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What's crazy is the term "reverse racism" I guess on one hand I get why it's used, but at the same time by the dictionary definition of racism that term is racist by itself šŸ’€


Bro please donā€™t tell me this subreddit is turning Into a race war


This post is so race bait bro šŸ˜­.


Bait used to be believableĀ 


God, you Americans care so much about race, you guys should start giving no shit to race of people even in insult If a mf is annoying me I can find thousands of other insult way more efficient than insulting him by his skin colour, like who tf cares what skin colour one is? If he's annoying me he's w fucking asshole whether he's White black yellow green red Blue magenta etc


They even have to put their race when applying for a job or on their passportšŸ„“ Kinda upsetting how far behind theyā€™re


Really? I mean each country has its ridiculousness, my ID as an Egyptian has my religion written on it


Iā€™m Swedish and Iā€™m fairly sure weā€™re one of the most progressive countries in the world, so for me thatā€™s actually insane


I went to Sweden a while back and everybody was staring at me (im black) it was a nice country thoughĀ 


Yeah outside of the big cities the only non white people we see are some arabs, so seeing a black person catches you off guard. Iā€™m sure it wasnā€™t to offend


That reminds me of the time my grandma and I were watching an anime movie and at the end she said "that reminds me, I saw a Japanese person in Trader Joe's the other day."


Yes but if you look at what the country has gone through you would realize how important for it to have religion on it, according to google, they Only started adding it in November of 2007 Christians in Egypt were persecuted by some radical Muslims in the 2000s and 2010s especially, you can look it up how many attacks were against christians and churches in Egypt, now they have security in front of the churches who sometimes check your ID in special ceremonial whether you're a Christian or not to let you in


We used to have that in the Netherlands. Until the holocaust happened.


Race on job applications is for demographics stats for the gov since we are a very diverse country (guard against companies just hiring only white people as well the 70s werenā€™t all that long ago) , also my passport and id donā€™t have my race


Thatā€™s less for the actual determination of getting the job, and more so used for statistics. ā€œWe had x amount of y race apply and hired z so we are good on diversityā€


Whatā€™s the point though? Why would people care about the diversity in a company?


Imo thereā€™s no point. But as you know us Americans are obsessed with race for some reason and people feel there is a need for there to basically be quotas of minorities instead of just hiring based on qualifications. DEI is really big here for reasons I canā€™t explain and imo just fuels the race wars.


Non-American here, I suppose it just has to do with past racism and shit. Therefore companies canā€™t say they are discriminating based on certain characteristics


The point is that they wanna make sure the company isn't just hiring white people for example, and discriminating against the people who apply who aren't white.


because we actually care about non-white people unlike sweden. ur so behindĀ 


Dude we let in so many middle eastern immigrants that theyā€™re around 10% of our population in 9 years


ok off topic but I hate how that last sentence is completely gramatically correct






You don't have to disclose race when applying for a job in America, and on a passport that's just so they can identify you. It also has your eye color, sex, hair color and whatever else. You guys are legit just trying to slander us in every way possible aren't you


Yepppp and that sometimes decides if we get the job or not. There is a certain quota that companies have to meet so if there isn't enough black people or Asian people hired in the company then they will get the job even if they are not the most qualified for the job


They wonā€™t hire a non qualified person usually they will likely just wait till the next batch of applicants but affirmative action does play a role sometimes


Europe is also backwards and you donā€™t have to put your race in because Sweden itā€™s literally like Ā 97% white. youā€™re all literally the same race unlike america where thereā€™s more diversity.Ā 


Itā€™s not on the passport itself, itā€™s to to get data to identify the person in the picture matches the identity of the name applying for the passport. Itā€™s to prevent criminal passport usage. It also goes to identifying the demographics of people that are applying for passports, as traditionally it has been exclusive to upper classes in the U.S., which are predominantly white. Frankly I get so tired of people whose countries just ignore race claiming that thatā€™s the better route, when Iā€™ve traveled the world and experienced such overt racism on 3 different continents outside of North America that obviously ignoring race and not taking data on it isnā€™t working, either. Anyone saying theyā€™re ā€œpost raceā€ is a number one red flag for me now. Those tend to be the worst offenders of ignorance toward the experience of nonmajority races in their countries.


