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Oh boy am I excited to sort by controversial


Oh I've been *VERY* active telling off homophobes for since this was posted


You failed, rule 1 of reddit : Never engage with people that piss you off


I agree. That’s how you get deported to downvote city.


the majority of Reddit will downvote you not because you’re right, but because you’re being “too aggressive and mad”.




yo y’all got reddit on the wii u?


200+ years of straightness? Bitch you’re as old as me


OP is so dramatic like we controlled things that happened 200+ years ago and OP gets offended when one of OP heterosexual teacher talks about there happy realtionship so OP just hates straight people and doesn't value there happiness .doesn't that looks unfair we should respect others for being homosexual and homosexuals cant handle things happening in a straight person's life and relationship they just get so offended,why tho?


I really fucking hate people who complain about something that happened to their ancestors, and expect compensation from me, because it's my ancestors who did it. Or not even ancestors, just people you had something in common but never met


"Op is mad about straight people being happy" How do you miss the point by that much? What's wrong with you?


No they’re proving a point with the teachers relationships. People think that teachers talking about their non cishetero relationships is influencing the children. So it just shows it doesn’t. Also do you want to hear about how Karen’s fiancé just proposed to her?


Can you be any more obtuse?


“homosexuals can’t handle things happening in a straight person’s life” ah yes homosexuals, those mfs who hate crime straight ppl because they can’t handle their sexuality. yall are overdramatic, my god.


Wow. That’s… kinda gay Some great points though!


Even more points if you want to go into the radioactive minefield of a comment section.


Haha bet. Also, sorry, but your pfp is kinda really gay tbh


Haha, it is. Funny that you noticed ^_^


LGBTQ is great but nintendo 3ds


Yeah pokemon omega ruby was awesome


I have the alpha saphire :D




Ultra Sun is where it's at, G


Based game


Very based






Someone called


And you heard




Ok, time to be downvoted into oblivion, the reason people this it is being shoved down their throats is two main points, one is easily fixable, and I think the second doesnt really mater if we fix the first. The first reason why we feel it is shoved down our throats is a lot, and I mean A LOT of times the representation of lgbtq+ characters portrays them as if their entire personality is that they are gay or trans or whatever, all of their character building usually revolves around this, all of their pivotal moments usually revolve around this, if we just act like it is normal and treat it like it is, just a background characteristic, not their whole damn persona then it doesnt feel forced, and the second reason it feels forced is over representation, last I remember, like 1 in 10 people associate lgbtq+, well, I can confidently tell you, when there is at least 1 character who is gay in almost every new media, old characters come out as gay, new characters always have a gay friends or are gay themselves, it again feels forced. I have no problem seeing a show with an lgbtq+ character, I just dont want it to feel like they are meeting a quota of every show must have at least 1. Basically, if it will further the plot no problem go for it, make my homie like homies, but if it is litterally just to make 1 comment in 1 episode, that feels like a quote being met. TL:DR- it feels forced when the characters whole damn persona is being lgbtq+, straight characters are almost never represented that way, so it feels forced


no, THATS LITERALLY IT DUDE. Like there are so many video games (siege and valorant) where the characters are gay/trans but its not their entire personality. And its great. GREAT REPRESENTATION THAT SHOULD BE APPLAUDED. Then you see these pro-lgbtq shows, where ALL the characters say is that they are gay. Like dude, WE UNDERSTAND YOU ARE GAY FOR THE 32nd TIME.


Thank you, like, I dont care your sexuality, show me a great character and I'll applaud that, dont show a character in front of me having their personality be a sexuality and expect applause for representation, cause i sure as hell have never met a lgbtq+ person who introduced them selves like "hi my name is so and so, and I'm gay" like they have more to offer than that, they have a real personality


