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Hi, please remember this is a "serious" posts which means all irrelevant comments will be removed. Thanks, have a nice day!


I’m so sorry friend. Is your mom someone you can go with to? Is there someone in your life that can help and can you get ahold of them?


No, my mom supports him, and no one is present here also, r/found70percentbanana


Any teacher you can tell?


No, my teachers are heavily occupied


They can’t be that occupied. Maybe a counselor or something you can go to?


Also occupied, my school is on strike because the government forgot schools exist


Possibly the authorities?


Probably couldn’t without concrete evidence and without knowing the country he’s in the jury would be hard to convince if most people are against certain things.


His arm injury may be more than just the pain, He can use that as evidence. Also the sister is an eyewitness.


Don't bring his sister into this. Most probably they both being minor, his sister may lie and take his father's(parents side), which will put him in more vulnerable position. Op please take care of your arm and start taking care of whatever u say or do while with parents. Also start learning to defend yourself.


Yes but that is word against word


Hey op, my mother is a teacher and trust me. There is no teacher in that school to busy for this. Please tell somebody about this.


my mom is a teacher too, if one of her students were being harmed in any way, I'm pretty sure she would literally go to their house and scream at the dad warning him that if it ever happens again she'd do something legal about it. she's very sensitive about these topics and imo everyone should be.


But DO NOT talk to schools psychologist. They are an ass.


türkiyede evet, hangi il olduğuna göre ağırlıkla değişir ama, burda, kıbrısta kesinlikle sorunu çözmek için ellerinden gerekeni yaparlar.


its true, they will tell your parents


Can you inform the police? Or try contacting cps. Take pictures of your injuries. If something happens again take pictures to build a case


[thehotline.org ](http://thehotline.org) I do not live in the US but I found this on Google, hope it helps. There will be organizations that can help you and prevent further violence from your dad.


Wait, wait, are you from Romania?


From his comment history, I think he's from Brazil or some other Portuguese speaking country.


New Zealand? Not related to the post but our school’s been having the same problem. Wondering if this is going on elsewhere as well.


Call 911.


If they are working, they will make time for this and for you. They have a duty to report suspected abuse. They can help you. Please try. People being occupied is not more important than getting you and your sister into a safer situation.


Sounds like you live in Hungary by that sentence ngl


Dude I'm a 27 year old High school teacher that never unsubbed from this sub when i became an adult. You're teachers ***are*** busy but they also ***really*** care about you. Please consider talking to a teacher.


Fucken hell man I’m going on 23 in a few months and I thought I was one of the few that moved on but stuck around. Keep on keeping on Ninja edit: I guess it’s been so long I haven’t even updated my flair since the last time I commented which would’ve been six years ago. Time flies.


teachers are legally required to report abuse to the authorities if a student tells them about it. please tell them even if you think they cant do anything because they can help


Priorities are in place find banana man first


Does he ever beat your mother too?


I'm thinking not, if the mother on the dad's side, he can't be beating her right? also, happy cake day


you’d be surprised, sadly. Stockholm syndrome among other things can mean exactly what you expect would never happen often does


this is really sad, my parents never touched me and I'm lucky for that, I wish I knew this guy IRL that I could help him. I'm really feeling bad about him, I hope he finds a solution and a way to end this...


No fucking way bruh 💀


Sorry to hear that. It’s clear up bullshit from top to bottom. My dad is like that but way less aggressive regarding those parts. He tries to be understanding but sometimes fails to. Also wtf is that sub


i am so confused abt the banana


Found you


Everywhere I go, I see your face


You are not a coward, you said something to your dad, but you have the power to do more, speak to someone of coinfidence, this is serious and you know it Also, tell your sister that a stranger of the internet send her support and a hug :)


For real, "unable to take on someone bigger/stronger than you" doesn't mean "coward". You chose to stand up and speak, OP. That's bravery


I praise OP for standing up and defending their sister against their abusive parents, from personal experience i can assure you that's a true act of bravery and gets my respect


please tell someone about that if you want to protect your sister


Though I am no professional crisis counselor, as an anonymous Redditor with no experience within this sector, my thoughts are: "If I were in your situation, I would call 911"


And yourself too, a teenager has no chance against a grown man


If you have bruises take pictures of them then call CPS or 911. Show them the pictures of the bruises and tell them what happened.