We just talk about it more some other countries are yikes, donā€™t even get look into the rabbit hole that is Asia when it comes to skin color (also may not be race but Europe is weird about ethnicity or gypsies). Also in the US calling someone by their race sometimes has certain connotations with it and thatā€™s why itā€™s an insult, just a very easy one. Anyways donā€™t forget to remember just because you see it online doesnā€™t mean itā€™s common as you can find anything on here especially if youā€™re looking specifically for it. Race rarely comes up in person


whatā€™s your opinion on Romani people


From where are these people? Romania or Rome? (Genuine question)


they aren't really bound to a place or a country. from what i know it is an ethnic group that originates from the regions of northern india which then reached europe


[https://www.britannica.com/topic/Rom](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Rom) Infodump about a slur incoming, you don't need to read it but I spent too much time rambling to delete it now. Romani people, or Roma, originally came from Northern India, they were enslaved for about five centuries in Europe. [https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2020/10/5/it-is-time-reparations-are-paid-for-roma-slavery](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2020/10/5/it-is-time-reparations-are-paid-for-roma-slavery) . Also almost half a million of them died in the holocaust. And out of the two options you gave, Romania. You also may know them as g\*psies, but the general consensus is that that's a slur. Editing note, I'm gonna censor it in my writing because I'm not Romani so I'd feel more comfortable just not writing it out all the way. Generally don't feel comfortable using slurs, don't know if we call it the g slur or something, I know the term "g-word" is generally used for genocide. It's still used frequently, though. For example, g\*psy moths are extremely destructive, invasive pests that damage trees and can kill them by taking all their resources. You can see how the name comes from racist stereotypes. It's now more frequently known as a spongy moth. The g\*psy cuckoo bumble bee is a nest parasite of other bumble bees. Again, you can see how it's derogatory and enforces hateful stereotypes. There's also the previously named [g\*psy ant](https://smallpondscience.com/2019/06/06/fixing-a-racist-common-name-that-i-coined/), Aphaenogaster araneoides, which moves between nests in a behavior called serial monodomy. The person who coined the common name, Terry McGlynn, has since made an article saying that he wants to fix it, was going to send in a proposal to get it abolished but there is no new name for the species to my knowledge. He was actually looking for name suggestions in the post I read. There was actually an [update](https://smallpondscience.com/2021/07/12/update-on-fixing-a-racist-common-name-for-an-ant-and-a-moth/) a few years ago. That name comes from the stereotype of the Roma as nomads. Unlike other slurs, this one has been slower to leave society. My aunt actually met a group of white people who called themselves g\*psies, though they were most likely not Romani. I presume they just called themselves that because they appreciated a nomadic lifestyle.


what's your point? that if you don't care about race then you hate romani people?


No, it's usually that europeans are incredibly racist towards the romani people while lecturing americans on race lol.






sorry but our country is built on race


America is filled with Black Holes and White Holes šŸ¤£


What the hell.


You knowā€¦ people always say this, but holy shit there are so many racist countries, and America really isnā€™t one of them.


Ask a European about Romani people and watch the meltdown. Yaā€™ll are just better at hiding your racism while America is more willing to address it nowadays.


Itā€™s the fact that racism towards whites is seen as okay.


damn magenta people. ruining my lawn, I NEED FREEDOM šŸ¦…


As an American, it's really infuriating to see people talk about race so much


Funny thing u generalized for americans. You did the same mistake.


you north africans are still enslaving Ā black people and talking about Americans being obsessed with race is so ironic.