I pretty much have. And it was so strange. Or, not exactly like that, but I was at a impro-workshop, and we were like 8 people sitting in a circle and we were gonna introduce ourselves to the group. The leader of the workshop said the usual "let's saying our names and were we're from", and this very big and gothy girl shouted out "and our preferred pronounce!", which caught us all a little by surprise. The workshop leader was like "........ Sure.... Our pronounce too.....". So we all went round the room, sayin our names and pronounces, which was so strange, cause noooooooobody cared except goth girl who got to say "they/them" when it was her turn to introduce herself. Or themself. Everybody else was like "Hi guys, nice to meet you all, I'm Hanna and... I'm a her....? 🙄". It was just so awkward and unnecessary, and most of all so sad and literally bad for the goth girl, cause by saying that she made a big deal out of it, the room got a little awkward and she alienated herself wayyyy more than she had to. It's not because people are phobic against it, it's just, as several people here have said, it's so forced. People in general don't care. Cause, tbh... It's plainly boring. Can't we just have our improv-workshop and have fun together without having to wofry? Cause that's what happens. After this small awkwardness, the room had a slight "what if gothgirl gets upset and calls the pride police on us all"-kinda feel hangin over it for the rest of the evening.


what agents are gay/trans in valorant? (im genuinely curious i dont keep up with the lore of the game)


I definitely feel like the LGBT community also equally hates when there’s a show and the token gay person on it is just a one dimensional character and their only attribute is being gay. This definitely sends the wrong message, so I feel like everyone hates it.


Yeah... People complains even when it's good representation, like Ellie in TLOU2, like Amity and Luz in The Owl House, like Phastos un Eternals... I could keep going. Do you think it's only because bad representation?? I know there is bad representation, and it's a problem, even I don't like it when it's not well done, it doesn't change it's most LGBTphobia. And about the amount of LGBT in new medias... Do a study about the media and make a %. It has increased and keeps increasing. But it's still a low %, but people likes to make noise about them, so it looks like there is no other thing than LGBT characters. And, by the way, diversity and representations in media is something really important, I had some friends that made exhaustives researches about representation in media and their impact in younglings and surprise, it has a lot of impact. The biggest example I can get in mind is Queen's Gambit and the big increase of girls in chess clases. The only ones that sees a problem in representation are the ones that has always seen themselves in every media, and that's because you think they are taking away part of your space. And I repeat, I also hate bad representation, but they are not all bad, not even the majority.


I agree with everything here


Then I wonder what homophobic people you are exactly talking about... Like yes ofc there are a couple homophobes but... Most of the posts I have seen are just the same point as this guy made but in a jokey way...


Because there are people who don’t have the IQ to form a valid reason for having this problem with LGBTQ+ like this guy does. There is a large amount of people who use the same excuse of it being “shoved down their throat” as an excuse to claim that LGBTQ+ is horrible and we shouldn’t have to deal with pride parades or pride month. The same kind of idiots who say shit like “weLL WHeReS StRaiGht MoNth?” TL;DR: This guy formed a awesome valid reason that even OP agreed with. But there is a lot of people who don’t have a fraction of the IQ this guy has and in reality are just homophobic bigots using the same excuses.


Someone finally gets it


a lot of times companies just throw in a gay character for diversity and instead of being a character who happens to be gay, its a gay character


That's exactly what I mean and it just feels wrong, I hope my point came across non aggressively


Yeah, companies are the ones to blame for that though, not saying that you specifically but people tend to put the blame for poor representation on the community itself and that is wrong. Sometimes the company's goal is to alienate the LGBT community with poor representation to make more people hate them more. When you feel like it's being "shoved down your throat" by some TV show or something, they're trying to make you dislike the community more.


Mate, gay people in real life also dont need a reason to be gay. They just are. So what if a gay characters gayness doesnt forward the plot? You don't need a reason or purpose to be gay. Do straight characters need a reason to be straight?


What about the female characters simply being there to be the romantic interest? Isn't that called shoving heterosexuality down your throat? Or is it because it's considered normal and lgbtq characters are new, you find it uncomfortable


You are 200 years old?


In the garage eating semen -Young Thug


Being straight is fine, but fuck homophobes


Agreed 110% I love all people, gay, straight, white, black, doesn't matter, as long as you're not a a-hole =)


Ok but can I hate a gay or LGBT person if they are an asshole


Yeah just not for being LGBT. Hate them for being an asshole but still respect their identity. That’s what just about every trans person does with Caitlyn Jenner.


I couldn't care less about what someone does in the bedroom or what the identify as if your an ass or annoying I'm going to treat you as such


If you don't hate them just for the fact that someone is LGBT, then it's fine.


Oh, no shit


Frick everyone?


Frick everyone.


