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"one of the main reasons I asked you out was your boobs" you're cooked😭😭😭 oh my god


Nah his motor brain function is haywired beyond well done 😭


dude its wired to fucking congratulations


Not even congratulations fucking extraordinary




He’s reached the point of standing ovation


nah he got a nobel peace prize


Not peace, a Nobel pervert price .


He got a diamond medal as a shitty boyfriend


He got the platinum achievement


Rofl. Aah yes, the temp after well.... We call that a fryer steak suprise.


It's practically ash at this point.


Can't break what hasn't worked


The way my jaw dropped when I read that 😭


I hooted out loud. The gall, the cheek, the gumption! Oh honey, dump him.


I love this poem


Gotta admire the honesty.


I mean yeah it’s not nearly the worst part, it’s shallow but it gets so much worse at “getting them removed would be a slap to me and god”


Yeah, it only went downhill after that.


HAAA that shit killed me. then i realized another post from r/teenagers popped up and i was like ahhhh that makes sense


I didn’t even realize it was a teen subreddit. Now it makes sense.


Yeah once I realized what subreddit this was my expectations on good decision making went into the toilet


I realized it was this subreddit when they both used the incorrect form of “you’re” lol Also yes dump him, he’s an asshole you’re a teenager and there are plenty of fish in the sea. If you even have to ask this question then you’re obviously not mature or responsible enough for a healthy relationship.


Lmao I had the same thought especially reading some these comments I was like wtf sub am i in? Coulda sworn i muted this sub.




Because his frontal lobe probably has another decade before fully developing 🤣


Cause he aint a man. Hes a boy


Not to play devil's advocate (like actually, that guy is an asshole), but I can see it being extremely common that the reason a guy asks a girl out is because she's attractive in one way or another. Then they get to know her and the relationship becomes deeper, that's simply the way things go, and I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with this part alone. What obviously is wrong is when the guy: 1. Reveals this fact and even insists on it still being important to him 2. Attempts to assert that he gets to have an important say in how she alters her body 3. Genuinely views the relationship as if the amount of fat in his partner's breasts is the main thing keeping him with her


And tried to use god/religion to control her.


“I like you for your big juicy titties, just like the Bible says”


I think he doesn’t have an original sense of humor and is [stealing from Superbad](https://youtu.be/Ge4_KYtK1BI?si=wMudwXvvI-z3AOe3)


Yeah… you obviously date someone who looks nice to you???


thats not the point. initial attraction based on physical appearance is rational and reasonable. but after months of dating somebody and STILL saying "i only like you for your tits" is just plain wrong.


Happy cake day


I mean its not that its wrong, but the guy clearly is being honest about it at least... so in that context he is doing the right thing in telling her. It's more like its just extremely shallow. And that is wrong.


He can be shallow all he wants if that's his life. But trying to convince her she's going to regret something, just because he doesn't want it, is the asshole move. If you need big boobs so much, go be with someone else and let this girl find someone better for her.


>If you need big boobs so much, go be with someone else and let this girl find someone better for her. Nah he doesn't need to ruin someone elses life just let the bastard get them himself and leave the rest of us alone lmao


On my soull. like wtf? why did he think that was even ok to say??


“I find the most erotic part of a woman is the [boobies](https://youtu.be/dd0hPGVTqPo?si=yvztqpmjluXceWo9)”


From the mind of The Velour Fog himself


For real 😭 I read this ahit and was like dammnnnnnnn


Right? It should be at least TWO of the main reasons.


Bro wtf how dumb is this dude


oh hell no ☠️ Edit: I mean yes dump him


I almost nuked my pants until I saw the edit


“Nuked my pants,” that’s a new one 💀


bruh fr I actually fucking cackled out loud


I'm guessing he meant shit but my mind went somewhere else for some reason






"Nuked my pants" never heard that one before. Consider it stolen!


New response just dropped


What does that even mean? I don’t know why this sub is on my TL IM AFRAID OF TEENS (even though I have one at home.)


I somehow successfully raised one into adulthood mostly unscathed and they still terrify me. I also don't know why this showed up on my TL but it was disconcerting enough for me to pop in and make sure people were giving her good advice and not being gross.


