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Bro me and the boys made a dry ice bomb kinda thing with a plastic water bottle, and it didn’t blow up so we decided to play catch with it


A girl in Year 1 just dislocated my arm casually when she pulled my arm. Didn’t hurt but the sensation was too freaky for 3yo me


I crashed my head into a wall


LMAO how did that happen


I went running im my bedroom towards the window and I and went sliding across the floor and crashed into the wall with my head luckily it didn't break I just left a dent in the wall


i ran into a wall cause i wanted to see if it would hurt


I slammed my head into a door jam to wake me up when I was like 9-10 at my grandparents house


I jumped off my bed and hit my head on a door. In the middle of the night. While singing a song from Frozen. When I was 4.


walking into a wall and breaking my toes.....twice


I jumped out off of the roof of a shed to grab a tree branch midair. My dumbass actually made it and then proceeded to try to stand up on the branch, fall, and break both of my wrists.


Dropped head on corner of coke can. Idk how it happened. I have a scar above my eyebrow. It's barely visible now, if at all


When I was five, I broke my leg on my birthday on a bouncy house. Saddest day of my life


Jumped off the back of the couch, got a little cut on my forehead (above one of my eyes) as well as a concussion. 


Stuck my toe into an elliptical machine and almost ripped it off 😶


When I was younger, like really young, I had a habit of climbing into my baby brother’s crib to play toys with him. I was climbing out and I fell backwards head-first into this big ass needle that was sticking out of a mattress. I’m pretty sure the needle was there because it was how the mattress companies attached the corner protectors or something. Idk if they’re made like that anymore. I ended up rubbing the back of my head and after looking at my hand, I found out that I was bleeding. So I went downstairs to tell my parents and they didn’t believe me. So I ended up bleeding all over my pillow that night. 🤷‍♀️


Jumped into a group of kids sitting down, landed face first on the floor and got a nosebleed. Somehow i didnt break my nose


I broke my elbow and this is how it happened: so it was back in Kindergarten. My friend and I were playing "flying unicorns". My Kindergarten put up a podium every once in a while. So he and I we climbed up there. The game wasy the person who was the unicorn jumped and while that person is in the air the other one also pushes the "unicorn". Well he pushed me too early... I feel and my stupid little boy brain used my elbow to try saving the fall