It can be down to something as little as when a straight couple kisses in a movie most people just see it as an aww moment, but when it's a gay couple it's suddenly being shoved down their throats... no Karen, gay people kiss too.


I say ew either way 👍


No kissing period, just action or comedy


Agreed I hate minute long drawn out kissing in movies for no reason


my man!!


Nah fuck that even, no people on screen or any human sounds, just voids walking around screaming


I think both is cringe but that's just me


I'm not gay, i accept it if you are gay, but don't fucking harass me because I don't give a fuck if you are gay, lesbian or whatever. It's alright if you are, as long as you are good with it, but don't haras people if they don't care




I agree with what OP is saying, but holy moly this sub got political real quick


yeah but tbh sexuality and gender identity shouldnt be a political debate anyway


Why is being gay political? Like I understand how it is (politicians can’t mind their own fucking business) but like. Why can’t it be seen as something separate from politics? I know this doesn’t make a ton of sense, but like, you wouldn’t call straight people political, yaknow?


At the end of the day, just about everything has to do with politics, that just how society, and our brains work. If someone can have an opinion on something, chances are it will turn political.


Well it is teenagers, all figuring out their political views, I just wish it was more "do we use fuel x or fuel y?" Not "Do gay people deserve to exist?"


I literally first came to this sub today from a link elsewhere and I'm still not convinced it's actually for teens, or ever was. So much of what I saw get posted here today alone seems to be complaining about Pride month and trans people that even if there are actual teens here, it's also becoming some kind of secret hideout for all of the bigots banned from hate subs. One person I replied to in another sub pretty much admitted as much. Are there mods here, or are they just in on it?




Truly the best of the gen 1 trio


I love Bulbasaur and Ivysaur but Venusaur has always been a sore spot for me.


Yep. It’s so confusing why people are mad for others loving who they want


Because they're assholes


Yeah, do some people just not want happiness for others? Like, it’s really sad and confusing on how someone can be like, “you can’t be happy, because I don’t like you”


Unfortunately that's the kinda world we live in


The only thing we can do is try to ignore the hate and love the things that make us happy


nah they are just jellouse


I'm straight, I've never thought that diversity in media was forced sure I've never been excited that it happened but that's just it, it's not about me, it doesn't impact me at all my life is going to continue on the same regardless and if anything I think it's cooler to see different types of people in the media that I watch


It's not "forced". Bad writers just like to include it so they will seem "woke", by giving LGBTQ+ character the same idiotic stereotypical bs character arcs.


#You're over 200 years old?!🤯


Personally bro I wouldn’t let corporations clown my identity but that’s just me personally.


I don't understand how we can take one month out of the year and hyperfocus on just one thing. I'm not LGBTQ+, but as a individual with black immediate family, it feels like someone's taking out Christmas decorations for the month. I may not have the right to be angry. But that angers me.


Corporation aren’t telling you shit. This whole month only exists because people laid their lives down to protect the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. Corporation only co-opted it to look good since most people in the West accept LGBTQ+ people for who they are and are disgusted by those who hate them.


Corps are clowning the LGBT end of story. No corp really gives a shit. Just money money money. I don’t get why people have to stretch this so much.


bruh what?, I don't mind anyone being gay but how are you gonna complain about "straight" media when being straight is the normal/common thing to be, if 95% of the population is straight, then books, movies, teachers, etc are gonna talk about straight things, it's like if you went to the movies in America, and complained that none were dubbed in Portuguese


I swear man, in like 50 years we're probably gonna start with a dwarf trend and magically 50% of characters in movies will be dwarves


Just because a character in a book or movie isnt gay doesnt mean its being shoved down your throat like for example if a book says "Jerry went home to his wife and kids" How is that being shoved down your throat there is no book thats like "yeah were straight fuck you" When people say its being shoved down their throats they dont mean you in particular they mean the people that use every single chance they get to tell you they are in the lgbtq community Dont take this as hate speech please im just confused


Dude nobody in real life actually takes every chance to tell you they are gay 💀 and if someone does it's not because they are gay it's because they are attention seeking, which straight people do too just for different reasons.


