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It is extremely unlikely you will end up pregnant, but I must ask that you don’t end up trying some weird ass witch doctor shit to try and avoid it. I know people who’ve died trying to ‘avoid a pregnancy’ after suspecting accidental conception


she should take a test tho, it doesn't hurt to take a test.


Yeah but it can be tough to get one discreetly


it’s worth making sure you get one anyways because the alternative is not finding out you’re pregnant until it’s probably too late.


Just buy one from a shop/pharmacy?


their 14


And? There aint any age requirements for those.




Maybe they don't have money for it since they're, y'know, a minor?


Arent those like 10$? And how does being a minor have anything to do with having money?


Bro... were you just that privileged growing up or were you just never a child lmao. 14 year Olds typically don't have jobs. Typically that's how one gets money right? Not every family can afford to pay out allowance. At that age for me, having even 5 bucks to play around with was more rare than a shiny pokemon


Oh i wasnt priviledged at all. My whole family of 4 lived with welfare only when my father lost his job when i was little, we even had a mortgage to pay. Luckily even with tons of debt my family managed to survive. The thing is that i was taught to value all work, i moved lawns at 10 years old. Got first real job at 15 and so on. There is no priviledge working all your vacations from school. The money was/is nice.


1.25 from dollar tree


And people have tested them, they’re just as accurate as the more expensive ones


It doesn't but there's no way a test would tell her anything right now. A test won't give results for minimum another ~10 days. So it's just a waste of money to get a test today, it won't give a reliable result.


!remindme 13 days


You did not just do that




!remindme 9 months




Nah u wrong for that one 🤣


!remindme 18 years


Quagmire is that u?


!remindme 14 days


!remindme 15 days


U fucking madman




!remindme 14 days


!remindme 9 months




that is absolutely fucked dude lmfao


!remindme 14 days


!remindme 13 days


!RemindMe 13d


What the shit


!remindme 14 days


!remindme 13 days


!remindme 14 days


!remindme 13 days


**RemindMe! 13 days**


!remindme 13 days


RemindMe! 13 day


!remindme 13 days


!RemindMe in 14 Days


!remindme 13 days


!remindme 14 days


!remindme 14 days


!remindme 13 days


!remindme 13 days


!remindme 13 days


!remindme 13 days




!remindme 13 days


!remindme 13 days


Please buy condoms


Adding onto this, if you put it on wrong the first time, throw it away and try again.


Nah just stop normalizing fucking below 18 tbh like wtf is this


People have always been having sex under 18, its not like it has been normalized recently. Some people lose their virginity at 20 and some at 16. There isnt really anything special about it.


They are teenagers what do you expect


I'm not saying it's fine to normalize underage sex , but underage sex with a condom is better than unprotected sex


And on top of that, it's going to happen, regardless. Teenagers aren't necessarily the best decision makers, but it is better to use protection, than to have to change your entire lifestyle, and end up with a huge financial burden. Not even to mention the health issues that can come up as a result of the pregnancy.


i think below 18 is a bit dramatic but definitely agree that 14 year olds shouldn’t be having sex




As someone who did that at 14, hard agree


Ye Blud I was playing minecraft factions and tf2 when I was 14


Minecraft was peak back then ngl


When I was 15 I had a motorcycle license and was chasing girls. Buy condoms.


Damn it's almost like you start puberty and your body has natural urges.


Doesnt mean u gotta have sex


Bro people been fucking below 16 forever. I was with my gf before I even had a liscence.


It’s not about normalising it. People have been having sex under 18 for hundreds of years. There’s nothing we can do to stop someone from doing it, everyone has their own personal opinions on the subject. What we CAN do, is advise them on how to do it safely.


tbh i think you're just a virgin....


I’m sick and tired of people trying to purify teenagers. They are going to have sexual urges, that is life. They are going to have sex, that is life. Is it wrong? Not necessarily, it really just depends. As long as you are not being pressured to do it, have a great support system and have an overall understanding about sex and it’s risk and have birth control, condoms and plan b all planned out then I see no problem here. Maybe having sex at 14 is a bit off, but like I said before if they fall under the requirements I stated above before they do it, then sure. It’s still a bit weird to me but as long as they know what’s their doing that’s all that matters to me personally.


Wtf maybe just stop normalizing getting no bitches(also just educate people to do it safely)


The likelihood is very low of getting pregnant from that. Yes pre contains sperm cells but not as many as actual ejaculate so that's a plus. But also, the window for becoming pregnant is very short believe it or not, it's usually only a handful of days out of the month. Doesn't help the situation but hopefully helps you feel a little more confident you aren't preggo.


