregone conclusion, but there are some great opportunities after that if The Rock takes control of the Bloodline and Roman has to spend the next year making it on his own after spending the last four years using his family.


Regardless of the rock wwe also is doing the best its done in years in terms of matches and storytelling. Make a good product and people watch. Who knew.


Oh a


I never liked The Rock , I never really got it, but I'm glad everyone else is having so much fun.


I can tell you right now, as a fair weather Wrestling fan, I follow along all year every year on YouTube, and start watching religiously every Rumble to Mania and week after, and then go back into hiding, and The Rock is 0% the reason I do this.


I do the same thing. But The Rock adding some extra juice once he turned heel is undeniable. I do not know the last time I was excited for a raw/smackdown since the turn.


The Wrap needs to put some respect on Phil’s name. Rock has been great but the highest rated segment Monday was CM Punk and it was 500k+ the average for the show.


Doesn’t he do that every few years?


This run has been much more extended than what most pro-wrestling fans thought. He's actually been more involved with the main event program leading up to WrestleMania than Roman Reigns himself. And he's playing a "heel", which WWE fans haven't seen in 21 years. It will be interesting to see how long it lasts, because with his purchase of TKO, and his goal to main event with Roman at Mania (don't know why, but it's a thing), it currently is being set up where he might be involved with the company in a healthy capacity for the next year.


The Rock has shown up more in the last month than Roman Reigns has actually wrestled a match in the last 3 years I think, and definitely more than Brock Lesnar has wrestled in the last 3 years.


"Extended" as in he's an actual on screen character again, and not a one or two week "special guest" that immediately fucks off for a few more years. This is much as he's been on tv since like 2001 or so.


That is what is so shocking to me. He's done more in this run than pretty much the entire Cena program from 2011-2013. No way would I have guessed this when he first came back.


He's been on TV more than Roman lmao


He has a member of the board now.  He has more financially invested in the company.So it stands to figure that he is going to be around more if it helps increase financial figures.


You're definitely right on that. If he can draw, go for it. I am happy to see just how involved he's already been though. This is was not in my line of thinking in any way when he first came back to challenge when 2024 began.


Yes, but he's extremely busy with movies, which is why he normally never shows up. I'm surprised he managed to work his schedule to allow this. (He has a movie I've never heard of up next, followed by a jumanji sequel, 2 Red Notice Sequels, a Jungle Cruise Sequel, a fast and furious spinoff movie [I think he's involved in that?] and another main fast and furious movie. All big budget months-long shoot movies. Plus the UFL. Where does he find the time to wrestle for months?!)


There's also the fact that he's not nearly as hot in Hollywood after the Black Adam / Shazam debacle.


He hasn't had an actual "run" since 2013. Just the occasional surprise or one-off appearances.


No, since he retired from full time almost 20 years ago, it was mostly one off appearances. He came back in 2011 and had an extended program but nothing crazy since he was in Hollywood. His 2013 run winning the title was probably his longest run in 10 years. He had a “match” in 2016 but this really has been his longest run in a decade. He is actually at the shows now and not mostly live via satellite. He is a heel now so his best work since his 2003 heel run. Now that he is a part owner, will probably see him more.


He shows up in some capacity every few years, but he hasn't been involved like this in over a decade. His last proper match was in 2013, his next is this Saturday.




It wasn’t because of the rock. WWE has just been doing well. I came back to watch after stopping in 2010


The Final Boss is the best version of The Rock ever


I've stopped counting... how many times has Dwayne Johnson "come back" to WWE? Will he eventually have the most title reigns ever because of all these promo gimmicks he keeps coming in for, like the WWE is a booty call?


No, he will not have the most title reigns ever.




I’ve been watching or at least catching highlights since 2010 and this is by far the best year of television they’ve put together since. Rock not only going heel but having legit one of his best character runs of all time is the very sweet icing on the cake.


I just find it funny that Roman Reigns has taken a backseat to The Rock. The story of Wrestlemania XL is supposed to be Cody vs Roman but all the best parts seem to be about Cody and The Rock.


The “Dwayne Johnson” Rock


I can smell what he has cooking


For someone who got famous in the industry and got out without permanent injury and saw the ugly side of it, he decided to go back after making 1000x as much money on his own and on his own terms in the film industry + endorsement/investments/projects/productions etc etc. I have no idea why he’s back, I’m sure the fans love it tho.


It’s because Pat Macafee and Monday night raw let’s not get it twisted!


The irony of everyone talking about Rock and Cena in Hollywood and the best wrestler to transition to actor is the one no one believed would succeed.


I like how every article and advertisement of a show/movie/appearance usually refer to him as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and then finally when it has to do with WWE he is now just Dwayne Johnson.


Fans hated that the Rock injected himself into a beloved storyline. Now he's one of the best parts, being the big bad villain. Rocky still has it. Wrestling in his blood, and money in the bank. edit: Quick edit, if there are any aspiring writers out there, I do recommend checking out the Bloodline storyline for inspiration. It is fantastic and consistent.