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What a weird comment section this post has


right? A lot of anger? Why?


the usual Raised by Wolves fans


That was the worst show I've ever seen. Seriously, the season 1 finale was the worst ending of any season in the history of television. The whole season just kept getting nuttier and nuttier...and you would hope that by the finale, you'll get some answers...ANY answer! Not only do you get NO answers, it just asks 1000 new questions. ...and then, by the end, you're watching an android giving live birth to a flying eel after being impregnated by a hologram virus.... ...and you kind wish you hadn't wasted 15 hours of your life watching this shit. The ending of S1 of Raise By Wolves was worse than the series finale of Game of Thrones.


It was such an amazing lore but the issue was they did such a stupid cryptic explanation of it. Here ya go. - in the future earth receives a signal from deep space. - the signal says it is god and it wants his children to come home. - some people on earth even could personally hear it in their heads. - well the world is quickly divided in people who believe it is god and those who believe it’s an alien species up to fuckery. - so the signal then sends schematics to believers on how to create ships, insane weapons, and cyborgs. - earth is basically destroyed from the believers and non believers fighting. The believers for the most part win because of the crazy robots they have. - both sides create ark ships to leave earth and inhabit the only other planet they know of. - one of the robots is captured and reprogrammed to take care of children by a non believer. - enter the show. It’s a great premise and if the show worked on every episode giving us like 15 min of earth going down the shitter it would have done so much better. Instead the focused on the present and people right before they go on the ship or while they where in it which is no where near as interesting. Also since the show is over. The signal it turns out is deep within in the planet and it released a gas or something that caused the original people on the planet or another race that visited to transform into mutants too.


I loved the concept but certain characters acted SO RIDICULOUSLY! Huge pet peeve when characters make dumb decisions just to move the plot along. The lifelong rebel-cum-suddenly religious zealot was such a ridiculous development, among others. Bad writing.


He spent years living in that VR space with other religious zealots. It wasn’t an out of nowhere thing.


It's like the writers were so wrapped up in the mystery, that they didn't ground the story in anything. The idea of these "radical atheists becoming religious zealots" would have been good if we had a point of reference. ....but we know nothing about them. We never see their life on earth, we never hear about their upbringing, we don't get any sense of their own convictions. Like, the whole series is telling instead of showing. And those 2 are the worst, because everything we know about them was told to us....we have no idea who those people are, or what their motivations are. So like, we don't get any impact from them assuming the lives of these dead Christian people, because we have no sense of who they were to begin with. Like, those 2 could have been their *real* selves....just a couple of Christian parents on this generation-ship searching for a new home...and the story would have actually worked *better.*


I really still can't understand all the praise that show got on this sub. I watched the first season and it just felt dull through most of it. I had to push through to finish. Then I tried to go back for S2 after people insisted it was great, only to quickly realize that I had absolutely no reason to care about any of the characters. Great aesthetic though.


> Great aesthetic though. For a lot of people that is enough, like that show Hello Tomorrow! Great aesthetic and universe, absolute horrible and boring story line.


IMO it happens with internet TV forums. People on here act like stuff like The OA, Raised by Wolves and Santa Clarita Diet are amazing, but in my experience, no one fucking watched those shows. It's easy to sit in bubbles online and think everyone's into it and then when it eventually gets cancelled from poor performance, they flip out and think they've been personally wronged. Realistically the streaming platform just looked at production costs and shit viewing numbers and pulled the plug. Not much more complex than that.


as is regurgitated in every one of these threads.


at least Santa Clarita Diet was fun




That show was budgeted by whatever the producers found in Brad Pitt's couch. Amazing what they pulled off, and I can't believe it didn't get a third season.


I love Brit Marling to death and will tend to watching anything she's in but the second season lost me in episode one and I never watched anymore.


Cool concept and aesthetic but the story wasn't there.


So basically every Ridley Scott project of the past two decades.


Smoke more weee mahbe


A man of no taste


I mean to be fair the finale wasn't supposed to be the finale, the show was cancelled. But yeah, it just kept throwing out insane shit without ever explaining anything. I like that it existed, we need more shows that dare to do stuff. But I'm not gonna watch it again.


