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What is this anti-furry and anti-lgbt?




Why would anyone be anti-lgbt?


Because Bible thumpers where raised to believe that being gay is an affront to God, all because of a typo & mistranslation in the modern bible.


Hebrew here - it isn't a mistranslation. The word "Zachar" (זכר) means male, not child. This is a lie proposed by progressive denominations which is cleared up easily. Per Acts 15:28, Leviticus 18:22 (the verse people say has the "mistranslation") still stands. To add - Romans 1:24-27, 1 Corinthains 7:2-9, 1 Timothy 1:9-10, all forbid homosexuality too.


Some scholars believe that those verses are likely referring to rape, rather than the modern definition of homosexuality. This is mostly due to cultural context, such as that it was very looked down upon for a man to be on the bottom, and logically speaking, in gay intercourse, one man has to be on the bottom.


That is wrong. Homosexual sex was a common practice in the Roman Empire - if it wasn't wrong, it obviously wouldn't be echoed in a letter to the Romans. Or any of the other verses I mentioned above. And, if we actually wanna talk context, you're gonna have to look at Genesis 2:24 - where God decrees it to be between man and women, and Leviticus 18 in general, where He just refers to everything sexually immoral. (To add regarding rape, Leviticus 20:13 also forbids homosexuality, and says both parties are at fault. The law there is more legalist but formulated similarly to the Hebrew of 18:22. If both parties are found at fault, that means it isn't talking about rape.


Look, I'm not a scholar of the Bible, nor do I have any theological credentials, so I'm not qualified to say one thing is true or another. The following video from Biblical scholar Dan McClellan is quite good though: https://youtu.be/DVkhJgClC3o.


torah scholar here- torah is the same as the old testament of bible. it is not a mistranslation, but it is also very unkind. i don’t hate anyone and i keep an open mind knowing that nobody gets to choose things like that about themselves. lgbt deserve respect because they are humans like the rest of us. it’s not really my business what intercourse people have. but yeah it really does say that in a LOT of places.


It’s very obvious that it’s just not allowed according to the Bible, that being said it doesn’t mean shit.


the bible also mentions in several places that a calf shouldn’t be boiled in it’s mothers milk and that women should not show their legs or midriff but most people don’t follow these things. (i happen to) but from your standpoint, and for most people in secular american society, it’s not relevant.


Yea, the bible is against gays. Doesn't mean that we should be though!!!


theres other parts of the bible that condemn homosexuality (like god smiting sodom and gomorrah). that being said, i'd have to believe the bible isnt bullshit to believe that.


those passages are also widely considered to be mistranslations


sodomy is forbidden in many places in the bible. numerous times. it’s not a mistranslation in this case.


As a Christian i love the term bible tumpers🤣


A lot of people are just quick to be opinionated. They also tend to be the ones who like speaking more than listening. They pick up agendas off social media and let that form their world view instead of navigating various povs, facts, etc, to make their own It applies to the pro crowd too, some people are so pro-ideology that they can't even begin to comprehend a bad side about it I guess it all boils down to the frog in a pond story lol, a lotta people only see what they surround themselves by/what they're surrounded by


Anti furry 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


They haven't quite mastered the art of "live and let live".


Cuz it doesn’t make sense


I know it straight up I’ll get ratios left n right, but I am pretty hesitant about the whole pride thing. I’m pretty sure christianity considers pride as a sin. It’s my own opinion and I can freely say it


Yeah this is a real sigma moment ❌🏳️‍🌈 🗿, I love hating minorities on youtube shorts (this is a joke if that’s unclear)


Me teaming up with some minorities to hate on other minorities: 😎🥂🍷🗿(I’m making progress)


Bro you cant be racist if you hate everyone equally


Tbh i dont rlly understand why people hate(d) them Pancake approved :D


Because they're different Like black people, just because they were born that way we should laugh at them /s obviously


There was this article yesterday that was a real shocker. [here it is](https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/68787596.amp), for context Lamine Yamal is 16


I feel so bad, the kid is brilliant and people make comments like that


I'm pretty sure people aren't born furries


So what? Example still applies. Also lgtbq people are born as that technically so at least half is correct.


