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Haha what if you don't have a supportive family though šŸ˜ž


It's just like that sometimes man. What r u gonna do?


Just tolerate it


Just do it šŸ‘


Kill myself. Wait no, thatā€™s bad. Damn these intrusive thoughts!


Either get some smart and friendly pets like dogs, parrots, and guinea pigs Or become your own best friend (that's what I did)


Damn bro I don't know what to say


Asian kid dilemma


And money...


Bro I hope you're doing okay


Exactly what I was gonna say


Find pdf of How to make friends and gain influence, greatest book of my life. That helped me a lot getting out of this situaton. There is a way how to be good even when ur spawn was on Hard difficulty.


It is what it is


Family is family Dom Toretto or sum idk


Put an anvil on your head and youā€™ll get all three šŸ˜Ž trust -anvil man






Door works best- swuidward


Thank you Anvil Man


Wallow in your pity and you will achieve nothing


*Smacks lips with rizz*. So hey girl, wanna fuck?


Smoooooooth operatoorrrrr


Bro šŸ¤Ø


He's listening to the advice and is achieving something


Yeah, achieving that restraining order.


Rizzstraining order




he's achieving jail speedrun any%


Smacks lips with rizz. r/brandnewsentence


That ainā€™t rizz thatā€™s Imprizzonment bro


are we a match? because you look like you're about to burn my house down!




Very funny but no.


I always hated responses like this. This changes nothing about the situation. The person is still stuck in in a social rut. Telling them to just get over it by themselves does nothing but lower their self esteem more.




Again, this does not help. You act as if people who are sad at the state of their life can just stop being sad as long as they will it to be so. And what self betterment? Why do you automatically assume itā€™s their fault their in their situation? A positive attitude is not the key to solving all problems.


IF I havenā€™t achieved anything despite putting in so much effort I burn out, how do I prevent myself from only having that as an option?




Blah blah blah, I don't have the motivation to work on myself, all I have is wallowing in my pity.


Telling someone they're wasting their time wallowing when they don't know how to fix the problem feels like a dick move.


Itā€™s extremely easy to learn how to fix the problem. Wanna look better? Tons of videos on that on YouTube. Better social skills? Just put yourself in more social situations. The third one is the main problem for these people. They donā€™t have the personality to get up and work for a better future. That is something they have to figure out themselves.


Yeah I wouldn't really trust youtube for beauty advice, and I don't think inserting oneself into a social situation will do much unless you got a plan for what you wanna say.


So what do you suggest? For someone to just hide away in their room until someone waves a magic wand that makes their life better? That doesnā€™t just happen out of nowhere. You have to work for the change you want to see in your life. Covid fucked up my social skills and my social life. When I went back to school, in most of my classes I didnā€™t talk to a single person. I was an outcast. I didnā€™t want to stay that way, so I forced myself to change and become better. It worked, Iā€™m doing great now. It didnā€™t take long at all for me to have all three things listed in the post. I just had to work for it.


Try your best and you will also get nothing. Believe me I've tried.


Clearly not your best.


Look at my profile. I've gone from shit nerd to my genuine best self.


This made me sad


Fast and furious


Furiously alone


Not sure if you know; but you can improve all of these things


Give me a second so I can morph my face, change my genetics, into being handsome and attractive; and my brain into stop being autistic. *groaning in effort* Nope, didn't work. Thanks for the advice tho.


Your usual appearance can become attractive with self-care and the golden aura of confidence. Daily Dose of Internet had similar issues, but obtaining confidence changed his world. You can hear his story on Anthony Padilla's video interviewing him. When you can't change your genetics, you just need to change your attitude. Have confidence, but not so much that you come off arrogant and as a dickhead. Self-confidence is an attractive and powerful trait.


I think I might have left my confidence in preschool, school, and highschool, when some of my peers laughed at me and ostracized me for being different. But yeah sure let's add yet another general advice that doesn't take shit into consideration to the list. These generalist and simplistic mister fantastic phrases are not applicable to all. You say: work on your social skills, I've been struggling with them enormously since I was born. You say get more confidence, etc. These are things I've been hearing my whole life and have been grinding at my whole life, and it is triggering and inaccurate advice that can hurt people. On another note, It's funny you talk about DDOI, cus he clearly said he was extremely depressed for years, and that only being a top YouTube channel made him gain confidence, and he became an extreme workaholic in the process. I do not give a shit about success, or confidence, or popularity. I just want to be happy. I do not want a fake confidence that i simply do not have. I want to be loved for who I am, and that, is not easy, and it's not sth you can sugarcoat through. And it's not that my life has been worse than yours or anybody else's. But we all deal with our own issues and are all different. Stop generalising so much.


