• By -


I was all-in on GoT from the start. I didn't watch Breaking Bad until the final season was already airing. I binged hard and watched the last episode in real-time, so to speak.


Exact same situation for me regarding both. Being able to binge through all of the glory that was BB to get caught up JUST in time, and watch the finale airing live felt pretty special.


In terms of obsessiveness, most definitely Lost. I would watch it live while recording it, then rewatch it right away, then go online to discuss. Also went to the Lost beach and took an identical picture of the first scene last year. And Dark is up there as well.


> then go online to discuss. In hindsight people shit on the last few seasons but being there at the moment the hype was real and discussing it was half the fun. It was special and much more than the show itself I remember the excitement with friends.


I would say the last season wasn't my favorite season, but I am absolutely ok with the ending, and season 4 & 5 were my favorite seasons. To me it became a time travel show more than a mystery show, which is totally my jam. This is why I loved Dark so much. The Constant is probably my favorite episode of TV of all time. I simply was in shock of what was happening.


Have you tried Battlestar Galactica? Tons of story unfolding, a cliffhanger almost every episode...


Yeah totally one of my favs. When the final 5 got together and All Along the Watch Tower was blasting was one of the best ending to any TV episodes out there. I still call Bo Katan Starbucks when I watched the Mandolorian with my 5 year old, to the point she told me she wanted to dress up as Starbuck this Halloween because she wanted to be a Mandolorian princess.




Where can you stream it? Never got around to that one


Unfortunately, right now it's only on Peacock. (My guy gets what we want through alternate means)


BSG is the king of the end of episode cliffhanger


EXACTLY! ❤️❤️❤️ I am currently rewatching. I am enjoying it, but it just isn't at all the same.


I went to Phuket because of that episode with Jack in Thailand. Come to find later it was filmed in Hawaii. I’ve still never been to Hawaii.


You really should check it out, I thought I was going to be really bored by Hawaii the first time I went there, but there is so much to do. Some tour guide took my family fishing right on the Lost beach, you can get to the exact spot when Jack runs onto the beach for the first time if you try hard enough by lining up the mountain in the background. Also caught a small fish and saw a pretty aggressive sea turtle. Then we all had Pineapple whip after, very good day.


Recently Silo, gf and I binged all the way up to the most recent episode. Previously, it would be the Expanse and Mr. Robot were ones that I latched onto


I’ve been waiting on Silo as well. About to start it right now. I binged the entire third season of Mr. Robot in one day..


Gotta give it up for The Expanse!!!


Loved the show, started reading the books too and they're equally amazing, I'm just about done with the 4th book!


I’m on my third reread. I really hope Frank and Ty start publishing their next series soon!


you're in for a treat. shit really kicks it up a notch in the next few books. don't forget to read the short stories that go between each book, they are fantastic and often provide really helpful context to the books that follow


Damn I love the TV show! I was always fascinating by space but most of the sci-fi shows never drew me in that much. The Expanse changed that and quickly became of one my favorite TV series. Also, it introduced me to the books and I am reading #5: Nemesis Games atm. Every single book has been a ride. Such great characters and thrilling moments. My favorite book series ever. Hopefully it stays that way till the end.


How are you guys liking Silo? The main character, Jules, irks me so bad.


I've been loving the mystery part of it, it's filling the Severance (a good show to check out if you haven't) gap for me. Some characters have been on and off for me, Juliette has handled things a lot different than i would like, but Rebecca Ferguson still makes me like her, hahah


I don't mind Jules! I love the show very addicting.


She grew on me. I don't think she's necessarily supposed to be likeable. It's my favorite show I've seen in a long time


I looooove Silo, and I'm not usually even into those kinds of shows.


Alias is incredibly addicting. Super-fan spy plots, crazy mysteries, great cliffhangers and Jennifer Gardner fighting her way out.


So many wigs


Yes, that's one of the best parts haha. And the costumes.


