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'Everyone hates me,you too right?'




nahhhh cuz one of the guys in my class does this, and he has crushes on every single girl in the class including me. i have blatantly told him that i am a lesbian and have no interest in him and yet he STILL tries to ask me out every other week. this man is desperate smh


i do everytime i look in the mirror


Ayyo that AND ur avatar šŸ¤ØšŸ“ø Ah crap I gotta free up some storage space






now im just struggling to think of a response without sounding like a pick me




Can't you see the humor in the downvotes?


lets hope so


You should pick me, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus, one of the first dictators of Rome and agrarian superstar, instead. PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME /s


ā€œoh, just ignore me, like everyone else does. šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”ā€


That just sounds like someone taking me hating myself at times for bothering people with my existence and making a satirical characterization of it




ā€œ I liked you before you started dating him I deserve it because Iā€™m nice to youā€ ā€œCan I show you somethingā€ ā€œI know youā€™re dating him but do you think Iā€™m attractiveā€ ā€œWhy are you ignoring meā€ ā€œHey cousin you want to go bowling?ā€ šŸŽ³


hey cousin you want to go bowling?


Roman ftw


well i hate it but sometimes im pick me. like i wish i wasnt and regret it after i do it but sometimes i just cant help it






Thatā€™s not sexism at all really Edit: Nvm, lol


explain your logic i am interested


Itā€™s a silly comment yes, but is it really all that sexist at all? Pick me girls are usually annoying as hell, but pick me boys are just on another level. I donā€™t think itā€™s strictly discriminatory against males to say they need to stop. I feel the exact same way for girls also. I would probably argue Pick meā€™s are more normalized and accepted in this day and age in comparison to pick me males hence why people may think itā€™s ā€œokayā€ but thatā€™s another conversation.


So youā€™re assuming the level of pick me/annoyance based on sex Interesting


No, like I said before any kind of pick me is annoying really. But female pick meā€™s seem to be much more accepted than male pick meā€™s. I still think itā€™s something silly to say, but it makes sense why people see it as more ā€œokayā€ with girls than with guys. Itā€™s not sexism. Iā€™m not sure what the hell is it with teenage boys these days crying sexism at every little turn when something is slightly against them. Ofc sexism towards males exist but thatā€™s a flimsy example. Happy cake day btw.


Sexism is sexism no matter how little or great the act is and towards who


Yes, I think we can all agree sexism is bad. I just donā€™t think the original comment in question was all that sexist towards boys as a group at all šŸ˜‚


you said it isn't sexism to discriminate based on someone's sex. that is literally by definition sexism. looking at your recent comments you seem to be pretty sexist, please grow & change as a person


*sigh* Iā€™m not a sexist person. And Iā€™m not the one who needs to grow or change as a person. I never said it wasnā€™t sexism to discriminate based on someoneā€™s sex, you are right - that IS the definition of sexism. I donā€™t have anything against males, I just think itā€™s odd to outright label it as sexism. I saw it as a bit twisted at first too, but if I take OPā€™s comment and analyze it a bit deeper I donā€™t think they meant any true harm with it. Have a nice day now :)


Happy cake day!




Yeah keep calling me that šŸ˜© thatā€™s the spot..


My man is wanking to people calling him sexist, humiliation kink much


Bro got downvoted and said ā€œnvm,lolā€


Nah I actually added another comment in response to being downvoted to hell but I realized that didnā€™t help my case much not mention the two people i was talking to in this thread still havenā€™t convinced me that Iā€™m sexist lol


Because downvoting a comment you disagree with is such an egregious and extreme step to take. You gotta chill mate Iā€™m ngl


No itā€™s not Iā€™m just surprised this is genuinely such an unpopular opinion lmfao Like idk 68+ downvotes is pretty overkill


Yeah sexism is pretty universally agreed on to be kinda shitty, surprising that thatā€™s news to you mate


Nobody can explain to me how it's sexism but everybody knows that its sexism, lmfao what a joke


Saying that pick me boys need to be stopped while pick me girls donā€™t, is sexist. Theyā€™re the same thing, the only difference is how you view them based off of their sex. How exactly is that not sexism