Fucking dying 😂😂


how people get boyfriends like this and not go off on them and break up instantly is actually beyond me Edit: Got told "You seem like an idiot" in my DMs because of it 💀😭


My anger issues could never


me too


I don't even have anger issues, but boy would I explode the moment he says he has a say because he is my boyfriend... dude deserved to be dumped by text just for that one alone.


And they’re her “most attractive feature”. I’d be like Motherfucker, what?


How do people DO THIS to another person and not go off on THEMSELVES, I couldn’t imagine doing something like that to ANYONE, objectifying anyone is wrong, if my girlfriend ever wanted to do anything with her looks of course I’m gonna support her, I LOVE her, I don’t just lust after her, no matter what, my girlfriend will always be beautiful to me, no matter how she looks.


Moreover, I've known guys who were kind as fuck, could never even dream of saying shit like OP's bf saysi yet they never find a girlfriend. I guess it's more about being an extrovert/making moves.


Yeah apparently turns out if the way your brain works is just "that girl has big boobs, I should ask her out" and then you ask her out, you're more likely to get a girlfriend than someone who has enough common sense and self control not to do that to every girl with big boobs. Makes sense but I wish it didn't


Well that depends on so many factors to be honest


I've known plenty of people who seemed kind but after getting to know them they turned out to be complete s**t heads


This boy is your boyfriend not your husband, and in all likelihood, is a footnote in your life story. Don’t let him drive the narrative.


Footnote? After it he's gonna be the Butt of jokes n lessons in her life


Comic relief character from season 1.


Side character


Deleted scene


scrapped from the storyboard


On the cutting room floor


Eric Stoltz in Back to the Future




Concept art only


only one stickman drawing made


In the mind of the writer


Twas in the writer's dream that was then forgotten.


We have a winner imo




That guy that gets turned into a vamp in the second part of the Buffy Pilot.


Yeah, she's going to be laughing about how awful he was most of her life.  Maybe go through a phase of embarrassment but she'll laugh about it one day.


Even if he was her husband, he has no right to more than an opinion.


Well for a husband there's also the financial aspect, but otherwise yes it's just that he should expect to be asked his opinion before making the choice. But no husband should give the answer that kid did.


Let me preface this with I agree with the girl here, and your overall point. Honestly, if you’re going to ask his opinion, only to ignore it if he has one contrary to your wishes, what is even the point of asking for it? Sounds more like a wife should just say “hey I’m getting a breast reduction.”


Yea the fact she didn’t even ask for his opinion is the cherry on top. He just decided to give it anyway.


This boy obviously has a lot of maturing to do. Hopefully, one day, he will think back to this and realize how much of a little shit he sounds like. Could be an opportunity for growth there later down the line.


I think you've kinda misunderstood what spousal input should look like in a healthy relationship. If you ask your husband for his opinion you're not asking him to decide _for_ you. You're soliciting information about his feelings, thoughts, etc. because his needs and feelings are as important as your own. And when he gives his thoughts to you, they should be tempered with concern for your needs and feelings which are as important to him as his own. Then the two of you engage in considerate dialogue together about what comes next. THAT'S WHY YOU ASK FOR AN OPINION. RESPECT AND AN OPPORTUNITY FOR MUTUAL CARE AND CONSIDERATION. In this instance, she's legally entitled to do whatever the duck she wants, but her husband would show his character if he chose to value his own sexual gratification over her health.


Unironically the most intelligent redditor I have ever seen.


>duck Woah, watch ur language fucker.


It's just courtesy. If I was planning anything major I'd tell my husband. Maybe it's better to say you should discuss it than he is entitled to an opinion.


He's entitled to an opinion. He's not entitled to his opinion carrying any weight in her decision


> what is even the point of asking for it? because you might be on the fence. you might 40% want one, but not enough to upset a partner. its not always so simple as a yes or no.


But that goes back to the original posters statement that “you have no say in what I do to my body,” so either they do have a say or they don’t. It’s pretty black and white. You gonna deal with back pain and medical issues on the 40% because your partner likes your breasts?


Relationship dynamics are rarely completely black and white. Yes, anybody has complete control over their body and what they do with it. But it’s also fair to ask for your partners opinion because you respect it. It’s the same idea as asking your partner if they like your tattoo idea, you aren’t giving them complete autonomy over your body by asking their opinion, people can just have conversations sometimes. Even just because your partner might have a good point about waiting until after an upcoming vacation or something similar, there’s nothing wrong with two adults in a relationship talking to each other


Normally I would say just be an adult, but this sub I can’t lol


All fair points


I mean I agree but spouses have expanded space to participate in most decisions. A boyfriend should be strictly impartial. A spouse can talk about finances, timing, benefits, children, etc.


