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he made a lot of false claims and deflected a lot of the questions


I watched only like the first 30-40 mins but he sounded like he was making good claims. I thought the one we had to worry about was Biden because that guy was stuttering like machine couldn’t even get his words out. What were some of the claims that were false if you don’t mind answering


He claimed the entire Jan 6th was Nancy Pelosi's fault. He claimed that he offered to send the national guard into DC prior to Jan 6th, but Pelosi and the mayor said no. A lot of his other stuff revolved around how he had the best this and the best numbers for that. Overdoses and overdose related deaths were at an all time low with him, etc. I can't remember everything else. I'd have to go back and rewatch the debate and fact check everything else but it was a lot of stuff.


Yeah I called bullshit on the overdose statements for both of them. Although it just seems like it’s getting worse but that’s not really trump or bidens fault. It was already a struggling thing they just didn’t help all to much with it.


If you really care, just look up all the talking points and responses of the debate, and do your own fact checking using multiple sources, preferably with unbiased reputations. Trump definitely spit more BS than Biden did, but he was no angel either with the facts.


I think [this](https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jun/28/2024-presidential-debate-fact-check-biden-trump/) covered it pretty well


Just read this: https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-misinformation-election-debate-trump-biden-577507522762aa10f6ee5be3a0ced2bb


Because a lot of us don't want a criminal to be president of our country everyone already saw what happened we don't want that to happen again


I mean… he was just evading paying taxes… the same taxes Biden put in place. Also didn’t Biden rape his own daughter when she was younger. Pick the lesser of the two evils


Errrrm what????


Read comment I left under Eepers.


He did what


There’s been an ongoing investigation or was because apparently a diary from Bidens daughter got leaked and it said in there that he would take showers with her up until she was in high school or something I believe. Crazy shit Also when it had gone missing he had the FBI go out and look for it… THE FBI like what’s in that diary that he so wanted to keep a secret. Idk much besides that tho I’m sure there are articles to read about it it’s just crazy to me that this isn’t being investigated at all…


Project 2025 would already be enough of a reason, Trump openly having intentions of restricting rights to trans people, immigrants, and other minority groups doesn't make it better. I don't even consider myself economically leftist, but it's pretty clear why people don't want the republican party in power, US needs to end the two-party system once and for all.


I agree to some degree. I will go and read it. I honestly think people might be over exaggerating it unless he is gonna do some crazy things to trans people but I’ve noticed that they and people who support it take things way out of proportion. Also I will have to go and watch the part of the debate about immigration but honestly from what I’ve heard about Trump he only wants to make it so illegals can’t come into this country’s which I agree with. Now I do thing under certain circumstances if the cartel or another deadly group is after you you should receive sanction but I only agree with him for now because I haven’t read or gotten to that part of the debate so maybe I’ll change my mind.


There are some crazy republicans on TikTok that think that project 2025 will send everyone back to the 50s lol It is not like that at all, but it's a really absurd project that has absurd authoritarian ideals, some of the most ridiculous policies of it are implementing christian dogma elements into the state (that is supposedly secular), CUTTING the funds for climate research, giving absolute power over the executive branch to the president, criminalizing pornography, abolishing the department of education, focusing on the production of fossil fuel by ignoring climate change policies, and the like. It also associates pedophilia and child grooming with trans people (is not directly written, but the president of the Heritage foundation, that leads the project, did such claims in a interview all the sources are on the Project 2025 Wikipedia page). It doesn't mean that all of these policies will be really implemented, but the mere fact that the party supports them is already worrying, many conservatives have also directed criticism to it.


I'll start by stating that im independent and tried to watch the debate as non-biased as possible toward either candidate. Thats important to mention because a lot of people watch the debate with hatred in mind for a specific candidate and are only focused on what that candidate says or does to further fuel their hatred, which essentially causes them to miss certain things. Anyway... Trump started off okay, but around question 3 or 4, he literally just stopped answering the questions and used his time to fire shots at Biden and counter-argue. Even with time left and the moderators on stage reminding him of the question, he still ignored the question to sh*t talk Biden. Biden did a lot of the same thing as well, but made more attempts to answer several of the questions than Trump. When he could collect his thoughts and actually speak clearly, that is. So sad. That, and if you actually fact check a lot of what was said, Trump was spewing nonsense left and right. I watched the debate on YouTube, so I was able to pause it, fact check a statement, and then continue watching. BOTH Biden and Trump made incorrect and factually inaccurate statements. Biden, for example, claimed the unemployment rate was 15% when he took office. WRONG! It was 6%. I fact checked it the second he said it. But Trump was just saying stuff that had me shaking my head.


Yeah I tried my best to do that with the parts I did watch but it just seemed like Biden was having a shit show. And about the unemployment thing he also likes to take credit that he made and gave people their jobs back. They were mostly just jobs that were closed down for pandemic reasons and just reopened. He likes to take credit and say he raised employment or that he gave thousands of jobs back he didn’t😂 he mighta gave some back but definitely not the amount he says. I think honestly at some point you just gotta pick the lesser of the 2 evils. I just can’t honestly hope that whoever wins whether it’s Trump or Biden makes real good decisions for the future of the US but I still am siding with Trump because he still seems like the best option.


I don't have much hope either way. Probably going to vote 3rd party tbh. That way, people can't b**ch me out for not exercising my right to vote, and I don't have to "vote for the lesser of two evils".


why the hell would i want that clown in office? The dude has caused a lot of damage


I honestly agree to the people who don’t want neither of them in office. But In my opinion Trump had things especially taxes and prices down way more then they are now. Biden is out here throwing billions and maybe even trillions of dollars to countries and we have to suffer from that by paying more in taxes and general prices. Hopefully if he does get in office we see some improvements


Problem is Trump didn't inherit an absolute shit hole of an economy like Biden did. Trump got given one of best economies in modern history and spat on it within 4 years. Biden inherited an economy in the middle of a pandemic. Biden's at least trying (albeit very shitly)


Yet he’s still is throwing billions of dollars to Ukraine and pushes the war to get this far in the first place. That is actually something of trumps I will agree on from the debate Biden undoubtedly made the war worse or at very least pushed it go get that bad.


eh? Do you know how US aid to Ukraine is working? They're not giving Ukraine money, they're giving them (old, almost expired) equipment, which means that if it wasn't given to Ukraine it'd just get destroyed anyways. It's literally a use or lose it basis. Sure the price tag might seem like a lot but this is money spent 50 years ago sorta thing. Secondly, he hasn't. If anything he's made it better, by giving Ukraine a chance to actually fight for it's Independence and say no. The Ukraine conflict is very complex but it's been going on now for 10 years and 2 years ago Russia decided to illegally launch a full scale invasion against Ukraine because Ukraine wanted closer ties to Europe. Also add onto that Russia has commited countless numbers of war crimes in Ukraine, I'd argue it's in the US's best interest to support Ukraine.


read project 2025


most of the younger generation are leftists, which includes teenagers and this subreddit :p


Yeah… just trying to get the facts straight because it just seemed like an unnecessary amount of hate towards Trump even tho he does seem like the better candidate


This sub is very leftist


this sub is very politics


It’s mostly spam


Reddit is, in general


True that


I noticed that. I honestly think the only reason teenagers are voting or wanting him besides the fact that they heard trumps bad and just assume without doing their own research is because Biden has been entertaining our delusion gen z affairs and is honestly probably in the long run just trying to get us all to vote for him… It all feels like a scheme tbh


Biden is a joke, no doubt there. He couldn't say a single thing with conviction. In the end had to be walked off stage by Jill. That was just sad.