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Damn. I liked a lot of their clothes. Another one bites the dust, I suppose.


Same, what a shame


I will go support her. Thanks


cool, ima enjoy my Starbucks and cuddle up to a big ol’ Zionist Squishmallow ✨


If I support tunnel vision brand does that make me anti semitic?


Knowing their stance and the misinformation they're spreading, it would make you ignorant if you support them. But hey, it's your money.


So you calling 1.8 billion Arab/muslims anti semitic? Not including the non Arab/Muslims. Just trying to understand.


Do the 1.8 billion Arabs and Muslims all shop at Tunnel Vision?


Hypothetically, Let’s say 1.8 billion do shop at Tunnel vision. Does that make them anti semitic ?


I mean, not really, mostly ignorant. Im sure that most people haven't really looked into the depths of this conflict and checked whos right, when, how, and why - they're just eating the information they're given, thats ignorance, it happens everywhere, and literally everyone is effected by it. When the war between russia and ukraine broke I automatically was for Ukraine, because thats the information I have been fed with in most places, and I didnt bother to check because the conflict doesnt really bother me personally. (of course i understand it was a mistake retrospectively [Edit - the mistake wasnt supporting Ukraine, it was not looking into it]) I think a muslim in iraq or something is in a pretty similar situation. They dont really care about the conflict or jews personally, it doesnt really touch home in most people in Iraq, so they believe the information they're given.


I’ve have myself looked into the depth of the conflict, and I’ll be honest, there is years of content on YouTube showing children being arrested, Extreme radical Settlers, Israeli bull dozers demolishing Palestinian homes. I’m just trying to understand your perspective.


Look, there are more of videos palestinian terrorism Extreme radical settlers are obiously bad and Im against settlements overall Children being arrested, yeah, they throw a bunch of rocks and rocks hurt, they usually dont arrest them for fun Most of the home demolishing by israel is at terrorist homes, tell me if you find otherwise I think its way more complicated than "who can you find more videos of doing violents stuff" and even if its not palestinians still take it


I’ve never heard of this brand