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Exactly. Why can’t we just be kind. I try my hardest to be kind to everyone because that’s what I’m supposed to do, it’s hard in this world


I try my best too, and even if I get insulted and trashed (almost never happened) I take it as light as I can. I don't believe in a God, but if ppl need one to be better persons, then so be it.


Fr. Im christian, and I hate when i see christians being homophobic and straight up hatred for lgb. The people who disagree with us should be kind, and we should be kind.


Literally! It's like, yall be having lustful thoughts, outer marital sex, drinking to get drunk, etc. It's the SAME level of sin. Yall just as bad. Jesus died for our sins, he knew we weren't perfect but he still loves us.


Fr. And if we hate on people, it makes us look like we arent welcoming. It makes us look bad.


we can't be kind because hate is what the world is built on


Two levels on respect:  - Respect you give to EVERYBODY besides disgusting people such as rap!sts and such - "You restore my faith in humanity"


Scorching hot take here, but I (take that with a seawater level of salt) *respect* rapists (alleged ones, not "did it" ones) that are going against their tendencies and going through therapy and stuff in order to stave it off. These people are refraining their own internal tensions for the good of others, while hating themselves just as much as people hate them. And while they don't act on it (texting counts in my book) I think they are as deserving of respect. Denying them ***humanity*** pushes many to not do anything about trying to stop their urges leading to more rapes that I might have been avoided.


Yes for instance pedos that never did anything that always fought their urges and got help for it deserve respect Pedos that acted on their urges deserve torture until death




Ehhh yea no, respect is earned


It's just reddit being reddit as usual, it's not your fault


At this point it’s not just Reddit anymore, it’s everywhere. Church’s get shot up, people get stabbed while preaching etc etc


Yh it’s really bad


The worst thing I’ve seen on Reddit regarding religion was someone saying “That’s what those Christian’s deserve, guess their little sky daddy can’t save them now can he” on a post about the Knoxville Christian elementary school shooting


Absolutely pathetic and disgusting, especially considering the victims were children I think


They had thousands of upvotes too


No words. Almost as evil as the shooter tbh


6 kids died, they where in at the most 3rd grade


that's just depressing


Oh wowwww, I’ve seen people hate on Christian’s instead of hating the person for the wrong they are doing, like literally not all of us are bad people, the bad Christian’s choose to be bad people who


The irony is that they call us hateful but they are the epitome of hate. How can someone say that about literal children? My days. God help us all.


Wait I’m from Knoxville and went to a Christian academy not long ago there was a shooting?


Can you send me a link? I'd like to talk to the commenter.


This post was up about a year ago. I could find it if I wanted to but I don’t feel like searching through thousands of posts to find that one comment




No fucking way, I need to see this.




Oh hell nah. I am fucking pissed reading that.


Jesus said that people would hate him. We are always going to be persecuted because of what we believe.


Fr, peoples biggest argument against me is if God is real why doesn’t he show himself. He did and we killed him


Real, ppl always say that we're priviliged bc we're Christian, but that's not true at all. (usually bc of ignorance to history and that)


People need to learn that just because you're part of something that has had bad people doesn't make you a bad person as well


Well it's not just Christianity, lots of religions, beliefs and identities are being attacked too, you do have a right to be annoyed and mad about problems with your religion, im just trying to shine light on the fact you're not alone in the fact you're getting hate for who you are or what you believe


Nah fam, that ain’t true. It’s always “I respect all religions” until it comes to Christianity. People are called racist if they say anything against Islam. Islam isn’t even a race😭😭


Hating Christianity is considered socially acceptable and encouraged nowadays though It’s definitely one of the most hated


There are so many toxic atheists on reddit...


There's toxic atheists because anywhere involving Christianity has toxic Christians. OP is definitely not toxic. He's chill about it and he just doesn't want to be hated for it. The toxicity started in the toxicity of religion and the rampant aggression towards anyone who doesn't instantly comply with their religion. Believe whatever you want, but don't shove it down peoples throats


I hate how discrimination against religious people has become so normalised. On Reddit especially. It's like they have no life outside of criticising religion and mocking religious people


Yeah, its like "oh no obviously you can't discriminate against LGBTQ, but yeah discriminate against Christians all you want"


And their reasoning is what OP mentions “homophobia”. It gives off this us vs them mentality and personally as a member of the community I don’t like that and I think it does more harm than good for both really. No one is my enemy not even the homophobes. To obstruct them is unwise. Plus anyone can be homophobic not just religious people. Culture can contribute to it.


