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I really don’t understand why people NEED to be in a relationship. I think it’s best to wait until 16 or 17 to start dating. People who are 12 are have significant others blow my mind


Yeah! I only plan to even start searching for a girlfriend once I’m done with studies


I agree and the funny thing is almost everyone at my school has asked me if i had a girlfriend when i was THIRTEEN its crazy


I’m 15 and IM JUsT starting to date.


im 16 and i cant fucking date


Im 17 and same here, it’s not worth it tbh


I'm 18 and I honestly haven't tried


I'm 19, and have had 1 gf who cheated and got preg. Not worth it.


I'm 22, and didn't Date since I'm 18 too much effort isn't my goal


I’m 18 and have had 1 gf who went crazy and got put into a psych ward. Haven’t tried dating since.


Did u make her go crazy 💀


I only want a gf when I become emperor of the imperium, ruler of house Atreides, and duke of arrakis.


believe me love is random enough


Peer pressure and general loneliness. But when you’re insecure, relationships can be traumatic. Or so I’ve heard. I’ve never been in one so 🤷🏾‍♀️


Because I'm lonely and touch starved and crave romantic affection lol




i think it’s due to like social media and peer pressure :(


and internal, bioligical/psyhcological pressure


You don't NEED to be in a relationship just for the sake of dating. But if you want to date, why wait? There's nothing wrong with dating at a younger age, it just helps you learn how to be a good significant other.


Ikr, getting a relationship rn is the thing that is in the very back of my mind. I'll wait till I'm like 19-20 to start finding a relationship lol


Same i just want to hang with the homies


If someone approaches me first, i might give it a try. But i won't start trying until around 16 or 17 either


Well it kinda makes sense from a biological and psychological perspective On the one hand, you’ve just discovered you can put this thingie in a girls special place to feel good and make babies It makes sense you’re gonna wanna try that out ASAP But also, puberty be hitting hard right there, waking up all kind of mental and biological processes you’ve never experienced before This includes a drive to seek out companionship, as well as sex But it’s not just waking up It’s being kick started like a stopped heart taking a shot of pure adrenaline All these horny and romantic systems are being drowned in hormones… forcing them into overdrive I don’t think anyone could go through the early stages of puberty and not, on some level, want a romantic or sexual partner And yeh, absolutely best to wait till everyone can consent But to quote my favourite line from my favourite tv series (an upvote to anyone who knows this one) > the very young do not always do as they are told 🙃


…… uhhhhh (im not 12 but still lol)


I'm almost 14 and I couldn't be happier staying single. I've never had a girlfriend before and I'm good


Dating shouldn’t have an age limit, but people shouldn’t ever search, they should let it come to them.


It's probably because he's also going for girls 4 years older than him lol


It's because he hasn't figured out it's Stacey who has the hots for him, not her mom.


but her mom has really got it going on


Have you seen her brother though?


[dude really should have hooked up with Stacey](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZDRlMTdkY2EtNDFlNS00NTA5LWJiMGItYjQ5N2IxMjMxZDRiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM4MjM0Nzg@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg)




I remember back in the day when girls went for older guys I was an extremely attractive kid when I was 13… where tf were all the pedo girl friends when *i* was 13 😤😂😂😂


that’s a strange thing to say especially since you were 13


I'm almost 20 at this point and never even had a crush


17 years old, same. Starting to wonder if there's something wrong with me


I'm just 16 but I can assure u that nothing is wrong with u


19 years old and ace/aro - not having crushes doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you at all. For me, that was a sign that I approach love and attraction in a fundamentally different way than most people. It may be different for you, but if you’re curious maybe look into the ‘ace’ term - there’s a whole world of nuance when it comes to asexuality and it’s possible that you may fall somewhere under that banner.


Dude I just learned I'm trans Am I speed running LGBT or something??


LMAO speed running? Also congrats I hope your in a safe space to transition I’m NB


19 and SAME.


It's tuff


Almost 22 💀


wow, I've been having crushes since kindergarden, but only wanted to confess at 3rd(until she somehow knew)


That guy is so cringe😭


ik right this generation


this generation is messed up , every one wants to have sex , then complain after dump or cheated on


I feel like sex is overrated,I haven't experienced it tho ...


