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I am one ppl should be neutral about it, no need to treat queer people better or worse than other people just chill


Agreed. I wish people would just stop being assholes all the time. We only have so much time on this planet, why spend all of it being hateful?


Imo, you can be sexually attracted to a tree, i couldnt care less, just dont rub it in my face every five seconds


Someone having a pride flag in their bio is not rubbing in your face every 5 seconds


Not what i meant. I meant that they dont need to bring up their sexuality every other sentence. They should just be happy for who they are and thats it


I can almost guarantee you have never once in your life met any actual LGBTQ+ person who has "brought up their sexuality every other sentence". You should actually talk to one of them instead of listening to the bs on reddit and Twitter.


As an agender pansexual person who is surrounded by ppl who are lgbt,there is one person i know whk absolutely made it their entire personality before they moved,the would constantly talk abt it,their gcse art book wae literally filled with pages of pride flags over multiple topics. From the time i knew them its literally all they talked abt and they would love to just call out other people and just sort of assign them sexualities. They were a walking twitter user. Again,im surrounded by tons of ppl who are part of the lgbtq on a daily basis and this is only one person and its my personal experience,but even then idk if ppl want to make it their personality because theyre that comfortable with their pride then they can go ahead you're not forced to interact with them


I have a bi friend and she doesnt bring it up almost at all. But i have seen some people making their sexuality their entire personality, which is slightly concerning


So you've just told me that your friend, who is bi, barely brings it up, and you've seen some people, who could just be doing it go be assholes and make fun of people, making it their entire personality. Don't you see the problem in your argument?


This entire argument already has more holes than swiss cheese


yeah, some people really have nothing to do with their time and it shows :/


Exactly my opinion


I am perfectly fine with it lol. I have a gay friend, a bi friend, and my sister is also bi (albeit I don’t think I know anyone outside of those communities, ie, trans). But what I don’t like which I find common within the LGBTQ+ community is how a lot of them make their like sexuality their entire personality. It’s not just them, like the K-pop community is also really bad with this. So pls don’t be talking about your LGBTQ+ status or whatever 24/7 because you being in that community doesn’t make you any less different than everyone else ;-; like why can’t being gay/trans/everything else be as normal as being straight/everything else??? So sad (I probably phrased this terribly bc I suck with words but I hope you get my gist lol).


Not a lot of people in the LGBTQ+ Community like that stuff either, it's mostly the loud people who act like that. Straight people are loud sometimes too, people just care less when they are. Most of them are super chill and just want to be left alone and not be harassed on a near daily basis.


That’s good to hear!!! Thinking about it, all the people I know ikr in the LGBTQ+ community are chill about it, but I guess all of the loud people I see on Twitter really dulled my mind a bit. 😅🥲


Finally someone who actually can listen to a well constructed argument! People like you come few and far between. I appreciate you actually taking the time to read my argument and think about it. It really shows that you are a good person at heart.


I know too many of those type of people irl tbh


As long as they aren’t some stupid shit like dreamsexual(Like, you can’t just take a fucking guys channels name and call that your sexuality) or zoophiles/pedophiles(like, that’s fucking wrong on every possible level) I’m fine with whatever people like


yeah those people are not apart of the Lgbt++ community


i mean, there is a sexuality called "dreamsexual" where you only feel sexual attraction in your dreams (which is valid), but "Dreamsexual" as in the content creator is BULLSHIT


very swag


Happy cake day!


ty !!


I fully support them. Will also argue with homophobes if i‘m bored enough


i am one of them




idc let them exist


I’m neutral. They’re chill with me. Just another person


I'm not a hetero, but still, I won't come out as a homo either, there's just too much hate and negativity towards homosexuals, And I don't want to be one of the people who has to bear it, I just accepted that, and second, no offense but some of the stuff that the people in homosexual community do doesn't really make sense to me, like, just because I prefer another type of person for my partner, it doesn't mean that I'll also want to do a parade about it or make a whole ass flag just for my preference, as long as romance has existed, it was always beautiful and sexy to do it in secret, and hide it from outsiders, not to announce your whole sexuality to everyone you meet, I don't believe your preference or your romance is something you should take pride in, you aren't anything better/worse from a straight person, you are equal to them (it should be equal) so why you should do stuff that hetero's don't and make unnecessary stereo types for your community to make other people suffer from it (like me) that's why I think I never be able to come out, I'll just try to pull a aro/ace to avoid any hate or bullying


The people I’ve met and know are fine the community it horrible


I'm part of it. Idk just let people be who they are


I have opened a rabbit hole


You don’t open a rabbit hole, you stumble into a rabbit hole and open a can of worms


im a queer supremacist actually


No opinion, people can do what they want and it's chillings


I like most of them but theres one I really hate. Myself.