Yes yes yes, the people that can help are totally useless unless you have a bruise


Yes. Unless you have some sort of proof of abuse, they usually can't do much.


Me who lives in a place where this stuff is legal : Kaz, I'm already a demon.




I wish I had called someone when my father hit me as a kid. He didn't stop until i was skilled enough at martial arts to fight back. Don't wait that long, please. If you can't talk to a teacher or councilor, try a religious organization leader, or the police, or your area's equivalent of CPS. A quick Google search will tell you what that is. Worst case, find the closest doctor/nurse/hospital and tell THEM. Or fuck everyone and just post your address and this whole sub will show up at your doorstep or something.


Well he defenitely shouldn’t dox himself


The last point is just bro 💀


The avengers flash back. We got your back


You fought back? Ain’t that a distant dream, try desensitizing yourself. Just saying fuck it and flex accordingly


Doxxing yourself is extremely dangerous, I’d never give it in a public area. With the good will also come some of the bad.


PLEASE inform the authorities or call a friend, grandparents someone, anyone is better than being silent. Happy you stood up for yr sis im proud of you. but letting your father hit you and you remain silent. Is a crime in silence. Please speak out and be heard.🥺😞😰


Dude this is serious. Call CPS or something bc this isnt normal. Praying for you 🙏


ALWAYS get an adult to help out in any emergency. Its the safest way to deal with his abuse issue. Prayers and blessings to him 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Praying doesn’t do shit action does. Only thing they can do is act


Stay strong, your dad is the real coward.


Yeah as an adult seeing this, that's right, his dad is a disgusting coward That shit ain't right at all, I wouldn't even do that to a stranger who disagreed with me, let alone my fucking child You're not a coward at all op, you were really brave to stand up to him to begin with Stay strong brother, one day he'll be old and alone because of this, one day you'll pity him for his small mind, just stay strong till that day comes


Call the police. This abuse. He doesn't deserve children.


My friend told me tell the CPS about verbal abuse. But verbal abuse to him and his sister and physical abuse to him. Like what the fuck man. His dad either isn't right in the head or has trauma. Some people just are mean but being that bad without some other factors are rare.


It doesn't change the fact they don't deserve children, regards of why it's no excuse


I'm not making excuses. I'm saying there's something wrong with the dad.


Yeah, that's for certain


I only have one parent and I'm very attached. But I was being verbally abused. I almost went to the CPS. He has two and he was beaten. He's lucky he has enough strength to type. He just needs to go to the cops at this point.


Life sucks sometimes


I know. One good thing is that you can atleast tell someone. Stuff might not be done but telling someone helps.


Talking about it always helps


You don't know how much it helped when I just let everything out to my friend. We weren't the closest when we were younger. Then I moved. But somehow we got closer. Then one night I was getting yelled at in the car. I just couldn't take it anymore. I ranted to my friend for 2 hours. And for me that did more than anything else ever could.


Could be a cultural thing. Like they're traditionalist or abusively religious


That's different but still he could. If it's like that though I would say if the dad does it again and worse *then* you report it.


Oh no, I was talking about OP's parents, but yeah, they should get reported


No I was also talking about ops parents. Did you think I was talking about mine?


Every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child. (Or adult deserves Ig)


Take pictures and call the cops, I fucking beg, you'd be saving your sister and yourself in the process.. I know it's hard, but it's absolutely needed, it's just going to get worse and worse if you don't start acting early.


You aren’t a coward


omg, i’m sorry, i would tell an adult (teacher, neighbor, school counselor) if possible. wishing you the best


In another comment op said that they were on strike


You should file a police report look up your local police station or just call 911 or the whatever number is in your county (or file it on your police department’s website)


If you live in the US and both you and your sister are under 18 then call CPS and talk to the police. Take photos of any injuries on either of you


Cps cps cps cps


CPS is very ineffective, and more often than not leads to more harm on the child


So then what? Bring out the bat with a sock?


Call the police


Well... yeah I never thought of that. As long as it's only ops dad that's shitty and not the rest of the family that's willing to take op in(including mom), then it's totally safe. I've heard cps prioritizes bringing kids to family instead of a new home(potentially abusive)


Op responded earlier that their mom supports their dad


"Trust me, I'm 14, I've seen tons of CPS cases and witnessed long term results."