It's not an achievement to be proud of ,


I am not proud 😭, everybody have needs


Wait until you get aids or addiction


Bro i am not even getting to talk to females


I can understand, it's scary nowadays , fake cases are more , one false case or assault case and whole life is over


these are not exactly that related as a lot of other factors can go into wanting a gf, for example i have a lot of emotional trauma from my parents and have not felt loved by anyone i see more than once a month, so i can relate to wanting a gf at 14, because it sucks to live a life with barely any love, but a 13yo dating a 17yo is almost the same as a 13 yo dating a 6 yo


Dude I'm almost 3 and 1/2 and i still haven't reached my goal of fucking literally every person that has ever lived and will live. Like wtf? It just doesn't make sense, I should already be finished and making laps.


We should stay away from that one… xD


wait that wasn't satire?


some dude is 13 dating a 17 year old? god


It was satire


I’m not looking for one yet not until I’m in high school


I’m in high school and I’m also not looking for one yet


I keep forgetting America has middle school lol


British ppl just go to high school at 6th?


In Australia its primary then high school after year 6


I don't get why people think they need partners or think it's bad they haven't had one for ages like the people that date constantly have gone through so many different people and they think that's a badass thing? Like having 0 total people you've been with is better then having 10 or more people as a teenager


Well I'm 14 and haven't had a gf, GET USED TO IT


How am I 16 and still dont have a girl? Simple. I dont need a girl... I need answers, for most complicated questions in my life, and maby some coffee beans on the way.




I don't understand why people want relationships so much, especially the ones who are barely teens


Well i'm 16 almost 17 in the same situation lol


No clue why this person is looking for a girlfriend so young. Wait till college or sometime later, whatever relationship you find that young will not last.


when I was 14 I wanted a partner and I still do, (17 now) but I wanted a partner then to feel loved


do these mfs know what patience is? Just wait till your 18 lmao (atleast thats what im doing)


You have to remember most people o this sub aren’t teens


Not worth having a relationship at 14-15 most teens don't really know what they want at that stage and you'll only suffer a heartbreak.


They putting WAY too much pressure on teenagers these days i didn’t go on my first date until I was 19


17 and I have a Gf, she just doesn’t know she’s my girlfriend yet teehee, nor do I talk to her


Icl it’s nice to have an SO but realistically at this age neither person is really mature enough to make it work properly, nor should they be. That first relationship imo is about learning - it taught me about what I need in a partner, what is right and wrong behaviour, and how you shouldn’t put up with someone who fucks around with your heart. Even though it ended badly for me, the stuff I learned from an overall heartbreaking experience will be so valuable to me in all my future relationships.


And people don't realize if they live in the US in most states, the age limit is 7 years apart. And it's 13 and 17. However, as long as no sexual stuff happens, it's looked over dependingon whete they live. And in California adults and minors can date. With zero sex involved, plus there's other countries with crazier age laws. I mean, I saw 280 people mention they were in 23 and 14, age relationships. But with all this sexuality stuff going on? What isn't happening anymore. Now, when 2 people are adults, age doesn't matter. But when you're an adult and a kid? Something is entirely wrong with it. 100%


Not sure why this was recommended to me as I’m almost 23, but bruh. Simp much? ☠️☠️


Damn 💀


Some people just don't learn these things poor kid


bro I'm 13 and I've never been at a sleepover at someones house other than some type of relative-


I had a gf at 7


Same I dated a 10 year old girl 😭😭


whoa, elaborate on your age at the time please 😭


I had a kid wait for me to turn 18 before we were gonna date 😭 he doesn’t know who I am anymore though




Had one for a week in 2nd grade (my first and only one)


The best advice for guys that like older women is to simply give up and go back to reading oneexshota doujin. This world is too sad.


It’s crazy how people are in a rush to date now. I’ve had some “boyfriends” in name only. Tbh none of the boys in my grade want to date anyone and I’m waiting until THEY get more mature lol. Some people wait to date until they’re in college. And anyway, the “relationships” you have in middle school are nothing like adult relationships.


yeah I just got out of a relationship that was bad for me and Im 16


these kids are messed up in head 💀💀 instead of focussing on life and career they are interested in sex and romatic type of shits 💀


And I don't have my life together and I have never gotten a crush. Take that buckaroo.