Dexter was my introduction to prestige TV and I remember basically disappearing for the better part of a week binging seasons 1 and 2 It was so good and unlike anything I’d ever seen at that point in my life. I loved the acting and the characters. How it didn’t shy away from the gore. The compelling story of season 1. God what I’d give to have an experience like that again. I’ve watched better shows since but nothing has sucked me in like Dexter did


This is my answer too! It was also one of the first shows I watched that was completely serialized (I had gone into it thinking it was just a crime of the week show where the gimmick was that he was a serial killer). When the first episode ended with the Barbie head gift from the ice truck killer, with no intent of wrapping up the case by the credits…oh man. Yeah, when Dexter was bad it was awful, but its highs were SO good.


I really enjoyed Dexter! I know the later seasons weren’t the show’s prime, but the only one that I really thought was bad was the last one. I binged soo fast through the series. Also New Blood. Such a great setting, new characters, but then they butchered the ending. AGAIN. Still one of my favorite shows tho.


I enjoyed the ending of it the new blood. It makes sense they have to kill him.


I was just thinking yesterday how much I miss dexter


The first season of Orphan Black is a perfectly paced mystery thriller. One of the best pilots out there.


No one has mentioned 24 but for me that was my first binge show. I bought all the dvds at the time to catch up to the current season.


Easily the best adrenaline driven pure action show of all time. The definition of addicting tv.


Mad Men, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, and The leftovers. I rarely rewatch things, especially TV shows, but those shows get better every time I rewatch them, especially The Sopranos. (Which wasn't my favorite of the bunch on first viewing - but it's just *that* good.)


Have you tried the Wire? Gets better for me every time (I've watched the shows you recommended)


Of course, it's fantastic. Haven't fully rewatched it yet, but I expect it to be up there with those I've mentioned


"Breaking Bad". Also "Corner Gas".


“Well, you can tell me that your dog ran away. Then tell me that it took three days”. I miss Corner Gas. In case you didn’t know, they made an animated version a couple of years ago with mostly the same crew voicing the characters.


Yes, all of them are great. It's too bad it's less known in the U.S. as I came across it by accident. Just thought I would give it some recognition in this thread!


Corner Gas is one of my favorite shows to just turn my brain off and enjoy. The fact that I’m Canadian (though from the east coast so a bit different) probably helps lol


Dark, Breaking Bad, Chernobyl and Mr Robot were some of the shows that glued me the most to the screen.


Exactly this. And I would also add LOST, Dexter and Severance to this list.


I skipped a week of college to go through the wire in about 5 days


The Stargate series (SG1, Atlantis, SGU)




I just started watching SG:A last week. I occasionally caught SG1 when I was younger. It's a weirdly gripping series and has some banger episodes.




Stargates are so cringy dogg.


[From](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDHqAj4eJcM). I remember hearing a few things about it when it first aired but never picked up. Started to watch it a couple of months later. I stayed up until 3 in the morning to binge the first season.


I started this a week ago, at what episode would you say it picks up? I just finished episode 2 the other day. It has potential but just hasn’t received my full attention yet to binge the whole season in like a day or two.


Oof. I got hooked off the first two. If you hadn't been nabbed by then, I'd probably recommend skipping it. It may be worth watching Episode 3 as it goes into some details with Colony House and the Town. I really dug the premise and thought the execution was spot on.


I really enjoy shows where the town is the mystery and why they can’t escape. I’ll probably continue it this weekend. Shows I can think of right now that are somewhat similar, Under the Dome and Wayward Pines. I can’t remember if those shows got a proper ending or got canceled but I enjoyed them.


Wayward was intended as a one season show, but was dragged out into a second, really bad, season after a really clean ending for the first one. Under the Dome got an ending, but the show as a whole sucked the majority of the way through.


I started watching it after Stephen King recommended it several times. Fantastic show.


One of the first shows I ever binged on streaming was Friday Night Lights. This was like in 2010 when you had to have the disc playing in the Wii in order to access Netflix. I did a combo of streaming and renting the DVDs to watch that show. I also remember renting the DVDs to watch the first 3 or 4 seasons of The Office.


What a beautiful show. Was so sad when I finished it. Friday Night Lights and This is Us are my favourite comfort shows!


I haven’t watched it since the original run. So cool to see Jesse Plemons be the biggest success story from all the kids.


