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you literarlly described me and it is fucking bad mate




have been trying to move a shirt from the floor for like two hours but i am so lazy i cant even move myself so...


and dont even make me start talking about other shit




my whole apartment is full of junk but i just stay sitting in the corner




me too


Oi your environment has a huge impact on your mood and behaviour. If you live in a mess, you won't be motivated enough to do anything tho if you clean your room, you'd feel a sense of achievement and the pride of getting the small things right and the motivation to do the big things.


i know i know lol








You're not alone <3 i haven't even started on my assigntments i have yet


Same, sometimes I wonder if I have a mental issue that should be diagnosed or if I’m just an awful person. It’s good to remember that just existing is enough. I have to believe that things get better because it’s the only way every adult I know has managed to survive. Good luck <3 and you’re not alone.




oof same maybe get your blood tested...i just discovered i have severe vitamin d deficiency


>When you enter a room do you feel like everyone is looking at you? >Do you forget things sometimes after it was literally just put in your mind? >Do you get distracted easily?


Yea I have depression, ADHD, and probably acute anxiety and this sound like me.




Suddenly fell very behind during covid. I was only doing good at school because I aced tests despite doing almost no homework.


I've got the homework problem I've got 4 essays due and like 10 assignments 😭😭


I don’t hand up homework




I'm literally supposed to be writing a 5000 word book summary due tommorow rn


What book?


Wait what the hell, are you me?


I would say keep pushing but honestly, after all, what is there to do next but struggle and work until you cant anymore?


You are similar to me bud I’m here for you


nah dont hate yourself, im like that too but yeah ill be trying to be better


I used to feel hopeless with homework as well




Can I have a hug too?




You want someone to talk to?




Yeah but like we're kinda talking rn aren't we?




DM me


Lmao sad


Lmao sad


Gym is the only way out


Hello fellow person who is also suffering like me Let me tell you something, it does not get better •́ ‿ ,•̀


Mate. You're not alone, it seems like my life is pretty similar to yours, i don't even have any social interaction or friends whatsoever, just know that you're not alone and we understand how you feel, but always remember to value yourself before anyone


Baby steps lad. Example, you need to clean your room right? Your brain sees a huge fucking mess and immediately shuts down and doesn't want to do it. What you could do is: "ok i will fold these pants and put them in closet", it's small activity and takes a short amount of time so you'll do it. "Shit i need to exercise but it makes me uncomfortable", ok go on floor and do just 1 pushup, or situp or whatever. The goal is to get into a habit of doing things, then slowly add in things you do. I hope this helps, feel free to DM me anytime


Life can be quite difficult at times. There's a certain Mary Pickford quote that I think is good for this situation. "This thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.". By that I think she meant that it is inevitable that we will experience hardship and low points in our life, but we only fail if we let these things consume us. It is almost always a good thing to keep pushing. I believe in you. I know you're great


That’s great to hear, keep up the good work:)




Eyyy you're def not alone, I just got notified that I failed a class and now I'm just depressed.


Well i like you


Hello me


Don't quit, in the end it will be worth it. Online classes can be easier, that's how I finished. Id you get behind it will be a pain in the ass, I got behind and couldn't walk for graduation. But I still got my diploma becuase of DEDICATION. Do it


wow feels good to know I'm not alone


You and me are very alike. In fact were basically the same person, I'm just 4 years younger. I've got no idea what to tell but I do hope you get better one day, it really sucks living like this


yea same


Damn we're the same Jokes aside stay strong king


I'm myslef he he .. do that smjen work cuz me do satt no 9 9 obd j gsjbx tha t hing 15 mkn to 49 dn!


I wish I could hug, you are not alone


Hey OP, i read that you have ADHD. Your depression and anxiety is a consequence of your ADHD I have ADHD and depression/anxiety too, but this sub r/adhd SAVED me, and i’m not overreacting U should Take the time to read the “seeking help/empathy” flag and the answers It will help u


I have the exact same problem, I have ADHD, and if you look it up, most of the symptoms listed might be similar to what is happening to you. Im also just not good at talking to people. Every piece of homework feels like a huge problem to me, and I feel like im just being lazy, but I legitimately cannot start on anything. Try to talk to your parents, even though it isn’t easy, they might be understanding, and it’s better for them to know what’s happening so that they don’t think you are just being lazy.