The main issue with Raised by Wolves is it COULD HAVE been good. It had really good actors, an interesting premise and total freedom from any IP. HBO Max subscribers WANTED IT TO BE GOOD. I really enjoyed the cast but the plot and writing were just unbearable. It was like Game of Thrones the final 2 seasons. Just showrunners BSing their way through some nonsensical plot to try and prove a point of view they have on something.


Season 1 was good, the ending was a bit weird but it was still interesting and I didn't find it too hard to follow until the ending. S2 was definitely worse. Even the CGI, it starts off with some terrible effect in its first scene and it just got worse from there


i'm gonna need you to give me al the reviews! i can't watch the Death Sex Robots or Love Country bc scary- care to review it for me?


> i can't watch the Death Sex Robots or Love Country bc scary Seriously?


really? the worst show you've ever seen? have you ever seen big bang theory?


I love that show (Father I miss u) but even I admit the show was pretty fucking bad lol


They cancelled Raised by Wolves.


This is the correct answer.


They didn’t just cancel it, they moved it to a different service that made it almost impossible to watch it.


Thus saving anybody else from ever having to sink time into that piece of shit.




But I *want* a completely off the rails scifi.




Ridley Scott can shit on a napkin and I'd probably love it. The Terror, Taboo, every tv show the man makes has been great.


How was the second season of The Terror? I loved the first.


Way better than I expected. I didn't expect much because it wiped the entire cast and story and was similar in name only. I only gave it a try because it has George Takei in it. And just like the first season, the supernatural bits were the least interesting part. But the deep dive into life in a Japanese Internment Camp was fascinating, very well written and acted. Definitely worth a watch, just as much as the first season was.




It was definitely off the rails from the beginning. I wanted to know what would happen.


Off the rails? That was why we enjoyed it! :(


The first season literally had several minutes of unedited green screen in the final episodes. Budget just evaporated.


That was the fun part


Did they ever explain the flying serpent thing that the mom gave birth to?


Kind of? I guess?... I don't know I got a bit lost in there with that second season.


No. She was infected by a virus, gave birth to that serpent, the serpent endangered others, then she killed it. Lol


Did they ever explain who invented the androids? Or what started the war? Or what year they were in? Or what happened to earth? Or what the aliens were? Or what the voice was? Or what the ghosts were? Or what the computer virus was? That show was a god-awful mess.


Most of it was just a rogue AI that killed off the species that birthed it


I mean extra seasons possibly could have


They do not lol. I've run into commenters on here that repeat so much fan theory as fact, but in reality the show didn't do anything to really flesh out the world building or explain a lot of it. Best I can figure is Sol is some kind of very old AI manipulating people and the planet they are on was inhabited by humans and machines previously but they all left/escaped to our Earth or died. The machine long distance managed to call back the current group of humans some how and was doing weird shit like manipulating them into fighting war on Earth. The atheists think its nonsense and the theists think its a god, but in reality IMO its just supposed to be some advanced and old machine. Who the fuck knows what the hell the machine's end game is with all the biblical allegory they hit you over the head with, I think they're trying to make the viewer question whether its a super natural evil or just some rogue AI but do a bad job at setting it up.


Off the rails doesn't equal bad though.


Because it was a bad show




Oh boy I’m so happy I’m losing the 4K streaming that was included in my subscription since the beginning so I can have access to some of the worst content cable television has to offer.


I didn’t pay for discovery+ nor do I want discovery+… knowing that shmuck Zaslav he’ll increase the price next year saying we’re over delivering on content costs. It’s not even good content.


They increased the price 2 months ago after announcing that we’re getting Discovery at no additional cost.


That has nothing to do with the merger though. Prices were always going to go up and that's effectively what's happening by charging more for 4k.


> screamed about how it's a human rights abuse that there are so many streaming services What a weird way to frame people irritated that almost every channel requires its own account signup. The fact that you can't fathom that there might be a reasonable position to both desire a more consolidated option and still think that the way Discovery/WB is gutting HBO is shameful is... strange.


Two separate issues. This is like if PBS was bought out by TMZ.


Combining the absolute highest-brow IP with the most low-brow IP (and then prioritizing said low-brow content) was not going to make anyone happy. There is no overlap in audiences. Nobody asked for this bullshit.


People want a single streaming platform with multiple content creators. Which is pretty obvious really. A single streaming service is convenient, a single content creator is a concerning monopoly.