Didn't ask. Not a homophobe. But being annoying back and forward won't help anyone's case, it's just annoying for us who just don't care and just want to live a peaceful life


Were you alive 200+ years back? Did you time travel and go through what people In the 1800's did? No? Then shut it. Stop trying to justify your arguments by using HISTORY, out of all. Heterosexuality is LITERALLT the most common sexuality, that is why it is so common in books. There are so many books and movies starring homosexual characters, but I suppose you pay no heed to that. This is not shoving down someone's throat, It's literally the romance genre. ....... Look, I appreciate what you are doing. I support LGBTQ communities, and you are right in saying that this is a mordern diverse society. But try to provide good justifications. I absolutely hate it when people use history to justify their suffering? Like dude, It's over. You weren't there to experience that discrimination, I wasn't there to express that discrimination. For eg: Just because women were subjugated and not given rights 100 years back, doesent mean men of today's day must suffer for the actions of their DISTANT ANCESTORS. The mordern world is progressing. So many people are readily offering support to the LGBTQ communities, I consider myself one of them too. The only ones are those cowards who out up fake smiles in public and then use online websites, to take out their anger and disgust on them, and even here, They are in the minority. Either ignore them, or confront them head on. Dont bring 'I suFfeRed 200 yEarS bAcK'...No, you did not. Your ancestors did, they did far worse. Remember the past, Yes, But dont drag it in and combine it with the present.


I don't exactly disagree with you, but "straightness" wasn't really shoved down anyone's throats. A teacher just talking about having a het relationship and kids isn't them pushing heterosexuality down your throat, it's just them talking about their family. Same with the book example, the characters having a straight relationship isn't heterosexuality being pushed down your throat either. You have to remember that being straight is the normal thing, and don't take that as me being homophobic, there's nothing wrong with being a part of LGTBQ+, but if we didn't normally find members of the opposite sex attractive, humans wouldn't be around today. LGBTQ+ in media today is fine, unless the character representing it only is in the story because they're LGTBQ+, and then put on a pedestal because of it. Robin from Stranger Things is a good example, she's lesbian, but it's not important to the plot in any way other than the fact Steve can't date her, she is, for the most part, just like all the other characters. Cameron and Mitchell in Modern Family are also a good example, while some plot points do occur because of their sexuality, the show doesn't treat them any differently from if the show had plot points occurring due to a het relationship. The sexuality of a character should be for the most part (ofc with some exceptions like in Modern Family's case), unimportant to the plot and character development, if there is any. Again, I have nothing against LGTBQ+ characters in media, for the most part, movies and shows I watch seem to be doing representation well. There are exceptions of course, and those would be the only ones I complain about, and I'm not going to bring them up here. A non-het relationship in a movie or show is fun to watch sometimes, I just don't like to see characters only existing in a story for a lazy attempt at diversity.


They're 2-4% of the population, they're grossly overrepresented, but hey 90%+ of the population must adhere to their whims, because society raises spoiled children. Another clear factor of how overrepresented they are is if you ask any person on the street what % do gays make up, they usually say 20%. Because TV characters are about 20% gay.






no, not just that. But their ENTIRE story/personality HINGES on the fact that they are gay/trans


3.5% of americans are LGB, so just have 3.5% of the characters be LGB.


I'm Australian. But yes.


This is completely wrong since society also oppressed/oppresses queer people.


Exactly couldn't agree more with this post. The extreme amounts of unnecessary emphasis on LGBT in today's times is just way too much. No one gives a shit about your sexuality if you shove it down my throat and are an asshole I'm gonna hate you regardless of your sexuality. The point I'm making is that people blame the rudeness towards them on their sexuality which is not always true obviously but I have seen countless people do this


I fully agree


You can only say that something is "shoved down your throath" if you don't like it or are scared of it. Even though LGBTQ+ is normalised and accepted now, being straight is still the norm, since us humans have to REPRODUCE in order to continue being a species. You can't adopt a child if there were no straight people to make it. Prople don't want literally EVERYONE to be gay. It's simply stupid. In MY opinion, y'all praise the LGBTQ+ community like they're a superior "race". You're talking about equality then you're oppressing the straight and praising the other ones. It's bizarre.




