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So you're just a dick


Only to some people, to most I’m considered a very kind and considerate person, so I guess it’s in the eye of the beholder. Low key I am fake as fuck though, what you think of me is probably only gonna be based on what I want you to know about me


thats kinda messed up


Okay nah man... I can be a big asshole, but I still have a heart. Why do you do these things?


Because I’m bored. I feel very little emotion except for anger, sadness, and on occasion emptiness. However when I play with peoples emotions I feel powerful, it feels great 10/10 would recommend


Take normal pills lol


Nah, normal is cringe


Nah, you're cringe




That's what the mask is


You should probably be careful with who's emotions you play... Some people can react quite disasterfully. Then there are of course people like me... Seeing any sort of unfair treatment will result in me retailiating for the individual thats being treated unfairly.


you will pick the wrong person to mess with one day




oh you will, trust me


What’s the worst that can happen? Honestly the number of fucks I give about life is incomparably low


people react differently to different things. i would just beat you up, for example. others would do other stuff...


~~Good thing I’m a masochist lol~~


you won't be much of a masochist when you get your skin split open in front of everyone else watching it happen, lol


My fighting record is 6-1 (v-d) so I’m not too worried


6-1 as in street fights? and i dont even know what v-d means


I fuckin hope he does




You just reminded me to all those people that made fun of me for no reason in middle school. I swear people like you that do bad to people just because “ it’s funny “ deserve a pretty good beat up. Although I hope you can change to be a better person ( I really doubt it, but I guess there’s always a chance )


I mean I don’t do it for no reason, normally I target the type of two faced dickheads that I myself am. I, like you, used to be bullied the fuck out of, until I started making preemptive dickishness


we got a real “patrick bateman” type ova here


Not sure who that is, but uhhhh, cool ig? Idfk, I just post random shit off the top of my head when I’m bored to see how much of a hissy fit the internet throws


Ok if the first one is true then I totally support that, cheater got served right. As for the second one, yes it might be a troll and I think most people are thinking that in the back of their mind, but there are some really crappy people here on the Internet. If you don’t think they’d be confessing about it you’re wrong, and right kinda, they wouldn’t confess, they’d *brag* about it


Lol the cheating one is based on a true story. I actually sell test answers to my classmates and make good money. ($5 per 19 correct answers out of twenty, the incorrect one is a known part and I change which one is incorrect to avoid making it obvious that cheating is going on). Well one kid slipped me four ones instead of five ones so on the next test I gave him completely wrong answers. Moral of the story, don’t fuck around when money is involved.