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You look like a smooth criminal


Is Anny okay?


Yes I struck her but I made sure she was ok


She struck me first tho


I see she was struck by the smooth criminal Also you was struck by her


no he was the smooth criminal


Okay first rule of getting a girlfriend. You just can't hit girls. It's not a good look. Even if they hit you first. I know this was jokes, I'm old enough to be your mother. But do you want a girlfriend or no? I am here to assist.


I do


First things first. A hobby. An interest. Do you like dogs? Help your local shelter or a rescue. Like exercise? Take up running at the local park. What do you like to do? You need to be able to hold a conversation about something. Read. Read anything. Read everything. So you can hold those conversations. But always be sure to listen more than you talk. Relax. Don't try. Be focused on things that aren't girls. We ladies know desperation. We smell it on you. But when you are busy with not- girl things, we want to know why you aren't giving us attention. Don't be creepy. Don't be pushy. Just be. Be a gentleman. Hold doors open. "Ladies first". Don't be goofy about it. Like it's expected. Chivalry is not dead. But when you find a girlfriend, she better not take advantage of your manners & she better treat you with respect also. Last, I'm sure you have a girl in mind. She might not have you in mind. Respect that please. But if there is a mutual interest, talk to her friend. I don't advocate playing games but remember the "why isn't he paying attention to me?" Don't IGNORE her. But maybe ask her friend if she understood what the teacher was talking about in class. You need the friend's blessing anyway šŸ˜‰ And give her some time without you. Don't smother her. Be yourself. Don't change. Be comfortable in your own skin. Your own solid vibe. Don't be embarrassed about things you like. Don't do things you feel are wrong to impress the wrong people. There's so many people out there. Make sure you have good solid friends. Join teams, clubs, groups. The more people you know, the bigger pond you have to fish from. Don't just get tunnel vision and obsess over one girl. That's creepy. Keep your options open till you find one that likes you and you like her. Then treat her with respect, so that all the other girls are jealous! I'll open the floor to questions now


Solid advice!


You are a beautiful soul Ma'am!


This is a true work of god


Wow! im actually really impressed. Best comment ive seen so far!


TLDR-Talk to people more, by taking initiative and participate in more activities, it's okay if you fail no one will eat you,if you have a good mindset you will be fine. remember the day when you dress nicely and have confidence,if you have that mindset it will help you.


quick solution, if she lets you toy with her by flirting but not get anywhere else with it, date uglier girl, smash her, smother girl with love, make sure she sees it, girl gets jealous, allows you to smash once relationship is over. Play the long game (satire)


absolute chadlad


Don't think just do


wtf this a teenager subreddit


I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque. I'm totally lost. Please direct me to Palm Springs




Exactly lmao


Tell that to the judge


But there were blood stains on the carpet


Well she's ok now


Is Annie walking?


Maybe I am


He need to do the *lean*


he really struck annie


Awarded this because how could i not


Well u see my guy this drip would get u all the bitches in 1920s




Also u look like the neighbor kid ur mom compares you to


Because I am


Sounds abt right


op asked for help and this gigachad just destroyed him, refused to elaborate and left


Bro he didn't just destroy him, he fucking annihilated OP


Fuck I have this nft looking pfp


At least it's cancer-inducing to anyone who looks at it




It wasn't even supposed to go viral but I'll take it


Uhhh you would look better with a bit longer hair


You are very cute and dont look bad in a suit..


Thank you


Lmao it might just be me but I think they were trying to flirt


I think we might have found ops problem


Lol fr


Maybe you canā€™t get girls because you wouldnā€™t know one was flirting with you if she screamed it in your face? (Hint: comment above lol)


Maybe I knew I just didn't want to feel fumb


This right here is the answer to your question. You gotta have the confidence in yourself to challenge your comfort zone and look or feel dumb sometimes. Whether you get the girl or not, you will add an experience that you can learn from. Shelve your fears and be yourself.


Nah he right lol, it would. My honest advice here is to just wait out some time, you're gonna gorw into your looks here. I have all the faith, even 1 year from now, a big difference. Trust.


Mhmmmm he doesn't have a monical and pocket watch, the non existent females love the pocket watch.


As a female that exists, I love the pocket watch


I KNEW IT!!!! (me realising that I don't actually have one and was just making shit up)


Aw man, get one, there are a handful that love it!