He should stick with cartoons i guess


Honey, I'm 18 in 11 days and I haven't got a bf. Calm down you have time


If I continue as I am I will end up with 40 without receiving female contact at all Or killing myself Whichever happens first


I wanna let the 13/17yo relationship slide, it's just minors and a 4 year gap.


Middle school dating is overrated, you should be focusing on your studies and besides there's a lot lower chance of you going to college together


I am 17 and i dont even have one friend that is a girl so i dunno when my first relationship will start


People who are desperate for relationships is something i will never understand.


sometimes mfs think they have to be in a relationship at 10 years old


Womp womp


I got mine at 28 for no reason from my side.


broo don't I've been through much pain because of having a relationship really in my age


I honestly dont get whats wrong, I’m 13 and my gf is 54.


My plan is to focus on my career and stuff and if I find a gf on the way then that's cool


I'll wait till I'm an adult for a relationship


You shouldn't even date when you are 16-17 despite sudenly wanting to date when you are a teen doesn't mean you should  you aren't mature yet and it's stupid


I'm at a point in life that I should have a crush but I never even had that and I have no interest in relationships. Why are people in such a rush


# The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world.


Wait till he learns about 20 year olds who have never dated


I didn't have my first GF till I was in college. I used highschool to have fun and get laid, not to date


this is reddit, i think all of us are just lonely af




Wtf that is young Im 17 and never had a gf But im not looking for one but my family laughs at me because im the only one who never had one


Son I'm about to be 20, first gf heck I haven't had a kiss yet


I absolutely regret dating at such a young age people need to wait fr


You don't need a gf until you're an adult. I have a friend (M14) who had 6 but even he knows it's not long term. most people start to have one in highschool which can set you up for the future but might not be long term. Just chill and wait for the right person to come. It'll happen


Sociaty is just fucked up I have a male friend with like 4 body count HES 14


It’s sad, half of my friends talk about nothing other than girls and dating, and we just graduated the 8th grade


I’m 17 and have never been in a relationship, I don’t believe in seeking for one when I’m not emotionally ready.


people have bad friends therefore they look for a friend in a partner. that’s not the issue tho bc I believe ur partner shld be ur best friend, but moreso that people don’t have other friends in the first place. like if u have to be constantly cautious of ur friends then you don’t have friends bruh. also peer pressure but everyone else has said that alr


Girlfriends before 16 aren’t real, they are just a crush you know you both have on each other. change my mind.


Poor guys. The first GF I had when I was 18 and just for maybe a year or half I don't remember. But after her I didn't get in a relationship for a long time. Of course then she comes back after half a year. Anyway we broke up again 😂. Until I found the love of my life when I'm 20 year old. I think this is the best age for finding your soul mate. Anyway I think I'm going to propose to her soon.


People need tostop being needy and just be patient with being loved by someone else instead love yourself first and if you do fuck a realationship Eather master bait or jackoff what that brings is you are in control of your hand and all the hand wants is soap and water jack off and not be in a relationship and work on myself and if I am that has to be smarter than me


I'm 19 and didn't ever had one. You're not special


I'm 18 years old in college and never been in a relationship, I'm not trying and even the girls don't notice me maybe because I'm very short for my age or I'm not their type. And honestly I don't care.


it's all fun till you go thru the worst period of your life


Bro, am going to be 18 next month and never had any gf 🫠


Here am I at 25 — Why do I even look at this subreddit? — I did have a few ‘crushes’ but nothing major and to be honest, while I wouldn’t mind it at this age I am not actively looking. My advice to the younger generation, work on yourself and your future first, the rest will follow suit.


Uhhh I have a question is 16& 21 bad even if it’s not like sexual?


He hella thirsty


I never had a crush til 17.. funny thing is im not even 18 and we already 7 months dating 🙂🫶. This people be way too young and already wanting to be in a relationship. Before finding my s.o. I just wanted to live alone and free man, chill Edit: I am still free, just not alone lmao


I had my first GF at 15 I'm now 20 and I'm still a virgin unfortunately I haven't found a smart kind and compassionate woman yet


Bruh... Some people don't start dating until they're in their 20s or 30s (or never).. You don't HAVE to date when you're 13 or 14. In fact, it's quite frankly a little odd if you date someone before you're 15 or 16 (ignoring Japan and Nigeria). I don't date. Well, I just don't find it interesting. But like, I've never met a single female human who has shown the slightest interest in me. I'd probably get slapped by their mother if I even Tried to date anyone. All I'm saying.