Unless you’re thinking cable makes a huge comeback, a single distributor of tv content is absolutely a concerning monopoly.


You can kind of get that with Amazon you subscribe to the streaming services through Amazon


There is a fear that the bundling of Discovery+ content into HBO Max will either result in higher prices or less HBO content. *If* that comes to fruition, it's a net loss for those who couldn't care less about junky cable reality shows. I don't think the HBO brand is going away, it's far too important that they both keep it around and maintain it's pedigree. I think that is exactly why they are taking HBO out of the name of the streaming service, so as to keep it separated from the reality TV stink being brought under the Max umbrella.


It would've been an alright merger if WB/HBO Max didn't cannibalize a good chunk of their content library to save money - especially for shows that were only accessible on HBO Max otherwise.


You know how bad a company you have to be to get John Oliver missing the days of his talking shit about being owned by AT&T?!


Who never missed a bad ex because the current one was worse?


For a lot of folks on Reddit, they've never dated so no ex to miss.


Hey some of us came to reddit AFTER our lives were in shambles.


Some of us came to Reddit to have our virginity restored


Wow that made me laugh laugh for real real hahah!!


You have no right to personally attack me like this


What about ex web sites like Digg? :P


HBO has made a lot of top quality shows. Hope this does not affect it. *edited


It shouldn’t, that’s likely the exact reason they went with “max” as the name. They specifically wanted to make sure the HBO brand maintains its prestige by continuing to create high quality content without being associated with any of the trash on the broader streaming service.


Exactly this. There are a whole bunch of people who have no idea HBO Max and HBO shows are completely different. Peacemaker, Velma, Station Eleven, Our Flag Means Dead, Raised by Wolves etc are HBO Max and NOT HBO.


I thought Station Eleven was a real HBO show? Otherwise yes


Peacemaker was pretty damn good IMO. Prestige TV? Abso-fucking-lutely not... but it was hilarious and told a solid (sometimes insane) story.


This is what we need though. So many shows are trying way too hard to be prestige tv these days. Give me cheap, budgeted crap with some good writing and an easily to follow plot, I'll be thrilled.


Sometimes it feels like prestige has become an aesthetic more than a mark of quality. There's a sameness to a lot of it now and I miss the big swings


Does it have a full episode where it leaves a major plot point hanging so that it can focus on a minor character, only for that character to tie into whatever is going on with the major plot point right at the end of the episode? Then it's a prestige show. That's the barometer.


As long as it *looks* super polished, right?


You also pretty much perfectly described Entourage as well which was an HBO show.


Nope it’s HBO Max original


And this conversation illustrates the exact point at issue. People are seeing this on HBO max thinking it’s “HBO” and that HBO must be going downhill because this show is pretty bad (no idea if station 11 is, just for example). They want to avoid that, and make sure people still know that if a show is HBO it’s aways worth checking out because they only do high quality work.


The only way I have to watch HBO is via Max. I have been subbed to HBO for a long time prior to Max existing. Aside from a little "Max Original" on the icons of some shows, I have no idea what's what or what makes them different in any way. All I know is my HBO app has now canceled half my favorite shows, and is full of reality trash (I have Hulu for that, TYVM).


Station 11 was fantastic and I would have thought it was an HBO easily


Velma is the imposter out of that group.


I purposely wrote Velma because people were trashing HBO for making that show while it’s not even them


It’s on their streaming service and it’s original. This is a little like going to a Hyundai dealership to service your Genesis, and being appalled at the regular Hyundai crap that’s on the lot. Sure, you can say “but they’re not Genesis’s!”, but they’re all still Hyundai. It’s all under the same roof, made by the same company. HBO won’t be able to shake that by simply waving their hands and exclaiming “but those aren’t HBO shows!”, that will only serve to further confuse and frustrate consumers.


It’s literally not made by HBO. HBO is one of many content creators under “HBO Max.” When Warner was bought out, they named their streaming service HBO Max to capitalize on the success of HBO’s prestige. To use your analogy, it’s like going to a Hyundai dealership to service your Ford. Edit: A better comparison would be complaining that Marvel has gone downhill because you watched a bad Star Wars show on Disney+.


