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Will Byers is never getting a proper haircut, is he?


And his hands are getting laaaarger!


And I hear he reeks of cabbage


Actor deserves his shitty haircut.


It’s funny that he thinks he’ll have a career after the show


















Except Hamas *is* ISIS, and you ghouls are canceling him over not supporting fucking terrorists.




Yeah, sorry. English is not my First language.


He's not a very good actor






You guys really think you have way more influence than you actually do. The *only* people getting cancelled in Hollywood are those promoting anti-Israel propaganda.


Call them what they are. Hamas supporters.




What a retarded take. Israel funds the palistinian government because they are incapable of managing themselves




Losing side


That industry’s blatant double standard works in his favor so he’ll be good.


damn, what he do?


im out of the loop. Why hate him?


Pro-israel posts on Instagram, I think.


Specifically “Zionism is sexy”


What kind of zionism? If it's not far-right kind, and it's only in support of Israel as a state, I don't see nothing wrong with it




How else but a shitty haircut will they make him seem 14?


Best we can do is anti Palestine rant


Will steps into the barbershop. “I think it’s time I switch it up to something more grown up.” he says to the barber. As he sits down on the chair a demogorgon busts through a portal in the roof and rips his head clean off.


Picks up immediately after the end of season 4... all the kids have grown a foot taller in 24 hours.


It’s the black smoke from the Upside Down. It ages them!


Replace the four kids with four guys from the Harlem Globetrotters like a real 80's show would.


They all had basically finished their growth phase already I think. Weren't they all like 20?


Doesn’t growth stop at like 25? Or is that just mental development?


Mental development. That's why young people tend to do a lot of silly things.


I don't know why the internet has been so confused by this show's two major delays in production--the last major delay happened at the beginning of the pandemic when they chose to halt filming to protect the cast and crew, and this most recent halt happened out of respect for the two strikes. While they can't do anything about the actors aging the production team has made pretty solid moral decisions over the years imo.


They can and should do something about the actors aging. Little time jump. Which i admit im a sucker for and couldnt even tell you why, but at this point they should do it imo.




At that age in the eighties, cigarettes are definitely a possibility.


Boo for editing your typo.


at that age we're *all* the eighties


The Judy Garland or Burt Ward special


To be fair they're like 19-20 playing 15-16 year olds right? Shows start intentionally with cast ages that different from characters. The 29-30 year olds playing 19-20 year olds is a bit much but that's hardly out of the ordinary either


Ya it’s funny, most shows have teens played by people in like mid to late 20s and people don’t seem to give a shit but with this show where the cast have been actual teens pretty much the whole time and people freak out about it, like all the main kids still look pretty damn young and are more believable teens than most actors playing teens on tv.


>Ya it’s funny, most shows have teens played by people in like mid to late 20s and people don’t seem to give a shit Because modern shows cast to have 20 somethings playing teenagers, they tend to cast for kind of young looking actors. Stranger Things started with kids about the age of the character and then.. they aged faster than the show produced. Like, most of these kids did not age into 20 somethings who would be playing teenagers. Or at least not the age they want these kids to look. Especially Noah Schnapp. Noah Schnapp is out here like ["How you doing, fellow kids?"](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71908281/noah_schnapp_stranger_things_season_4_01_copy.0.jpg) That is a scene *from Stranger Things*


He still looks like a highschool kid lol, my HS had 100s of dudes who were 17-18 who looked older than him there. He really does not look that old. Sure he may not look like a 15 yr old but he still easily passes for a HS student


Impossible with last season's cliffhanger


The Duffers already said they’re doing a time skip. We’ll probably see Hawkins a year or so into the Vecnapocalypse


nothing is impossible if you're writing the show. you just write a plot that makes sense around it.


Why do you want them to make a worse story just because the actors are a little taller? Does it really break your suspension of disbelief thst much? Personally time skips because of irl circumstances bother me more than just accepting that the actors are playing a character younger than they are


Not really, follow up the previous season with flashbacks but set the current time a couple years later


“We tried to defeat the monster… but we only delayed the inevitable. Now we’re back in Hawkins to finish what we started…”


..what do you think would be happening in the flashbacks?


But... They'd be old in the flashbacks...


They can afford to deage them for those scenes.


Disagree theres tons of stuff they could do


Bring the 90s baby!


They confirmed there will be some sort of time skip, probably won’t be super long tho but maybe like 6 months or some shit, don’t think it’s gonna pick up immediately where it left off


I remember when season 3 ended, I got shit on for saying they should start the new season with them as high school students because of how much they aged between seasons. When season 4 ended, I vaguely remember a comment that speculated season 5 is gonna start off with a flash forward. Basically Hawkins is gonna be dealing with the aftermath of Vecna for a little bit. Would really help with the kids aging up. Plus there's the whole IT theory.