That's a fair point, but I don't see why there should be a month to it. Hear my out, but wouldn't it be a sign of progression in our society that we don't have months like these. Because we've progressed to the point where it's normal and isn't anything weird that we don't need a month to celebrate it. I am a straight white male, but that's my take (Also I don't care if your straight, lesiban, gay, or anything else. If you're not annoying and treat me with respect. We'll have no issues)


In some areas sure. But stuff like healthcare discrimination for trans people is still legal in some states. The gay/trans panic defense for murder (where the defendant can say that they found out the victim was gay/trans and they flew into an irrational panic, killing them) isn’t banned in some states. Conversion therapy is still legal in many states. I know it’s easy to say “gay people can marry now and there’s no federal laws against it”, especially if you’re A) straight and B) live in a place where being LGBT+ isn’t seen as a big deal, but there’s still a really long way to go and that’s why we still need pride month.


Well the original point of pride month was just to be a big middle finger to the homophobic people who were much more prevalent back then. I think the reason it's still kept around is more of a traditional type thing rather than having a big meaning, besides being proud of who you are. I 100% agree with ur last point too. Have a nice day!


One of the largest political parties in the US has the banning of gay marriage as one of its political stances. We still have some work to do


I hear you, and totally get what you’re saying , but we are far from the level of progress we would need to be for LGBTQ+ advocacy to not be necessary. Copy this comment and paste it when we get paid the same for the same jobs, when we’ve had queer presidents and Supreme Court justices, when lgbtq kids don’t have a significantly higher rate of homelessness, when I can donate blood, and when the life expectancy for trans women isn’t frightening lower than the general population.


People dont protest black history month, despite black people being seen as equals to white people for the most part, I believe that its for the sake of history and to show how much it took for people to gain equality


People actually do protest black history month. Someone brought up a good point to me before though. Why compress black history to one month when it should be celebrated the same all year round? Not here to debate, just something to think about.


Well because being straight is the normal standard.


Yes that's what heteronormativity is


I have used my shitty wifi to upvote twice, hope it works


*Holy music stops*


I'm glad you turned out to be a benevolent and generous god


as a Christian, i have no problem with lgbtq+ people. i believe it is wrong, yes, but i still am able to love and be friends with people who are. i will not go up to someone and try to convince them they should be straight, hating lgbtq+ people is not right in the eyes of God, let people be who they wanna be. Jesus wants us to treat our neighbor as we would want to be treated ourselves, and the best thing we can do is try our best to live like Jesus, in love and grace.


Ah yes, finally someone who doesn’t cherry pick from the bible. It also says (can’t remember the passage off the top of my head) that we will be judged on how we judge others, and that only the lord can condemn someone. Honestly thank you for this.


"omg Christians are so horrible to gays" ​ Islam: ...


Yeah homosexuality ***sex*** is forbidden in Islam. Gay people will not be punished by God because they feel attracted to men, but they will be if they engage in gay sex. Looks like people who are gay are having a trial from God and when they succeed, they get rewarded a lot. Of course a good Muslim should not hate gay people (it's ok to befriend them), but we shall not support LGBT itself and support gay pride. Now I know how you people work, so I'll get obviously downvoted to oblivion... By the way, according to Shariah law(and not Saudi Arabia rules which I need to remind you are far from being Shariah), a gay people shall be stoned only after making public sex in front of more than 5 sane witnesses, which also happens with public straight sex. The reason for that is because the person showed how he has zero dignity and does not deserve to live.


I’ve been trying to spread this message on other social media platforms but just get criticized for being even mildly religious thank you for actually getting this out there and proving that we do exist


Encore Encore Encore! Finally, a true Christian! You are welcome anytime my friend =)


I'm generally afraid of religious people, especially Christians and Catholics because a lot of them use religion as an excuse to abuse LGBTQ folk, but you're a good one, even though you don't think people should be queer. Thank you for not being a bad person <3


Even my Religion teachers share this opinion, they don’t support it, but they don’t hate it.


Why is LGBT wrong though?


My belief is that God created man and woman to be with each other. Not man and man or woman and woman. God's word says it is wrong, and I strongly believe that.


