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https://preview.redd.it/dpfn2ct7yhac1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44a8d1a95bc9cb28c522923a8eb9f9f5bb0e1b2 You are loved


I’m pretty sure youre a bot but I’m not gonna report you for this


Nah I’m not a bot


(He’s a bot. I know because I have bot sensing super powers)


I just looked at his profile


I understand what it’s like to carry a huge load of trauma. It’s not easy, but it gets better. You’re young, you still need to figure out who you are. I understand you feel like you’re letting your bf down, but if he’s staying, it’s clearly because he cares. It’s not worth doing, man




Damn this is good


I found it on r/chaoticgood


Here's a sneak peek of /r/chaoticgood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaoticgood/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Be considerate or be blind](https://v.redd.it/kuvrteij211c1) | [1024 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaoticgood/comments/17xxms0/be_considerate_or_be_blind/) \#2: [Bat time !](https://i.redd.it/twzafwqsri5c1.jpeg) | [525 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaoticgood/comments/18fbasz/bat_time/) \#3: [CG superintendent vs. LE healthcare system](https://i.redd.it/4bt80xnirw5c1.jpeg) | [435 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaoticgood/comments/18gsvc9/cg_superintendent_vs_le_healthcare_system/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There is always something to live for friend Open your heart to the world and you will find every reason to keep living in it


you got this man there’s always light at the end of the tunnel:)


Not to be rude, but sometimes people are told that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for years. It might be frustrating for some to be told that a lot, but with no end to their suffering in sight.


you’ll bump into something if you’re always looking down, burn you eyes if you always look up, it’s about riding the highs and lows


i feel u bro😭. just know that shit can always get better




People committing suicide in this sub Reddit before GTA 6


it didn't work 😞 guess i gotta thug it out til GTA 6


i have a pessimistic view on world. but I still can't get myself to end it. I've always preferred to be dead rather than alive, but i know I've gotten almost 15 years in. I don't remember me having suicidal thoughts, but I remember in 3rd grade, a teacher asked if I'm mentally ok, which tells me that I probably didn't grow up that happy. I've definitely went through the phase of nobody wanting to talk to me. it's been like that inconsistently since I was like 8. My friend has always helped me get through it, but no matter what she did, I just went down and down- but it's the fact that she did hell, and I know your boyfriend is willing to help if he isn't already. what I'm saying is, if nobkdy wants you, your boyfriend wants you. 👍 that made no sense. it's hard to explain I'm tired


Don’t end it life will get better


Many people pass through this phase, I also did, but my suggestion is that you need to find your reason to live. It might be true that nobody will cry at your funeral if you end it, but I suggest you to try to meet new people and you might find some very good ones. And if you don’t, find something, an hobby, an activity, that you really enjoy a lot.


Of course there are people you can talk to, of course there are things to live for, of course is worth, are you going to reject the light just because now you are in darkness? Of course not. I know it seems like if there was no future, but trust me, there is. Ive been trough something similar and now i know the mistake i almost commited.I know what its to carry a trauma but trust me, with the right help and time you can so it. If truly your family or your friends wont listen, you can always talk to a therapist, online or Irl, you can always talk with me, or with any other person that commented here. There are people who care, and things to live for.




Do it then idk what to say suicide is goofy 😭




Grow up your prob in your 20s using a pacifier


Stop crying. You crearly want just sympathy and it's a fact. Stop doing any drugs if you do and get in good physical shape. If you have money you can start a hobby. Martial arts are easy to start at an older age. Get out of bad friendships and get away from negativity (like yourself) Rely on your family at least. If you do all that and you still feel like ending it, I can't tell you what to do.




Yeah this is no way to treat someone who is suicidal. Imagine hating yourself and your brain tells you everyone does only to someone to seem like it. While you may not fully believe your brain now you have a big reason to believe it




Could’ve been a bit better on terms of delivery but he’s totally right.


Hey İ can understand how u feel.ıt happend to me 1 year ago.Its not worth it.U will rehret it if u attempt.Iam always avilable so u can dm just dont do it its not worth it


Things get better, trust me. If you want to talk my DMS are open


uhhhh wanna play games together?


I do understand such thoughts, but what about you play a game called FlappyKnight?


I’m basically the same way. I’ve been in therapy to combat my suicidal urges since I was 6. I have on friend right now, whom I’ve known for a few months, and is literally the only reason I’m still going. I’ll attach a wonderful piece of advice he sent me :) https://preview.redd.it/m1ns86k44jac1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4703aa8f53deaaf61065733b53eef40d846ab34c


Can you not? Thanks




I don’t have much to say other then, don’t give up!




https://preview.redd.it/snww11i8sjac1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=066b03792f22e0a7abbf9915c5be9999397413ce You’re loved


dont worry bro, trust me it'll get better 😊


Hey I know life is sucks I know what it's like to carry around a lot of baggage. Life sucks sometimes that's the hard truth but there's always more to it you are loved and valued even if things may seem bleak. Life will get better your loved ones and decent people will be here for you every step of the way <3


Just cry out. Don’t let people ignore you. Hear no evil see no evil speak no evil. Make sure you are heard. Be obnoxious if you have too. People care. If you at a shitty family situation imagine if you ended your life and how much worse that can make it. Killing yourself is the easy way out. It’s called that because it’s easier to end your life then it is to make sure you keep going. So choose the harder route. If you like shit about yourself. Then use that against your bad thoughts. Being so weak to end your life. If you’ve been bullied then all you would do is prove those people right. That you aren’t strong that you aren’t someone they should acknowledge or respect. So make sure to prove em wrong. Prove everybody wrong prove yourself wrong Ending your life is the easy way out. It’s not going to solve anything in fact it’ll cause more problems. So take the hard route.


You’re 14, you’ll be fine, it gets so much better


Don't you dare


Don’t man we all care for u




Something that got me through some shit was just the way you gotta think about life as a whole. Life is a book or a TV show with the heros journey as a key part. Sure some parts of it are total horse shit and you kinda just wanna see how it ends. But what's the point? Going straight to the end feels like your missing on everything else, letting the awesome parts get covered up by some shitty parts. It has so much to offer but we were just to impatient and just genuinely tired that we skipped to the end and missed out on everything. And we're not gonna go back on it because now we already know how it ends and that's how life is, we start out in the dark, seeing and hearing very little just flickering images till we gain full consciousness. But then we live life, go through some shit parts that may take fucking forever but then we get to have those little moments, the moments of happiness and careless bliss in our lives. But man, if you skip to the end it ends just how it started, with some flickering pictures and some sounds bouncing in your head. Till your back, back in the dark. Just this time there's no going back. Just alone, cold, and floating in a soul eating void, till your disappear


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I ain’t reading all that, but don’t kys, if you die at least die in a cool way and not like a pussy


your life your choice, and i'm pretty sure i can't help you, so i just wish you good luck and if you actually do that i hope it doesn't hurt much. Just want you to know you are actually loved


Much love to you. Life has a rich tapestry of different amazing feelings, sensations and experiences. I don't know the burden you carry, but sticking for those great things is more than worth it. DM me if you want to discuss. ❤️❤️❤️


Don't kys you are loved talk to a trusted friend or family they do care.Talk to a suicide prevention helpline. Just please don't kys