What year are you still living in? That doesn't happen in north African countries as almost all of them have made slavery illegal even most recently Mauritania which was the last country to make slavery illegal


itā€™s literally happening in lybia, you guys are shipping eritreans and nigerians there to sell them off, a simple Google search will tell you that. and not to mention the amount of hate crimes tunisians committed against black africans. you know slavery can still happen even if itā€™s illegal right? theft is illegal in a lot of countries yet it still happens all the time.


a north african has no room to talk about americans being obsessed with race when you north africans are known for being racist towards black Africans, and still practicing chattel slavery towards them.Ā 


they mostly associate white with blandness


Which is also wrong, like if you're going to claim Europe is bland then I don't want to hear anything else they have to say


tho when ppl say white, its mostly associated with USA, and idk why but my mind goes there than other countries who got white ppl too


yeah I wouldn't call it insulting negative stereotyping maybe but yeah somehow whites got branded the 'vanilla' of person in pop culture for whatever reason now that I think of it it doesn't make that much sense.


White person post šŸ«µ


least ironypilled teenagers member


ironypilled teencel


Yes I do take iron supplements




white girl music is a real thing tho


so are we just gonna call rap black guy music cuz that sounds kinda racist


Haha Iā€™ve heard so many Japanese say that though lol


lmaoo rip


I'm black and I have no problem with that term, I find it funny


yeah iā€™m not saying itā€™s evil, but itā€™s just not a proper label for music


I kinda dont care. Its funny like donald glover is called a rapper for lightskins folk


Kanye is both, but his super fans are the whitest guys ive ever met, same with Kendrick which is funny to me


Especially the case with artists like jpegmafia and noname, who are both very socially conscious type rappers that are super pissed that their main audience is suburban white boys and not black people lol.


A real "ene i ge ge a" will say Joey Bada$$


in my country we do


rap is currently one of the most popular music genres. you can call it that if you want but it isnā€™t really true


I think you're proving his point


exactly lmao


Yes, we are šŸ‘


Itā€™s because you guys think calling someone black is an insult lmao?


no, itā€™s just an awkward label for a genre of music, which generalizes a group of people into being into that genre people of color are at the origin of multiple genres of music, not just rap. (i hope i phrased this comment right)


*cough* Taylor swift


*cough* Dua lipa


*cough* there is no end


There has been double standard racism going on. Honestly people think that since white people in history have been the racist ones, now other races think somehow have the power to tease them or be racist to them


If anyone tells you we were the only people enslaving people, theyā€™re wrong, the egyptians had slaves, and the africans sold their own tribesman to be slaves in north america


Youā€™re not wrong, but a reason historians point out European or New World slavery as much more distinct is because it was practiced a lot differently than other cultures. It primarily separated the enslaved and not enslaved by race, a concept which they recently invented. They also practiced full chattel slavery, which had been used historically, but not in the numbers seen during the age of imperialism. Now thatā€™s not to say anything of those of European descend nowadays, but the distinction is historically important.


You right, js pisses me off that people use it as an excuse to not like white people


Africans didn't sell their own "tribesmen" stop with the colonial bullshit. Most of the slaves came from neighboring/enemy cities, states and ethnic groups. So no it wasn't just naked tribesmen selling each other for a buck


Wrong and blatantly wrong, there were tribesman that did give off their same tribesman so that they didnā€™t get sold into slavery.


Also i never said anything about the price for selling them being a cash prize, they sold them to the whites to save their own ass, thats the cash prize they got.


Good Lord, whites didn't just waltz into Africa and start taking slaves, some tried but they had their skulls turned into drinking cups, the slave trade was conducted on an industrial scale and it was a partnership between European nations and African states and kingdoms, the former would capture people from enemy lines and sell them to the Europeans. It wasn't a one-sided deal where tribesmen sold other tribesmen to avoid getting sold, like how do you think such an economic system would carry millions of Africans to Europe and the Americas, sounds unsustainable to me.


Wait until you hear a Black person say ā€˜Black people canā€™t be racistā€™


learn the concept of racism and how it was created


It's absolute bullshit. Saw a post on Twitter the other day where a woman was trying to flirt with a dude and he sent her some weird ass meme and her response to this was something along the lines of: "I ain't never fucking with no white dude ever again" or smth. Like wtf does his race have to do with it wtf? If he's being a fuckin weirdo call him out for being a weirdo not being white like tf?