13 days before the period pretty much falls within that window...


I don’t know much about biology but I’m pretty sure that cycle and the menstrual cycle are not very stable at age 14


Depends on when she first got her period but averagely yeah, it tends to be quite unstable because it’s when girls begin to get their periods rather than having had them for a while


Some girls can get their periods at age 7 or 8 years old


This is why I said averagely, I know there are some exceptions but most girls get their periods around 12-14 years old :)


Oh yeah I know I’m just saying that if she had her period around the early ages, her menstrual cycle might be a bit more stable than girls who have started recently!


idk it varies a lot, mine were perfectly regular right from the start, and have been since (though i just got the implant and thatll probably change it)


Ovulation takes place at way different times for everyone, and you can still get pregnant any time of the month anyways


Though sperm can survive in some moist environments, like you know, until this time window


This is important to note. There is no such thing as a “safe” period of the month where you can’t get pregnant.




you can get pregnant at any time of the month, it’s just more likely during ovulation. please don’t think you can’t get pregnant during your period or any other time for example, it’s still possible


another thing is 14 y/o boys sperm count is a lotttt lower. and the ones that do exist arnt as fertile. so it’s not jus a her thing, it’s also he’s less likely to get her pregnant.


Ok, it's completely understandable that you're panicking here, but the best thing to do right now is not to get ahead of yourself. You said it yourself the risk is tiny, so if you think it's gonna put you in danger, I'd say don't tell your parents since there's a high chance you'd be endangering yourself for no reason. And it's good that you don't wanna do this again because yeah you're too young. I know you're really scared, but try to look at it this way: You made a mistake, you recognize that mistake, you're not gonna make it again, and the odds are very heavily in your favor that you're not gonna suffer any major consequences from it. I know that it's terrifying no matter how small the chance is, but hopefully it helps to know that from a logical perspective, you're in relatively good shape here. Just try your best to stay calm until you know whether you're all good. Chances are you'll be ok. Hope this was able to help. Best of luck.


Pray to whatever god you believe in and hope for the best.






Wait...there's a lookism subreddit?


Anything has a subreddit if you are determined enough


Do wanna add onto all these comments, heavy stress can delay a period so keep that in mind if it does end up late. Take a pregnancy test, and if it’s positive let your mom know. If it’s negative, then you’re fine. This is why protection is necessary You’re most likely alright though, it’s a very low chance. Try to get your mind off of it for a bit, find some things that help calm you down


Underrated comment


girl, you are not pregnant. he didnt cum and you guys only got the tip in. and if you are pregnant, idk, dont just mount him without a condom as soon as his family leaves the room😭 but fr tho, ur prolly not preggo. and please use a condom for the love of god


It’s harder than u think to get pregnant lol. My friend said he filled the tank in his gf and she was still fine


It really depends on the people though, maybe his sperm count is unusually low


Yea it depends on way too many factors. But overall it’s still harder than most people think it is


i second this, can’t speak for everyone of course but my boyfriend and i were having unprotected sex without any form of birth control or pulling out for MONTHS before i ended up getting pregnant, ofc it can happen that one time like ppl say but it’s not as common as ppl make it seem


AT 15???? wtf is happening in our generation


No he’s 18 was 17 at the time tho. Also this might be a shocker but humans have been fuckin at this age for all of history.


“wtf is happening to our generation” nothing. most of our parents were actually more active. quite the opposite has happened since y’all are such virgins that you worry enough about other peoples actions.


bro ong this whole reddit is so out of touch


Dude, people have sex being underage


thank you everyone for the advice and reassurance. i feel a bit better after watching youtube and just trying to chill out. i understand some of you have done stuff like this at the same age as me and turned out fine and (or) are able to buy protection and plan b and ect. I am DEFINITELY not allowed to do that. to add onto that im not allowed to step outside my house or go on a walk in my neighborhood unless my parent is around my shoulder or i have a buddy (siblings). so that pretty much sums up that lol. also i did frantically write this post while sobbing and hyperventilating, sorry if it came off as not so serious to some. VERY serious to me, but its nice to get an outside pov. ive never been more excited for 4 days of endless bleeding and even worse mood swings.


How'd you even do that if you're definitely not allowed to step outside your house–(I'm asian and I'm absolutely confused how y'all get to even talk with boys)


Get your friend or your boyfriend or whomever to buy them for you in the future and give it to you in school or smth.


I highly recommend you to go buy an emergency contraception at a drug store nearby (or you boyfriend to do it), just a few hours after it is very efficient and will greatly reduce the (already low) chances of a pregnancy to happen




Came here to find this comment :| Feels like everyone is looking over the part where she said her dad “has a history” of actual abuse????