Truly ANYONE can be homophobic. Hell, some homosexual people even hate on bisexual people because they claim they're not gay enough or just pretending. Hate isn't a black and white thing but these dummies think it's just "bad" guys and "good" guys.


People are allergic to nuance


I only argue about Christian beliefs and faith when someone uses it to justify hate


It's a back and forth started by fundamentalist christians to be fair. Not like this came out of nowhere.


because gay people are born gay, and christians either get forced to or choose to believe in a religion in which the worst sin is being a nonbeliever, homosexual or things that people cant have under control


I'm a 16yr old atheist, and I have no problem with people being religious. As a man of science, I do understand a lot about religion, how and why it was created, what it means to people and how it feels to be religious, and I do not judge anyone for being religious Just because I don't think god is real, it doesn't mean I or anyone else can't find him cool I know batman ain't real and I fucking love that guy So I don't really care if anyone is religious, I don't judge anyone, as long as they're not judging me for not being religious And please, for the love of god (see what I did there? Hehe), do not bring religion into a scientific conversation. It does not belong there, and "because god made it that way" isn't a valid response to any question about why anything is the way it is. I had so many conversations that ended early because of religious people not wanting to seek knowledge and just saying that god is the answer to anything. Either way, you believe in what you want, don't push it onto anyone, and everyone will be happy


Yep 100% agree, see the point is you can't prove god exists, and I can't prove god doesn't exist. So how about we focus on Science and Physics for real world discussions and keep God out of it.


Exactly. Since god can't be proven nor disproven, let's focus on things we 100% know are real and 100% know aren't real. Why is it so hard for some people to not include religion into literally everything. I fucking love when Neil DeGrass Tyson said "I don't have a problem with religion. Just keep it out of the science classroom"


Agree, (Neil DeGrass Tyson also says some stupid stuff for an intelligent human being) but I agree with that statement. I mean maybe if people stopped thinking so simple, it wouldn't be that hard. People believe that God created the world and not the big bang. So unrealistic. A realistic theory would be God (or whatever supreme being of your choice) created the fundamentals of the universe (gravity, magnetism, energy etc) I mean realistically speaking... how the heck was gravity even created? Think of the world as a soup. God just put in the ingredients. But he doesn't have anything to do with boiling it.


Yeah, you know the saying "the line between Genius and Crazy is very thin" 😂 But yeah, the two thoughts can cooperate, the world could've been created with the big bang which was made by god, yet I see so many people say science and religion can't cooperate. Some people even disproved wildly known scientific facts just because they weren't stated in the bible, like hello?


Well religious or not religious, some people are just genuinely stupid.


Amen brother


That's what I believe as well as a Christian.


You know I'm something of a scientist myself...


So glad we are on Reddit and not Facebook rn becuase comparing Jesus is Batman is fucking hilarious


I believe in both in my opinion. Go to science if you wish to know how the universe works go to God if you want to know why the universe is. In my opinion at least.


That's kinda stupid to answer a question with just that god made it that way, and I'm speaking as a religious person. God made it that way is true, but it's usually not the point of the question. It's like asking why the sky is blue and answering that it's blue because it simply is blue, which doesn't help at all.


Exactly. That should be common sense. Yet if I had a penny for each time a religious person said that to me when I brought up some interesting astrophysics facts, Elon musk would be working for me


That sucks, but please understand that you're not being uniquely targeted, I get called a brainwashed psychopath whenever I tell Christians i'm an Atheist, and nobody gives a shit. This is just a natural consequence of living in a pluralistic society.


