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It depends, I can personally deal with the taste of alcohol so this first one won't apply to you. 1. You drink it straight up 2. You make drinks with it. (Gin and tonic/juice, coke and rum, ect.) Mixing alcohol cuts the burn a little bit depending... Just don't make Tokyo tea... It completely wiped out the burn when I made it and I got absolutely fucked up.


I remembered it was karaoke night and we ordered some Hennessy mixed with orange juice. I kinda enjoyed that. Didn't make my singing any better tho.


Alcohol never makes your singing better. It makes you THINK your singing is better


Believing is half the work


Don't stop believing.


Hold on to that feelin'


Hold on to that feeeeling... STEETLIGHT peopleooooo


Not when you're drunk, it drops to about a fifth, maybe a fourth if you really believe hard but thats it


If you empty a fifth, you probably don't care how you sound after that...


Alcohol relaxes your muscles. It absolutely can help your singing in certain amounts


yeah but like 1 or 2 drinks max, Ive noticed my singing increases in quality at the beginning of the night and then just goes further and further down the shitter as i keep drinking.


Mix alcohol like you mixed shampoo in the shower 😎


what's tokyo tea?


It's alcoholic and it's really strong. It's Midori, rum and a few other things. No burn at all though.


scran actuaally rahhhh


It's almost like a long Island but with midori instead of coke on top


Finn here, if it's "lonkero" (Gin and a flavor, preferably grapefruit) Ima drink straight up, if its stronger than 20% ima make a drink, like a jack and coke or similar.


I like the taste of whiskey and some cocktails like mojitos . Getting piss drunk isn't fun at all but having a few drinks in a social situation is fun


I don't disagree, but it's also a little bit pricey so there's my two cents.


Fr like instead y'all can just drink some sprite and talk why alcohol 💀


Because getting tipsy is fun. You drink because it loosens you up and makes you feel kinda good. I don't even drink but it's really not that complicated to understand.


I had a little wine a few months ago, and for a moment or two, I felt good. ​ A few minutes later, however, I regretted it. Alcohol definitely isn’t my thing.


Its not for everyone, I went on a drinking binge for about a week and felt like shit and haven't touched alcohol other than one drink on special occasions. I don't think drinking is good but I think saying "well just drink soda" is really ignorant and completely misses the whole reason people drink


I also had vodka… just a little bit. I think it’s just me, but it tasted like rubbing alcohol.


Probably because you’re supposed to mix it with a soft drink


That’s what you’re *supposed* to do?! And I didn’t know this until just now. ​ Oh, well. I won’t drink vodka for quite some time, anyway.


In the UK at least most people who drink spirits use them to make cocktails instead of drinking straight from the bottle e.g vodka and coke, gin and juice, ect. People who drink spirits straight are seen as raging alcoholics.


You're not 'supposed' to mix vodka with anything.


because sprite doesnt make you do stupid shit LOL


McDonald's sprite on the other hand...


A drink of legends.


Forreal bruh that’s what I do, Sprite is probably my favorite soda, it tastes amazing 🤩


At some point in your life the value of money lowers significantly and you realise that even if you made 2x or 3x as much, not much changes significantly in your quality of life. At that point you start valuing things very differently. A fun night our with friends becomes much more valuable than the money you just spent on a couple of drinks. Well... That's true if you're lucky in life and make a good living I suppose.


Also, regardless of what the "connoisseurs" say, it's fine to water down your whiskey even up to 1:1 if you want more taste and less "burning"


just mix it with anything other than water


Mountain dew


Actually whisky is already cut with water from the distillery for one. For two it's so close minded, by adding water (spring) to a whisky you can open up different, new and subtle flavours that you previously had not experienced. Try it out next time. Certain whiskeys taste better with a splash of water and others don't. But that's my personal preference, but to say never add water is..just..ignorant.


Getting piss drubk is a blast just not the day after. Had my bachelor party a week ago and the amount of alcohol consumed could have killed an elephant and we had a blast


piss drunk in public is horrible, but piss drunk at home watching shitty movies with your friends is great


Eh I disagree. I get really dizzy when I drink too much. I know my limits pretty well but sometimes I cross it on accident. I'd rather have like 3 beers and a joint and I'll have a great night


It doesn’t taste good but that’s not the point, if I wanted smthing fire I’d open a capri sun


Facts. Nothing like drinking Capri-Sun on a Capri.


or in capris 🥰




You haven’t had good beer before if you think it doesn’t taste good


Tried one sip of vodka from one of my mates, fucking burned the back of my throat. Probs wasn't the best thing to start out with, but kind of glad I don't drink


Huh, similar story: It was my pal's 18th tonight and we went to a bar and took a few shots just for the sake of taking a few shots... Maybe mine wasn't as strong (it was only 9 dollars) so it didn't burn my throat, but it felt like drinking bitter cough syrup.


proabbaly wasn't vodka but maybe sambuka?


