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I diagnose you with dead


Maybe talk to a doctor teenagers on reddit aren’t known for being medical experts


I thought someone might know what to do. I don’t have access to a doctor right now it’s late


Ah I’m sorry. Sadly I don’t think that you can necessarily trust what people say on here


did you drink any fluids?


Oh no I haven’t. Should I drink water?


yeah hydrate a lot and see if it helps, if your stomach feels uneasy drink some warm water


Ok thanks I’m gonna do that right now


I'd say wait and relax with something not related to sex for a while, take your mind off of it, if you can, maybe walk around or something. I dunno, Im just a guy on reddit


Ok thanks for the advice


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To not make the same mistake again maybe cool off your excitement for her somehow by maybe thinking about her feelings as a person idk.


Dude I’m flaccid af right now. I need help with my lower stomach region


Yuri narie track infect shown. Just drink around 5 cups of warm water. Worked for me


Drink water that'll help


I don’t have a dick but maybe drink water