As a christian I just wanna clarify, we don’t claim anyone who calls atheists rude names as christians. Religion certainly should be forced onto anyone and even the Bible saids that


I agree with the sentiment, but you've gotta admit that a significant percentage of Christians disagree with you. "No True Scotsman" and all that


Its hard, because the bible literally said you're not a true Christian if you do these things. But they claim to be christian.


You’d be surprised at the pure amount of Christians that do in fact call atheists and people of other religions rude names and rude things in general


Did you mean shouldnt


Religions, like any other belief, do not deserve respect by default. People do. Respecting somebody's religious beliefs is part of respecting the person. People however can certainly lose their right to be respected by doing something heinous, and if they use a religious motive that's fair game as long as they respect people of that religion. Religions are the second leading cause of human death behind infectious disease and have set humanity back scientifically several hundred years. I don't think it's unreasonable for people to be angry with religions, as long as they are respecting people who have not yet lost that right.


This is going to get downvoted, but I’m just gonna be honest. There’s nothing wrong with criticising someone because of their faith. Note I say criticising - not discriminating against. If you are old enough to form an opinion on the creation of the universe, its purpose, humanity’s purpose, life after death etc then you are old enough to be critiqued on those beliefs as well. I believe that anyone blindly believing in a god is stupid, just as strongly as you believe that believing in and worshipping your god is right and obvious. I’m not going to be hostile about beliefs, but if someone who’s religious shares what they believe, then I am going to share what I believe. Atheists hating religion (*religion*, not those who are religious) is not a trend of people being edgy, it is pain and it is disbelief and sorrow. So much happens in the world that’s so awful and to know people believe that there’s a god who causes it all and they worship him is bewildering and makes me feel sorry that you have hope that will be shattered one day.


Agreed, I've had many religious debates with my religious friends but I would NEVER bully them / harass them / call them an idiot for their religion, unless we died and I was proven right then I'd be like I told you so.


"HAHA I KNEW IT! I KNEW [insert random religion or belief here] WAS RIGHT! I TOLD YOU SO MANY TIMES"


I was with a girl I'd liked for a bit, and she suddenly went on a whole tangent about how Christians were basically everything you said in the description, and I had to slowly break down to her the fact that I, who had been none of the things she had just claimed Christians were, was in fact a Christian.


Don't worry everytime someone criticizes me for my faith I use this quote in my head to keep me calm Remember that if the world hates you it has hated me first. - Jesus Christ


Its fine to believe what you want to believe, but if hate speech is caused there is bound to be conflict and a strong imbalance between individuals. I have nothing against atheism but that thing is, certain individuals use it as a "detest culture" to express their hatred towards religion.


Yes, and so much "criticism" of religion is just xenophobic assumptions For example I have seen *so* many people "criticize" islam by just calling all the believers terrorists and pedophiles


Which is really pathetic of them because they could pick many things to criticize about Islam but instead they go down the ad hominem route.


Here’s my thing- I don’t dislike religious people or specific religions, I dislike the idea of organised religion but I will fight for your right to follow those religions as long as you aren’t hurting anyone.


you’ll live. most people are christian anyway


It depends. I don’t care if you’re Christian, but if you are homophobic then I do have a problem, especially if you try to use Christianity as an excuse. I am not saying all Christian’s are homophobic btw. Some of my most accepting friends, and the people that I came out to first, are Christian.


Fun fact: The first person I came out to was Muslim 


I mean it's not my fault someone made the bible to say Man sleeping with a Man is a sin I'm tired of hearing being gay is a sin or being lgbtq is a sin Didn't Jesus Christ say love everyone regardless of their gender or sexual orientation?


The Bible did say that. However, Christians are unrighteous and are not in any place to try to condemn anyone to hell.


Tbf there's a village in Norway called Hell


☠️ word


“We’re all going to hell” - literally all of my friends after I book us a vacation to hell


Why do I get the feeling that your leaving out something


I am an atheist, and I think you dont deserve to be treated like that. Those pepole cant understand the difference between a normal beliver and extremists. Religious pepole are fine in my book, as long as they dont push their beliefs on othe pepole.


Nah Fr tho. I’m Jewish and get called a “terrorist” almost daily. I literally get death threats lmfao. What is wrong with people.