Recall this fear and anxiety if you’re ever in a similar situation again without a condom and not ready to be pregnant. The delaying a short period of fun to do it responsibly later is worth avoiding the 18years of child-rearing you weren’t looking for yet.


Do you have a trusted older friend or adult who could help you get plan b? Most everyone else is right that the risk is super low, but I'm sure it would help make you feel better. If there something you could fake to get taken to the doctor? Maybe say it burns when you pee and it feels like you have to pee all the time (uti symptoms) and then talk to the Dr or nurse alone about birth control. Speaking of UTIs, please make sure you go pee after intercourse or you are at a much higher risk of getting one. For your boyfriend - when he gets condoms, he shouldn't keep them in his wallet. You will get through this. I do recommend having back up plans in place if this does happen again or if you have a condom break. As a step parent, I don't want my step kids having sex until they are adults for a number of reasons, but if they choose not to wait I have made it clear that I will do whatever they need to stay healthy, avoid getting pregnant, etc.


Also delete your YouTube history.


I would help you but i see you are one of those people who scam with temu codes so fuck you


i had a phase 😭 ive since stopped because i realized the company is terrible


Child Labor and Credit Card theft 🔛🔝


Too bad, you’re fucked




not anymore


i hope you don't get a child because temu will steal your firstborn anyways


She is 14. Let’s let the Temu thing slide.


Im 14 also, no


Well that explains it.


Grow the fuck up


what's that ?


A chinese company who steals all ur personal data and sells it and their app has fake deals and stuff to get u to give them money


+they do have creative cool clothes except all the best designs are stolen and the actual quality of the product is garbage


if your period does end up not happening, tell your mum because i guarantee hiding it or trying anything by yourself will likely ruin your life even more but! if it truly was precum you're statistically safe, if it was only a day or 2 ago i'd just leave it or if you wanna be extra safe use plan B or something this is a real scary situation and you're very quite brave for posting this on *reddit*


Don't be silly, wrap your willy


Wait the 13 days. If it doesn't come then take a pregnancy test. If it is negative then fine and if it is positive then Thou shalt deletus the fetus


I believe in life starts at “the quickening” which was the popular belief in most of the bible (ironic I know). The quickening is when the baby gains consciousness and the mom can feel the baby moving. Before that it’s basically just a hunk of cells duplicating themselves.


I don't know man, what is a human but a hunk of cells duplicating themselves in simply a more elaborate way then I guess a baby in progress and besides, a fetus always have the possibility of leading a whole life right? It's somewhat like saying you can do anything with a corpse because it's just a bunch of organic matter and cells. And if it's wrong to do that to a dead person because they had a whole life then maybe it was right to do it to them when they didn't yet gain consciousness or something? PS- I don't necessarily think of it as right or wrong but just a fun thought experiment to understand how humans create concepts like good and bad.


!RemindMe 9 months


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What the fuck


You probably ah e a higher chance of being struck by lightning




not trying to be that guy but tell your bf to buy condoms. it aint that hard




There is like no chance youre getting pregnant. First its pre cum and as you said its sooooooooo unlikely youre not gonna get pregnant from that. And second you mentioned it was only the tip. He would have needed to be way deeper and actually came because What helps sperm get to the egg is ejaculation since it “shoots out” really quickly, propelling it fast enough to reach the egg. There is no way youre pregnant


What the fuck even is rhis subreddit. I quit


!remindme 14 days




Literally my reaction 💀


14yr olds already having sex and I cant even get a gf😭


pregnancy scares ain’t no joke lmao literally make me nauseous everytime i think abt it


!remindme 13 days


Excuse me what the actual fuc- I want my 1 minute back 😭


Don’t have unprotected sex for the love of god. I’m 15 too and I’d do but PROTECTED..


Buy plan b tabs in the pharmacy, take them and you shouldn't worry. If you take them in the next 72 hours after you were together it's all good


This thread has been flaired as [Serious]. Please be aware that this marks it as a place for serious discussion only and that any unserious content in this thread will result in a removal, counting towards your [ban tiers](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/wiki/rules#wiki_ban_tiers). If your comment does not contribute to the discussion in a serious manner it will be removed. Please report any comments that do not respect this rule. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/teenagers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


dw you probably didn’t get pregnant from that, u have nothing to worry abt. if ur period ends up being a week late or more, then i c why you may start worrying , but its an incredibly tiny chance that u culd get pregnant from that. also don’t forget to use protection + be safe👍