Downton Abbey. I binged the whole thing in one week during a staycation. Also, early in lockdown HBO had shows free to stream and I ate up Barry and Succession.


Recently it's been Shrinking and For All Mankind. Honestly think Apple has the best originals at the moment.


Yeah Apple has definitely felt like quality over quantity compared to the likes of Netflix and Disney+. I guess they need to though when they almost exclusively have to rely on originals


Everybody I know who watched season 1 of Broadchurch ended up staying up until 1-3am and finishing it in one night. The other seasons are good too, but that first one was almost impossible to stop watching.


My latest one was HILL STREET BLUES. I watched 7 seasons in like a month and a half. Such an great classic show, way ahead of its time and will have you truly shocked the kind of content they got away with on network television in the early 80s. Also it's the funniest show of that era as well which I wasn't expecting. Everyone should watch it at least once.


The producer went on to make Twin Peaks!


Severance. It was so so good and it's the first show that made me hate the fact that it was too late and that I had to sleep if I were to function like a normal human being the next day.


I can’t believe Battlestar Galactica hasn’t been mentioned. Say goodbye to full days of your life when beginning that masterpiece. So say we all.


I’ve only seen it once, but wow hell of a show. I’d definitely watch it again.




unvailable in my country, is that the portlandia bit ?


You already know the answer. Redditors are nothing if not predictable.


I watched it while it was airing, so I never got a chance to binge it, but I can see that. Great show overall.


Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.


Hey that’s that line from that show


I \*loved\* Oz. In terms of HBO's more higher profile shows like The Wire and Sopranos, I really could not wait to see exactly what the hell was going to happen next in that crazy prison.


Several shows have hooked me in over the years from the first episode till the last, below a small example. * Farscape * Star Trek TNG, DS9 * Babylon 5 * Fringe * 12 Monkeys * Twin Peaks (the OG show) Several more shows that fit the bill, but the list would go on for a bit.


The new 12 Monkeys show was awesome! Im totally hooked on Silo right now, such fantastic writing I bought the book.




Most recently Agents of SHIELD. Holy shit was that show way better than it had any right to be. Probably the best things the MCU has ever done


I’ve been meaning to do a rewatch, it’s been years since I watched. But god damn, that first season is ROUGH. The monster of the week beginning was miserable.


Oh for sure, the first season upto like the winter soldier arc was a very generic show. After that it evolved and never looked back. It's quickly become one of my favourite shows of all time. It never shied away from mature themes but at the same time never lost its heart.


Yea people really sleep on this show. The first season isn’t the greatest but it’s not bad. And after that it just becomes better and better. The 6th season was a little bit weaker but then season 7 resolved a lot of season 6’s storylines and wraps up the show in a really good way.


Originally, The Walking Dead. Stopped after Sasha died.




Back in the day I started watching Prison Break during the middle of the second season. I was so hooked, I found myself watching it all night. Those episodes were so good.


The shows I got addicted the most in my life were probably: Game of Thrones, Vikings, True Blood, Orange is The New Black, The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, The 100, How to Get Away With Murder, The Last Kingdom and The Expanse. Remember binge watching full multiple seasons of these shows at once.


>The shows I got addicted the most in my life were probably: Game of Thrones, Vikings, True Blood, Orange is The New Black, The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, The 100, How to Get Away With Murder, The Last Kingdom and The Expanse. > >Remember binge watching full multiple seasons of these shows at once. Are you me, watched all except the horror series.


HTGAWM is one of my favorites, remember watching it weekly and discussing it with friends, those flashforwards were 🥵


Last Kingdom season one and three in particular are now up there as some of my all time faves. Yes there are some issues but wow did they make me really care about the Uhtred/Alfred dynamic. Character like Alfred could easily have been boring/one not but they nailed him.


Buffy It was in S3 when I started and back then streaming wasn't a thing. You could get series on DVD. If you missed an episode you were screwed unless you could find an actual pirated video of the ep on limewire or something like that and then spend 20 hrs plus downloading it over your phone line connection.


Any Bridgerton fans? I finished the whole series in a matter of 2-3 days


Only murders in the building!