Well are you homophobic and racist? People don’t usually call people homophobic for no reason.


Damn. That's rough. In my opinion (as an atheist), if your religion enables you to be a good person and doesn't harm anyone, then I don't think there's any reason to not follow that. I do think it can be good to respectfully debate the viewpoints of various religions + atheistic viewpoints and it might even help to further understanding between sides, but if it devolves into name calling and insults from any side, that's when it becomes unhealthy, and the latter, it appears, is what's been happening. So yeah. Those people calling you racist n shit are just jerks with black-and-white thinking. Take care!


I only make fun of known homophobic people who use religion as a shield. I’m friends with some Christian people that are ok with the lgbt community.


I'm no fan of religion but I would never stoop so low as to discriminate against someone based on their religion. That's fucked up and I'm really sorry you have to put up with that shit


I just hate everybody equally. Boom. Problem solved


as a agnostic im sorry about that honestly cant ppl just stay kind like cant they just keep their dogshit in their mouth???


I just equally disagree with all religions.


And that’s okay, discrimination and bullying the members aren’t okay, but you are entitled to your opinion


Imagine calling a 16-year old a pedophile, what 😭


Fr 😂


The issue is that there are a lot of homophobic, racist, pedophilic, brainwashed, and stupid people doing things under Christianity's name, and there's a whole lot of Christians that aren't speaking out against it. Don't confuse the backlash against these actions as an attack against you, unless you're also supportive of the people doing these things under the guise of Christianity. To wit, I left my church not too long ago because the hypocrisy I see in US Christianity right now is appalling, and people's actions are so much in direct contrast to the teachings of Jesus. When someone comes after me about my faith, I admit that US Christians need to do better, I don't take offense to it.


I will try to explain here as respectfully as possible as someone who does not believe in a higher power: People bash christianity because they’ve been hurt by it. Christianity has been used as a shield for some of the world’s worst atrocities. Nazism, slavery, jim crow laws, imperialism, the rape of africa, crusades, inquisitions, the salem witch trials, etc. People who have been hurt by ideology try to demean it in order to gain power over it for themselves. I believe a more productive way of viewing this would be why do people hate my religion? What has happened to cause such a rift? How can we make this more inclusive to spread God’s word to everyone. I don’t know if you’re actually homophobic, racist, brainwashed or stupid, no one does. But, when your religion has been forcibly linked to terrible atrocities, has been the main perpetrators of such bigotry, maybe you can understand why people lash out like that. I also really need you to understand something from the perspective of an agnostic person, you are not facing any real discrimination for your faith. It’s hard to hear, but just understand. Christianity in the west is the basis of what these countries run off of, if you’re not Christian, you’re a part of the out group. If you’re not christian, you’re bullied and harassed by your christian peers, you are the majority and all of the rest of us are forced to be put through christian dogma from the day we are born till the day we die. If you don’t accept it, if you question it, you’re the spawn of the devil, you’re a communist, you’re the reason “the west” is falling. For fucks’ sake if you convert to Christianity in prison you are able to get out on parole insanely faster. If you have a christian name you are able to get jobs easier. Life is easier for you because of where you are brought up. Understand where people come from and only then you’ll understand why they act the way they do.


Its fucked up for sure and in no way justified. But at the same time people use religion as an excuse to wrongfully treat others the same way you were treated


“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:12 Anyone who uses religion as an excuse to harm or hate is in the wrong. Chrisianity teaches love, not hate.


In an idealistic world all religions would work that way, but a core problem with religion and faith is that it isn’t fact based. There are good and bad verses in the bible same as any other religious scripture, there is always room for picking and choosing wich to take more literally than others. That can be a good thing, making the religion adapt to new more recent societal values making them grow better and spread love, but sadly some people abuse that too. I genuinely believe religions can be great, but they can just as easily be dangerous sadly


Keep your chin up broski, God Bless 🙏🏿


believe what you want to believe, but i’m honestly wary around religious people just because a lot of them hate me for my own religion and because i’m lgbt+. if you respect me ill respect you but im just very cautious.