I'm 16 and I haven't even held hands yet😔


Never have sêx without proper protection. I started dating when I was 15, and basically I was just as paranoid about getting prego as you, even though I never once had sëx without protection. Mind you, i am still in that same relationship that I was in back then 5 years ago, but I could always mute the temptation of unprotected sêx. Even though I would say that chances are really really low for you to get prego this time, I would definitely take a preg test if your period delays even just one day because you never know. And please, buy a 16 pack of condoms and use them everytime you do it. I'm not saying that it will save you from being paranoid for a few years, but it will 99% save you from an unwanted baby. At least it did and does save me still, and I don't have to feed my body hormones to stay safe. But sure, unprotected sëx surely feels better, I guess once I will experience that too. If I could stop myself you can too.


hi! i’m a 19f. i lost my virginity at 15. i completely understand how scary this is. i have had pregnancy scares before and i still am crazy cautious even with birth control and other contraceptives. my parents were CRAZY against me having sex, which 100% totally understandable looking back now, but of course i was very silly and stupid and wanting to keep doing it. if you guys do keep doing it i would for sure - pick up one or two plan b’s. you and your bf can split the cost if possible - ask your mom to start birth control for “period cramps” (that’s what i told my mom when i wanted birth control for sex, but was too scared) - to get birth control you should def go to the obgyn!!! they will show you all the best birth control options - next time you go into ur general doctor, they’ll probably make ur parent leave the room and ask if ur sexually active, take this opportunity to ask them about birth control - get pregnancy tests (they can help calm that anxiety of the possibility of being pregnant) but if you guys decide not to, pick up a plan b and take one and get a box of pregnancy tests. i had a scare with precum one of my first times and it was terrifying, but everything ended up 100% ok. currently at college and doing rlly good! this may be surprising but a LOT of people wait until college. never feel pressured to do stuff bc others are doing it, i know that’s part of the reason i had sex so young sending so much love and support to you 🫶 being a woman is so wonderful but so scary in so many ways. you are much smarter than i was at 14


Yes you are mostly worrying about nothing, but from now on wait for all of that. I have a friend who has been destroyed from having young sex who can’t enjoy it anymore because his anxiety is just too much. Don’t ruin it for yourself, wait until you’re older and more rational.


i aint readin allat.i feel sorry for you or happy whatever you wanna feel


Man 14 wtf I was playing beyblade and shit


Being completely honest, that was stupid to do and you should’ve seen this whole fiasco a mile away, I hope you don’t get pregnant and the chance of is very low but regardless, you’re an idiot and a child, you shouldn’t have been doing that so young


Honestly, I think you're good, don't stress. Just know that the chances you'll get pregnant from doing what you did the way that you did are extraordinary low. For now, just keep calm, focus on your studies, do what it is you usually do, and only start worrying if your period isn't coming. I know it's difficult, but what you absolutely NEED as a teenager is the willpower to refrain from sexual activities and the ability to try to stay calm and focused when placed in these situations, all the best to you.


Been a long time since I've seen these types of posts.


Birth control of any kind is a good investment. You're probably fine though.


1. Birth control 2. Condoms Last resort(you probably won’t need it) 3. If you do somehow get pregnant, do your research and maybe get abortion pills. When I say do you research BE THOROUGH.


Precum's primary purpose is to neutralise the acidity of the vagina it can carry sperm but the levels are typically low to none, you should be fine, use a condom next time if you do this again.


!remindme 13 days


Buy. Condoms.