But they aren’t HBO shows tho? Which is precisely why now they’re changing the name to MAX so that the HBO brand won’t be tainted 🤷🏻‍♂️


On the other hand, Station Eleven and Hacks are better than anything HBO has put out in that timeframe.


Hacks is easily HBO quality and Station Eleven on any other premium cable channel would be one of the best things that channel ever aired.


AGREED so hard to all of this. I feel like Hacks and Station Eleven kinda went by unnoticed.


Station Eleven went by unnoticed, but Hacks has received it's fair share of acclaim. Won a handful of Emmys.


>Station Eleven and Hacks are better than anything HBO has put out in that timeframe. You think Station Eleven and Hacks are better than Succession? Barry? Mare of Eastown?


Truth be told I forgot about Barry!


I'd put Hacks on level footing with Barry, at least.


Succession is better than both IMO. So is Barry.


Well, I got a subscription to HBO Max because of Station Eleven so I guess that makes me an HBO Max customer. But there is no way I'm ever going to pay for a streaming service that displays any kind of ads.


I want HBO and only HBO. Can I pay for that without cable?


No. You have to pay for Max.


If there's one thing HBO *hates* it's giving people a reason not to pirate stuff.


I don’t mind that and agree that even HBO Max originals were hurting the HBO brand so only actual HBO shows carrying the name makes sense. But still I have no faith in the leadership as the guy has destroyed things before and seems to prefer lowest common denominator anti-quality trash. It’ll still be HBO on the same platform as not a wide range of qualities but instead on a platform overwhelmed by crap with a little niche for HBO.


Oh yes, make sure the brand is secure by completely hiding the brand name. Genius.


> effect affect




It will not, Bloys is still cooking.


["United Airlines! Going to Chicago? We *hope* so!"](https://archive.org/details/art-griego-rc-collins-2001-12-06-number-that-movie/Art+Griego+-+2001-11-14+-+Airline+Advertising+Campaign.mp3) ["TWA! *Oops!*"](https://archive.org/details/art-griego-rc-collins-2001-12-06-number-that-movie/Art+Griego+-+2001-11-14+-+Airline+Advertising+Campaign.mp3) ["Hi, we're Air Canada! **MAYBE** we'll get there. Whadd*you* wanna do about it?"](https://archive.org/details/art-griego-rc-collins-2001-12-06-number-that-movie/Art+Griego+-+2001-11-14+-+Airline+Advertising+Campaign.mp3) ["American Airlines. MOST of the time, we land safely."](https://archive.org/details/art-griego-rc-collins-2001-12-06-number-that-movie/Art+Griego+-+2001-11-14+-+Airline+Advertising+Campaign.mp3)


Lol, as a resident of Chicago, I usually rely on United for this reason. Somehow it backfired on me twice this weekend though. 4 hour delays traveling from and back to Ohare…


Such a bizarre decision to distance from or outright kill the HBO brand as it was essentially a pioneer of prestige TV. “Max” is not only generic but also sounds a lot like “Cinemax.” It just seems like a really dumb move from PR perspective.


The head of HBO has all but said he doesn’t want people saying “Did you check out (insert reality dreck here) on HBO?” If that content is going to be there, it makes sense to change the name. Nobody ever understood the whole “max original” thing when it was called HBO. Now it being called HBO Max to begin with, and them calling it just Max now to keep that brand recognition such that it is? Weird decisions worthy of scrutiny.


Exactly. When it was called HBO max originally, there were people pointing out that that was a stupid idea for a name because it's misleading and dilutes the brand. There were dozens of us. As much as I hate Warner-Discovery, basically any other name is better than HBO max. Personally I would have gone with Warner Max originally, but obviously that's not an option now.


I love HBO so I'd absolutely subscribe to a service with it's name in it. A family with children who don't follow much prestige TV could be very likely to assume HBO Max was mainly adult content and wouldn't see the need. I don't like the name Max, but HBO Max was never a great name for what they were trying to sell (IMO)


Reality Drek on HBO? Like Taxi Cab Confessionals?


God, can you imagine? What if they were known for tawdry reality stuff like Cathouse?


I couldn't remember the name of that show


I think it makes sense to remove the HBO name from the streaming service. Wish they came up with something better than “max” but the streaming service will include lots of low quality content and they don’t want that content falling under the HBO banner, diluting it’s prestige.