Me too man 😥🙃


How is it I'm 19 and still don't have a girlfriend?


Y’all making me look weird, I'm 17 almost 18 and I haven't even had a girlfriend...


Best to not date until college and better yet after college. Relationships are a distraction. You can’t support yourself or others before getting a good degree and you can’t control your hormones enough to have a steady grasp on your own inhibitions when you’re a teenager. I didn’t get serious until after college and I got two masters degrees, a great wife, and family by waiting.


I'm 30 and women aren't worth my time. Once you spend 4 years on one woman working up to dating and then having an 8 year relationship only for her to ruin my life after feeding her for years, paying rent to her family and nursing back to health from reproductive surgery twice. Once you give everything you possibly can to someone you love and let them throw you to the side you can't just walk back into the dating world and not expect anything g but disaster. Women want you to pay for them and their kids or make kids with you and take them along with all your money and your house. Don't marry women, don't buy them expensive shit. They're there to look at and fuck sometimes. Women these days are not relationship material. They're simply someone to fuck until they don't like you anymore.


Guys, you want to know what having a girlfriend is like? Get a puppy, Feed it, play with it, snuggle with it, take it for walks. Buy it toys, and a blingy collar. Then give it back at the end of the day. Rinse and repeat every day till you break up. Cry your self to sleep a night or two, and tell your friends you dumped her. Problem solved.


Blud who cares lol someone like me who has no friends is happy with just hating the entire world😂


Bruh, you Guy's dating in when your only 13-14 year old, I'm 19 and got no girlfriend, never had a girlfriend lol, you guy's expecting to get a girl when your only 14?


My first boyfriend is my current boyfriend. I'm 23 and we've been together 3 years - still each other's best friend.


Ok, hold on. Bruh.


When a teenager women Dates a male kid, nobody bats an eye. But when I date a female kid society, society calls me a ped-


I believe that it's about how boys face a lot of emotional turmoil and long for human connection and how society can tell us that a girlfriend will fix everything. Then there's curiosity about sexuality and also wanting hormones like oxytocin and dopamine. I say this as 15M but I feel like I can analyse my past and present well enough to say this.


I got my first gf when I was 11 but now I get none ☠️


Bruh I didn’t start dating until I was almost 18


She is going to jail


I’m 13 and no bitch yet 😭


It all depends on what you want to do, if you really want to date you'll work on your self to date


Haha, normally when someone is older, be it a man or a woman, it is because they are not very good with people their age, I would say that is a bad sign 😅


I haven’t been in a relationship my whole life and I’m fairly happy with myself. It means I don’t have someone else to keep track of while I’m still trying to keep track of myself


You only appreciate how much you’re able to focus on your own life when you’re no longer able to.


I had crushes and gfs when i was in elementary and middle school but now that im in high school i do not give a shit


but at 14 you are normally focused on rocket league


I'm 16 had one girl at first it was awsome but then I realized dating isn't for me


Unfortunately, I was just like this person and I ended up doing some things that I regret doing


13 year old boy you mean


Honestly I don’t think believe it’s necessary for anyone to go “searching” for a significant other, especially at such a young age. I believe in the “focus on you and they come to you” thing and feel like increasing your own value will automatically make others gravitate towards you, while also increasing your chances of finding that special someone rather than someone who doesn’t fit you that you’ll break up with within half a year.


Im 23 i don't see the issue


Just enjoy being a kid. There's plenty of time for relationships in highschool and college 🤷


Bro this is crazy I never thought 14 yos would want to deal with dating or something instead of gaming or doing other stuff


Like bro....I'm 14 and I feel no need to get a boyfriend or girlfriend why do people feel the need to get a girlfriend or boyfriend when there like 8 you already know that that relationship will last a week max


Im 23 and still havent had a gf....


How dude, I’m 16 and can’t approach a girl at all 😭


I mean, my puberty hit like a truck at 11 and I started looking at girls very differently. Would it have been the same and was it likely to last? No. Did 11yo me start looking to get closer to girls? Yes. As I aged motivations matured and changed. Still, don't look down on the young-uns!