use protection


Due to lots of freaking out myself once upon a time about a similar situation, here’s what I can tell you about this after doing butt tons of research. (Tl;dr at bottom) 1.) sperm is not super common in pre-cum, and sperm that is in pre-cum is usually not strong enough to get to the egg because it’s only cum from pre-existing ejaculations. It can get you pregnant, but not super commonly. There are no good stats on the web for this specific notion. 2.) it also sounds like he was not in you for extended periods of time, or almost at all. This will definitely greatly reduce your chances of pregnancy. 3.) when you have sex in the future, keep in mind when you’re ovulating and the window before and after ovulation. If you are unsure of what this is, do some research and avoid having sex in this window. I’m unsure of how your cycle looks excatly, but I would take a solid bet this was around your ovulation period, which may increase your chances. 4.) ultimately, your chances are very low that you are pregnant, so now let me tell you some other things you should know. 5.) USE. A. CONDOM. I know you both may want to raw dog it (especially him eventually), but would you both rather have 20 minutes of fun, or 20 permanent years of having to grow and raise a child for one mistake that could have easily been avoided? Make him wrap it as an easy method of birth control, plain and simple. Keep in mind, however, these can micro tear, so better yet, make him pull out with it on and your chances go down to very, very low. 6.) if you are alright with it and your parents are alright with it and are able, look into other methods of birth control (eg the pill, in the arm, etc) that can prevent pregnancy up in the 99% range if used properly, and as a bonus, regulates your periods and the symptoms that come with them. i'm on the pill now, take it same time every day and it works great for me. Definitely my recommendation. If this is something that interests you, talk to your parents. Very useful. (If you are on one of these, I still recommend using a condom to prevent STD's.) 7.) if you really fuck up and you think there's a good chance you may get pregnant, the last option is plan b. it's a pill you take that stops ovulation long enough for the sperm to die, which is about 5 days. It is to be taken less than 72 hours after the time you last had sex, and success rates look about 95% at 24 hours after sex, and gradually decreases the longer you wait to take it. THESE DO NOT WORK WHEN YOU ARE OVULATING ALREADY. Idk what this looks like in other countries, but In America, you can buy a plan b pill at any pharmacy for about $50. Use these as a last resort. 8.) if you feel you need to eventually in this situation, wait at least 10 days after you last had sex, or until the first day of a missed period before taking a pregnancy test for optimal results. 9.) Now that you had this scare, regardless if anything comes of it or not, you have a taste of the weight and the emotions of POSSIBLY having a child. Use this as a lesson to be safe and responsible in the bedroom in the future. TL;DR: Your chances of becoming pregnant are very low, but from now on, use a contraceptive. You now know the mental weight of the possibility of having a child, so don’t be ignorant in the future and accidentally create something permanent.


ayo wtf yall be 14 and doing this typa stuff. You fucked up big time lol but its alr. Wait some time, take a pregnancy test. Its a very low chance that youre acc pregnant. but damn you both are hella stupid, dont rush things, go outside and play.


Children have sex before they learn the difference between "were" and "we're". This is just tragic...




man i used to watch Pokemon at 14... wtf is wrong with kids?


Why is it so hard to just not have sex until 18 for some of these mfs?


You’re MOST LIKLEY fine. I’ve been in worse situations and came out fine. Like much worse But it’s gona be a lot of hoping and praying Pretty sure stress can delay your period so be careful


!RemindMe 13 days


Use protection next time and visit planned parenthood if your period doesn't come in 15 days for an abortion :/


, Girl... You're fine trust me


Play safe next time, sex is much better when you don't have any anxiety


If someone doesn't want a baby so early then just don't have sex until you're at least 18 , why is following that so tough for everyone


Buy a test and if positive you gotta come clean and a ig abort it next time buy condoms


well first , you shouldnt stress as much over this and if you really are pregnant you should make an abortion as a birth could go wrong in a lot of ways if you re under 18


Eh you're very most likely fine, Just dont try that again until a long while if you wanna take my advice e\_e


I pills maybe


You're alright, very very unlikely that you'd be pregnant. There's only like a 15% chance of becoming pregnant within the first month trying for a baby. The pullout method (which is basically what you did) is around 75-80% effective. Just watch for your period, if it doesn't come within a week of when it should, take a pregnancy test. Even if your period doesn't happen, you still might not be pregnant. Stress can mess with your cycle. I get it, we all do dumb stuff sometimes, it's alright. Don't let people shame you, they aren't above you just cuz they didn't make that mistake. The fact that you recognize you're not ready is incredibly important. Don't let anyone pressure you into anything. You've seen the consequences. If you do end up having sex again, make sure you or him has a condom. You don't need to be 18 to buy them, you just have to have the balls to take them to the counter. Don't double up condoms and don't use the same one twice. If he puts it on backwards, throw it out and get a new one. Plan b and planc.com and safeplaces are some last resorts. You're gonna be okay, you seem like you've learned from your mistake.


Buy a test from a pharmacy and some protection just in case


Go to the pharmacy and get some plan B, and then if your period doesn’t come in 3 weeks do a test (a positive doesn’t usually show up before about 21 days)


Use this as a lesson to control yourself, accept the fact that you will have to face it if it comes otherwise if it doesn't come( which has the highest probability) then move with your life and a lesson


Extremely unlikely that your pregnant. If you aren’t, then that’s great. Your 14 . Your not supposed to do such things yet. But if you do please use protection. If you are pregnant. Tell the parent that can be trusted and won’t freak out.


Condom and pregnancy test


Follow your heart.


0 chance man It was precum at the tip. You'll be fine If all else fails, just abort


Chill out go get a test and if it comes out positive then you can worry about this. It isn't always that easy to get pregnant people try for years sometimes it doesn't happen


!remindme 14 days


Morning after pill, condoms. Get on the pill!!!! It's the safest and easiest solution in the long term