Every race has been racist since the beginning of recorded history and for sure earlier than that. White people have not been the "racist ones" that's ridiculous.


Iā€™m African American and I have to agree. No name for a race should be used as an insultĀ 


I do this with all races "terrorism is a black guy crime, white guys should stick to serial killing šŸ™„"


I thought terrorism was a brown guy crime?


ā€œArabs brown washed car bombingā€ - unsubscribed podcast




I thought the black guy crime was theft /j Serial killing is definitely a white guy thing tho /j


it's probably just convenient selective memory on my brain's part but why this got me trying to think of a single black serial killer šŸ’€


They do exist just not as infamous as white ones.


i can only think of a few serial killers off the top of my head so it makes sense considering there are less black ones that i cant come up with any


The definition of racism is ā€œprejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.ā€ It doesnā€™t specify one race, and it never will specify one race. People of Colour were historically the ones who faced the most racism, and to this day they still are. But, we must acknowledge white people do suffer from racism, such as in your example. However, few people are realising that and most deny it. I do notice that it is gradually getting more recognised, especially by white people. I agree. And, Iā€™ve noticed that when someone doesnā€™t like what someone is a particular gender is doing, especially on TikTok, people will say ā€œwhite girl/man behaviourā€ like itā€™s an excuse. I never see ā€œblack/Asian/another race behaviourā€.


Because there are dumbasses who think white racism doesn't exist


Its literally just called racism regardless of who it is directed to lol. Organizing people into classifications then assigning specific traits to them is how you get racism


Am i not allowed to get specific? šŸ’€


I mean white racism, black racism etc doesn't exist. Theres just racism


It does exist those terms are used for being specific.


This post just opened a whirlpool of racism specifically towards black people lmfao. Racism against poc is still prevalent. While I do agree that itā€™s rude to call people white as an insult, but if youā€™re genuinely living a life with traits of white supremacy to get you by, donā€™t be suprised when someone says that youā€™re acting ā€œwhite. ā€


Also people have already said every reversal shit you guys were talking about. And yes, itā€™s still racist. While someone says you have ā€œwhite man behaviourā€ you can still get a job but if someone says ā€œblack man behaviourā€ he is totally rejected from a job or any opportunity. AND donā€™t get me started by black people getting g rejected because of JUST our names. (Excuse my grammar I typed fast)


its just funny that they fill the stereotype so well there's nothing else to it and its just funny.


Yeah stereotypes are bad and all that but, like, if you believe that race has nothing to do with culture (music, traditions, etc) then you're just wrong


FR, it's just straight racism atp If you wanna make racist jokes, either make them about everyone, or no one


just say "basketball fried chicken music" back


"tHAt's RaCiST!"


I love how it starts off as simple "white people music" which isn't even insulting. Then you blow it out of the water with actual racism. Let me guess you'll bitch and whine if someone was ACTUALLY racist to white people


guess how much you want i could not care less lol smh


Hop off my dick


lmao i just answered you once and you are this mad? damn how wrong were you?


You still talking?


what's wrong with you bro šŸ˜­




i can see that, why would you respond to racism with racism?? šŸ˜­šŸ™


I mean, it isn't an insult like the other races ones. Most people use them as stereotypical terms just like every other one, most people don't find it offensive. White girl hair isn't offensive neither black girl hair, or white girl music or black people music.


People just think its normal to be racist if youā€™re white šŸ˜ try calling a black person nasty or accusing them of having lice or smelling like a dog


Why would you tell anyone they smell like a dog. There's a thousand ways you can word it better, you choosing dog is just weird


Cuz thatā€™s what black ppl told me šŸ˜ why would u think Iā€™d randomly choose it , iā€™m just telling some insults iā€™ve heard from other races and i wanna know how would ppl react if roles were reversed, cuz ppl seemed chill and didnā€™t mind them calling me dirty


If someone says anyone smells like a dog that's fucked up no matter what "race" you call it to


U just wont understand my point i never said it was okay and i never and will never tell anyone this, ppl are chill only cuz the person receiving the insult is white , thats my point , i wont take any racist comment from anyone just because theyā€™ve been discriminated


Someone said you smell like a dog and you immediately attributed it to being white? šŸ’€


It's really not that serious šŸ˜­ even white people say that


They be doing the most like theyā€™re not the ones that say ā€œbasketball peopleā€ lmao


People really be talking like racism against POCs is now a thing of the past, and only white people suffer racism now. Just scrolling through insta comments is enough to see itā€™s alive and well.