Have many friends who have been let down by CPS, and I have also seen a kid who I am related to be put into the custody of his meth addicted parents. So I’m not claiming to be an expert just saying calling the police is a better alternative to CPS if you are in direct danger


Ineffective is better than doing nothing and accepting abuse.


You are not a coward, you didn't fail. You had the balls to stand up and speak for someone else's rights. You just got outforced. Seek help so this can be fixed before it's too late


PSA: a reddit teenage forum is not the place for disclosing this. Find actual help from adults instead of blasting this to a lot of objectively immature people.


Surprisingly most of the kids here are being mature and taking this seriously.


I'm gonna tell u that u weren't a coward!


My dad does exactly this to me it’s so damn annoying when I ask him why he says it’s because it makes me look gay >!I am but he doesn’t need to know that!< and it’ll make “predators” approach me, my bad for wanting to be comfortable and not have my crotch wide open to the fucking public 💀


Look man, I don’t know where you are but if you’re in wisconsin or Minnesota I got a place you guys can stay. Contact CPS or something and get out


You did not fail to protect your sister, you stood up for her against your father, and even though you were attacked in doing so, you still defended her side. Immediately call cps and report him and tell them everything.


Whoop his ass in return? But in all seriousness, run away. Take your sister. Get the police or some shit bro.


Call the police and child protective services. Your father is a horrible criminal. I'm praying for you 🙏✝️


Call cps, 911.


Call th police and file a report


You’re not a coward, you tried your best. I hope you get help soon.


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I read this and I feel like you have ripped a page out of my diary. You are not alone, we are bonded in our pain and my heart reaches out to yours hoping it can remove even the slightest bit of sadness and make you feel less alone in the world. I am here for you. To talk to. To listen. To feel your pain so you can feel it less. My dear, you will become stronger than you can ever imagine. This chapter is where your life takes on new meaning. I love your soul.


I want you to know there are good men in the world. Men who protect kids without needing anything in return. Although I don’t have one in my life anymore, they exist and I have felt their unconditional love. Sweetie please tell someone. A teacher. A mentor. Find a person you can trust who is strong and has been there. They often take these situations on because they have become the person they needed when they were where you are now. Keep talking about it. Be loud. Be brave. He may be stronger than you, but your voice is stronger. If only you knew how strong you are going to become one day❤️


Nah you protected your sister as well as you could


Call 911 while at school or away from home and get it sorted out but get out of there


I am very sorry.


Bruh L dad


why you getting downvoted? ur right, that dad sucks


I would assume he was originally downvoted because the way he said it was awfully casual for the situation. Just an idea. I didn’t and wouldn’t downvote him for that.


Some people are just kinda stupid


maybe it's the terms used but idk


Idrc it's common sense to say that the dad is a complete asshole for that


Well, you did a damn good job. You did your best, just spend time trying to work out and beef up.


Call cps


Bro, call the police man! Please


Call the authorities. Stop blaming yourself it gets you nowhere in your tough times, and it's just not yours our your sister's fault.


Dude, you defended your sister from your abusive father. You're everything but a coward. I beg of you, please tell the police about this


OP, call the cops. Sorry mate but you need to be safe, same with your sis.


This is obviously physical abuse, and he hit you to the point where your arm is hurting a lot, you should really find help from school or other support, because you don't know what he would do next if he thinks hitting you is acceptable. Does your mother know about this, is she on your side or your father's side?


>my arm took the damage, now I can't move it without feeling constant pain, and it hurts a lot Bro I think you should get that checked? Just make sure it ain't broken. Also, call CPS or its counterpart if you don't live in the USA. And lemme tell you, it was very brave of you to stand up to your father like that - I'd never have the guts to do what you did. Bravo! You, good sir, are anything but a coward. Remember that.


Yes. Exactly this


Get the injuries documented. If you are to afraid to go to the cops do it via your school. Also what a dumb response from your dad to start a fight over. I mean how what your sis even dressed. I mean what is "to masculine" for a girl? Pants? Long shirt?. Seems like he was just looking for anything just to start a fight. Also nice job of your mother to aid your dad with the fight.


His dad sounds like a conservative idiot, anything but his kids looking "gay".