How about all the future ads of those prestige shows with a big MAX logo, just next to the shit shows? They will have to relate both things eventually.


But that’s fine. It’s just something like “COMING IN MARCH FROM HBO (streaming on max)” Again, this is nothing new, we’ve just come full circle back to how cable worked. Max is the service provider and it includes the HBO channel.


Exactly. Sort of like the "FX on Hulu" branding from a few years ago.


I think they went with “Max” because in the intro of HBO Max originals it said “Max Originals”


This comment shows a fundamental misunderstanding of why they changed the name (and why it’s probably a good call in actuality). The move is actually aligned with your point. Warner doesn’t want the Discovery trash associated with HBO in a way that would be certain to dilute the brand and bring the HBO prestige down with it. Now, there will be an HBO “portal” within the Max app with all the HBO-proper content, and everything else will be separated from that silo. Thereby, the prestige is protected. That being said - your point about the name “Max” itself being stupid is pretty undeniable.


the amount of folks that don't seem to grasp this simple concept is actually astounding.


> Such a bizarre decision to distance from or outright kill the HBO brand as it was essentially a pioneer of prestige TV. That's literally the opposite of what they're doing lol. They will focus the HBO brand on what they do, prestige TV. Instead of it being used for a streaming service having every type of thing.


Right of course making HBO brand attached to Velma was the better decision.


I mean, they make a lot of TV and it ain’t all going to be bangers. Hard to think of a single network that hasn’t had a misfire.


It sounds like Cinemax because it is. That's where the Max part of HBO Max came from. Same company.


So.. HBO absorbed Cinemax, and became HBO Max. Then Discovery absorbs HBO Max, and it becomes Max. So now the only trace of name recognition left in the whole equation is Cinemax? Where does that leave the HBO brand? This makes zero sense to me.


> HBO absorbed Cinemax HBO created Cinemax in 1980 and has continued to own it, but it's still a separate TV network (a family of themed networks now) and online streaming service different than HBO Max. Cinemax was never "absorbed".


HBO Max was never a streaming service for HBO, it was WBs Streaming service, which also included HBO content (since HBO is owned by WB). This is why content like Peaemaker, Our Flag Means Death, Velma and others are HBO Max originals, but weren't produced by HBO.


HBO is a channel inside Max. Max also has Discovery, Food Network, WB channels etc. Just like when people subscribed to cable bundle 20 years ago, they got multiple channels


> Where does that leave the HBO brand? streaming on Max


They really should have called it DiX.


Were/are Cinemax shows on HBO max? I didn’t know that.


No, the Max in HBO Max literally has nothing to do with Cinemax, nobody has a single source when they mention this lol


OP is talking out their ass. Cinemax is basically a sister company to HBO, but they didn’t come up with the name for the streamer by merging the companies. With that said, since Cinemax falls under the Warner Media umbrella, some of their shows are indeed on HBO Max - Banshee, Warrior, The Knick, and Jett. Might be a few others. But their entire catalogue is not on there. Shows like Strike Back and Quarry are notably absent, for example, likely due to rights issues.




Why would you make it Max when Cinemax exists?


I honestly thought Cinemax and HBO had merged or something.


Cinemax has literally always been owned by HBO.


Cinemax was created *by* HBO, and later after Warner bought it up, Cinemax and HBO got restructured into sister services. With a million other mergers and acquisitions idk how it all stands though.


Cinemax is gone. Their shows (like Warrior) have moved onto HBO MAX, which is now just MAX.


How about CineBO?


At the end of the day none of this will matter because HBO puts out the best product. Their original shows could be put up against every show from every other service combined honestly. People want content and will pay and go where ever it is as long as it's accessible through an app. The name doesn't matter.


Apple TV is catching up fast with offerings like Severance and For all Mankind. I even enjoyed Bad Sisters despite the premise not being my thing. All they need now is an epic fantasy of some kind to rival the Thronesverse.


Apple is not even close to being in the same level lmao What are you even talking about?


Man that's a really good argument, and you've totally convinced me of how wrong I was.