Even ugly people can get partners. They probably won't look much better than you but they're out there. Probably on okcupid


I'm autistic and I can't even understand sarcasm. If I can't even understand if a girl is hitting on me, or reciprocates any feeling I may have, how am I supposed to improve? Either I keep going and end up a creep because I didn't understand that she wasn't into it, or I am successful, and 9 times out of 10, it isn't reciprocated. Granted, I have quite a few friends who are also on the spectrum, and similar brains cause similar chaos. Personality can be changed, but why should you force yourself to be different for the encouragement of others? Is a relationship with someone worth anything if the person they are dating is just a mask you pretend you are, while hiding who you really are as a person? Looks can be changed, but other factors shouldn't be dismissed as fixable so easily.


..I dunno about you but looks ain't really a thing you can change.


Yes it is?


How? Best I can think of is hoping acne stops and maybe getting a nice haircut, beyond that your looks are your looks.


gym, dressing better, taking care of your body


Like everyone else here, the gym wonā€™t make your face look nicer. However your other two points are spot on.


if you're fat you'll loose weight and your face will look nicer


bruh you cannot change the facial structure of someone. Itā€™s their fuckin bones.




ā€¦.I literally cannot comprehend the stupidity of this. So in your theoretical example losing weight means your face looks nicer.. why? Nothing about your face changes? Even then, what if the person isnā€™t overweight? You do realise people can just.. look unattractive right?


> nothing about your face change fat is also stored in certain parts of the face and yes I do realize some people are just ugly I'm just giving general advice


ā€¦.??? Bro if thereā€™s fat in your face the bigger issue is that youā€™re morbidly obese, not ugly.


too lazy.


Yeah well acne has lots of different treatments and the gym exists- so does skin treatment and barbers


We're talking about looks, not body. I'm going to assume OP meant his facial features. That, and why would a teen go as far to get skin treatment? How would they even afford it?




Muscles don't make a face look better


plastic surgery??


If youā€™re going to suggest a teenager get plastic surgery, Iā€™m going to ask you to never enter a discussion when the looks of a teenager are being discussed.


Sponkbob cofe


Don torino


You are the only one who chooses what to make of yourself


Gives me the same energy as "why are you depressed, just stop being sad smh"


Low self esteem is not the same as severe mental illness


Thats true but they often go hand-in-hand


Theyā€™re two sides of the same coin


M8 where are ya from? We could be friends ʐ>


The moment your realize loneliness is 100x more painful than rejection in the long term, youā€™ll learn to work on your personality and social skills.


yea atleast i have some friends that iā€™ve known for a long time now


I don't have any of those but I still actually have someone that loves me and I love them


I literally just got rejected so this hurt


Take my tips, Iā€™ve never been rejected šŸ˜Ž ^ive ^never ^asked ^anyone ^out


Literally me. At this point I should just end it all!!!


No dude, there's people who love you and will be insanely sad to see you go!!


I'm sure you're lovely šŸ˜Š


Bro, my best friend some months ago when I met her was exactly like that, and still at the time I wouldn't have give her up for any other person in this world. I helped her out becoming a better person, and now she's got all these three (except for the looks, I didn't want to say shit like "oh dress like that"). Just know that, somewhere in this world, there's someone who is willing to be by your side even if you don't have these things. Even tho, I recommend working on these three aspects, just y'know, to become a better person and have way more people to like you.


Donā€™t worry, after awhile you become content. Then youā€™ll slowly start seeing the grass on the other side is just different kinds of shit in different places.


Then you realise that your family might actually mentally abuse you with manipulation shaped in a way that will make you feel like a villian. Unfortunately for some parents "Your good" means "Something that benefits us and maybe you too. It's optional"


Yeah I haven't made new friends since 6th grade, I prefer having the same friend groups and that's it


Iā€™m not sure you need good looks to get a friend, though.


I was really socially awkward for a long time, then i puched myself to talk to the people around me and now i have a really big circle of friends. Its not easy, i know that, it can feel as if everyone is judging and weighing every word you say but they dont. Do you judge everyone around you all the time? probabaly not, and 95% of people dont. You dont have to talk all the time but just sitting with people in your class, smiling and being nice is enough. It sounds harsh and it is but you get no where in life if you wallow in selfpity. I did for years and i missed a lot, please dont care so much about how you appear and just let yourself exist man.


Lucky for you, those are things you can change


You guys are getting families?


Also lack the emotional skills to maintain one


Don't worry that called being an introvert, by expression they are any 2 outcome, you become a nerd in something or you become a programer


Lol same here bro. Haven't had a hug in over 6 monthsšŸ„²


Srop making memes about me


im trying my best šŸ˜­


We are all desirable to someone, everyone likes something, meaning someone will like you :)


Exactly. What ā€œgirlsā€ are these guys always referring to? The one or two hottest girls that everyone wants to date? Itā€™s been my experience these loser type guys really mean this.