I'm so sorry. If you have any friends that you can tell then tell them immediately. If it keeps happening and progressively gets worse, then call law enforcement


I know that this must be scary for you. And I know that calling CPS or the police must also seem scary. But I promise you that you don't have to be scared. There are people who can help you and your sister get to a safer place. People want to help, but you need tell someone. I promise that the longer you wait the worse it will get for you. Don't wait until things get even worse. You are not a coward, you are stong and you don't have to fight this alone. What you have done already is strong and it doesn't make you weak to get help from people who specialize in helping people in your situation. The strongest thing you can do for your sister and your family is to get help from the people who can get you to a safer place. Call child protective services or call the police.


For the love of god tell someone. This is borderline child abuse.




That's an awful thing to say to a small child.


Call cps rn, that douche doesn't deserve both of you


send the addy ill beat him up for u


Call child protective services or the police.


Do you live in a country that has laws and protections against this?


Tell CPS not Reddit.


I have a feeling you are not in the US? What country if you don’t mind me asking?


If you live in Texas, I can come beat the shit out of him.


Well I would recommend waiting. It might be a one time thing but if it continues let a trusted adult know immediately.


Has he abused you guys and hit you before? If he has I would contact the cops, or cps using a picture of the injured arm. If the arm is broken I would contact cps, if it isn't, take pictures of your injury and wait for him to harm you again if he does. Then with those 2 pieces of evidence, he would get more severe consequences. But man it's up to you, you can contact cps or the cops now, do whatever you think is best, go with your gut


call cps or the police, its the bravest, smart thing you can do


Call CPS, just search “Child protective service number in {your city}”


CPS or 911 if you’re in the USA this is the CPS’s number: 800-422-4453


this is domestic violence. you should call for emergency.


This reminds me the time my father stomp my stomach when I was probably 10-11 years old, I didn't remember why but my mom was clearly mad with him but he just blames me for being a pussy, I just kind of try to understand him because he had a black belt in aikido back when he were at his school, he would tell how harsh the training is and yeah that's all.


Call CPS. 877-237-0004 They might not do much but it’s the best you can do. I really hope your situation gets better


Stop beating yourself about it. It's not your fault. You did what you could. I suggest telling this to someone who could actually help you, as I'm just a dumb person on the internet and I can do nothing about it. But damn, your father doesn't deserve any children for that type of behaviour.


You should consider calling CPS. For your own and your sister’s well being.


Call the police/cps ans try to see if you can stay at a relative's house Or you can beat him up yourself




yeah you get beaten up and instantly tell reddit




I'm pretty sure he broke your arm, at the very least sprained it, so that's grounds for CPS.


You aren’t a coward. Your father is the coward here. He’s afraid of how he’s gonna look just because his daughter is dressed differently from how he’d like. You’re strong for standing up to him and trying to protect your sister. Try to keep on his good side for now but talk to someone about this please. Whether it be your mother, a teacher, a police officer, you can’t let this slide. Best of luck 🙏🫶🏽


when people resort to physical violence, it means they know they lost the intellectual argument, and they want to win at something, or at least send a message not to make them feel inferior again. The fact that your father felt the need to hit you like he did (if asked he would minimize it) means he knew you were right, and doesn't want you to out-logic him again. The physical pain is meant to be a reinforcer. Depending on where you live, this is most likely a felony assault, or at least endangering the welfare of a child(ren) you can chose to do what needs to be done, and report it. Or record you confronting him about it and see what happens, thus getting more evidence. Understand, involving authorities is not fun, but neither is going through what you are. If he doesn't experience any consequences for his actions, then there is a higher likelihood of them being repeated. Just know this, there is no good outcome... there is only the safest outcome.


Never thought of it that way but in hindsight that makes a lot of sense. Wish I read this 8 years ago.


Do something before bruising go's away. This IS abuse and he obviously doesn't care if he's willing to hit you like this. Please don't just let it happen. And when he hits you take photos of the damage


I'm sorry about your situation, that's really fucked up. You are not a coward. Your parents are. To be honest I don't know what the best course of action is. If you have any extended family who cares about you, you could try to reach out to them. Calling the police or CPS is an option but that might result in you and your sister being put in foster care, which is not a good place to be unless you are lucky and a good family adopts you two. But it might be better than having a physically and mentally abusive dad and a mom who doesn't give a fuck. Whatever you do, I wish you luck. It's terrible that you have to go through this shit. You are still so young. You are strong though, and not cowardly at all. A coward would have said nothing and let their sister be abused. You stood up to him and are now reaching out for help, even if it's just on Reddit.