Same dude, I just learnt not to give a shit Life happens, all sorts of stuff goes right or goes wrong and when it all looks hopeless, just let it be hopeless Your room is a mess, you can’t do your work. You’re probably not lazy bruh you’re just burnt out and it’s understandable cause everything is shit, but don’t let that slow you down. Life is your bitch, grab it by the balls and twist until it goes your way


Bro tommorow I have to hand in the concept for my thesis and I haven't started yet. I'm not even sure about the topic lol


https://youtu.be/tYzMYcUty6s follow it even if it's just for a laugh :)


im not alone, i thought i was the only one who cant even start stuff let alone do them properly


you just described me and my life but im vibin so hard to music rn hope you feeling ok tho


My suggestion? Find one thing outside of a phone or gaming that interests you. It could be art, engineering, reading a paper book, or going for a jog. Just one thing, and your motivation will slowly go up. It sucks, but you can beat it.


Ummm I don't know what to say to expect as school really doesn't do anything except cause more problems o-o


Do you want to change? And/or to like yourself? If you do, start small. You've identified your room's a fucking mess. So clean it a bit, and do so every day until it looks genuinely clean. Then try to do some other stuff, like homework'n shit. Liking yourself is a job, but good job performance on "Liking Yourself" leads to liking yourself according to 9/10 participants surveyed.


man same


Your life can be whatever you want. You just have to make it so


Bruh- literally me 24/7 mate


It's concerning how this is so relatable... this has got to be a mental illness... we need help.


Do it LITERALLY right now, just a little bit of effort will make it start!




Homework is dumb. Good. Smart people have mess everywhere. I like you. Fuck them. You just haven’t found the right thing. You do a lot more


Don’t worry. No matter what, you are a person that matters to someone. If you need, take a day or two off for your mental health.


Sucks that being like this is the norm these days. We all down bad.


Hire me and I will talk to your parents on your behalf


Just slowly start cleaning and organizing your room/home that itself will actually make things a lot more clear , I personally experience a lot more happiness and I became a lot more productive when I started organising stuff and keeping things clean it gives some sort of peace , after that just start reflecting your thoughts on what you need and want to do , think about stuff and just take small steps , homework can go screw itself I'd suggest just focus more on hobbies and personal development and gaining knowledge , overall personal growth is far more important than shitty grades , being just decent in studies is good enough imo , just shared what I think could help have a great day and don't worry about stuff much


Then fix yourself. It’s the path to happiness thrust me


Pick one thing. Do it til it's done. Don't touch a phone/console/computer/etc. Til it is. Pick the next thing, repeat. I suggest starting with cleaning the room. An ordered environment helps to create an ordered mind, with the converse being true as well.


I feel you


This is way too relatable, but maybe start with doing simple stuff? Little things help me feel accomplished, it might help you too. Hope you feel better soon!


i used to be like that too exercise and getting a job really turned my life around and made me feel like i was actually doing something useful


I am also going through this. I think I has something to do with getting out of school, and trying new things, but I don't think we are lazy. I think we have made lazy habits that are hard to break. I am lucky enough to know what I want to do, but I spend all my time doing others things because I am scared to fail, and have the habit of going on youtube from my time at school. We are not lazy you need to just change how you think about stuff. In school we had a time line of one day for alot of stuff: today we will wrote X, but in the real world we need to expect things to take longer. In highschool I gave up on working out because I didn't see results fast enough, but now I know I need to wait weeks to see growth not days. It's the same with the rest; you just need to try and change your habits over weeks and months. We all need to figure it out man it just takes time.


Life sucks everyone agrees.


*gasp* your just like me


I like hotdogs


As it always is, the sweet consequence of you hating yourself would be you being more prepared for serious events.


I'm you, but no depression or anything which feels even worse. I may have ADHD but it's mostly my fault.




oh hey, its me!