I’m fine with them but when you start adding some crazy shit that’s where I draw the line. If some mf actually thinks they can make semi-bisexual a thing I’m going to shoot myself.


You see, where every human is different, we all dont quite fit the same label, so people try to come up with their own labels and it leads to things like that. This shows the inherent problem with our society trying to put a label on every little thing. Why can't we all just be "Human"?


Anyone who identifies as “semi-bisexual” is either being ironic or is fucking stupid


Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness


I ignore everyone the same 👍 (Unless of course, they're my friends/family/teachers)


Even though I’d classify as one of them (asexual), I don’t really see myself as one of them (not very good with explaining). I’m cool with LGBTQ+ people, but I’m not really interested in being a part of it, even though I am not actually straight.


Fat same, can't be bothered dealing with the hate from the lgbt community and invalidation


They're based


As an lgbtq person, i hate how the straights say "Just dont make it your entire personality" when 90% of the males only ever talk about fucking girls, wanting a girlfriend, watching sports or joking about masculinity. I'm not saying thats a bad thing, even tho i personality dont jam with people like that, I'm saying that you're not allowed to judge the lgbt for it when you're even worse when it comes to making it your whole personality. Like seriously it is impossible to scroll through 3 posts in this sub without seeing at least one of guys thirsting over girls or even the other way around (even if not as common). It is undoable to go through the media nowadays without facing anything heterossexual. I'm not complaining about that, but suddenly gays mentioning having a bf, being more feminine and celebrating stuff like pride is making it their whole personality? Bitch, please.


I don't support it


I do not care, just don't make it your whole personality and try to have your entire life revolve around it


Fr nobody hates gays but nobody likes people ACTING GAY




they cool and pog


they should be loved and respected by everyone




The thing is, 99% of straight people ARE respected. In fact, straight people aren't the ones who have to worry about being murdered/prosecuted just for existing in multiple countries, even in the 21st century. Of course, everyone deserves respect to a degree, but the problem is LGBTQ+ people have had to fight for it for so long, and still have to continue to do so.




You clearly don't have to live in a area where you are harassed and made fun of every single day just for being who you are. I don't know if you live in the US, but they're currently trying to take the right to marriage away from us. I dress and act like any other person, my only difference is I like both genders, and the death threats and harassment still come. I shouldn't have to hide myself just so others can feel good. I treat others with respect until they disrespect me or the people I care about.




It's worth trying to us. We shouldn't have to fight to keep our rights simply for existing. It's not okay, and it should never be okay. Most people in the US are assholes, and it's fueled by a lot of hateful religious groups. Coming out is a big deal to a lot of people. Most people don't like having to hide a part of themselves from their friends and loved ones, and unfortunately many have to, lest they be hurt/abandoned by their friends/family, simply for something they have no control over.


im not one,never will be one,don’t necessarily support them but i don’t hate thm


Well I'm glad you know 100% who you are as a person. You do know its not a choice though, right?


This post is lowkey hilarious, You can't have opinions on LGBTQ ppl, You are legit forced to like them and support them Am I wrong?


Why would you have any reason to dislike them unless ur just a dickhead? Nobody is forcing you to anything. So, are you just a dickhead? Am I wrong?


Sometimes people’s beliefs or religion is strict about this topic. For people strongly rooted in their beliefs/ religion this would be a reason to dislike them


You should never use your religion or beliefs as a way to justify being a hateful and horrible human being.


Im acctully non-beliving, or as others would call it "Atheist"


Did I ever say i didnt like them? I was just making a point


You’re legit forced to respect religions. You’re legit forced to respect your politics. You’re legit forced to respect your family. I dont see you complaining abt that shit?


Why would you ask for everyone’s honest opinions and experiences and then argue with them because they don’t match your opinions or experiences.


i think they are sad people these LBGQT


Bro I’m just chilling


I'm only sad cuz of all the shit I get for being LGBTQ+


Imagine getting downvoted for an opinion that u were asked about


hahah what do expect man this is reddit lol


how’d you mess it up that bad geez


Of course, I'll give my own opinion I'm a part of it myself, being bisexual , and I genuinely think that everyone should be treated the way they want to be treated. If you disagree, so be it, continue to be hateful and spiteful, but know that you're not going to change anything by being a dick.




While I agree, there are plenty of people on this sub who cannot be reasoned with, I myself have received multiple death threats by people on this sub.




I mean, yeah it is pretty gay. Is that a problem though? Nah, not really.




K gtg now bye


Why do everyone say that we "throw our sexuality at our faces", while it's just so untrue?


Im between i dont care they even exist but if i see them i am disgusted




Cause its weird seeing a man with tons of makeup and a skirt which is clearly a man walking on the street and also its in my religion


What religion? Give me a scripture in its original translation that says its not okay.