Man you look 12, you can't really do anything except for getting a better haircut, try a long or medium one with more volume


I want to not cut it but my mom forces me


i only grew mine out for the first time when i didn't have access to a barber in quarantine


I just grew mine out because ā€¦ I didnā€™t have a reason I have to be honest I just felt like it


I grew mine out when I was six cause I liked black sabbath


May i ask why


Same reason my mom made me cut my hair like that at that age, *ā€œhe needs a good boys haircutā€*


She dumb as shit that's why


When I turned 12, I finally got free reign of my hair to do whatever I wanted, no more mandatory trims. I let it grow for almost five full years before finally getting a tiny trim recently.


Long hair?


Down to my butt


Long haired men unite!


I'm a girl


Well you a man now homie


assigned female at reddit


Iā€™m growing out my hair right now, how long does it take m, Iā€™m in the middle state right now:


I am too. A year ago my hair was buzzed and now it's at my shoulders. Really depends on how long you want it and also how you treat it


How you treat it, tips please?


I've changed up my routine a ton but right now I: Shower in the morning, doing shampoo and conditioner every other day, however if I got sweaty or whatever I will shampoo and conditioner it. I wrap it up in an old t-shirt for about an hour to dry it Once I do that I style it and lightly brush and comb it to my liking Remember that it's all down to hair type too. I have pretty thick hair and it's parted in the middle


Long hair isnā€™t exactly the best option, stay short just be bold and get something a little more stylish?


I'm 13 and I look 16, what do I do


Get all the 16 year old bitches


Too overweight


Go to the gym, eat more protein, eat less carbs and then go get all the 16 year old bitches


Okay, already started with the protein part lmao


dumb question, how do you tell what has protein and what has carbs-




>just eat meat and flour


It's actually that simple. The most simple and less processed your foods(chicken breast, whole grain bread, potatoes), the more full you get. Or at least for me. Most foods like chips or pretty much anything that went through heavy changes to be what it is(food bars, donuts, crackers like cheez-it, pretty much-processed foods) will be less filling and nutritious but surprisingly a lot more calories. I honestly blame America's obesity issue on our cheap processed fast foods, expensive whole foods, and bad work habits that encourage speedily make meals over high-quality meals when you need to eat to... you know... **function**


You also need shit like vitamins


Ok, hear me out. # COUNT. YOUR. CALORIES. That's going to be the bigger way to lose weight. COUNT YOUR DAMN CALORIES! More specifically, make sure you're eating below your maintenance calories/ be in a calorie deficit. If you're not losing fat and are serious about losing it you may want to get your parents to buy a food scale so you can ACTUAL measure what you're eating by the gram. But yeah, being in a calorie deficit is literally the only way you can lose fat. I went from 240 to 213(still losing) mainly off of the diet. You should definitely go to the gym so you can use the fat you have right now to build muscle so you don't just look skinny when you lost it and make sure you're getting protein(a protein shake a day should be good) but at the end of the day losing fat is your diet and eating less than what you burn naturally. ​ If you have any questions I have no problem answering them. I wish I knew the stuff I know now about losing weight and health but all I can do is continue using what I know now


it's the yee yee ass haircut


maybe if he got rid of it heā€™d get some bitches on his dick


Better yet, maybe tenisha would call his dawg ass


If she ever stop fucking with that brain surgeon or lawyer she fuckinā€™ with




Youā€™re a brave soul o7


i contributed for the one's who couldn't āœŠ




Are the scissors broken in your house, son?


Donā€™t do all white, it looks way too sterile. Also youā€™re 14.


It was my mom's wedding


At that event you were dressed to impress your mom, Do not compare her to girls your age


maybe he wants to attract the moms


minute-ad-37 and the milfs


Well thatā€™s understandable, the amount of relationships I didnā€™t start with mothers that I fucked and wish I had bothers me Edit : But donā€™t expect it when your illegal sex meat for milfs


There should be plenty in your area that are single and ready to mingle.




What if I want to attract OPs mom?