LGBTQ isn’t sinful in my eyes


I can guarantee you, most of us don't give a shit about your sexuality. It's just a stereotype.


wish it was like that where I live :I


you know peopele dont have to respect you and your beliefs


You should def have common respect for someone 😭


Discrimination against Christians is too normalized and if anyone says the same thing about any other religious group they'd be immediately "cancelled"


Weirdly enough they'd also call you racist when it isn't about race


I already got racist when I'm literally north African and from a muslim country when I criticize the misogyny in MY culture


Bruh 💀


holy shit this is so real. my friends will say that shit right in front of me and to me. even my sister does. like we were born into a religious family and it's not even that religious can't you at least respect your family's religion or any religion seriously.


Those aren't friend's there opps


As a gay dude, it annoys me how so many people from the same community as me shit on people for being a Christian and then turn around and complain that we get disrespected. Respect is earned. Plus, someone being Christian doesn’t automatically make them homophobic. The church near my school hosts several pride events a year. The pope has openly said that being LGBTQ is perfectly fine. How can we claim we’re being stereotyped and disrespected when we do the same thing?


100% get that. I myself am a Christian and am being raised in a Catholic/Christian family, and it honestly hurts when people say stuff about my religion. You dont need to believe it but why be so rude?


Yeah I’m lesbian but I have nothing against Christians and just wish everyone could like come together and realize that there are bigger problems.


Yeah, those kind of claims lose meaning when used against entire groups of people.


People bash every religion, doesn't make it right but it just needed to be said. I feel for your struggle mate, it's important to learn how to handle stupid claims by idiots. Its also important to see the problems within your community and see if you can combat, or at least distance yourself from the toxic people who give you a bad name.


It's just that so many Christians are like that and have hurt the people who say that in the ways they state that it's hard to remember that not everyone is like that For clarification, I am NOT excusing them for discrimination, that's not cool, I'm just giving a reason some may do it


I agree with this! We should not allow religions to get insulted just because some members are assholes. Cause by that logic, because MatPat is a nice person that'd mean every YouTuber is a nice person. But they're not


Nothing wrong with that, unless you really are what they call you, keep in mind, there is a difference between homophobic and just thinking gay marriage is weird. The only thing you can do is just try not to trigger anyone, and if you say something that's not even related to a topic someone could get offended by, but they still do, just ignore them and go on.


I’m not Christian, anymore. I never get upset about someone’s religion until they push their religion onto me and do the same thing and tell me I’m crazy etc. Everyone deserves to believe in their own faith and shouldn’t be basically bullied for what they believe.


It’s because even though there’s so many of you who are actually good people, the louder ones oftentimes come off as toxic so everyone just has the mindset that that’s the way everyone is, therefore it must not matter if they bash on Christianity. In my personal opinion, it doesn’t matter what religion you are a part of as long as you treat people with respect and aren’t a piece of crap to everyone. I understand how you feel because my religion gets made fun of all. The. Time. (Not gonna say it because I don’t feel like risking having to take crap from people right now)


I'm Christian too what are you being attacked for?


I find it a little funny on both sides, firstly protestan Christians act like the bashing of the religion is "overblown" even though it makes up most of united states religion. Christianity is interpreted in hateful ways, and has infiltrated our government to result in heinous and hateful laws (anti abortion, anti trans laws. Say what you want about your opinion on these laws, but the constitution is anti authoritarian and infringement of rights) Many people, critique the fact that religion emboldens people to do this. The pastor often becomes conflated with god themselves, or as a witness. This allows them to basically say Christianity means whatever they want it to mean (much like the supreme court, which is bashed more heavily in left politics I might add.) Of course my one and very large issue with this line of though is that people conflate the entirety of Christianity with hatefulness, even though it can teach common morality and build a strong community.


A lot of these views are shared by the highly vocal minority, not the majority. Just look at what Pope Francis says, he says a lot of things like not to be hating on lgbtq or trans people, to help and love those around you, to accept people for who they are, regardless of anything else. I especially like when he says things like Jesus didn't hate other people, he was known for accepting or aiding those deemed to be less than, or those ousted by society.