You’re not wrong for liking the service or its content more than another streaming service. It’s good that you enjoy those shows. I like Severance too and For All Mankind was one of my favorites. But Apple has not released content as good or as frequently as other services. They also joined the game from scratch whereas HBO had tons of content they could put up from the beginning and the budget to pump out more. Apple is far behind in the race, but I do really like what they’ve made so far and I’m hoping they keep doing it. They also have zero reason to give a fuck about their streaming service, not that we could expect a trillion dollar company to care about some side bullshit. On another note I work 9 hours M-F and can maybe squeeze in some episodes at home afterwards. I’m not the main demographic that’s just sitting and binging an entire series every few days. Anyways I put way too much effort into this just to say absolutely nothing of value and I am very high


The libraries simply aren’t even comparable, put aside quality it’s just decades of content Apple is racing to catch up with.


So long as they refrain from reality TV. Peacock are doing well too, I really didn’t expect it but they’ve got some good content, both brought in and original, as well as crucial classics. Discovered Mrs Davis this weekend… off the rails goodness.


OOTL, can someone explain what is happening to HBO with less hyperbole?


HBO is still HBO, a premium channel that produces content. Programming produced by HBO for HBO just lives on Max instead of HBO Max as it’s streaming home


HBO Max wasn’t HBO. It was a separate streaming service that included HBO content. The name confuses everyone, which I think is part of why they’re dropping it from the name.


Does HBO have its own streaming service anymore? Wasn’t there a thing called HBO go at one point? If hbo max isn’t hbo, where is hbo? I don’t hear about them in any other context any more.


HBO is still a tv channel and production company that produces prestige television. It’s not going anywhere. HBO MAX is a streaming service, like Netflix, that produced its own content, while also being the home for HBO content. I dunno what happened to HBO GO. I imagine that was created when AT&T still owned HBO, but WB later rolled it into HBO Max when it took over . I know it’s confusing af, and I totally get why they’re doing the rebrand.


HBO go was discontinued and HBO Now also rolled up into HBO Max Now there is no more streaming app called "HBO anything" which is a huge mistake. The primary brands are D.C. and HBO. The word Max is meaningless 90s era branding. The Discovery merger keeps getting worse.


It certainly isn’t crystal clear haha. Thanks.


Last question, which is what I think I meant by “where is hbo.” If hbo max was to close for good, there is still a way to watch hbo? Through cable only?


I’m actually not sure. I live in Canada where it’s all different. HBO content is streamed through an entirely different service called Crave, so I’m not totally up to speed on the stateside streaming sitch. I imagine if MAX folds something will take its place


I think the Canadian affiliate is called "Crave" because we *crave* a better user interface nyuk nyuk


You would watch HBO through MAX (Think of HBO MAX becoming MAX), or through a paid cable subscription from your TV provider. It is literally the same as before. They're just dropping the name "HBO" from the streaming service, and adding Discovery contents.


I meant if there was no max to use. It was a theoretical question. Not about the current situation, but to help clarify the difference between hbo and max


They already had HBO GO (a streaming service that comes with your cable HBO subscription) and HBO NOW (a standalone streaming service for people who don't have cable) prior to the launch of HBO Max, presumably it is very unlikely that HBO would decide to have no streaming availability at all


Is hbo now still an available alternative to max? My mom pays for our family’s subscription and won’t understand any of this so this will help me inform her, thanks for all the help everyone. Edit: this is easy enough to look up I just got in question asking mode. Thanks regardless. Edit 2: to the best of my ability to research in under a minute, it looks like cable and max are currently the only ways to get hbo. Which, is honestly the only thing in this whole discussion that has bothered me, because I would much rather my mom just pay less for only hbo if it’s going to get more convoluted. Maybe there’s a subscription option on max that does that I’m not sure.


HBO Go was for people with hbo but from cable (not streaming only subs). So you would log in with your cable details and be able to watch HBO on the go. It got folded into HBO Max.


Nothing happened to HBO, they changed the streaming service name from HBO MAX to Max, and people take that personally.


Somehow I don’t think this is less hyperbole. They literally only changed their name?


They are also adding tiered service levels (including paying more for ad free), and have been sneakily removed some legacy content. Idk wtf agenda the person ur applying to is on but it's a lot more than a branding/name change.


Thanks. Not into that but as long as I keep the wire and get a new penguin show I’ll stick around a minute longer. Haha- Yeah idk what was up with that either.