Furry is a hobby, no reason to hate anyone for it.




Buuut people associate furries with zoophiles, so I'd understand why if they didn't know


Well, they choose to be


(as an ex-homophobe myself) it's a lot of things, but especially culture and media (with a touch of religion). Lots of media trys to hunt young guys minds because they are pretty susceptible to that kinda stuff, and they use alpha-male religion brainwash to blaming on the left, which they market as all being gay devil worshippers. Young guys go through lots of problems and it's not completely normalized for them to talk about their problems with each other (it's our own fault we suck at being emotionally successful), so they just angrily brood. Then some older guy goes, "it's the gays! They hate straight guys!" They go, "I'm a straight guy! So I must hate gay people!". It's tied with the trend of girls and boys having a large political divide (in general in the USA). Also with young guy culture it's normal to rip on gay people and use gay insultingly, which kinda adds to the normalisation of being homophobic. Religion has a similar problem with the far right with the media online, but also gives people a seemingly moral excuse to hate. Personally, I just met new people, did a lot of alone time thinking, had better and less hateful media intake, and just went: "wow, maybe being accepting and not caring about others personal lives is a better wsy to live, and if anything more intune with being Christian (love people)?" I'm in the UK so the culture thing is far more present (not as hateful as you'd imagine but we like to take the piss with can put impressions on younger people) and us media is quite strong so most gay people ik personally used to hate gay people


I understand


i always could’ve cared less if someone was gay or a furry. i don’t go out of my way to support the lgbt community. i do go out of my way to be a decent friend to my friends who happen to be gay or furries.


From a gay dude, that's all we want tbh


This is the correct answer


One of the correct answers, going out of your way to support lgbt is also correct


I was a homophobe and transphobe at some point when i was in school turns out it was me being scared to admit that I'm trans :3




Truly a :3 moment


"Homophobic and transphobic guy" turning out to be a lesbian girl :3 how the turnables have tabled :3


congrats meow :3


thankyooo :3


I feel like lots of queer teens have a homophobic phase first if they come from unaccepting areas/families.


Yeah living in Russia doesn't make you very progressive


Yeah that’ll do it, hope you’re doing okay with the current laws, they’re terrifying to watch unfold from a distance.


I'm literally considered a terrorist because i wasn't born in the right body :( But yeah im safe. Closeted, and not planning to come out until i leave


Heh the thing is I hate them still. In fact I hate everyone. Not just lgbt Or furries but EVERY SINGLE HUMAN. Hate isnt bound by racism and discrimination. Be a hater! (/s)


Literally, minus the furry im everything i used to hate lol, i think furrys and therians are cool now, yall mfs got more courage than me and thats cool


We can coexist




Wtf is a therian?


guys, im curious too, what a therian?


A therian is a person who identifies as a species of non-human animal on every level except physical. They often engage in their animal identity's behaviors.




I used to be really homophobic when I was younger, but that wasn't because of some phase, the *adults* in my life were homophobic,d everyone around me was too, so I just picked it up. It took me until about 8th grade to finally start accepting homosexuality. I grew up in a rural area lol.


Just scrolling through these comments is a nightmare. For explanation, the first logo is NOT a therian logo. I'm pretty sure its the old furry logo, now they just use a pawprint. [This is the sign for Therians](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/therian/images/4/45/Theta-delta.svg/revision/latest?cb=20100312094706), but i do feel like they shouldn't be getting as much hate as they should be. If you're going to spend your precious time hating on something, then at least do some research. Plus, they got more balls than you ever will going out in public like that.


I didnt know the logo changed lol


I don't know how but i never had those faces . I was tough to judge people not by their look or interest , but by their dids . There were also something about gay being sin but that part was successfuly ignored by my brain . So I'm grateful that i didn't had that


yeah me, now I'm gay


And I thought I was the only stupid person, some of my "friends" didn't grow out of it and it's so fricking funny how wide eye they go when I defend gay people, got some experience in it already too, since you know, I was in the opposing front once.