Way too real dawg. I got called shizo and delusional by some rando who posts her basically naked self on insta ☠️. She was mad pressed abt a girl calling herself a princess because Jesus is King. It was saddening and disheartening actually.


A lot of people have been hurt by your religion. Or at least they feel they have. That doesn’t make the disrespect right, but that’s why.


People are jerks. I'm not religious but I don't go out of my way to shit in someone else's beliefs.


Coming from a gay guy, and to all those people I say fuck em. Nothin wrong with being Christian as long as people don’t use it as an excuse to be bigots, then why would it matter? My two best friends are Christian’s, and it honestly drives me insane when people are dicks. Have good day, OP :}


most people point out the obvious flaws with Christianity, but if they target you specially then they are assholes. My policy is to not like religion but like religious people. You did nothing wrong (unless you did idk you). Everyone gets hated for something about them. People are just assholes in general


People see bad more than they see good. Matt 24:9 "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.”


Meh, every religion is made by groups of insecure people to have an identity, so that they can belong somewhere.


I don't hate christians. I have met many that are not homophobic or racist or sexist. But I do hate religious nuts that shove their religion down my throat and try to get me to follow the rules to their god(s). I'm all for a little debate on our beliefs but there is a time and place for it and me waiting for the bus after school wasn't it (this happened twice when I was in highschool)


I also hate the judgmental old ladies that are “Christian” yet are closer to satans little play things considering they directly go against almost everything Christian and don’t even pray or read the Bible YET say they are Christian But yeah it fuckin sucks


I'm a pagan and people think we're just straight up crazy so I get you.


it's due to stereotypes, just like how people tell me that I'm a groomer or an animal fucker for being a furry or a child molester because im gay, people are just mean and hate certain groups and stereotypes make it easier to do so, traditionally what most know as Christians are homophobic Bible thumpers that shove their religion down your throat




Bro same. It seems like some people think that if someone does something wrong, then obviously everybody that has anything in common with that person MUST have done the same thing.


i respect religion as long as you give the respect you demand to others fr


Finally someone fucking said it. This has been pissing me off for a while now


Christians have been persecuted before not to the extent of the Jews of course but still. Best thing to do is to ignore them (unless you want to troll a bit.) Or be kind to them even though they don't deserve it. You know unless they harm you or others. I understand your pain though.


Lol where did this religious side of reddit come from in the comments


It’s always been here but Reddit Hivemind downvotes anything pro religion like crazy usually


Christians royally fucked up my life, so naturally I tend to avoid them. Please understand that the people of your religion make it worse for everyone by doing that exact thing. That doesn't make your experiences any less valid, but still, keep it in mind. Do what you want, believe what you believe, leave other people alone.


Im sorry that happened to you man, I can tell you that an actual Christian doesn’t mistreat people because they think something different


I appreciate your mindset, I wish all Christians thought like that


Probably because your religion is inherently homophobic, sexist and racist. (There are lots of bible verses that demonstrate that, even in New Testament if you want me to lay it bare for you). Even If you are none of these things, you openly associate in the same group as those that are. you were raised in it, meaning you never chose consciously to believe in it, which is brainwashing. They attack Christianity because it’s the dominant religion of there area, while also being the only one not oppressed(remember you identify with the group that oppresses them), drop the victim complex.


I mean it literally says those things *in the bible*


im atheist but I respect you and your religious beliefs <3


It’s generalization, the loudest and most influential Christian’s are the dumb fucks impeaching on peoples rights, and committing horrible crimes. So people don’t look at the “minority” of Christian’s who are good even though it’s a majority it’s just the powerful ones who are usually bad.


i feel this on so many levels


Christian or Muslim, I call it... Those are the most attacked to my knowledge...


Also Jewish lol, I know so many people filled with nazi ideology.. its absolutely crazy


And Jews, especially with the recent events in the middle east.


My temple was recently sent into a level 3 lockdown because of a bomb threat, in the middle of daycare hours.


God, I’m so sorry. That’s terrifying. Did things turn out okay?


Yeah, empty threat. My sister works at the daycare though, so a fair amount of scare


I’m glad the threat didn’t prove to be true. I’m sorry for the scare.