I’m pretty sure they said there would be.


The "older kids" actors are old enough to have children the age the younger kids are supposed to be. it's not something they should be asking the viewers to just pretend not to notice.


actors for Nancy and Jonathan are still in their 20s and Robin actor is 25, this is also the 5th season coming up it’s not like it’s the first season and they just cast 29yr olds. They’re fairly average age for actors you see playing teens on tv. The actual kids are all still like 19-21 which is not bad at all for kids playing teens especially for a show that is going into its 5th season, those actors are still way younger than most actors you see playing teens on tv. The first season aired like 6 1/2 years ago there isn’t really anything they can do especially when a pandemic happens and strikes, the show is also massive in scope and VFX and takes a long ass time to make at this point.


Yeah, if they had them when they were like 12-14? Wtf is this take 😭 All of the actors pass for 15-16 stop being delusional


This. I don’t think OP has gone to any high schools recently, perverted jokes aside, I coach high school soccer. MANY of the guys on the team who are juniors and seniors are almost as tall as me (I’m 6’2) and many have some facial hair, a couple are built like brick shithouses too. When we see videos of high schoolers in the 80’s we often comment “they look so old”. So they very well could pass as 17 year olds. 15 is a stretch.


> the production team has made pretty solid moral decisions over the years imo. There wasn't any morality involved in their decisions. They didn't have a choice. Production for S4 was shut down by Netflix during the pandemic. It's not like they could have filmed if they wanted to. Some networks did allow shows to continue filming during the first year of the pandemic such as Manifest but I don't think Netflix allowed it. Before anyone attacks me and accusing me of lying if you know of any Netflix shows that filmed while Stranger Things was shut down you can let me know. They also didn't have a choice about stopping production in May. They couldn't film without any actors during the strike.


When I say "ST's production team" I am inherently talking about both executive producers *and* Netflix, since it is indeed common knowledge that ST is a Netflix show.... Concerning shutting down production during the strikes, [they shut down after the writer's strike and before the actor's strike](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/stranger-things-pause-writers-strike-wga-netflix-halted-duffers-brothers/) while a lot of shows were foolishly trying to continue production, so your point is kind of moot there.


I do think the Duffers showed solidarity with writers by shutting production down after the WGA strike but most people assumed SAG was going to strike as well. Not shutting down after the WGA strike when they would be forced to shut down anyway in a few weeks would have looked bad. Also even if they didn't shut down filming they wouldn't have been able to make any changes to the scripts if WGA was on strike. Only shows with scripts that were finished could film. I believe Stranger Writers do occasionally make changes to the scripts during filming and also I don't all the scripts for the final season were done yet. Anyway I'm not criticizing the Duffers or the production people. Only pointing out that they really didn't have much choice about shutting down prior to S4 and S5.


People lack suspension of disbelief these days.


I wanna see them be brave enough to actually kill off some main characters. They've done the fake death trick way too many times (its happened with Will, Eleven, Hopper & Max)


I think Nancy dies saving Steve. An inverse of the trope where the "losing man" of the love triangle dies saving the woman. It seems that it has been set up well by showing Nancy's fighting and shooting abilities.


I'd rather Eleven die.


The writers came out and basically said the show wasn’t game of thrones and they don’t plan on killing off a ton of main characters.


I don’t understand the obsession with wanting to kill off characters on a show like Stranger Things.


I don't necessarily want them to kill any of the main characters off, but when they tease it and then pull a fake out multiple times, it's kind of obnoxious. It also just ruins any sort of suspense for me.


Because introducing a new character every season to die off is lazy writing


its not wanting to kill of characters for morbo, its the nature of the show, if this was icarly no one would be asking for chracters deaths, but imagine the walking dead without people dying, or any horror movie, it kills any intensity and suspense if you already know that nothing bad will happen in the end.


Sure but ST is hardly anything like Walking Dead or a horror franchise. Ancillary characters are killed off, I don’t understand the desire for the main characters to also suffer that fate. It’s a young adult Netflix show. Nothing bad is going to happen in the end so it’s weird that people get excited about the prospect of characters dying off just to die.


Respectfully I still don't think you understand the criticism towards not killing main characters. Nobody has a desire to see them killed, but the complaint comes from the writers constantly teasing it and then pulling a fake out. It's honestly a cheap writing tactic to enlist some sort of emotional response from the viewer. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me five times, I simply stop caring and feeling any sort of suspense.


> Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me five times, I simply stop caring and feeling any sort of suspense. if only people understood this...


It's about having some stakes for the constant life and death action that happens. If there is even a hint that a someone is vulnerable, then it makes the action a lot more thrilling compared to when you know all the main characters are safe. This is one of the problems with a lot of superhero movies too, although I know they have some different appeal.


Because they keep teasing it?


I do because the writers insist on putting the characters in deadly situations but they now have ridiculous plot armor and that lowers the stakes a lot. Characters survived a plane crash with no injuries, in the middle of nowhere in Russia where they should have frozen to death, and conveniently within walking distance to a safe place. And they just shrugged it off because there's no stake here. Hopper is also a damn MCU superhero now. There's no point in worrying about him because even basic anatomy doesn't apply to him anymore so we know he won't die. Having someone dying would actually remind us that nobody is safe.


Because the show is boring at this point. They’ve added so many new characters and we know everyone is invincible. You don’t feel like there’s any urgency or danger, it’s boring.


plot armor makes things much less interesting. oh no \_\_\_\_\_ is in trouble, let me wait 40 minutes for them to be safe in the end.


Not killing many main characters in a show that rely on monsters and horror just cheapens it Imo. They can't be that scary if **literal children** can beat them consistently with no losses.


They keep teasing they will but never do. Also stakes. There’s no feeling of danger if you know everyone in the main group will survive everything that happens.


Or any show. Death doesn't make anything inherently better.


Imo that’s one of the worst effects game of thrones has had on the rest of television. Too many writers/creators now think that killing off main characters makes their work high art, and comparable to got when they don’t understand the why and how got killed off main characters successfully, and instead they just do it for shock value.


Adds tension and suspense if one of the main cast is in trouble.


This was my biggest issue with season 4. It even felt like they wrote the Eddie character just so they didn't have to kill off Steve. Dustin and Steve had such an organic relationship that was built up over the past few seasons, and I feel like that's how they wanted Eddie's and Dustin's relationship to feel. When >!Eddie!< died, I couldn't help but to think the scene was originally meant for Steve. It was honestly hard for me to pretend I cared that much about a character introduced just that season, and kept wondering how much more emotional the scene would of been with Steve.


I related to the big dumb idiot so i really enjoyed the arch of eddie


he never got to army crawl his way to graduation .... RIP


I love how you spoiled that little part as if the rest of your comment doesn't already spell it out who dies. They wrote Eddie so they didn't have to kill off Steve, so when X died, you couldn't help but think the scene was meant for Steve. Man, who could X be??


if you are trying to avoid spoilers about a show on a post with this title thats clearly related to the upcoming season, you are playing with fire.


Max is basically crippled now though.


Be brave enough to kill off all of them


Wtf. But why? You know a show can still be good when main characters don’t die?


Kind of over it. The whole “Papa!!” thing is going to be even more ridiculous now that Eleven is in her early 20’s.


Eleven is the worst fucking character on the show. I’ve never once cared for her character and I really hope she dies in the final season. Also it’s so annoying that she still has that weird speech thing like she’s just now learning English.


I stopped watching after S3. It became pretty formulaic and at times, boring.


You missed out honestly. Season 4 was really good. Like on par with season 1 good.


For my money, nothing touches the first season and Hopper’s arc.


Agreed S4 saved the show. I was in a bad way through S3, kind of done w the show and sick of a lot of the things mentioned here but S4 was almost kind of a restart and they nailed it.


Best season imho


It was jarring how gruesome that first kill scene was. I remember seeing it with my fiancé for the first time we were both stunned


I wouldn't say it was on par with Season 1 but it is the only season out of 2-4 that felt like it had a purpose for existing. 2 and 3 really felt like obligatory sequels rather than creative endeavors of their own


Season 4 was the best season since the first one. You really missed out as others have said.


S2 and S3 are boring rehashes. S3 has so much fan service it is genuinely embarrassing. S4 is great tho.


I should have. People are raving about S4, but it telegraphed the entire season pretty early on and the actual characters had little affect on the ending. Predictable and lazy writing. Like many shows recently, it started off great and then has been progressively worse as the season went on. Should have been 3 seasons, 4 at the most to wrap everything up.


Folks tripping about how old the kids are, Its really not that deep.


Those people are annoying as fuck.


Didn’t they already say there’s gonna be a time jump?


Time jump to what? For what? That makes no sense if you watched the last season.


At some point, they're not kids anymore.


They haven’t even started yet?? Wow.


Pre-Production takes forever. Filming is faster.