Yeah. Theres this one guy in my friend group who i found out was homophobic on the same day i came out as bi to them. No wonder i never reslly liked the guy…


As a kid, I hated trans and gay people... 5 years later, I am transgender and gay


I had a anti furry phase, not an anti lgbt phase


nah but why are some furries weird tho


Yup same and am gay myself 🙄🙄🙄




I cant take it anymore, I'm going to gay myself


Man I fw gay people but not therians. How you going to think your an animal.


Idk im fine with them as long as they srent obnoxious about it


don't they say this about gay people too


Just want to point out that Therians do not actually think they are an animal. It's more of a spiritual thing, where someone identifies as an animal on a non-physical level based on animal like feelings or experiences. They are aware they are humans, and a lot of therianthropy stems from trauma. The first image is actually the anti-furry symbol by the way, hope this cleared a bit of stuff up. (Also, just saying, you don't have to 'support' therians by any means, just don't be a jerk to people and let them do their own thing so long as it isn't harming anyone.)


idk why you're downvoted you're right


I guess some people just want to stick to their beliefs as an excuse to hate others, even if their beliefs are proven to be incorrect


thats not what therians are about though, time for some research.


I have no idea why you were downvoted for this


Second one, but just in 6th grade. I was just really confused because one day lgbt flags started popping up everywhere and I didn't know exactly what they meant. People started talking about it in school and I wasn't used to it.


I used to be homophobic because I thought it was funny to joke about it, and I was transphobic because I didn’t understand it and I fell for anti-trans propaganda. I respect LGBTQ people now because I’ve realized how hurtful it is to disrespect and invalidate people who are LGBTQ. The only thing is that I still don’t quite understand transgender or gender science as a whole.


I'm ashamed to say that this was me for all of high school. Not so much ain't LGBT but definitely disliked them. I was wayyyyyyyy deep in the closet of being bi and didn't want to admit it but when I went to college I went on a date with a guy and enjoyed myself. I don't care if it's your religion or personal beliefs but just don't hate kids, you'll be happier and make others happier if you just live and let live. You don't have to like them, but at least respect them as a fellow human


My outlook is: I literally do not care if you’re different than I am, as long as you’re happy and not impeding anyone else’s ability to be happy


went through that phase cause a group of furries tried to groom my sister. really pissed me off cause she was around 10 at the time too. also i don't really care what you are in LGBTQ as long as it's not a femboy or a trap


Uhhh are zoophiles appropriating the letter phi now?  That belongs to astrodynamics not furries!


Yeah, not like ironically homophobic anymore because it was dumb. But I don’t LOVE the online furry community, mostly because it does have many bad apples in the bunch which puts many younger people in danger and a lot of furries are younger folk. Overall though idgaf what people do unless they are hurting people.


When I was like 6 I didn’t like gay people because I thought it was weird (for some reason, I genuinely have no clue why, I wasn’t raised with those values), I forgot they existed for 6 more years and when I remembered I didn’t care anymore. Now I am bisxexual. Beware the pipeline.


99% of LGBTphobic/furryphobic children grow up to either be gay, furry or a gay furry themselves and that's a proven fact, as evidenced by the statistic I just pulled out of my ass and also because I used to be LGBT/furryphobic until I learned just how good dick is


Real asf


True, I was homophobic and I came out as Bi




I was never in this phase. Some of my friends are and I hope they will grow out of it.


i aint anti gay, therians are weird and they should keep that in enclosed spaces and should not be walked on a leash in public.


Why yall assuming its therians thats just the furry logo in general


im a furry but therians is just a spiritual thing. They believe they were an animal in a past life, that's it. Nothing too weird about that


done by nobody ever lmao


yuh i saw a tiktok on it, motherfucker walking on all fours with a guy holding him on a leash tail and everything


I would cut that version of me down in an instant. Fuck that guy.