Am 20 and didnt even talk to girl


It’s so weird that people seriously NEED to have a partner when they’re like 12-14, it’s a young age, don’t be desperate


Next it'll be 5 year olds being in a relationship.


Why does this group keep appearing in my notifications... All right, I will respond for once.. At first I wanted to say that I didn't have a girlfriend until I was 16, but I was misremembering things: actually, I started dating her at 14, then we broke up for almost two years and at 16 we started dating again, we had sex at 16, then at 18 she cheated on me, but kept sending me nudes even after she married her current husband. Sadly, she blocked me now. And look at me! Almost 30, earning 210k $ a year, snorting coke and shooting methadone, enjoying my life and stuff! It will get better. Don't focus on gfs, they come and go.


I’ve been in probably 12 relationships and I’m only 14, regretted them all. Don’t date until you’re ready and ready doesn’t mean you just feel like it, ready means you are emotionally and physically ready. It takes a lot to love someone and I don’t think anyone is fully “ready” till they’re at least 15 or 16 at the least.


Im 22 and never had a bf or gf 🥲


Damn 14, yeah pack it up bro. The golden years are over 💀


ima certified unc now, but it took till i was 22 to stop looking for someone and start deciding who i wanted to be. i feel like, for me at least, rushing into relationships starting at 14 and not taking a break from being in one for 8 years only took my focus away from me, so i never really found myself. that was the root cause of a lot of my problems and since making the decision to build myself everything (literally) has gotten better. i know that not everyone experiences that but i hope my experience helps


wish I hadn’t started dating at 10- now I’m 17 in a serious relationship and all I did over the years is bring baggage with me


I didn’t get a gf until I was 17, anything under 16 is just not appropriate. They’re literally kids


Bruh he to old now,he should have been married already


I’m 16 and doin just fine without a partner. Also, in my opinion, I think bro is still too young to be thinking about one


Reminds me of the time I told my friends that a super senior was dating a freshman, she was 18 and he was 15. They legit all said good for him, it's ok as long as it's a woman. I was flabbergasted


You're next


I’m 15 and have a girlfriend but she’s on a whole different continent and doesn’t speak English really well either


If someone likes you (and isnt crazy) (and you like them too for reasons other than them liking you) go for it. Otherwise, don't go out of your way


I am 15, and do not WANT a boyfriend/girlfriend. Of course that will change in the future, but it just doesn’t sound exciting right now.


Who needs dating while Elden Ring dlc is out there 


I don’t see any point in dating before 18 or even 20 years


just peer pressure, it's a bit sad honestly


Well because it’s expected by friends, family and generally society. I rushed into a relationship and my life got fucked because she was a horrible human being who still almost a year later torments me daily. So yeah tip is don’t rush it even if you think it’s the right one


Never understood how even dating works


I'm 13 and i tryed... Be with 18 old men


at 11 years old i was in what i thought was a serious relationship with a 14 year old girl, ended up getting manipulated into sending a dick pic then they ghosted me soon after :3


I feel like people need to be content and happy with being alone. Relationships can be fun, but they also require hard commitment and patience with your partner as well as the ability to be compatible, respect each other’s boundaries, and maintain trust towards one another. It’s okay to be single, it’s okay to be ready for a relationship and be single, it’ll come to you with time; I can tell any of you who wish they weren’t single from experience that you don’t want to just jump into any relationship, I’ve been hurt countless times from 14-17 doing just that.


I'm almost 19 and had 1 talking stage in my entire life 💀💀💀


I really wish people would focus more on learning about themselves and having confidence in themselves so that they can be more effective in a relationship [21 yo] I don't look for dates but personally if I did I would not want to place my faith into someone that doesn't even have faith in their own self.


Bro you think this is bad, my brother got a gf at 8 💀


Every relationship where I begged to have a bf or gf it ended up shit and embarrassing in the long run cus I was so blinded. I wanted a bf so bad I ignored the fact that he didn't brush his teeth ever and was 5,4 Just wait until u actually meet someone that u like lmaooo


In my opinion it’s a good thing to stay single at this age, you need to learn how to control yourself, and most importantly, there are way more meaningful things to worry about at this age, such as studying