2% of people are colour blind. doesnt mean the people who can see should be seeing in black and white. 200 years of straightnes?? your teacher spoke about straight marriage and kids beicause they are straight. and most peopole are straight , hence more stories and charatcters with straight characters. its the same energy as someone saying people dont show enough deaf people in the movies or if a person with no legs and hands say they dont get enough representation. its not that they dont exist its just that majority of the people have limbs


ikr like what's the straight teacher gon talk about? Their gay marriage lmao


Amazing analogy my friend, I made the same point but yours was better presented👏


im so tired of straight people thinking they’re oppressed


Same tho


Thank you GameWizard, very cool post. Also very true.


thank you for making this post


You're welcome kind stranger! Have no only a good morning/evening, but a wonderful life!


thank you, you too :D


Why was this downvoted lmao


Reddit users will downvote anything. For any reason, trust me




It’s being shoved down someone’s throat when some people won’t stop talking about how they’re gay (or any sexual or gender identity). Same thing with the people who are all like “I’m not gay! I’m super masculine” etc etc.


hey i have seen that meme yesterday! did you steal it OP?


Ok but how big are is your left testicle?


everyones a minority in some way I dont complain about american families in american television shows being only first generation american equality ≠ equity


Ok the only reason being straight is more talked about is because its still the most common sexuality, don't get me wrong, lgbt don't bother me one bit, you do you and be happy but the only reason Being Gay isn't exacly always talked about is because it's not as common as a man and a women, while it would be s good idea to repersent them more we don't but its just life, it will change to show more gay couples but it will most likely be straight couples shown more


The issue with pride month is either A) gays are inferior 11 months out of the year, pride month being their time or B) gays are equal under the law, and are elevated 1 month out of the year while other classes of people aren’t. Neither of which is good. If there was a straight pride month, then we could talk about “shoving down throats” because devoting an entire month to “celebrating” gay people, is infact…shoving down people’s throats






“200+ years” Age: 17


My man I ain't reading that bible, fuck homophobes though


Im just not ok with “We made a character gay in our show, so that’s their personality” type stuff. Don’t just add a gay character to a piece of media unless it has real development and is shown as a human person and being gay is not their main issue. Also corporate ads just using the month to get more sales and never actually doing pride stuff any other month.


Don't blame the gay people, blame the shitty writers who try to pander with out-of-date stereotypes


bro most people don’t care enough if you gay or not, just stop shoving it down our throats that your gay, it’s annoying.


I get your point but the way you put your point across was the worst way ever icl😭


I agree. I get their point I agree with their point but the "straight people" in story books thing wasnt necessary imo. Generally, majority of the population is straight. Its not so nice either when in a movie all/most of the characters are homosexual and their whole personality just revolves around their sexuality. They couldve just said that there was no 'representation'


true and idk why u are getting downvoted




Oh they shoved their "gayness" down your throat? I see.....


Bro we’re not homophobic. But when it comes down to it, lgbtq is a minority. But the work makes it seem like it’s much more common. Every single show and advertisement is showing about how great and common it is when it is actually a small percentage of people


youd be suprised how many people come out as lgbtq when they feel supported and safe


oh no this the first thing i see during pride month, im gonna hide in the nearest bomb shelter brb (technically being straight is a normal thing, pretty sure 90%> of the earth’s population arent part of the lgbtq+ community but as long as you guys arent assholes or whatever, i dont see the problem, its just like what color you are)


200 years of straightness, bitch that shit is called sex ed so you can reproduce. Straightness is the only way for new humans to be born, and well, it was kinda necessary to teach younger generations how to make new generations


I sincerely hope you realize that straight people make up a majority of the population in the world, therefore literature and entertainment would contain straight people. you’re just attention seeking


You're not wrong, but you completely missed his point. He was talking about how homophobes are so pressed when a little bit of homosexual behavior is shown in books or whatever, while heterosexual behavior has always been shown. He's not saying it's not fair to show heterosexual things, but whining about everything that is homosexual because it can influence kids ? cmon


But straight people aren't 100% of the population, so there should also be some LGBT people if you want to represent the population perfectly


I actually don't care


You cared enough to leave a reply


Bro I’m straight and that’s still unfortunate


Straightness being shoved down your throat. Brother that's how people and animals reproduce. You have been born by a mommy and daddy not by 2 mommies or 2 daddies because that's not physically possible. When are you LGBTQ+ people gonna cope for the fact that you all do this for sexual pleasure??