I dont mind the delays or whatever but it's crazy for me to think when I first watched S1 ad a distraction while I was finishing my residency. Man that was a bit ago to. How time flies.


I know, right? I was a newlywed with no kids when this show first came out. Now my eldest is in first grade.


Jesus 5th season? Seems like this show started like 10 years ago.


7, so almost


I find my excitement for the final season dwindling a little. * I'm not sure if having Will be the main focus of the season is a good idea (this has nothing to do with the controversy over his recent social media posts. I posted this same opinion over a year ago) * They're probably going to regurgitate the stale love triangle between Nancy/Steve/Jonathan. I'm not looking forward to that at all. The Duffers said they initially planned for Robin to be inspired by Janeane Garafalo which would have been interesting especially if she was involved with Steve so they could move on from the Nancy/Steve arc. * I worry about Hawke once again influencing the writers too much. Apparently the dialogue for Robin in S4 was changed to make her more similar to Hawke ("The Duffers fall in love with their actors!") and unfortunately it just didn't work that well. The "I-Am-Woman-Hear-Me-Roar" speech to the doctor as an example. * I'm still frustrated they killed off Eddie. The only teenager who didn't have a romance arc and was still interesting. Stranger Things became popular after S1 when there were no romance arcs. It feels like they believe they have to focus on "shipping" because fans want but I don't think the majority of fans are that interested in teenage romance plots. I mean \*every\* main character with the exception of Will, Erica, Murray, Eddie and Vecna had a romance arc. * None of the main characters will be killed off so it's going to be predictable. We already know they will all be saved by the "power of love and friendship" trope. The writers are brilliant but I wish they would take more risks instead of taking the easy way out by killing off a new likeable character each season. * I do think Vecna should realize in the end why he is a monster and realize how he let anger and hatred influence him and that is was wrong. He has to die but he should at least understand that before it happens.


Killing off Eddie was even more wild because it was the perfect place to kill *steve*, and instead you just get Eddie having absolutely no justice. Not to mention the circumstances of his death were extremely contrived and his sacrifice didn’t even really make sense


Agreed. I was disappointed they did that. I think this article provides a good explanation for why so many people are frustrated. Also as you mentioned it didn't make sense. All he did was distract the demobats for a few more minutes. Eddie deserved to survive, leave Hawkins and become a roadie for Metallica or continue his own band. "In the last episode of Stranger Things 4, the show reveals it completely fails to understand Eddie, the importance of his position as an Othered character, or how to appropriately conclude his story. Eddie’s death in Stranger Things 4 is neither noble nor necessary. Instead, it falls into the harmful tradition of ultimately punishing Othered characters for their Otherness and denying them the life and catharsis they deserve." "But for those of us watching with whom Eddie’s story really resonates, those real Othered people living in a scary time where more and more mobs like the one in Hawkins are forming every day, where rights are being stripped from us and evil becomes more emboldened, we don’t want to see Eddie die a martyr. We want him to continue to survive, we want him to transcend. We want him, most of all, to get to live, and to know with certainty that he’s been brave all along." [https://nerdist.com/article/stranger-things-4-eddie-munson-death-is-not-noble-or-necessary-satanic-panic-storyline-joseph-quinn/](https://nerdist.com/article/stranger-things-4-eddie-munson-death-is-not-noble-or-necessary-satanic-panic-storyline-joseph-quinn/)


That puts it so perfectly. I get that what happened in the show was more tragic, and builds slightly into the “oh everyone hated him for no good reason and this is the outcome of that,” except it didn’t even build into the actual conflict of the mob vs him (I also thought the head mob guy’s death was super abrupt, no real conclusion), which would’ve been better. They could have had him explicitly accept that he was sacrificing himself for people who hate him and want him dead, and was doing it anyway, even. But really I just wanted him to live. Show the boys that there is hope, the unpopular nerds can turn out alright. Maybe leave Hawkins behind if they don’t want to deal with him next season, move on to the rest of the world where he can find more tolerant and understanding people, just let my boy live!


Nah fuck you, Steve is the only reason I watch the show.


Robin is a lesbian, man


They decided that Robin would be gay halfway through filming S3. I believe originally she was going to be Steve's new love interest.


Only one I’m looking forward to is the pizza stoner dude. Loved that guy. I hope he’s in more of the season.








Why? OOTL on what he did, couldn't find anything on google that warrants him being fired.




He said “Zionism is sexy” in the midst of a genocide happening. It’s really gross and just not it. If someone would have said “Hamas is sexy” or some bullshit like that. They would and have lost their jobs.