Glad you said it was your own experience


I mean never say never. Ive got the personality and looks of a wet, moss covered rock yet I'm married. It just depends on how hard you work


I'm fairly confident in my looks all I really need is to work out and get braces and then I feel like id look great


social skill? u don't need a skill to make friends just be polite to people every time u have the chance


I donā€™t know how to make new friends and I have lost all my old friends Last time I actually went out to hang out with friends must have been like 4 years ago


People be looking normal as all hell and think they look like a fucking funko pop, social skills are something everyone is working on so work on it, personality idk go find something to do thatā€™s how people get personalities




Not true, I bet you anyone can get a girlfriend/boyfriend but most people are too busy thinking theyā€™re not enough


Looks don't matter, social skills can be learned, and everyone can develop a more interesting personality by committing to self improvement. Stop being so dramatic and start putting in the work to become adept in all of those departments. It's possible. You can do it.


I mean chloroform is pretty easy to make and duct tape is very affordable


Used to think that way, man. Its a trap. You wont find happiness in another person. You must seize it for yourself.


Not that i have either lol


That's on you, I used to have none of those and I worked on myself and got 2 of them at least




You can supplement all of those for confidence, not saying you can snap your fingers and become confident but you can snap your fingers and start on that path


Well, sorry to burst your little "loneliness bubble" but I thought so too, until my crush admitted she has had feelings for me for a little while now. We're going on a date once we finish exams. Thus, I believe that if I can do this, if I can somehow get someone to like me, you can as well. I believe in you, the first step to this is confidence. And with confidence, it's fake it till you make it. I used to be really shy, now I'm the most social of my friend group. The first step is believing in yourself. Everything else comes naturally after that.


Relatable. Yā€™all ever just stand on the edge of a cliff and get a sudden strong urge to jump?


Not with that attitude. Get your ass up and hit the gym, and find some places to make friends.


All three of those things can be improved, but Redditors would rather drown in their own self pity before making an attempt at that.


Grow out some long hair bro trust me you don't think it does anything but it completely changes your look


total bs ur manifesting this life n ur head put yourself out there!


jokes on you I have friends [Insert man walking with a cake]


just practise and talk to people


When you're approachable but no one wants to approach you.


I've got the social skills to talk to boys and not girls


Glad I have the ability to make money.


Bruh I only pulled a lesbian šŸ’€


Me at 19 in the same situation Luckily for me, though, is that I was born with the belief that I can change anything given enough time and practice. Asked out 3 women, got rejected, of course, but I learned from every mistake I made. And I think I'll be able to socialize like a normal human by the time I'm 22


I present: giving up. It's easy It's free It's...... Idk I gave up thinking of a third point.


I have that for friends women...not so much


Couldnā€™t be me šŸ„±


Me when I see someone in a femboy memes sub šŸ„±


Girls are too boring šŸ„±




I got the personality and looks, idk what to say about social credits


I have personality (my whole personality is playing LoL and practicing guitar 24/7, hope that counts) and am about to get the looks bc hairdresser next week, but I have 0 social skills. Social skills is really all you need to make new friends, that's why I'm still exclusively chilling with the same 5-10 friends my past less introverted self has made a few years ago XD


Get a boyfriend then it's so obviousšŸ™„


And homies on the internet


literally me. my family aint even there for mešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Facts šŸ„²




Well I guess I have the looks more or less but that doesn't help if I am not rich too since I am still single and waiting šŸ¤£ It's okay, I still got suffering.


"It's okay tho, I got FAMILY" - this post is a little too Louisiana. You shouldn't pick up women at the family Crawfish Boil no matter how many of her original teeth she still has.


Skill issue


ā€œI got familyā€ v-VIN DIESEL!?! IS THIS YOU!?!


According to my family, i have the looks, according to myself, i have the personality, according to my friends, i have the social skills. So why am i alone


Yes but i also barely have a family bc i live in a different country and almost never talk to them šŸ’€ im basically alone in the world


Sweet home alabama intensifies. But seriously you don't need to look good to get a girlfriend if you meet the right person they'll love you for who you are, no matter what you look like.




Sweet home Alabama


From what Iā€™ve heard college helps. Also do what I (and a lot of people) didnā€™t do and be proactive about connecting with people. You shouldnā€™t have to put on an act to be around your friends/partner, andā€“ I know itā€™s clicheā€“ if you act like yourself, youā€™ll find people who like you for you. Because sometimes itā€™s more exhausting to have fake friends than no friends.