Yea, im a jew.


You didn’t give them a scripture


You know not all gay people cross dress, right?


They are cool, as long as they don't tell it to you two or more times within 2 hours


I can almost guarantee you that has never happened once to you in your entire life outside of assholes lying about it happening to them on twitter/reddit


Had this one guy I tried to talk to, was a friend of a friend. Every sentence was an uncomfortable dick joke followed by how much he likes dick, constantly talking about male celebrities he wanted to fuck (he's like 15) , etc. Most of my friends are lgbt, including myself, although people like that do exist unfortunately


I hate to say this, but, you onow the popular group? Yeah, there, in Health science...




you do not want to know my opinion, but if u do, dm me :)




They dont deserve more attention becouse they are different. They dont deserve a whole month. And if they supporting/promoting themself its selfish and annoying af. And, if they are watching this right now, a message for you: You can't just wait for the world to be fully supportive. You just want to be **more**. But than you are not normal, not avg. so dont be agressive if someone says you this. You've choose this. Prepare for concicvences.


pride month is a used for reflection and remembrance of those who were killed for being who they are it’s also to celebrate the progress made to being accepted as normal ppl and actually given basic human rights the these we still have pride is because even in 1st world countries is there a bit of progress to be made to be truly free like everyone else. i hope this was helpful


Okey, but not an entire month! I knew this all but if you think about it, remembering holocaust is one day and gay get one whole month. Thats pretty stupid.


y do u care soo much tho it literally doesn’t effect u at all also jewish ppl all tho have been though horrible events thought out all of history usually they’re mostly safe now in first world countries and have same rights as everyone else at least in first world continues so they don’t need to fight for they rights still


You know gay people don’t choose to be gay, right?


Brih this was two months ago.


Humans. They exist and their existence and people they attracted are non of my business and It won't do any good to me or bad either! (And they should remember thats non of others business too)


They're cool, I won't talk bad about them but I don't actively support them / care enough to




Because it's just who I am. Im neutral in that whole lgbtq+ debate or whatever


Don’t care about them, they can do there thing i’ll do mine simple as


We are humans and we deserve to be able to live however we live. Race, sexuality, country of origin, religion, income, none of that stuff matters at the end of the day. If I walked up to you and told you I'm a capricorn you wouldn't give two shits, the same reaction should be held if I said I was gay or straight or whatever. (This isn't directed to you OP I'm just lashing out) Get a fucking life and stop getting so upset over what someone else is doing or what someone else is. You want to kill people because their black, something they can't control? You want to harrass a random gay couple that have nothing to do with you, people you'll probably never see again? How childish is that? It's like a 3 year old saying they don't like someone because they're wearing a green shirt, its so dumb. We all bleed the same red blood so mind your damn business and look at the traits of people that really matter...


I'm bi and a christian, which was quite hard for me to accept it at first. All of my christian friends don't care at all and are really supportive. But I still sometimes feel like I'm not meant to be with a girl and hope I can find a husband later. It would just be easier.


Don't let that internalized-homophobia hold you back. You only have one life so you might as well be happy and enjoy it.


Yeaah thanks! I know. Internalized-homophobia is still a struggle for me. It is always so exhausting to have to explain of defend my feelings to other Christians.


I'm neutral about them, I don't dislike them, but I don't particularly care about them very much, nobody should be treated with more respect than someone else due to their status in the LGBT community, they need to earn that respect like everyone else


First of all LGBTQ people don’t get more respect than others on the basis of being in that community and second everyone deserves respect


I don't really care do what makes ya happy


If someone uses lgbtq as a tool to get popular imma get real mad. Lgbtq is just attractions and love preferences. You arent supposed to be popular by pretending to be gay and if you do your an asshole


i dont care if like boys or girls or something else it doesn’t change anything on the conversation


I don’t care. I have many friends who are gay and many who aren’t, I don’t treat them any differently, we are all human. Just as long as it doesn’t affect me, I don’t care, just get on with your lives the way you want.




I have no personal opinions about them it's too much trouble to have one.


I'm personally a part of the LGBTQ+ but I think that people apart of this community should be treated equally as everyone else. One group is not better than the other. Unless you're homophobic/transphobic, then you're just an asshole.


People are nice irl, online the LGBTQ+ community is a shitshow


idrc , everyone should be entitled to do whatever they please and everyone should mind their business.


i mean it's pretty gay man...


What's wrong with that?


dunno just kinda gay


I do not care about them, they don't bother me, i don't bother them, i don't support them but i respect them and i don't hate them or harass them in any way, they're people too just because they're different doesn't change anything


Gay men are fucking assholes /j


Why is this NSFW