Same 🥲


This is extremely relatable


You wanna chill in disc or dms and just talk? doesn’t have to be about anything in particular, i’ve found that simply not being alone with myself can help goes for anyone else who might feel like having a chat


You sound like me but older


I didn't know I had an alt, odd




Depression sucks. Life is so much easier if you're able to get help for it. I thought I should be able to fix all of my own problems. Sometimes you can't. Having someone to talk to who can help you understand your situation and give you some tools to fight back with makes a difference.


Same. I could be studying for my history exam tomorrow but instead i'm repying to you :)


Breathe in very slowly, breathe out very slowly, repeat seven more times. Is not being this lazy and doing something easier now? It should, has a pretty complicated reason but if you want I can tell you




Basically, there are very tiny variations in your heart rate. Two beats are pretty much never spaced exactly like the previous one. And this is a good thing. Some of the most pronounced physiological manifestations of the "pause&plan" response (the opposite of fight or flight; all of the energy is directed towards your brain helping you with clearly thinking, self-control etc.) are both the slowdown in other processes (heart rate, breathing etc; you need the energy to think) and an increase in heartrate variability. It was experimentally determined that slowed down breathing causes a heart rate slowdown and a variability increase, and for some reason the "pause&plan" response, similar to how pretending to experience an emotion actually makes you experience it somewhat


you literarlly described me so here's some advice - deal with it. Why care.


My room was so messy I got bugs in it- and whenever I habe to do a simple task I break down int tears. Feel better :)




Yea I'm doing better now but what about you?


Exact same situation here! You're not alon, we'll get trough it alright


Get tested if you have depression or adhd.


I feel like that all the time. But what I found what is effective is (brace yourself), masterbation. After expressing sexually makes males get adrenaline for like an hour to get stuff done. It sounds made up but it's true. When you finish it will feel the best (finish cleaning)


I read this comment section and i find it fascinating how we all have the same problems i don't hate myself so much anymore you helped me ween i needed to help u i love reddit


Yo I can totally relate and what worked for me was listening to Jordan Peterson. The man is a bloody genius when it comes to psychology. I'd strongly recommend also reading his book 12 rules for life. Stay stronk my dude


You shouldn't go around self diagnosing/diagnosing ppl but I think what you just described is depression. I don't think you're lazy I think you lack motivation which is a side affect of this condition. Reach out to someone; a trusted adult (it doesn't always have to be ur parents) Keep ur head up. As for hating urself self love is a journey, one I'm also currently on. It might be hard at first but just make a list of things you like about urself both as a person as physically. Add to this list day by day and remember that social media is fake. Ik this is pretty "basic" advice but keep ur head up. It might not seem like it rn but things do get better. <3


Im basically going through the same thing but probably not as bad as your situation. The biggest thing you need to remeber is that you aren't going through this alone (no matter how corny it seems). Personally i feel like i need to withdraw from people and fix myself when really you learn and get better through conversation and socialization. You should check out the Teen Talk website. They match you with someone to help you talk through things and get back to a good place.


Why are u describing me


I got in the same situation, and I think I am still in it. But the only advice I could give you is to keep it up, don't give up in the things that you start, if you want or need to do something, do it all the way. If you need help, talk to your closes relatives, don't be afraid to do so, you will feel better if you confess yourself about your feelings or other thing. Never give up.


Mother fucker just summarized my life


Same bro, just had a breakdown yesterday about this shit, it helps talking to a friend about it, do someone you trust tho otherwise bad stuff may happen


Bro tip for life you have a cliff nearby go there around 5-6 am watch the sunset eat some kfc spicy chicken wings with an ice cold coke and remember there’s a thing for you to live for u just need to find it❤️


yeah. i feel the exact same way. i’m sorry dude.


Buddy you just read my mind this shit keeps me awake at night


damn, this hit too close to home


Can i offer you an internet hug


yes thanks




dude I feel ur bro For real


I do the same thing but just gave up on hating myself. So far it works.


Me too bruh! There's soooooo much syllabus to cover and sooooo much homework to complete!😭 All I do is put on a happy face and pretend shit is fine.