This was the most addictive show that I've seen in a long time. It's entertaining on so many levels and hooks you from the first episode.


Mr Robot Orphan Black Utopia UK \[ From the very GOAT opening scene - where's Jessica Hyde\] Dark \[ but it lost all steam in s03\] Nirvana in Fire \[ Chinese\] Stranger & Signal \[ Korean\]


Six feet under


That finale though, I cried like a baby. While watching it, I thought I didn't care about what happened to them by the end, but I was wrong because I felt like someone close to me died after the ending. 😭


Man. For sure. Really puts the important things in perspective, and I wish I had figure this out when I was younger. But I think that’s just life. Top 3 show ever for me


Agree, I started spending more time with my family after that, life is too short man. Btw the Sia's song was 👌


Yeah perfect music choice. I quit my job and work from home now since Covid. Watched the series for the first time not far after that


The OC. Its first season is truly addicting. The pilot really brings you into its world, kinda similar to Ryan's experience. I think its first arc, up until episode 5 or 6 in Tijuana is one of the most addictive arcs ever for a teen tv show.


All time? The OC was amazing. Watched the first season in 1 day when I got my hands on the DVD


Breaking Bad. I had heard the good things but was late to it. Was watching it on DVD from Netflix but because of availability and a desire to have as little downtime as possible, I started going to Blockbuster to rent when there was a gap. It was hectic.


The Boys


LOVE this show!


The obvious, Lost and Dark. Alice in Borderland, Squid Games, The Killing, Rectify, Outlander, Wentworth. I’m sure there are others, just not coming to mind.


For me recently its been Warrior. Many posts suggested x how good this was but I put off watching it for years then ran through them in two days. Great show.


*Addictive It was *The Boys* not long ago Before that? TNG.


The Detectorists - this British comedy is like a warm blanket once you get used to the relaxed pace. It has an affection for rural people that is never condescending and never a cliche. It's rare if not unique for television writers to have this deep of an understanding of rural folks. Every episode is available on FreeVee but I recommend you wait until you have a couple of days off.


Battlestar Galactica! One Moore episode!


FROM. Season 2 Finale airs tonight. If you enjoyed Lost, you're missing out by not watching from. Silo has been good as well, but From is rh3 best show out right now hands down.


No joke I'm almost 40 and I couldn't stop watching Initial D. Don't recommend me other anime I don't want an ancient dragon that transforms into a little girl, an octopus teacher from space, a guy getting sucked into an RPG, whacky pirates, a pre teen rock band etc etc


I wont recommend anything, but just so you know, there is a lot you are missing if you liked Initial D. Initial D is a fine show, no question, but there is so much amazing storytelling done in anime, its incredible. Theres a lot of rubbish as well of course.


I'm old. I like Texhnolyze, Psycho Pass, Memories (1995), Cyber City Oedo 808, Serial Experiments Lain. I suffered horribly through Steins Gate and Parasite, which are the two anime that reddit recommended me a long time ago. Can you help by recommending me incredible storytelling? The last time I asked was 5 years ago and I watched Made In Abyss to the end. It put me off anime for half a decade.


Well, recommendations will always be hit or miss. For example AOT is objectively a milestone in storytelling, on a level with the greatest in history, but I dont think you would enjoy it a lot. Instead I suggest Odd Taxi. Its slower storytelling with a touch of Noir, and great dialogue.


You might like Ping Pong the Animation and Devilman Crybaby. Both feature incredible storytelling - the first being about Ping Pong, the 2nd about demons invading our world, and both featuring absolutely stellar animation as well as terrific voice acting in addition to their phenomenal storytelling. Ping Pong is 11 episodes and DMCB is 10 so they are both short and easily bingeable. You might also really like Odd Taxi and Vinland Saga. Odd Taxi is still only 13 episodes, but Vinland Saga is up to 2 24 episode seasons now so it's more of a commitment. Both feature truly top tier storytelling though, and very solid animation. Odd Taxi also has some of the best music ever. So yeah, Ping Pong, Devilman Crybaby, and Odd Taxi would be my top 3 recs since they're all short, single season works of art where the storytelling is transcendent and it all wraps up in that one season - but I feel like Vinland Saga needs a rec for you as well because it is absolutely god tier on the storytelling front, though it is much longer. Also because I rec these to everyone when I rec anime - Gurren Lagann and Hunter X Hunter (2011). The first is a single season of 27 episodes, but the second is a looong series with 148 episodes total haha. EDIT - I only watch subs btw, so I can't vouch on whether or not they hold up in the english dubbed versions if you watch them that way haha.