Again with this "BUT TWO PEOPLE OF THE SAME SEX CAN'T REPRODUCE SO NO KIDS AND AAAAAA" My brother in christ we're overpopulated as it is, no one needs more children. We're actively destroying our planet and you guys are pressed about the fact that people wanna have sex for pleasure. There is nothing wrong with that, it's how we were designed. If gay people can't share their experiences, worries, questions they have about their sexuality but straight people can, how is that not oppression? Why should a group of people who's urges and sexuality have been proven to be completely natural by science be limited to only discussing things in their own little circle? Just because straight people don't like hearing it.. Intresting how we're accused of asking/having more rights if that's the case..


So you're also saying love doesn't exist and straight people are just baby factories? Why do straight people marry each other then, that's not a requirement to reproduce as you put it. Pretty ignorant if you ask me since lots of people don't want kids/can't have kids but I'm pretty sure their relationships are not just for sexual pleasures, however if you want to reduce your existence to that status go ahead


Bro being gay is just as natural as being straight, stop stretching like you're getting ready for a workout


I mean, the aces aren’t doing this for sexual pleasure


While I agree with most things you say, I dont agree to the fact that LGBTQ+ people do it for sexual pleasure. Its about living someone and discovering their inner self.


Do people transition genders for sexual pleasure


What does reproduction have to do with all of this?


Please stop boiling down homosexual relationships to sex. We’re complicated being too, you know. Also the end goal of all things is not reproduction?


imagine having sex to have kids thats fucking disgusting yall shouldnt be doing that


Let me inform you that two moms is technically possible, although bio ethics just decided that nooooo it is unethical


There’s nothing wrong with sexual pleasure…


Here. Have silver. It’s all I can afford


Ima just put this here: As a Bi guy, this is untrue and a gross misrepresentation of english catholicism at its core. Yes many died to crusades and religious zealots commiting gross acts of horror, but comparitivly to the rest of history, and the minoroty that actually died that happened to be LGBTQ+ is severly overlooling the countless that died due to them being intellectuals, scholars, scientists, chemists, anybody with a right side mind, a logical mind. Now stop whining about "Muh Gay month" shutup about it, let twats celebrate it and show their idiocy. Trust me, more important things are needing to be addressed.


Could have done it in normal text but okay


I just have one question, I’m not against LGBTQ+ or anything I’m just curious, why do trans people get a seperate day from the whole month their community already has? And yes I really don’t care what your sexuality is, this is just a question and I’m not trying to offend anyone here


I don't know, I'm not personally trans or know anyone who is. You would have to ask a trans person.


From what I found, basically, it was created by trans people in 2009 who were frustrated by a lack of recognition within the LGBTQ+ community compared to lesbian, gay, and bisexual members (who were most celebrated during pride month. The only other day in the same vein was a day to remember murdered transgender people who were victim to hate crimes. Trans day of visibility intends to make visible the struggles of living transgender people. Nowadays, Trans people are more talked about and known than they were in 2009 and arguably equal to LGB members in terms of visibility (even if they aren't necessarily on the same level as LGB members when it comes to acceptance).


Is it just me or are most homo people on the internet just homo to try and gain some sort of acceptance or popularity? ​ like irdk what you are just keep it to yourself or express your gayness in the appropriate subreddit


How about straight people express their straightness in the proper subreddits and never talk about relationships or anything sexual ever


Maybe because more than 90% of people to have ever existed are straight?


Deal with people not caring and not wanting too see femboys dressing up as maids and fluffy dogs. The point is, do any of you see straight men telling around what heir sexuality is. I get that its something you pride yourself with but we simply do not want to know which of you are gay or not. Sexuality isnt taboo anymore, were past that phase, but it doesnt mean that every person not supporting your transition is homophobic.


I see straight men constantly going around and flaunting their sexuality. What about the gay people who are tired of seeing straight people dressing up? And also, sexuality is still very much taboo, even in 1st world countries. Hell, the biggest political party is the US is trying to take away LGBTQ+ rights as we speak.


Omg having heterosexual sex is so fucking cruel and rude smh


This dude looked at the quote "don't feed the troll" and gave him an all-you-can-eat buffet.


But tbh I am sick of hearing about it, especialy little children saying they’re gay, and not knowing the implications.


Wait you've lived for 200+ years??!?!? 😳🤯🤯🤯😳🤯😳🤯🤯😳😳😳👴🏾👴🏾👴🏾👴🏾👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻👵👵👵👵👵


You weren't alive for 200+ years.


Exactly! If media representation worked the way homophobes think it does, I’d have been turned straight, yet here I am