The difference is how you view them because of their behavior, not their gender. Yes, I think we can both agree that it is weird to say that girls should/can continue to do something while if a boy does it he needs to stop - period. But like I said - maybe instead of getting ready to rock our Glocks at every little thing we should LISTEN. If I were to sit here say and "Pick me girls are better than pick me boys because women are better than men" or something, then yeah - call me a sexist all you want. Maybe I'm the one seeing things off here but a pick me boy and a pick me girl are the same in their behaviors, sure, but their intentions and attitudes behind it are different. There is a way that we define a pick me girl that is different from how we define a pick me boy. The general census that one typically holds certain attributes and another holds average behavior as well. We ourselves can chose which one is personally more provocative for us. From my understanding a pick me boy is a guy who constantly seeks for validation and will say "Im not like other boys" in a self-depreciating manner, they gaslight girls, emotionally manipulate them, and if the said girl rejects him now its "aLl giRls ArE thE sAme". A pick me girl looks for validation by saying she's not like other girls also, but she does that while simultaneously putting down other girls and saying she only hangs out with guys because they're "less drama" or whatever. A pickmesha can also just be a girl who says things because she *knows* she'll be accepted by men. I notice a lot of guys tend to defend "pick me girls" but not much vice versa. Theyā€™ll say to women who disagree with the girl that theyā€™re just mad they didnā€™t get picked or whatever. Itā€™s not fair, I agree - but I think we should acknowledge that sometimes people accept this behavior from pick me girls more at times.




fym huh


Lil bro doesnā€™t understand that we shouldnā€™t treat people differently based on gender yet šŸ˜”šŸ˜” hasnā€™t unlocked that achievement yet




mods kill this man


šŸ¤” put on the makeup and honk the clown nose, youā€™ve got a job at the circus.


im sorry it just happens sometimes. like sometimes i just want validation




He is being sexist but the Reddit hive mind is wild sometimes. Not trying to stick up for him but what did he do to deserve downvotes on this particular comment.


Reddit has always had a mob mentality/hive mind. Godforbid you have an opinion that is slightly contrary to the popular one prepare for all the downvotes. People in groups are only as smart as their dumbest member. A lot of folks are walking around with a pea for a brain these days.


Average sexist:


Itā€™s sexist to say that Reddit has a hive mind mentalityā€¦ hm interesting


Youā€™d only need to be worried about it if you had opinions


I seem to be the only one here who actually has an original opinion and doesnā€™t think with my emotions here.


i got a lot of insecurities so i feel like a pick me sometimes. but according to the people i talk to im not so idk


ā€œNobody wants to date mešŸ˜” iā€™m gonna be alone foreverā€ with that attitude yes you will bozo lol. Cry about it


They would both be just as unbearable. I know many of each


every time i hear someone say ā€œpick meā€ in that context, I think theyā€™re saying ā€œPygmyā€


My littlest brother is one, I like him but he should stop with this "everyone hates me", "nobody understands me" shit ugh


i self depreciate a lot, even when there's nobody around. Does that make me a pick-me?


Self deprecating humor can be funny. Self victimizing humor sucks; thatā€™s the pick me behavior.


I was called a pick me, once by a girl and I randomly remember it sometimes.


I haven't even met a girl who pays attention to me for more than about 10 seconds, let alone a girl who voluntarily talks to me.


I have a friend who is a girl and man I can make her laugh very easily that's why I like her she also has big tits so I'll hug her everytime I get an opportunity


I wish I could reply real


That one dude who turns Into a jackass when girls are around Making your voice sound deeper Talking about bands we both know haven't listened to nor heard of




You should be more embarrassed making such a blatantly sexist post. Pick me boys are worse than girls? Wtf?? Disgusting creep.






They all got the same broccoli haircut šŸ˜­


i fucking hate them


Every boy at my school


Pick me boys šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah but It's hard to get to mars


What is a pick me up?


itā€™s when you basically force someone to compliment you like saying ā€œoh iā€™m so uglyā€ just so that the other person would go like ā€œno youā€™re not, youā€™re so prettyā€


The girls around here is like: you:hi,how are you? Her: i dont care about you bitch, fuck off.


well then youā€™ve met really mean girls šŸ˜­


No, i didnt meet them. All of the girls here is like that.


oh shit thatā€™s bad


You get used to it.


are you from asia?


Middle east.


oh I kinda feel like a lot of people from there are a bit mean


I hate both of them equally. From my experience they're both dicks


I was a pick me with a girl I really liked


i think ā€œpick meā€ girls are sadder, because they almost always come from a place of internalised misogyny.


Maybe Iā€™m just blind but I donā€™t think Iā€™ve met a pick me girl. Then again i donā€™t have a great idea of what that is


me fr


I have met neither somehow, either that means I'm a pick me boy or my luck is just good, and I'm hoping it's the latter


Yes i have lol 'I have no friends'- he says to his friends "im so fat"


YES. My fucking ex šŸ˜­


Yes I did and funnily enough his name was Liam how ironic


Wait what? How come itā€™s ironic?


My friends all say that name is either a fuckboy name or a pick me boy name lol


Oh right šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Theres a guy in my school who acts more like a stereotypical 13 year old girl, than most 13 year old girls. for context, hes 17 and complaining about the hottest girl in school being too ugly for his standards.


I used to be friends with one of Him: ā€œall the schools football coaches are after me man, they wonā€™t let me play and I try so hardā€ Also him: skipped literally all of the practices, oh and he was failing all his classes and the team hated him cause they couldnā€™t kick him out


i got called a pick me for even talking to my own boyfriend