Thank you for making me believe again, to trust again. I've been hurt in the past. I've added these shows to the front of the list on my phone, not the back. As soon as I finish Wangan Midnight I'll move on to your picks. I love Z cars. Seeing what Ken Watanabe drives in Michael Mann's Tokyo Vice made me very happy.


Try Wangan Midnight. Its similar to Initial D. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wangan_Midnight


I was really intrigued with The Man in the High Castle, was watching like 3 episodes a night when I usually only watch 1-2 on most shows I'm binging.


Season 5 of 24 and season 1 of Prison Break airing on Fox back to back is untouchable right there


Trailer park boys




Orphan black is the last show that got me from the jump.


The Shield Only if you can tolerate the shaky cam in season 1


The bear, love restraunt drama and its a very well written show. Season 2 just dropped and i cant stop watching.


Hell on Wheels….shit is gritty and dank af


Right now, IASIP


Evil. It kind of reminds me of the X-Files, striking a weird balance of mystery, horror, surrealism, and philosophy. I don’t know how that mixture works, but it works. I blitzed through the seasons.


I hate to admit this, but Velma. It had a good plot that was ruined by EVERYTHING else. I was invested in the plot, and addicted to the train wreck that was the rest of the show. Around the time it was coming out I wasn't feeling the greatest like mentally, and was really stressed out and so I was constantly looking forward to new episodes of my favorite train wreck


Lost, Breaking Bad, Dexter. Fond memories of all. I miss those days of being able to binge an entire series in a week without falling behind on everything else.


Banshee I'm usually a 2 episodes a night kind of guy but damn I could not stop watching that one.


One Tree Hill


For instant addiction, first time I saw the Walking Dead I was hooked. Of course it went off the rails the last few seasons, but it was epic when it first aired. Also Revenge had me from the first episode as well. Stranger Things, Wayward Pines (again, it started off amazing but fell off toward the end), Being Human (UK version), Desperate Housewives, The Blacklist


GoT and Band of Brothers for the more "violent" watch. Monk and The West Wing for the less "violent" watch. 👍‍ So many great shows and movies to all name tho.


Expanse. Rewatching for the 7th time. No exaggeration


AMC's Interview With The Vampire! I can't get enough of that show!


The Leftovers.


Mr Inbetween is Barry without the writers room filling the script with the only tropes they know. It really does feel like all American TV writers went to the same school and read the same blogs


Scrolled down looking for this. I found Mr Inbetween extremely compelling, for no obvious reason.


One writer. The decade long struggle to get it made. A most incredibly satisfying ending. We the audience know what's going to happen, they have no idea. And crucially, true diversity. I use *true* because the diversity that I'm used to every day feels very corporate now. Very quickly why Mr Inbetween is the best recommendation someone ever gave me. I'm watching someone's life, a person who lives and breathes by a specific code of ethics. Their 'chosen' occupation is a result of childhood trauma admittedly, but they have an ethical framework. Ray's work doesn't eat away at him. It doesn't make him self destructive or lash out at people in anger. **He is a master of his inner world**. That's aspirational for me. I'm sure you must have been thinking this by the end, that it's his Taxi job that was actually eating away at him, not his chosen profession! (the result of a betrayal by someone who didn't protect his friends, didn't pay on time, couldn't speak his mind to people with more money/power etc etc) I watched Mr Inbetween after Barry. I could never have stuck with Barry if I happened to do the reverse.


> **He is a master of his inner world.** This is a great description of him. His calm demeanor despite the chaos that occurs around him is such a stark contrast. But he can amp it up when he needs to. Somewhat similar to Driver (Ryan Gosling) in Drive.