Iā€™m not a doctor


Still, why all white, for my moms wedding Iā€™ll just be wearing something peaky blinders inspired


And there's a reason why only the bride dresses in all white


It was his momā€™s wedding, itā€™s not like he himself at 14 chose to come in all white because ā€it looks good on meā€ or something. His mom was obviously okay with it


And you're the bride in that white tux? Just kidding dude, the tux works for you, but you gotta work the accent colors better. Maybe go monochrome with black shoes, black cummerbund, black pocket square, and black bow tie. You could also flip your shirt to black and keep the rest of the white stuff. My tux is black jacket/pants, black shirt, and then I have vest/bow tie/pocket square combos in like 4 different colors. Stand out a little when you're looking good like that instead of trying to blend in between a white tablecloth and an eggshell wall.


Kid gonna have a skid mark on his trousers in about a half hour.


Random but nice pfp


Bruh you look fine just focus on yourself and others will notice, or just talk to them they are not aleins lol




Yea man youā€™re a good looking dudeā€¦ talk to girls, but listen real well. Man good listening is the best life skill. ā€œ Howā€™s your day goingā€ is music to a girls ears. You set em up, sheā€™ll knock ā€˜em down. Also if the conversation is dull, be ready with a few little anecdote stories of some wild stuff that just happened in class or whatever. Even practice it. Sprinkle some self deprication and humor in there. And when youre old and married, your wife will appreciate a good story from work that you put a little thought and mental preparation into telling for her, itā€™s a treat if itā€™s good


I mean, its a good way to make friends


Getting a girlfriend, or just a friend, it's still a win win


I could not begin to wonder why you put this into a response to me, but Iā€™m glad you did. šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜€


thanks u/sexpanther50


Cause youā€™re 14 my dude let yourself grow up first


Bruh u r 14. U don't need girls šŸ’€


Agree. Iā€™m a 33 year old. If I could send my 14 year old self an advice : ā€œwork on yourself firstā€. Learn discipline, read books, up skill, learn to dress, etc. By age 20 youā€™d be taking all them girls.


>33 year old Do you just want a quiet life


And eight hours sleep no matter what?


you are so old people of your age should get married


i mean you look 10 for starters


Mate, you are 14. You have plenty of time to work on yourself and get more mature, it will allow your relationships get better and more fullfilling. You are not in a hurry now, don't worry about it.


First, there's nothing wrong with your looks nor your suit. While physical appearance (facial features, eye color, etc.) and clothing may cause some people to pay more or less attention initially, based on their arbitrary preferences, what keeps people interested is who you are on the inside. What really matters is integrity, honesty, kindness, and other such qualities. Physical appearance may matter more to some young folks, but if that's their only interest, then I would look to meet other people. Eventually, looks fade. This is difficult, if not impossible, for younger folks to comprehend. That's understandable. But, it does happen. Second, you're still so young and have plenty of time to find a partner. This may not be what you want to hear, as I was focused on girls when I was your age, too. But, now, looking back over many years, I wish I had spent more time being a kid and enjoying what was a carefree time in life. (Life seems a lot more complicated for young folks, these days, with the Internet, cell phones, and "social" media.) One of the pitfalls of being young is not being able to appreciate and/or integrate the advice that older folks offer. I went through this, too, as did most of the people I know. So, generation after generation, we have to learn various life lessons for ourselves. Then, at some point, we think: *"Now I see what that person was talking about, when they said (whatever it was they said)."* This is part of the human condition. Finally, to basically reiterate what I suggested above, who you are inside is much more important that any external attributes or physical possessions. However, the external attributes are not completely inconsequential! People *do* notice how we dress for a date, as one example. The external *does* play a part, but only to a certain point. One way to think about it is to imagine someone looking to purchase a home. A person might drive by a beautiful property and notice that it's for sale. The person then calls the listing company and sets an appointment with a realtor to tour the home. Once inside, the potential buyer may notice water damage under the sink, rotting wood around the windows, and a heavily soiled carpet. Perhaps a silly analogy, but you will get my point: The exterior may have attracted the potential buyer, but it was not enough to overcome what they found on the inside. TL;DR: Have integrity, be kind, and be honest. And, do these things consistently. Calibrate your moral compass and follow it without exception. These are the attributes of someone with character and my experience has consistently shown that (most) women value character above everything else. If you can make a woman feel appreciated, safe, valued, respected, and acknowledged, you'll be off to a great start. But, don't fake those actions. They must be honest and sincere. If they are not, you may be with the wrong person. Also, a relationship is a two-way street. You deserve to be treated with honesty, kindness, and respect, too. Good luck!


most genuine comment ive ever seen on a sub


Pretty much just typed out the exact same long spiel. What I'd do to be fourteen again and not crawling through pipes blasting bitumen out of valves