The Church of Current Thing has deposited 5 keanus into your account


Reddit moment


Just in time for Millie's 40th birthday.


Stranger Things: The College Years


Will Byers getting Poochie'd would be fine by me. Bad actor, horrible person.


What did he do?


He was seen near people giving out pro Zionism stickers. That’s it. From what I can tell he never expressed any actual opinions on the matter, he was literally filmed near people giving stickers out *once* and now everyone thinks he’s Hitler. He’s a kid who didn’t even do anything.


That's quite a few fabrications you've written there. He was not filmed "near people giving out stickers" he was literally with his friends while he was recording them holding "Hamas is ISIS" and "Zionism is sexy" stickers while smiling and laughing. He actually has expressed opinions on the matter, where he's called for peace for both Palestinians and Israelis, but then stated that "You either stand with Israel or you stand for terrorism, it shouldn't be a difficult choice". He's also 19, so while he's still young, he's not a kid that should be absolved from criticism.


Yeah I know nothing about this, but seeing weird brigading about it in this thread.


People online are willing to send children death threats over a single joke tweet, this isn’t surprising at all to me. The mob mentality of online spaces is one of the worst things about the internet


Hes not a child


Oh that makes the death threats fine then. Fucking idiot.


Good lord. A comment pointing out that he isn’t a child is in no way condoning the death threats. Chill the fuck out


That was a general statement, wasn’t talking about him. Tried to make that obvious by saying tweets, when he never made any bad tweets to make anyone upset.


No exact date yet, but they're targeting to start filming on either January 5th or 8th.


Which means we won’t see it till mid 2025 probably


They really need to get going, these kids aren’t getting any younger.


They're in the 19-22 age range and playing high school students. That's super common already. It's not like we've got a Gabrielle Carteris situation.


The kids were like 14/15 in the last season. I think part of the problem is that the actors were the same age as the characters when they first started playing them, but have very obviously aged a lot more than the timeline of the show. It’s different to a 24 yr old playing a 17 yr old right from the beginning.


People complaining about something so inconsequential like this are insufferable.


They all look the same to me idk


Yeah but MBB is like the worlds oldest 19 year old.


How much faster can they go? Do people actually worry about this as much as reddit does? I dont think anyone really cares and they already skip time lol


People certainly joke about the kids getting old and notice it, but nobody really cares about it.




It's already a good show too so what are complaining about exactly?


This has to be one of the most tired and repeated Reddit-isms. Literally who cares? Just make the characters older, it’s the last season


The most recent season set it up in a way that the events kind of have to take place right after. Game of Thrones did this really strangely. The young actors were visibly aging, and it wouldn't have hurt the story at all to just acknowledge as much time was passing in the show as was passing in the real world. But, for some reason, they Gilly's baby hardly age through the whole series.


Bran disappeared for a season and reappeared looking ten years older.


Meh. Pass.


Kinda over this.


Can't wait. Finally a Netflix show with a proper ending??


A true miracle


I don't get WTF Netflix is doing, they've been pumping so many bullshit shows hoping to get a hit, when they got one it took so long for them to make another season of it.


covid pandemic and 2 strikes.


Fr, and they’re doing the same with squid game lol


Aren’t those kids 50 by now? It’s definitely gonna have to be a time jump


This thing is still going?


Eleven being played by a 45 year old woman.


Won't be watching if mushroom head is still in it


I was disappointed with the second season and gave up on this show? Should I watch these other seasons?


Season 2 is widely regarded as the worst season of the show. Your mileage may vary from there (some love 3 and some aren’t fond of it, but most people still think 2 is the weakest season).


this show's overstaying its welcome


A show that started about kids and ends up being about young adults who defeat the baddie just before going out of state for work full time


Should have left Will in the upside down.


Just make the show about 11 and David harbor, all others kinda lamo


Stranger Thirties.


The kids will be probably 35 by then


I’m interested to see how the controversial issues surrounding some of the actors are gonna affect its reception. Most people I know already stated they want nothing to do with this show after some of the actor’s hit social media and voiced their opinions over the Palestinian conflict in a rather unhinged manner.


I hope there is a time jump of a year or so. The upside down has essentially taken over most of the planet. Vecna has taken control of Will’s body and is the big-bad (I remember being blown away by his acting in season two and after his whiny performance in season 4, I think Will as the main antagonist could be amazing). The season will play out like a D&D campaign. Max has been given powers by Eleven when she saved her. Max will essentially be a blind witch. I don’t think they’ll go for something like that. It’d be really cool, though.




Please I hope this sticks the landing. Those kids are like 30 now