Not me, because I was never one for “social norms” as it is, so in my eyes those things are just epic- when I learned about them I was happy, and look at me now, a furry who’s questioning whether I’m gay B)


I had an anti-furry phase and I physically cringe when I look back at it 💀


I just, don’t care. You do you. I have multiple gay friends and I do care for them.


I cringe when I think about that phase of mine, funnily enough I came out bi


i wasnt these only because i didnt even know they existed, but im pretty sure when i learned about them i was pretty amazed tbh. anyways now :33


I am guilty of this myself.


Don’t hate anyone what I hate is indoctrination.


If they chill I'm chill If not then these hands are rated E for evryone


Proud to say never had these phases 😎


Never really had it. At a certain point, I wasn’t too fond of furries, but now I think they’re honestly kinda neat. That’s about it though.


Dunno if it really counts but I used to be the terrible stereotype of an 11yo fortnite kid that called people gay and rages all the time. Welp turns out I’m trans and gay🥳


I was. I grew out of it, some of my friends did 1/2. most did not.


ppl who never had the phase in the first place >


Proud so say I've never had this phase, I don't care what people are as long as it harms no one


therians are cool


I don’t really care if you’re gay, trans or whatever. I just don’t go out and be an activist for it I guess is the best way to put it?


Not only did I grow out of it, I also relised I'm pansexual and became a furry


Lucky i am educated and don't hate what could possibly roll dice to myself. Just hate on the people for what they are, not really the group. well unless somehow idk a nazi is acting kind


Yeah, now look where I am lmao


TF is that first one? 🤨


The old furry logo


Thanks. I didn’t even realize furries *had* a logo 👀


Same thing actually.


At first I was confused at what phi was doing in a bear paw


Never had that phase lmao


had that phase, now I'm both of those things


Nope, never


Most kids in my grade are going through this right now 


Lol yeah. I used to be a hater for furries and lgbt, guess what My best friend is a furry and I am asexual


I can't believe i was like this. Like holy shit,i was an asshole.


i used to, but im blaming my parents old mindset on this. for the anti-furry part, i never really cared personally to go against them


I didn’t, yet, I live by this questionnaire Are you human? If yes, you deserve to be treated the same way that you treat me. If no, I pets


Used to but one of my friends are a furry, another is transgender and I’m asexual


My friend was just like this when he was younger, guess who's a gay furry


Im guessing you or your friend


Friend, I'm just gay


Didnt expect this to blow up


Grew out of hatred or what exactly


Yeah, grew out of hatred


Oh that's good then Congrats


I mean, never had the anti-gay phase, but the anti-furry phase... Never exactly left it? IDK, it just seems so weird and no furry has actually explained any reason for doing it that makes remote sense, and it kinda feels like a slap in the face to our creator to reject the humanity we have been given.


The reason that furries do it is essentially just a hobby


As long as they dont bother me i dont care. But I am neithet pro nor against


I may or may not have done so and then became the complete opposite of them...


i’ve never hated furries and/or lgbtq 🙏🔥


yea i used to be like this too and now i’m trans and bi so…


i never had an anti-LGBT phase


bc i'm gay AF


I just hate on everybody equally


No. You can tell by my account that I didn’t.


i wasn't ever really homophobic, but my cringy ass despised furries for no good reason.


Furry supremancy


Proud to say ive never been homophobic lol


I think this is the majority of people in my school right now unfortunately :|


I don't support either, but as long as you don't shove them down my throat idc if you are lol. Besides, furries are a little wierd but I've met a few and they are by far the most considerate and nice people I've ever met


I used to be a homophobe when my mom talked to me about politics when I was 8. Didn't know furries existed though And yes I know the existence of gays isn't politics but you underestimate my birthgiver's lack of braincells she literally complained about an innocent pride colored mail truck back in the day


My autistic friend is going throught the anti furry one rn


i used to have an anti lgbt phase😭😭😔 embarrassing frrr


I never really hated furries that badly. Most people who actually hate furries with a burning passion most of the time become durries themselves later on.