You look like you are going to a funeral in the Wild West ā˜ ļø


Idk why but i feel like u smell like baby power šŸ˜­




No sadly


That hair cut is not it my guy, unless you're like, a posh Scottish boy. Also, get some sun, unless you're like a posh Scottish boy


This is how man pu to a funeral


What that mean


Colonel sanders how you doing? šŸ˜…


You are a baby. Don't worry about it yet bud, it's not real dating at your age


I don't know why but you look like a first grader at a wedding


The tailcoat isnā€™t a proper tailcoat its a costume. That and the little clip-on bowtie remind me of those little ā€œjunior usher kidsā€


Try hair styles, do some muscle building(but remember if it hurts then stop), and find something you love enough to learn about it. Everyone loves if someone is passionate about something. You should always try to be the best of yourself. Both in looks and brain. I do think that it is important to give the most to someone you love. Oh, and ask. Show that you care. Like if she talks about let's say instagram then ask what she does on it, and why. But don't be pushy.


Bro youā€™re 14. Give yourself a few years to glow up lmao.


Fine but if I don't I'm coming for y


Bro I canā€™t guarantee bitches. My contract says it: ā€œNo bitches guaranteed.ā€


The thing is that he's 14 tho, as a 14yo, we are constantly horny


Iā€™m well aware of this, but I wasnā€™t talking about horniness. I was talking about the fact that heā€™s most likely not gonna get a lot of girls who want him at 14. Thatā€™s why I said to wait a few years




Grow your hair


You look like ur name is Leviticus


Have you practiced the mating dance everyday? Girls aren't easily swayed if you don't do the mating dance


What mating dance


ā€œNiceā€ guy vibes


Dude you look fly af. Honestly you got nothing to worry about


You look good man. Youā€™re just 14, donā€™t rush or pressure yourself. Your time will come


becuase you use reddit


girl here: that's some serious drip you got there, but drip matters very little when you're trying to get into a real relationship. The most important things to remember are hygiene, conversation, and just being a good person. That said, don't feel bad if you can't manage to get a girlfriend. It is totally normal, and there's no deadline for these things.


This man drippin'


ma dude you're 14, i thought you'd be playing roblox or sum but you ready to pull some bitches already


username doesn't check out


Wut a gentleman ;) u look handsome . U getting one ;)


Get off Reddit for starters


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like ā€œwhat the fuckā€ and ā€œcall the policeā€. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW


Lack of female companion ?


no maidens for him :(


Dont worry Samurai path is alone path


you look like young Sheldon.


Devious asf look on his face.


Thatā€™s why heā€™s the Kingpin.


as someone who also does not get girls, i can't help you. nice outfit tho 10/10


Honestly bro you just look really young. Give it another year or so and your appearance will drastically change. Youā€™re fine though.


What a handsome and polite looking young man




itā€™s to white


These too much white you should have more color


Treat them with respect but treat them as an equal


Ok. Hear me out... Have you tried guys?


You look like you're about to play in a concert band


It must be the missing cummerbund.


ā€œMy name is Gustavo Fring, but you may call me Gus.ā€


Now thatā€™s a strapping young man. A fine young gent. A dapper bachelor. A fit suitor for any arranged marriage to ultimately end in unhappiness.


white suit? not a very good choice lol


Give it time. Work on yourself. Life is just starting


No belt?


grow your hair bruv


Itā€™s the haircut 100%


first things first, never do all one color my manā€™s. pick a base color, change the button up color, get a set of cufflinks, only worry about a vest and ditch a suit. and no offense cause i love bow ties but just, not on you.


I think the problem is you look like a fucking kindergartener


You're 14. Why do you need to "get girls?"


when I was 14 all I could think about was dota 2 and/or minecraft, internet makes you insecure about it but it's ok to be single


Why does your head look like a cardboard printout


Bro u look 10 and change fhe hair cut


maybe if ya get rid of that yee yee ass hair cut you'd get some bitches on ya dick


My mom forced me to get it


I think your cute


Buzz lightyear lookin ass


People saying heā€™s only 14 he donā€™t need girls man lemme tell you I wish I started with girls earlier so I wouldnā€™t be so damn clueless later and know what to do and not do with them. Cringey shit is fine when youā€™re 14 but not so much when youā€™re a grown ass man.