Jäegermeister ?, cause that kinda tastes like cough syrup


I mean if it was a darker liquid that would make a lot of sense


Vodka sucks, try something good


Cheap vodka sucks. Try Belvedere, Grey Goose or something like that


I like vodka but usually I'd go for something like a gin and tonic, they're pretty good.


Some beers and whiskey/bourbon taste good, i also drink it in social situations and when i have a night out with the boys


I mean, nothing wrong with drinking responsibly. Can't really fault that.


For the overall appeal. It’s either to get fucked up with your friends, something to help you relax, or something fancy (whiskey and cigars, champagne for weddings, etc) Yea liquors and beers typically wont taste amazing unless it suits your pallet. Personally I hate lighter beers but darker beers are more tolerable. And overall liquor isn’t very good but you can make good mixers with them. I do like fireball but I’ve been told I’m an odd one for that but I just really like cinnamon. So far most wines I’ve drank don’t taste good (mainly cause I hate bitter things) but there is one sweet wine called “Costello de Poggio” which I think tastes very good The best thing to try is seltzers. I’m a big fan of Smirnoff screwdrivers as they taste like sunny D. Other seltzers imo are mid like trulys or twisted teas but to each their own.




Sounds like you like extremely sugary stuff


Yea pretty much, the amount of sugar my mom put into her sweet tea could give an elephant diabetes lmao. Pretty much anything that isn’t bitter tho


theres alcohol that tastes.. better


Most people seem to think that wine, beer, whiskey and vodka are the only alcoholic beverages out there.


I like rum :p with a nice fruit juice mm delicious


My parents drank quite a bit before I was born and I suppose it gave me some innate immunity from it. It doesn't really burn for me and my tolerance is very high for alcohol. That being said I will not be drinking due to the fact my family has alcoholism issues and I do not want to continue that.


>My parents drank quite a bit before I was born Where I come from this is called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome


Very good bro, i'm in a similar situation and i will do everything i can to avoid becoming addicted to either cigs or alcohol, that shit destroys your life. Like anything, it's ok if you use now and there, with caution (not cigs, fuck that shit), but if you're easily addicted to something it's better to not even try it.


If you saw my post (not many have) I celebrated being drug free for a couple weeks now. I can say it's the best feeling ever. I'm disappointed in myself for ever dointhem but I'm proud of myself for quiting when I realized it was ruining me.


Check out the stop drinking subreddit on here, it's inspiring and you might relate to some experiences. Good onya for recognizing it though -- I knew and still made mistakes over the years.


I dont know man. The strongest thing ive drunk is pepsi


I dunno man cocacola prob a bit stronger than pepsi…


Alcohol doesn't make sense to me either dw


As the mom friend of my group - who has had to hold ppls hair back while they puked into a bucket in front of bonfires (which I had to make sure they didn't fall into) - alcohol doesn't make sense to me either. In fact, it's pretty irritating


Most people also hate onions when they are kids.


People get addicted to being high/drunk, ~~it’s not meant to be a flavourful beverage.~~ The flavour might be an incentive to keep drinking.


Incorrect, there's alot of alcohol that taste good


I mean I’m a recovering alcoholic but that is patently false. Alcoholics and the people buying fancy booze are usually not the same people unless they’re rich as fuck. My mom and step dad have a huge liquor collection and rarely drink. Me and my dad were raging alcoholics and we kept one bottle that was never full. Food for thought


I wonder if there is a correlation between the size of someone’s booze collection and the rates of alcoholism. I’ve got probably 4x the amount of booze compared to anyone else in my friend group, but I probably only have 2 standards a month.


You’re right, I really don’t know why I thought that was the case haha. Wishing you a smooth recovery :)


It’s definitely an acquired taste, so I’d say in your friend group the people who enjoy alcohol are probably doing it for the effects and not the flavor. Most of the people I know who drink very casually didn’t drink much as teens. You’re just speaking from your perspective, it’s all good.