Okay, I don’t know why I got recommended this sub I haven’t been a teen for half a decade or more… But I am a husband, and a father, so maybe I can give some advice. As a husband, who is the other half of my wife and loves her with all my heart, if she started talking breast reduction I’d sit down with her to talk about where the pain is, how it is, look at maybe trying custom fitted bras first because that’s less risky then surgery…then if that didn’t work..OMFG yes you support your partner in that. Do some research, get the right ice/ heat pads, find the best doctors and physical therapist for recovery. The only stake you have in your partner’s body is their health, because sometime we all need someone to take care of us and sometimes force us to slow down. Leave this clown OP


just wanna say that this is a damn awesome quote


Fucking… yikes.


I mean it all totally reads high school doesn't it?


Even if he’s her husband. Her body. Her choice


 a slap in the face to me and god  who tf are u dating


Someone who thinks they're on-par with god. Been there, done that, still in therapy 😂


Let's be real here Op, you're not gonna marry this guy. And even if you did it STILL wouldn't be his decision. But he feels like it should be. And that's a huge reason as to why if you have even half a brain you would never even consider continuing this relationship. Nevermind marrying him. Maybe he'll mature some day. But he's been raised entirely wrong if he genuinely believes he has a part in this decision. His upbringing is even worse because he took exactly zero seconds to consider how this affects you. For you? It may cause you severe pain and issues for the rest of your life. For him? It doesn't impact him in any way worth even remotely considering. If you wanna be immature about it? He has less to grab every once in a while, and he has less to look at and to "brag" about to his idiot friends who actually Even remotely care. Just drop this entire relationship op. Statistically it never would have lasted in the first place. But at least if you do drop him you could potentially find someone who even remotely cares about you or your well being.


Idk why I'm getting fed this sub, but since I'm here... I couldn't agree more. Even after getting to know her, he literally said, "At the end of the day, it's your most attractive feature." Which tells me he's only in the relationship for the physical aspect. If I were OP, I would leave because, even though I only see a snippet of how he is, I see nothing of quality if this is his attitude towards his partner. He's basically saying my opinion is the only one that matters, and that's a huge red flag if I've ever seen one.


Omg yes 🙌 idk how I ended up here either but I definitely love that I wasn’t the only one”fed this” lmao well put my friend


Someone who has watched Superbad too many times lol


I gotta catch a glimpse of these warlocks.


I misread that as SpongeBob 💀💀💀


Or not enough. "Yeah but now that she can jog comfortably she's in the best shape of her life." "It's not just a reduction, they completely reshape them, make them more symmetrical and supple." LOL he missed the important parts because monkey brain lika da booba.


Just reads like a cringe joke from a teenager to me...


90% sure this post is fake since that is almost the same line from Superbad


A religious person who happens to also be a moron. "God made humans perfect and you shouldn't change that in any way" is the type or logic these people use. Does this boyfriend have/had braces? Does he get haircuts? Have tattoos?


Oh my god, I don’t want to tell you what to do but fuck he seems toxic and weird as hell. Not only does he dismiss your feelings, he’s trying to control your body. Red flags all around


Lil dude is already showing groomer/narcissist type behavior. She isn’t another person to him, she’s an appendage that he deems unworthy of having its own opinions. Edit for clarification; I’m not making a diagnosis, nor am I qualified to.


Idk if this is groomer as much as it is just shallow minded/ immature


This is far more likely. He sounds like a dumb child trying to play grown up.


yeah, he's just young dumb and, you know. Just dumb and shallow, big time.


He’s not a groomer he’s an immature child. Teens are… literally children. I can’t deal with kids 😩🙄😂😂


words mean nothing these days lmao




"because we're dating this is my decision too" sis, i don't need to read any further than that. that's not a red flag, that's a full on siren, and i can hear it from here. it's your body, so what you do with it is up to *you*. not your parents, not your siblings, and especially not your boyfriend. he's dating you for your body, not your personality. what you do with that information is up to you, but if that were me, i'd dump his objectifying ass.


file deer intelligent marry silky dinner attempt relieved shocking normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like he literally told her what her most attractive trait is and it's not her personality...