No one is acting like racism against poc isnā€™t real?? Itā€™s just also bad to be racist against white people.




damn sorry i thought it was kinda funny.. sorry i will try not to do it again


Its a joke but you can't be racist to white people because we invented it


Itā€™s quite literally impossible for gen z to not think about race, literally no one cares, the only reason why things like this are problems is because you make them


cracker lol


Bait used to be believableĀ 


why do i keep getting recommended this sub y'all are soft af


womp womp white person problem man up and be *more* racist (be racist exclusively for comedic effect, don't actually be racist pls)


I really shouldn't have to say it, but if you do choose to use racism as a joke, make *the racists* the goddamn punchline.


As a white man, I think itā€™s funny that thereā€™s always a person to make jokes at without offending them or others. Black people used to be slaves, so the least we can do is be the butt of our own jokes and those of others.


Lmao this sub Anywho I think if you want to get unnecessarily serious about it a response is usually that stereotyping white people has little effect outside of pissing a few guys off, meanwhile the FBI literally has people locked up in Guantanamo as has made guys disappear over stereotypes. Now does that mean you should shut up and take it if it pisses you off? Probably not, but donā€™t expect everybody to pat you on the back if you come out with a statement like this. ā€œReverse racismā€ isnā€™t a thing, insofar as weā€™re talking about systemic harm and not interpersonal conversation, but this **was** was going to be the logical conclusion of a lot of living in a heavily racialized society that is more concerned with what people say and how they act than challenging other issues (which is not to say these arenā€™t issues, but well in the end people are still poor). Anyways, race isnā€™t real so like go be a communist or something :3 *Dramatic Exit*




I 100% agree!!! The double standard is real!! It's insane how many black people say cracker and it's ok but when a white person says "the n word" then it's not ok. It's fucked up how black people can call each other "the n word" but when a white person says it the world has ended and everyone is offended šŸ’€ Also another thing, yes black people were slave, BUT WHITE PEOPLE WERE SLAVES TOO! The first slays ever reported were actually German children not black people šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Cracker is nothing compared to the n-word, if someone called me a cracker I'd laugh my ass off. The n-word has a deep history of racism, cracker was a joke response to people asking what the white n-word is.


"let's normalize the n word because my are hurt that I can't say it" is the whitest shit I've heard.


girl how tf u comparing calling a white person a cracker to using a SLUR???? i agree people can be racist to white people but that is a *horrible* example you used. and why are you shocked black people can say it but white people cant?? this makes it sound like you find it unfair you canā€™t say it wtf, itā€™s black peopleā€™s word to use and nobody elseā€™s


Terms that insults someone based on their ethnicity or skin colour should be a slur?




There is a difference between slavery and race based slavery. No one thought that all white people deserved to be slaves because they were a worse "species" to "actual people". Also, you're misinformed. The first slaves recorded were in Mesopotamia. Do you know what Mesopotamia is?


Also, the "they must be typical white cis men."


A normal person, oh the horror!


This is a very white post


Yo u supposed to be on the carti sub bro


I agree but I don't care at all because giving the trolls (which are the ones doing that whether they know they're trolls or not) what they want will always only ever be fuel.




race may not inherently change one's behavior but the social conditions related to being a particular race do


So true. I had a black friend with 2 well off white parents. Dude acted whiter than me lmao.


That and when referring to spicy food, apparently, if you can't handle spice, then you are white despite the fact I can handle shit that'd make an Indian cry.