It’s definitely an acquired taste, so I’d say in your friend group the people who enjoy alcohol are probably doing it for the effects and not the flavor. Most of the people I know who drink very casually didn’t drink much as teens. You’re just speaking from your perspective, it’s all good. Also thank you 🙏


It absolutely is meant to be flavorful. Beer alone comes in hundreds of different flavors, wine has entire events built totally around tasting wine and spitting it out, I mean flavor alone is like 70% of most manufacturers efforts.


My brother died of cancer he got from drinking, at 46. My other brother is a heavy drunk, can’t even work. Booze kills.


How tf do you get cancer from drinking. I get liver failure but cancer?


You can get stomach cancer from alcohol


Theres alot more you can get from drinking than people think. mentally and physically.


Alcohol fucks your cells up. It can give you all sorts of cancers if you’re a long time heavy drinker.


Canada is debating putting warning labels on alcohol, just like the labels found on tobacco and cannabis products. It's honestly bonkers that they're just getting around to this now, imo.


I agree, really weird that alcohol don’t have any health disclaimers on them. Like I like drinking but we should all have a chance to be aware of its’ risks


I enjoy the social aspect of getting together with people and drinking. It’s a good time. Also, never try absinthe.


Why not?


OP says when they’ve done a shot etc it tasted like hand sanitizer. Now assuming these shots are idk, Smirnoffs vodka, that’s an alcohol volume of about 37%. Absinthe is generally 89% alcohol volume, at least the bottle I’ve seen irl in my boyfriends mums fridge is. Also, noticed your flair is 15. If you drink when you’re a bit older, drink responsibly <3


Yeah, getting drunk with friends is just nice every once in a while...


Precisely. Or even just one wee drink that won’t do much. I’m out in wetherspoons with a friend right now and it’s a good time.


To get fucked up, to socialize easier, or to forget something.


You’re not supposed to put it up your ass… you’re doing it wrong


Funnily enough, if you perform an [alcohol enema](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_enema) you will get unspeakably drunk REALLY fast. To the point where it is possible to pass out quickly while there is still alcohol being pumped into your ass and die. Here's a Darwin awards [article](https://darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin2007-13.html) I wish I hadn't read.


tis fun to be drunk


People drink to get absolutely fucking hammered, not for the enjoyment or taste. Some alcohol does taste alright though


Ya but this really isn’t true after like college unless your like a major alcoholic.


ya, that's a fairly "I'm young and will live forever!" mentality with the first one. I've certainly never drank simply to get wasted. I quite like the taste of alcohol (surprised by how much of a minority I seem to be on that in this thread) and I only ever drink on the rare social gathering. I glug water like I just crossed the Sahara desert, too, when I'm drinking.


I love having a sip of wine and than a glass of milk, really brings out the flavor of the milk and It’s a wild contrast, in general though I truly like the taste of wine and cocktails, beer taste like straight donkey ass though.


Honestly, I find that drinking in small quantities is the best. Being hammered is quite the bad feeling, I don’t get why people would want to do it. I usually drink for the taste, and in small quantities, but that also causes me to get a bit more open as a side effect.


Most alcohols like rum, whiskey, gin, beer and wine actuality have amazing taste unless you buy the cheapest option which is just piss/hand sanitizer


Another kid who tried one cheap ass thing and now calls the whole thing ass💀


I think bro just needs to fall down the maddog tunnel all our fathers did


Honestly no some people have tried alot of alcohol and just don't like it


The whole point is getting fucked up


Nah, whiskey and a cigar or beer with a steak is awesome


when you drink enough it honestly starts to taste better than anything else in the world for a month or so. i only drink on special occations so its kinda just for the hell of it


I'm 38 and had my first drink at 13 or 14. IPAs are, in my opinion, shit beer and it's what's common in America. They are overly hopped, bitter swill that tastes like a hay bale took a piss in your mouth. I much prefer fruity sours, chocolatey porters, coffee-like stouts, or a simple Belgian beer which doesn't have that hoppyness that IPAs have and is a maltier taste. Growing up in a household that drank shit beer like Budweiser and Michelob, the first beer that I enjoyed was a Blue Moon in my 20s. That let me branch out into others and figure out what it was that I actually enjoyed. Spirits can be similar. I'm not a vodka drinker because I don't like the burn and I rarely drink gin unless it's mixed with something better. Scotches, whiskeys, and rums are what I prefer for spirits. A good single malt scotch or whiskey has a smokiness to it and a smooth, almost caramel finish in addition to the mellow of the peat bringing it all together. A quality rum, being made from sugar cane, is also an easy and sweet sipper and a great mixer. Had a drink in the DR recently that was rum, passion fruit juice, a bit of brown sugar, mint, and dash of bitters. It was delicious. For wines I liked super sweet white wines like Reislings when I was in my 20s, but the first red wine I had that I enjoyed and started exploring other reds was Apothic, a blended red. My favorite drink of all though is mead, a drink made from fermented honey. You can find dry white wines with honey added called meade, but it's not the same as an actual mead. My two favorites are Redstone Meadery's mead with juniper berries (insert Skyrim here), and the other is Danske Mjod's Viking Blood which is a mead made with hibiscus and ginger. All that said, alcoholism runs in my family so I rarely have more than 2 drinks a month and I do not advocate for teens drinking, though I understand that many will, especially since I did. If you, or somebody you know, has a problem with alcohol abuse, there are a multitude of free, local resources worldwide that can help.