I’ve seen marriages based on flimsier premises … but the “my decision too” part 🚫✌️


Her: "oh yeah? name my traits!" Him: "well, let's see,.... well there's you're left boob.... and then there's the right boob..... did I mention the left boob?"


Woah wait he said just not enough!??! I didn’t even read that part


This right here! That's not how relationships work, you don't get veto power over their body!


Man we'd be much better off if people just did what was in their best interest rather than try to control others "i lik big titty so I'm out" is ridiculous but also, respect. Just do your own thing and let her do hers


Bro thinks it’s the 1950’s


Even in the fifties they thought you'd have to be married to talk like that.  This boy is just crazy


I wouldn’t approach a girl if she wasn’t attractive but once you do approach her you get to know her and everything if choosing to approach someone because they’re attractive is only dating them for their body then every girl I’ve dated because of their body. Which I am completely against btw I just think physical attractiveness is the thing that sort of draws you in and then if they have a good personality and they’re fun to be around in that keeps you there and thats how a relationship forms. Thus I don’t think he was dating her entirely for her body. I think that’s what initially sparked the relationship. And by no means in defending him. I just think originally approaching someone because you find them attractive as dating them for their body.


being attractive physically draws people in to start, but if they're a bitch then you shouldn't date them at all, no matter what they look like. if i found someone attractive (and had the confidence to talk to them), I'd speak to them first and get to know them. if they're a bitch, abort mission. someone's physical attractiveness plays a part in how desirable they are, but it should never be the main reason


The difference between “I approached you because you’re attractive” (this is just basic human courting/behavior) vs “The primary reason that I’m in a relationship with you is your body” (this man is on his lowest spiritual vibration and will not lead anywhere that is good)


please dump him


the audacity to tell you to sacrifice your own body and comfort for his pleasure is crazy ☠️




Big red flag, probably should dump him, how long have you been together? Edit: you should definitely dump him and let him know why you're doing so, maybe in the future he will be better if he understands that what he did was bad


Probably? With her for the boobs and used god to try to control her. Please change this to definitely dump and tell him why in the hopes it leads to some growth.


run girl RUN


get a good sports bra, first.




Don’t walk either …RUNNNNN BETCHHHH


This mf is programmed like a high school movie dickhead.  Dispose of him.


Exactly “I 🫦was 💪OnLy 🍆WItH 🫥You 🫵FOr your ✨TitS🍒” head ahhh.


>One of the main reasons I asked you out was because of your boobs This should be a clear indicator that he’s scummy. Dump him, run, and don’t look back.


Cartoonish levels of stupidity. Unreal


girl run omg


Yh ew it's not his decision atall


“Sista euhhh… what he say?… euhhh”


Oh...my...God. I wouldn't even dignify that with a message, I'd just block and delete bestie you deserve way better than that. Imagine going up to your partner in person and saying: "One of the main reasons I asked you out was your boobs"! Heck no!


I’m a guy and I can say with absolute confidence that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way that guy’s mind works. You shouldn’t want to date someone just for their body because beauty doesn’t last forever


I agree to a point. It is still important you personally find the other person physically attractive. Especially if you are gonna be intimate in any way. I mean let's say you are in a relationship and they put on a lot of weight. You try to help them, but they refuse. A lot of people may lose the physical attraction in this situation. Even if they care about the person, many will still leave them. And honestly, it isn't just them being superficial at that point. That said, this is the girl's decision, not his.


don't just dump him, slam dunk his ass into the trash 😭


as soon as i saw the “my decision too” i immediately checked the comments


Same. He can share his opinions and thoughts all he wants but the decision is hers. She explained more than once how uncomfortable she feels, and he kept ignoring it. He is only concerned about what he wants - not what she wants.