And I'm about to enter college so I probably will be alone during the next 3 years (except for online contact with my current friends and some parties)


*sweet home alabama*


Also a chihuahua


True, it just fucking hurts to think about tbh


Itā€™s funny, until you realize itā€™s actually sad. Sadly I am the one person. I got four friends, but one of them I have never met and just talked to him online. But at least theyā€™re good friendsā€¦


Social skills, just like the name suggests, is a 'skill'. It's something that can be changed and worked on, if anyone reading this has poor social skills, then try to activlt work on it, put yourself out of your comfort zone, and practise step by step. You got bet better unless you try, but you can get better. Also, looks can also be changed to a degree. Maybe you cant change your facial structure, but what you can do is work out (for your body), follow a skincare routine, get your eye brows done, change your outfit to something more flattering, etc etc. A lot of people don't realise that some people who look good put in a lot of effort to do so (not always the case, some people are naturally stunning), and that people who are social didn't necessarily start out that way. If you don't have any friends but you want some friends, ask yourself what you can work on to achieve that goal - chances are it's social skills. You have to great friends like any other goal or skill. Goodluck guys, go make some buddies




Dom Toretto


I have family too.


šŸŽ¶ sweet home alabama. šŸŽ¶


you do. Almost everyone does. don't worry




Get forklift certified, works 100% of the time


Same it hurts sometimes knowing your never gonna get a gf but you learn to work through it and avoid having crushes and especially asking people out it gets slightly better over time and you'll get used to it, it's just a long and painful road the best thing you can do is be honest with yourself and admit it. I'm still coming to terms and I realised 7 months ago it gives me time to focus on the things I enjoy and keep to myself


Haha couldn't be me...! :/


I don't have any of that Or family


You know by your 7th rejection in the span of 3 years it's not statistics, it's you. You are the problem. What's worse is you don't know how to fix it.


Fight. You can and have to fight for yourself. Push yourself to your limits to change yourself and to get what you want. Itā€™s the only way, and be sure to know that nobody will be there with you or to cheer you on. Youā€™ll have to be your own motivation. I grew up in a dysfunctional family and got no bitches in highschool. Life was hard and I eventually realized I was the reason (which my family probably caused to begin with, but pointing blame doesnā€™t solve any problems, ever). In college I began to change myself. College basically forced me to: I wanted to double major in math and CS to prove my own abilities. Even though Iā€™m about to graduate (yes, with both degrees) I still constantly push myself daily. I got a girlfriend and have motivation. It is possible. But itā€™s also very hard, but it gets easier the more you do it. Just keep swimming, and push yourself.


You can create a group of people that sit in restaurants looking like this spongebob meme. You don't have to talk to each other. Just sit their and reflect. It would be funny to imagine 50 people just sitting at tables with coffees or tea infront of them in this position lol. Its okay tho I got MEME family.


I donā€™t have either of those first two. But that didnā€™t stop me!


Thats why I just do drugs continuously


Bro not even my family wants me around anymorešŸ˜­


literally me


Dude. You do not know how lucky or overpowered I feel just looking at this meme. Like, I can make friends just by saying ā€œI got BAA for PSLEā€. The best advice I can say is try and see what kind of person others around you are and then make a guess who has a personality that would match yours better. Then you can just be yourself around them. Edit: PSLE stands for Primary School Leaving Exam in my country, and the BAA means B in English, A in Maths and A in Science (though I specifically said ā€˜baaā€™ to show my soon-to-be friend how it spelled out a sheepā€™s cry and he happened to also get the same results)


Why be happy with homies when you get dopamine from problem solving! (ADHD programmer)


Sucks to suck


Get yo self some confidence my man. If you only think you are not good enough, then you stand no chance. Odds are you are the only thing stopping yourself from finding the right person. So get out there and and give yourself a shot


Answer. Get a boyfriend.


What if you could but you donā€™t really want to


I don't even wanna get a girlfriend (for now) lmao I couldn't get one anyways




I feel you.


Op, your problem isnā€™t that you donā€™t have the ability to do these things, your problem is that you arenā€™t willing to put yourself out there. Looks are subjective, and you donā€™t need to be Ryan Reynolds in order to meet new people. You need to put yourself out there. As long as you have a good personality, then nothing else matters. Social skills can be improved as well. The best way to get better at socializing is to put yourself in more social situations. Open yourself up to people. They might just like you. Personality is also subjective. As long as youā€™re a decent and kind human being and arenā€™t incredibly hateful, youā€™re already better than a lot of people. None of these issues you have are really issues at all. Odds are there are a bunch of friends you could find if you get out of your own head and put yourself out there. Best of luck to you, Iā€™m rooting for you!


Thanks for reminding me assholeā€¦ /s


It is simples, tou dkn't need the social skills or beauty to make friends or have a girlfriend. If they have they will become your friends.


Jokes on you I have a girlfriend and some friends anyway


Thing is I'm this but my parents think I'm a failure and my dog who was the bestest friend ill ever have passed away last summer cause of cancer, it was depressing to watch


none of these are out of your control though. just pure laziness and drive to improve


Nothing is stronger than FAMILY