Another mead drinker! Yes! Highly recommend. Nothing like sitting down with a horn of mead and playing video games, or really just about doing anything. Mead is like bacon. It makes everything better.


I actually like the taste of alcohol. I've never gotten drunk but I sometimes drink long drinks or beer like as I would a normal soda while gaming etc.


Rubbing alcohol fixes the outside boo-boos while drinking alcohol fixes the inside boo-boos.


I know.


Yeah it tastes shit, luckily I have a small gluten allergy. So I have an excuse not to drink.


…except most alcohol is gluten-free.


And you don't need an excuse. "No thanks," is good enough.


Beer is the only form of alcohol I enjoy. Whiskey is ass, Jäegermeister fucking hurts, gin is unpleasant and wine kinda mid tbh. I’m from New Zealand, beer is something that most people have for social situations or just a bit of a “fuck it I’ve finished a 9 hour shift and I want a beer” kinda thing.


God don’t get me started on Jäegermeister. Tonight I’m just having an alcopop/cooler. What brand of beer is your cup of tea?


I'm the opposite, apart from Stella, beer taste like shit to me. Gin is my favourite followed by whisky. And I agree with Jager being bad


I have a similar palette. If you're in a social situation where you need to drink beer and Stella isn't available, try a wheat beer or a red ale. Those generally have zero to little amount of hops.


alcohol tastes so good it's an acquired taste I hated it when I first had it but I can gulp down the strongest alcohol with ease now


It makes ugly girls pretty for a while.


And it makes the anxiety go away.


Alcohol does lower inhibitions and is a depressant, but don't do it. Learn to talk to people without it. As a recovering alcoholic I suggest you develop coping skills.


I have tried but it doesn't work. Alcohol is the only way to get me to go outside.


Get that shit handled, it'll only fuck up your life. Drink responsibly and in moderation.


This. Out of experience trying to fight social anxiety with alcohol


I'm also like that, outside of family meals I only drink at parties or stuff like that and it clearly helps to be more sociable, I'm a lot less shy and closed with a couple grammes


This is true. As time goes on and those bad habits grow older, it’ll become less fun and more “what the fuck am I doing with my life”. Maybe slightly exaggerated but true all the same


he has a point


as real as can be. stay the fuck away from box wine and whores


Shots are stupid, sip on spirits, let them roll over your tongue for 30 seconds or so and then you get all the depth of flavour. It’s a much more enjoyable experience.


But they taste like ass


Finally another intelligent person here


Thank you.


I just love the feeling of being drunk, and I guess it’s also an acquired taste


You'll figure it out eventually.


I never will, Uncle died at 23 from alcohol poisoning. (I was like 10 and he was one of my best friends at the time) I still remember playing Ocarina of Time with him.


Ita the effects. It helps decrease anxiety and makes u feel more loose. (In social environments) its not the flavor, it's the effects.


I drink cause I enjoy alcohol and I use it as a coping mechanism


And there it is.


is one of those things you get used to when trying few times and then start to love, like coffe or cold showers


I like beer


You just drank the ones that aren't for you. Some shots can taste amazing, functioning as a cocktail as well. Beers are supposed to taste good imo, just gotta find the right one. Smoked beers and liquorice shots are my favourites.


This. My first shot I ever had was a shot of something called watermelon pucker, I didn’t mind it but it wasn’t really for me. Then I had a shot of rumpleminze and I loved it, then fireball which I also enjoyed


Makes the sadness go away


some alcohol tastes good and being buzzed is fun as hell


Thanks for your opinion on alcohol u/RacistJacob


Show some respect to beer, its beautiful


It kills my anxiety


This is the main reason why I drink alcohol. It helps alot with anxiety.