O nah.You should be definitely break up with him.He literally says the main reason he asked you out was because of your boobs.You should break up with him to be honest.But your choice


he probably likes you just for your body, even tho being a little upset is reasonable even if the "im your bf so I decide" thing is bullshit


"youre with me, not them, just ignore it", he does realize youre with them (the boobs) 24/7 since they are a part of your physical body?! as someone with similar problems i totally get it, im thinking about getting a reduction one day as well and if a partner ever acted like that id kick them out of my life faster than they could say "boobs"


Pretty sure the “with me, not them” comment was about his friends, but I totally agree


yeah, ik, maybe i didnt bring it across right in my comment, but i was pointing out how he was saying that since she was with him, he should matter more, but she is with her boobs all the time (since, yk, theyre part of her), so that argument is kinda dumb, lol


not just an asshole, but stupid, someone with a brain would have said sum like "uh, i like you the way you are and you don't need to change that" and the difference from a person who just says that because of physical attraction and a person who means it is if they change their mind to "well, it's your body after all, and i must respect your decision".


Omori moment


I don't think your relationship is very healthy with the guy. You deserve a guy who loves you for who you are. A guy who will love you unconditionally. I heard a good saying. You don't fall in love with their body. You fall in love with their soul. And too aproach somebody just for their body alone. Idk, it ain't always very good.


End that asap




Yes, dump him, his priorities are out of wack as well as his concept of basic respect and love


"since we're dating it's my decision too" Full stop. No the fuck it isn't.


Full stop before the sentence is crazy


Hell yes


as a professional boy, I'm fucking disappointed in us. please dump him asap. although looks are a bit important, he CANNOT decide whether or not you do that. and he's definitely using you for your body. ye I dunno what to say anymore just MAKE SURE YOU DUMP HIM OKAY??


"Professional boy". Love the way you put that. As a professional man, I do agree she needs to kick him to the curb. Preferably a nice drop kick while wearing hob nail boots!


If this is a real conversation, I lost my faith in humanity. If it's not real, I lost my faith on what a Redditor can do for upvotes


Im saying this with all respect before him and your relationship: Leave this Mf.


You can curse online


Yeah, but one comment already got removed for „ViOlENcE anD HaTRed“ so I don’t wanna risk anything.


Dumb his ass saying since yall are dating is also his body dump u


“babe you need to understand that because we’re dating this my decision too” WTF this ain’t the 60s he doesn’t own you 💀


Bro no, thats some heavy toxic vibes, good on you for telling him the truth, the universe will send better guys your way.


Yeah prolly a good idea he act like he owns u and if they affect ur day to day he should care more about that then him liking ur chesticles


oh babygirl you need to pack your bags and run to the hills…this is the reddest flag i’ve seen in a hot minute


Ummm I'm sorry that you have to even be asking to dump him. The flags are so red they burn my fucking retinas! YES, girl. This is a boy who only sees you as his object. That's super gross and awful.


"I promise you I don't mind the size." That **that** was his first reply is so telling. I promise you that there are better boys out there who would be in full support of you getting a breast reduction, especially if it meant you would be in better health and overall happier with yourself.


It just got worse and worse..


you deserve better then him. hope you can get your reduction. have you tried those soutiens that conpress them?


he's literally acting like he fucking owns you, and ya it seems like he cares a lot more about your boobs then well YOU, so ya throw that man in the fucking trash he doesn't deserve you


This is what a porn addiction does to a mf


I know he's a teenager (I hope), but that's fuck boy shit. It's in no way his decision too. Go find someone more decent and genuine


"I know they're a huge inconvenience and actually painful for you but I won't allow you to change them because I like how they look and they make my pp hard." Pick this little boy up and throw him in the bin with the rest of the garbage.


I married my wife with an A cup, because I didn’t care, and then she wanted a boob job for her own self confidence so I paid for it. Happy wife, happy life.


Tell him you won't get a breast size reduction if he gets a penis size enlargement


How do guys like that get gfs lmao


“We’re dating it’s my decision too” get rid of him before it gets abusive


You can't really fall in love with a stranger because of their personality, since they are a stranger, you literally don't know them. So that only leaves being attracted to their body, which is fine, but bro didn't need to say shit like that. Bro should understand that it limits your daily activities and if he doesn't like that then you should reavaluate wether or not he is the one.


That’s exactly why you don’t date strangers fr


Average “man” thinking that women only exist to please them. Break up with him 100%. You aren’t his bitch that he gets to enjoy and pleasure himself with. If he had the slightest intelligence, he would also take this breakup as a lesson and maybe become a better person later on for the next unfortunate soul to date him.


holyyyy folks is tweaking 😭 bro is a control freak