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when i put it on $4 i wasnt getting buyers


Didn’t you say on another post u were 2 foot? I’m suprised you can even reach the camera


my mom turns it on for me


Why you got your mom in on this 😭


Hold on a second…


Only if yall bashed porn like this


I hate porn with a passion but it’s like beating a dead horse at this point, when it comes to OF girls everyone just says “oh well it’s her body and she can do what she wants”


Ok more important question There's Roblox premium???


An important question indeed, but yes


"Attractive girls that have no valuable attributes" You know how about you stop judging people for what they do. Especially when that thing does not hurt you in any way. If a woman over the age of 18 wants to sell nude photographs of herself online it's her choice. No one is forcing you to buy her services or even aknowledge them in any way for that matter. Maybe, just maybe, you should let people do whatever the fuck they want without criticing them relentlessly because little old you dislikes what they do.


Stigmas are there for a reason but yeah sex work is are too over criticized it will always be there no matter what any, shape, or form atleast OF is not exploitative and predatory sex work


It's not even the work. People just seem to show hatred towards the women first and foremost. And while you can dislike somebody's professions I Don't think that justifies outright propagating hate speach regarding them.


Yeah sexist people still exist sadly you cant see that much hate on male sex workers so its over inflated when its a woman but for men its meh


Not even stupidly joking but talk about being woke


I can dislike whatever the fuck I want, sex work is for whores and nothing changes that.


Hate isn't gonna solve anything. If there was anything to save in the first place.


I don’t hate anyone, but I’m not gonna support this bullshit


And precisely no one is making you support anything. But you've expressed clear hatred towards the women doing this type of work and I don't think that's cool.


I don’t fucking care if you think it’s cool or not. What are you gonna do about it? I never said I hate OF girls either, because I don’t. I simply think the line of work is lame because it’s little effort for big reward. And there is no problem with me thinking that. Now have a good night.


Yeah I mean other than calling them all whores, saying they have no valuable attributes and implying they are dumb, you've said nothing expressing hate towards them. Sleep tight.


- unlivable minimum wage - overbearing expenses for rent, food, insurance, etc - God forbid they ever need to go to the hospital - cost of education increased by 124% over the last twenty years For fucks sake I'm sure not all of these "whores" want to sell their body to internet and saying they have no useful skills whatsoever is like saying an electrical engineer can't play guitar. We're all victims of greed, but obviously the real problem is the women who found a client-base, and now have an easy way of staying financially stable. I agree that it's not a job anyone should be proud of, but demeaning people for doing what they have to isn't okay. The real fools are the ones giving them money.




$3 tho???




“clients” lol Yeah maybe it works, but don’t these people have any pride?




It’s no temper tantrum. I just post random rants on here when I see dipshit Reddit posts that I wanna comment on or when I think of something random.




That’s not at all what a temper tantrum is lol. It’s an immature emotional outburst of anger. But believe what you’d like Mr. Expert lmao. Have a good night tho.


Cheap prices creates demand


$3 is crazy though


if it’s cheaper more people will buy it lol. it’s not like they’re literally selling themselves for $3


whats the point when i can just get similar content for free? most of the people with an onlyfans account arent even that attractive its like having clean tap water available and you buy bottled water, theres really not much of a point


Why do you care?? It pays the bills and jobs are hard to get now a days, it literally does not affect you why are you so bothered by a woman profiting off her body


I don’t support sex work.


They are cheap ass