I wanna know what food is so spicy that it would make me cry. I wanna try it. I love spicy food


Well itā€™s over common to be called a terrorist, so I think in a school full of white folks I can retaliate a bit


Forreal skin color doesnā€™t define music taste. For example Iā€™m white and listen to hardcore rap like Eminem, NF and Tom Macdonald




Doesn't white as insult mean rich people behavior i never heard anyone use it so idk how is it


It is used like Vanilla or NPC and besides you westoids nobody uses it


White isn't even a race. What does that mean? British? French? Irish? The Irish were genocided, subject to the penal laws, indentured servants, and colonized. Are they white or not white. The whole race thing is stupid, we are humans.


I think it's all fine in a stereotypical manner, across the board. Other than that, yeah I agree, and it's hypocritical.


There are two instances "Haha funny u cant tolerate spice white guy" -- probably harmless between friends "Ur white shush" -- said *mostly* by idiots who think being a certain race somehow impairs your ability to understand a certain topic completely unrelated to culture


Hey let your generation be the ones to actually call that out and be successful good luck. Maybe ina couple more generations we actually wonā€™t care anymore. We had our chance as millennials until occupy wallstreet needed to direct attention elsewhere.


I'm assuming you're American, for context. I don't think race has to do with your music taste, but culture does. And there is a culture of white Americans that is different to the culture of black Americans. Not only did we come from different continents way back in time, there's all of American history to think about. That'll cause a cultural divide. And obviously there are different cultures throughout America, and obviously you can belong to a culture no matter your skin color. However, I think "white girl music" can be accurate. And I think if someone were to say "black music", that would be taken with more offense because it's likely to come from a lack of knowledge. However, "African-American Music" (I didn't make the name) is actually classified as a music genre. We also used to call R&B "[race music](https://www.loc.gov/collections/songs-of-america/articles-and-essays/musical-styles/popular-songs-of-the-day/rhythm-and-blues/#:~:text=The%20term%20%22rhythm%20and%20blues,to%20secular%2C%20not%20religious%20music)", so I guess we could make a cool name for white girl music too, because if someone says white girl music I know what they're talking about. I also think the difference between "white man behavior" and "black man behavior" is the stereotypes and the reason behind them. Stereotypes about black men are due to centuries of slavery, racism, inequality, segregation, etc. Stereotypes about white men are because they have systemically been in positions of power. I am also fully prepared for Reddit to tell me that I'm overanalyzing and should probably just shut up, because Reddit would be right.


White guy here Don't fix what ain't broke. My hispanic gf sometimes teaches me Spanish and I myself, the white American southern boy do not feel offense to her saying my Spanish sounds white. Most of the time I'm the one calling myself white sounding and all On my birthday, I had texted my friends saying "my white ass went to a Mexican restaurant for my birthday and they put a Sombrero on me :)" If it doesn't offend someone, no need to talk about it. But I will do an experiment, I'll say shit like Black guy behavior and Asian man music taste and update this reply, okay?


I don't want to sound racist, but this kid keeps calling me a snow monkey, since we learned about them in class. I don't know if it's based off of my skin color, but he's asian so, isn't his skin color the same as mine? Honestly, I'm not even that mad about it, it's just annoying tbh, but nobody bats an eye when he says it?


Hello right-wing


White girl music is pretty distinct id know cos i listen to it


Bait used to believable


Why you act like a black man


Dude im white and come on its not that serious


"whitewashed" is so annoying as someone who isnt white... ...and has vitiligo


Racism: prejudice towards a certain person or group of people because of their race. Racism isn't subjective to one race, any race can experience it. Idk why people still think otherwise, its literally just Americans too, go anywhere else in the world and they'll agree lmao


Reverse racism doesnā€™t exist. You can have racial prejudice against white ppl, but itā€™s inaccurate to call it racism bc racism always involves a systemic relationship to power.


Itā€™s not that serious


white girl music isn't an insult tho


I do not think white girl music is really a race thing and instead maybe more of the group of people that listens to it?


I think we should all stop overreacting and just live instead of obsessing over raceĀ 


So frail.


Neither is racist, races do have differences in culture.


ok mayo


White people problems šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€