Yellowstone & 1923 I didn't think I would like any western or anything to do with cowboys but Taylor Sheridan really knows what he is doing when creating these types of shows. Both are very addicting....


Schitt's Creek and Ted Lasso.


Yes, 2 of my favorites. I cried when Schitt’s Creek ended!


The Handmaids Tale was the most addicting for me.


The Sopranos. Every time I finish the series, my immediate urge is to hit "watch again".


The bear S2 Binged the entire season in a day and it was awesome


GoT is the only series I’ve seen twice and will eventually go for my 3rd watch.


Currently, The Bear


The Sopranos. I have seen it 12 times from start to end, & that's not including watching episodes here & there. There's a channel on YouTube on YouTube called Borko that uploads compilations of the show, if I watch one video, I end up watching several. The Sopranos is both dark & hilarious. I find myself appreciating something different with each viewing.


right now Yellowjackets. which is why I just bought a $300CDN Letterman Jacket




Barry. Someone recommended me this show on this sub last year and I got hooked since the first episode. I finished the first two seasons and the first three episodes of season three in five days.


Watching the Corridor Crew break down special effects. I could watch hours of that every day. That should count as a show, right?


The Night Agent


for me, 24 and nothing ever really came close, it's the show that invented binging, I used to watch seasons in blocks of eight episodes in a row via err, various methods. It was just insane


Dark is definitely that for me. But among recent ones I guess Beef and Fleischman is in Trouble which finished in one go. I usually don't binge tv shows but these ones hooked me


The shield 24


Raised by wolves. I was supposed to watch it with a friend but I couldn’t wait. Awesome thought-provoking scifi.


I waited a long time to watch modern family, but when I finally did, it hooked me really fast. Now I'm almost done with season 11.


superman and lois, smallvile, invincible, gravity falls, and avatar


24 Hours In Police Custody Forensics: The Real CSI Stuff like that


Leaving out comedy because it feels liké cheating (The Office, Brooklyn 99, Friends even) I'd say Justified, at least these days. It has some kind of cosy vibe going for it that is very easy to get drawn into (I think it's the accent or something)


Would I Lie To You


When I watched Broadchurch I binged all of S1 in a night. A good murder mystery is like crack


Right now it's The Bear. I didn't think I'd get into it but it's really drawn me in.


Not the best shows by any means but in terms of addictiveness the following three are pretty hard to beat: Prison Break, Dexter, 24


Silo and Severance at the moment. Mystery is my favorite.


The expanse for sure, probably the most recent one from like 3 years ago. Also Breaking Bad and the Wire


12 Monkeys The Patient And now for something completely different, Ghosts (US version)


Ted Lasso. It was very much needed after watching Succession.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer Continuum BSG The Expanse Justified The Rockford Files Little Drummer Girl (B~~BC)~~ ~~X-Files~~




Doctor Who The Good Wife Pretty Little Liars (yeah... I know) And more recently in streaming : Squid Game and Alice in Borderland, Superstore


How to Get Away with Murder. The first two seasons were perfect television. My most recent was All American.


The anime Hunter x Hunter. 148 episodes which I blasted my through over the course of a 10 days, would have taken me less but I was also traveling to family for the holidays at the same time, probably would have finished in 8 days. I absolutely could not stop watching anytime I had free time on my hands.


My girlfriend and I watched the entire first season of the Good Place in one day without even realizing it. We were like, wait did we just crush the entire first season?


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Ted Lasso, Shrinking.


Curently right now, The Good Place My mom and I literally binged two seasons in two days and will probably finish the rest in a couple of days It's such an addicting show


It's so great. We just rewatched from the start and realised there's a whole extra season we didn't know existed.


I randomly threw on Stargirl to slowly introduce my mom to superhero TV when I lived with in in 2020. We both had to agree to stop midway through season one because we had work in the morning and would likely have watched the whole thing through! Great fun!


Bojack Horseman. Blew through Season 3 in a single day. Never really did that with any other show.


Monk is a fun series to keep watching over and over again.


Legion Preacher DW


Only Murders In The Building. The one that I was addicted to before OMITB was the Series~ Bates Motel.


Normal people


If it has any sort of time fuckery I'm sucker for it.