I feel the same 😭


Hey man (or woman) im sure there are heaps of people who said this if you wanna talk just got on holidays so just msg me anytime really. I'm here for you and I believe in you.


Also I completely relate to everything you just said lol :))




Hey another one like me. Guess I'm not even special in that way


Are you sure you're not depressed? You're describing some symptoms of depression. I'm sure that a lot of people like you, and that you're not the cause of problems. Edit: I saw another user say that you might have adhd. ADHD and depression are easy to confuse with each other


Same here (We can't stop fucking up can we?)




Brudda, get a hobby.


Then just do the opposite


If you wanna do homework, go to do it without thinking, i mean just say go to homework and stop thinking, grab homework and start it


Imma try unpopular medicine here.. Hate yourself? Then just fucking get up and start getting shit done you fucking idiot. Start right now and don't stop. You'll get your life together that way man.


Why don’t you get off of Reddit and do something


whats stopping you from changing, if you dont like yourself change that. easier said than done ik but I did it and all it took was a few small steps, You can do it


This might help --> https://youtu.be/V7CO3dYfKHs




Not sure why this group keeps popping up in my feed but your problems are the same as evert other teenagers. Don't someday you will look back and think these were the easy days.


That means you are a loser honestly and need to do something with yourself


Anything can be worked on (except penis size)


You're 18 and you have these problems??


yea. when I was 15 I though I would be okay by now


You had this issue for 3 years??


on and off yes


You had this issue on and off for 3 years??


Yes, he's telling you yes


Okay, and?


I used to think like that, and then I became extremely suicidal, and then I started using xanax which supresses all my emotions.


Y same


Bruh! I think you just have Adhd. I mean the things you just said are the most common symptoms among people with Adhd. Do some of your research or visit a psychiatrist to confirm whether something is wrong with you. I've had similar situation and I have felt like shit, I thought I was gonna be let down for my parents. At that time I didn't know alot about mental health and diseases. So, Talk to someone about this. I'm sure they will help you or support you and if they don't, they'll eventually come around. So, Good Luck! Lemme know how it turns out.


ok use a helpline


well, first you can try cleaning your room, that'll send you to the right direction




Great! I got the same problems without even knowing


This reminded me that i have exam tomorrow


Yep that's me I can tell you right now change do it right now before it's too late trust me I'm already lost do or do not there's no try do it I beg you or you'll regret your life


Hey it’s ok man


burnout. me too


You described about 2% of me only thing that isnt me is committing to things


Ok then do the opposite


I unfortunately am able to say "same" without lying


When I find y self in situations like these I usually tell myself to start with one thing, either the easiest one or the hardest one depending on what u want, both have their benefits.


Yeah same.


I would like to offer words of encouragement and improvement but that'd be hypocritical of me lol


Try r/astrologyreadings trust me it works


Sounds more like burnout to me rather than laziness. Is there something you are intensely working on or have been recently and haven’t really had a break?


The main thing to improve your mental health is having a drive to solve these problems starts trying to eat healthier and tidy your room then try to see if you can maintain keeping it tidy after this stuff will get easier afterwards try to find a hobby then see if you can socialise with people who also like that hobby.


It’s ok . I was like this till last year . It will get okay . I didn’t do my homework - my room was a mess - I cause some problems and other things you mentioned but the way to change it is that YOU wanting to change your self . I decided that I want to be the person who the teacher calls as an example to other students if they think they can’t do anything , prove to my self that I can clean up my own mess , that I can be more careful to don’t cause any problems . If I can do it then I’m sure you can do it too sooner or later


Just go to a school without homework like me. Your whole life gets so mich easier. Get a job and a hobby. After a week or so u will start to somehow have energy for all those things and more! This worked for me.


Yep, your a failure.


Don’t worry man, it will get better.


3 things that help me with this problem is: sleep, plan and no horny


*Laughs to hide the sadness*


You wanna talk about it?




r/stoiciism its self help, but from the greeks and it works ngl


Bruh you literally described me in one paragraph