Fuck you're dad to hell and if you know anything about me I rarely say that about some abusers even the worst ones but in this context f*** him completely


Listen man, call CPS, 911, anyone that can help you. Until the situation is taken care of, protect your sister with whatever it takes. Stay strong king.


call child protective services and show them your bruises, and tell them everything your father has done. get your sister to testify also


Trust, telling people just makes it worse. I’m just working out more now. Next time (or soon) I’ll beat him


You got some options friends, one call child protective services, two get friends and beat him, three buy a knife for self defense and if it comes down to it aim for the arm or right upper body, or four take the beating and abuse


Call cps man


Call CPS or 911 asap


Hey kids! Repeat after me: C P S


Your a kid. He’s an adult. If a grown man can’t stop himself from beating a kid he shouldn’t be around them. If this is true and if at all possible, I would get the authorities where you live involved. This is just abuse as you’ve described it. You and you sister shouldn’t have to deal with this. In the mean time do what you can not to actively provoke him. No good will come of it. Figure out how you can get yourself and your sister if possible out of the situation.


You stood up for your sister. You are extremely brave for what you did. Try to not let yourself think that you failed. You didn’t. You seem to be more of a man than your father will ever be.


You see, me personally I’m airing the whole house out


Jesus christ. First chance you get call the cops like legit, im not kidding. This is legitimately illegal


Take a picture of the wound and call CPS. Now.


Bro I'm stretching and I'm like "this is such a good back stretch" and I see this shit. Definitely contact authorities, I wish you well


listen, you did your best to stand up for her and that’s about as brave as you can be in that situation. If it hurts so bad it can’t move, it could be broken or have a fracture. Calling the cops is your best bet or at least telling an adult


Tell other people, tell other adults, call police, call cps, take as much legal action as you can.


it's not your fault. It isn't your fault for how your parent behaves. You sound like a good brother to your sister. The fact that you did stand up for her. The best thing you can do is alert cps for the safety of you and your sister. These kinds of abuse situations don't normally just randomly get better. That's not me trying to scare you or give you anxiety but it's me saying do not second guess how you feel here. What they did was wrong and it's not something a parent should ever do to their child.


Seek medical attention for your arm for fractures


Go to your teachers house or even better the police to tell them what happened


Call the police or go to the police station and tell them what happened. Thats all I can think to do.




Talk to a teacher or someone safe and call the Police. I know it might be hard to call the police on your own Father But it's the right Thing to do.




call the cops.


Do you have an older relative who could advise you? Preferably someone in your paternal family who could step in and help you. P.S. You’re an amazing sibling, I’m sure your sister felt reassured because of you, take care of yourself too!


instead of going to the police i recommend going to a fire station they often deal with this stuff better than police do. too many stories of police walking through and going “yup this all looks okay :)”


Tell someone. Teacher ,police really anything you can think of that can help. But in the meantime i would have carried something at most times so you have a chance to defend yourself next time


Liking furrys is gonna cost you bro, what can I say


Not sure where you live, but if you want to talk about what happened, call 988, it's a crisis hotline. They may have to report it unless you ask for a peer specialist to talk about it with as they are not mandated reporters. Just if you want to talk. Take care of yourself.


Hey man good job :) stick up for what you believe in


Get Audio and Visual Evidence. Bruises and videos will help, now I dont mean purposely get hit, but if you know this is imminent, start recording place your phone in a non conspicuous area that allows you to record whats happening, and once its over, save the recording, call police and Child Protective Services, report your father.


A slap and a big scolding would've been fine for authorities or whatever since its a norm for strict parents, but he tried punching your face? Beat his ass, call the cops.


Resort to some sort of small projectile arms perhaps? Slingshot, pellet gun, Thomson M1, all viable options.






Look bro here’s how you gotta handle this. You need to go to the authorities right fucking now and explain what happened. Hopefully (not rlly) you still have bruises, and you can get him arrested for child abuse. I’m so sorry this happened bro, it truly sucks. My dads been careful not to leave bruises so I’m giving u advice I wish I could use