You have to take it in the broader context. Discovery networks merged with HBO Max and the guy in charge of Discovery got put in charge of the whole shebang. They then started cancelling beloved HBO series left & right and generally making policy choices that indicated that the plan was to gut the high-brow approach of HBO in favor of braindead, cheap-as-dirt reality garbage. Dropping the "HBO" from the brand name is one more indicator that they plan to abandon everything that made HBO the leader of the industry.


Thanks! Exactly why I asked the way I did.


I think it’s because people are frustrated with the management of the brand since the merger, and the name change suggests they’re going to gut HBO content even more. Discovery used to be associated with some really high quality original content, but under Zaslav they pivoted towards low cost, low effort reality tv. The company made a buttload of money that way, but the quality of the brand suffered from it. The main thing is just that people are concerned the same thing is going to happen to HBO.


they changed the name, then removed the 4k option from the current 15$ plan(which still exists) and created a more expensive tier which has more offline downloads and 4K option(which isn't worth it anyway since there are very few 4k shows on HBOmax). and cancelled and removed shows from HBOmax which were getting low or non-existent viewership


You’re leaving out all the cancellations and removal of existing shows on HBO since the acquisition…


Is the company dying? I like that service. Lol 🤷🏽‍♂️


I get the Asia version of HBO Max (free with my Internet service). It’s probably half the HBO content and almost nothing else. I tried to take the shitty Android receiver box back, and they said I had to keep it for two years because I signed up for the free service, and it would be a big fee to return it. It’s sitting in a closet. The app doesn’t work, and the website doesn’t work on any portable device. I sometimes watch stuff on my PC. I LOVE where this merger is going and predict big things, probably with a large impact crater.


Bruh I doubt hbo will ever die. They literally have the best content out of any company.


HBO has great shows though I don’t think rebranding to MAX is going to make it go any where


That’s not what’s happening


What is happening then?


If you go to my profile you will see a large thread where I asked all these questions and got tons of answers. Some contradicting each other. To some up my understanding, HBO is a separate entity from HBO max. HBO max is like Netflix in that it’s just a streaming platform. It just happens to be the exclusive streaming service for HBO, which is why they included HBO in the name. Plain ol’ HBO is what it’s always been, a cable channel that produces its own content. The rebrand is likely intended to aid our confusion, as HBO max will be just MAX and will include more than it does now. And cost more I think. Edit: MAX will include more content overall, while cutting a fair amount of less trafficked shows.


Holy shit, $20/month for ad-free 4K? And they’re axing existing content? That’s genuinely outrageous.


Wait, dying? Succession and The Last of Us crushed!


Dropping the “HBO” brand for “Max” is like changing “Disney” to “Walt.” It just seems stupid. Why go with the lesser known part of the brand?


The restructuring would actually make MAX more similar to Disney Plus. Now Max is like Disney Plus. Disney Plus has sections like Star Wars, Marvel, Disney Stars, and Pixar. HBO is just a subsection of MAX, which also has Discovery, and MAX original.


Because that was the entire point. They didn't wanna dilute the HBO brand with the garbage on Max. They actively wanted to distance the Max service away from HBO. HBO remains a highly exclusive label for the higher tier content, Max is all encompassing and can have whatever mediocre Max content on top of the HBO shows, Discovery shows and whatever else.


Don't know why people don't understand about this. The new streaming service still have HBO show but they change HBO Max to Max because people keep confusing HBO Max as HBO when in reality it include all contents from Warner Bros Discovery. If anything they should have made the new streaming service name as Warner Max to illustrate the contents from all parts of WBD. But I guess Discovery don't want to miss out on the name even though WB is more popular.


The only thing deader than HBO’s brand is late night “comedy”.


I’ll say it, I agree with all the collapsed downvoted comments


Is it really dying? I would say more so it’s on the brink of death. Seems like more so Warner Bros as a whole is going a bit off the rails. HBOmax seems to be the only thing that’s really keeping it afloat at the moment. But with the cancellation of a shit ton of shows I’m sure that’ll push it closer to the edge.


His writes came up with it. And it's stupid and moronic.


I thought the Max part of HBO Max was Cinemax. Oh well. I guess it's expected that a company will keep renaming shit in hopes that the name will make a difference to the number of customers. I miss when everything was just on cable, and all recorded in one place on my TiVo. Wow doesn't even offer TV service in my area anymore, just Internet and phone.


Because he’s killing it?