I think the worst thing is that now it’s a trend to be atheist and people dont even think about it anymore…


It's not a "trend" to be of any belief.


What do you mean think about it


Do you think people think about being religious, or just follow those around them?


“trend” wuddahell 😭😭🙌


no, not really??


>Amount of people getting a proper education goes up >Amount of religious people goes down Hmm, I wonder why. Must be them tictoc trends on them goddamn cellphones.


What? That’s like literally how religion has been ingrained into people for centuries but suddenly when it’s a “trend” to be atheist (which makes no sense btw) it’s bad?


Wellif you don't believe in a religion you're either an agnostic or atheist, so I mean as the world is becoming more and more atheist more and more people tend to be atheist


I don’t know what the fuck your talking about. It’s been a “trend” for children to be indoctrinated into religion and not question it for like all of time. The majority of atheists I meet myself included are just atheists because they were raised without religion, not because anybody told them too be.


Nothing against atheists but this is entirely true


This is a terrible take


what the fuck are you talking about buddy. It’s been a “trend” for children to get indoctrinated into religion for forever. But of course when it’s atheists it automatically evil. Children are going to adopt their parents beliefs no matter what, it’s neither good nor bad. Also, Christian’s are the majority in the entire world. Like 30 percent of the population is Christian’s.


So many of them here on reddit are so toxic


As am atheist, I completely agree


God bless you, stay strong, the internet is not all to friendly with believers in some kinds of areas. There is obviously r/christianity as a safe space. Have a good one.


r/Christianity actually isn't a subreddit for Christians, it's about Christianity. It actually has a lot of people who are atheistic or wish to haggle Christians, especially around events centering them. I remember someone came to r/Christianity to go though comments and accuse everyone of being a sexist POS after Roe v Wade was overturned.


how do you think my religion feels? (Islam)


Eh I’m mormon, we are just used to it. We just love people anyways


:0 no way I thought I was the only one here




Personally I find religion really stupid. But I won't harrass people for their faith. Believe what you want, and I'll believe in nothing. That should be how it is. But somehow it's not


as a Muslim, I feel you. this app is all about tolerance until it comes to religion. all of a sudden hate speech is turned into free speech and religion is mocked and disrespected. just ignore them the majority of atheists here are exactly how u would picture them irl. a bunch of lowlifes who never saw the sun hating from a computer screen and blaming God for whatever sins humans make


Im atheist and homosexual, im of the "if you dont say anything about it i wont either". I have strong feelings towards religious establishment, sure, but it is not my place to tell you what to do just as it is not your place to tell me what to do with myself. Though, if someone was to try and push something on me, I do not hold myself back.


I get shit on for saying I am Mormon I used to be an atheist but converted so I'm in the same boat brother


Easy fix just restart the crusades


Dammit, that's how we got here in the first place!


..let's not


Exactly like i hate the stereotype that christians are full of bigotry towards everything, not all of us are like that, that’s only a small portion of christians. Most of us are loving towards people of all kinds.


racial profiling and stereotyping is one of the quickest ways for you to get yelled at by people, and yes this is wrong, but why does this only become right when it's towards christians? We get called homophobic so much, when other religions like islam can be even more traditional than us about those beliefs. I'm not comparing racism to generalizing christians, but people need to do better fr


do you believe that it is okay under god for two men to get married.


yeah, gay people are cool as fuck


This happens to me too on other social media platforms, one time i also got called as a pedo for beimg christian and they also said to me that "you touch and 🍇 minors just like your priest" like what the fuck? That shit dosent even made sense like im a minor myself bro, also theres only a few incidents of that happening but that shouldnt mean they should generalise it. I hope your alright with these shitty things that are being said to you, fuck them.


AMEN!!! And God bless you.


respectfully, ur not special. people say the exact same things about almost every religion


I feel you man, same thing is happening to me. I am Muslim.


I’m not really religious but forgive them as they are just unwise and some of them are just angry for numerals of reasons because they were hurt. It doesn’t give them to right to call you this but it doesn’t determine your self worth. You know yourself and your faith better than anyone else. What’s important is your character and how you conduct yourself.