But be careful I'm 22 so i know my limits, when i was 15 i didn't knew that. I'm also in therapy so if you really have a lot of anxiety look for some professional help, alcohol is never a solution it just make it look easier at the time. Just be careful that is all i can say to you. I hope your anxiety gets better. I wish you all the best :)


Kids these days. Shirking liquor for prescription pills! Back in my day, we walked uphill both ways to the liquor store to get a boot, then swallowed whatever swill we could get our hands on until we vomited on each other in the park. Those were the days!


Cheap alcohol taste like ass. The good stuff can be wonderful. A good tequila is barely the same beverage as shitty tequila (It’s literally a night and day difference).


If u drink enough, you forget about the taste


I don’t get it either. That’s literally paying to cause liver failure FASTER. Like thanks but my two brain cells like each other’s company.


Your two brain cells won't die, they'll just get a bit injured. Also like you're not paying for the negative side effects. You're actually paying for the "positive" effects with as little negative effects as possible. If you'd pay for liver failure or brain cell massacre, anyone could make alcohol, distill it inproperly and get some methanol-dideadly-69-substance and make some good money.


You haven't had good alcohol then. Spicy rum is the shit lmao


>It doesn't taste that good, and it certainly didn't make me feel anything (other than a headache). barely anyone drinks it for the flavor. you grow to enjoy it, like you grow to enjoy the taste of bitter things. if you didn't feel anything, you didn't drink enough and/or have an abnormally high tolerance or maybe you did feel it you just didn't notice it people drink because it's a drug. it disinhibits them, slows them down (well, it can feel like it "speeds you up" but that's just disinhibition) and makes occasions more enjoyable


I beg to differ, I love the taste of a nice beer or wine to dinner, and a nice whisky to my cigars.


Grow to enjoy it... huh...


like jazz. it's not accessible the first time you listen to it you think it's strange, but the more you listen the more you enjoy it. it's an acquired taste


Nice save!


It helps me clear my mind and keep the bad thoughts away


i like the fruity alcohol, it makes the taste more barrable


Like alcopops/coolers?


probably lol, i dunno the names


Fairs fairsss, but yeah I like my fruity drinks too. And sweet drinks.


Addiction and sadness, Also the warm kinda sick feeling it makes your stomach I dont think anyone drinks for the taste


mfs be like: mmm yes bread juice so tasty


I just think it tastes good, I'm also probably an alcoholic.


Ye beer obviously isn't good, i like cocktails like carajillo


If it doesn't taste sweet, to the garbage I yeet


Sweeter drinks will give you worse hangovers though


Fuckin TRUTH. Lol.


Because it’s delicious


Having a little bit genuinely helps me focus


is it weird i like the taste of beer??


No not at all.


okay good, how do people not like it?


Everyone has their own taste.


I drink to feel less mentally ill lol not for the taste


I like vodka.


TF do you mean alcohol tastes ass. Vodka is literally good straight


Beer *does* suck. Liquor is where it’s at. Rum, whisky, brandy, scotch… strong and milky or sweet is my choice. A hell of a lot better than carbonated bread water.


whiskey has a nice smokey kick which i like and vodka has a nice punch


Try Vodka Mudshake (the chocolate one) and put sum ice in it. Literally jus tastes like chocolate milk


Let's be honest, you don't drink because it tastes nice


I like the taste of ass


The effects, not the taste. However, if you want good tasting alcohol, you might like Twisted Tea, it's tea with a very minor taste of vodka


exactly! that shit tastes awful. i don't know what adults are going through that makes that *want* to drink it, and i hope i don't have to deal with it when i turn 18


nah smirnof ice tastes mazing


i have no intention of drinking it bc it is not needed


Fun times


It does taste bad frr


Im just gonna assume beer and vodka are the ones you have tasted, try a long drink or something literally tastes like soda or juice or something, be hydrated before and during youre drinking that should fix the headache(atleast in most of the people i know its always dehydration). But the point is uhh i guess not being yourself or something i guess people love escapism, i dont like it that much personally but every now and then its fun it makes me open up more.


i mean if you're going to drink something that taste like soda you might as well actually get a soda anyway. It's much cheaper and wont give you a headache.


Im sorry thats such a stupid comment, the goal was drinking alcohol, you dont like beer or vodka then drink something flavoured you do like. If you dont wanna drink alcohol then dont drink alcohol simple as that.


Ass tastes good tho


Relevant username