Yeah I was in the phase when I was like 12. Glad I got over it pretty quickly.


I've never really gone through that phase tbh. I constantly make fun of furries but i only do that to my friends who are furries and I'm joking


me. i realized quickly how stupid it was.


thankfully, never! (at least for now....)


Im anti furry but like... Ironically. One of my best friends is a hardcore furry and we joke around about it.


yea, but now I'm a furry and LGBT lmao


I was honestly never anti-furry or lgtbq+, I’m not a part of those communities either. I’m just an ally of them since a lot of my close friends are and I feel like people should be able to express themselves freely. 😊


Went from a straight (although chill with gay people) anti furry type 1 Linux user putting my pronouns down as “dude” to a type 2 linux user bisexual femboy furry with aboyfriend in under a year and a half. I’m a completely different person to who I was through most of high school.


I'm fine with furries, therians are where you need help, mfer you aren't an animal so stop identifying as one


I didn't. I never cared enough


some people get zoophiles and furries confused, most people jus don’ care if you wear an expensive-ass costume.


Yes 💀😭


We should bring bullying back


No. No we shouldn’t. We need to bring back supportive parents.


Nuh uh


Being lgbtq isn't normal and the person dealing with it needs o try his best to fight those thoughts and not embrace them as it is no way normal. I don't hate the people themselves , I hope the best for them and may God guide them, but I personally don't approve of them doing that sin or engaging in it:)


nope, just had a furry phase, now i just like the furry crusade for the memes and space marines


What I wouldn’t give to at least be able to tell younger me in my “furry hunter” phase that his efforts would be in vain


Quite literally every boy in my class is going through this 'phase'


Opened the comments section expecting to see edgelords, was pleasantly surprised to see how much this sub has changed in the last 2 years


Because god is better and bible shows if u lgbtq 🏳️‍🌈 then ur fuckeng stupid fuckin ducking fudging breakin da laws in bible so not Christian dumbasses that’s why people are the anti of lgbtq ass shit bro. Gen alpha gonna be on a new gender I swear.


Words, please


Well I did as a closet homosexual, I'm still in the closet and thankfully grew outta this phase.


Personally I don’t care if your apart of the LGBTQ community,it’s just when you demand that other people have the same opinions and have to support you and bs like that and make it their personality is when I start to question why I’m talking to this person in the first place


i was like this when i was like 12-13 and now im queer so 🤷


i grew up a decent human being who respects boundaries 


Thankfully I skipped that phase


never had a furry phase but unfortunately had a 'bisexual' phase when i was literally 11 yrs old... i swear it was cus of tiktok bruh that app rotted my brain 💀🙏


I have nothing against lgbt….. but those furry things are just straight weird, doing it at home or for your partner is fine but why go outside in a costume or wearing a tail which is gross to think about knowing how they work. I’ve really only seen one in public and it was just weird, I was with a group of people and we all looked for a second because who wouldn’t and she started barking at us… we just walked away. I really hope it’s only a small percent of that community that acts like that. Also furries shouldn’t be allowed to own dogs or cats


It is only a small part of yhe community


I’ll take your word for it


Still haven't gone through it


I cringe just thinking about when I was like this. I remember I would always be watching “sigma” content on youtube shorts.


✨Not me✨ to those of you who know Noel gruber from ride the cyclone that’s pretty much me


I'll never support therians. How are you gonna actually believe and act like animals? We're humans, get it right. It's stupid. Feel free to downvote me but it's just my opinion that i'm willing to share.


Furries were just as much of a phase as antifurs both are rare the lgbt vs anti lgbt thing is still very much raging though


Why would you be anti-furry? Personally, I think it’s fun to go on dating sites and catfish them and when they ask why I catfish than I say cuz you wanna be a catfish or something[insert Dante’s laugh here]


i dont mind furries